ee and played on the piano by Miss Ma- | day evening the pupils presented her ry Bingman. Miss Stover is a faith- | with a beautiful bouquet of pink and ful and talented teacher and her good | white carnations. A nice little sum work in Centre Hall is recognized and | was realized by the church as the re- | appreciated. At the recital on Tues- sult of the recital. nme Church Services Next Sunday. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Public worship at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. An hour of rest, inspira- tion, fellowship, broadened vision and deepened consecration. _ All other services at usual hours. come. Courteous ushers. Coleville—Bible school 2:30. Evan- gelistic services 7:30. Alexander Scott, Minister. ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Next Sunday morning at 10:45— 20th anniversary service. At 7:30 p. m. a song service. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meeting at 6:45 p. m. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning November 20: Sunday next before Advent, 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 9:45 a. m. church school. 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “Our Holy Catholic Faith: I. Foundations.” 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon, “The Ending of the Sacred Year.” Thursday, Thanksgiving day, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 10 a. m. Mattins and ser- mon. Friday, 7:30 p. m. Litany and instruction. Visitors always wel- come Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ——— Announcement was made on Saturday of the engagement of John Love Esq., of Bellefonte, and Miss Martha Cameron Witmer, a daughter of Robert Witmer, of Philadelphia. No date has been set for the wedding. CENTRE HALL. J. D. Moore has been quite ill for the past week, suffering from grippe. The Ministerium met at the home of Rev. Drumm on Tuesday after- noon. "On Sunday night a big Buick tour- ing car started down over the side of Nittany mountain, near the top. For- tunately it came in contact with a big tree, which kept it from landing near the Brush valley road. Mrs. and Mrs. George Breon and daughter Laura spent several days visiting among their old friends in this locality. They came up from their home in Reading to attend the golden wedding of Mr. Breon’s parents, on Saturday. On Tuesday evening the class in pi- ano and violin music taught by Miss Byrd Stover, of Rebersburg, gave a recital in the United Evangelical church in this place, which proved a treat to all who heard it. The church was beautifully decorated with plants and cut flowers and filled with a large audience. The violin club, organized only eight months ago, is composed of Agnes Geary, pianist; Harold Durst, James and Elizabeth Royer, Mary and Ruth Bingman and Miriam Moore. Their renditions showed remarkable progress. The two little sons of Wil- liam McClenahan, eight and nine nine years old, played a duet very beautifully on their violins. A num- ber of little girls and boys played so- los, duets and trios on the piano and did very well. The more advanced pupils rendered some difficult pieces in a most creditable manner. One of the numbers worthy of special men- tion was “Loving Memories,” a com- Vistors wel- |. Free Free To be Given Away New Year's Eve BRAND NEW FORD Touring Car with Starter and Demountable Wheels ASK OUR SALESMEN “How Come the Giveaway One WRITE OR CALL BEATTY MOTOR CO.. Both Phones BELLEFONTE, PA Free Free 9 1 Auction Sale! There will be offered at Public Sale at Carson’s Livery Stable at DuBois a consign- ment of 24 head of fine, tubercular tested Holstein Freisian Cattle Comprising Pure Bred Cows, Bulls and Young Heifers Write for Catalogue. Don’t miss the Sale on - Tuesday November 22nd, 1921 C. LUTHER LOWE DUBOISE, PA. AT CARSON’S LIVERY STABLE AT1P M position by the teacher, Miss Stover, uma in your own home. THANKSGIVING is a holiday for everyone, except of work and of worry. This year make it an actual holiday, and a real day of thanks for her, by dining out. vigorating ride through the country to pease the keen appetite your drive has given you, THANKSGIVING DINNER 44 TH PHILIPSBURG’S NEW HALF MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL A glance at the menu below will convince you that it is an economy as well as a pleasure, for it is served to you at a price that you cannot equal the lady of the house. For her it is a day And add to the enjoyment by an in- Philipsburg. There you can ap- by eating your -¥ A PH IPS” Cream of Tomatoes Celery Roast Stuffed Vermont Turkey, Cranberries Baked Hubbard Squash Mashed Potatoes MENU Fruit Coupe Fresh Crabmeat Cocktail Clear Consomme Salted Almonds Olives Escalloped Oysters Boiled Kennebeck Salmon, Hollandaise Larded Tenderloin of Beef, Mushrooms Candied Yams Boiled Onions in Cream Hearts of Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Pumpkin Pie English Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Vanilla Ice Cream, Hot Chocolate Sauce Assorted Cakes Demi Tasse 66 "This dinner will be served from 12:30 P. M. to 2:30 P. M. and again for those who prefer to dine in the evening, from 6 P. M. to 8 P. M. Price $1.50 Per Plate. Table reservations may be made by mail or phone. PHILIPSBURG The Philips” PENNSYLVANIA | i | | | 1 | | | i | | i i { { i 1 i a ' 1 | i i | | { ! | i i i Direct America’s From Its Greatest Stu- Humorist pendous At His Run on Best. Broadway Superbly Where Acted It Was ‘and Played at Splendidly Top Prices Produced of $2.00 ... | A CONNECTICUT 6th Century J YANKEE j Watch : Knights J T : the ’ on IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT Yankee 20th “Make” Century the Sun Motor- Disappear cycles and Go to See Him : Rescue Pull the Imprisoned Magician's Maiden Beard Every Person in Centre C very Person in Centre County Should See It PRE WAR PRICES Matinee 2:30 p. m. Night 8:30 aimee - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1921 A Scene from the Honeymooners TIP TOP MERRY MAKERS PRESENT “The Honeymooners 2 A Two Act Musical Comedy, with JOE BURKHART, - - LEW ORTH AL COLEMAN and a Dazzling Chorus of Gorgeous Girlies SEAT SALE MONDAY AT MOTT DRUG CO. 50, .75, and $1.00 plus Tax TT, EE ~ canna A As is og fe Difan Theatre Glo. 2000 Two Days J bn Tax Included THE YEAR'S GREATEST FILM SUCCESS LOVE ACTION COMEDY Mark Twain’s Greatest Comic Romance Picturized Monday and Tuesday Nov 21 and 22 Matinees Daily at Two