Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 18, 1921, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 18, 1921.
Although our sky looks dull and gray
As we approach Thanksgiving day,
We all may see one golden ray
Strike through the storm clouds murky,
For he is an ungrateful beast
‘Who, coming to this annual feast,
Cannot give thanks for this at least—
That he is not a turkey!
—George B. Morewood in New York Sun.
“Yes, Annie, I know I have always
promised to tell you about Julia Ben-
ham’s Thanksgiving, and I will tell
you now. It can do no harm, for she
has been dead and gone these ten
years, and Elsie White, too. Elsie
only lived six months after Julia died.
I suppose you would rather I said
‘passed away,’ but I always did think
it was putting on airs. I was brought
up to say people died when they died,
and as for ‘passing away,” I'd like to
know how sure we are that they pass-
ed? I do hope that Julia Benham has
passed far enough not to hear me tell
ner story, for she was an awful high-
spirited woman, and she wouldn’t like
“Elsie told me about it. She was
the only one who ever did any telling.
Julia never told a thing in her life ex-
cept to Elsie, and that was just like
telling it to herself. Julia and Elsie
were a queer pair. You see they went
to school together, and Julia always
headed the procession, and Elsie al-
ways tagged after, never once losing
sigt of Julia. I don’t believe Elsie
White ever set her feet outside Julia
Benham’s ‘racks in her life. When
Elsie’s folks died she was about twen-
ty-four; she went to live with Julia
and her folks, and when Julia’s folks
died, they kept on living together.
Julia always moved first, and Elsie
after her; Julia always spoke first,
and Elsie after her. It used to seem
to me as if Elsie was nothing more
than Julia’s echo with a body as well
as a voice. They looked alike too,
only Julia was more so in everything.
She was bigger and taller, and her
hair was darker, and her eyes were
sharper. They dressed alike in one
way too. Julia wore clothes that were
real bright colored, and Elsie wore
things that were faint colored. Julia
would never give up wearing real
bright things even after she was an
old woman. She would wear deep
pink roses in her bonnet, and Elsie
would wear pale pink ones. She would
wear bright purple dresses, and Elsie
would wear lavender.
“Well, after Julia’s folks died it
turned out that she didn’t have any
property except the house she lived in
and just enough money in the bank
to pay the taxes. Julia’s father had
always been a spender. It was Elsie
who had the money. She had quite a
little property, and she had it well in- ;
vested, and it paid her a good inter- |
est, and she paid board to Julia, and
they got along real well until they
were both old women—considerably
over seventy. Then Julia took it into
her head that Elsie’s property wasn’t
paying enough interest and she could
do better with it. So she up and put
it into a railroad stock that paid an
awful lot a year. It paid the first
year, and Elsie had a new coat, and
she paid a little more for her board,
and Julia had a new coat, too, only
longer, but the next year that raii-
road stock passed dividends. The first
of October the check from that rail-
road company didn’t come, and then
there was a trouble. Elsie came over
and told me, and cried like a baby.
“Julia and I haven’t got one cent
to live on except the interest of five
thousand dollars I’ve gotin the sav-
ings bank,’ said she. ‘Julia she want-
ed to put that into the stock; she said
four per cent. wasn’t enough. Then
she thought maybe she’d better not,
because we couldn’t get hold of ready
money for the doctor and funeral ex-
penses in case we got sick and died.
And now we've only got two hundred
dollars a year to live on, and I don’t
see how we are going to manage.
Things are so dear. We have got
four hens and a rooster, and the eggs
don’t amount to much and we don’t
need any new clothes, but it’s got to |
be a real hard scratch.’
“After that stock passed dividends, ' They had the Thanksgiving the year had so great results in Latvia, it was
Julia she was so rebellious that she I had my martin tippet, that’s one; | owing to the excellent direction by
then the one I had my bonnet with the | you of this work here which was well
woudn’t go to meeting, and of course
Elsie didn’t, either. The minister
went and prayed with them, but it
didn’t make any difference. Elsie
would have gone to meeting, but she
didn’t dream of such a thing as going
without Julia. Well, Thanksgiving
came, and it was a week afterward,
just a week, when Elsie came over,
and she was all smiling and happy,
and she told me the story of how they
had spent the day.
“‘You know,” said she, ‘that poor
Julia has been feeling dreadfully be-
cause my railroad stock didn’t pay
anything the first of October, and she
blamed herself, and she said to me
right after it happened, “Elsie,” says
she, “let’s forget Thanksgiving.” I
was so surprised I didn’t say any-
thing; I just stared at her. “I mean
it,” says she; “let’s forget Thanks-
“¢‘“How?” says I.
“¢“We must begin now,” says she.
“We must lose track of the days of
the week.” So we did, and that was
easy enough for me, anyway. I never
knew what day it was. You see, we
washed any day it happened to strike
us, and we swept any day, and we
baked any day. I was forgetting real
nice; and we didn’t go to meeting and
didn’t hear the Proclamation, and I
know I wouldn't have suspected it was
Thanksgiving Day, but Julia she did.
I do believe Julia never lost track of
one day of the week. Thanksgiving |
morning she says to me, “It’s no use,
Elsie, we've got to keep Thanksgiv-
3 ”
“¢«“Ts it Thanksgiving ?” says I.
“¢«Yes,” says she, “I wouldn’t
have remembered, I dare say, but all
of a sudden I thought of something
left to be thankful for, if that rail-
road has cheated us.”
“e4What?'” says 1.
“¢ “That I’ve got enough spirit left
to be mad,” says she. “We'll keep it,
: Elsie. I realize that I might have
been just ground down by such work,
but I am running, if the railroad
“«“How shall we keep it?” says L
«¢ «We'll kill one of the hens,” says
3.» “4SThen there won’t be any more
eggs,” says L
8% dug don’t care,” says she. “We'll
have one of those hens for dinner, and
I'll make a pudding. We've got some
raisins left over. They are awful dry,
but I'll soak ’em.”
“But when we went down stairs,
and Julia opened the back door, there
was a big basket, and we just stood
{ and stared at it. I had never heard
of anything except a baby being left
in a basket at a door.
“¢ “Qh, Julia,” says I, “do you sup-
pose it’s a baby?”
“‘“Don’t be silly,” says she, and
she lifted the basket and brought it in
There wasn’t any sound coming from
it, so I knew it wasn’t a baby. Well,
she opened it, and there was a splen-
did turkey all stuffed and dressed,
and a pound-cake, and a mince pie,
and an apple pie. .
“¢«Well, I never saw Julia so mad.
I It was awful. “So it has come to
this!” says she. “We are objects of
charity!” She just crammed the
things back into the basket, but I
had seen a card sticking out, and 1
took it without her noticing, and
“From a friend” was written on it,
and I knew the writing.’
“When Elsie White told me that
she blushed as pink as a girl.
knew well enough who sent it, by the
way she acted. Everybody round
here knew that Henry Atherton want-
ed to marry her when she was a girl,
and never got married because she
wouldn’t have him. I knew that she
knew his handwriting as soon as she
saw it, and was sure that he sent the
basket. Julia broke off the match.
“4 eWell,” Elsie went on to say,
‘Julia she declared that we wouldn’t
touch that nice dinner; but she didn’t
go out to kill the hen. After a while
she says to me, “I suppose it would be
a pity to kill the hen, we have so few
eggs now,” and I said I thought it
would be.
“s«Well,” says Juila, “we’ll have
picked-up codfish for dinner.” And
she got out the codfish and began
picking it up. I didn’t say anything,
but it did seem to me that it was a
watering for turkey. So I tell you I
was glad when Julia she just took her
up and went to the basket.
well cook this turkey and things, and
have the dinner, for I have thought of
something to be thankful about tak-
ing charity.”
“C4“What 7?” says 1.
ness of spirit that makes me able to
take it,” says Julia.
“So,” says Elsie, ‘we had that din-
ner, and it was nice. I never tasted
a better turkey; and that isn’t all.’
‘What more?’ says I.
i my glasses,
‘and all the fixings, and plum pudding, ing entirely exhausted by long years |
pity not to have that nice dinner that | ore
was sent us, and my mouth was just | ©.”
hand away from the codfish and stood | dren.
“a ” in 9 s | ever assistance was needed, and your
Well,” says Julia,” we may a ' generous friendly heart won for you,
Dr. Thomas Orbison, who recently
returned from the Near East where
for two years he was engaged in re-
lief work, principally at Latvia, Rus-
sia, arrived in Bellefonte last week
and was kept busy several days shak-
ing hands with his boyhood friends.
The doctor brought with him many
mementoes of his two years’ stay in
that war-stricken country, but of all
of them the one he prizes most is a
beautiful testimonial of appreciation
given him by the Russian prime min-
ister at Latvia in recognition of his
services there. The text of the testi-
monial in full is as follows:
To Captain Dr. Thos. J. Orbison, Chief of
Latvian Section of the American Relief
Administration European Children’s
Dear Captain Orbison:
More than a year ago, you came to
Latvia and started here your program
of children’s relief. Our country be-
of war, it would have been impossible |
| to assist the suffering children, un- |
less the generous and mighty De- !
mocracy of the United States had lent |
Latvia its Lelping hand through the :
European Children’s Relief Fund that |
hearted love of the
Now that your relief organization
is going to cease its work, I have the
honor, dear Captian Orbison, to ex-
press to you in the name of the peo-
ple of Latvia and on behalf of the
Latvian Government the deepest and
most sincere gratitude for your benef-
icent, untiring, unselfish activities in
our gountry.
We deeply appreciate the very kind
help given by the acting Members of
the European Children’s Fund, and I
desire to extend our most cordial
thanks to the generous donor and in-
itiator of the great work of relief—
the People of the United States. The
assistance lent to Latvia will never
be forgotten by the population. The
bonds of hearty friendship between
the American and Latvian
are and will always be unseverable.
Dear Captain Orbison, you have
lived in Latvia and with the people of
inhabitants of
Latvia during a historical period in!
the life of our young State. You
have seen the struggle for freedom of
the Latvian Nation and its victories
similar to the glorious fights of the
American Nation for its independence
in 1776. It is the inflexible will of
the people of Latvia to remain inde-
pendent and to contribute their share
to the progress of the world; and Lat-
via will always keep in mind those
Nations and Men who have helped her
rhad taken charge of the great work |in the hardest times of her existence.
“¢“I am thankful for the humble-
. by hostile German bands, you, instead
I ple of Latvia.
in Europe. This was a task full of |
high, unselfish, far-sighted idealism:
to help the suffering children, the in- |
nocent victims of a cruel war, whose
pale faces had lost their cheerful |
childlike smiles,—to help this -grow- |
ing generation whose health and well-
being the future of Europe depended
on. i
The accomplishment of this high
mission in Latvia was confided to you,
dear Captain. Already since the very
early beginning of your activities in
our country as Chief of the Latvian
Section of the European Children’s
Fund, you took the warmest interest
in the general welfare of its suffering
people. With a staff of able assist-
ants you started your work most en-
ergetically. You established in the
cities of Livonia and Courland a wide-
spread net of feeding-points for poor
children where they gratuitously re-
ceived food every day—a present by
America to the children of Latvia.
This generous American assistance
was hearily appreciated by the chil-
dren of our country and their moth-
Owing to your prominent talent
of organization you had in September
1919 already managed to establish
public kitchens for nearly 60,000 chil-
You desired to help whereso-
the “American Uncle,” as you were
called by all these little ones under
your care, the deepest love of the peo-
During the days of October 1919,
when Riga was violently bombarded
' of repairing to a safe place, steadfast- |
ly remained in the city. You wanted |
to be together with the children un- !
“Elsie took a cutting from a news- |
paper out of her pocket, and I put on
and read that it was’
| probable that her railroad would pay :
dividends the first of January, and
ped. ‘If we hadn’t eaten that dinner,
: we should have been awful wicked,’
says Elsie; ‘and that isn’t all.’
“ ‘What else?’ says I.
to be married New Year's Day,’
and she says she’s quite willing if
She says he can promise me what-
ever he wants to, she wants him to
{ with him all the rest of my life!” ”
make up for the ones they had skip- |
asunder, and she says she thinks the | country and about the friendship be- !
time has come when we two women | tween
ought to have a man around the house ' tions fell on a good ground in their |
in case we were taken sick and died, young souls.
Henry will promise never to come in | ated by the Latvian army, you imme-
the front door without wiping his feet. | diately extended the activities of your |
der your care even in danger. So it ;
happened that a German grenade !
burst in your room and injured you. |
Fortunately, you soon recovered. You i
continued your activities and it occur- |
red for the second time that a shell
exploded not far from you in the |
street and caused you heavy suffer- |
ings by poisonous gases. You will |
remember the unanimous joy of the !
people, when they heard that you |
were recovering, the many expres- |
“ ‘Henry Atherton and 1 are going sions of sympathy, the manifestations
says ' of children and the hearty words ad- |
| Elsie. ‘I know it’s very late in life, : dressed to you, and I am sure the
but Julia says she feels as if she words you said in reply to the chil- |
hadn’t done just right by keeping us |dren about the love of one’s native :
the American and Latvian Na-
As soon as Latgale had been liber- |
organization also to this country hav- |
The Man who left California to go far
overseas and who came to Latvia in
order to relieve sufferings with a
heart full of glowing idealism will be
brightly remembered by the people of
Latvia for ever!
Riga, July 23rd, 1920.
Very cordially yours,
Prime Minister of Latvia.
Justice—On September 10, to Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Justice, of Spring
township, a daughter, Jean Isabel.
Hoover—On September 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hoover, of Spring '
township, a daughter, Grace.
Klinger—On October 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Klinger, of Bellefonte, a |
Miller—On October 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. D. Elsworth Miller, of Spring
township, a daughter.
Waite—On October 10, to Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Lonebarger Waite, of Pleas-
ant Gap, a son, Donald Samuel.
Zimmerman—On October 10, to Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Zimmerman, of Spring
township, a daughter, Alta Arleen.
Hosterman—On October 11, to Mr.
and Mrs. M. M. Hosterman, of Wood-
ward, a daughter, Josephine Theresa.
Garrett—On October 15, to Mr. and
Mrs. Aden Garrett, of Nittany, a
daughter, Mabel G.
Cole—On October 2, to Mr. and
. Mrs. Ralph Cole, of Bellefonte, a son,
John Augustus.
Shay—On October 6, to Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Shay, of Bellefonte, a
daughter, Anna Bell.
Corl—On October 19, to Mr. and
Mrs. Boyd Corl, of Bellefonte, a son.
Kanarr—On October 22, to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kanarr, of Bellefonte, a
Vonada—On October 25, to Mr. and
Mrs. Boyd Vonada, of Bellefonte, a
aughter. 5
Edminson—On October 25, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Edminson, of Belle-
fonte, a son, William Joseph.
Eckenroth—On October 31, to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Eckenroth, of Belle-
fonte, a daughter.
Schaeffer—On October 28, to Mr.
and Mrs. Roland B. Schaeffer, of
Bellefonte, a son, Robert.
Dawson—On October 15, to Mr. and
Mrs. Victor P. Dawson, of Bellefonte,
a son, Dale Edmund.
Zerby—On September 12, to Mr.
and Mrs. Orin Zerby, of Aaronsburg,
. ing horribly suffered from famine and | a daughter, Mary Elizabeth.
promise her that. Then Elsie she disease during the recent Bolshevist !
broke down and cried, she was so hap- rule,
py. ‘Oh,’ says she, ‘I know you think ‘ here
I am an old fool; but only think, I | lation of America. At this time the
can clean the spots off his coats, and | number of children being fed by your |
| sit at the same table Thanksgiving | relief organization if
and by your help you conquered
likewise the hearts of the popu-
in all parts of !
Latvia had reached the imposing fig-
i “How many Thanksgivings did they | ure of 86,000.
{ have?” inquired the woman to whom
. the story had been told.
If this work of assistance initiated : MS: Fred Rainer, of Bellefonte, a some cases, all the territory within
Kellerman—On October 12, to Mr.
| and Mrs. H. E. Kellerman, of Belle-
fonte, a son, Guy Harrison.
Tate—On October 25, to Mr. and
Mrs. B. Foster Tate, of Bellefonte, a
son, Clarence Edward.
Rainer—On October 24, to Mr. and
| by the generous American people and | 42ughter, Annie.
The other woman reflected and | conducted on a prominent scale by the |
| counted on her fingers. “Let me see. | Central Headquarters in Europe has .
| pansies on it, that’s two; then the one !
{when my son Frank got married,
i that’s three; then one the year I had
| a new set of china, that’s four. They
| had four Thanksgiving dinners to-
i gether. Then Julia died, when she
| was eighty-two; and six months after
| Elsie; and Henry only lived a year
i after that; and I suppose now they
i are playing their Thanksgiving harps
{and singing Thanksgiving songs in
‘heaven instead of eating turkey on
{ earth, if we believe what we should.”
| —By Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, in
! Harper’s Bazar.
i i Stare: red isons
| Growing Children Need Plenty of Red
Cells in Blood.
When the young body is growing,
children frequently experience weak-
ness. Girls and boys sometimes play
too hard and over-tax their systems.
They become pale, weak, and sickly.
They lose their appetites, become lan-
guid, and are not able to make prog-
ress in school work. “Growing too
fast” is often true. It is most impor-
tant to keep the blood of growing girls
and boys in & healthy state.
| The red cells in the blood are increas-
jed. They carry life-giving oxygen to
i all parts of the body, and wholesome
youthfulness blooms again in clear
complexions, bright eyes and buoyant
spirits. Sold both in liquid and tab-
let form by druggists everywhere.
The name “Gude’s Pepto-Mangan” is
on the package.—Adv. 66-45
——The “Watchman” gives all the
news while it is news.
Pepto-Mangan keeps the blood pure. 1
organized in the very details. It was!
further owing to your untiring activ-
ities. You never rested, you visited
the cities where you had established
places of distribution of food and
clothing to see how your work was
going on and if it were not possible
to introduce improvements; and
wheresoever you arrived, you were
cheered by the children of the city.—
During your activities in Latvia, you
have distributed enormous quantities
of food, clothes and shoes to the
needy children. You took particular
care of the sick and infirm ones,—
dental, eye and skin clinics were es-
tablished. Careful weighing of thous-
ands of children showed the considera-
ble increase of their physical energy.
The death-rate and mortality of the
children were strongly reduced. Irre-
spectively of the children’s relief, I
desire also to mention your success-
ful efforts to help the prisoners and
to improve their morale. Simulta-
neously with the physical development
of the children you gave your full at-
tention to their mental life. You ar-
ranged selected shows for them, influ-
encing their childish souls in the best
way. Your success in this domain
was evident: Mental health of the
children, their progress in the school
work and the increase of their joy of
All this you reached, dear Captain,
during your more than one year’s ac-
tivities in Latvia by applying your
rich experience and devoting all your
energy to your task. You loved your
work and put your whole heart into
it; and by your integrity and vision,
your readiness to help wheresoever
possible, your warm kindness towards
everybody approaching you and your
bright enthusiasm for every high,
ideal motion—you have won the en-
tire confidence, respect and whole-
Hanluby—On October 30, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Hanluby, of Bellefonte,
a daughter, Louise.
Kelley—On November 6, to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas E. Kelley, of Spring
township, a son, Richard W.
One of the real curiosities which
sometimes comes to West Chester is
the pet fox belonging to Mrs, Irenice
McMullen, of Kennett township, Ches-
ter county. This beautiful creature
| was captured last March by Mr. Mc-
Mullen and a friend who were hunt-
ing with their dogs and trailed a fox
to its hole. In digging after it they
discovered a mother fox with six
young. She was placed in another
hole with her family, barring one,
Wich Mr. McMullen took home to his
The little creature was only one |
day old and lay in the palm of Mrs.
McMullen’s hand. All the hunting
fraternity scouted the idea of a pos-
sibility of its being raised. They said
it never had been done and couldn’t
be, but the lady persevered, arising
twice every night for weeks and feed-
ing it with a bottle.
From a tiny creature with a head
like a bulldog and soft, downy fur
it has grown into a beautiful animal
and is as tame and affectionate as a
dog. His name is “Tip,” because of
the white mark on the end of the
brush. He gets a bath every week,
is fed plentifully on bread and milk,
with an occasional lamb chop for lux-
"He capers all over the house in a
perfect abandon of frolic, goes auto-
ing in a rapture, and if the car stops
too long sets up a vigorous growling.
He is amiable, and as yet his mis-
tress has discovered no tendency to
craftiness or other fox characterist-
ics. He does not offer to harm the
chickens, and plays by the hour with
the cats.
Nations |
National Thanksgiving Day is Com-
paratively New in Country’s
It is just 51 years since the last
Thursday in November was adopted
by the President of the United States
as the day set apart from all others
of the year to be observed by the peo-
ple of the nation as Thanksgiving
day. It was the first Thanksgiving
celebrated after the close of the Civ-
il war, and the proclamation by Pres-
ident Johnson a few weeks prior, ap-
pointing such a date, was issued be-
cause it was a generally understood
fact that Lincoln had planned, during
the dark days at the end of the strug-
' gle, to have some one day in Novem-
ber reserved yearly by all States in
| the Union.
! Throughout the war the celebration
had occurred only here and there in
scattered communities. And always
before, in the various States which
did celebrate the day, it was purely a
sectional affair, for which the Gover-
nor issuzsd a proclamation upon his
own initiative. November, 1865, wit-
nessed the beginning of the holiday
as a national institution. Since that
date the Governors of all States and
territories upon receiving the Presi-
dent’s proclamation, publish their
own, naming the day in formal fash-
ion. It is an American festival day,
unique in more than one respect, but
most perhaps because it is the only
religious festival celebrated in this
country upon the recommendation of
the government.
|. It had a tangled beginning. A
score of origins are claimed. And one
is rather at sea in selecting his par-
ticular belief. In the Congressional
library it was a happy chance which
discovered these various sources and
their grave and gay histories outlined
in a chain of sketches.
In the middle States the day is ob-
served more as a religious matter
than as a holiday, but in New Eng-
land it is a festival, a domestic feast
day and the chief of all holidays.
Americans like to believe that Thanks-
.giving day is purely and simply
| American, and it is, but as instituted
lin New England the idea was borrow-
{ed from the Dutch, among whom the
| Pilgrims had dwelt for ten years after
| leaving British soil and before emi-
grating to America. The Hollanders
had been accustomed to celebrating
October 3 both religiously and social-
ly, in honor of their deliverance from
i the Spaniards, and when the first har-
i vest in the new home of the English
emigrants had yielded well it seemed
the natural thing to rejoice in a period
of public thanksgiving.
| Some deserted Indian huts stored
! that harvest, and an Indian chief who
had once been in England and conse-
quently trusted Englishmen gave the
Pilgrims instruction as to the planting
of the grain and the procuring of
game as well. Upon this first harvest
rested the well being of the little col-
ony, so many of whose members had
perished in that first fierce winter
which followed the landing of the
Mayflower in December, 1620. The
_hardiest, who survived, were humbly
grateful for the rich harvest in Octo-
ber, which followed the neighborly
native’s suggestions and Governor
Bradford ordered a three-day feast
and celebration as recognition of such
blentitude. The Indians who had first
| extended the hand of welcome to the
i pale faces there were invited to at-
| tend and bring their friends.
Forest Fire Observers Now on Duty.
Forest fire observers employed by
the Pennsylvania Department of For-
'estry are now on duty, day and night,
“in small glass-enclosed cabins on the
| sixty-eight steel towers that have
| been erected on mountain tops in var-
| ious parts of the State. They are
i guarding the State’s timberlands,
i both privately owned and State con-
i trolled, from destruction by fire.
The observers have been equipped
i with the most approved appliances
| 2d instruments for the location of
fires. Maps have been prepared
showing all the mountain peaks,
‘streams, valleys, ravines, towns and
| other features that lie within the
| range of the watchmens’ vision. In
twenty miles of the tower is shown
| on the map, and ‘it is under the con-
"stant observation of the forest guar-
The maps are mounted on revolv-
| center of the map is an alidade, an
| instrument set on a pivot so that it
may be swung in any direction and
sighted on a fire. This instrument
shows the exact location of the fire,
with reference to topographic fea-
tures on the map. Arrows indicate
the direction and distance to princi-
pal cities in the east.
Towers, as far as practicable, have
been placed so that they cover virtu-
ally all the forested area within a giv-
en region. Sometimes the outlying
territories visible from nearby towers
overlap, thereby providing increased
protection against fires.
Pennsylvania’s system of forest
protection is the most modern method
that has yet been devised in this or
any other country.
The gobbler sat down upon a limb
and gobbled (soon they’d gobble
him!) about this evanescent life and
all its struggle, all its strife. “Bird
that is born of egg,” said he, “is full
of trouble as can be. When from the
egg he first doth hatch, forthwith he
needs must toe the scratch, and
scratch with both his baby feet all
day to find enough to eat. Of course
his mother scratches some to fill his
hungry little tum, but when the fam-
ily is many she often can’t provide
him any. And when he grows a big-
ger bird he’s singled out from midst
the herd, provided he bids fair to be
a whopper gobbler, same as me.
From that time on he gets his chuck
free gratis, which he thinks is luck;
but after all, it is a trick
Jones that makes me sick, for, though
I'm gorged on corn and oats and have
a pen, the same as shoats, I have a
my diet flat and stale. Such overeat-
with corn had furnished the nucleus of
ing tables in the cabins, and in the |
of Farmer |
fear that turns me pale and makes !
EE A RT ASO not,
ing makes me dream of things more
awful than they seem. In nightmare
dreams I see the ax and hear its sharp
and shuddery whacks. Oh, such is my
distressful dread I sometimes think
I'll lose my head!” And thus the gob-
bler gobbled on till came the chill No-
vember dawn, and Farmer Jones he
also came with purpose which we
needn’t name. “By jinks,” quoth he,
“i seems to me this gobbler’s most un-
usual tame! He doesn’t try to get
away, though this is sure Thanksgiv-
ing Day.” He reached to grab the
gobbler’s leg and found it lifeless as a
peg. Alas, the gobbler in the night
had died and frozen there with fright.
| For two days a girl of twenty car-
ried water to fill the canteens of
‘wounded and dying soldiers on the
field of Gettysburg. The third day
while baking biscuit for the famished
soldiers, she was killed by a Minie
ball, and buried with the dough still
on her hands.
‘ The little brick house where the
Wade family lived was directly in the
rath of the battle, but the inhabitants
could not move to a safer place, for in
it lay a young mother and a day-old
babe. For three long days it was un-
der fire. When they took off the old
roof and replaced it with a new one
a few years ago, they took from it
two quarts of bullets. While these
bullets were crashing through the
roof, Georgia Wade McClellan lay
with her new born babe by her side;
her mother took care of her, and Jen-
nie, her sister, carried water and filled
the canteens of the soldiers on the
fighting line,
“Georgia,” said the mother, “I wish
you would let me turn you round in
the bed with your head away from the
“Do you think it would be safer?”
asked Georgia.
“Yes,” said her mother, and she
turned her so that her head rested
against the foot of the bed. At that
moment a ball came crashing through
the window and buried itself in the
pillow where Georgia’s head had lain
only an instant before.
At the end of the first day fifteen
soldiers lay dead in the little front
yard. All through those dreadful
| days the famished boys in blue came
knocking at the door and asking for
bread, until the bread was all gone.
At nightfall of the second day Jennie
Wade mixed up a great pan of sponge
and set it to rise. Then she went out,
protected frem chance shots only by
the darkness, and brought in armful
after armful of wood, which she laid
all ready to light a fire in order to
bake the bread in the great brick
_ She rose at dawn. As she was light-
ing her fire, a knock came at he door,
and a hungry soldier boy asked for
. “Mother,” said Jennie, “if you will
light a fire in the cook stove, I will
mix up some biscuit, and we will give
them until the bread is baked.”
With her sleeves rolled up and her
Lands in the dough, she stood, a very
womanly angel of mercy, when a Min-
ie ball crashed through the door, and
she fell dead without a word.
At night the soldiers brought a
rough box that had been hastily put
together for a dead officer. In that
the body of Jennie Wade was buried.
Gettysburg is full of monuments to
brave men; there is one erected
through the efforts of the women of
Iowa to the only woman who was kill-
ed on that battle field—the girl mar-
i tyr, Jennie Wade. It is of Italian
marble, so blue white that it almost
seems to be transparent. The statue
of the girl stands as she might have
r appeared on the day of battle; her
right hand bears a pitcher, and over
her left arm are two army canteens
hung by their straps.—Ex.
———————— lp ——————
| Diamonds have increased 160 per
! cent. in value and emeralds 300 per
; cent. during the last few years.
| Experienced shepherds declare that
i sheep turn their heads to the wind
when the day is going to be fine; if
| they graze with their tails to wind-
ward it is a sure sign of rain.
i _ Blue diamonds have been found in
India and red-tinted ones in Africa.
i As many as twelve foreign languag-
; es are taught in the schools of Tokio.
| In preparing kid for gloves one
{London firm uses several thousand
eggs a week. a
| “Hamlet” is the longest of Shake-
' speare’s plays with 8,900 lines, and
the “Comedy of Errors,” the shortest,
with 1,777 lines.
The wealth of the Dominion of Can-
ada is now estimated at $18,000,000,
000, which, considering the sparse
population, makes the Canadians one
of the richest peoples in the world.
For the low class of seed pearls
there is a constant demand among or-
iental physicians and apothecaries,
who grind them into powder and ad-
minister it to parties as a cure for
many ills.
The Americans of the southermost
province of Chili use a crab shell as a
barometer. In dry, fair weather it is
white, but when rain is approaching
red spots appear on it,
It is computed that the earth’s at-
mosphere contains at least 4,000,000,
000,000 tons of nitrogen directly ac-
The oldest manlit fire in the world
is the sacred fire that has been burn-
ing for more than 500 years in the
Budhist temple near Bakyoh, Siam.
450,000 Pennsylvania Hunters this
Season, is Estimate.
Seth E. Gordon, Secretary of the
State Game Commission, estimates
the hunters’ licenses issued this year
will reach 450,000. Last year approx-
imately 432,000 were issued.
Reports reaching the game com-
mission indicate game is unusually
plentiful. An unusually large num-
ber of hunting accidents are being re-
——— ts —
——Appreciation of the good qual-
ities of one’s neighbors is a gift one
should strive to cultivate as occasion