Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 14, 1921, Image 3

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    “Pemorratic; Watchmen.
= Bellefonte, Pa, October 14, 1921. |
- |
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by » Corps of Gifted |
_ The family horse owned by J. |
McCracken died last Thursday even-
Auctioneer Leslie Harpster spent |
Friday at Huntingdon on a business
Mrs. Sue Peters spent last week
plying her needle among old friends
at Oak Hall
J. Arthur Peters, wife and family,
of Oak Hall, spent Sunday with rela- |
tives in town. |
Mrs. Mary Dale spent Saturday in |
Bellefonte inspecting the fall and
winter styles in hats.
Murs. Imell, of Altoona, is visiting |
her daughter, Mis. A. M. Lutton, at |
the Lutheran parsonage.
George W. Louck and little family |
are now snugly fixed up in their new
home on east Main street.
Mrs. Dora McCormick, of Hublers- |
burg, is visiting friends in town and !
taking in the Chautauqua.
The C. M. Trostle family spent;
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mis. |
LeRoy Trostle, near State College.
Andrew Jackson Tate and son Sam- |
uel, of State College, spent Monday
afternoon greeting friends in town.
Farmer Daniel Irvin is having cop-
per lightning rods installed on his new |
barn. Simon Ward has the job in|
Mrs. John Fortney, of Boalsburg, |
on Sunday entertained the Dannley |
families, from Ohio and a number of !
other friends.
Our Chautauqua, held in the I. O.
0. F. hall the early part of the week |
proved most interesting and was 2
success in every way.
Ed Frank is gunning for the fellow
who sent his pet spaniel to dog heav-
en last Friday. The little animal was
run over by an automobile.
Band leader W. K. Corl has been |
quite ill for two weeks and his condi- |
tion is not improving as rapidly as |
his friends would like to see.
Every indication points to plenty of
game on Tussey mountain, both big
and little,
well fed and in good condition.
Forty or more members of the!
Christian Endeavor society from |
hereabouts attended the big rally at |
State College on Sunday evening. |
The venerable D. L. Dennis suffer- |
ed a severe chill on Wednesday even- |
ing of last week on his way home |
from Lutheran Synod, but is now re- | a
covering therefrom.
Mrs. Ed. Grapp was
Friday shopping and securing some
in town on
material to complete the new family | honor of their
I birthday. Eighteen guests were pres-
cottage at Erbtown before extreme
cold weather sets in.
That prince of good fellows, Ira G.
Burket, of Stoimstown, spent Tues- |
day afternoon in town greeting old
chums and getting some fixin’s for
his Oldsmobile at the Ward garage.
Merchant George R. Dunlap’s new
store room is almost completed, the
new counters and shelving being put
in place. The front is entirely of
glass and the room will be one of the
most desirable in town.
We are always willing to stand by
our guns. In reporting the receipts
and expenditures of
the Lutheran
church last week we gave the balance
on hand as $5.40, but the type made
it $540. Quite a difference.
Dr. J. Calvin Johnstonbaugh and
wife motored up from Bethlehem and
spent some time at the home of our
village blacksmith, W. A. Collins, his
brother-in-law. he doctor is here
for the big doings at State College.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Deitrick are
mourning the death of their first
born, their baby girl, Maybelle, who
assed away Saturday and was bur-
ied Sunday afternoon in the Pine Hall
cemetery. Rev. J. W. Long officiat-
The Dannley touring party from
hio, mention of whom was made last
week, spent Friday on the top of Tus-
sey mountain where John Dennis
Dannley, the fourth, placed the cap-
stone on the line marker between
Centre and Huntingdon counties.
W. K. Corl is making arrangements
to return to his farm next spring and
P. W. Corl, who now occupies the
same, will move onto the W. H. Goss
farm. Ed. Harpster will move onto
the J. M. Watt farm in the Glades
and Mr. Elder will retire and live on
easy street.
A party of hikers went over old
Tussey on Sunday to inspect the new
hunting club recently erected on the
bank of Roaring run. In the crowd
were Edgar Hess and sister Emma,
Mary and Hazel Thompson, A. L. and
George Burwell, Anna Krebs, J. G.
Martin and Charles Louck. The club
house is the property of the Pine
Grove Rod and Gun club and is 18x28
feet in size with a big front porch the
entire length. It has a basement, a
lobby and cook room on the second
floor and sleeping apartments on the
third floor.
eee fee
Mrs. Sheridan Garis, of Altoona,
spent Sunday in Centre Hall at the
home of William Slick.
Miss Margaret Jacobs, on of our
most obliging “hello girls,” is enjoy-
ing a well-earned vacation.
The pastor of the Presbyterian
church, Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, is
now driving a new Ford sedan.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl I ,ambert and ba-
by left for Mrs. Lambert’s home in
Memphis, Tenn., on Tuesday moin-
“Measles” are trump in Centre
Hall just now, making school attend-
ance very poor. A number of chil-i
| to step on a nail at State College, on |
and it all appears to be je
| Kathryn and Eleanor Lucas, Willard
‘side of the road.
dren in all the grades are kept out of
school by the “measly things.”
Miss Elsie Moore, who has been ill
for five weeks, was taken to the Belle-
fonte hospital for an X-ray examina-
tion on Wednesday morning.
The temperance lecture in the
Evangelical church on Tuesday even-
ing drew a good crowd in spite of the
inopportune thunder showers.
Mrs. Samuel Shoop is not able to
be in the restaurant at present, as
she is suffering from a physical
bredledown, probably caused by over-
— ee ——
Mrs. Leonidas Mothersbaugh spent
Saturday at State College.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kuhn on Sunday.
Rev. William Wagner, of State
College, spent Friday in town.
Rumor has it that we are to have
a new garage in the near future.
Mrs. Godshall, of Centre Mills,
spent several days among friends in
Mrs. John Charles was admitted to
the Bellefonte hospital for an oper-
Mrs. Myra McKee, of Wilkinsburg,
is visiting at the home of Charles
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel and
daughter Jane made a trip to Mill-
heim last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Meyer and
children, of Altoona, are visiting at
the home of D. W. Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Korman and
daughters, of Oak Hall, were visitors
at the David Snyder home on Sunday.
Miss Mary Reish was given a birth-
day surprise party by a num
her women
A number of people from town at-
tended the C. E. echo meeting in the
Presbyterian church at State College |
on Sunday evening.
mington, Del., arrived in town Tues-
day evening for a visit at the home
of Miss Sara J. Keller.
William Tennis had the misfortune
Saturday, and has since been suffer-
ing with a very sore foot.
Messrs. Ralph and Oscar Rishel and
Mrs. William Meyer, with Messrs. N.
J. and Wayne Rishel, of Oak Hall,
motored to Aaronsburg on Sunday.
John Charles has resigned his po-
sition with the _Boalsburg Electric
company and the plant is now in
charge of John Taylor, of Tussey-
Mrs. W. BE. Weight suffered a slight |
stroke of paralysis last week but
this writing is improving. Owing to |
A delightful surprise party was |
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Yearick on Monday evening, in |
son Bradley's eighth
t, as follows: James, Francis,
Hoy, Edith, Eleanor, Helen, Gene-
vieve, Doyle and Byron Lucas, Mur.
and Mrs. Joseph Neff, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Yearick, Lucille, Bradley and!
Geraldine Yearick.
prepared delicious refreshments con-
sisting of chicken sandwiches, pickies, | and Anna
cake and candy and the young folks |
did full justice to thespread. At al
seasonable hour the guests returned |
home, wishing their young host many
more birthdays.
Last Sunday two car loads of peon-
ple from this place left for a trip to
Renovo, Deemer Ertley dirving the
car in which were Lynn Ertley and |
family and Guyer Ertley driving the
car containing the George Ertley
family. On the road from Lock Ha-
ven to Renovo something went wrong
with the steering apparatus on the
car driven by Deemer Ertley with the
result that the car was ditched along-
The occupants suf-
fered only slight bruises and scratceh-
es, but the car was put out of com-
mission. Unable to proceed on their
journey the entire party of nine peo-
ple crowded into the one car and re-
turned home, thankful at having es-
caped so fortunately.
Willard Burd, of near Rebersburg,
spent Sunday night with his mother,
Mrs. Mary Burd.
Calvin Moyer, of
been the guest of
Catherine Phillips.
James Weaver, who has been ill for
several weeks, is not improving; his
condition remains about the same.
Frank Stover and children, of Cen-
tre Mills, spent Sunday afternoon
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben-
jamin Stover.
George Stahl, of Milton, came up
and was joined here by his sister,
Miss Mary Stahl, in whose home they
spent Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Guisewite,
Mrs. Sarah Harper and Mrs. Caroline
Mayes spent Sunday with friends
near Linden Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bright are en-
tertaining Murs. Bright's cousin,
James Etlinger, who spent several
weeks here in the spring.
Mrs. Jennie Sylvis, who has been
quite ill for several weeks, has not
improved as much as her friends
could wish. Her sister, Mrs. Elvina
Winters, of Rebersburg, is with her at
present and will look after her wel-
his sister,
———————— ly ——p
«private Blank,” said the Colonel
severely reprimanding a doughboy
for a minor breach of military regula-
tions, “what would you do if I should
tell you that you were to be shot at
sunrise 7”
“Gosh, Colonel,” replied the Yank, !
watching the shadow of a grin steal
over his officer’s face, “T’d sure pray
for a cloudy day.”
——Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
Were Discovered in 1567 by
Alvare de Mendana.
The Solomon islands,
long before Australia was
In 1367 a famous Spanish
aavigntor nomed Alvare de Mendana
sailed from Peru to discover a great
south continent.
‘ng brought him to the Solomens and
and, which he named, as his
“after his
rn Pacific,
Ysabel isl
Mendana cruised for six months in
‘he group, and was SO impressed with
the richness and fertility of
that he named them the
Solomons, In the hope that on his re-
qurn his countrymen
they were the source from which King
Solomon obtained
great temple. hy
would encourage the colonization of j nite in regard to this matter, but a
and {
vainglorious ambition of becoming the
king of a new Spain.
home, so brightly did he paint the
prospects that he was soon
an expedition of many hun-
softlers, including his wife
nd her three brothers.
known to fame as connected with the
ery of Australin—Fernandez de
Quiros and Fuis Vaes de Torres.
The expedition failed through sick:
ness and bad management ;
it never reached the Solomons at all,
ad—owing to faulty naviga-
ber tion—arrived at the northern islands
er; of | 3
friends. on Saturday even- of the New Hebrides group. Here after
a few months, Mendana died, a disap:
pointed and hroken-hearted man.
-ropic lands
reds of
but inste
which gro
Dr. and Mrs. George Hall, of Wil- | bears the
ously to t
This reedlike
in 1870 in
for many
ar a
at | toge
Henry I. Hartman and Bessie C.
Shilling, Lock. Haven.
Merrill E. Houser,
Carrie L. Markle, Linden Hall.
Frank M. Bartlett, Washington, D.
C., and Sara L. Budinger, Snow Shoe.
Samuel Condomitte and Rosie M.
Mrs. Yearick had i Pluce, Bellefonte.
Dayton W. Lansberry, Bloomsburg,
1' Smith, Centre Hall.
ems ee ——
aysiery Giass.
England a
ws in muddy flat land aml
paime of Spartina Town-
giving the scientisis “furi- |
hink” just at the moment.
grass was first observed
years it attracted little at-
téntion except from potanists.
terly, however, it has started to grow
positively alarming rate.
about its place of origin, until now it
occupies dozens of square miles. It
has a remarkable capacity for holding
mud, and in this respect it acts as a
protector of the coast-line and a re-
claimer of land.
some districts.
such places as Poole Harbor the chac-
nels are in danger of beeoming choked
it, because by matiing the mud
ther it prevents the scour of the
tide from carrying it out to sea. If
her illness her mother-in-law looked | this dang
after her household affairs for sever- | new gr :
rer can be counteracted, the
ass may be useful as a food for
{ stock and as raw material for paper. | ———= ee
Marriage Licenses.
‘Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
Fm remem emer
Physicians may consider the adop-
tion of the caduceus as a means of
_individualizing their motor cars and
| proclaiming to the public the fact
that the car carries a doctor and has,
if it is speeding, a perfectly good rea-
son to do so.
The device for the physicians’ use
is mdlded in the shape of a circle
with a wand and other figures inscrib-
_ ed about the center of the metal. On
| the outside rim is the name of the
| State and county in which the doctor
! resides. The surface is a well-polish-
ed red and is very noticeable when
, put on the radiator, just beneath the
' cap.
Many cities in the State have put
| the physicians under obligation to
| have one of these attachments on
| their motor cars. At Memphis, Tenn.,
i the physician who displays this em-
the Southern Pacifiz,
in the south-
known to daring will pay for
Three months’ cruis-
these ferior sire.
prices are hig
difficult to disp
according to county agen
of any breed can be p
very reasonable figure.
lamb crop, even if we
added value of
should be selecte
for future flocks.
There is a large acre
Pennsylvania that can be utilized by |
sheep as profitable as by any other
k. Now is the time to
strong flock,
kind of livestoc
establish a good, healthy,
but it cannot be done by using an in-
Don’t forget
and picnic today.
At the present time pure-bred lambs
urchased at a
The good ram
in one year’s: Pa.
disregard the
d as the foundation
his ewe lambs
the farmer’s auto tour
a first class ram be used than when |
h, because it is more
ose of the scrub lamb
t J. N. Rob-
age of land in
season TINS,
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at=
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices
all courts. Office, room 18 Cras 4s
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law.
Practices in all the courts. om
sultation in English or Germam.
Office in Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte,
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Promp
tention given all legal business em~
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 3
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
business will receive
Office on second floor of
prompt attention.
Temple Court.
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consultation in English and Ger-
man. Office in Crider's Exchaife,
Bellefonte, Pa.
would believe
| plem is allowed special parking priv- |
| ileges; at Easton, Pa., the sign is an
aid to the traffic cops. :
Physicians have done nothing defi-
the gold for his
This story, he thought,
doctor showing the insignia, is giv-
| en recognition, and is allowed privi-
leges which, for another, are in the
category outside the law.
One of the best arguments pre-
sented for causing the use of the sign
to be obligatory is that when the pub-
lic notice a speeding motor car they
are invariably inclined to think the
. traffic cop, who allows the speeder the
i right of way, a little lax in applying
; his methods; however, if they notice
| the red coloring and the fabled mag-
| ie wand they will change their opin-
i 10N. i
Far Sighted. |
he conceived the
On his return |
able to '
In the party
sailors, afterward
in fact,
A raliway employee was in the wit- |
ness box, and was being cross-exam- |
ined by a very self-important young !
| laivyer about a case which had result- |
ed in a damage suit as the conse-
quence of an accident on the railroad. |
| “You say that you saw this man
fall from the train?” said the law-
| yer.
\” “I saw him fall,
railway man.
“Yet it was night time,” insisted
| the lawyer. “And you were at one
| end of the train and the man was at
| the other. Do you expect an intelli-
Lat- | gent jury to believe such a yarn?”
How far cam you see at night?”
“About a million miles, 1 think,”
| replied the railway man. “] can see
| the moon. - How far is that?”
The lawyer retired.
—_— ———————
Buy Good Rams.
mysterious grass
yes,” replied the |
Water, but
It has
over the mud-flats
Sheepmen are now entering one of
! the most important seasons of the
| year. Under present market condi-
tions of wool and lamb, it is necessary .
. that great care be used in the selec- !
| tion of a ram. It is even more im-
This is all right in-
On the other hand, in
Once you've
enjoyed the
toasted flavor
you will al-
ways want it
State College
Holmes Bldg.
Crider’s Exch.
| dence.
0 oun
Se) Ble
8. GLENN, M. D, Physician and
Surgeon, _ State College, ntra
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
and it makes them strong, stur-
is the kind of feed you should
give your stock—full of nour-
{shment, good tasting, and the
kind that adds value to horse-
flesh, cowflesh, pigflesh, etc.
Use our stock feed and have no
{stock troubles.
: “Quality talks”
| dy, and keeps them well. That
fii 5 c Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
| portant, under these conditions, that
Most Weis
Due to One Thing
Oak Hall, and cle making
talized Blood.
Probably 75 per cent. of the ail- |
ments of the human race are due to
an abnormal condition of the blood,—-
thin, poor, anemic.
This fact and the further fact that
Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies, enviches | Hight Serest.
Get the Best
You save soiling by
thin or gristly meats.
sly: my. QUAOTS, Wh le This Interests You
freshest, gholeost, b o
. | prices are no
That is, Impure, Impoverished, Devi- | nests are elsewhere.
1 use only the
teaks. and , Roasts.
1 always have
Game in season, and any kinds of govd |
meats you want. !
66 111vr
Meats. | z
buying poor,
Bellefonte Ps
est blood and mus:
higher than the poore
The Workmans’ Compensation
i Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
| It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
| Safe Guards which Reduce In-
{ ‘surance rates. :
It will be to your interest to con-
| and revitalizes the blood, by creating
| a healthy appetite, aiding digestion,
| promoting assimilation and thereby
| securing in full all the benefits of com-
plete nutrition, must impress the
Chi-ches-ter s Diamond iran
Pills in Red and Gold metallic
1st, for
= sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
prmeine ahE oR e
, Ki ou Have Always Bought. Fe: ¢ 4 triaL 7) © ake no other Ol a Sir ae
Y 9 : Hood’s Sarsaparilla is greatest mer- Bras irr CHLOE TERS ATA VA TUL TNA TA TAT
it plus greatest economy, the most for | X*® years knownas Best, Safest, Always Reliable
the money. Get it. 66-38 | LD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE
The Preferred
\We represent the most thorough and up-to-date motor car
world, turning out the best all-round car on the market today—the most adapta-
ble to every need of every class of people.
The Ford Service Organization, of which we are a branch, is the most ex-
tensive organization of its kind in
Stations in the United States.
organization in this territory, to deliver cars as promptly as possible,
quick and thorough repair service and courteous treatment to all customers.
Beatty Motor Co,
Bellefonte, Pa.
exist ence, consisting of over 18,000 Service
It is our duty to uphold the high ideals of the Ford
in the
to give
! Insurance
$5,000 death by accident,
5.000 loss of both feet,
5.000 loss of both hands,
5,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
2,300 loss of either hand, >
2.000 loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability.
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proporti
Any person, male or female, en; in a
referred occupation, including house
eeping, over eighteen years of age of
good moral and physical condition may
insure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insure
ance Agency, the strongest and Most
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency In Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte fa.
TG Bea
Ta =
co ———————————————
Fire and Automobile Insurance at 3
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
There is no style of work, from the
cheapest ‘‘Dodger” to the finest
that we can not do in the most satis-
factory manner, and at Prices consist~
| ent with the class of work. Call onor
communicate with this office’