—_— EES Bellefonte, Pa., October 21, 1921. IN THE NEGLIGEES Interesting Wearables for Fall and Winter Wear. me Newest Garment May Be Substituted for the Evening Dress Or Opera Coats. Rumors of the attractive things now being manufactured for autumn and winter behind closed doors, and which will be brought out as surprises later on when the cool weather is here and every woman is feeling the need of adding to and replenishing her ward- robe, are not confined to suits and dresses. Interesting things are being done in the realm of negligees. Negligees as they are made today | might be placed in two general classi: fcations—one of the dressing gown type, the other on the order ‘of a dress. Those of the latter sort, dur- ing the days when a wave of extrava- gance swept the whole world, became extremely elaborate and were con- sidered as belonging among the luxuries. Makers of such clothes showed themselves versatile and extremely clever when, with the passing of the spending debauch, they made this type of dress to fill more than one need and simplified it. Now for many occasions a negligee may take the place of a dress—especially an evening dress. The beautiful negligees that resemble so closely handsome evening dresses or opera coats being made for the new season are lovelier than ever, but among them is seen a goodly showing of dressing gowns and kimenos in which beauty has been blended with utility. There was a time when we felt that the good old-fashioned dressing gown made for comfort had receded into the distance. We may have sighed occasionally for its comfort on a cool autumn or winter morning, but remembrance of its plainness and un- becomingness solaced us for its loss. Extremely attractive challis have been chosen for autumn models, and to make them even more pleasing goft silk linings of contrasting colors have been added. FASHIONS IN WINTER FURS Wide Diversity Shown in Styles of Peltry to Have Milady's Favor for Coming Season. A passing glance at the fur gar- ments displayed shows a wide diver- sity in style. There is no set fashion even in silhouette. One wrap may have close-fitting capes that form the Jong straight lines, while the next gar- ment may be developed in wide, out- standing circular effects. There are many charming models and those built on the lines of a cape are popular. It is quite difficulty in expressing individuality in the furs we wear next winter. It is apparent that black fur gar- ments will be especially favored. Handsome models in caracul, lamb, Hudson seal and astrakhan are certain that there will be no i baby | make it possible dle west, and the part in honoring Day Speeches to be Heard | Across Continent. The largest audience that ever list- ened to one voice will hear the ad- | dress of President Harding over the body of the unknown American sol- | dier at Arlington national cemetery | Armistice day, for in addition to Armistice by the nation. In and in addition ratus will be put the distinguished gathering in front building so that of him, there will be throngs in New York, Chicago and San Francisco who , may be heard by | will be able to hear every word. lers in Madison | This is to be accomplished by | means of Bell loud speakers connect- led with a transcontinental telephone | circuit. Not only will the several au- | diences be able to hear President { Harding and the representatives of | the allied governments, including | Marshal Foch, but the music of the | “Star Spangled Banner,” played by | the Marine band, also will be carried | across the continent. The engineers of the American Tel- | ephone and Telegraph company are | arranging the mechanical details of | the event, and the American Legion will have charge of the other features of the program. The occasion will be | one of dignity and solemnity, and it | will make the funeral of the unknown | American soldier the most impressive “ever held. : Arlington, on the banks of the Po- 'tomac river overlooking Washington, | was the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee | before he commanded the Confederate | armies and the scene there will be | without parallel. Loud speaking horns i will be concealed about the ampithea- | ter so that the President’s voice will | carry half a mile, in addition to being | transmitted to the cities on the long | distance circuit. The program will building is full. In Chicago the local Auditorium, on the Pacific into service. as in New York, of the doors to h Washington. First first day in school “1 learned to say, replied the boy. “Aye!” son’s Weekly. His Import six months, but ing a moonlight President Harding will speak for the nation, and in a sense he will the President’s speech the crowd that gath- will be used and in San Francisco the Coast, will be pressed | In the two latter cities, eee fp — A little Scotch laddie, wee Willie Macgregor, returned When his father came back from work that evening scholar what he had ‘No, sir,’ to me mither and feyther,” “Did you indeed!” said the father. responded Willie.—Pear- etme He called on her twice a week for | had not proposed. “Ethel,” he said, as they were tak- ESR for the east, the mid- 3 «] am-——er—going to ask you an im- far west to have a | the unknown dead. portant question.” . “Oh, George!” she exclaimed, “this is so sudden. Wh pe “What 1 want to ask you is this,” he interrupted, “what date have you mee be heard | New York the audience will be | and your mother decided upon for our assembled in Madison Square Garden | wedding 7” ! loud speaking appa- | PE—— | SELF-RELIANCE GOES BANKRUPT {Fin Blood Saps Energy. Gude’s Pepto-Mangan Rebuilds the Blood. Wrestling with a tion of the blood is a desperate strug- gle. Thin, watery blood deprives the on the roof of that Square after the Auditorium Theatre one of the largest | arrangements will be made for an overflow audience out "body of energy and causes a played- ‘out feeling not unlike utter exhaus- ition. A man with weak blood has not | the full use of his powers. He lacks | decision, and vacillates until he loses | self-confidence. ii joer, god Women too, go fal- ome after his | tering along for months scarcely re- ¥ B | alizing that they need Gude’s Pepto- | Mangan, the blood-builder. But when he asked the young | they have taken it for a while, what learned. | a difference there is in the feelings! ‘Yes, ma'am,’ and The old-time vigor and the red-blood- ed hue of good health return. The : new rich blood gets to work, building, fortifying, lifting the spirit up to its | normal standard. Physicians have ear the speakers in Lesson. prescribed Gude’s Pepto-Mangan for | years as a blood-builder. Druggists | sell it in liquid and tablet form. Leok | for the name, “Gude’s Pepto-Mangan” on the package.—Adv. 66-41 e—— i —— ant Question. The “Watchman” gives all the stroll one evening, | NEWS while it is news. Sheriff's Election Proclamation. | OD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH.— cincet, For the township | Yor the school house in the For the township cinet, at the school Orviston. For the township | | | { G at the school house in Central City. building owned by William Hipple, in the village of Pine Glen. township of College, at the For the township of Rush, South Pre- cinct, at the school house in the village of Powelton. For the township of Rush, West Pre- cinct, at the school house near Osceola Mills, known as the Tower school house. For the township of Snow Shoe, Bast precinct, at the school house in the village of Clarence. For the township of of Burnside, in the village of Lemont. of Curtin, North Pre- house in the village of Snow Shoe, West of Curtin, South Pre- 1, Harry Dukeman, High Sheriff | cinet, at the school. house near Robert | Precinct, at the house of Alonza A. Groe, oh of the County of Centre, Fomor Mann's. on de village of Moshannon. wea 0 ennsylvania, do hereby make o ] . s Mac or the township of Spring, North Pre- known and give notice to the electors of pio the tovnshin of Ferguson: i cinet, at the township building erected | the County aforesaid that an election will ! be held in the said County of Centre on the SECOND ' TUESDAY OF NOVEMBER, 1 1921, being the '8th. of November, 1921, 1 for the purpose of electing the several per- For the township precinct, at the tion. For the township | sons hereinafter named, to wit : | cinet, at Murray's school house. For the township of Gregg, cinet, at the house occupied by Sinkabine, at Penn Hall. One person for Judge of the i Conrt. | | I also hereby make known and give no- tice that the place of holding elections in , the several wards, boroughs, districts and ! townships within the County of Centre is as follows: For the North Ward of the borough of | Bellefonte, at the Logan Hose Co. house! on east Howard street. | For the South Ward Bellefonte, in the Und ing. For the West Ward of the borough of Bellefonte, in the carriage shop of McQuistion, in Bellefonte. For the borough of Centre Hall, room at Runkle’s hotel. For the borough of Howard, at the pub- lie school in said borough. For the borough of Millheim. Supreme Tor the township cinet, in Vocational Mills. For the township cinet, in the school Woodward. "or the township cinet, at the residen For the township of the borough of ine Fire Co. build- | For the township Ne a in a For the township Boalsburg. For in the school house, now the Municipal build- : For the ing. fini = : T township buildin | For the borough of Milesburg, in the Julian. " borough building on Market street. i Tor the First Ward of the borough of . Philipsburg, in the Reliance Hose house. { For the Second Ward of the borough of Philipsburg, at the Public Building at ithe Loraee of North Centre and Presqueisle street. For the township cinet, at the school For the township cinet, at the school i For the Third Ward of the borough of Randolph, in Pine Grove Mills. For the township of Ferguson, Precinct, a. Baileyville school village of Baileyville. store of H. N. Musser, one mile west of State College, at Struble Sta- 0. F. hall, in the village cinet, at the building Clellan, in the village cinet. at the Boal Hall, the township of Howard, in the township public building. township of Huston, g erected in the Village For the township of Marion, Grange hall in the village of Tor the township near Mallory’s blacksmith shop. For the township of Spring, South Pre- cinet, at the public house formerly owned by John C. Mulfinger, in Pleasant Gap. West house in the of Ferguson, North eines, in the township building at Cole- ville. For the township of Tay erected for the purpose at man’s. For the township of Union, in the town- ship public building. For the township of Walker, Bast Pre- cinet, in the building owned by Solomon Peck, in the village of Huston. For the township of Walker, Middle precinet, in Grange Hall, in the village of Hublersburg. For the township of Walker, West Pre- cinet., at the dwelling house of John Roy- er, in the village of Zion. For the township of Worth, in the hall of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, in the village of Port Matilda. List of Nominations. of Harris, West Pre- : 4 v 2 The official list of nominations made by in the village of (ne several parties, and as their names will appear upon the ticket to be voted on the 8th day of November, 1921, at the dif- ferent voting places in Centre County, as in the certified to respectively by the Secretary “of of the Commonwealth are given in the ac- companying form of ballot, which is sim- ilar to the official ballot. Notice is-hereby given that every per- son excepting Justice of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the United States or this State, city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subor- Leonard Merry- of Gregg. North Pre- East Pre- William A. of Gregg, West Pre- school room at Spring of Haines, Bast Pre- house in the village of of Haines, West Pre- ce of BE. A. Bower. of Halfmoon, in I. O. of Stormstown. of Harris, East Pre- owned by Harry Me- of Linden Hall i of Liberty, East Pre- house in Eagleville. of Liberty, West Fre- house at Monument. at the Jacksonville. of Miles, East Pre- 3 cinct, at the dwelling house of G. H. Show- dinate officer or agent who js or shall be Philipsburg, at Bratton’s Garage, north- | ers, at Wolf's Store. employed under the Legislative, Execu- east corner of Seventh and Pine streets. For the township of Miles, Middle Pre- tive or Judiciary department of this State {For the borough of South Philipsburg. | cinct, in Mrs. Jacob Gephart’s residence, OF of the United States or of any city oF | at the City Hall in South Philipsburg. in Rebersbhurg. incorporated district, and also that every | Tor the borough of Snow Shoe, in the | porough building. | cinet, at the store room of E { For the borough of State College, East ; Precinct,—on College Avenue at the Odd i Fellows Hall. For the borough of ! Precinct,—on Madisonburg. For the township State College, West For the townshi Frazier street, at the Fire- ° 1p formerly owned by plentiful. Next to black the gray furs {mae : Bl hot Deli Coburn. e u nionville, in the 1 rnshi will be in demand, so there are charm- | Gore "Stall in said borough. For the towgghip ing models in mole and squirrel. of i For the township of Benner, North Pre- For the township course, the beautiful mink coats and } at the Knox school house. shuct, For the township of Benner, South Pre- Mills. De to be worn for Linch = the new brick school house at For the township o Rockview. cinet, A pew fur which is a mixture of | For the township of Boggs, North Pre- | yer. chinchilla and opossum is shown ‘in cnet, at Walker's school house. For the township For the township of Boggs, Bast Pre- | cinet, trimmings and is also used in Wraps in‘ combination ‘with fur fabrics. In neckpieces the animal skins seem to be the first choice.’ The pointed fox and fisher are being shown in large quantities, and there ‘are handsome models in sitka and white fox. ee FOR MEDIUM SIZED WOMEN This chic little black velvet hat is not designed for tall women. Huge bows of black velvet, lined with white silk, constitute the trimming. SC i———— Feather Fans Are Large. The popular style for ev is the large feathered fan, They are on the market in quanities, and are made up of unusually large drooping feathers of bunches of six or seven. There is a tendency toward solid color effects, such as all greens and all purples. eet ———Subseribe for the “Watchman.” ening wear | cinet, at the hall of Knights of Labor, in the village of Curtin. For the township of Boggs, For cinct, at the school Cassanova. West Pre- of the party of your choice. that purpose. opposite his name. may divide his vote by marking a cross (X) to For such office votes shall not be counted for candi First Column To Vote a Straight Party Ticket Mark a Cross (X) in this Column pePunLe | : DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST k - | PhommimON ! For the township of Miles, of John Hoy, at Waddle. Old Fort hotel. at the hotel in the village at the store of George Miess, at the Township Poor House. the township of SPECIMEN To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross (X) in the square, In the FIRST’ COLUMN, opposite the name To vote for a person whose name is not on the Ballot, member of Congress and of the State Leg- islature and of the select or common coun- ¢il of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district is, by law, incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of judge, inspec- tor or clerk of any election of this Com- monwealth, and that no inspector, judge or other officer of any such elections, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for, except that of an election officer. Under the law of the Commonwealth for holding elections, the polls shall be open- ed at 7 o'cclock A M. and closed at 7 o'clock P. M. Given under my hand and seal at my office in Bellefonte, this 15th day of Octo- ber in the year of our Lord, nineteen hun- dred and twenty-one and in the one hun- dred and forty-sixth year of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America. HARRY PDUKEMAN (Seal) Sheriff of Centre County. West Pre- lias Miller, in of Patton, in the shop of Penn, in a building Luther Guisewite, at of Potter, North Pre- of Potter, South Pre- of Potters of Potter, West Pre- at Col- of Rush, North Pre- Rush, East Pre- house in the village of BALLOT: A cross mark in the square opposite the name of any candidate indicates a vote for that candidate. write or paste his name in the blank space provided for To vote for an individual candidate of another party after making a mark in the party square, mark a cross (X) For an office where more than one candidate is to be elected, the voter, after marking in the party square, the right of each candidate for whom he desires to vote. dates not individually marked. Judge of the Supreme Court (Vote for One.) william I. Schaffer Republican Eugene C. Bonniwell Democratic Alfred B. Lewis Socialist Charles Palmer Prohibition weakened condi- | ¥or the township of Spring, West Pre- | lor, in the house : hg op 30 0 is =; Si i =I7 an LC =] 2 F | F | Uc LiL 9 |) afl UC oh ree . Yee ° Ie Sr] as tic =i! = I= ae A Hard Rubber Self Filling Fountain Pen a i - . _ 1 21] FREE with each pair of School Shoes. fc pe 1 1 in Lic oe 2 Ie : Si oe We made a special effort to purchase the very 7 = . . . ic Ic best quality of School Shoes for this fall and winter =I] it and we were not only successfull in getting quality, = Ne but we have them at prices far below any other LE 2 store. = i To prove this we will give to every Boy and Ic a Girl in Centre county who purchases a pair of shoes Le OE ;, fromusa Fountain Pen that is made of hard rub- oh fe ber, self filling, and the pen will give the best of sat- ir 0 isfaction. = Lc = pi 2 pil 1] =r de PIL LG 0 on oe 0 2 ire Fil We want to sell you School Shoes. LE = He = irs IL Sr rl i= Li I 1 He =I | P= Il Ean LL = orl Ce el HS Akar tar al Rr 4 3 Yeager's Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FO IH | Be R THE POOR MAN CRA Bush Arcade Building BELLEFONTE, PA. 58-27 SEES Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. o_o TIN AAAI III NING RAI FURS FURS Snappy, cool evenings make furs very desirable. See our complete line of handsome neck pieces. Owing to the continued warm weather we have made the pirces attractively low. Neck pieces in black, brown and taupe. $15.00 to $18.00 qualities, a very good imitation fox, handsomely lined, only $10.00. Better qualities well lined in good satin, all dark colors, including black, ranging in prices $15.00, $18.00, $20.00; these qualities cannot be matched elsewhere. Unusually handsome Black and Brown Fur Scarfs that sold at $40.00, our price $28.00. $60.00 quality Fox, In Black only now $40.00 Misses’ and Children’s sets in white and colors. See our line of full animal neck pieces in squir- rel and other colors. GLOVES GLOVES Our stock of winter Gloves is here. Ladies’ Button Kid or one strap gauntlet from $2.50 up. Children’s Kid and cloth fur top mittens, from 75 cents up. Ladies’ Duplex strap gauntlet gloves all colors and black, only $1.75. Ladies’ long gauntlets in wool, dark heather shades, only $1.50. WINTER UNDERWEAR. Men, women and children’s underwear in two- piece and union suits, Fleeced and Woolen, within the reach of the most economic buyer. COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES. This department is as busy as a bee hive. The low prices, largest assortment and good qualities are appreciated. We invite comparisons. BATH ROBES. We have just received a large line of Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Bath Robes, all colors, all sizes. Ladies’, $4.00. Children’s, $3.50. Bed Room Slippers to match. — re Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. BAAR AAAI pee
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