Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 04, 1921, Image 7

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Bru atdan
"Bellefonte, Pa., November 4, 1921.
| ports of the Auditor General’s office
| showing the fiscal condition of the
| State have been withheld from the
public for a period of four years?
| Who cares about the sensational
| statements of the newly-installed
| Auditor General that embezzlements
BONNIWELL HITS HARD | by Government officials and employees
AT REPUBLICAN MACHINE. ' have been condoned; that the accounts
Democratic Candidate for Supreme
Court Sounds Slogan, “Who
Unqualified charges that graft, in-
competency and mismanagement pre-
vail in many departments of the State
government were freely hurled last
Wednesday night by Municipal Court
Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, Demo-
{ of the State’s finances are so badly
| sddisd as to require employment of
| expert accountants for their disentan-
| glement; that there are no funds
edness and appropriations long past
due, and that the State Treasury is
practically bankrupt?
Who cares if the almost prohibitive
| price of anthracite coal is enhanced
je for the payment of indebt-
i by the imposition of a tax to raise
cratic candidate for Justice of the Su- | revenue to meet the extravagant ap-
preme Court.
Governor Sproul, State Treasurer
Snyder and Justice Schaeffer, Bonni-
ticket, were the special targets of the
fire. Bonniwell outlined in detail the
riot of extravagance precipitated by
the last Legislature under the domi-
propriations of the last Legislature ?
| Who cares if this unjust tax was
levied in defiance of a former deci-
tax is unconstitutional and that it is
well’s opponent on the Republican | sion of the Supreme court that this
i proposed by the Republican party to
| elevate to the bench of the Supreme
court at the November election, Wil-
nation of the Governor and Senator iam I, Schaffer, recently Attorney
Crow, and asserted that Mr. Sproul,
while posing as a “God-fearing refor-
mer,” occupied a place at the top of
the list of officials bent on squander-
ing the public funds.
He referred to the appropriation for
maintaining the executive mansion at
Harrisburg as an indication of the
part the Governor played in seeing to
it that money provided by the taxpay-
ers was kept in circulation.
“During the term of Governor
Brumbaugh,” said Bonniwell, “Mr.
Sproul, who was then a Senator, and
other politicians attempted to strip
ied him from the Atlantic to the Pa-
him of his character and they pillor- FE
cific as dishonest and faithle
| General of the State Administration,
' to review and reverse this constitu-
| ional decision?
Who cares if the Bolsheviki meth-
| ods of Trotzky and Lenine were em-
ulated and employed in the overthrow
\ of constituted authority in the House
' of Representatives last session in or-'
| der to rush through a program of leg- |
, islative acts taxing coal, multiplying
| State offices, increasing salaries, im-
| posing an excessive collateral inher-
| itance tax, and jamming through the
most extravagant appropriations in |
the history of the Commonwealth ?
Who cares if the annual salary of
the Justices of the Supreme court of
Pennsylvania was raised to $17,000,
and of the Superior court Judges to
$16,000, over-topping the pay of the
Judges of the Supreme court of the
United States, in direct violation of
Article III, Section 13, of the Consti-
tution of Pennsylvania?
Who cares if there has been placed
' on the statute books of Pennsylvania
{ an infamous Sedition act, framed by
' the Governor and his Attorney Gen-
| eral, William I. Schaffer, now candi-
' date for Justice of the Supreme court,
abridging the rights of citizens to free
assemblage and free speech and in- |
fringing upon the prerogatives of a!
free press?
Who cares if the graft in the con-
struction of the State highways makes
“the State capitol steal look like petty
larceny ?
Who cares if William I. Schaffer,
corporation attorney and master mind
of the present State administration,
gregating $116,000,000.
Recognizing the gravity of the sit-
uation and the need of heroic action
to save the State from moral and
financial bankruptcy, the Democracy
of Pennsylvania has banished person-
alities and factionalism and is pre-
senting a united front of earnest men
and women battling for the better
weal of the Keystone State in the
great political campaigns of this fall
and next year.
erase fp eee.
is elevated to the bench of the Su-:
| preme court of Pennsylvania for a
term of 21 years?
“Who cares?” Let every voter who |
has become blinded by narrow parti-
| duties of citizenship in this great
| Commonwealth ask himself or herself
this question and then devote a few
| minutes to silent contemplation of the
record of Pennsylvania’s most extrav-
agant and profligate administration.
If endowed with average intelligence,
self-respect and conscience,
| great help.
of the blood by adding red blood cells.
voter, after such contemplation, will |
seek a channel through which some
| concern may be expressed for the res-
cue of the State government from the
| grasp of officials who have burdened
Gude’s Pepto-Mangan Makes Red
Blood; Liquid and Tablet Form.
_ When blood becomes thin and weak
it is due to a falling off in the num-
ber of red cells. It is easily recogniz-
ed by pallid skin or a blemished com-
plexion, loss of appetite or unnatural
irritability and a sensation of weak-
ness. It is not dangerous at first. In
fact, many people scarcely notice it
: and go on for days, thinking they will
be better the next day.
The great danger is in the possibil-
€ ) | ity of becoming seriously ill from dis-
sanship and indifferent to his or her: a
ease, which can work havoc in a body
that lacks the endurance and resist-
ance in rich, red blood.
Taken in time and steadily, a few
bottles of Gude’s Pepto-Mangan are a
It improves the quality
They check the weakness, improve the
appetite, and clear the complexion.
. You can get Gude’s Pepto-Mangan
in liquid and tablet form at your
| druggist’s. Get the genuine with the
(name “Gude’s Pepto-Mangan on the
package.—Adv. 66-43
cinet, at the school house in Central City.
° nny °
ss to his Sh ff El t For the township of Burnside, in the
trust because he spent $44,000 in | eri S eC 100 building owned by William Hipple, in the
maintaining the excutive mansion.
«This God-fearing reformer, Mr.
Sproul, introduced a resolution in the
Senate demanding an investigation of
Brumbaugh, and it has insisted that
he present an itemized account of his
expenditures. And this same Mr.
Sproul, when he became Governor,
asked and received $190,000 to cover
the same items. And in the last ses-
sion of the Legislature $750,000 was
appropriated for the Executive Man-
sion. Yet Brumbaugh was branded
as a thief because he spent $44,000.”
Judge Bonniwell asserted “footing”
is going on in all the departments at
Harrisburg, and in addition to the
figures presented dealing with the
Governor's expenditures, he produced
statistics showing how the cost of up-
keep in the Auditor General’s Depart-
ment, then under the management of
Treasurer Snyder, increased by leaps
and bounds.
In the first year of the department
under Snyder, Bonniwell declared,
clerk hire, expert accountants and
other employees cost $226,000. These
same items for the last year of the
Snyder regime amounted to $1,220,- |
000, he asserted. :
Bonniwell referred to Auditor Gen-
eral Lewis as the one honest and
fearless official at the gapial, “Just |
before he assumed office last May,”
said the Judge, “Lewis appeared be-
fore the House Appropriations com-
mittee with a request that the appro-
priation recommended for his depart-
ment be cut by more than $200,000.
When he took over the office his first
move was to turn loose employees
who were on the payroll and giving
nothing in return. And as fast as
Lewis let them out they were taken
on by Snyder. -
The Judge assailed the coal tax bill
passed at the session, attacked the
Welfare bill, with its enormous sal-
ary roll, and denounced Justice
Schaffer as “the tool of the bloated
corporations.” J
After presenting his indictment of
the Administration, Bonniwell asked:
“Who cares?”
This inquiry taken from editorial
exposes of State affairs appearing in
«The Record” should be adopted as a
slogan by taxpayers throughout the
Commonwealth for the present and
impending campaigns, said the Judge.
In his prepared address he said:.
“The Philadelphia Record,” quite
unconsciously, has furnished the tax-
payers of Pennsylvania, in the import-
ant political campaigns of this fall
and next year, with a slogan which
should be proclaimed from the Dela-
I, Harry Dukeman, High Sheriff
of the County of Centre, Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make
known and give notice to the electors of
the County aforesaid that an election will
be held in the said County of Centre on the
1921, being the
8th of November, 1921,
for the purpose of electing the several per-
sons hereinafter named, to wit:
One person for Judge of the Supreme
I also hereby make known and give no-
tice that the place of holding elections in
the several wards, boroughs, districts and
townships within the County of Centre is
as follows:
For the North Ward of the borough of
Bellefonte, at the Logan Hose Co. house
on east Howard street.
For the South Ward of the borough of
Bellefonte, in the Undine Fire Co. build- |
| For the West Ward of the borough of
! Bellefonte, in the carriage shop of S. A.
{ McQuistion, in Bellefonte.
| For the borough of Centre Hall, in a
room at Runkle’s hotel.
For the borough of Howard, at the pub-
lic school in said borough.
Tor the borough of Millheim, in the
school house, now the Municipal build-
fram: 1 house, DOV, er. oss
\. Fot the borough of Milesburg, in the
borough building on Market street.
For the First Ward of the borough of
Philipsburg, in the Reliance Hose house.
For the Second Ward of the borough of
Philipsburg, at the Public Building at the
corner of North Centre and Presqueisle
For the Third Ward of the borough of
Philipsburg, at Bratton’s Garage, north-
east corner of Seventh and Pine streets.
For the borough of South Philipsburg,
at the City Hall in South Philipsburg.
For the borough of Snow Shoe, in the
borough building.
For the borough of State College, East
Precinct,—on College Avenue at the Odd
Fellows Hall.
For the borough of State College, West
Precinet,—on Frazier street, at the Fire-
man’s Hall.
For the borough of Unionville, in the
Grange Hall in said borough.
For the township of Benner, North Pre-
cinct, at the Knox school house.
For the township of Benner, South Pre-
cinet, at the new brick school house at
For the township of Boggs, North Pre-
cinet, at Walker's school house.
For the township of Boggs, East Pre-
cinct, #t the hall of Knights of Labor, in
the village of Curtin.
For the township of Boggs, West Pre-
of the party of your choice.
To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) in the square, in the FIRST COLUMN, opposite the name
village of Pine Glen.
For the township of College, at the
school house in the village of Lemont.
For the township of Curtin, North Pre-
cinct. at the school house in the village of
For the township of Curtin, South Pre-
cinet, at the school house near Robert
For the township of Ferguson, East
Precinct, at the public house of R. R.
Randolph, in Pine Grove Mills.
For the township of Ferguson, West
Precinct, at Baileyville school house in the
village of Baileyville.
For the township of Ferguson, North
precinct, at the store of H. N. Musser, one
file west of State College, at Struble Sta-
For the township of Gregg, North Pre-
cinet, at Murray's school house.
For the township of Gregg, East Pre-
cinct, at the house occupied by William A.
Sinkabine, at Penn Hall.
For the township of Gregg, West Pre-
Sjoet, in Vocational school room at Spring
For the township of Haines, East FPre-
cinet, in the school house in the village of
| Woodward.
For the township of Haines, West Pre-
cinet, at the residence of E. A. Bower.
For the township of Halfmoon, in I. 0.
0. I". hall, in the village of Stormstown.
Tor the township of Harris, East Pre-
cinet, at the building owned by Harry Mc-
Clellan, in the village of Linden Hall.
Tor the township of Harris, West Pre-
cinet, at the Boal Hall, in the village of
For the township of Howard, in the
township public building.
For the
township building erected in the village of
For the township of Liberty, East Pre-
cinct, at the school house in Eagleville.
For the township of Liberty, West Pre-
cinet, at the school house at Monument.
For the township of Marion, at the
Grange hall in the village of Jacksonville.
For the township of Miles, East Pre-
cinet. at the dwelling house of G. H. Show-
ers, at Wolf’s Store.
For the township of Miles, Middle Pre-
cinet, in Mrs. Jacob Gephart’s residence,
in Rebersburg.
For the township of Miles, West Pre-
cinct, at the store room of Elias Miller, in
For the township of Patton, in the shop
of John Hoy, at Waddle.
For the township of Penn, in a building
For the township of Potter, North Pre-
cinct, at the Old Fort hotel.
For the township of Potter, South Pre-
gnek at the hotel in the village of Potters
For the township of Potter, West Pre-
For the township of Rush, North Pre-
cinet, at the Township Poor House.
township of Huston, in the:
formerly owned by Luther Guisewite, at
For the township of Rush, South Pre-
cinet, at the school house in the village of
For the township of Rush, West Pre-
cinct, at the school house near Osceola
Mills, known as the Tower school house.
For the township of Snow Shoe, East
precinct, at the school house in the village
of Clarence.
For the township of Snow Shoe, West
precinct, at the house of Alonza A. Groe,
in the village of Moshannon.
For the township of Spring, North Pre-
cinct, at the township building erected
near Mallory’s blacksmith shop.
For the township of Spring, South Pre-
cinct, at the public house formerly owned
by John C. Mulfinger, in Pleasant Gap.
For the township of Spring, West Pre-
elntt, in the township building at Cole-
For the township of Taylor, in the house
erected for the purpose at Leonard Merry-
For the township of Union, in the town-
ship public building.
For the township of Walker, East Pre-
cinet, in the building owned by Solomon
Peck, in the village of Huston.
For the township of Walker, Middle
precinct, in Grange Hall, in the village of
For the township of Walker, West Pre-
cinet, at the dwelling house of John Roy-
er, in the village of Zion.
For the township of Worth, in the hall
of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, in the
village of Port Matilda.
List of Nominations.
The official list of nominations made by
the several parties, and as their names
will appear upon the ticket to be voted on
the 8th day of November, 1921, at the dif-
ferent voting places in Centre County, as
cértified to respectively by the Secretary
of the Commonwealth are given in the ac-
companying form of ballot, which is sim-
ilar to the official ballot.
Notice is hereby given that every per-
son excepting Justice of the Peace, who
shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust under the Government of
the United States or this State, or of any
city or incorporated district whether a
commissioned officer or otherwise a subor-
dinate officer or agent who is or shall be
employed under, the Legislative, Execu-
tive or Judiciary department of this State
or of the United States or of any city or
incorporated district, and also that every
member of Congress and of the State Leg-
islature and of the select or common coun-
cil of any city, or commissioners of any
incorporated district is, by law, incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time
{he office or appointment of judge, inspec-
tor or clerk of any election of this Com-
monwealth, and that no inspector, judge or
: other officer of any such elections, shall be
i eligible to any office to be then voted for,
| except that of an election officer.
Under the law of the Commonwealth for
' holding_elections, the polls shall be open-
‘ed at 7 o’c’clock A. M. and closed at 7
| o'clock P. M.
Given under my hand and seal at my
cinct, at the store of George Miess, at Col- | office in Bellefonte, this 15th day of Octo-
| ber in the year of our Lord, nineteen hun-
i dred and twenty-one and in the one hun-
| dred and forty-sixth year of the Inde-
For the township of Rush, East Pre | pendence of the United States of America.
cinet, at the school house in the village of !
Sheriff of Centre County.
the taxpayers with expenditures ag-
ware to Lake Erie in thundering tones
— “Who Cares?” For months this re-
liable newspaper has been fearlessly
exposing the rottenness in the fiscal
affairs of Pennsylvania, and the ex-
travagance of the Republican State
Administration without raising even
a faint denial of its well-founded
charges from the Republican party.
Silence ominous of guilt has followed
every charge, to such an extent that
“The Record” has been prompted to
ask editorially, “Who Cares?”
Who cares whether or not the re-
A cross mark in the square opposite the name of any candidate indicates a vote for that candidate.
To vote for a person whose name is not on the Ballot, write or paste his name in the blank space provided for
that purpose.
To vote for an individual candidate of another party after making a mark in the party square, mark a cross (X)
opposite his name.
For an office where more than one candidate is to be elected, the voter, after marking in the party square,
may divide his vote by marking a cross (X) to the right of each candidate for whom he desires to vote.
For such office votes shall not be counted for candidates not individually marked.
—_— First Column
MEDICAL. To Vote a Straight Party Ticket Mark a Judge of the Supreme Court
= Cross (X) in this Column (Vote for One)
All W rong REPUBLICAN William I Schaffer Republican
The Mistake is Made by Many Belle- Eugene C. Bonniwell Democratic
fonte Citizens.
Look for the cause of backache. DEMOCRATIC Alfred B. Lewis Secialist
To be cured you must know the
sig X kid t sot Charles Palmer Prohibition
it’s weak kidneys you must se
the kidneys working right. SOCIALIST
A Bellefonte resident tells you how.
a Mrs. CW Se Ni Beaver
t. says: idney trouble in its
worst form. My back was so we PROHIBISTION
could hardly get around. My kidneys
acted very irregularly, I was in con-
stant misery and dropsical swellings
set in. 1 tried different remedies, but
received no benefit. Doan’s Kidney
Pills were recommended and in a few
days the trouble was relieved. I con-
tinued their use and they entirely re-
moved the kidney disorders and 1 had
no further kidney trouble.” ;
Four years later, Mrs. Yerger said:
“Others in my family have since had
the same good results from Doan’s
Kidney Pills as I had. I confirm my
former statement.” ;
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 66-43
Ni -— -—1 = =| ih
I] 1s
(Lis iy!
Te [Ic
C =|
=] Te
I= =I;
=! is
Uc 2
iN Tic
Uc 1
af I
¢ Half-Price
E Sale on SHOES! &
i" We"purchased One Thousand and Three Al
“A Pairs of Shoes at a BIG REDUCTION IN i
i Men’s, Women’s, Boy’s, Girl's and Chil- oi
=] dren’s black and tan dress shoes, work shoes, of
2 all sizes. i
I= This lot of shoes are now on sale, dis- Ic
Ie played on tables and racks. The prices run oi
From $3.00 to $4.00, nothing over $4.00. rl
You can find plenty of shoes worth $8.00 0
or more. !
Sale will last until shoes are sold.
Yeager’s Shoe Store
Bush Arcade Building
Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work.
Beginning November 1st we will give special |
low prices on all merchandise purchased here. We ¢
will have on display many of our Christmas novel- ¢
ties, which will be included in this marked down :
sale. :
. 4
Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats and Suits, Waists and
Dresses at after Christmas prices.
Our Fur display is very attractive and prices
very low.
New Overblouses in the fashionable shades,
crepe de chene in all colors, including black and
Neckwear, the new Bramley collar and cuff sets
and many other new styles. } Suk
All wool serges, 36 inches wide, at 98 cents, the
wider widths priced accordingly.
A wonderful display of Silks in all the new
Canton Crepes, Crepe de
Messaline, Taffetas, Habuti,
* TE i
Chene, Charmeus,
Radium and Geor-
Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets in beau-
tiful materials in all the new models.
Graduate Corsetieres in attendance.
Keep in mind we have men’s, women’s and chil-
dren’s shoes at prices always the lowest.
GO PVIVIY "a aaaaaaaeaeeestdddddddddddg PIT
a ae an an Sh Sd
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.