Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 25, 1921, Image 1

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    Dera aan
-—How many of you measured your
thankfulness yesterday by your tank-
fullness ? :
—We’'ll bet the girls won’t roll
down the stockings they hang up for
Santa Claus to fill.
—England would probably love to
have a disarmament conference in
both Belfast and Bombay.
—Here’s hoping that State will
show Washington that the effeteness
of the East is not in football anyway.
—The new year isn’t very far off.
Advise your friend to start it right
by subscribing for a real newspaper.
—If Mr. Newberry were any kind
of a man at all he’d decline a seat in
the Senate, go home and make a new
fight for the place—a clean one.
—The President has signed the an-
ti-beer bill and immediately the pop-
ular panacea for beeritis is wiped off
the permissible prescription list.
—The ladies who got the dollar hats
are exuberant in their enthusiasm for
Dollar Days in Bellefonte, and their
husbands are secretly adding: Amen!
—The temporary suspension of op-
erations at the silk mill has turned a
lot of would-be cooks and amateur
general houseworkers loose on the
—At the rate Marshal Foch is pick-
ing them up he ought to have about
three hundred and sixty degrees by
the time he swings “around the cir-
cle” in this country.
—The oratorical pyrotechnics are
about all over at the arms limitation
conference and the delegates have set-
tled down to the solution of the prob-
lems that are presenting themselves.
—The United States Senate has de-
terviorated enough, the Lord knows,
without having its honorable pres-
tige further besmirched by the rattle
of an empty wagon like Tom Watson.
.—OQur consular agencies having
been already reopened in many cities
in Germany, we presume inter-
course between the “Yankee Swine”
and the “Hun” will be a trifle stilted
for a time.
If it could be arranged to
scrap Lasker with the other nautical
luxuries to be disposed of under Sec-
retary Hughes’ plan of limiting arm-
aments there would be real reasons
for rejoicing.
—The war having made ineligible
a great horde of Princes who were el-
igible before that unhappy event the
Princess Mary, only daughter of King
George of England has become so
democratic as to betroth herself to
a Viscount.
—We certainly thought that most
of Marion had had a ride on the May-
flower. Evidently we have been un-
der a wrong impression, for Marion
went Democratic at the last election;
* which indicates that the President
hasn’t put sea legs under a majority
of the Marionites at least.
—Anybody contemplating sending
us a mess of venison next month need
not worry about the currant jelly and
sherry. We can contribute that much.
The jelly is in the cellar and our pri-
vate bootlegger has been pining for
something to do ever since the open-
ing of the trout fishing season last
—The tax revision bill has passed
Congress and gone to the President
for his signature. Even Senator Pen-
rose, chairman of the Senate commit-
tee in charge of the bill, called it a
“makeshift” when presenting it for
final passage. And if Penrose couldn’t
proclaim it as a Republican super-
achievement it must be a pretty rot-
ten measure.
—Pittsburgh newspapers that are
charging Killinger and Lightner,
State’s two back-field stars with pro-
fessionalism might better employ
their muck-raking sleuths at home.
We have a hazy recollection that we
saw Tom Davies, Pitt’s premier back,
playing ball with the professional
team that represented Philipsburg,
Centre county, during the last sum-
—Truly did Secretary Hughes say
that M. Briand’s appeal for France
would not fall on deaf ears in Amer-
ica. We have always been the friend
of France. The ties that bind the two
peoples have little of consanguinity
but much of sentiment and gratitude
and our fidelity to the country that
sent us a Lafayette will prove the
great exception in the world old fact
that blood is thicker than water.
—President Harding’s avoidance of
personal participation in the Arms
conference is a very crafty bit of
work. It reminds us a lot of a local
lawyer who wanted to run for presi-
dent judge of our courts some years
ago. When his candid friends told
him he didn’t know enough law to
make a capable judge he replied: “A
fellow doesn’t have to know it all to
sit on the bench. Can’t he hire a
good lawyer to keep him straight?”
—Within thirty-one days we’ll need
a lot of money. The end of the year
is approaching and then we’ll have to
pay a lot of bills that can’t be staved
off any longer than that. Some of
our subscribers really owe this mon-
ey, not us, but we’re too mealy mouth-
ed to tell them about it. If you hap-
pen to know any of them who are
back a year or two suggest that they
send us one-fifty or three or what-
ever they can right away. We need
. it and if we don’t get it soon we'll
have to get the “blue cross” to work-
ing again.
VOL. 66.
Versailles and Washington Con-
In the beginning of his great
speech delivered in the Limitations
Conference in Washington, on Mon-
day, Premier Briand, of France, drew
a line which accurately defined the
difference between the purposes of
the present conference and that of the
League of Nations. “To make peace,”
he said, “it is not sufficient to reduce
effectiveness and decrease war mater- !
ial. That is the physical side and
physical aspect of things. There is
another consideration which we have
no right to neglect in such a prob-
lem, that touches vital questions
which are of the most serious char-
acter for the country concerned. It
is necessary that, besides this physic-
al disarmament, there should be on
those same circles, what I shall call a |
general atmosphere of peace. In
other words a moral disarmament is
as necessary as the material one.”
In the conference at Versailles this
principle was distinctly expressed
both in letter and spirit. Provision
was clearly made for the present de-
crease and future limitation of arm-
aments and for the creation and main-
tenance of “a general atmosphere of
peace.” All the nations of the world
were invited to join in the pledge, as-
sume a moral obligation to advocate
and strive for peace and failure to
keep the pledge was penalized. The
best that can be hoped for from the
Washington conference is an agree-
ment among three powerful nations
to scrap their naval equipment in a
ratio fixed by Secretary Hughes, to
be adhered to absolutely. The war
spirit will continue to exist in the fu-
ture as in the past and each of the
parties to the agreement will be as
capable of waging war after as be-
fore the agreement was arrived at or
Of course that will reduce the ex-
penses of each of the governments
concerned considerably and to that,
extent will be an improvement on ex-
isting conditions. But it will not pre-
vent future wars or even to a great
extent delay the coming of the next
war with its promise of greater cru-
“elties and worse horrors than those
of the recent cataclysm. The people
of this country are deprived of the
advantages of the League of Nations :
because of the “envy, malice and un-
charitableness” of the Republican
leaders in the United States Senate.
They now hope to deceive the people
into the belief that a physical reduc-
tion of the effectiveness and a de-
crease of war material will “be equal-
ly as good.” ‘But the public is not as
credulous as it was before the educa-
tional development of the last few
years, as these political bigots will
Stultification Wisely Deferred.
It is to the eredit of the Republican
majority in the Senate at Washington
that they are delaying as long as pos-
sible the stultification which will re-
sult in a vote that Senator Newberry
retain his purchased seat. The evi-
Bright Prospects of Democrats.
i The official returns of the recent |
election in this State have not been
computed as yet but sufficient infor-
mation on the subject has been ob-
tained to spread alarm among the
leaders of the Republican machine
and inspire hope among the Demo-
cratic voters. Nobody pretended to
think that Judge Bonniwell would be
elected Justice of the Supreme court.
There were only six weeks time be-
tween the nomination and the elec-
tion and the Philadelphia jurist who
received the unsolicited nomination
of the Democratic party didn’t make
up his mind to make a campaign un-
til within three weeks of the election.
But in the brief period left he made
a campaign which stirred the people
most profoundly.
The result was that he carried sev-
eral counties that have been giving
substantial Republican majorities and
restored to the Democratic column
other districts that had strayed away’
during the campaign of a year ago.
In fact the result of the election has
inspired hope in the hearts of Demo-
| crats in every section of the State,
i and it may be expected that next year
‘the candidates of that party will go
to the polls with such a determination
| as will command success. Recent Re-
publican majorities in Pennsylvania
: have been obtained by default. The
Democrats being without organization
i were equally without hope. Next
| year they will be encouraged by both,
‘and it may be expected, rewarded by
! success.
It is up to the Democratic voters to
| take full advantage of the improved
i condition in Pennsylvania. What
i happened in Schuylkill county this
| year may be brought about in a doz-
| en other counties, and the victory
achieved by the candidate for sheriff
in Cumberland county may be repeat-
ed in other counties, if proper energy
is put behind the party ticket. But
to accomplish these results the work
! must be begun now. The first step
i lies in securing an efficient organiza-
' tion. Capable and unselfish men must
. be put in the places of the patronage
| brokers who have been masquerading
as the Democrati¢® organization for
| the past several years. that is
| accomplished the rest will be easy.
f ——Mr. Schwab’s cordial support of
! disarmament would have made a more
profound impression on the public
| mind if he had declared it before an
. enterprising “figger man” proved that
only one per cent. of the product of
his steel mills goes into armor plate.
re ————— A ra eter.
Judge Garman’s Just Decision.
The refusal of Judge Garman, of
| Wilkes-Barre, to drop the charges
! against State Senator Joyce is likely
i to lead up to an interesting situation.
i It appears that Senator Joyce has
been concerned in a rather extensive
! bootlegging business in the coal re-
! gions.
i their differences got into court and
Wall Street Slander Refuted.
ir For some unexplained and proba-
' bly unexplainable reason former Unit-
ed States Senator Beveridge, of In-
! diana, in an after dinner speech de-
;livered in New York, last week, de-
clared that the assumption of control
of the railroads by the government,
NO. 46.
} i
| Steel Men Unafraid.
. From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
| . When two such figures in the steel
industry of America as Charles M.
! Schwab, of the Bethlehem company,
land Judge Elbert H. Gary, of the
i United States Steel Corporation, unite
in hailing the government’s program
‘for a naval holiday as marking the
during the war, was followed by a opening of an “epoch of the gretaest
“saturnalia of mismanagement which business prosperity, as well as the
left those properties bound and gag- i largest measure of happiness, that the
ged by agreements, regulations and |
working rules.” Commenting on this
false statement the Wall Street Jour- :
nal added: “But suppose we went
further and tried with all the enthu-
siasm and thoroughness of a McAdoo
to run the railroad system of the
United States without brains?” The
object of these slurs is to discredit’
Mr. McAdoo.
The Springfield Republican, with a
century of distinguished service to
support its opinions answers both of !
these servile emissaries
Street with a list of the railroad men
whom Mr. McAdoo called to the di-
rection and management of the trans-
portation of the country during the
period of government control. They
are Robert S. Lovett, of the Union
Pacific; Edward Chambers, of the
Santa Fe; Carl R. Gray, of the West-
ern Maryland, now president of the
Union Pacific; A. H. Smith, of the
New York Central; C. H. Markham,
of the Iillinois Central; N. D. Maher,
of the Norfolk & Western; B. L.
Winchell, of the Union Pacific; R. H. |
Aishton, of the Chicago & North-
western; Hale Holden, of the Bur-
lington, and B. F. Bush, of the Mis-
souri Pacific.
These distinguished railway execu-
tives and operators are not politicians.
But they are easily the most capable
railway managers in the country to-
day, as they were justly reckoned by
the well informed public at the time.
It was those men, not William G. Me-
Adoo, who administered the opera-
tion of the railroads and if any inef-
ficiency appeared or mismanagement
occurred, they, instead of Mr. McAdoo,
of Wall
world has ever witnessed,” the narrow
i view that would measure the propos-
i als by the extent to which they will
“hurt business” is relegated properly
. to oblivion.
Before the members of the Ameri-
can Iron and Steel Institute, in New
York on Friday night, Mr. Gary de-
clared unworthy even of passing no-
tice the suggestion that the limitation
‘of armaments would result in the
manufacture of less steel. He doubt-
ed if there would be any reduction in
product at all, but believed that it
Mr. Schwab, speaking as head of a
! great naval shipbuilding corporation,
voiced the same doubt as to a loss fo
the steel industry, but emphatically
repudiated the thought that such a
thing as financial loss could be con-
sidered when compared with the ines-
timable benefit to mankind that would
be involved in the plan to stop the
present ruinous competition in naval
construction. ts
It is profoundly gratifying to find
these great captains of industry tak-
ing their stand on the broad platform
of statesmanship erected by the Pres-
ident and Secretary Hughes, a plat-
form upon which the representatives
of the civilized Powers are hastening
to take their places. But it is also
reassuring that men whose position
enables them to read the barometers
of business can see in the Hughes
program nothing but the opening door
to a greater and more healthy pros-
perity, a loosening of the burdens of
a task which promises no return but
waste and possible human misery and
the transfer of vast reservoirs of hu-
i man energy into the avenues of pro-
t ductive industry.
The cessation of steel manufacture
for warships does not mean that less
| steel will be made, but that the pro-
i would be small in any event.
were to blame. As a matter of fact, | ductive resources of the nations will
Ey : in. | peace. Not only will the burder }
oy ay mismanagement in, the adn Ellon be lightened, but vast Anan
Shaken | cial resources will be directed _into
down and the g i | other channels, trade will be stimulat-
forts of Mr. McAdoo and his capable ed in all directions, credit and confis
assistants above named, rescued them | dence restored and the whole human
and saved the properties from bank- | race will share benefits which Mr.
there was neither inefficien- | be available once more for the uses of |
Because of a dispute in the
| accounting profits between himself .
and one of his partners in the traffic
dence of the purchase of the seat was | some rather startling exposures fol-
overwhelming. By his own admission | lowed. To avert greater trouble as a
his campaign expenses totalled near- | result of publicity they concluded to
ly $200,000 and testimony of unwil- | compromise and appealed to the court
ling witnesses proved that they ran ito strike the case off the calendar.
close to a million. In view of the | But Judge Garman didn’t take the
laws, both of Congress and the Leg- | same view of the subject.
islature of Michigan, such profligacy | When Senator William C. McCon-
was a crime that disqualified him | nell resigned his comfortable seat in
from serving as a Senator. But his vote | the upper chamber of the General As-
was needed to give his party a major- | sembly of Pennsylvania we conjectur-
ity in the last Congress and now that | ed that there was something more
he can be spared his colleagues are | than the allurement of the salary or
reluctant. | the pleasure of sleuthing after rum
The gravest crime that can be per- | sellers. This incident goes a good
petrated against the government of | way toward confirming this conjec-
the United States is debauching the | ture. Senator Joyce was his colleague
elections. Because that fact was ful- in the Senate and his personal and
ly realized Congress some years ago, ' political friend. It may easily be
even while the Republicans were in | imagined that he found much satis-
the majority before, enacted legisla- | faction in issuing liquor permits to
tion limiting the expenditures of a!his former associates when it meant
candidate for Senator to $7,500. But “easy money” and little hazard or
Newberry, whose family had become | capital to carry on the business.
wealthy through questionable opera- |is not improbable that other Sena-
tions in lumber, and who himself had ; torial chums of the prohibition com-
become ambitious for public life be- | missioner may have enjoyed similar
cause the late Mr. Roosevelt had | favors.
appointed him temporarily Secretary : In any event it is reasonably cer-
of the Navy, became a candidate for | tain that Senator Joyce has been con-
Senator and made every voter who | ducting a most profitable if not a law-
could be approached a criminal, by | ful business. Both he and his chaf-
offering and paying bribes for sup-!feur have been accumulating bank
port. 3 ! balances at a rate and with a regu-
For more than two years the Re- | larity that taxes the imagination of
publican majority in the Senate has | others engaged in the business which
been fighting off a complete exposure A they pretended to transact. In view
of this nasty scandal. Up until the | of these facts Judge Garman was
election of last fall Newberry’s vote | right in refusing to end the legal
was necessary to maintain the majori- | quarrel between them, for if they
ty in the Senate. Without it the op- | have been violating the Volstead act
position to the ratification of the and flouting the only feature of the
Versailles treaty would have failed | constitution of the United States
and probably the malady that almost | which is sacred, the matter ought to
cost Woodrow Wilson his life would be taken up into the federal courts.
have been averted. During that per- | There the source of the golden flow
iod the question was not permitted to : may be investigated.
be considered in . the open Senate.
Since his vote is not so badly needed | ——Probably Mr. Charles Haps-
his eligibility has been discussed in | burg will be just as happy in jail as
public but the final vote has not been |in the Imperial Palace of Hungary.
taken. It has now been decided to de- | He'll have plenty to eat, nothing to
fer it until the regular session, do and fools are easily satisfied.
'! ——The State College football team
has been much in demand for post-
series games. Immediately following
their game with Pitt yesterday they
! left last night for Seattle, Washing-
‘ ton, for their game with the Univer-
sity of Washington on December
8rd. Centre college wanted a game
on the same date to be played in Chi-
cago and they were asked to play a
benefit game with Notre Dame at the
Polo grounds in New York on the
same date. In addition the Universi-
i ty of California asked for a game on
New Year’s day, but all have of ne-
cessity, been refused as coach Bez-
‘ dek considered it would not be fair to
' the members of the team to ask them
to play more than the one post series
game, !
——The name of Robert M. Smith |
has been sent to the Senate for con-
, Gary rightly says will be incalculable.
i A Reverse for the President.
‘I'rom the Philadelphia Record.
The emphatic repudiation by the
House of President Harding’s sug-
' gested compromise on the surtax to be
‘levied on large incomes is interesting
‘not only as an assertion of political
| independence, but also as an illustra-
| tion of the President’s theory of how
: legislation should be effected. In his
{letter to Chairman Fordney Mr.
Harding showed clearly that he
| strongly favors the lower rate first
i adopted by the House, but rather than
i have a fight over the matter he was
| willing to forego his convictions and
‘accept a higher figure. This did not
: please western Representatives, who
do not take kindly to this form of
, compromise, and they reversed their
: previous votes in order to line up with
the rian bloc in the Senate.
It is the view of the best informed
economists that the present surtaxes
firmation as postmaster at Centre | on large incomes, which, with the nor-
Hall to succeed S. W. Smith. Mr.
Smith has been the Republican district
chairman at Centre Hall for some
time and closely identified with the
—“Waxey” Straub suggests that
if the government decides to scrap
the battleships Bellefonte should get
busy and try and secure the Pennsyl-
vania to put alongside of that German
——1If Secretary Hughes should be-
come a candidate for the Republican
nomination for President against
i Harding would you call it a logical re-
i sult of the Limitations Conference
——President Harding proposes to
take no chances with the Senate. He
i will call it an “agreement” instead of
{a “treaty” and thus avoid the neces-
i sity of confirmation.
——Governor Sproul wants us all
{to give thanks for the Limitations
| Conference, but most people will de-
{ fer that until after the adjournment.
——In the end China may have to
j deal with Japan in the transfer. of
{ that bit of real estate which she ced-,
: ed to Germany some years ago. -
i Sem—— ———
| — That super dreadnaught launch-
ed the other day, the West Virginia,
will make an interesting as well as an.
expensive scrap pile.
——Happily the late Senator Knox
i doesn’t know who is stalking around
| under his Senatorial toga.
a—————— i ————————
——Even the late Kaiser celebrated
‘ Armistice day, probably ' because it
was the day he escaped.
| mal tax, aggregate as high as 73 per
; cent., defeat their own aims by driv-
ing the very wealthy to tax-exempt
securities in order to prevent virtual
confiscation of their incomes. The
| President, . therefore, was on solid
ground in his opposition to the 50 per
cent. surtax favored by the Senate
and now indorsed by the House. By
urging a compromise and then: sus-
taining disastrous defeat he suffers
distinctly in prestige as a party lead-
er. It would have been better to stand
‘| by his convictions, even if that should
lead to victory for his opponents.
The episode is much like many that
marked the Administration of the too
Sasytone Taft. It will react on the
President at a time when he needs all
the strength he can command to op-
pose the aggressive western elements
of his party. These have now achiev-
1 ed a lead which they are not likely to
surrender in further consideration of
the tax revision and tariff bills.
Gen. Diaz Advises Countrymen to be
Good Americans.
From the Lewistown Gazette.
In his address to the Italian socie-
ties in. Baltimore General Diaz told
his hearers that their highest civic
duty was to make themselves thor-
ough-going Americans. If Germa-
ny’s representatives in this country
| had talked in this way there would
have been much less reason for the
Kaiser’s foolish persuasion that he
could ‘depend on German-Americans
to draw the sword for him in the
event of war between him and the
United States.
One Thing Left Out.
From the Ohio State Journal.
Well Wwe guess every possible means
of fighting the tax burden has receiv-
ed the careful consideration of our
statesmen now except not spending so
_ —Samuel M. Hoyer, three times mayor
of Altoona, died at the U. of P. hospital,
Philadelphia, Sunday morning. :
| —Ray N. Shaak, of Avon, Lebanon
| county, has been awarded $4930.50 for the
loss of a leg and a fractured skull, the in-
juries being sustained December 27th,
1919, when he was struck by a freight
train on the Reading Railway. The colli-
sion of two trains blocking the Avon
grade crossing forced Shaak to attempt to
cross the railroad a short distance beyond
the scene of the wreck.
—Vermont Gallagher, 30 years old, for-
mer soldier, was electrocuted in front of
his home in New Castle last Thursday
night. He was cutting limbs from a tree.
One fell and broke and arc light wire. He
seized the wire to remove it from the side-
walk and was instantly killed. His death
is the fourth sudden death of the family.
Two of his brothers were drowned and
his father died as a result of exposure to
cold last winter.
—A check for $482.05 has been placed in
the conscience found of the State Treas-
ury as a contribution from an “unknown
person.” This is the largest payment of
the kind to be made in years, and the dis-
posal of the check was ordered after con-
siderable investigation. The check was
sent through a Reading bank by & wom-
an who stated that, owing to changes of
residence in Pennsylvania, she had not
paid taxes on some bonds and mortgages
she had owned the last ten years.
—Oscar Lawhead, aged 34 years, a plas-
terer, of Hyde City, died in the Cottage
State hospital, Philipsburg, last Wednes-
day afternoon, of injuries received in a
fall from a scaffold upon which he was
working at the New Liberty theatre in
Madera. Lawhead was working upon the
ceiling when a chain broke, letting him
down to the floor, a distance of forty feet.
He struck a plank with his face and his
jaw was crushed so badly that death fol-
lowed a short time after he reached the
-—John Huber, 40 years old, of Ridgway,
is dead from a revolver wound said to
have been inflicted several days ago by his
brother Jacob, 28 years of age, following
a quarrel in their home. The brothers,
who were bachelors and lived alone, are
said to have quarreled over the position
of a lamp in their home. Jacob was
caught by the police while he was at-
tempting to escape in an auto, When lodg-
ed in jail at Ridgway, he said that he was
forced to shoot his brother twice to de-
fend himself.
—According to John Pipa, docket clerk
of the Northumberland county court, Dis-
trict Attorney Morganroth has dismissed
the arson case against Dr. M. L. Emer-
ick, wealthy Lancaster physician, on the
condition that the doctor pay the costs.
Fmerick was arrested several months ago
on a charge of setting fire to the Alumi-
num Paint company’s plant at Dalmatia.
He was declared to be its owner, and was
arrested after a wild chase through four-
teen miles of territory in automobiles. His
chauffeur, Jacob Stauffer, alsa was held in
bail for court.
—Peter Walters, of Spring Hill, was for-
mally charged with first degree murder in
the death of William E. Shoemaker, of
pleaded not guilty and wa with
1 for court. Shoemaker is alleged to
‘have been fatally wounded by Walters
after the latter had been arrested by the
game warden on the night of August 25th.
It is charged that Shoemaker was walking
ahead of the prisoner when Walters pulled
the warden’s gun out of his hip pocket and
shot him in the neck. Shoemaker died
September 22nd, in a Sayre hospital,
—A box full of brass identification
checks, evidently mistaken for the week's
payroll, was all two would-be robbers se-
cured for their trouble in holding up a
15 year old paymaster’s assistant at the
varn mill of A. J. Cameron in Kensing-
ton. As the boy was making his rounds
with the checks, two men jumped from be-
hind a door on a stairway, knocked him
down, grabbed the box and escaped. At
the time the paymaster was in a nearby
office making up the payroll, amounting to
about $4,000. Later two former employees
at the mill, Otto Ratka and John Peanka,
were arrested and charged with assault
and attempted robbery.
—Because he doesn’t want to be paid
“double,” Arnold W. Bruner, of New York,
architectural adviser of the State Board of
Public Grounds and Buildings, has noti-
fied the board that he will not accept the
salary of $10,000 a year allowed him for
the last two years. He will take only his
commission of 6 per cent. on building,
bridge and park improvement construc-
tion at the capitol grounds in Harrisburg.
For the next two years he will be paid
$4,000 a year, at his own suggestion. It
was explained the $10,000 salary is in the
nature of a retaining fee. Mr. Brunner
thus far has collected commissions on
about $1,000,000 worth of work, which at
6 per cent. would amount to $60,000.
—Bound, gagged and severely beaten by
three hoboes who entered her home near
Berwick, last Thursday, in search of mon-
ey, Mrs. Joseph Spirits is in a serious con-
dition and may not recover, The hoboes
were noth masked and made a thoroug
search of the house, even tearing carpets
from the floor, expecting to find a large
sum of money, which had just been depos-
ited in bank the day previous. The men
took all the clothing of the woman’s hus-
band, who was at work, and when Mrs.
Spirits produced bank books showing re-
cent deposits of $27,000 the intruders, an-
gered because they got only $10 for their
trouble, kicked and beat her. She was
left bound and gagged when the men fled,
but managed, after nearly an hour, to
free herself and call help from a neighbor.
She was able to give the police a good
description of the men.
. —Struck by a bullet from his own rifle
when . the weapon was accidentally dis-
charged at Lewisburg, on Saturday, 15
year old John I. Coldren was instantly
killed. The youth was leaving the kitchen
of his home by the rear door to go spar-
row shooting when he tripped and in fall-
ing the rifle was discharged, sending the
bullet : crashing into his head below the
right eye. Dr. M. L, Focht said death
was instantaneous. Coldren, who was a
Sophomore at the Lewisburg High school
and active in sports, was the son of Har-
ry Coldren, of Sunbury, ‘but for many
years has lived with his uncle and ‘aunt,
Mr. ‘and Mrs! George Angstadt, in Lewis-
burg.” The young man was a nephew. of
Mrs. William = Bilger, of north Spring
street, Bellefonte, and during the summer
spent several weeks at the Bilger home.
He was a bright, energetic lad and his
much money.
untimely death is cause for deep regret.
“Laceyville, a state game warden. Walters .