Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 04, 1921, Image 1

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— It may be said that Lloyd
George has renewed his lease on that
Downing street mansion.
Soviet Russia has®*many trou-
bles, one of which is that she can’t
get rid of Emma Goldman.
—So far the doctors of Bellefonte
have not been swamped writing pre-
scriptions for medicinal beer.
When reformers begin to count
up the candy bill the girls may look
for a crusade against chocolates.
—The average small game hunter
came back from the woods Tuesday
night drenched to the skin and swear-
ing he’d never go out again, but he
— If the shoe operatives accept the
twenty per cent. decrease in wages
the shoe manufacturers ought to con-
sent to a reduction in the prices of
—The milk handlers of New York
city are on a strike and the metropo-
lis has been without baby food for
several days. Strange, we haven’t
had a strike of bootleggers.
NO. 43.
VOL. 686.
Startling Figures in Road Building.
In his energetic campaign for a
seat on the Supreme court bench
Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell makes fire
fly with oratorical volley. In a speech
at Reading, on Saturday evening, he
directed his aim at the State High-
way Department and laid some start-
ling figures before the public. He
showed that within the three years
since 1918 the Highway Department
has disbursed over $100,000,000 in
the construction of 896 miles of
highways, an average of more than
$100,000 a mile. In this account of
disbursements the salaries of em-
—A Washington ruling, Wednes-
day, was in effect that beer is now
available as a medicine. If you have |
the beeritis hunt up a doctor who will |
accommodate you with a proper diag-
nosis of your case and a prescription.
ployees and expenses of maintenance
of the department are not included.
The appropriation for these items,
as approved by the Governor amount
to $3,500,000.
The cost of highway construction in
Ohio and New York, according to
—The much touted Elk’s carnival | Judge Bonniwell, averages $30,000 a
fulfilled all the touts and demonstrat- |
ed that G. Washington Rees is quite |
as handy as a manager of festal oc- |
casions as he is when he sets himself |
to upset the plans of some of the po-!
litical bosses. |
—The breathing spell between
strikes wasn’t very long. No sooner
had we gotten over the fright of an
impending railroad strike than the
miners decided they are next and
threaten to go out unless somebody
undoes what Federal Judge Anderson
has done.
—That cargo of whiskey which
teached Bellefonte at an early hour
Monday morning was evidently in- |
tended to add hilarity to the big Hal-
lowe’en demonstration, but the sher-
iff got his dukes on it before the cele-
bration began and the only cheering
in evidence on Monday night was the
honest to goodness applause given the |
paraders. |
__Six counties in the State are.
closed to the hunting of wild turkey,’
three to ruffed grouse, or the ordinary
pheasant, and twenty-one to ring-,
necked pheasants, and hunters from
every one of them must have come to |
Centre county to get a shot at the |
game here from the number of |
strangers in hunting toggery seen on i
the streets of Bellefonte early in the |
week. That is one of the reasons why |
game is becoming scarce in Centre '
county. Hunters come here from all |
over the State and every one of them |
makes it a point to slaughter all the |
game he can.
— Don’t fail to vote next Tuesday. |
Your borough and township officers
really are of more importance to you |
than the President of the United |
mile. Why the same work should
cost more than three times as much
in Pennsylvania is not revealed,
| though Judge Bonniwell’s statement
affords a basis for conjecture. In
1919 the average contract was for
$45,500 per mile. But a system of
harrassing independent contractors
was inaugurated so that though there
were 475 bidders in 1919 there were
only 68 bidders in 1920, and the av-
erage low bid was increased from
$45,500 to $75,735 per mile. The dif-
ference between the contract price,
$75,735 in 1920, and the average cost
of construction makes up the salaries
and expenses of maintenance.
Everybody in Pennsylvania wants |
good roads and the most effective ar-
gument advanced in favor of a con-
stitutional convention was the absurd
fiction that it was necessary to the
continuance of road construction and
improvement. But no sane citizen is
willing to have such plundering op-
erations as Judge Bonniwell has ex-
posed, continued indefinitely. Penn-
sylvania is rich in resources and gen-
erous in rewards, but even this grand
.old Commonwealth cannot endure the
drain of such profligacy long. The
validity of some of the legislation un-
der which these disbursements were
made is likely, to come before the Su-
preme court and® it would be’ wise to
have a man on the bench who is not
allied with the looters.
— If Senator Penrose were in ro- |
bust health there would probably be
less cutting up both in Washington
and Philadelphia.
Senator Borah Jabs Harding.
Senator Borah, of Idaho, slips Pres- :
States, the Congressmen or the Stale | ident Harding a rather vicious jab in’
Gk) They lay Be Inost 5 id the ribs in a letter urging moral sup-
axes, they plan and varry, ou the sd- | port of the disarmament conference
cati t hild they have! :
es Gi nd — d 3 di sii | the other day. The letter is addressed
their work affects the physical value Lit Hee hn
. - . ) a
of your property and your pride in the sachusetts, with the purpose of ex-
community in which you reside. Vote : et 1 >
for the best men on the tickets pre- | pressing appreciation of that journal's
| support of the movement. “Some-
sented. Don’t let partisan prejudice | ine I th :
drag you into doing what you believe | 1 is TgEe0f 5 papa
Is ‘against your pwn bess mises. lated, if not intended, to wholly dis-
—If Armistice day 1s made a legal | courage the people and break down
holiday all the more should we pray | the morale of this movement,” the
for a peaceful outcome of the confer- Idaho Senator declares. He urges the
ence gathering in Washington. While | friends of peace to counteract this
we enjoy a day off probably as much | work by actively supporting the con-
as anybody we are not blind to the! ference.
stupendous economic loss occasioned
by universal cessation from labor. |
The eight hour day, the Saturday | President Harding suggested that it
half holiday, the legal and proclama- | would be unwise to expect much from
tory holidays are all parasites on the conference. Senator Borah must
economy and when we consider with have had that statement in mind
these the many, many special holi- | when he said in his letter to Mr. Myz-
days celebrated by various foreign ick: “The people are being almost
_elements among our producers the | daily advised that they must not ex-
loss would be appalling if it could be | pect too much from the conference,
calculated. If we are to go on fight-
It will be remembered that a short.
time ago, in discussing the subject, |
ing there may be no end to the holi-
‘days eventually and then who will do
the work that is to be done.
—We have always contended that
those of our people who register
themselves as Prohibitionists and
thereby involve the county in the ex-
pense of having a ticket printed for
them should either be more careful of
their privilege or voluntarily give it
up. For years the Prohibition ticket
in Centre county has been but a snare
which politicians set for the purpose
of catching unwary voters. Why
there should be one at all nobody
seems to know. Rarely are there any
candidates on it, other than those of
the two dominant parties who may
have captured the endorsement of the
Prohibitionists by false pretense.
And we all know that in local or
county elections the Prohibitionists
interrogate the nominees of the Dem-
ocratic and Republican parties and
then vote for the ones who reply that
they are dry. Why not vote for them
directly as Democrats or Republicans
and save what is certainly a needless
expense and avoid such iravesties as
will appear on the ticket in one of the
wards of Bellefonte next Tuesday
when it will be revealed that a man
who is now serving a sentence for
complicity in a liquor robbery is the
Prohibition candidate for an import-
cant ward office. :
that the outlook is discouraging, and
that we must not allow our hopes to
rise too high—a warning, as it were,
it would seem in advance, that the
conference will accomplish little, if
anything.” No doubt the Senator has
i correctly interpreted the language of
| the President. But what is he going
'to do about it?
It may safely be said that President
Harding never intended the disarma-
decreasing armaments.
Lodge and other leaders of the Re-
publican party he is under such obli-
gations to the manufacturers of war
materials that any sincere movement
for disarmament would be treachery.
He was forced by public opinion to
| call the conference and after having
| done so loaded it down with other
| subjects so as to make success impos-
| sible. That is why the eastern dis-
putes and difficulties were brought
within the scope of the conference.
He knew that no agreement on the
| subjects of difference between China
| and Japan could be made.
i eee eer
So long as they don’t make
face powder out of poison war gasses |
the country may be comparatively
— If the President didn’t make a
fool speech every now and then he
i would be forgotten. oo
ment conference to be productive of !
Like Senator |
| Senator Reed’s Amiable Purpose.
Senator Reed, of Missouri, who
wasted a good deal of energy during
the last Congress helping the Repub-
lican leaders to “put President Wilson
in a hole,” is spending some of the
same force now trying to lift the Re-
publican party out of a hole. Some
months ago President Harding ap-
peared in the Senate chamber to de-
feat the soldiers’ bonus bill and suc-
ceeded. But he “sowed to the wind”
in that operation and the just indig-
nation of suffering service men all
over the country has been stewing
ever since. Now, just as it was about
to get expression in the Kansas City
convention of the American Legion,
Senator Reed has brought forward a
plan to revive the measure and pass
It is doubtful, however, if the Re-
publican leaders will accept the vol-
unteer services of Senator Reed, much
as they would like to be rescued from
a dangerous situation. His plan is to
continue the excess profits tax and
use the proceeds for discharging the
obligation to the soldiers. The Re-
publican party is committed to a con-
siderable reduction or absolute repeal
of this tax, which amounts to $450,-
000,000. That was the consideration
promised to the corporations for the
vast sums contributed to buy the
election of President Harding, and a
| majority in both branches of Con-
' gress, and if it is broken the corrup-
tion fund will be cut off in the next
campaign and thus the party will be
, defeated.
In this instance Senator Reed has
most, if not all, his Democratic col-
‘leagues behind him. The justice of
liberal provisions for the soldiers has
‘been felt and asserted by the Demo-
crats, and most of the Republicans of
the country are of the same mind.
But the Secretary of the Treasury re-
alizes that it will be impossible to
provide for the soldiers and fulfill the
obligations made during the campaign
to the fat fryers. The fat fryers are
exacting, and being experts in busi-
ness, know exactly how to resent de-
linquencies, while the soldiers may be
hoodwinked. For these reasons we
“haye doubt of Senator Reed’s amia-
ble enterprise. But it will hold the
situation until after the Legion con-
. vention.
— While the real soldiers are dis-
porting themselves in Kansas City
old General Apathy is leading the pol-
iticians of Pennsylvania in a listless
eee pee
Senator McConnell’s Status.
i 'The Pennsylvania public, in so far
as it takes interest in politics, is deep-
ly concerned, if not actually woiried,
about the present official status of the
. Hon. William C. McConnell, of Sha-
'mokin. Mr. McConnell was, until a
few weeks ago, “in quiet possession,”
as the lawyers phrase it, of a most
attractive place in the public service
of the Commonwealth. That is to
' say, he was an undisturbed occupant
of an easy chair in the Senate chain-
ber of the General Assembly, with
free access to the Governor’s office
and all the other departments of the
State government. It is easily the
“softest job in public life, taking one
| consideration with another.
| A few weeks ago, as hove indicat-
"ed, Mr. McConnell was lured into the
acceptance of another office by the
promise or impression that it would
make him a potential figure in the po-
| litical life of the State, and inciden-
| tally invest him with a title to part
| ownership of a Governor. Owning a
| Governor is a great thing in Penn-
| sylvania, as may be inferred from the
| fact that the late Senator Quay set it
{as the zenith of his ambition. The
‘new office being incompatible with
‘that of the State Senator, Mr. Me-
| Connell resigned his Senatorial seat
to give his entire time and all his tal-
| ents to the administration of the new
office. Since that, according to cur-
| rent gossip, he has been shorn of all
the power of the new office except
' that of drawing his salary.
A cursory reading of the newspa-
| per gossip touching the subject of
' Senator McConnell’s official status
conveyed the impression that the
| worst had come and gone. It was
| made clear that he has been shorn of
‘power and relieved of the labor of ad-
| ministration but as he retained the
i right to draw the salary, it was rea-
' soned that to a man of his tempera-
| ment, conditions would be at least en-
‘ durable. But we now learn through
| a Harrisburg dispatch to the Phila-
! delphia Record that there has been
| an actual removal, in which event the
| salary would cease, and that the ac-
| tion is “heartily commended” by the
| Anti-Saloon League. This is what
. gives the public concern.
Se ee
. ——It would be polite, at least, for
| the government to ease up a trifle on
{war ship building while the confer-
' ence for disarmament is in session in
| Washington.
Order of Doubtful Value.
It will be difficult for those in
whose interest it was made, to justi-
| fy the order of Judge Anderson, of
| the United States District court,
, handed down at Indianapolis on Mon-
' day, forbidding the collection of dues
of the members of the United Mine
Workers by what is known as the
“check-off” system. By that system
coal mine operators take from the
miners’ pay the amount of their dues
and hand it over to the organization.
If this operation were a matter of
compulsion there might be reason in
a restraining order. But as a matter
of fact it is the result of a mutual
agreement. In any event there has
been no complaint on the subject.
Judge Anderson imagines he has
discovered a conspiracy between the
union miners and the mine owners
for the reason that some of the mon-
ey thus acquired by the mine labor
organization has been used to enlist
miners not affiliated with the organ-
ization in the union. It is a matter of
record that every labor organization,
as well as every fraternity of every
kind, employs part of its revenues in
propaganda and enlistment work.
The strength of an organization is
measured by its numbers and its ef-
ficiency by its numerical strength.
The United Mine Workers of Ameri-
ca like the Railroad Brotherhoods or
mutual insurance companies want as
many members as they can get.
In a statement supporting his or-
der restraining mine operators from
practicing the check-off system Judge
Anderson states that the purpose of
the effort to unionize the West Vir-
ginia coal fields is not to benefit the
miners but to prevent competition in
the price and sale of coal in the pub-
lic market. So far as the published
statements of the recent conflict be-
tween the mine owners and mine
workers in West Virginia goes there
was nothing of that element in the
the check-off system is a hardship.
That being true it would seem as
though the courts might well have
kept out of the controversy altogether.
J en ea
ihe 1
Recurring to the Elk’s carnival,
a complete report of which appears in
another column, the people of Belle-
fonte should encourage making it an
annual event, not alone because of the
fun and entertainment provided, but
because it furnishes an excuse for in-
nocent diversion on the part of young
people of the town who, but for the
carnival, might engage in some of the
old pastimes with which Hallowe'en
was observed, and which invariably
Neither has there been.
any complaint from either side that |
: The Strike Menace.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
By calling off the strike order the
railway brotherhoods bowed to public
opinion and yielded to the mandate of
the Federal government; but there is
nothing in their action which offers
any guarantee to the public that their
threat will not be renewed. It would
be a mistake to look upon their pres-
ent surrender as indicating any inten-
tion on their part to give up the gen-
_eral strike as a weapon to be used
| against the railways and the public
at some future stage of the wage con-
troversy, when they may deem it nec-
essary to carry their fight to the last
ditch. The public and the govern-
ment will not make the error of over-
The best that can be said for the
changed situation is that it offers a
breathing space, both for the contin-
ued operation of the slow and clogged
machinery created by law for the ad-
justment of the relations between the
railways and their employees and for
the precautionary measures necessary
' to be taken for the protection of the
. public—the last to be considered, ap-
| parently, by the immediate parties to
1 the wage controversy. There may be
' some reassurance in the intelligence
| that elaborate preparations had been
made, principally by Secretary Hoov-
er, for the marshaling of every pos-
| sible resource of the Nation to nulli-
fy the purpose of the railway unions
to cripple the country. But the arm-
istice will have lost its chief value if
it is not utilized for careful thought
and preparation to ascertain what can
be done by legislation to remove every
legitimate cause of complaint in the
railway enactments.
President Gompers, of the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor, is quoted as
bitter in his comments on the new
turn of events. He is not less em-
phatic in his condemnation of the
"Transportation Act in general of
the Labor Board in particular than
are the critics of that law on the side
of the railway corporations. But all
that Mr. Gompers has to suggest,
aside from his denunciation of the
personnel of the Labor Board and the
congested state of its docket, is a re-
' turn to conditions which it is only too
well known, failed in the past to bring
about that ideal relationship between
employers and employed for which all
men of good will aspire. be BR
Most people will agree with Mt.
bor difference when each side appears
jin the role of a litigant, pressing
i maximum demands in the hope of
, winning something less; there will be
| less unanimity in approval of his bit-
| ter objection to the interposition of
| the courts to enforce agreements. Mr.
' Gompers knows only too well that it!
is idle to hope for lasting results,
even from the operation of his pro-
' gram of a round-table conference and
existing system under the Federal |
Gompers that it is an unfortunate
way to approach a settlement of la- |
) : ts | a free exchange of views between the
resulted in the desecration and de-| employer and employed, whe
struction of private property some- |g no guarantee that agreements there
times running up into the hundreds | reached will be lived up to. It does
of dollars. Time was when Hallowe'en | not matter whether the fault lies on
was viewed with apprehension by one side or the other, the fatal de-
every property owner in Bellefonte, | fect being lack of confidence.
and with just cause, too. Nothing ! he interposition of government,
that was loose or detachable was safe | the employment of external force, is
: : | an unfortunate necessity. If it is to
out of doors, while broken windows ! be eliminated, as Mr. Gompers sug-
were of frequent occurrence. On |
4 | gests, by the repeal of the Esch-Cum-
Monday night, so far as the writer mins law and a abolition of the La-
has been able to learn, there was not | hor Board, he and the interest for
a single act of trespass performed in | which he speaks will have a responsi-
Bellefonte, while the carnival was | bility to the general public which they
clean and wholesome as a Sunday | ¢an no longer safely ignore. The uni-
school picnic. For this reason, if mo | versal condemnation of the strike pro-
other, the Elks deserve great credit | gram of the brotherhoods is to be ex-
Ep : | plained solely by the fact that the
foo hove Foi Zarpivl any | people recognized that their interests
J : : were being totally ignored and that
bigger and better with each passing | their sufferings A be used as a
year. {weapon of coercion. Under the cir-
epee | cumstances, the government was ful-
— Our usual breezy “Pine Grove ly justified in the measures that were
Mentions” have gone a glimmering | falter, and even in the warnings that
this week because the writer is up od were specifically directed against the
Scranton as a juror in the United Yor ore
States district court. In a letter to |
No Way to Win.
n there |
the “Watchman” he says he is up:
there “helping Hon. Charles B. Wit-
mer deal out justice to bootleggers,
and it is not only a lazy man’s job
but d—n poor pay at that.” He fail-
ed to state, however, whether he was
obliged to sample any of the boot-
legger’s merchandise, but that would
be the only way to render a verdict
“according to evidence.”
PEE— ed
, ——The churches of Bellefonte
have finally broken into the advertis-
ing columns of the local newspapers,
and the Bellefonte Ministerium this
week proclaims next Sunday as
«Armistice Sunday” and urges every-
body to go to church that day. The
“Watchman” joins with the minis-
terium and urges the readers to go—
go for the reasons the Ministerium
assigns and for the additional one of
showing them that advertising brings
— Marshall Foch is the outstand-
ing figure in the United States today
quite as certainly as he was the lead-
ing personality in France three years
; on pogdie,oddi.,
| ——Are you going to church next
Sunday? Armistice day services will
be held in most of the churches. Bet-
ter go!
——Come here for your job work.
| From the Ohio State Journal.
| President Harding’s warning to the
public not to expect so very much
from the armament limitation confer-
ence is doubtless kindly intended as a
means of averting possible disap-
point in the actual outcome. But it
is a little as it would be if the coach
of a football team should announce
just before a crucial game that it had
no chance to win, but might be able
to hold its opponents’ score lower than
there was reason to fear. Such a spir-
{it never won a victory. The coach
| who believes his boys will win, what-
ever the odds against them, and in-
spires them with the same idea, some-
times sees the seemingly impossible
There is no doubt what public sen-
timent, not only in this country but
among all the world’s taxpayers, is
with the respect to the policy of
maintaining vast armaments in prepa-
| ration for wars made infinitely more
i likely by that very policy. Public
| sentiment is solidly arrayed against
| the armament manufacturers and the
| naval experts on this issue, and it
| would win if only
it would assert
| itself with all its might, for then the
politicians and diplomats around the
conference table would not venture to
stand out against it.
| ibid iiind
— The recall may have served a
useful purpose in the recent North Da-
| kota vote but it made a hard bed for
! the succeeding Governor to sleep in.
! died last Thursday
__¥idden beneath the cellar stairs in tin
cans and other things more than $1500
was uncovered by appraisers of the es-
tate of Dr. Milton Acker, who died sud-
denly in Tylersport, Montgomery county,
last week. He was seventy-four years old,
! worth $30,000 and for two score years was
runner for the Souderton bank.
Tred P. Miller, who became a letter
carrier at Sharon 31 years ago, has walked
131,000 miles while on duty. He has lost
but ten days through illness. In his first
twenty-three years of service he did not
lose a day. Miller is 27,000 miles ahead
of a New Castle postman, who recently
claimed a record for long-distance walk-
Entering pleas of no defense to sev-
enty-one indictments charging burglary
and housebreaking, after he had been
convicted of burglary and criminal as-
sault, Paul Harris, a negro, was sentenced
to serve not less than twenty-five years
nor more than thirty-two years in the
western penitentiary, by Judge C. H.
Kline, at Pittsburgh, last Wednesday.
william R. Zimmerman, one of the
best known citizens of DuBois, and agent
for the Singer Sewing Machine company,
was instantly killed on Friday afternoon
near his home when the Ford car he was
driving overturned and pinned him under.
There were no witnesses to the accident,
but people were on the scene shortly after-
wards, and Mr. Zimmerman was found to
be dead.
Several persons escaped death at
Phoenixville when the air tank at the
garage of Gambel & Shutes exploded last
Thursday and disappeared through the
| ceiling of the business office, traveled on
through the second story that is used by
Shutes as a living apartment, and shot
through the roof of the building. Sev-
eral of the men were in the office a mo-
ment before the crash, and Mrs. Shutes
had just been sitting in the path of the
tank. The office was completely wrecked.
The cause of the explosion is not known.
The docility of the celebrated “Mary's
Little Lamb” in no manner was exempli-
fied by the ram belonging to Mrs. Eliza-
beth Sproul, of Farmington, a village near
Uniontown, Fayette county, and as a re-
sult Mrs. Sproul is defendant in a damage
suit instituted by Mrs. Ida Rholf, a prom-
inent resident of the same town, who seeks
| $10,000 for ‘personal hurts, injured feel-
ings and chagrin” inflicted by the ram.
Mrs. Rholf says she was walking to
church and was attacked by the ram in
such a manner that neighbors had to lend
wraps to her to wear home.
Three men were arrested in Pitts-
burgh on Monday in connection with the
robbery occurring at the home of George
Hoover, of Uniontown, Pa., Saturday
night. They were Fred Heinbaugh, his
brother, George Heinbaugh, and Joseph
Kurtz, all of Smock, Fayette county.
Bonds, sccurities and jewelry valued at
$250,000 are said to have been stolen from
the Hoover home while the family was at-
tending the informal reception given Unit-
ed States Senator William E. Crow, upon
his first return to his home in Uniontown
after having been sworn in to succeed the
late Philander C. Knox.
—Pennsylvania’s world war medal, au-
thorized by the Legislature for all hon-
orably discharged officers and enlisted
men who were commissioned or enrolled
iff the national-guard of Pennsylvania up
to August 5th, 1917, and served in the war,
is ready for issuance, according to an or-
der signed by Adjutant General Frank D.
Beary. August 5th was the date the na-
tional guardsmen were drafted into fed-
eral service. Applicants must set forth on
the proper blanks for the purpose the
rank and organization they were connect-
od with. The medal shows William Penn
in armor, and has an allegorical design.
Investigation of reports of an out-
break of fifteen cases of diphtheria at New
Germantown, Perry county, resulted in a
quarantine being placed upon the village
last Friday by state health authorities
and Colonel J. Bruce McCreary, head of
the division of communicable diseases,
was placed in charge. It is also reported
that there is not a physician in the town.
Arrangements have been made by the
State to secure medical aid from Blain and
near by places. The State sent supplies
of anti-toxin and asked that a committee
of citizens be formed to assist in sanitary
measures and enforcement of quarantine.
— Because Mrs. Thomas Kline, of Read-
ing, told a woman confidant that she had
five children, but gave three away and
«drowned the other two last night,” and
because of other amazing statements, her
husband has instituted a contest of her
will before Judge Schaeffer in orphans’
court in that city. Mrs. Kline, who died
several weeks ago, had no children. She
left a will to which she made her mark,
being too ill to write, in which half of her
estate, more than $6000, was left to her
husband, Thomas Kline, and the other
half to relatives, Anna G. Bushby and Wil-
liam I. Hess. Mental incompetency to
make a will and undue influence are al-
leged by the husband.
— Henry Clay Chisolm, aged 62 years,
for thirty years a well known physician
of Huntingdon and central Pennsylvania,
evening at Niagara
Falls, where he had gone to recuperate
from a general breakdown due to over-
work. After graduating at Hahnemann
hospital, Philadelphia, he settled in Mis-
sissippi, but was compelled to leave that
State after the Ku Klux Klan had mur-
dered his father, Judge Chisolm, his
brother and sister. He represented the
Franklin-Huntingdon district in the Sen-
ate from 1897 to 1900 and was a member
of that body at the time of the famous
fight against United States Senator Quay.
He leaves a widow, two daughters and a
brother, William W. Chisolm, of Hunting-
—William Haney, aged 70 years, made
certain of death by suicide at Alexandria
on Sunday morning when he first shot
himself and then swung off a step-ladder
to dangle at a rope’s end in the woodshed
of his daughter's home. Haney resided
with his daughter, Mrs. Benjamin Isen-
berg, and during the morning he gave no
evidence of committing any rash act. He
has been troubled with eczema for some
time but bore his sufferings without com-
plaint. When Mr. Isenberg went to church
he inquired of his daughter if she were
not going to service and she informed him
that she was not feeling well and was
going to bed. The man left the house,
went to the wood-shed and with the use
of a step-ladder he adjusted a noose. He
then mounted the ladder and shot himself
through the head with an old-fashioned
one-loader pistol, the ball going through
the brain. He then plunged off the lad-
der and dangled at the rope's end.