Xf the schools and hospitals of Pennsylvania don’t soon get the mon- ey that’s coming to them from the State they’ll have to take Charley Snyder’s advice and move to some other State. — There has been no announcement in support of or denying the surmise, that some of us have, that President Harding might be eating off the White House mantle as a result of his re- cent attempt at horse-back riding. —We are hoping that Secretary Hughes will not give an inch in his plan for naval reduction. If Japan or any other country is really sincere in the desire to give up all kinds of war- fare it doesn’t matter whether she has a million boats or none. — Lieutenant Governor Beidleman, who is an avowed candidate for Gov- ernor, is pleading for “economy and efficiency” in the administration of State affairs. He has nothing on the rest of us in that. We have been do- ing it for years and Eddie Beidleman seems to have gotten his ear to the ground only when he decided he would like to be the captain general of the State himself. — Gone are the days of a plug hat, sack coat and yellow shoes in Phil- jpsburg. Having successfully launch- ed a half million dollar hotel with French chefs and caparisoned bell- hops the renaissance is on aright and to our wondering and covetous eyes are held up palaces and cottages dotting driveways, boulevards and courts bearing such names as Drury, Berkley, Devonshire, Hampton, Mor- timer and Duncannon. Curtiss is the name of the new Aladdin who has Philipsburg seeing the town-beautiful and his plans are ambitious enough to make it such. Tn six counties in Pennsylvania the Democrats have even lost the dis- tinction of being in the minority. In Bradford, Forest, Indiana, Lawrence, Tioga and Warren we have dropped back to third place on the ticket and in McKean, where one Asher Johnson promised so much and did so little, we came within seventy-five votes of losing ' our long established position. Truly the works of our great reorgan- izers are living long after them, for paraphrasing the remark of an old Sugar Valley Democrat: “Palmer and McCormick must be dead, we haven’t heard anything about them for so long.” The outstanding bravery of Col. Whittlesey thrilled all America when it learned of his dramatic defiance of the Hun hordes that surrounded his «30st Battalion;” but Coli “Whittlesey: is a suicide now. Ordinarily taking one’s own life is moral cowardice, but who is there that will say that Col. Whittlesey was a coward because he threw himself into the sea while en route to Havana a few days ago? Never can such opprobrium attach to his memory. The strain and waste of war, the disappointment over the fail- ure of what he fought for to material- ize must have broken the indomitable spirit of the man and his mind as well. — “Vogue” is the name of a new theatrical production that Parisians are raving over. It is a story of Par- adise and in one scene there are eighty girls on the stage whose total vest- ments weigh only forty-six pounds and most of that is accounted for by the beads they wear. In the Garden of Eden scene Eve appears carrying an apple and wearing her hair uncoil- ed. And in Paris the only criticism of that scene is as to the color of the actress’ hair. Hers is golden, where- as Paris feels outraged because it be- lieves Adam’s Eve was a brunette. It is just like Paris to quibble over the color of Eve’s hair and pass up the neglect of the actress to wear even the proverbial fig leaf. —We observe that Mr. James C. Isaminger, sports editor of the North American, would not be surprised to see Hugo Bezdek “restored to a man- agerial post in the big leagues.” Which is to say that Bezdek, once the very successful pilot of the Pirates might go back to professional base- ball. It is a possibility, of course, but not a probability. Bezdek and Dreyfuss may have had a misunder- standing, as Isaminger intimates, prior to his leaving Pittsburgh, but we are inclined to the belief that if manager Bezdek and president Drey- fuss were a bit out of tune that was only an incidental in his decision to give up professional baseball. Bez- dek is an altruist. Today the great soul of him is in daily communion with three thousand men in the mak- ing at The Pennsylvania State Col- lege. He is not the football coach at State, as the term is generally ap- plied by the sports writers of our metropolitan papers. Bezdek is head of the department of physical educa- tion, with a chair on the faculty, and the greatest opportunity to pioneer in the development of strong bodies for sound minds that is presented by any college or university in America. Just now he is much in the limelight as the pilot of State’s invincible foot- ball team, but that glory is epheme- ral. The ultimate in his work has no such objective as the frenzied acclaim of football crowds. It is something that will bring strong bodied, sound minded, four-square men out of our colleges to take and hold their places among our best types of citizenship. No, we think Mr. Isaminger is wrong, Bezdek will never go back to commer- cialized sport. Ny EN mr NY STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 66. BELLEFO NTE, PA., DECEMBER 2 , 1921. NO. 4 “Who Got the $200,000,0002” The esteemed Philadelphia Record states that “during the past four years the State has collected from the tax payers over two hundred million dollars. It is all gone, too, since it is admitted that there is not in the Treasury enough to pay current obli- gations,” and asks “where has it gone?” The equally esteemed Grange News, official organ of the Pennsyl- vania State Grange, has given an answer in part. Within that time the expenses of the Department of Pub- lic Education have multiplied from $53,000 a year to $417,000 a year. Other departments have been equal- ly profligate and the money has been figuratively “eaten up” by the pi- rates in control of the State govern- ment. Upon assuming control of the aud- iting department of the State last May the present Auditor General dropped from the pay roll of that de- partment twenty highly paid em- ployees, because they were not need- ed to conduct the business of the de- partment. It may safely be estimat- ed that these twenty beneficiaries of a profligate system drew $40,000 a year. The Banking department, which, during the administration of Governor Pattison was administered by half a dozen competent men, now affords employment to scores of po- litical pensioners. The Insurance De- partment is quite as extravagant, and the Highway Department is simply a reservoir of spoils. In the State Department and the Treasury Depart- | | | | i ' 1 i ment highly paid employees are fall- | ing over each other. These extravagances account for the expenditure of two hundred mil- lion dollars in four years and they have been made possible by the fail- ure to publish the facts and the folly of the voters who have closed their leyes to the wickedness about them. Some of the money has been lost through the embezzlement of em- ployees and some waasted in the maintenance of party “lame ducks.” But all that money is gone and much i | | | more, for the Treasury is empty and bills to the amount of forty or fifty million dollars are due and unpaid. And the robbers responsible for it all expect the people to renew their fran- chises to graft at the next election. They feel confident that “there are four more years of good stealing,” in Pennsylvania. eee AA That magnificent educational system which Governor Sproul prom- ised the public seems to have been submerged in expense bills. [E—— Corn and Coal for Fuel. Some of the leading newspapers of the country are criticizing those far- mers in the West who are using their redundant corn crops for fuel. The Wall Street Journal for example, says that “when corn gets so cheap and coal so dear that farmers find it necessary to convert the grain into fuel instead of bacon and beef, we have a striking illustration of the present maladministration of prices and service.” The New York World adds “when food is burned for fuel the mind flies to Vienna, to Petrograd, to Warsaw, to river towns on the Vol- ga, where millions of people are fac- ing the prospect of privation at best, starvation for many, and where helpfully use that ‘fuel’ for food.” But all this suggestion of philan- thropic work is beside the question. No farmer uses corn for fuel because of a desire to lessen the food supply of the world. He burns corn for the reason that he can’t afford to buy coal. The National Secretary of Agricul- ture, who may be presumed to have exact knowledge of the subject, esti- mates that a ton of corn contains al- most the same number of heat units as a ton of average coal and when a farmer is unable to get more than twenty cents a bushel for corn he consults his own interests by using it as fuel instead of paying fifteen dol- lars a ton for coal, which is about the price of anthracite west. The blame for the “striking illus- tration of the maladministration of prices and service” is not upon the farmers. It is more on the coal pro- ducers and upon such public servants as increase the price of coal by put- ting taxes upon the products of the mines in order to create a reputation for “magnificent achievement” as Governor of a State. The tax levied on anthracite coal by the last Legis- lature of Pennsylvania, if affirmed by the Supreme court of the State will add, it is estimated, $20,000,000 a year to the value, or rather the mar- ket price of the products of the mines of Pennsylvania, and if the far- mers are obliged to burn corn in or- der to avoid a share of this expense it is not their fault. rr ——————— — Just as other nations are pre- paring to scrap navies Holland is starting to build war ships. “bigotry and personal ma | Proposition of Hughes Futile. ! We have little faith in either the wisdom or sincerity of the Hearst newspapers. But even as a blind pig sometimes finds an acorn the New York American may occasionally stumble upon a truth and for good purpose or bad, express it. For ex- ample, in commenting upon the prop- osition to scrap certain war ships in agreement with corresponding de- crease of the navies of Great Britain and Japan, the New York American says that “the sole power of the navy is in the hands of Congress and the Senate and the House jointly have the sole authority to say what the size and strength of the navy shall be.” This is literally true. Any treaty regulation of the subject would be fu- tile. In view of this undisputable fact the proposition of Secretary of State Hughes to decrease the naval strength of the government by treaty and the more absurd suggestion of President Harding that the result be obtained by a “gentleman’s agreement” is a waste of energy and time. It is pos- sible, of course, that Congress might be prevailed upon to ratify such a treaty or agreement, or that the peo- ple of the country might acquiesce in such a treaty as they have done for a century in the treaty made during the administration of James Monroe, lim- iting the number of war ships on the great lakes. But if the opposition were influenced by prejudice, as the opposition to Woodrow Wilson was in- | fluenced, that would be impossible. | We sincerely hope that the Limita- tions Conference will come to an. agreement which will result in the de- | crease of expenses of government. | Taxes are already burdensome and the signs indicate higher levels unless ex- | penses of government are decreased. But the scrapping of the navy pro- posed by Hughes will neither suffi- ciently reduce expenses nor serve the purpose of preventing future wars, both of which desirable results might have been obtained by ratifying the Versailles treaty and the covenant of the League of Nations. The parti ral malice of publican leaders in the United States Senate have fastened heritages of evil upon the people of the United States. : — In 1900 the per capita tax in Pennsylvania was $2.77. In 1919 it had increased to about $7, and is still | multiplying. Unless the pirates in control are stopped bankruptcy is in- | evitable. “Turn the Rascals Out.” Whenever the Republican machine leaders in Pennsylvania feel that it is necessary to “pull the wool” over the eyes of the credulous voters, they make some sort of promise of reform. i Several years ago when the capitol graft exposures had aroused the peo- |! ple somewhat the promise of reform | was made with a flourish of trumpets | and an Efficiency Commission created, with Harry S. McDevitt, Governor Sproul’s secretary, as chairman. Mr. i McDevitt, a very capable and at that, time a very sincere young newspaper : reporter, spent months in investiga- | tion and finally recommended changes in the administrative machinery of the State which might have worked ! important reforms. i American relief workers could so | But nothing was done in the direc- : ' tion of adopting his recommendations i “to another until upon the inauguration ! i at the time. His report, revealed to | the machine leaders that he was al young man to be reckoned with and | instead of adopting his suggestions | they adopted him, and he was advanc- ed by easy stages from one soft snap | of Governor Sproul he was appointed | “private secretary to the Governor,” | in the middle | member of it and increased years and : fairs have added to his capacity for “the interest of the long suffering pub- ' lic. His associates on the Commission | a confidential office of much influence | and importance. One of his predeces- sors in the office, many years ago, be- ing asked what are the duties of the private secretary said he was expect- ed to “black the Governor’s boots and write his messages.” Of late years the first obligation of three-quarters of a century ago has been eliminated. But we have little faith in the prom- ise of reform contained in the ap- pointment of this new “Efficiency Commission.” Mr. McDevitt is a multiplied experience in public af- servic .. But he is more likely to use his additional information for the ben- efit of his associates in office than in are not of a type to inspire confidence either, and “taking one consideration with another” we are inclined to be- lieve that the new Efficiency Commis- sion is a delusion and a snare. The way to get reform is to “turn the ras- cals out.” — Japan also agrees to the naval scrapping proposition but continues to build war ships. Probably the Mika- do intends to make the scrapping a great event. san of the Re- © Our Tax Heavy School Department. The Grange News, the official organ of the State Grange of Pennsylvania, indulges in some significant and seem- ingly just criticism of the State De- partment of Public Instruction, in its current issue. The News states that within two years the number of per- sons on the pay-roll of the Depart- ment has increased from twenty-sev- en to one hundred and forty-six and the salary total from $53,000 to $417, 000, annually. This considerable amount does not include charges for maintenance, supplies, traveling ex- penses and hotel bills. It covers the salaries only, which in most cases have been largely increased since the induction of Dr. Thomas E. Finegan into the office of superintendent. Under Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer's administration of the department, for example, there were three stenogra- phers on a salary of $1000.00 each, whereas there is now a “Bureau of Stenographers” comprising sixty- four operatives ranging in salaries from $900.00 to $3000.00 a year. In other branches of the department similar extravagances are shown to exist with the result that so keen and intelligent an observer of events as our esteemed contemporary is brought to the opinion that grave abuses upon the public are being perpetrated and that the department has “run to bu- reaus, supervisors, specialists, ex- perts and statisticians” to an extent that has made it “top-heavy.” The criticism coming on the heels of an exposure that vast sums of money appropriated by the Legisla- ture for educational purposes have not been paid, should arouse the peo- ple of the State to action. For some years the schools of the Common- wealth have been hampered in their operations because of lack of funds to make necessary improvements. In some cases teachers have not been paid promptly for their services and in many cases it has been impossible to provide schools with essentials be- no funds available. PR ho salaries ave “be and cheerfully. , Among other developments in the postal service since Willie Hays | assumed control of the Department is a vastly increased number of robber- ies. te dee Charles Hedding Rowland. Truly has Philipsburg suffered a great loss in the death of the Hon. Charles H. Rowland. He would have been an asset to any community and when his home town strikes its bal- ance for many years to come it will know more than it can possibly feel today how great the loss has been. It will not be the development of a great mining company that will stand as his lasting memorial, nor the ma- jestic theatre that bears his name, nor the solution of the housing problem in that town, nor his service to us in Congress. It will be just what he was long before smiling fortune laid rich- es in his lap and made those material accomplishments possible. It will be the big heart, the unfailing friendship, the cheerfulness, the human touch he had for his fellows. Those were his great attributes. They paved his way to success and they have left an im- press on the lives of those in contact with him that will be imperishable when his monuments in industry have all crumbled and been forgotten. — President Harding is back-pedal- ing fast on his tentative proposal for an “Association of Nations.” Those already in the League of Nations don’t propose to join any round about plan to scrap the League and then, too, there are some “bitter enders” in Washington who think his plan is just another name for a League. — An agreement in principle | without concurrence in detail is not likely to lead to anything and Japan and Great Britain show signs of dis- agreement on the plans of Secretary Hughes for limitation of armament. ——————————— ——The question of a treaty or gentleman’s agreement is compara- tively unimportant at the present stage of the conference for one thing or the other. e————— ly ———— Premier Briand’s speech made | a profound impression on the public | mind but Premier Lloyd George, who is some talker, will have the last in- ning. — Tax payers are beginning to count the cost and that indicates a beginning of the end of the present profligate party bosses. ——————— Ar —————— — It doesn’t matter much how many battleships are scrapped if plenty aerial torpedoes are supplied. an ———— A ————— ——Subseribe for the “Watchman.” Scylla se { “It Ain’t All Honey.” From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Governor Sproul has appointed the members of the commission author- | ized by the last session of the Assem- bly to recommend a plan for the reor- ganization of the State government. It consists of two members of each chamber of the Assembly, Senators . Woodward and Smith, and Represen- tatives McCraig and Flynn; and three | citizens, Mrs. John O. Miller, chair- i man of the League of Women Voters; | Leonard P. Fox, of the State Cham- ber of Commerce, and Harry S. Mc- Devitt, secretary to the Governor and chairman of the former commission on Economy and Efficiency. That is a practical commission. Its members have all been in first-hand contact with the workings of the State i government. It is to be expected, ' therefore, that its recommendations | will be of a practical nature. They | will need to be. They will need to | specify names, dates and places if | they are to get anywhere. The job of | making any impression on the Gener- al Assembly of the Commonwealth of | Pennsylvania in the interest of sim- plifying and improving the State gov- ernment is no sinecure. Because, take it by and large, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- nia has delicate sensibilities when it comes to making changes in the State government. It is fairly well satis- fied with the State government. That is to say, the men who tell most of its members how to vote are pretty well satisfied that they have about all the jobs under the State government they are likely to get, and they are decid- edly averse to having any of their present arrangements disturbed. So the commission has a tidy task on its hands. If it makes harmless recommendations, that is to say, rec- ommendations which involve no di- vorcement from jobs, nobody will see having existed, since it will have shirked the larger aspeets of its prob- lem. If it makes recommendations which involve reorganization of the departments of government along sci- entific lines, which would inevitably let out some of our present public | servants, it is going to be in trouble. Wherefore, i OI 81d one will wateh he methods ar safely 5 he pres U 3 and Charybdis. ne thing is fairly evident, and that is, that unless equally heroic tactics are adopted, the success that attended the fabled Ulys- ses’ performance of the same task will not be theirs. The Propaganda Mill. From the Philadelphia Record. “Propoganda Pours Out of Confex- ence,” runs a headline, which conveys ,a bit of information that every ob- servant newspaper reader must have noticed for himself in seeking to fol- low the proceedings of the Washing- ton gathering with a fair degree of intelligence. There is so little real news, and such a mass of stuff sup- posed to reflect the views of the Brit- ish, French, Japanese, Chinese and other delegates, reinforced by a lot of half-baked twaddle sent out by Amer- ican correspondents containing their own not particularly valuable opin- ions, that the person who tries to find a grain of fact in this mass of chaff becomes discouraged in the search and is disposed to chuck the whole business until some positive and au- thoritative announcement shall be made of what has been accomplished. This manufacture of propaganda aimed to influence public opinion is one of the evil products of the war. There was justification for it then in the clash of diverse views and in the natural desire of every government to strengthen its position, but in time of peace it should be reduced to a mini- mum. Unfortunately it seems to be on the increase, and the Washington conference is astonishingly prolfic of it. It makes it doubly hard for the disinterested observer to learn what is being done and to distinguish the real from the fictitious. It dulls pub- lic. interest and may excite national animosities. Nine-tenths of it is mis- leading and inaccurate. The propa- ganda mill is a European institution which could be dispensed with to the great gain of interests represented at the conference. ad Japan’s Government. From the Altoona Tribune. The recent assassination of the prime minister of Japan and the ser- ious and probably fatal illness of the Mikado are events of vital import- ance just now not only to Japan, but also to the rest of the world. True, we are told that the newly appointed prime minister will carry out the pa- cific policies of his predecessor. True, also, that the newly appointed regent, the crown prince Hirohito, who is but 19 years of age, will doubtless take the advice of the prime minister and other statesmen, so that for the present no great change will be visi- ble. The truth is that the Mikado has never yet governed; in the early days he was regarded as a divine being, to be carefully shielded from the vulgar gaze of the common herd, and much of the old superstitious loyalty attaches to his person yet. In Japan the el- der statesmen usually shape the gov- ernment and there is some reason to hope that common sense will guide them in the future. anm—————p ete —— The “Watchman” gives all the news while it is news. | displaying only new tags. any particularly good reason for its yd a .- 'SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. _Mrs. Nancy Graham, aged 83 years, who had 113 descendants, incinding fen children, thirty-eight grandchildren, sixty- one great-grdndchildren and four great- great- grandchildren, died’ last Thursday night at her home at Franklin, Pa. —The Highway Department has called attention to the fact that 1922 automobile registration tags are not legal until the first of the year and that 1921 tags will ‘have to be displayed until midnight * of December 31st. Word has reached the Department that many owners of cars are — Professor Murray A. Knupp, principal of schools at Twin Rocks, Cambria county, was instantly killed at Purchase Line, In- diana county, Saturday evening while hunting on the old Knupp homestead by the accidental discharge of the shotgun carried by his brother Ralph. He was 32 years of age and a veteran of the world war. . —J. Andrew Reeve, an Osceola business man, died in the office of doctor Ricketts, as the result of an attack of mumps from which he had been suffering for a week. He had entered the physician's office ear- ly and alone one morning last week, and when the physician arrived, he found Reeve’s body cold in death in a kneeling position before a chair. The mumps had affected his heart, it was announced. — While returning home from an orches- tra rehearsal Saturday night, G. 0. Wag- ner, of Danville, was held up by two masked bandits at a lonely corner. He had a considerable amount of money on his person and not wishing to hand it over he wielded his violin, encased, with such dexterity that the footpads were driven off. In his manipulation of the fiddle, the case and instrument were broken but he saved his wallet. — Evelyn Pringle, aged 25 years, mani- cure and hairdresser, of Johnstown, despondent over ill health, shot herself through the heart on Friday. The tragedy occurred in her beauty parlors directly across from the city hall and police sta- tion. Telling Elizabeth Orris, her assist- ant, that she was’ going to kill herself, Miss Pringle. walked into an adjoining room. Miss Orris thought her friend was joking. A moment later she heard the shot and rushing to the room, saw Miss Pringle fall. . __Vietor Swartwood, 13 years of age, one ! of the youngest hunters in Wyoming coun- ty, was shot by his own hunting dog on Saturday and is a patient in a hospital at: Wilkes-Barre. Swartwood, with an older brother, went to the woods with their rab- bit hound. They found the trail of a cot- tontail, chased it to a stone wall and pre- pared to dig it out. Young Swartwood dropped his gun with the trigger cocked, along the wall. While he was removing stones the hound came along, stepped on the trigger, discharged the gun, and the boy was severely shot in the right foot. . —That a police officer hired by council cannot be fired by a mayor was the con- tention in the suit in which S. M. Wil- liams, former assistant police chief, at Uniontown, was awarded $500, his salary he usual time, and when ‘objections were offered to the payment of his salary suit was instituted. The court gave binding instructions in favor of Williams, and re- fused an appeal taken by the city solice itor. —Miss Clara Belle Lennox, who was found unconscious, bleeding from a wound in the head, in a thicket on the Greer farm several miles north of New Castle, on July 14th, died from the result of her in- juries last Saturday, and district attorney George Luse immediately announced that a formal accusation will be made against Thomas Verne Ryhal, now being held on an assault charge in connection with the case. Ryhal was arrested several days after the alleged attack. Police Matron Rae Murrhead stated at a preliminary: hearing that Ryhal had told her that Miss Lennox was injured in an accident. —Rarly Sunday night, while returning from services at the Free Methodist church, at Oil City, Miss Iona Smock, aged 30 years, of Kennard, Mercer county, and Miss Eleanor Williams, of Oil City, were run down on a street crossing by an au- tomobile driven by their pastor, Rev. M. B. Miller. Lights from a passing automo- bile on the wet windshield of the Miller car blinded him momentarily and prevent- ed ‘him from seeing the girls who were two of a party of nine going home togeth- er. Miss Smock died five minutes after she reached the hospital. Miss Williams is suffering from shock, but is expected to recover. —George W. Mears, one of the only two Congressional medal of honor men in Central Pennsylvania, died at Bloomsburg on Friday aged 78 years. He won the medal for leading five volunteers from the Sixth Pennsylvania reserves, “the Iron Guards,” against a nest of sharpshooters at Gettysburg. He lost an arm in the bat- tle of Antietam, and his recovery from that wound was so remarkable that the bones from his arm are kept in the med- ical museum at Washington. He was the first Morse code telegraph operator in Central Pennsylvania, and for nearly fifty years was in the employ of the D. L. & W. Railroad company. —Death put an end to the case in which Milton Miller, 70 years old, of Bethlehem, was charged by his mother, Mrs. Sarah Layton, aged 92, with failing to cintrib- ute to her support. Miller was to have been given a hearing on Saturday before Judge Swartz, but an attorney for Mrs, Layton announced her death Friday night. Miller contends he never was asked to con- tribute toward his mother’s support; that he was summoned to her home ten days ago by a message saying she was dying, and that when he arrived a constable was awaiting him and placed him under ar- rest. He claims that his mother had near- ly $400 in bank, for which he was acting as trustee. —George W. Sweeley, of Nisbet, was found guilty in criminal court at Wil- liamsport on Monday, of shooting and kill- ing Charles W. Carroll, while hunting, mistaking him in the high weeds for a groundhog. This is the first conviction under this act of Assembly which was only three months old when the killing occur- red. It imposes penalties of from $100 to $1,000, imprisonment of one to fiva_years and revocation of hunting license from two to ten years. An effort was made by the defense to quash the indictment on the ground of the unconstitutionality of the act but the motion was denied. Hunters in other parts of the State should fight shy of such accidents.