TR | will be high, and some fine specimens can be secured for exhibition purposes, were given at a meeting of the com- Deora atc “Bellefonte, Pa., September 9, 1921. Sp—— Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. nam PINE GROVE MENTION. Gordon E. Harper is steering a new Chevrolet car. Alfred Reed, of Gallitzin, is here recuperating from a recent severe ill- ness. Rev. S. C. Stover was entertained at dinner on Sunday at the N. O. Drei- blebis home. John F. Garner and daughter Julia spent Saturday afternoon with friends at Gatesburg. Miss Mary B. Meek, of Fairbrook, visited the Ward sisters in this place last Thursday. The new house being erected by Mr. Grapp, at Erbtown, is about ready for the plasterers. J. P. McIntosh, wife and daughter, of Pittsburgh, are guests at the J. H. Williams home. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams were Sunday visitors at the A. L. Bowersox home on Main street. Howard Smith, of the Fort, was here last Friday on the hunt of a good farm for next season. Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick will preach in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday at 10:30 o’clock. George Smith and family, of Altoo- na, spent the Sabbath at the J. R. Smith home in this place. Misses Clara and Mary Ward left last week for a fortnight’s visit with relatives in the Iron city. 3 Fred Williams and wife, of Tyrone, were visitors at Mr. Williams’ paren- tal home here last Thursday. Mrs. Margaret Waite and two chil- dren, of Bellefonte, spent Monday at the W. F. Thompson home here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gummo, of Pennsylvania Furnace, spent the Sab- bath at his parental home at Fair- brook. The long dry spell kept farming at a stand-still until Sunday evening’s rain put the earth in shape for fall planting. W. C. Witmer, stock buyer of Belle- fonte, was in this section last week looking for fat cattle but found them very scarce. William and Guy Martz, of Ohio, are visiting grandpa C. H. Martz, on Main street, before the opening of their school term. Farmer Samuel Wilson had the mis- fortune to lose a three hundred dollar horse the past week, the animal dy- ing of acute indigestion. Mur. and Mrs. S. G. Corl motored to Union county on Saturday to visit rel- atives and this week took in the Granger’s picnic at Centre Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Williams motor- ed to Centre Hall on Sunday where they visited the W. E. Tate home and took in the Grange encampment. Our mutual friend, Samuel Y. El- der, will quit the farm next spring and move to Meadowbrook, where he has purchased a home and will live retired. S. E. Webber and sister, Miss Anna, of Boalsburg, spent a short time in town early in the week on their way over Tussey mountain on a sight- seeing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buck and Mrs. Margaret Robinson, of Warriorsmark, were visitors on Sunday at the Joe Johnson and Alice K. Corl homes at Bloomsdorf. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Williams were Sunday visitors at the O. PD, Bloom home near Baileyville and in the afternoon were taken on a motor ride to Linden Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad M. Fry and ‘Mrs. Esther Ritchie, of Altoona, are in the valley for a ten day’s outing, spending most of their time with grandmother Osman. J. P. Fleming and wife, of Pennsyl- vania Furnace, were called to Mifflin county on Wednesday on account of the iliness of Mr. Fleming’s aunt, who was stricken with paralysis. Wade Herman and family are now finely fixed up in their new home on seuth Water street. We extend to them a hearty welcome to all the rights and privileges of our town. John F. Garner, who has been farm- ing the Charles Snyder farm, has de- cided to quit farming in the spring and will make public sale of his be- longings, which will include one hun- dred head of live stock. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grenoble, of Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gren- oble, of Philadelphia, spent last week among Centre. county relatives, going “from here to Altoona, where they vis- ited friends until Tuesday. Rev. A. M. Lutton and wife return- ed to the parsonage on Friday after spending the pastor’s two week’s va- cation among friends in Altoona. Next Sunday evening Rev. Lutton will de- liver a special sermon to Christian En- deavor members in the Lutheran church. N. T. Krebs and family returned home last Friday from a two month’s visit with relatives at Windber. Mr. Krebs resigned his government posi- tion before the political ax had an op- portunity to get a slash at him and has landed a good job as a traveling salesman. A barn on the Charles Snyder farm, a mile south of State College, was burned to the ground at noon las Thursday together with several sheds. The farm was tenanted by Albert Keith, who lost two horses, two shoats, a buggy and some feed. He had no insurance. Pennsylvania Fruit Crep Small But High in Quality. Harrisburg.—Assurances that while Pennsylvania’s fruitcrop will be away below the average in size, the quality common, | | mittee in charge of the State Farm Products show, held at the Depart- | ment of Agriculture. Secretary of Agriculture Fred Ras- mussen said the reports coming to him indicated the apple yield would be of an unusually fine quality and that growers had arranged to place the best in storage “cx display in this city in January. Practically every agricultural and allied organization in the State was represented at the meeting, and the pick of the exhibits of the county fairs will be asked for the State show, ar- rangement for cold storage having been worked out. The farm products show has been held in Harrisburg during January since 1917, the State conducting it with representatives of various so- cieties. Eo —— ORVISTON. Jacob Confer, of Romola, visited his mother, Mrs. Margaret Confer, last week. Harry Mann, of Milesburg, visited his little daughters at the home of their aunt, Mrs. J. Ellis Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Poorman and daughter, Ellen Louise, are visiting the Shank and Poorman families. We are always pleased to see Anna. She has been one of our most popular and | successful teachers for over three years. George Bixel had a bad fall from his bicycle, Friday afternoon, a short dis- tance from his home, due to a defect- ive coaster brake. He injured his left arm severely. Ira Condo was another unfortunate individual, as he was kicked by a horse, on Saturday. We did not learn how badly he was hurt. A visitor in our little town is Bion Nelson, of Hutchins, who is expecting to move his family to that place this fall. We shall sadly miss Mrs. Nel- son, as she is one of our sterling wom- en, always the same and beloved by all. Miss Thelma will also be missed by the younger contingent, and Billy Cyphert and Paul Poorman will sure- ly miss Georgie. Mrs. Harry Leathers, of Curtin, was an Orviston visitor last week, as she was quite anxious to make the ac- quaintance of Miss Phyllis Jane Love, who made her appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Love, August 28th. Mrs. Love has not been at all strong, but is improving. Miss Phyl- lis is doing nicely and we hope will continue to do so. William Johnson had the thumb on September 17th. Saturday, September 17th (Consti- tution day) has been fixed as the time Bellefonte Chapter D. A. R. and Col. Henry W. Shoemaker in commemora- tion of the brave defenders of the Lower Fort against the Indians. The exercises will take place at 3 p. m., and the public is invited to attend. The program will be as follows: Historical Address, Rev. J. J. Weaver, Everett. Address, T. H. Harter, Bellefonte. Music, Male Quartette. Address, Col. J. L. Spangler, Bellefonte. Reminiscences of the Old Fort, Dr. D. ¥. Bowersox, Aaronsburg. : Dedication Poem, J. H. Chatham, McEI- hattan. Music, Male Quartette. Address, Mrs. E. B. Sparks, State Re- gent D. A. R. Presentation of Marker by the Donors, Miss Helen E. C. Overton, Regent Belle- fonte Chapter, D. A. R., and Col. H. Ww. Shoemaker, McElhattan. Unveiling Marker ‘by four girls, descend- ants of the early defenders of the Fort. Acceptance Address, L. W. Stover, Mill- Lower Fort Marker to be Dedicated | for the dedication of the marker erect- ed in Wolf’s Chapel cemetery by the ! heim, Committee: 8. W. Gramley, Millheim, chairman; L. W. Stover, Millheim; C. D. | Motz, I. L. Weaver, Woodward; M. M. | Bower, G. W. Hosterman, Aarensburg; W. | T. Winkleblech, Coburn; Dr. D. F. Bow- | ersox, Dr. C. 8. Musser, Aaronshurg; Has- | ten Long, Woodward. | INSCRIPTION ON MARKER. | One and one-fourth miles southeast of ! | this spot, on the Adam Stover farm, stood | the Lower Fort of Pennsvalley, erected | about 1776 for defence against the Indians. i Several of the defenders and their fami- j lies are buried in this cemetery. | Erected by Bellefonte Chapter, D. A. R., |: land Col. H. W. Shoemaker. 1921. | Firebug in Warriorsmark Valley. |" The burning of the large barn on ithe farm of Roy Gates, in Warriors- mark valley, is believed substantial ev- iidence that a dangerous firebug is at work in that section and an appeal for assistance in uncovering the individu- al will likely be made to the State au- i thorities. Several weeks ago a barn {on the farm of Mr. Beck was burned ito the ground. On Tuesday of last | week the Roy Gates’ twenty room his right hand badly hurt during a'another farmer living in that vicini- game between the Hays Run boys and ! ty. On Thursday night some one vis- AARONSBURG. Rev. and Mrs. Daubenspeck and son | have returned home after spending their vacation among relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Broadwater, of Phil- adelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rachau, at the W. A. Guisewite home. Mrs. Kate Yerdy, of Shamokin, spent the past two weeks with her sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe. The Misses Ruth Musser and Mar- ian Bower, who have been living in Youngstown, Ohio, almost two years, have arrived home to spend their va- cation with their parents here. - Mr. and Mrs. George McKay and daughter Flerence, of Philadelphia, spent several days as guests of Mrs. McKay’s mother, Mrs. Catherine Phil- lips, at her home on Front street. Mrs. R. W. Mensch, who accompan- | wife and daughter Elizabeth, of Dun- ied her brother, Elmer Weaver, to his | ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. home in Akron, Ohio, is expected ! — home this week. On her way home | : she will visit her son, LeRoy Mensch ELINE WOODRING - Attorieg ats > L Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ra and family, in Altoona. all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y During the past week Mr. and Mrs. B Hull entertained Mr, Hull's nieces and | [N Practices in all the courts. nephew, Mrs. and Mrs. George Wag- sultation in English or German, enseller, of Newport; Mrs. N. A. Au- Qfice: in Crider's Exchange, Bellezohite man, of Millheim, and Mrs. Helen | _ Holder and son, John Robert, of Hunt- ingdon. Also Frank W. Miller, of Perth Amboy, N. J. Sunday guests at the home of "Squire and Mrs. A. S. Stover were M. _KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law their daughter, Miss Marian Stover, of 284 Justice:or the b eats All Dhue Harrisburg; their son, Paul Stover, promt attention. Office on second floor 3 SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law, Con- KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-ate Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate tention given all legal business em< trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East High street. 57-44 cannon, who are spending their vaca- tion among relatives here. On Mon- day evening Mrs. Stover’s sister, Miss Lizzie Yarger, came down from Belle- G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Gere man. Offi Bellefonte, Pa. Boies Exchange a hh 7 TTT _ALGOHOL-3 PER SEND Vegetable y A ating heTood by Regula: fing the Stomachsand Bowes A and F | Mothers Know That upper works lads, Friday afternoon. |jtoq the Gates barn and literally cut He was struck by a fast ball while holding the bat. The thumb was knocked out of place through the | farm house, garage and other build- F SLEEP ings were burned to the ground. Two iA de . nights later two men attempted to i mam steal an automobile from Mr. Stever, FacSinile SEES Pl FTO meen To GAT COMPANY: {to pieces most of his harness and on NEW YORK. Saturday night his barn was burned a WwW dence. FLOUR We have our new Concrete Mill completed and now running. We built the best mill to produce the best flour possible. Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi- 35-41 fonte and will remain here for a time. S—— a PHYSICIANS. ATT yy E R. R. L. CAPERS, v OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte State Colle Crider’s Exch. 66-11 Holmes Bldg, S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and For Infants and Children. Genuine Castoria If you Want Good Flour—Try “Our Best” A WINTER WHEAT, STRAIGHT —or— “ye ow)? A Spring Wh Victo w= We can Grind Your Feed While you Wait, We are in the Market, for All Kinds of Grain C. Y. Wagner & Co., Inc. Thirty Years flesh. Dr. Kurtz »was in town, very: to the ground. All his stock was sav- fortunately, and set the injured mem- ;ed but his year’s crops and much of ber. On Saturday he took him to the his machinery were burned. Just pre- Lock Haven hospital for treatment. | vious to the fire, which started short- He is still suffering intensely. ‘ly after ten o’clock, an explosion was Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Poorman, of | heard in the rear of the barn and a! Orviston, gave a shower for their | few minutes later the upper portion of | |__ NEW YO a Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 66-11-lyr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, daughter, Mrs. Aurthur McCloskey, | Thursday evening. Those present ! were: Mr. and Mrs. Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCloskey, Mr. and | Mrs: Ola €yphert, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- | rice Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lom- | ison, Mr .and Mrs. William Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hahn, Mrs. Alfred Shank, Mrs. Ira Condo, Mrs. William Poorman, Mrs. John Hume Sr., Mrs. | William Lucas, Mrs. Hensyl Young, ! Mrs. Carl Brown, the Misses Verna Shank, Celia Lucas, Rebecca Miles, | Gladys Marshall, Mary Heichel, Vel- | ma Shawley, Thelma High, Nellie | Confer, Rose Packer, Kathryn Miller, | Greatau and Helen Vondo, Margaret | and Josephine Poorman, Lois and Dor- | is Young, Alice Klinger, Gladys and | Gertrude Poorman. Messrs. John Shank, William and Ed McCaslin, ! Merrill, Leo, Edward and Kerlin Con- | do, George Hahn, George Lucas, Wal- | ter and Raymond Shawley, Roy and William Cyphert, George Moyer, Os- car Peterson, Lester and Harold Poor- man, Alexander Hume, Ben and Clair | Poorman, Allen Klinger, Paul Lomison Ji., and Paul Poorman. A pleasant time was had by all, with conversa- | tion, games and a little music, fur- nished by Mr. Ridge and Mrs. Hume, presiding at the organ. Many beau-! tiful and useful gifts were tendered the young couple, who were married early in June (this being the first op- portunity to surprise them). Mrs. McCloskey was more than pleased, as the little reminders will be a pleasure to the happy young housewife, for many years. Wishing them all happi- ness, after a fine lunch the guests de- parted, with cheers for them, from the bottom of all their hearts. —Buy your own paper and read it. | COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE. Following the late ruling of the | State Department of Public Instruc- | tion on attendance in the public | school it will be quite imperative for | every school district to rigidly enforce | the law. Failure on the part of any district to rigidly enforce the Compulsory At- | tendance Law will mean that such dis- trict will forfeit its quota of state ap- propriation. : Last year several school districts thus forfeited their appropriation amounting to thousands of dollars. LAW IN BRIEF. If a child has been illegally absent for three days and due notice has been served, the person having control of said child is then subject to arrest witheut further nocice as soon as the child is again illegally absent from school for a single session. The same requirements will be ob- t | served relative to vaccination of pupils as in former years. CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas, H. Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. pret eb At : "r the barn burst into flames. Men’s O seal in the delicious Burley flavor Once you’ve enjoyed the \ toasted flavor you will al- - ways want it guarantee— Get the Best Meats You save nothing by buyin 00r, .thin or gristly meats. use fo 4 Iv LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE with the and supply my customers freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are ne higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, pleased. New Fall at. Faubles..... Boys’ School Clothes. Overcoats for Men and Young Men. Stetson Hats, Shirts, over Shoes, Kiddies’ Suits and Hats---the prettiest ever shown in Bellefonte. Priced as low as honest merchandise will permit and sold with the ever Fauble —5 Your Money When You Want It Let us show you; we know you will be This Interests You The -Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, Bellefonte 43.18-1y State College m—— Wear sss The Preferred Accident Insurance Suits and THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of both feet, 5,000 loss of both hands, New Neckwear, Walk- > 000 loss of one hand and one foot, ,500 loss of either hand, ,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve NN 25 per week, total disability, . (limit 52 weeks) 10 per week, partial disability, (limit 26 weeks) PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion Any person, male or female, engaged in a referred occupation, including house, eeping, over eighteen years of age of good moral and physical condition may insure under this policv. Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex tensive Line of Solid Companies represent- ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte fa 50-21. INSUR ANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at a reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. mamaing. FINE JOB PRINTING Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte Pa ] o—A SPECIALTY—0 —— ES ——————————— [ AT THB CHICHESTER SPILLS | . ¥ aubic WATCHMAN orice TIE DIAMOND BRAND. U i of fro : oa) i ot re. : est U1 i ey prom he Sa Bor, Seed Bue BOOK WORK, * . Ask for © S. TER § that we can not do in the most satis- yor ts Best, Safest, Always Relsole factory anne A a iCal on OF SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWNERE communicate with this office