! Beworraiaciuan “Bellefonte, Pa., November 18, 1921. P. GRAY MEEK, Editer S— To Correspondents.—No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. Terms of Subscription.~Until further sotice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance Paid before expiration of year 1.75 Paid after expiration of year 2.00 EASTER. Dr. Thomas J. Orbison Visits His Old Home Here. -.- $1.30 Dr. Thomas J. Orbison, some forty years ago one of the most mischiev- ous boys in Bellefonte, now one of the most eminent neurologists of the Pa- cific Slope, dropped into the old town last Wednesday morning. He has many relatives and hosts of friends here and while his visit was partially on their account the primary objective was the Union cemetery, where the body of his lamented mother rests. The doctor-captain arrived from Russia about the first of October, It will be recalled that he closed his of- fices in Los Angeles at the first call of the country for medical specialists and went to France where he served with the rank of captain until the close of the war. Shortly after the signing of the Armistice and before leaving Paris he was urged to go to Russia to help carry on the Hoover relief work in that destitute country. He was assigned to Riga and later was in sole charge of all of the Lat- vian country lying to the east and west of Riga and extending northward to the Baltic sea. Some of the perils of his work were revealed in the “Watchman” last year. Some of the triumphs may be gleaned by reading the translation of the testimonial pre- sented him by the Latvian govern- ment on the occasion of his departure from that country only a few months ago. It is published in column 3, page 2 of this edition. Riga was the gateway into Russia. Through that city royalty, peasants, Communists, Bolsheviki fled as their fortunes rose or fell in Petrograd. Dr. Orbison had a wonderful opportu- nity of studying all phases of their life and ideals. He has been in inti- mate association with those who have left the parlors of Russia to take the humble kitchen posts as well as with those whom the revolution has turned out of the kitchens into the parlors. It is all chaos, he says, but is surely working out to a stable readjustment. When asked as to whether there might be any ground for the recurrent story to the effect that the imperial family of Russia was really not murdered and is only in hiding he re- plied: That there is not a scintilla of doubt as to the tragic fate of the Czar and his family. Dr. Orbison left here Thursday afternoon for Los Angeles, where his office is open and waiting for his re- turn. “Connecticut Yankee” at State College The Pastime theatre has secured direct from its sensational run at the Selwyn theatre, New York city, the film supreme, “A Connecticut Yan- kee in King Arthur’s Court.” It will be presented on Monday and Tuesday, November 21st and 22nd, with mat- inees daily at two, at popular prices. In keeping with this hilarious comedy special light jazz music will be ren- dered by the orchestra. Mark Twain was in earnest when he wrote “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.” He wanted to show the folly of the worship of kings, titles, established religions and all the tomfoolery of knighthood. His book is a satire on snobbery, on sham, romance and on glittering tyr- anny. The Fox production retains the spirit that animates Mark Twain's novel. Emmett Flynn and Mr. Mec- Conville have made it a snappy, ro- bust comedy that is going to win the approval of the public. ! Because the picture inspires honest, downright laughter and because it carries Twain’s message of democra- cy, we think it is a fine picture. It makes a sincere and straightforward play for the laughter of the plain, ‘every day sort of man or woman. And that was Mark Twain’s aim. The story is presented in spectacu- lar fashion. William Fox rebuilt Camelot and then destroyed it. The backgrounds are really beautiful. State Glee Club on Trip. The Penn State student glee club of forty-four men will give three con- certs in the western part of the State next week. On Monday night the glee club, accompanied by the varsity quartet, and a specialty trio, will ap- pear in Johnstown; on Tuesday night at the Indiana State Normal school and on Wednesday under the auspices of the alumni in Pittsburgh. The musical trio is composed of J. W. Meyers, Philadelphia; H. E. Schloss- er, York, and John H. Hayes, Belle- fonte. The quartet includes D. V. Bauder, Galeton; R. A. Roxby, Wash- ington, D. C.; E. H. Rolston, Chatta- nooga, Tenn., and P. J. Duncan, Mead- ville. . ———— A es ——— ——Bellefonte merchants are going to give the people of Centre county the advantages of a dollar day sale next Wednesday, November 23rd. If it’s bargains you are looking for come to Bellefonte and look them over. KUNES.—Mrs. Clara E. Kunes,| DEITRICH.— Mrs. Margaret A. wife 'of W. T. Kunes, of Runville, Deitrich, widow of J. L. P. Deitrich died on Monday morning of last week . and a sister of Mrs. Robert Irwin, of at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. | Bellefonte, died at her home in Al- E. P. Swisher, at Mill Hall, whither toona on Tuesday morning, following she had gone on a visit. Some five | ten days’ illness with pneumonia, at years ago she suffered a stroke of f the age of almost eighty-four years. paralysis which affected her left side, ! rendering her partially helpless. Not- | Harkness and she was born in Car- withstanding her affliction she was pa- lisle, though most of her life had been tient and cheerful at all times. She ' spent in Altoona. She is survived by was a faithful member of the United | two children, two brothers and five Brethren church and at the time of sisters. The funeral was held at 2:30 Her maiden name was Margaret her death was corresponding secre- o'clock yesterday afternoon, being made in the Oak Ridge ceme- tary of the Christian Endeavor soci- ety and treasurer of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Surviving her are her husband and the following brothers and sisters: Ralph Snyder, of Stewart, Va.; Lew- is, of Mill Hall; Mrs. F. F. Stout and Mrs. S. S. Stout, of Renovo, and Mrs. Samuel Schroyer, of Savannah, Ga. Funeral services were held at the Swisher home at Mill Hall at one o'clock last Thursday afternoon by Rev. G. A. Sparks, of Runville, after which burial was made in the Cedar Springs cemetery. The following resolutions on the death of Mrs. Kunes was passed by the Christian Endeavor Society of Runville: - Whereas, the hand of Providence has re- moved our beloved sister from the scene of her temporal labors, and from our so- ciety, and in view of the loss we have sus- tained by the death of our friend and sis- ter, and of the still greater loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to her, be it Resolved, That we deeply mourn her untimely departure, and sincerely regret the loss of her faithful services as a co- laborer in our Christian Endeavor society, taking refuge in the thought, however, that after having ended her earthly strife she has at last joined the blessed society of the redeemed in heaven. Resolved, That we tender our earnest and heartfelt sympathy to the afflicted husband and relatives, and cominend then for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best, and whese chastise- ments are dealt by a loving hand. Resolved, that the above resolutions be published in the Centre county papers, that a copy thereof be placed in the rec- ords of the Society and another sent to the husband of the deceased. W. MAYNARD SPARKS, President. SALLIE FURL, Mrs. G. W. SPARKS, MARY HEATON, Com. on Resolutions. il li MUSSINA.—Lyons Mussina, the oldest resident of Lock Haven, died last Wednesday morning of general infirmities. He was born at Aarons- burg, this county, on February 24th, 1827, hence was in his 95th year. His boyhood days were spent at Aarons- burg but when seventeen years of age he went to Huntingdon to learn the printing trade. About 1850 he locat- ed in Lock Haven and for three years was one of the publishers of the Clin- ton Democrat. In the latter fifties he became cashier of the Lock Haven National bank, a position he filled for twenty-five years. During his life he served as county treasurer and also county commissioner of Clinton coun- ty. He was the oldest member of Lafayette Lodge of Masons, of Lock Haven. Burial was made in the Highland cemetery on Saturday after- noon. i I! WITHERITE.—Mrs. Corinna With- erite, wife of Augustus Witherite, died at her home at Runville on November 6th, after six week’s illness, aged 59 years. She is survived by her hus- band and eleven children, namely: Jesse, of Bellefonte; Joseph, of Flem- ing; Mrs. Orris Lucas, of Yarnell; Mrs. W. H. Watson, Mrs. W. H. Walker, Mrs Samuel Shirk, Mrs. Ed- ward Walker, and Fred, of Runville; Claire, Jacob and Jennie, at home. She was a faithful member of the United Brethren church for many years and her pastor, Rev. G. A. Sparks, had charge of the funeral services which were held in the Unit- ed Brethren church at Runville at ten o'clock last Wednesday morning, after which burial was made in the Advent cemetery. : 1 I. BAUDIS.—John Baudis, a native Centre countian, died at Erie on No- vember 4th, following an illness of some months with diabetes. He was a son of John and Hilda Baudis and was born at Benore twenty-seven years ago. During the world war he served as a marine on the U. S. S. Pennsyl- vania. About a year ago, while liv- ing at State College, he married Miss Margaret Flick, of Unionville, who survives with the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. David Slagle, of State College; Mrs. J. G. Veder, of Cleveland, Ohio; Paul M., in North Dakota; Edward H., in Canada, and Charles, in Altoona. Burial was made at Erie on November 7th. 1 il COAKLEY.—Mrs, Jennie Coakley, wife of Edward Coakley, died at Yar- nell last Saturday evening after a week’s illness with pleuro-pneumonia, aged 36 years. She is survived by her husband and three children, Clarence, Owen and Raymond, all at home. She also leaves two brothers and two sis- ters, Philip Confer, of Bellefonte; Claude, of Orviston; Mrs. Clyde Fetz- er, of Milesburg, and Mrs. Elsie Rock- ey, of Avis. Burial was made in the Advent cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. il i BATHURST. — Mrs. Martha M. Bathurst, widow of Potter Bathurst, died at her home at Birmingham on Wednesday evening of last week as the result of a comdlication of diseas- es. She was born at Port Matilda fifty-two years ago. Her husband died less than two months ago but surviving her are seven children. Burial was made at Birmingham on Saturday afternoon. burial tery, Altoona. Thanksgiving at The Philips. Those of you who are not going to Pittsburgh for the State-Pitt game and want to have a real Thanksgiv- ing, one that mother or wife does not have to spend the whole morning cooking for and the most of the after- noon cleaning up after, might realize your ambition more than you know by taking the family out for a change. You can buy a fine Thanksgiving * dinner at most any good hotel or res- taurant cheaper than you can prepare Zerby, L. A., bricklayer You have no worry, a: one at home. 1 i i i | Jury List for December Court. Following is the list of jurors for the December term of court which will begin on the ‘second Monday, Decem- ber 12th. The names of three women appear on the grand jury and eight on the traverse jury. LIST OF GRAND JURORS. Aikens, William, laborer...... Auman, O. J., farmer......... Bailey, Harry T, laborer..Halfmoon Twp. Bargar, H. L., blacksmith.Snow Shoe Twp. Barnhart, Miss Laura......... Boggs Twp. Bowersox, B. F., druggist........ Millheim Billy, John, laborer....... Snow Shoe Twp. Craine, Scott W., lumberman.. Worth Twp. Coder, Albert, farmer....... Howard Twp. Decker, Logan M., farmer.......... Potter Dreiblebis, Mart A., farmer..... Ferguson Docman, Lewis W., laborer....... Ferree, Mrs. W. A., housekeeper College Twp. Geyer, Augustus W., laborer....... Worth Glenn, Wm., farmer.......... College Twp. Harrison, Chas.,, Ins. agent..... Bellefonte Marks, John Farmer, clerk...... Bellefonte | McCullough, Jas., merchant..... Milesburg Rockey, John, laborer....... Reed, James, farmer......... Harris Twp. Stover, L. H., carpenter Penn Twp. Valentine, Miss Anna, farmer..Spring Twp. Weber, Lee, farmer Miles Twp. Hoe uty State College LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS. Benner Twp. greater variety and above all the { Auman, Philip A., laborer....Gregg Twp. faithful little~woman who plans for | Brown, Sarah E., teacher your meals three times in every one ! Bixler, J. B., merchant of the three hundred and sixty-five days in the year will appreciate a temporary release from the monoto- nous grind and enjoy some other per- son’s cooking more than she will ever tell you. If you live in the neighborhood of | | Bellefonte and don’t care to go far away during the day the Bush house offers a splendid menu which is pub- lished elsewhere. If you want to add the charm of a delightful ride over the Alleghenies—and the mountains are gorgeous now in their heather colorings—go to Philipsburg and take dinner at that town’s new half million dollar hotel. “The Philips” is worth visiting, if you have never seen it and the dinner to be served there, as published on another page of this issue, will be splendid refreshment after such a motor trip. Where Will You Eat Your Thanks- giving Dinner. If the time has come at your home when a little change would do father, mother and the children, all, good— and such times do come to all of us— why not take the family to the Bush house for Thanksgiving dinner. An old time pre war dinner at the pre war price of $1.00 will be served : in the hotel dining room and. in the 1 i Potter Twp. Rush Twp. jrouse, Mrs. RR. S., housekeeper Bellefonte Brooks, Wm. 8., farmer Potter Twp. Bumgardner, Collins, laborer.Spring Twp. Beezer, Joseph, farmer Spring Twp. Crawford, Frank M., merchant. .Bellefonte Cook, Miss Margaret............ Bellefonte «Duck, Wm. N., farmer.......... Penn Twp. Decker, Miss Marian A., housekeeper Gregg Twp. Day, John, farmer...........s Miles Twp. Decker, C. N., farmer....... Walker Twp. Diehl, Samuel, farmer..,... Howard Twp. Eckel, John, laborer............ Bellefonte Coffee Shop from 1 to 2:30 and from ! 6 to 7:30 p. m, ¥ye, L. D., merchant Fisher, Geo., dealer State College Harris Twp. Grove, John, gentleman..... College Twp. Grebe, WIm., ClerR....ccvuerave Philipsburg Gilliland, M. J., clerk.......... Snow Shoe Harter, Clem, farmer... sc cvssjssvs Marion Holt, Wm., laborer Snow Shoe Twp. Henney, Wilbur, blacksmith. ..Centre Hall Harnish, Geo., laborer...Snow Shoe Twp. Herr, Joseph H., farmer Howard Twp. Houser, Abram H., J. of P...Benner Twp. Harris, Watson, laborer...Snow Shoe Twp Korman, G. Wesley, merchant. ..Milesburg Kern, A. B., painter Krebs, R. M., dentist Ferguson Lutz, Harry N., laborer..... Walker Twp. Mann, Robt B., laborer...Snow Shoe Twp. Morrison, Alex. Jr., laborer...Philipsburg Mott, Mrs. Odillie, housekeeper. .Bellefonte Musser, Geo., instructor...... Spring Twp. McCool, A. S., laborer........ Patton Twp. McKinney, Edward, laborer...... Burnside McCradie, Thos., motorman....Rush Twp. Naginey, Frank HE., undertaker..Bellefonte Orndorf, I. M., farmer Haines Twp. Oswalt, Wharton, Laborer Snow Shoe Twp. Peterson, W. E., merchant Philipsburg ! ; os ve Hall The menu to be serv- | Potter, Joshua T., gentleman..Centre Ha x Ripka, Clyde, laborer........ Spring Twp. ed will be as follows: Rishel, R. G., earpenter........ Miles Twp. Bouillon en Tasse Mock Turtle | Reed, George, laborer........... Bellefonte | Rishel, John E., farmer....... Potter Twp. Queen Olives Hearts of Celery i Rimmey, Earl, laborer Spring Twp. Roast Native Turkey with English Filling | Sackett, Mrs. R. L., housekeeper Cranberry Sauce Baked Sugar Cured Ham, Wine Sauce Roast Ribs of Prime Beef au jus | Smith, Mrs. Frank, housekeeper Oyster Patties Lemon Sherbet Mashed Potatoes Candied Sweet Potatoes Dried Sweet Corn Creamed Onions Tomato Salad a la Bush House Pumpkin Pie Martha Washington Cream Pie Maple Walnut Ice Cream Mince Pie Cheese Wafers Coffee It reads good and manager Lewis Daggett assures you all that it will taste just as good. Make reservations early. nese ep pee ———— Special Thanksgiving Dinner. Why worry with cooking at home when you can get a special Thanks- giving dinner at the Brockerhoff House next Thursday for $1.25 a plate. Make your reservations ear- ly. 45-1t ——DBear are reported quite plenti- ful on the mountains this season and quite a number of hunters have sight- ed one or more of the animals while out hunting small game. On Monday morning Wallace Merrill, of Sandy Ridge, was out along the Tyrone pike looking for squirrel. He shot one then sat down on a stone by the side of the road to rest. Hearing a noise back of him he looked around and saw a big bear come trundling down the road. The bear saw him about the same time and stopped. Merrill has- tily removed the shot shells from his gun and attempted to put in ball car- tridges, but the latter were damp and choked in the barrels, so that he couldn’t get them in or out. He was just figuring what he would do if bru- in started his way when the bear took to the woods and got out of that as quickly as possible. Merrill, also, beat it for home at once. ——The Bellefonte Central Rail- road company has sold its largest lo- comotive to the Louisiana and North- western railroad for use in the oil fields of Louisiana. Van Jodon, su- perintendent of maintenance of the Bellefonte Central, will leave today with the locomotive and stick right with it on the entire trip to Louisia- na. He will also stay there long enough to see the big engine working satisfactorily before returning home. Marriage Licenses. George L. Homan and Esther L. Raymond, Oak Hall. Clayton S. Martz, Tusseyville, and Bertha M. Callahan, Linden Hall. Homer E. Baldwin, Middletown, O., and Edith V. Somers, Bellefonte. —Get your job work done here. 1 i State College Sowers, J. M., foreman Milesburg Centre Hall | Smith, Miss Grace, lady....... Centre Hall Stover, Albert, carpenter....Liberty Twp. Taylor, Wm., farmer Harris Twp. Watson, Wm. H., farmer Union Twp. Wynn, D. Ross, bankpresident Philipsburg Wagner, Chas. C., instructor.State College ‘Wolfe, Thos, G.,, farmer Haines Twp. Zimmerman, Wm., laborer... Walker Twp. Lieut. Browning Missing. The State College Chapter Red Cross has been asked to aid in locat- ing Robert F. Browning, lieutenant Company G, 318th infantry, 80th di- vision, who has not been seen since June 15th, 1921, when he left his home in Kingston, N. Y., supposedly to keep a business engagement in New York city. He is a very dark, good looking man; about five feet eleven inches tall and weighs about 150 pounds. He has jet black hair and a black mustache, hazel eyes, and no- ticeably white teeth. His left arm is amputated above the elbow. Trial List for December Court. Following is the list of cases put down for trial at the December term of court: Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. vs. Mary R. MecNitt. Charles H. Donley vs. Catherine Flick. Charles M. Phillips vs. N. F. Kreamer, et al. Clifford Thomas vs. Kelley Bros. Atlantic Fruit Co. vs. Frank Bolistrer. J. L. Kerstetter vs. Louisa Bush. J. C. Barnes vs. R. W. Basingam. Isaac W. Baney vs. Bellefonte Boro. Oscar Johnson vs. Samuel W. Claster. Esther Johnson vs. Samuel W. Claster. Centre County Official Vote. The return judges for Centre coun- ty, headed by prothonotary Roy Wil- kinson, counted the vote cast for Judge of the Supreme court and Jury Commissioner on Thursday and the result is as follows: Judge of Supreme Court: William I. Schaffer, R............. 4456 Eugene C. Bonniwell, Deicssasnenes 3013 Alfred B. Lewis, S............ vane 3 Cnarles Palmer, P.....cccorneeenees 914 Jury Commissioner: John D, Decker, R....ccoosvrneerns 4562 Joseph A. Emerick, D........cc.... 3266 Howard Simler, 8.....cviseevsrnese 289 Thanksgiving Donation for the Hos- pital. The annual donation days for the Bellefonte hospital will be Friday and Saturday, November 25th and 26th. A house to house canvas will be made. As Governor Sproul cut the appro- priation for maintenance for our in- stitution $2,000.00 contributions of supplies are more needed than ever and your generosity is earnestly ap- pealed to at this time. | Sacred Concert. The public is cordially invited to at- tend the sacred recital, a community affair, to be given at the Presbyterian chapel, Sunday, November twentieth, Mrs. M. R. Krader. No admission, no . offering. The following program will be rendered: The Voice of Jesus Petrie Ellen Hassinger The Silent Voice Caro Roma Hazel Solt Duet Selected Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Kilpatrick Solo Selected Mrs. Scott Open the Gates Knapp Rachael Shuey His Love is Like a Flower Petrie Messers. Seig and Walker I Heard the Voice of Jesus Rathbun Marie Doll Abide With Me Eville Winifred Hutchison Holy Father Jones Rachael Shuey and Mrs. Krader Bend Low Dear Lord Ruebush Julia Waite + Solo Selected Russie Cole I Will Call Upon the Lord Morrison Mrs. Straub and Hazel Solt i with | Elegie by Massinet, sacred | setting, by - Miss Bradley i Violin Obligato by Mrs. Schad Mrs. Robert S. Walker O Rest in the Lord (Elijah) Mendelssohn - Mrs. R. Wakeland Silent Sea Neidlinger Quintette Messrs. Seig and Walker, Misses Walker and Williams and Mrs. Krader tinier teem is Amends to Max Rosenthal. i lishing an account of the attempt to | apprehend a liquor runner named Sul- i livan, stated that the warrant for his | arrest was sworn out on information furnished by Max Rosenthal. | Rosenthal called the writer from | Elmira, N. Y., Tuesday evening and | stated that he had not been in Belle- : fonte for two weeks prior to the date : of the Sullivan visit and had nothing | i whatever to do with the information ! furnished. Further inquiry on our part reveals that it was a resident of Bellefonte whe saw the Sullivan car and phoned the information to the parties who at- tempted the arrest and when the story was given to us originally Rosenthal’s name was mentioned in a manner that . | gave rise to the inference that he was the informant. Such was not the case, however, and we wish to correct the error. Divorced Wife Asks $25,000 in Breach of Promise Suit. The following dispatch appeared in ‘a recent issue of the Altoona mirror: State College, Pa., Nov. 15.—A di- ! vorced wife here filed suit against her ' former husband for $25,000 for alleg- ed breach of promise, instituting one of the most novel cases in the annals , of local courts. Mrs. Gertrude Spitler is the com- | plainant and Guy W. Spitler, local i furniture dealer, the defendant. Ac- ! cording to the bill, the Spitlers: were married in 1907, the wife securing a , divorce on the grounds of cruel and! inhuman treatment, in 1919. The defendant promptly sought a | reconciliation, building a new home jas an aid to his suit. The complain- i ant, the bill recites, was induced to {inspect this home the night before i her second marriage was to take place and remained there until morning, when the defendant failed, and has i since refused to remarry her, destroy- | ing her reputation. { rt meee fp eee. Who Killed the Deer Blair county game wardens have ing to locate the man or men who kill- ed a six pronged buck near Pennsyl- vania Furnace last Thursday. The dead deer was found hidden in the woods by hunters and the finding reported to the game wardens. It had been shot several times, then dressed for use and hidden. The carcass was taken to Altoona and turned over to the hospital. The deer dressed weigh- ed 150 pounds. A party of men hunt- ing for small game in the locality in which the dead deer was found are suspected, but nothing definite has yet been learned. Real Estate Transfers. Somerville H. Eastment, et ux, to Clarence W. Bickford, tract in Rush township; $1,612.60. Elizabeth D. Green, et al, to Amer- ican Lime and Stone Co., tract in Pat- ton township; $10,000. Anne T. H. Henzey, et bar, to Lambda Ass’n of Theta XI, fraterni- ty, tract in College township; $2,000. Thomas E. Vonada, et ux, to James Vonada, tract in Haines township; Homer D. Decker, et ux, to Harry E. Harter, tract in Spring township; $400. Homer D. Decker, et ux, to Harry W. Lutz, tract in Spring township; $400. Matilda A. Henderson, et bar, to Charles B. Maxwell, tract in Philips- burg; $4,000. Matilda A. Henderson, et bar, to Harriet Long Smith, tract in Philips- 50 | burg; $2,500. James E. Zeigler, et ux, to Calvin Li ayeeren, tract in Miles township; Joseph H. Ladew, et al, to Somer- ville H. Eastment, tract in Rush town- ship; $1,612.60. J. B. Krebs, et al, to Harry Elder, tract in Ferguson township; $1,650. Wm. L. Foster, et al, to He D. Monroe, tract in State College; $500. Annie M. Hassinger, et bar, to Frederick Housel, tract in Spring township; $400. Matilda W. Leib, et al, to Catherine E. Shawley, tract in Bellefonte; $600. —If it happens in Centre county and is worth reading you can find it in the “Watchman.” at three-fifteen, under the direction of ' Last week the “Watchman” in pub- | been in Centre county this week try-: Homan—Raymond.—George L. Ho- man, son of Mr. and Mis. B. F. Ho- man, of State College, and Miss Esth- er L. Raymond, of Oak Hall, were married on Wednesday evening of last week at the Lutheran parsonage at State College by the pastor, Rev. -J. F. Harkins, assisted by Rev. W. J. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Homan an- ticipate going on a farm next spring. i Academy Road Improvement Fund. Amount previously acknowledged. .$1849.00 Hugh N. Crider, Bellefonte........ 50.00 MeNitt-Huyett Lumber Co......... 25.00 City Steam Laundry, Bellefonte... 10.00 Bellefonte Hardware Co........... 10.00 G. M. Gamble, Bellefonte........... 10.00 otal veensssissess $1954.00 ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” ————— eee. WHEN DOWN IN THE MOUTH THINK OF JONAH, HE CAME OUT ALL RIGHT. | Some folks are never comfortable unless they are miserable; they are i always down in the mouth and only feel good when telling their troubles ' to their friends. | Pessimism is a habit of seeing only | the gloomy side of life. It is just as | easy to see the right side if your vis- jion is perfect. Let me fit you with , glasses that will remove the cloud. { DR. EVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, i Both Phones. | BELLEFONTE. i Every Saturday, 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. STATE COLLEGE Every Day except Saturday. 66-42 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANTED.—A position as housekeep- er in a widower’s home; address : Mrs. COLLANBINE, care C. s Harter, Bellefonte R. F. D. No. 2. Bell phone 907-R4 45-1t* OR SALE.—Ten acres of land on Ve- rona hill, south of Bellefonte, with 8 room house, town water, good barn and out-buildings. Suitable for chicken farm.—STEVE MATIS. 66-45-tf OR SALE.—On easy terms, all vacant lots in Bush Addition, belonging to the Bush estate; a house and lot corner of Ridge and High streets, and the Bush property on Spring street. Inquire of GEORGE T. BUSH or Mrs. LOUISA T. BUSH, Bellefonte, Pa. 45-tf OST.—In Bellefonte, on Nov. 6, a small fraternity pin set with 21 pearls. Pin is a watch key design, with safety clasp, and with name E. R. Moore engraved on back. Will finder please com- municate with E. B. STAVELY, Nittany Apts., State College. 45-1t ENTS FOR SALE.—Just the thing for Hunting and Camping clubs. | 2 12x16 tents complete with poles and stakes. One with 414 feet side wall practically new. The other 3 feet and somewhat worn, Write or call A. M. or . W. W. KERSTETTER, Pleasant Gap, Pa. ! 66-44-1t { 3 000 A YEAR.—Man between 30 and 40—who has a clean record, and : good education, with ability to sell .and handle salesmen, as District Manager to locate in Centre county. Position is with an organization financing one of the largest and most successful food institu- tions in the U. 8. Reference and bond re- ! quired; ne- advance seekers: need. apply. { Address R. K. M., care Ledger Building, ‘ Johnstown, Pa. 66-44-3t i XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—Letters testa- | mentary upon the estate of Rob- : ert Hackenberg, late of Miles town- i Ship, deceased, having been granted to | the undersigned, all persons knowing ! themselves indebted to said estate are re- - quested to make prompt payment, and ' those having claims against the same + must present them, duly authenticated for payment. SUSAN M. HACKENBERG, WESLEY J. HACKENBERG, Executors, ! W. Harrison Walker, Rebershury, Pa. | Attorney . 66-43-6t XECUTRIX’S NOTICE.—In the Ks- tate of W. L. Daggett, late of the borough of Bellefonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania, deceased. + Letters testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the under- | signed, all persons having claims or de- | mands against the estate of the said de- i cedent are requested to make the same known, and all persons indebted to the said decedent are requested to make pay- ment thereof without delay, to CAROLINE BOYNTON DAGGETT, Executrix, 66-43-6t Bellefonte, Pa. N HARTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county. : Notice is hereby given that ap- plication will be made to the above Court on Wednesday, the 14th day of December, 1921, at ten o'clock a. m., under the Cor- | poration Act of 1874 of the Commonwealth | of Pennsylvania and the supplements i thereto, for the charter of an tended : corporation to be called “CENTRE HILLS {| COUNTRY CLUB,” the character and ob- ject of which is to promote a better social relation among and provide means for athletic exercises for the members of the Club; to which end it is proposed to own and 2cquire land and to construct, equip and maintain a club home; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary’s office. ORVIS & ZERBY, Solicitors. Farmers and Others Take Notice. I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 2 Sd on the 66-45-3t uses cash plan, for three years, as against fi and rani y Te J. M. KEICHLINE, 66-16-6m Bellefonte. Pa. Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m PHILADELPHIA, PA. asm _—_— Col. J. L. Spangler Offers CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE. Three lots on North Allegheny Street, opposite the Beaver resi- dence. These lots are 47x200 feet in size. Three other lots on East Cur- tin Street opposite residence of Mr, L. A. Schaeffer. These lots are 47 feet front, and extending back to alley 200 feet. Terms Reasonable. Apply to J. L. SPANGLER, 66-43-3t Bellefonte, Pa.