P. GRAY MEEK, Sm Editor Teo Correspondents.—No ‘communications published unless accompanied by the real same of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further motice this paper will be furnished to sub- scribers at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - 1.75 Paid after expiration of year - 2.00 New Schedule for Occupation As- sessments. This is the year for the regular tri- ennial assessment, which includes the fixing of a valuation on real estate for taxable purposes. The county commissioners, who have the right under the law to fix the valuation on various occupations for taxable pur- poses, have prepared a list which has been given to each assessor in the county, and it will be the duty of the assessors to make return of the occu- pation of every voter in the county, male and female, according to the list provided for that purpose. The “Watchman” herewith publishes the list in full and by carefully reading the same you will be able to see just what your occupation is rated at: Taxable Occupation Amount te be Assessed Accountant .......s...... 0000.00 $200.00 Aged or Invalid ......ivevvsvsssvne 10.00 Agents of all kinds ...i........... 100.00 Amusements, (Keeper or Manager) Theatres, ele. i......s0shisssnn sea 300.00 Apprentices of all kinds 40.00 Architects '..........0 0... 000 300.00 APLISESH (i. diel evi, 300.00 AUCHIONERr i... a vases 250.00 Automobile Dealers ................ 300.00 Baggage Master ........... raat aie 200.00 Baker, Proprietor ................. 300.00 BRKEr oc. .iviv einen. 125.00 Bank President ............cc0000is 400.00 Bank. Cashier (c....c.ovveeviiiin, 250.00 Bank Clerk ...ccoivivsisriianrnvses 100.00 Barber, Proprieior ................ 200.00 Barber... . iii initia, 125.00 Bartender J... i.. i ee oli idins 200.00 Blacksmith, Boss .....c..ovesverisa 200.00 BIACKRSIItR W. iii nrsnanevars nein 100.00 Bookkeeper ........................ 100.00 BOLI id ii a i 125.00 BFEWer ......coriintintirsisavaiiys 500.00 BOREL iii ie iia ian danni 300.00 Butcher, Propriefor ............... 140.00 Butcher, Meat: Cutter ...........5. 75.00 CADIGANSES oi c iiiersvnissa 500.00 Carpenter ........ vii iene 125.00 Chauffenr | .....c..cc.:oc.venrevnroes 125.00 5 DLE RR Se le Bn a eg 250.00 Civil Engineer... cia viens 200.00 IETE bani sre mein ssi was sis viens 75.00 Cobbler .........ccoeciviiviiiirvaseen 200.00 Collector... ..i ui iiininie aint 100.00 Commercial Traveler .............. 200.00 Common School Teachers .......... 75.00 College Presidents ................: 500.00 College Professors ........s.s:.... 350.00 College Assistant Professors ...... 250.00 College Instructors ................ 175.00 College Assistant Instructors ..... 125.00, Confectioner J.............0 CONMELACIOL ©. i7.. i, ccceiiinss: es 300.00 Corporation Clerk ................% 350.00 Constable. oo. al ng. 150.00 County officers: Commissioners ................. 200.00 Recorders: i. ..ccceiiaiiviimeenes 250.00 Register ..........:2 000000. 250.00 County Treasurer .............. 300.00 Superintendent. ........3.¢00.... 300.00 Assistant Superintendent ...... 200.00 Prothonotary ...........c:0:0:- i Dentist... i. vkeinnn 250. PIOVEE ilciiis tein sivnviivanicons ’ DraftSMin cc... ..ovceeiv savin, 50. Druggist, Proprietor 50. Peuegist |... 0... nae ’ WRHOrS vivo vivwivers 300. Engineer, Locomotive Engineer, Stationary ) Engineer, Mechanical and Mining 350.00 Farm Bureau Agent ..........0...s 200.00 Factory Worker, Female .......... 40.00 Fireman, Locomotive 1 Railroad Flagman ...........ssoas0 125.00 Real DBstate Agent ................ 300.60 REPOPIOr ..cvereces srinivas 250.00 Retired Farmers .....i.cc..ssveass 100.00 Railroad Conductors .............. 250.00 Restaurant Keeper ................ 150.00 Superintendent .............c 00000 200.00 SHE Weaver .... di. cirecicasrnrens 40.00 SHOE, TKOeDEY, .. i. 0 tices 400.00 SHhODREEPEr exci: vereiismersanssans 100.00 Store MORRECT ...ccoivivesrserasens 150.00 Student ...c. vn. ivaninrietiaesh 25.00 SUIVEYOr ..e..covneinniincnncansnans 200.00 School Principal .................. 350.00 School Superintendent ............. 300.00 Taxicab OWRers ............... 0. 00 325.00 TeAmStOr i occ vrei iis sn neins 40.00 Stenographer ......cc.ciaareniviee 75.00 UnAertoRer ..ecc.coccciveievrssnee 500.00 Veterinary SUrgE0OR ........csvversa 200.00 LTE eS RR Se 25.00 State College Man Wins Big Verdict in Blair County Court. In an action to recover damages for injuries sustained in an automobile accident a jury in the Blair county court at Hollidaysburg, on Tuesday morning awarded H. N. Musser, of State College, a verdict of $2,300 against Sabatino Caucci, of South Fork. = The action was the result of a col- lision on October 17th, 1920, between a car driven by Caucci, at that time a resident of Pemberton, and a ma- chine owned and driven by C. A. Isen- berg, of Boalsburg, in which Musser was a passenger, the accident occur- ring on the road from State College to Tyrone. In his statement the plaintiff set forth that the accident was due to the negligent manner in which Caucci operated his car, and that he was on the wrong side of the road. Musser’s statement was sub- stantiated by Isenberg, the driver of the car, Mrs. Margaret Bathurst, of East Altoona, a passenger in the car, and H. C. Claycomb, of Altoona, who happened along immediately after the accident. As a result of the run-in Musser claimed that he was thrown against the windshield and his right wrist al- most severed, the plaintiff having been later taken to Altoona for treatment at the Altoona hospital. he was making an average of $240 a month as a carpenter, but due to his injuries he was totally incapacitated for five months and since then only able to earn about $100 per month on account of his condition physically. Isenberg and both Mr. and Mrs. Bathurst had also brought suit for damages but after the jury had awarded Mr. Musser a verdict the de- fendant agreed to allow the court to award judgment in the other cases, and Isenberg was awarded $600, Mr. Bathurst $500 and Mrs. Bathurst $1200. Another case heard in the same court on Tuesday was an action of James A. Fitzpatrick, of Milesburg, against the Howard. Brick and Tile company to recover $845 which he 150.007 £laimed was due him on salary. No ‘defer:se was offered and a verdict was given for the full amount. Two Men Get Aaway with Eighty Bushels of Potatoes. On Wednesday afternoon two men in a big truck, who represented them- selves as being potato buyers from Altoona, went to the farm of Elmer E. Swartz, on the back road from Pleasant Gap to Zion and inquired if he had any potatoes to sell. Now it just happened that Mr. Swartz had a lot of them and was considering the ‘ best way to get them to market. He ! told the men he had and showed them the potatoes. An agreement was reached as to the price but the men wanted nice ones so they had to be He claimed that prior to the accident ARMSBY. —Dr. Henry Prentiss Armsby, a man of international rep- utation in ' scientific - circles, passed away at his apartments at the Nitta- ny Inn, State College, on Wednesday morning, following an illness of five weeks. Plans had been made to take him South but from the beginning of his illness his condition never im- proved sufficiently to permit of the journey. He was a son of Lewis and Mary A. Armsby and was born at Northbridge, Mass., on September 21st, 1853, hence had attained the age of 68 years and 28 days. He was educated at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, graduating with the degree of B. S. in 1871. He then took a course in . Yale College, graduating with the de- 200.00 sorted, and the truck was finally load- ber 15th, Fireman, Stationary .............s. 150.00 | ed with eighty bushels of prime’ FOTEMAN «i.civivricsrsrcrnrininnnens .00 | Spu ds Government Clerks ..........ceeu0. 150.00 . + Gentlemen .....i.i hal hina 20000 | The men agreed to pay by weight Highway Superintendent Housekeeper, Female Huckster, Insurance Agent .......i1icc0env00- Innkeeper, with License Inkeeper, without License Janitor Justices, Borough Justices, Township Judge, Appellate 400.00 150.00 50.00 500.00 1 i ious as to his potatoes. 100.00 and the nearest scales were at the 200.00 | store of William H. Noll Jr., & Bro., 25.00 at Pleasant Gap. 150.00‘ ranged that Mr. Swartz was to drive 300.00 +t, the Gap in his car and the two men It was finally ar- gree of Ph. B. in 1874. He did post graduate work at Leipzig, Germany, in 1876, and at Yale, receiving the de- gree of Ph.D. in 1879. He was also awarded the honorary degree of LL. D. by the University of Wiscon- sin in 1904. But his life up to that time was not devoted exclusively to study and re- search work as he was assistant in chemistry at the Worcester Polytech- nic: Institute in 1871-1872; teacher of natural science in the High school at Fitchburg, Mass., 1874-1875; as- sistant in chemistry at Rutgers Col- lege, 1876-1877; chemist at the Con- necticut agricultural experiment sta- tion, 1877-1881; vice president of the Connecticut ~~ Agricultural College, 1881-1883; professor of agricultural chemistry in the University of Wis- consin, and associate director of the experiment station, 1883-1887, coming from there to State College to become director of the agricultural experi- ment station, a position he held for twenty years. It was while serving in that capacity that he embarked up- on his course of research work in ani- mal nutrition which brought him into international prominence. He design- ed and had constructed under his di- rection a respiration colorimeter at the experiment station at the College for the purpose of testing out the nu- trient values -of various foodstuffs on ! animals, the first of its kind in the | world, and which brought to him rec- ognition not only from the United States government but from Euro- pean countries. In 1908 he resigned his position as director of the exper- iment station to devote his time ex- clusively to research and was placed in charge of the department just then established and known as the Insti- | tute of Animal Nutrition, a position he held until his death. His work in this line was recognized all over the country and he was frequently called upon for special work by the United States Department of Agriculture. Dr. Armsby was chairman of the committee on co-operative experiment station exhibits at the World’s Colum- bian Exposition at Chicago in 1893, and also a member of the committee on dairy tests at the same exposition. He officiated in like capacities at the | Paris Exposition in 1900. He has been expert in animal nutrition in the United States Department of Agri- culture since 1898; was a fellow of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science; American Chemical Society; American Physio- logical Society; American Society of Biological Chemists; Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science (of which he was president 1905- 1907), and of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations (of which he was president 1898-1899). He was author of Manual of Cattle Feeding (1880); Principles of Animal Nutri- tion (1903), and various scientific pa- pers on the utilization of the poten- tial energy of the food of domestic animals. Dr. Armsby was married on Octo- 1878, to Lucy Atwood Harding, of Millbury, Mass., who sur- vives with five sons, Charles, Ernest, ' Sidney, Henry and Edward. He was ,a member of the Congregational drive there with the truck of potatoes, 75.00 | When they would be weighed and pay- 150.00 | ment made. Naturally Mr. Swartz got to the Gap before the men could reach there and after waiting a con- siderable time became somewhat anx- On the ad- vice of Mr. Noll he got into his car and drove back down the road to look | i William Frear on Dr. Armsby’s con- for the truck, but failed to see it any- where. Inquiry was made every- “where but up to yesterday not a trace ! of the men, truck or potatoes was discovered, and as it looks now Mr. . Swartz is out the price of his eighty bushels of the best potatoes he had. | Judge, President. oi. ...... 00.0 500.00 Junk Dealer: .... cover mcsiiocecres 250.00 + Laundry, Proprietor .............. 250.00 | VLVOTVINAN; wees crns trrmitonsnnies 125.00 | Laborer 40.00 Lawyer Ji a SN ee 250.00 Manager 150.00 Machinist 200.00 Manicure 50.00 Manufacturer ......i.icuciinserinne 300.00 Master Mechanic ..i.. 000 olny 200.00 MEChATHC oi rion vas Tir cana i EEN 125.00 Mall. Carriers... Soave avi iene nes 100.00 Merchant, Wholesale ......:.....c. 350.00 Merchants. .ccurivies rrtc crrincn firany 300.00 Merchant Tailor .....c...o00 000s 150.00 Minister ........ 00. cei hdd, 75.00 Mik Man ....c..c.coovvvninivinnsns 150.00 Milliner, Proprietor ............... 200.00 MIMNEr ....ccorvvnvniscairnrnnisnas 75.00 Milliner, Apprentice ............... Musicians"... 0 AR anon AY) 100.00 MOtOrMAN “i. vv vii vos Privive ss wsvy es 150.00 Notary Public .......... c0ei000s. RUBE levonbieo alysis igesnisnsernoasss Operator, Coal ..... vivre ins Operator, Telegraph ............... 150.00 * Operator, Telephone ............... 100.00 Operator, Telephone, Female ...... 50.00 OpHICIAN. vivsnneesisrvcirrvrsrinens 300.00 OCUBBL ,..ccecee.iicriiiniinidene,s 350.00 Photographer o.oo sasyirdeve 250.00 Post Master, First Class .......... 500.00 Post Master, Second Class ......... 400.00 Post Master, Third Class .......... 300.00 Post Master, Fourth Class ........ 150.00 PRYSICIAR. oo vevevcnsnririvicirnees 300.00 POHCEMAN o.0s vase. vatsceiniornrions 75.00 Purchasing ‘Agent ...../u..iveevne. 350.00 Painter, Proprietor ..... cusses 300.00 PAINMMOP iy cnnevveasvnsnsreainrneansy 125.00 Plumber, Proprietor .....cociceenee 400.00 Plumber: ts eees ec etivissiddinnnace 125.00 Printer ‘avis ones snesscons covesssiass 100.00 Railway Postal Clerk .........cu0e 250.00 Railroad Brakeman ..........coeeeva 125.00 Farmers all should be on the lookout for the two men, as having successfully pulled the trick once they are liable to try it again in some other locality. meme — sees ene ete. parsonage at Boalsburg on Wednes- day of last week, when Cecil J. Irvin 75.00 | and Miss Edna M. Dreiblebis, both of 500.00 | State College, were united in mar- riage by the pastor, Rev. S. C. Stover. They were attended by Miss Dora Dreiblebis, a sister of the bride, and John A. Korman, a special friend of the bridegroom, Mr. Irvin is a Sen- ior at Sate College, in the course of agronomy, while the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dreiblebis. The young couple took a brief wedding trip and are now at home to their friends at State College. err ———— retinas. ——R. T. Renaley, of Altoona, will lecture in the court house on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock on the sub- ject, “Millions now living will never die.” The public is cordially inviled to hear him, "A . over Centre county ! Garver and Profs. F L Pattee, J. M. | Willard and E. D. Walker. Irvin—Dreiblebis.—A pretty wed- | Good. 40.00 ging was celebrated at the Reformed church. Being one of the oldest men in point of service at the College the institu- tion will pay him due homage at the funeral today, (Friday). The body will lie in state in the auditorium from twelve until two o'clock, the hour of the service, when addresses will be made by Dr. Thomas, repre- senting the College; Prof. F. L. Pat- tee, representing the faculty, and Dr. tribution to science. The honorary pall bearers will be Judge H. Walton Mitchell and other members of the ‘board of trustees who may be pres- Dr. E. BE. ent; Dr. J. M. Thomas, Sparks, Dean R. L Sackett, Dr Wil- liam Frear, Dr. E. S. Moore, Dr. D. B. The car- riers Dean C. W. Stoddart, Dean R. L. Watts, Profs. A. H. Espenshade, J. A. Fries, W. W. Braman and H. W. Interment will be made in the Pine Hall cemetery. Il Il POWERS.—Joseph Decker Powers, | a native of Bellefonte, home in New York city on Wednesday morning, following a year’s illness. He was a son of Redmond and Mary Powers and was born in Bellefonte about sixty-eight years ago. When a young man he entered the “Watch- man” office to learn the printing trade and was always a faithful and consci- entious employee. On leaving Belle- fonte he went to New York where for twenty years he was employed on the New York Herald. He married Miss Nettie Scott, of Trenton, N. J., who survives with one daughter, Ruth, at home. He also leaves five brothers, namely: John and Edward L.,, of Bryn Mawr; Bernard, James Jatrick and Red- mond Jr.,, of Philadelphia. He also died at his! leaves two sisters, Mrs. Julia Connel- ly, of East Wilmerding, and Mrs. James Nolan, of Bellefonte. Mr. Powers was a member of the Catho- lic church all his life and a most es- timable man in every way. Burial will probably be made in New York city. il Il GRAY.—While engaged in her cus- tomary household work early Monday morning Mrs. Nancy C. Gray, wife of John I. Gray, of near Stormstown, fell down a flight of steps and sustained fatal injuries which resulted in her death the same afternoon. She had gone to the cellar for a loaf of bread and when half-way up the steps made a misstep, falling backwards, her head striking the hard floor of the cel- lar causing concussion of the brain. The accident happened about five o’clock in the morning and her death occurred at 2:30 in the afternoon. Her maiden name was Nancy Cath- erine Woodring, a daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth Conrad Woodring, and she was born at Port Matilda about forty-six years ago. She was mar- ried to Mr. Gray ‘twenty-four years ago and all her married life had been ‘spent’ near “Stormstown. She was a ‘member of the Methodist church and a woman with a large circle of friends who deeply mourn her untimely death. In addition to her husband she is survived by the following children: Mrs. Blaine Rumberger, of Warriors- mark; James, in school at Lancaster; Jesse, John, S. P. and Elsie at home. She also leaves these brothers and sisters: H. C. Woodring, of Port Ma- tilda; D. E., of Milesburg; Z. D., of Philipsburg; A. B., of Tyrone; W. W., of Janesville, Wis.; H. B., at the old homestead at Port Matilda; P. B., of Port Matilda; M. J., of Philipsburg, and Mrs. Chester Pringle, of Port Ma- tilda. Funeral services were held at her late residence at two o’clock on Wed- nesday afternoon by Revs. Babcock and Weaver, after which burial was ' made in Gray’s cemetery. il il i berg, a well known resident of Smull- | ton, died of heart failure between twelve and one o'clock on Monday : while engaged in husking corn for his son, Shem H. Hackenberg. Some six : years ago he was stricken with paral- ysis but had recovered so that he was able to work. He was born in Middleburg, Snyder county, and was 73 years, 9 months and 17 days old. The greater part of his life, however, was spent in Centre county. He was married to Susan Feese, of Union county, who survives with the following children: Mrs. George Miller, of Williamsport; Je- rome Hackenberg, of Salona; Mrs. Clarence Musser, of Aaronsburg; Wesley, of Rebersburg; Mrs. Harry Stover, of Milton, and Shem H., of Smullton., 3 Revs. C. F. Catherman and C. C. Shuey will officiate at the funeral which will be held tomorrow morning, burial to be made in the cemetery at Rebersburg. i i il If i GILL.—Mrs. Sarah Gill, widow of {the late George Gill, for many years ! residents of Bellefonte, died on Sat- ;urday afternoon at the home of her son, H. F. Gill, in Altoona, following , an illness of three weeks. Her maid- ‘en name was Sarah Meyers and she i was born at Pennsylvania Furnace on , October 15th, 1854, hence was sixty- | seven years old to the very day. | When she was but three weeks old her parents moved to Bellefonte and ; many years of her life were spent here. In fact it was while living here ' that she was married to George Gill, | who died twenty-four years ago. Sur- _viving her, however, are three sons, . Frank, of Altoona; Samuel, in the U. ~S. Navy, and Robert, of Curtin. She ters. Burial was made in the Fair- , view cemetery, Altoona, on Tuesday morning. i | RILEY.—Mrs. Ji : died at her home in that place on Sun- . day morning, aged 80 years, 4 months and 3 days. She was married to . Thomas N. Riley and eight children were the result of their union, five of whom survive, as follows: W. M. Ri- ley, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. J. W. Stiver, of Warriorsmark; Mrs. R. H. Long, | of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Linda Ritchey, of Franklinville, and H. W. Riley, of Altoona. She also leaves two grand-children and many friends in the western part of Centre county. ; Burial was made in the Seven Stars cemetery on Wednesday morning. i ll] n SCHLOTMAN.—Daniel Schlotman, for many years a well known resident of Pleasant Gap, died last Thursday at the home of his niece, Mrs. Oscar . Zong, in Williamsport, aged 75 years, i 11 months and 23 days. He was a vet- {eran of the Civil war and in his : younger days was engaged in farming and lumbering, and for a great many years was stable boss for Huyett and McNntt lumber operators. The re- , mains were taken to Centre Hall where burial was made on Monday. Il Il ROSSMAN.—Helen Edna Rossman died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rossman, at Fairbrook, on Wednesday night. ——The tiling and marble equip- ment for the interior finishing of the Bellefonte Trust company has final- ly reached Bellefonte and workmen will soon be on the job putting it in place. At that it will be a month or more, probably the first of December, before the Trust company will be able to occupy its own building. HACKENBERG.—Robert Hacken- also leaves two brothers and two sis- Elizabeh Riley, a life-long resident of Franklinville, ! Philipsburg Soldier’s Remains - Brought Home and Buried. The remains of Corp. James I. Haz- zard, killed in France on October 3rd, 1918, reached Philipsburg last Thurs- day and were buried with military honors in the Philipsburg cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Corporal Haz- zard was a son of William and Mollie Hazzard and was born at Milesburg on September 11th, 1895. When a boy his parents moved to Philipsburg and when he grew to manhood he worked at the mines and other jobs until his enlistment for service on June 20th, 1917. In France he served as a mem- ber of Company K, 23rd U. S. infant- ry, and it was while on duty on a de- fensive sector on October 3rd, 1918, that he met his death. His survivors include his mother, Mrs. Mollie Fike, two brothers and two sisters, namely: William Hazzard, of One Mile Run; Roy, of Curtin; Mrs. Burns Brown, of Lock Haven, and Mrs. Frank New- man, of Philipsburg. One half-broth- er, Thomas Weller, of Henderson, al- SO survives. ——J. M. Keichline,- when he was ‘tax collector * paid the running ex- | penses of the borough, reduced the | borough debt fifty thousand dollars and reduced the millage to 22 mills. Why not vote for him at the election, November 8th, 1921? 39-4t eel lee me. ——The trial of R. B. Montgomery, Orrin Morrison, John Morrison, John Showalter and Joseph Garis has not yet been reached in the federal court at Scranton, but according to reports from that city, is expected to come up today. Academy Road Improvement Fund. Amount previously acknowledged..$1464.00 John Williams Jr., Hollywood, Cal 10.00 Nelson Runyan, Ellwood City...,. 10.00 Totale....\5......... 0. $1484.00 i CENTRE HALL. Mr. and Mrs: Clyde Smith and: Miss Grace Smith spent part of last week in Williamsport. Mrs. Thomas Hosterman has been quite ill for several days, suffering with the measles. The report is abroad that the Lo- gan house near the station has been sold—to be made into a modern hotel. A young son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ralston, last “week, and they think they will keep him. The first number of our lecture course, a lecture by Strickland W. Gillilan, is booked for Monday, Octo- ber 24th. : Miss Margaret Jacobs returned from her vacation trip on Monday, having visited the Jerry Miller fami- ly, at DuBois. Miss Beatrice Kramer, a nurse in the Bellefonte and: another nurse, a friend of ,-spenfi@W ednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kramer. Miss Mabel Allison is getting some practical business experience by spending several weeks behind the counter in the Penn’s Valley bank. Mr. and Mrs. James Runkle, of this place, and their daughter, Mrs. J. R. G. Allison, of Millheim, drove to Bloomsburg this week to visit friends. A good many of our town’s people went to Bellefonte on Tuesday even- ing to see the play, “Not Tonight, Josephine.” They report it as being a very good play. Reports came from Mrs. Conley and her son James, that they reached Sioux Falls in fine shape, having stopped in Pittsburgh and Chicago a short time on the way to South Da- kota. Rev. John Keller, from South Car- ‘olina, is visiting his sister, Mrs. evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson and i Mrs. H. J. Boone, of Hartford, Conn, and Miss Alice Boone, of New York, motored to the home of Mrs. Robert- -son’s and Mrs. Boone's father, Mr. D. : B. Brisbin, reaching here on Monday evening about 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Emerson Karns, of the Meth- odist home for the aged at Tyrone, will preach in the Methodist Episco- pal churches on the upper end of | Pennsvalley charge on Sunday. The " services here will be at 7 o'clock. At this time a donation of canned fruits. "ete., will be presented by the people of the church. 1 A Clerk Who Says Little but Does ’ Much. | The clerk of the British house of commons is appointed by the prime minister with a salary of £2,000 a year. This fs a much bigger salary than he received in the Eighteenth century. In those days he lived chief- ly on fees and presents from members of parliament. The clerk sits at the upper end of the table of the house, and wears a wig and gown. He has the custody of records, signs certain addresses and orders, and reads various documents in the house. He controls the staff of the house, and is responsible for many details in the management of busi- ness. In addition, he is the speaker's principal adviser, and that is why even now speakers seldom make mistakes. He is the great authority on proce- dure and on all the complicated rules of the house. This official is usually silent and uncbtrusive. The exception occurs when a new speaker is elected. His position has been described as “the highest and most important of- fi-jal post in the house, and one of .the most respected in the civil service; its occupancy has long been a person- al distinction and the recognition of eminent authority. i i i + i Church Services Next Sunday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian _ Science. Society, Furst building, High street, Sunday service 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet- ing at 8 o’clock. To these meetings all are welcome. A free reading room ,is open to the public every Thursday Frank Fisher, and his brothers David $1 and William Keller, and will preach |, in the Reformed church on Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Regular services at usual hours. A unique service is planned for 10:45 a. m. The pastor’s subject will be “The King’s Messenger.” The evening service, at 7:30, grows in interest and attendance. Coleville—Bible school 2:30. Alexander Scott, Minister. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship and Holy Communion 10:45. Evening service with sermon and the Holy Communion 7:30. Preparatory service Friday evening 7:30. St. John’s Brotherhood will meet after the Friday evening service. Election of officers. Refreshments will be served. Visitors welcome to all serv- ices. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. . ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. Services next: Sunday morning at 10:45 and evening at 7:30. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. meet- ing at 6:45 p. m. Strangers always welcome. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning October 23rd: Twenty-second Sun- day after Trinity, 8 a. m. Holy Eu- charist. 9:45 a. m. church school. 11 a. m. Mattins and sermon, “Centen- nial Objectives: Proportionate Giv- ing.” 4 p. m. Holy Baptism. 7:30 p. m. evensong and sermon, “Power to Bind and Loose.” Thursday, 7:30 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Friday, feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist. 7:30 p. m. evensong and Instruction. Visitors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Regular services at usual hours this Sunday. Tuesday evening, October 25th, the next C. E. rally will be held at Paradise. . The rally theme is “C. E. Foursquare,” and will be discus- sed by prominent C. E. workers. Special music will also be rendered. The annual reorganization will take place at this rally. If weather is un- favorable, Thursday evening, Octo- ber 27th, is the next date. The pub- lic is invited. The bus will run for passengers who have no other way to go. George E. Smith, Pastor. Real Estate Transfers. 1. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to Park R. Homan, tract in State College; $1,500. Alice E. Herman, et al, to Henry T. Noll, tract in Spring township; $3,800. Thomas M. Lambert, et ux, to John Saxton, tract in Unionville, $400. A. O. Furst, Exrs., to Mary P. Bumgardner, tract in Bellefonte; $3,250. H. S. Winkleblech to A. H. Stover, tract in Millheim; $2,500. I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to C. O. Broome, tract in State College; $2000. Maggie Shiver, et al, to C. A. Ken- nedy, tract in Rush township; $1. D. A. Grove, et ux, to W. J. Drei- blebis, tract in College township; $3,600. Harriet Keen to E. Dubbs tract in Millheim; $800, Sallie M. Hayes to John S. Walker, tract in Bellefonte; $10,000. Charles H. Foster, et al, to Mary A. Foster, tract in State College; $2,250. David Treaster, et ux, to Charles Emenbhizer, tract in Boggs township; Keen, Joseph Compani, et al, to Kate B. Compani, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Joseph L. Breon to Minnie Shook, tract in Millheim; $700. Anna K. Cochran, et al, to John Gowland, tract in Philipsburg; $2,000. Josephine R. Brew, et al, to Ray E. White, tract in Bellefonte; $750. Black Bear Run Land Co. to Home Realty Corp., tract in Philipsburg; $550. Home Realty Co. to Theodore Mat- son, tract in Philipsburg; $4,260. John P. Ishler, et ux, to William P. gods, tract in State College; $10,- Clarence D. Johnston to Wm. B. Pletcher, tract in Howard township; $3,650. Park R. Homan, et ux, to Sarah F. Garis, tract in State College; $4,000. Ernest W. Hess, et ux, to Joseph F. Leete, tract in Harris township; $40. Wm. Emenhizer, et ux, to Alice J. E Denizen tract in College township; Wm. F. Colyer, et ux, to H. J. Lam- bert, tract in Centre Hall; $400. Margaret L. Smith to Ida Lambert, tract in Centre Hall; $500. Grace Smith to Ida Lambert, tract in Centre Hall; $500. Hardman P. Harris to Mary M. Kane, tract in" Howard; $4,800. Marriage Licenses. Grover Lannen and Alice Spicer, Bellefonte. Charles K. Goss and Jennie Cup- pels, Faunce. Otto E. Spicer, State College, and Mabel Meyer, Lemont. Bernard B. Holland, Wilton, Me., and Margaret M. Young, Bellefonte. Roy O. Blanchard, Morganza, ard Mary Eleanor Hoke, State College. James A. Barkley and Helen E. Brown, State College. Franklin B. Thompson, Beaver, and Pauline Woodward, Fairville. Archie T. Troxell, Blandsburg, and Catherine Arnold, Rush township. Jason B. Snyder, York, and M. Marguerite Kane, Howard.