Bellefonte, Pa., November 11, 1921. PILGRIM IN SPIRIT Brave Men All Who Sought Lib- erty in America. Justice in Writer's Claim That Every Family Tree Among Us Has Its Roots in a Mayflower. For three centuries and more a nat- ural selection has been going on in Europe, sorting out the pioneers from those who preferred to let well enough (no matter how bad it Lappened to be) alone. The Pilgrims came to these shores to escape a religious tyranny, and in their wake millions have fol- lowed because they have preferred to seek the new world rather than put up with the abuses of the old. Great hosts have turned their backs on political oppressors because of be- lief in the freedom to be found here. Stlil other multitudes have fled from | grinding economic conditions in order to find a fair chance in a country which stood to them as the land of op- portunity. The Mayflower was not “launched by cowards,” and there have been mighty few cowards among our set- tlers. When a man and his wife sell all that they have and lead their fam- ily up the gangplank of an ocean liner, they may not look very much like the pictures in the Sunday supplements of a 1620 couple, but the difference is more in dress than in heart. They are brave pioneers, and it is from them and their like that we Americans have sprung, writes “Uncle Dudley” in the Boston Globe. In the larger sense every family tree among us has its roots in a Mayflower. This is why a foreign-born youngster going to an American school can un- derstand and appreciate the Pilgrim story in his lesson book. It is some- thing that he has picked up at home from the old folks, who also were pilgrims. Western visitors wandering about what they have been taught to call Puritan New England are often mysti- fled by what they find. They hear a jargon of tongues, catch glimpses of papers published in foreign languages, meet with faces from south Europe, from Russia or from the Scandinavian north. “These people certainly are not Puritans,” say the tourists from Kansas or Oregon. Of course they are not Puritans. But they are not very far from being Pilgrims, like all the rest of America. They have had the initiative to leave conditions which they did not like and cross an ocean to cast their fortune in a land un- known. In essence that is the Pilgrim spirit. The face of a real American is a Pilgrim face, no matter what his race or religion, for it looks not toward the past, but toward the future. And if there are times when some section of America seems content to halt, it is because the Pilgrim strain has run a little thin. Nothing could be more untrue to our ancestry than standing still. Our blood is mixed, but at the same time very pure. Every drop of it came from a pioneer. Japan's “Movie” Orators. The Japanese educational authori- ties are paying much attention to util- izing the “movies” for the edification of the younger generation, says East and West News. Some of the Amer- ican “movie” stars are as much Jap- anese favorites as they are American favorites. Charlie Chaplin is known even to the child who does not know the name of the Japanese premier. Every “movie” theater in Japan has its own orators who explain the pictures— especially the foreign ones—to the au- dience while the show is going on. Re- cently the authorities summoned all motion-picture operators attached to the picture halls in Tokyo and gave instructions regarding the practice of the profession of film orators. As a result of the meeting the authorities decided to give a regular course of lectures for the benefit of film orators. The first of the series of lectures will be held early this year and will in- clude such subjects as history and geography. Diamond George’s Teeth, “Diamond George” Cochran, a Syra- cuse sportsman whose retirement from sporting circles followed the first Billy Sunday campaign in New York, died recently and was buried by the Billy Sunday Trail Hitters’ association. Dentists called in by his family re- moved six and a half carats of dia- monds from the teeth of the sports- man. They were inserted in his front teeth, three on each side. In his stick- pin he wore a five-carat diamond. His shirt studs were of three carats each and the buttons of a vest he wore each contalned half-carat diamonds. His watch was set with 13 one and a half carat diamonds in the shape of a horseshoe. Wonderful Stockings. A pair of lace stockings was shown at a recent exhibition in Strassbourg, France. They were priced at $350. The inserts are of rare Chantilly lace, and were almost eight months in the making. Though the flowerlike design seems a thing of fragile beauty, it is said that the material resists ordinary wear surprisingly well, ——The “Watchman” gives all the | news while it is news. Ireland Is World’s Chief Linen- Producing Center The antiquity of linen is greater than that of any other textile. Its use dates back at least to the Pharaohs. In Ireland, the hand-spinning and hand-weaving of linen were carried on in cotlage and castle for centuries be- fore the introduction of the power loom raised an occupation of the home to the position of a great staple indus- try. Sc far back as the Fifteenth cen- tury linen was mentioned as one of the principal branches of trade in the country and linen was exported from Belfast from the earliest days of the port. Through many phases of his- tory the industry was fostered, but it was not until after the discontinuance of the linen board in 1830 that any at- tempt was made to introduce ma- chinery. By 1859 between 3,000 and 4,000 power looms were at work. Then came the American Civil war and with Lancashire unable to get cotton an enormous demand for linen was | created. In 1870 close to 15,000 power looms were weaving linens and the industry was firmly established. In 1912 the number of looms had in- creased to 36,942 and the number of flax spindles in Ireland was 024 817. Today Ireland is the chief linen producing center of th world. This position is insured partly by the cli- mate of the northeast province, which is ideal for the manufacture of linen, but an equally important factor is the hereditary skill of the linen workers throughout Ulster. induce skilled workers from France and the Netherlands to settle in Ire- iand and Irish workers were sent to the continent to acquire knowledge of the best methods of manufacture. Families brought from Brabant, from France and Jersey settled, it is said, tp Carrick on Belfast Lough and their skill has been handed down through generation after generation. FOUNDATION OF ALL SUCCESS Why It Is Imperative That Youth Shall Fully Realize the Neces- sity for Thrift. The young man who is ambitious for | success in business shéuld understand first of all the value of thrift. not through the flash of genius or the magic of good luck that permanent and substantial success is brought about. But rather there is a combi- nation of elements of which thrift is the fundamental and most important. Delve as deeply as we may into the annals of any notable and permanent business success, and we shall find that thrift is the framework of the structure, writes S. W. Strauss, presi- ; dent of the American Society of Thrift. This is a lesson that every young man in America today who is striving to get ahead in a business way should | learn. He must have courage, initia- tive and a restless aggressiveness. He must have good judgment, equilibrium and patience. He must have the quai- | ity of hard work and the fortitude to ’ stand knocks and blows. And at the very heart and core of all his activi- ties there must be thrift—The Thrift : Magazine. Why “Pot-Luck.” When a man offers a spur-of-the- moment invitation to “come home with me and take pot-luck,” he is under- stood as meaning that no special preparation has been made for the guest, but that the repast will be whatever chances to be in the house. But there was a time when “pot- luck” was actually dished out of a pot, | and when the guest took his chance of getting either a good meal or a very slim one. In the old days—and the practice is still in force in some parts of Europe—nothing came amiss to the family cooking-pet suspended from the pot-hook in the center of the fireplace. | Everything edible was thrown into it, and, to “keer the pot boiling,” the fire was seldom, if ever, allowed to go out. When meal-time came, persons fished for themselves, and whatever they happened to find was their “pot luck.” Why Slight Shock May Be Fatal. It is astonishing how slight an elec tric shock may cause death, Dana, Plerce, vice president of the Ameri: can Society of Safety Engineers, ‘states that “there are some well au thenticated cases of fatal shock from a voltage of 110, the usual lamp cir ‘cuit voltage. The danger is believed to be small to persons in fair physical condifion unless the contact made ‘with the circuit is extremely good and is long continued. “A voltage of 220 is, of course core dangerous. At 440 volts and over the hazard becomes very real and anything over 600 or 1,000 volts must be treated with respect and con: stant caution. It is not possible te say where real danger begins, nor i: ‘it necessary, at least over 150 volts." Why the Breakers Roared. “I've been down here at the beach two weeks,” she remarked, “and my ‘hands aren't tanned & bit. Funny isn’t it?” © “Oh, I don’t know,” replied he: .summer beau, “they've been in the shade of my sheltering palms most of ‘the time.”—Boston Transcript. Why He Need Not Worry. “That lady has dropped her lace ‘Randkerchief. Pick it up.” “I hesitate to do so. It may be her petticoat.” . “You're safe In picking it up. Ladies don’t wear petticoats.”—Loulsville Qourier-Journal. In the days of | | Charles I premiums were offered to It is | NOR Li ARNRARID, MARY G C— COPYRIGHT BY WESTERN NEVIPAPLR UNION ems MESSAGES. “I heard that Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon each got messages the other day,” said Mr. Robin. “They were telling each other about it just before Mr. Sun went to bed. It was almost my bedtime, too. “And just after I had heard them talking, didn’t we receive a message, too!” “Tell me about it,” said Princess Fairy Twilight- Bell. “That is, if you aren't too sleepy. You know how I ilove this time of the day. “Twilight is my very most favorite part of the day. I'd love to hear about your message if you could sit up and chirp to me that long,” she ended. “Indeed I could,”- said Mr. Robin. “I would bc glad to tell you. You know Mr. Sun had a message thank- ing him for the good work he had done and asking that he would prom- ise to always continue that good work. He was promised that he would al- ways be given smiles in payment. That pleased him, of course. “Then the Moon was asked to al- ways keep on with his bright shining and he promised he would. Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon had a talk about their messages and just after they had fin- ished talking I received a message. “It was directed to all the birds and sent specially to me to give to all the birds because I know most of the pirds and am friendly with all of them. “The message was sent to us care of the Tree Tops, Air City. “And it read as follows: ! “‘“Thanks for your concerts, Every- | one congratulates you. You've cheered so many people and we appreciate your refusal to accept any money and your fine promises which we know you will keep to continue to sing free of charge. May we continue to call on vou on all future warm mornings for our concerts? Especially in the spring and summer time? “Then they asked us to send them our answer and the message was signed by the lovers of Birds’ Songs. “Tell Me About It” ' back a message, which I did. I told ; the lovers of our songs that we would always give them concerts and that we loved to sing quite free of any charge. “And then the Blades of Grass re- ceived a message, t0o.” “Oh, won't you tell me about it?” begged Princess Twilight-Bell of the Blades of Grass. “Yes,” said the Blades of Grass, waving about in the breeze, “we will tell yau. “Qur message read as follows: “ “Though there is something very exciting and thrilling and rushing and dashing and big and crowded about the city, we never forget the cool, rest- ful attractiveness of your meadows. Will you always refresh us and make us feel happy and at peace whenever ' we come to see you, even if there are times we forget you? “And the message was signed by the Country-Lovers-Who-Live-in-the-City. | “They asked for a return answer, to we sent them one and told them we did not feel badly because they had left us for the city, but that we would always do what we could to cheer them and rest them when they came to the country on visits, “Our message was sent to us care of Green Meadew Way, Country Side.” “How lovely,” said Princess | Fairy Twilight- | Bell, “to have re- | ceived such mes- sages and how nice of you to all answer your mes- | sages so promptly. ' “But I know I am keeping Mr. | Robin up and it is past his bed- time and he is anxious to put his dear, bright little head under one of his fine wings for ' the night. Isn't that so, Mr. Rob- “We Will Tell in?” You.” {| “Well, perhaps I'm a trifle sleepy,” ‘ Mr. Robin said, as he tried hard not | to yawn with his little beak. “But it i has been so nice to talk to you.” | “Thank you, thank you,” said | Princess Fairy Twilight-Bell. “Well, ' good-night, dear little Mr. Robin.” | ‘“Good-night, lovely fairy, chirp- chirp,” said Mr. Robin, A Settled Matter. In the spelling class occurred the word “sediment,” and the teacher asked John if he knew the meaning of the word. Upon receiving an affirmative re- ply she said: “You may write me a sentence, us- ing the world correctly.” And this was the sentence: “Leon sald I didn't mean what I sed, | and I sediment it.’—Exchange. “Of course I spoke to the other birds | about it and they told me. to, send.» aaner: | .of the outside world. They do their Shoes. CHRISTLIKE WOMEN | Stee EUROPE'S MAINSTAY |S-=rrnnnsnnnnannnesnin-y Lutheran Deaconesses Neces- sary to Morale of Discour- aged Communities. LETC [= Bn ICL it [1 L + fla ASH A church in any language means a 1 church, and so does a school and hos- Li pital, but European deaconess homes ie suffer in the translating. To the aver- Fh age American the term “deaconess =i home” suggests a stone building of ar sober hue, whose lay-sister inmates, most of them aged and decrepit, with Le white lawn streamers beneath their ic chins, take their ease and spend their HL declining days puttering around with Sh window boxes and bird cages. All sn wrong ! UG Webster's Unabridged fails to en- : LE hh I on President Harding has declared Sunday, Novem- =n Council, with headquarters at New ber 13th. ne York City, is spreading the definition | UC far and wide. A deaconess home Ic means a social welfare colony main- Fe tained by these women church work- ° = ers. A hospital, clinic, homes for crip- N { | R d C S d Ue ples and the aged, schools for the ad 104 e OSS Un ay UE leaf and blind, a day nursery, milk iE station, and a social service bureau, =i! are the institutions that usually make You will be called upon to join. il up one of these welfare centers. In | Al america there are numbers of them ' ! patterned after the models in Europe Will you please be at home. oy where they have existed by the thou- a sand for many generations. In Euro- Le pean cities of any size they serve the Ue neighboring communities and have i closer touch with the people than any I] other organization. Nobody is as busy A= as these hardy, rosy-cheeked women | who give their full time from morning EE fe iill night, or from night until morning, SM) managing and running thesr big plants oe [ot | | that take care of people. Deaconess homes over there are not retreats in any sense. They are ae- tive, progressive, public places. But even so they are pretty independent lL EL SMe = THIS SPACE DONATED BY own work and have their own food 4 oll supply. The deaconesses make use Lh of their varied hobbies, so there are Ue bee specialists, poultry experts, gar- Fh = deners, dairy farmers, and orchardists who know all about pruning and spray- ing, and keeping the children from pick- ing green fruit. Most of them, of course, do this work during their rec- £ Yeager’s Shoe Store Lt reation hour after finishing a day =f] of nursing, teaching, sewing, or visit- | [U THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Uc ing the poor. They are very handy Tc Oc about the place. A carpenters’ strike I s{a8 : 1 wold: Be a small matter to them be Oc Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. I cause there is always some demure- ' [Lf = r= ih 5 eyed sister who can wield an accurate L A RE RE REAR! RRR RRR RRR "his sketches the average deaconess | home in Central Europe in normal | times. Such times are past history to | a great degree, antedating 1914. Since then war has crippled the work so! that it is scarcely recognizable. Their | houses were shelled, robbed and burn- ed. Sisters were shot and carried captive. But those who were left kept steadily at their posts, and braver, harder work at reconstruction is not being done in the world. Communi- ties are so wholly dependent upon them. Nobody else knows how to do anything in times of distress. Relief funds sent by American Lutherans have been largely dispensed through deaconesses in each town. By this simple financing they are enabled to handle the emergencies through the channels of their own regular work. Some of the welfare centers have been restored and are doing heavier work than ever before, though with depleted staffs and in bitter poverty. In the World Service Campaign that the National Lutheran Council is to conduct the last two weeks in October to raise $1,250,000 for European Re- lief, deaconess homes have a large place in the budget for the coming year. From Petrograd to the South- ern Tyrol, and from Cologne to Con- stantinople, these colonies of mercy are to be reinforced, so that each in its own sphere can be a healing refuge “0 the sick, afflicted and oppressed in those war and famine-maimed lands. LONG DIVISION ne ———— A New Problem in International Af- fairs. If $200.00 is sent by courier 700 miles by rail, steamship, and horse cart, and divided among 100 pastors and their families, how much does each pastor receive? The answer depends altogether upon the geography in- volved. This time the pastors happen to be in and around Moscow, so the answer is 200,000 rubles each. Dr. John A. Morehead, European Com- missioner for the National Lutheran Council that operates in 17 countries over there, met a Moscow merchant in Berlin in the summer, who poS- sessed one of the rarest scraps of paper in the world—a passport from the Soviets—and who offered his serv- ices as confidential messenger to the Bishop of Moscow. Dr. Morehead checked out $200.00 and by the time the good merchant reached Moscow, by way of the Baltic Sea, through Riga, and a journey by cart and by foot over a distance where the railroad had rusted out, he was weighed down with 4,000,000 rubles. These were the first gifts or word from the outside that the Lutherans had had In three years. The money bought one meal a day of | black bread and rice, for nearly a i week, for each family, with a little ehange left over where they were ex- tremely economical, sometimes even enough to buy a candle. Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. m— Lyon & Co. um Lyon & Co. THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY HERE. Beginning November 1st we will give special low prices on all merchandise purchased here. We will have on display many of our Christmas novel- Hes, which will be included in this marked down sale. READY TO WEAR. Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats and Suits, Waists and Dresses at after Christmas prices. Our Fur display is very attractive and prices very low. ; New Overblouses in the fashionable shades, crepe de chene in all colors, including black and white. : Neckwear, the new Bramley collar and cuff sets and many other new styles. DRESS GOODS. All wool serges, 36 inches wide, at 98 cents, the wider widths priced accordingly. A wonderful display of Silks in all the new shades. Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chene, Charmeus, Messaline, Taffetas, Habuti, Radium and Geor- gettes. CORSETS. Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets in beau- tiful materials in all the new models. Graduate Corsetieres in attendance. SHOES. Keep in mind we have men’s, women’s and chil- dren’s shoes at prices always the lowest. Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. : .