Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 28, 1921, Image 1

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    Donor fad.
—Eggs is eggs again.
——Let us hope that Senator |
Crow’s toga is on straight.
— Just naturally the lady with the
most cents will be the Harvest Queen.
—Whatever your disguise may be
for the carnival, next Monday night,
let your actions reveal to the crowd
that you are a lady or gentleman.
—Say, you fellows who were flash-
ing fifties and hundreds as though
they grew on thistle bushes two years
ago, have you had your hooks on any
of them lately?
— Nikolai Lenine, Russia’s Red
Premier, has visions of “going to the
devil.” We quote his own words, be-
cause they indicate that at least one
Soviet fanatic has had a lucid mo-
—The boot-legger who hit the end
of the Milesburg bridge a few nights
ago brought sorrow to himself, but
joy to those who grabbed up the bot-
tles that fell from the wrecked ma-
If the foreign representatives to
the disarmament conference ave to be
permitted to bring all the liquor they
need into this country we fear there
will be a revival of the “back stairs” |
diplomacy in Washington.
_ The scientist who states that the
earth will have no coal for fuel two
hundred and ninety years hence won’t
be around when the calculations are
verified or proven bunk. Neither will
any of the rest of us, so we should
— There must be some ailment that
nothing but beer can cure, for Secre-
tary Mellon has put “suds” back on
the medicinal list. And the Secreta-
ry evidently believes in allopathy,
too, for he has ruled that two and 2
half gallons isn’t more than enough
for a dose.
—Fvery gold-star mother in this
broad land who does not know posi-
tively where her martyred son is ly- |
ing may cherish the thought that, |
possibly, the unknown hero, at whose
side America will kneel in grateful
tribute on Armistice day, is really
her lost boy.
—The early withdrawal of the
American army of occupation from
the Rhine means the end of a “snit”
for fifteen thousand soldiers and the
decapitation of the goose that was
laying the golden eggs for the Ger-
mans living in the territory the
American army controlled.
—1In the loss of Madera State paid
.a high price for her practical victory
over Harvard on Saturday. A broken
thigh will keep the promising tackle
out of the game for the balance of
the season and men of Madera’s pos-
sibilities will be needed at State be-
fore she finishes the hard schedule
ahead of her.
—If the Republican government of
Hungary has captured former King
Charles and nipped his little coup to
regain the throne he had better be
kept where they can have a look at
him occasionally. Once a King al-
ways a King is Charles’ way of look-
ing at it and he will ever be trying
to start something if given the oppor-
— Most every one is hoping that
there will be no railroad strike, but
there are few who want to see a strike
averted by a compromise of any sort.
The public has been sitting on this
lid long enough and what it wants
most now is a final settlement of the
question as to who is running the
railroads of this country: The unions
or their managers.
— Congress has extended the opera-
tion of the Emergency Tariff bill to |
February 1st, 1922. It is the bill that |
was passed by the Republicans to |
make better times for the farmers.
Ever since its approval last May the
price of farm products has been stead-
ily downward so the new lease of life |
given the abortionate act won't be
hailed with much joy by the farmers
of the land.
—Since Senator McConnell has
been prohibition officer for Pennsyl-
vania, only a few months, fifteen mil-
lion gallons of liquor have been with-
drawn from bond on “queer” permits.
‘The bootleggers who got it paid nine-
ty million dollars for it and if they
sold it all at the prevailing price they
have cleared up three hundred and
sixty million dollars. Almost we are
persuaded to become a boot-legger.
— The Pennsylvania liquor scandal
has probably eliminated Judge Me-
Clure as a gubernatorial possibility.
Not that any one holds the Judge re-
sponsible for the scandalous action of
his former private secretary or
charges him with having any knowl-
edge of what has been going on, but
it just doesn’t look good and the op-
position will exploit it to the limit.
Of course if the Judge isn’t to be in
the race there will be no need of fix-
ing up “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” on Fish-
ing creek for use as the summer Ex- |
acutive Mansion.
—Charles M. Schwab voiced the
sentiment of many when he declared
that the Railroad Labor Board ought
to be bounced. The government has
‘400 many fingers in too many pies.
The Labor Board and the Inter-State
Commerce Commission are working at
cross purposes all the time and neither |
the public, labor nor capital has
known where it is at since they began
to function. And it will ever be so,
at least as long as a lot of salary
grabbing eommissions are authorized
by law to meddle in and muss up
‘business of others.
Henry Ford’s Idea of Railroading.
There has been so much talk about
Henry Ford’s railroad venture, a tri-
fle in praise and a deluge of criticism,
that what he says himself on the sub-
ject must be interesting. In an arti-
cle published in the official publica-
tion of the Chamber of Commerce of
the United States Mr. Ford gives the
public his ideas. He doesn’t claim to
have “done anything new in railroad-
ing,” but he declares that he “has tak-
en the old system of operation and cut
off its obvious absurdities.” Accord-
ing to his friends as well as his foes,
however, he has taken a bankrupt and
motheaten railroad property and con-
verted it into a progressive and
| monster that
prosperous transportation enterprise.
It is not easy to see how he would
| effect the first change that appears
“to be in his mind. “I would get rid
jof the individual stockholder,” he
says. He fails to indicate how he
| would accomplish this except by the
“inference which may be drawn from
‘his subsequent proposition that “jf
| the brakeman on a railroad owns
stock in it he has an additional
| inducement to competent service.”
Probably that is true, and it is equal-
|ly certain that many of the railroad
| managers have tried to entice brake-
. men and other employees to become
| stockholders. But there are not
| enough of them sufficiently provided
| with funds to buy the railroads and
‘the only alternative must be govern-
| ment ownership.”
Another suggestion he advances re-
, mains to be proved. He imagines, or
| probably believes, that lighter weight
| cars and locomotives would be eco-
| nomical. Other and more experienc-
ed railroad managers think the
| heavier vehicles are most economical
and for that reason the trend in re-
{ cent years has been in that direction.
It would require a bunch of the light
weight engines in service a quarter of
‘a century ago to haul the immense
trains now the rule on all the big
| trunk lines and the expense of the
' group would necessarily be greater
| than those of the single throbbing
pulls such trains up
| grades and over mountains. Mr. Ford
may be correct in this but we prefer
| the motto of Missouri rather than of
: Michigan.
| To his proposition that there is
| waste in the tardy motion of freight
“trains, popular assent is altogether
| likely and his belief that there are too
' many lawyers and a redundancy of
high-salaried officials is so self-evi-
{dent as to require no supporting
{ proof. Mr. Ford says that “most
i railroads have enough lawyers work-
|ing for them to operate them if they
| were engaged in useful work.” He
' might have added that some roads
{have policemen enough to repel an
army and they are about as useful as
la navy to a country without a sea-
i The hunting season for all
‘kinds of game except deer will open
| next Tuesday, November 1st, and
from general indications an army of
| hunters, both old and young, will be
| in the woods bright and early to make
la try at getting their share of game.
Great care should be exercised by
unters to avoid accidents. Under a
! recent act of the Legislature a heavy
{ penalty is prescribed for shooting
| another hunter jn mistake for game,
| and therefore every hunter should
| make it a point to know just what he
is shooting at. It is always far bet-
ter to allow one bird to get away than
to shoot a fellow man, and there will
probably be other opportunities to get
plentiful so that hunters ought to be
successful in making a good bag on
the opening day.
No voter in Pennsylvania
should overlook the fact that coal
prices will rise or fall accordingly as
the constitutionality of the coal tax
is affirmed or denied by the Supreme
——Wonder if as much ceremony
— Tt is said that Lenine confesses
the failure of his scheme of govern-
ment but is not sufficiently contrite to
take steps in the direction of restitu-
| tion.
It is suspected that some of
| day were more envious than pleased.
It will probably be discovered
now that a case of beer is a sure cure
| for toothache and an infallible reme-
| dy for corns.
——Charlie Hapsburg doesn’t look
| like Napoleon or act like Napoleon
| ending.
the bird. Reports are current that
pheasants and wild turkeys are fairly .
and enthusiasm would have followed
the appointment of a real statesman:
as Senator in Congress for Pennsyl-
every party leader.
: for Beidleman had its beginning in
' school days and has endured without
{ those who witnessed the induction of |
| Senator Crow into his office on Mon- |
| their
{ ny will not increase
the | but there is some similarity in their | men are condemned for
| right thing.
Startling Statement of Duncan. Vote Against a Padded Court.
Mr. Harry L. Duncan, said to be in
charge of the prohibition enforcement
work in Philadelphia, in an interview
given out the other day said: “He
and the other men who came here
were sent to clean out McConnell’s
office, and they are going to go
through with the job.” That is a
strange statement in view of the
facts. The office referred to is that of
prohibition enforcement director Wil-
liam C. McConnell, of Shamokin, re-
cently appointed at the instance of
Senator Penrose. To qualify for the
service he was obliged to resign a
seat in the State Senate, a very high-
ly prized place in the public life of
Pennsylvania. Cleaning out the of-
fice would necessarily involve the re-
moval of McConnell.
No thoughtful student of politics
and men ever imagined that Senator
McConnell relinquished his nice, clean
and decent seat in the Senate in or-
der to acquire either the honor or
emolument of the office to which he
succeeded. It is more likely that he
accepted the place because of the po-
litical power it conveyed and the op-
portunities it afforded. Senator Pen-
rose had selected a candidate for Gov-
ernor who happened to be a friend of
Mr. McConnell, and the patronage of
the enforcement office might easily be
made a potential force in the cam-
paign for the gubernatorial nomina-
tion. But the beans have been spilled.
McConnell became over zealous and
filled the office with grafters of a
stupid variety.
Through the operations of these
subordinates millions of gallons of
whiskey were fraudulently released
for beverage uses in violation of the
Volstead act and some of the subor-
dinates have been arrested. But as
Mr. Duncan states, those were “the
little fellows” and the next step of
the law enforcers will be to get the
“higher ups”. “There are more in-
volved in this rum scandal,” he added,
“than mere employees.” What can
he mean by that? All in the office
are employees except the boss. It
would be a cruel issue of fate to re-
sign a seat in the State Senate in or-
der to qualify for one in the jail. It
would hardly seem possible for Gov-
ernor Sproul to be so heartless. But
Republics and Republicans are un-
grateful. :
Volstead’s life has been threatened it
is a safe bet one of his friends has
been talking. His enemies would pre-
fer to give him a long life of misery.
Mr. Beidleman in the Lead.
The appointment of Senator Crow
to fill the vacancy in the office of Sen-
ator in Congress caused by the death
of Senator Knox seems to have ma-
terially altered the conditions with re-
spect to the Republican nomination !
for Governor next year. A short time
ago the signs clearly pointed to the
nomination of Judge Witmer, of Sun-
bury, with Lieutenant Governor Bei-
dleman as the ‘“tail-ender”
race. Now Mr. Beidleman is not only
the leader but appears to be so far
ahead that all the others are hopeless.
The whiskey scandal took Witmer out
of the running but the appointment of
Crow did all the rest of the work of
transformation. It has caused a com-
plete change of the political map.
Senator Crow, who entered upon his |
new office on Monday, will resign the
chairmanship of the Republican State
| committee before the campaign of
next year opens and will be succeeded
by W. Harry Baker, of Harrisburg,
next to Penrose the most adroit poli-
tician in the State. Mr. Baker
heart and soul for Beidleman and
since the elimination of Witmer Pen-
' rose has no preference except in so
far as he may help his friends. No
man is quite as close to Penrose as
Baker, and strangely enough, while
he retained that relationship to Pen-
rose he held the confidence and retain-
ed the friendship of Governor Sproul.
| He is the only man in the organiza-
‘tion who was able “to hunt with the
hounds and run with the hare.”
Baker has been an important fig-
ure in the Senate of Pennsylvania for
a quarter of a century and knows, in-
timately, more politicians than any
other man. He has been secretary of
‘the Republican State committee for
more than a dozen years and is fa-
miliar with every curve and crook of
His friendship
interruption since. It may safely be
said, therefore, that when he assumes
the chairmanship of the organization
the whole works will be set in motion
| for Beidleman, who is himself a skill-
ful politician and capable party man-
ager. However, other candidates and
friends feel about it “that
hoss’s eyes is sot.”
eit Rosi
Hope for the future of Germa-
as long as public
doing the
If it is true that Congressman
in the!
i A few years ago when the country
was dazed by the rapid increase in
the price of anthracite coal Governor |
nounced that he would institute an in-
Sproul rather ostentatiously
vestigation and compel an adjustment
of prices on a fair basis. This state-
ment was hailed by the people as the
beginning of the end of what was ap-
praised as an infamous extortion that
preyed most severely upon the poor. |
The investigation was conducted by
the then Attorney General of the’
State, William I. Schaffer, upon whose
report the Governor subsequently de-
clared that the coal mine owners were
justified in their charges. Several
other investigations made at or about |
the same time sustained the com-
plaints of consumers.
During the last session of the Leg-
islature the “Watchman” as well as
other newspapers of the State repeat-
edly called attention to the fact that
the Supreme court had declared a law |
levying a tax on anthracite coal un-
constitutional on the ground that it’
was class legislation and that a bill
at the time pending in the General
Assembly would be invalid. It is re-
ported that in reply to this the Gov-
ernor declared that he had already
filled three vacancies on the Supreme
bench since the previous decision on
the question had been handed down
and that the court might easily re-
verse itself. In other words, he plain-
ly inferred that the Supreme court
had been packed to procure the deci-
sion he wanted.
One of the Justices of the Supreme
court appointed by Governor Sproul
is former Attorney General William
I. Schaffer, who made the investiga-
tion and report that the exorbitant
price of anthracite coal was just and
he is now the candidate of the Repub-
lican party for Justice so that he may
have a voice on the proposition to re-
verse the decision handed down a few
years ago. Other questionable trans-
actions of the political machine are
certain to be brought before the Su-
preme court for review within the
next #6 years -and if the voters are
wise they will keep the chosen agents
of the machine off the bench. This
result may be accomplished by voting
for Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell, Dem-
ocratic nominee for the office.
It may have been noticed that
none of the nations that intend to par-
ticipate in the disarmament confer-
“ence in Washington have withdrawn
' from the League of Nations.
Democratic Energy Aroused.
There are gratifying signs on the
' political horizon of a hopeful move-
, ment for the rehabilitation of the
' Democratic party in Pennsylvania.
The nomination of Judge Bonniwell
for Justice of the Supreme court has
! aroused an enthusiasm which has not
| been present for many years. The
| Democrats of Philadelphia are en-
| gaging in the campaign for his elec-
| tion with earnestness and enthusiasm
and chairman Sterling, of the Demo-
cratic State committee, is going into
the fight with much energy. The
Democratic party is not as weak as
the recent election returns would indi-
| cate. The strength of the party has
not been revealed at the polls for one
reason or another. If present prom-
. ises are fulfilled it will be now.
One of the reasons for hopefulness
this year is in the announcement that
former Secretary of the Treasury,
William G. McAdoo, of New York,
has tendered his services for the cam-
paign on the stump. Mr. McAdoo
knows more about the physical and
financial conditions of the railroads of
the country than any living man. Be-
cause of his familiarity with these
subjects the congressional committee
which had consideration of the ques-
tion of settling the accounts between
the government and the railroads re-
fused to let him testify. In the cam-
paign he will have full and free op-
portunity to expose the schemes
through which the Republican party
| hoped to pay its debts to coropora-
tions and the people will take notice.
It is hardly to be expected that the
full effect of the rehabilitation of the
party will be realized in the result of
the impending election. There was
not sufficient time between the nom-
ination of Judge Bonniwell and the
election to perfect the organization
for efficient fighting. But the elec-
tion of Mr. Bonniwell is within the
possibilities and the harmony and
| vigorous action which ahs already
| set in will be in full flower next year,
{and we may confidently expect to
elect a Governor and a majority in
| the Legislature then as a result. The
| conscience of the people is being
| aroused. The outrages perpetrated
| during the last session of the General
i Assembly will be resented and victory
| the reward.
reine Apert.
| ——1It appears that the administra- |
tion is holding the question of free
| ships in the Panama canal for Amer-
"jean coasters as “stock in trade.”
PA., OCTOBER 28, 1921.
i still further reduced. However,
NO. 42.
Song for the First of the Month,
Dorothy Parker in Life.
Money cannot fill our needs,
Bags of gold have little worth;
Thoughtful ways and kindly deeds
Make a heaven here on earth.
Riches do not always score,
Loving words are better far.
Just one helpful act is more
Than a gaudy motor car.
Happy thoughts contentment bring
Crabbed millionaires can’t know;
Money doesn’t mean a thing—
Try to tell the butcher so!
Greatest minds the world has known
All agree that gold is dross.
Man can’t live by wealth alone;
Bank books are a total loss.
Banish strife and greed and gloom,
Throw off money’s harsh control,
Sow good deeds and watch them bloom—
Hyacinths, to feed the soul.
Hoard no pelf, lest moth and rust
Do their work and leave you flat.
Money? It is less than dust—
Laugh the landlord off with that.
remem tee fg eee een,
The Strike Situation.
From the Philadelphia [ Record.
The present attitude of the govern-
! ment in the railway strike situation
adds emphasis to Mr. Schwab’s opin-
ion that the Railroad Labor Board
should be abolished and its functions
merged in the Interstate Commerce
Commission. It is an anomaly that
one government agency has control
of the railroad revenues and another
has control of the chief item of rail-
road expense. The President has al-
ready taken note that the Commission
is pulling one way and the Board is
pulling the other. The Commission
is trying to keep the earnings down,
and the Board is trying to keep wages
up, though it consented that a part of
the wage advance granted in July last
year should be taken away in July
this year.
The Railroad Labor Board has call-
ed a conference of railroad officials
and the men for October 26th, and the
{ heads of the brotherhoods have as-
sented to this conference. The Board
has also directed that there be no
strike pending the hearing and the de-
cision. To this the heads of the
brotherhoods do not commit them-
selves, and as the conference is to oc-
ed off, |
cur four days before the
begin, ‘the strike may be ca
and it may not. Apparently the lead-
ers of the brotherhoods are ready to
call off the strike after they get what
they want, and not otherwise.
In the meanwhile the Interstate
Commerce Commission has intervened
to make matters worse. It has order-
| ed a reduction of 16 per cent. in rates
on grain and grain products in the
West. The companies wish to reduce
wages because their revenues are in-
adequate to pay present wages, and
the Commission orders the revenues
Commission advises that the low state
of earnings, which led to the increase
allowed last year, should be rectified
by reductions in wages and prices.
The rates are to be reduced now; the
wages may be reduced, and may not;
the Labor Board has jurisdiction of
The President is not disposed to
take over the railroads, or exercise
any of his war powers, but is deter-
mined to back the Labor Board. This
is strongly predisposed to maintain
wages, but it did allow a reduction of
12 per cent., a part of the advance al-
lowed a year earlier, on July 1st last,
and now it has got to take note of the
latest action of the Interstate Com-
merce Commission.
As the matter stands, rates have
been reduced and several reductions
had been made voluntarily by the
railroads before they proposed a wage
reduction of 10 per cent. It is still
uncertain whether wages will be re-
duced, or how much; for in view of
the cut just made in rates the com-
panies may insist on a cut of more
than 10 per cent. It is largely a ques-
tion whether the strike shall
come now or after a little de-
lay. For if the strike is averted
now, it will probably be by making a
concession to the men, and they will
renew their demands when they think
the opportunity is more favorable.
America Worst,
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Somebody “close to the Adminis-
tration” is quoted in the Washington
dispatches as saying that we are
going to sit in the armament confer-
ence “with our cards on the table face
up.” The Senate’s cards are on the
table face up, but if the President has
his way we are not only going to sit
in the conference with some of our
cards up our sleeves, but after hav-
ing slipped them up our sleeves in
plain sight of the other players.
The whole shoddy and shameless
scheme, in all its futility and dishon-
esty, is in thorough keeping with the
national moral standard which we ad-
vertised as ours when we broke our
faith with our Allies in the war, re-
pudiated the treaty of Versailles, ne-
gotiated the separate peace of Berlin,
in which we appropriated all the ad-
vantages of the Versailles pact and
rejected all its obligations, and scrap-
ped in our highest Legislative body
the Hay-Paunceforte treaty—the na-
tional moral standard which in the
last three years has made our slogan
of “America First” synonymous with
America Worst.
meer eee perenne.
—If not too premature we venture
—Governor Sproul has fixed the week off
January 2 for electrocution of Chung*Tao,
Berks; Marshall Tillman, Cambria, and
Walter Lewis, Delaware counties. a.
—Fire of unknown origin Friday night
destroyed the First Methodist Episcopal
church of Brookville, near DuBois. The
church was said to have been one of the
best appointed in the Erie conference and
was built ten years ago at a cost of $30,-
—The third statue for the capitol rotun-
da, that of Andrew Gregg Curtin, the
“War Governor of the sixties,” arrived at
the state capitol in Harrisburg last Thurs-
day, and the selection of the niche will be
made in a short time. The statue, like
that of Adjutant-General Thomas J. Stew-
art, is of bronze. It is similar to the
Bellefonte statue.
—A safe which. yeggmen hauled away
from the offices of the Pittsburgh Lime-
stone company, near Brady's Bend, one
night recenfly, was later located in the
woods along the public road near Butler.
The safe had been broken open and a
small sum of money taken but books and
records were untouched. It is believed
the yeggs thought the safe contained the
company’s semi-monthly pay roll.
—The Clearfield Bituminous Coal cor-
poration one of the largest producers of
the central Pennsylvania field, won a legal
victory in the Indiana county civil court
when Judge J. N. Langham directed that
a verdict in favor of the corporation be
rendered in the case wherein Mr. and Mrs.
Joel Luvillo, of Indiana, sought to recov-
er $20,000 damages for the death of their
son, who was killed while at work in the
mines last summer.
—The prize for long-distance memory
should be given to the Phoenixville wom-
an who remembered her ‘charge’ account
bill 6935 days, and gave William M. An-
glemoyer, a manufacturer at Phoenixville,
the surprise of his life when he opened a
letter and found a check for $19. The ac-
count had been contracted in 1902, when
Anglemoyer conducted a grocery business.
He says he is entitled to several more sur-
prises of the same nature.
—A jury at Pittsburgh last week award-
ed damages to two pallbeareres in a suit
brought against Edward B. Laughlin, a
Castle Shannon undertaker. Harry FP.
Neumeyer was given $1100 and Peter Theo-
bald $985. The machine in which the men
were returning from a funeral was struck
by a trolley car and both were injured.
They averred the crash was the result of
negligence on the part of the chauffeur
employed by the undertaker.
Michael P. Tierney, a Northumberland
justice, believes he is the only squire in
the world who was ever paid for a wed-
ding fee with a load of hay. A young
couple from a nearby township, whose
names he refuses to give, wanted him to
marry: them but declared they had no
money. The bridegroom offered a load of
hay instead, and Tierney, thinking it a
joke, agreed. The young man unloaded a
ton of timothy in the justice's stable.
_Seven hundred pounds of dynamite
used in building the new concrete high-
way between Philadelphia and Easton, at
& point near Kintnersville, Bucks county,
fw 300 yards of trolley. track of the.
Iphia™ end “Waston
company’s line into the Delaware river
canal. A crew. of workmen were blasting
up old roadway. As a result of the acci-
dent passengers between Doylestown and
Haston must be transferred for over one-
half mile by truck.
—The employees of the Sunbury Con-
verting works, the dyeing end of the $19,-
000,000 Susquehanna Silk Mills corpora-
tion, voted to accept a wage cut ranging
from 5 to 10 per cent., rather than have
some of the help laid off. It was explain-
ed by the management that to meet com-
petition, such a course would be necessa-
ry. It is understood that the silk plants
of the company, located at Sunbury,
Northumberland, Milton, Lock Haven,
Lewistown, Jersey Shore and Huntingdon,
Pa., and Marion, Ohio, will also accept a
voluntary reduction in pay.
__ Frank Koccia, aged 35 years, myster-
iously disappeared from his home at Nan-
ticoke one night last week and his family
and police officials do not know whether
he was murdered or kidnapped. A strang-
er came to his home in the early evening
and asked for lodging. Ioccia explained
that himself, wife and three children oc-
cupied all available space in the house.
The pleadings of the stranger prompted
Koceia to volunteer to find a place, and
they departed. Soon after they reached
the sidewalk, two shots were heard. An
investigation showed no trace of Koccia
or the stranger.
When workmen on a sand dredger on
the West Branch near Newberry arrived
at their work one morning last week, they
found the fires in the boiler burning brisk-
ly, and the watchman’s dog lying in front
of the boiler. The watchman, Henry C.
Schwanbeck, 39 years old, however, was
missing. A search revealed his cap float-
ing on the water, and further probe into
the water brought to the surface the man's
body. Being subject to sudden attacks of
illness, the watchman had evidently been
stricken while alone at his work and fall-
en over the side of the dredger into the
water and drowned.
—Despondency over the loss of his wife
who died three months ago, is given as
the reason for the suicide of Charles N.
Teaney, tinsmith, of Wayne, Pa. Teaney,
61 years old, and religious, closed his shop
October 9, and, pasting a sign on the door
to the effect that business would be sus-
pended on account of a death in the fami-
ly, shot himself. His body was discover-
ed last Thursday morning by a neighbor
who, alarmed at the continued failure of
Teaney to appear on the street, notified
Chief Sweeney, of the Radnor township
police, and an investigation resulted in
the discovery of Teaney's dead body.
— His face full of shot with the proba-
bility of losing the sight of both eyes is
the fate of Ross Anders, an eighteen year
old youth whe was taken to the J. C.
Blair Memorial hospital at Huntingdon
early Friday morning from his home in
Water Street. Anders with his compan-
ion, Collins Ross, arose early Friday
morning to take a tramp in search of wild
geese which they heard during the night.
Their sense of hearing took them to the
quarry of the Water Street Trap Rock
company, where they thought the geese
had come down. Details of the shooting
could not be obtained but it is presumed
that Ross took Anders’ movements around
a rock for the wild geese and opened fire,
or Anders stepped out in range of the gun.
Anders’ face was well peppered with num-
ber four shot which entered both eyes and
the remark that it is only fifty-seven |it is very doubtful if his sight can be
days until Christmas.
Electric Rallway