Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 11, 1921, Image 3

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Participated in by All the Leading Business Houses in Town.
Watch for Further Particulars
Bellefonte, Pa., November 11, 1921.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
Mrs. Joseph Johnson is entertain-
ing her sister, Mrs. Silkman and two
children, of Yeagertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mowery, of
Rebersburg, spent Sunday afternoon |
with the former’s brother, Henry
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Winkleblech
had as Sunday guests Mrs. Winkle-
blech’s sister, Mrs. Irvin Barner and
family, of Lock Haven.
Mrs. Charles Wolfe, after spending
some time with her daughter and son |
in Woodlawn and Pittsburgh, came
home one day during the past week.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Min-
gle went to Potters Mills where they
spent Sunday with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George
Hunters have been busy and suc- |
cessful, at least so far as the writer
has heard. Quite a number have shot
the limit of rabbits for several suc-
cessive days.
Mrs. Elvina Winters,
burg, is spending a few days with her
sister, Mrs. Jennie Sylvis.
pleased to note the fact that Mrs. Syl-
vis is improving and it is hoped she
may soon be well.
Sunday morning J. H. Crouse met
with quite a serious accident when
coming out the road between Dr. C.
S. Musser’s and William Wolfe's
houses onto the pike. A car from
Millheim came along just then and the
two cars collided. The door of the
Crouse car opened throwing him out.
His head and spine were hurt, and
from all indications he may hive ribs
broken. He is geting along as well
as can be expected and it is hoped
nothing serious may result. The car
from Millheim, in which were Lloyd
Boob and Philip Bailey, was badly
wrecked but mone of the occupants
were hurt.
Stover garage for repairs. The
Crouse car had one of the rear wheels !
smashed but was otherwise uninjured.
Thompson, of Belle-
Mrs. Harry
fonte, was in town on Friday and Sat- |
Mrs. Sue Keller, of Rockview, spent
several days last week among friends
in town.
Mrs. John Charles returned home
last Thursday from the Bellefonte
Postmaster and Mrs. Jacob Meyer
transacted business in Bellefonte on
Miss Blanche Rowe, who holds a po-
sition in Harrisburg, is visiting her
parents and friends.
Mrs. Lida Leech and son William,
of Shingletown, spent Sunday at the
home of W. H. Stuart.
D. W. Meyer, Harry Bailey, WwW. H
Stuart and George Fortney were for-
tunate enough to each shoot a wild
turkey last week.
Mrs. J. R. Harter and son, J.B. Jr,
expect to leave Wednesday morning
for Farmville, Va., to visit at the P.
Bliss Meyer home.
Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick will con-
duct services in the Presbyterian
church every evening during the week,
beginning November 14th.
een eee —
Walter Korman has purchased a
new Chevrolet car.
William Kerns is suffering with a
number of Job’s comforters.
Those who are on the sick list are
L. K. Dale, Miss Dorothy Lowder and
David Gilliland.
Philip Dale, of State College, spent
a few days last week transacting bus-
iness in our town.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Homan and
family were Sunday callers at the
Charles Mothersbaugh home at Boals-
Mr. and Mrs. George Hazel and
daughter, of Bellefonte, spent Snu-
day at the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wag-
ner home in this place.
Miss Nellie Wagner and friend,
Miss Helen Martin, of Bellefonte,
spent the week-end at the Harry
Wagner home in this place.
Visitors at the I. C. Korman home
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Reish and children, of the Branch;
Mr. Kelley, from Bellefonte, and Mr.
Grant Kline, of Boalsburg.
————r re ————
A surprise party was given John
Lucas, at the home of his parents, on
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daley are in
this vicinity again and we trust they
will decide to remain here.
Among the sick hereabouts are
Mrs. William Orr, Mrs. H. Wright,
Mrs. William Weaver, an infant
daughter of Ephriam Deitz, and
Kathryn Fisher, the latter afflicted
with scarletina.
of Rebers-'
We are!
They towed the car to the '
iin it.
—_Frost-bitten wounds in trees are
Wounds heal most rap-
| idly in spring. Torn wounds are gen-
| erally fatal.
ature—freezing and thawing several
times during the cold season. When
water freezes it expands, consequent-
ly, as on warm days during the winter
| months, the soil is full of moisture or
water from rain or melting snow, and
__It is a mistaken idea that scrub "a cold spell comes again and freezes
| animals are more hearty than pure-
| breds. Pure-breds are hardy if only
| those are kept which are of good con-
stitutional vigor.
— Breeds of livestock cannot be im-
| proved without the constant use of
‘good sires. A good sire sO impresses
"his characteristics upon his offspring
| that they are more like him than like
the common herd.
—An inch of rain coming down on
| a single acre of ground would fill
! more than 600 barrels of 45-gallon
| capacity each. This amount of water
would weigh more than 110 tons, or
"nearly a quarter of a million pounds.
— More land in grass and other hay
crops and less in row crops would be
' a profitable change on many farms.
Many farmers are working their
| teams down, wasting their own vitali-
‘ty trying to cultivate too many acres
in row crops.
— Prune annually, but never heavi-
|1ly. Do not cut out large limbs. Nev-
Summer pruning induces fruitfulness,
while winter pruning, when the trees
are wholly dormant, increases the vig-
or of the tree.
—An excellent liniment for all
kinds of swellings on dairy cows, as
well as on other farm animals, is
made of equal parts of turpentine, |
sweet oil and spirits of camphor. Ap- |
| ply liberally and frequently to the
swollen parts.
—This is a good time to make res-
olutions as to growing more feed.
| One can never be a very successful
| animal husbandman unless he raises
| feed for his own animals. Why not
arrange the rotation so plenty of food
crops will be included, even if the sea-
! son next year should be unfavorable ?
| _—The quail is one of the farmer's
faithful friends, and he should cer-
tainly reciprocate this friendship by
this water, which expands and sepa-
rates the particles of soil.
These changes occur quite frequent-
ly during the winter, so that by spring
the clods of earth are broken many
' times, and only a small amount of la-
bor is needed to dispose of what clods
er leave stubs in cutting off limbs. !
Late plowing is also beneficial in
the destruction of insects.
sects that have burrowed in the soil
to pass the winter and deposit their
eggs for hatching a crop of pests for
next season are turned to the surface
by late plowing and destroyed by the
exposure of severe freezing. While it
may not kill all insect life it will so
reduce their force that they will be in-
capable of doing much harm.
Heavy clay soils are generally the
hardest to prepare for seeding, un-
less they are plowed in the fall. The
exposure to freezing and thawing
that the soil will get permits plowing
when somewhat wetter than would be
the case in spring. Winter freezes
counteract, to a considerable extent,
the tendency of the soil to puddle or
form clods and become hard.
There is not so much benefit deriv-
"ed from fall plowing a sandy soil, as
far as the tendency to form clods is
concerned, but it will do a lot of good
in the destruction of insect life.
A Tip in Time.
“We have several famous movie
stars dining with us this evening,”
whispered the waiter. “Would you
like to have a seat near their table 7
“No,” replied the sour-faced patron.
«I came in here to eat, not to star-
gaze, and besides, if I were to over-
hear them talking about the salaries
they got I'd be so dissatisfied with my
' prospects in life I wouldn’t feel that
. seeing to it that no sportsmen may
ever molest these birds while on his
Insects and weed seeds are !
eaten in large quantities by these birds !
while on his farm, and there is little
danger of the flock becoming too nu-
merous for that job.
' fall will decay and add humus which
cannot be secured by turning under
. the weeds in spring. A heavy growth
of weeds turned under in spring, and
the season should happen to turn out
I could afford to tip you.”—Birming-
ham Age Herald.
eee eee:
One Way Out.
An unfaithful steward had embez-
zled a large sum and his employer
asked advice as to how he should be
| dealt with.
Weeds or plants turned under in the |
| dry, may cause severe suffering to |
| the crops on account of this growth of
| weeds lying between the plowed soil
"and the subsoil not yet decayed.
— Linseed meal is a valuable food
! and may be fed at all seasons. Even
‘when grain is allowed it will pay to
feed linseed meal, and when cows are
if given a quart or two of linseed
meal at night. It is richer in the es-
sential elements of growth and pro-
| duction than any other concentrated
«Get rid of him at once,” advised
an Englishman.
“Keep him and deduct the sum from
his wages,” said a Scotchman.
“But,” said the employer, “the sum
is far greater than his wages.”
«Then raise his wages,” suggested
an Irishman.—London Tid-Bits.
Enough Said.
A member of the stock exchange
| was not in a good temper when he
| food and greatly enriches the ma- |
| nure.
{ SA place for everything, and
| motto for farmers. Much time is lost
' on some farms looking for tools, m-IT
| plements and other equipment when
. needed. This is a good time to pre-
| pare a place, and put needed articles
When once the habit of putting
| things where they belong is acquired,
| strength wil. be saved and efficiency
| increased.
' a gentleman, must not say it.
! everything in its place,” is a safe
‘and knowing where to find them, |
| Statistics show that farmers in’
| the United States replace rotten fence
sills, and other portions of buildings
could largely be reduced by proper
treatment of wood before it is used
and by use of concrete in construction
work. The government experiments
have proved that burning or charring
fence posts does not prevent decay.
Proper treatment with creosote or
other wood-preserving liquid prolongs
the life of exposed lumber and fence
posts many years.
__It is not too late to plow the land
in this section. So long as the ground
is not frozen, where the soil is not too
easily eroded, or where the crop is not
to be seeded until the following
spring, greater benefit is derived by
fall plowing than in the spring. :
The object of plowing in the fall is
fine particles as possible so that the
tiny rootlets of the growing plants
have an opportunity of securing
jected to frequent changes in temper-
Boars the signature of Chas. H.Tletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
take a hot cupful of
‘ncreage the blood circulation, flush the
kidneys, stimulate the liver, ward of flu,
grippe and pneumonia. Sold by druggists
and grocers everywhere.
posts and parts of buildings, such as;
resting upon foundations at a cost of |
$350,000,000 annually. This great loss
sustained in necessary replacements
| the bell di i 5.
. on pasture they will give more milk | yang the bell to diciate nis lestors
One communication had annoyed him,
and this is how he replied to it:
“Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your
letter of yesterday’s date. My typist,
being a lady, cannot take down what
I would wish to say to you. I, being
being neither, will probably realize
what I mean.”
Why that
Lame Back?
That morning lameness—those
sharp pains when bending or lifting,
make work a burden and rest impos-
sible. Don’t be handicapped by a bad
back—look to your kidneys. You
will make no mistake by following
this Bellefonte resident’s example.
Mrs. J. F. Thal, 23 N. Thomas St.,
«I suffered with backache and
severe pains through my kidneys.
had headaches and dizzy spells, when
I first got up in the morning and my
kidneys acted irregularly. My atten-
tion was called to Doan’s Kidney Pills
and I procured a box at the Green
Pharmacy Co. That one box remov-
ed the backache. The headaches and
dizzy spells left and my kidneys be-
came regular and I felt better in
every way.”
After four years, Mrs. Thal said:
“1 am glad to confirm my former en-
dorsement of Doan’s. Today I am
, well and to recommend Doan’s isa
to divide or break up the soil into as:
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Thal had. Foster-Milburn Co.
. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 66-44
During the winter the soil is sub-
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest “Dodger” to the finest.
that we can not do in the most satis-
factory manner, and at Prices consist.
ent with the class of work. Call on or
communicate with this office’
Those in- |
The toad must catch his own meals.
| He scorns dead food. He must see it
move to be sure it has not slipped the
bonds of life and begun to spoil. In
| a day and a night he captures enough
Ito stuff his stomach full four times,
| although if he had to he could exist
{ without eating longer than any other
| creature. He eats caterpillars, moths,
| weevils, snails, bugs, worms, spiders,
| beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, many
kinds of winged insects, even wasps,
{ and innumerable other noxious pests,
i and in six months he will put twenty
i thousand of them where they can
harm no man’s garden. Reckoning on
every one of these working a mill’s
worth of harm to somebody’s crop,
one toad prevents twenty dollars’
worth of injury, and we know that
one mill is a low value to set upon
such individual damage. In some
countries toads sell to gardeners up to
$15 a head, and are shielded from
prowling scavengers the same as any
domestic stock.
A toad that adopts you and your
garden and makes his home in your
dooryard has claim on your protec-
tion. His homing instinct is strong,
and you may count on his clinging to
life—and your premises—at least for
a decade unless he is stoned to death,
and the chances are he will outlive
you, for a generation as we reckon
human life, or even forty years, is
not beyond the possibilities of a con-
tented toad. And he asks no favors,
not even shelter when wintry storms
sweep the fields bare of the vegeta-
tion that affords him provender. He
will provide himself with a winter
burrow just as easily as he hides un-
der a damp stone or mouldy log from
the glare of summer days. The old
superstition that toads are poisonous
has vanished before scientific re-
search, just like many another dismal
whim possessed by unenlightened
minds. They cannot live under wa-
ter, although their five-toed hind feet
are partly webbed.
it’s toasted,
course. To seal
in the flavor—
If your salesmen spend unproductive
time going from prospect to prospect, because
of slow transportation, it is money lost. Slow
transportation robs them of part of their time
—time that might just as well be turned into
A Ford runabout furnishes quick trans-
portation at the lowest possible cost. By
equipping your salesmen with Ford cars, you
will enable them to devote more energy to
selling goods.
Beatty Motor Co.,
Temple Court.
C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ey
all courts. Jiil
Exehisiin. s. Office, room 18 Crider
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-
N Practices in all the Te Con
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider’'s Exchange, Bellefon
Pa. 0-3
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Framer oo
trusted ois Sour. © OMe Nar Ham
High street. : ees-Ne, 5 Ian
M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-
J and Justice of the Atiorney lo
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
W G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-
Consultation in English 22 a
man. Offi ;
Bellefonte, L,. 0 ce in Crider’s Exchulfe,
sett a
ellefonte St
Crider’s Exch. 66-11 fits, Cotes
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician
Surgeon, State Colla. : 23
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
THE nourishment found in
bread that is baked from our
pure flour cannot be overesti-
mated. It represents every
. ounce of wholesome, health-im-
parting quality that the best
ingredients plus the finest mill-
ing can produce.
Try our flour—you’ll like it
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
Handling Your Funds.
) A Business Manager who disburses
\ funds at your direction, a secretary
) who keeps your accounts, a sleepless
S sentinel guarding your funds, a car-
y rier who delivers to all corners of the
) country—all these and many other of-
p fices are performed by the bank.
4 Money which you wish to send with-
) in this city or to distant points is con-
S veyed by your check simply, safely
) and cheaply.
3 The checking account is only one of
\ the many mediums through which this
) bank serves its customers. There are
) many other ways in which we can be
) helpful to you and it would be our
) pleasure to serve you in any or all of
) them.
) $
The Preferred
5,000 loss of both feet
2.000 loss of both hands,
2.500 loss of either hand,
2.000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female engaged in a
preted occupation, including h
Food moral and physical condition may
nsure under this policv.
loss of one hand and one foot,
eeping, over eighteen years ne Pig
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to may Fire Insur-
ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent.
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
60-21. Agent, Bellefonte Fa.
$5,000 death > accident,
f bo!