Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 09, 1921, Image 1

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Bomar Wald
—And council has been resolute.
—1It took the Granger’s picnic to
break the dry spell.
—The new moon is far in the south-
ern skies which is a fairly good sign
of warm weather.
—Seizing an opportunity has been
interpreted as a neglect of duty by the
town council of Bellefonte.
— President Harding certainly isn’t
giving the Mayflower any chance to
get back to “normalcy.” The presi-
dential boat will get no rest until all
of Marion has had a ride.
—The Irish might do well to grab
the half a loaf that England has of-
fered them. It is better than no bread
at all and they might grow strong
enough on it to take the other half.
—1It nearly always happens that the
men who advocate big families as the
salvation of the nation are the ones
who have plenty where with to feed
and clothe and educate the little ones.
—Since there are thirty-nine hun-
dred and ninety-three residents of
Bellefonte who probably feel that they
wouldn’t take the office of burgess as
a gift it is only natural to wonder why
the other three are putting up such a
fight for it.
—The stock market has been look-
ing up lately, but the rise is too new
to determine whether the financiers
see the dawn of business revival and
are discounting it, as they invariably
do, or whether it is merely due to tech-
nical conditions.
—Having lamped the lady teachers
very carefully as they trooped into the
court house for the sessions of their
institute we feel that the parents of
the county will be interested to know
that, collectively, they displayed more
brains than legs. And we regarded it
as a wonderfully hopeful sign.
—If it was such an outrageously
meddlesome proceeding for President
Wilson to call on the country to elect
a Congress that would support him
three years ago is it any less repre-
hensible for President Harding to be
insisting that Oklahoma elect a Sena-
tor who will support his policies ?
—So far as the crowd was concern-
ed the Logan picnic was not one of its
old fashioned outings. But those who
were not deterred by the threatening
weather had a good time and spent
their money so freely that the fire-
men are richer by far than they usu-
ally were after the old fashioned pic-
nics of years ago.
— Officials of the United Mine
Workers of America, who are charged
with having incited and directed the
miniature war in the non-union eoal
fields of West Virginia, ought to know
that the public wants a convincing
refutation of the charge. In recent
years general sympathy for labor has
not been so unstinted as it once was
because, always, out of such industrial
conflicts as were those in Logan coun-
ty, has come the intimation that labor
was being exploited by its leaders
who confound leadership with agita-
—My, how the officers of the 28th
must have adored the life in the
trenches of France. With the lovely
mansion, the perfectly appointed club
house and all the other attractive and
interesting buildings that dot the
glorious vista of the Boal estate ex-
pectant with open-doored hospitality,
the army of officers who assembled
there last Friday seemed to see none
of it. In thought and spirit they were
back in France once more and the con-
«quest of mind over matter was com-
plete, for they took to the crude, dank,
musty smelling “dug-out” immedi-
.ately upon their arrival and only came
.out when the Colonel announced the
zero hour.
—The more we expect government,
local, state and federal, to do for us
the more may we expect higher taxes.
After all, government is merely us
.and when we place upon it the burden
of furnishing the books for our chil-
«drens’ education, caring for their eyes
.and teeth, building our roads and what
not we foot the bills through taxation
just the same. We pay collectively
for what we would otherwise pay indi-
vidually. Some might say that it is
‘the same in the long run, but it isn’t.
Wery often the individual discovers
‘that he is without discretionary power
and when that discovery is made a
warning has been flashed as to the
danger of paternalistic and centraliz-
ed government.
—The announcement in another col-
umn of the “Watchman” that the
next county Christian Endeavor rally
‘will be held in Paradise might lead
some, unfamiliar with the nomencla-
ture of Centre county towns, to infer
that Brother Smith and his band of
Endeavorers have had a tip that the
millennium is about to come. The
Paradise here referred to has neither
golden streets nor walls of jasper. It
is just a village mid-way between
Waddle station and Matternville, on
and Arthur
the Buffalo run road
Thomas, not St. Peter, commands the
approach thereto. But what we start-
ed out to tell the younger generation
is this. While Zion has always been
known by its present heavenly name
time was when Paradise was Hell-
‘town, by name and some say in spirit
as well. Be that as it may, it is a fact
that an itinerant sky pilot called the
villagers to a spiritual accounting one
‘time and out of the travail of confes-
sion of the ugly sins of Helltown two
.churches were built and the placid lit-
tle village of Paradise was born.
VOL. 66.
NO. 35.
Prohibition in the Senate.
Observers of events in Washington
of an analytical turn of mind expect
a bitter fight on the pending Volstead
enforcement act and some of the most
earnest prohibitionists are apprehen-
the cause. In the past enforcement
officers are said to have gone far be-
yond the bounds of reason. They have
searched baggage, personal effects,
garages, barns and even dwellings in
violation of the fourth amendment to
the Federal constitution. To prevent
such things in future Senator Stanley,
| of Kentucky, offered an amendment to
‘the enforcement act forbidding
! searches without warrant. Upon that
' the impending fight is expected.
| The Senate by a very large majori-
| ty adopted the Stanley amendment
| but it was stricken out by the confer-
ence committee. The House prompt-
ly adopted the conference committee
| report, but the Senate refused to con-
i cur. The opposition increased in vehe-
{ mence but diminished in numbers as
| the discussion progressed and the An-
| ti-Saloon League got the ears of Sen-
ators. Finally the time fixed for the
recess arrived and the Senate ad-
| journed for a month, leaving the ques-
| tion undecided on the calendar. The
! fight will be renewed on the reassem-
| bling of the Senate on the 21st instant
| and the impression is that the confer-
{ ence report will be adopted, but that
| the result will impair rather than help
| the cause.
| Senator Borah, one of the legal ex-
i perts of the Senate and a militant pro-
| bibitionist, has aligned himself with
those contending for the Stanley
| amendment. He says “I feel that the
| cause of prohibition is just as deeply
"interested in the cause of constitution-
al government and the preservation of
our rights under the constitution as
any other cause or class of people.”
Senator Stanley, author of the amend-
ment, declares he “was amazed that
members of the Senate sworn to pro-
tect and defend the constitution, learn-
ed jurists, would practically admit
their willingness to ignore and violate
one provision of the constitution in
their, zeal. to more efficiently and ef-
fectively enforce” another provision.”
Other prohibitionists are equally
emphatic in denouncing the methods
of the radical prohibitionists. They
favor the enforcement of the prohibi-
tion amendment vigorously and rig-
orously, but apprehend that in doing
so by violent and unconstitutional
methods, they will alienate a consid-
erable number of the most earnest
prohibitionists who will shut their
eyes to violations of the law rather
than encourage enforcement that in-!
volves such dangerous consequences.
The belief exists in Washington, how-
ever, that the conference report will
be adopted for'the reason that those
supporting it care more to gratify
their pride and feed their vanity than
preserve the constitution.
ete pee
That candidate for tax collect-
or in Bellefonte who told a Spring
street lady on Wednesday that he al-
ready had the pledges of six hundred
women voters in Bellefonte, ought to
be wise to the fact that very often
when a woman says “no” she means
“yes,” and is just as likely to mean
“no” when she says “yes.” In the
meantime the gentleman is not resting
on a sure thing but making a house
to house canvas, and if he is short
with the ladies when the final vote is
counted it won’t be his fault.
Nine thousand depositors in a
broken Boston bank with claims
amounting to $2,000,000, failed to file
claims for their share of the assets
within the time limit. It is not sur-
prising that Senator Lodge is able to
fool the people of Massachusetts.
ee eee ee eens.
President Harding has just dis-
covered that there are no fortifications
on the line between this country and
Canada and the discovery has given
him a beautiful opportunity to plati-
Six nations have expressed con-
fidence in Elihu Root as a judge, but
half a million majority of the voters
of New York refused to ratify his
work as a constitutional maker.
——“France, stout of heart, has
worked wonders in the mighty task
of reconstruction,” reads a headline.
But France had no Lodges to contend
with in its efforts.
——We see no cause for complaint
in the fact that President Harding
takes a good many holidays. He nev-
er accomplishes anything when work-
——The public schools in Belle-
fonte, and all over Centre county, will
open next Monday. The Bellefonte
Academy and State College will open
‘next Wednesday.
—Get your job work done here.
sive that the result will be inimical to
| Vote for John T. Bracken.
| In addition to the importance of de-
feating the proposed constitutional
| convention the Democratic voters of
| Pennsylvania have opportunity to per-
i form another signal civic service on
| primary election day. There is a va-
cancy in the Congressional delegation
to be filled and the election of the
Democratic candidate for that office,
Mr. John T. Bracken, of Pittsburgh, to
fill that place would be a valuable and
meritorious public service. It would !
serve to rebuke the Republican major-
ity in Congress for violating the
pledges made during the campaign
and admonish it against the partisan-
ship which has prevented the enact-
ment of legislation for the restoration
of peace and prosperity.
In the Congressional campaign a
year ago Mr. Bracken was one of the
nominees of the Democratic party for
the office of Congressman-at-Large.
He is a reputable and successful attor-
ney-at-law and in every respect well
qualified for the office. He ran several
thousand votes ahead of his associates
on the ticket, thus proving his avail-
ability as a candidate. But in the
land slide which followed a campaign
of false representation and calumnia-
tion of President Wilson he was de-
feated by Mahlon M. Garland, his im-
mediate competitor. Before the certi-
fication of the election of Mr. Garland,
he died, and legal authority of the
highest order advised Mr. Bracken to
lay claim to the election, which he did.
But the partisan majority refused to
even allow a statement of the case.
In view of these facts the election
of Mr. Bracken at this time would
serve as a just retribution against the
partisan spirit that denied him the un-
alienable right of appeal for justice.
But there are other and equally potent
reasons why every Democrat and fair
minded voter of whatever political
faith should vote for Mr. Bracken.
He fulfills the Jeffersonian require-
ment as to fitness. He is honest and
capable, while his opponent is simply
a meek and servile follower of the par-
ty machine that has worked havee to
the industrial life of the country and
‘betrayed every interest of the peoples
We hope every Democrat in Centre
county will fulfill his obligation to the
public by voting for Mr. Bracken.
——Mr. Hampton L. Carson is mov-
ed to a high pitch of indignation be-
cause Judge Landis has accepted an
office in the baseball organization, but
Mr. Carson is entirely contented to al-
low an ash cart boss to rule his native
city. This is one of the anomalies of
the legal mind.
ef rere eee. .
God Save the Commonwealth.
The esteemed Philadelphia Record, |
which has given some support to the
proposed constitutional convention cn-
terprise, states in a recent issue, that
“opponents of the proposed constitu-
tional convention, which the people of
Pennsylvania will vote on at the ap-
proaching primary, have been furnish-
ed their best argument in the charac-
ter and calibre of some of the candi-
dates aiming to represent the people
in the convention, if one shall be held.
If the records of some of them in for-
mer activities as one-term officehold-
ers, as boodling lobbyists and as pro-
fessing leaders of special interests are
any indication of what they might do
to the State constitution if offered a
chance, Cod save il.e Commonwealth.”
The esteemed Record has in mind,
unquestionably, the aspirants for
seats in the convention for Philadel-
phi, Pittsburgh and other cities of con-
siderable population, in which the
most undesirable candidates predom-
inate. In the rural districts, as a rule,
fairly fit candidates have been set up
and a good many of them will proba-
bly be elected. But the other sort will
predominate and if the convention is
called we may all join in the pious in-
vocation of our Philadelphia contem-
porary, for the malign purpose of the
promoters of the sinister enterprise
will be achieved. The work of the
packed convention may be defeated at
the polls in November but the rescue
will cost a couple of million dollars or |
As the Legislative committee of the ;
State Grange declared some time ago,
the principles of justice and the rights
of citizens of Pennsylvania have never '
been so viciously attacked as in this |
scheme to hand over to an individual
the destinies of the people for half a!
century. And if it succeeds at the pri-
mary election it will be practically im-
possible to defeat it at the general
election for all the crooked devices of |
a depraved political machine will be .
invoked in support of the iniquity.
But it can be defeated at the primary
and will be if the voters who have pub-
lic interests at heart and a just appre-
ciation of their rights and duties in
mind will go to the polls and swipe it
as a monstrous evil.
— Senator France probably thinks
much as other Republican leaders on
the question of the Russian govern-
ment, but the others are not as frank.
Lame Argument for the Convention.
The more or less esteemed Harris-
,burg Patriot, the multimillionaire
owner of which has been practically !
i assured a seat in the proposed con-
! stitutional convention, if one is called,
is willing that a million dollars or
more of the public money may be
- squandered in order to give a few as-
i piring gentlemen an opportunity to
| “discuss” the subject. “Whatever ar-
| guments against revision of a consti-
tution,” observes this sapient shaper
‘ of public opinion, “there can be none
against discussion. It is easily possi-
| scrapping the old instrument in favor
i of a new one. It might decide on few
i changes or many or none.”
But in any event this experimental
operation would cost the people of
Pennsylvania a million dollars or more
of good, hard-earned cash, at a time
when the treasury resources are una-
ble to meet current expenses. The pro-
posed convention, if called, might
make few changes but it is tolerably
certain that the few would be in the
interest of those who are promoting
it. Or it might make many in the
same direction, and like the Root con-
vention in New York a few years ago,
suffer an ignominious rebuke at the
hands of the people after another mil-
lion or so had been wasted in submit-
ting it to a vote for ratification. But
what’s the use of all this trouble and
expense? Discussion is free and
nearly all those who favor a conven-
tion can afford to hire halls in which
to talk if they are anxious to exploit
their erudition.
There may be good reasons and
many of them for making a new con-
stitution but the present is not auspi-
cious for such an important work.
The times are out of joint. Industrial
life is stagnant and the future of pro-
duction and commerce uncertain. Be-
sides the public treasury is in no con-
, dition to meet increased and unneces-
sary expenses. These reasons are
more than sufficient to confute the
contentions of the convention protag-
onists whether presented in public
cenfyrence or private convention. Be-
sides the proposed method of organ-
izing the convention is fundamentally
ought to be made up of delegates ap-
pointed and responsible, not to the
public, but to one man.
German statesmen still have
hope of the restoration of the Empire
and our separte peace greatly
| strengthened the hope.
Railroads and Auto-Trucks.
agers that auto trucks are taking a
large part of their business from
them are puerile.. The auto trucks
are getting the business for the rea-
son that they appeared upon the scene
at the opportune moment and prevent-
ed the railroad managers from rifling
the pockets of the public. In 1920 the
railroad managers entered into a crim-
inal contract with the Republican Na-
tional committee to elect the candi-
date of that party for President in
consideration of generous recompense,
in the form of favors, after the elec-
tion. In pursuance of that sinister
agreement the railroads procured an
increase of freight rates almost to a
confiscatory point, and gave the truck
owners a chance.
i Naturally the truck owners availed
' themselves of the opportunity to en-
i ter into a profitable business by offer-
ling to carry freight, not only short-
{haul shipments but consignments at
| considerable distance, and the railroad
| managers set up a protest on the false
and fraudulent pretense that their
i franchise from the State entitled
: them to protection from a competition
ithat was less favorable. In other
' words they claim that they are requir-
ed by law to maintain their rights of
| way, pay corporation taxes and meet
other obligations to which the truck
owners are not amenable. That is a
good deal like pleading the “baby act.”
The truck owners also have expenses !
more or less heavy, to meet.
to compel shippers to pay exorbitant
rates for carrying freight the truck
‘owners would never have found the
opportunity to enter the field in com-
petition. In the nature of things
railroads have it all over truck own-
ers in the carrying business, alike in
short and long hauls. But the man-
| agers were not satisfied until they al-
so got what they imagined was a cinch
on the public and the truck owners
were welcomed by the shippers into a
! competition which appears to be
breaking in their favor. The railroads
; can probably recover their natural ad-
‘vantage by fixing freight rates at a
| just figure and if they fail to do that
they deserve the defeat which is inev-
——The Bar Association may “res-
olute ’till the cows come home” but it
can’t stop payment on Judge Landis’
salary check.
: ble that a convention after canvassing :
the whole ground might decide against '
wrong. No constitutional convention i
The complaints of the railroad man-
If the railroads had not undertaken |
Big Gathering of A. E. F. and Nation-
al Guard Officers Attracts
Many Visitors.
Historically speaking Boalsburg is
one hundred and twelve years old. It
: has always been regarded as a beauti-
i ful village at the foot of the Seven
mountains by those who knew it, but
it remained for Theodore Davis
. Boal to put it rightly on the map. As
i soon as he had decided to locate there
i permanently he got busy. Whenever
‘there was a farm for sale he bought
it, until now the Boal estate extends
almost as far as the eye can see.
: Then he turned to other fields to con-
que:. He organized the Boal Machine
Gun troop and became captain. He
went to France and became a major
and since his return home was made
a colonel. His love of the military
must be hereditary. His old Boal
troop achieved wonders in the world
war and the present Boal troop is an
integral part of the National Guard.
Col. Boal has set aside fifty or more
acres on his estate as a military res-
ervation, with permanent buildings of
various kinds, even to a “dugout.”
This is the home of the Boal troop.
Early in the summer he set about
organizing the officers of the Twenty-
eighth division A. E. F. into an asso-
ciation for the perpetuation of good
fellowship. The organization was per-
fected on June 11th when Major Gen-
eral W. G. Price was elected president
and Col. David J. Davis secretary and
treasurer. A handsome and commo-
dious club house was built on the bluff
of the Boal camp, not very far from
the “hoose-gow,” and that is the per-
manent home of the officer’s club,
which now consists of about seventy-
five members. September 8rd to 5th
| gether and as many of the members
| still hold commissions in the National
| Guard the guard association was in-
i vited to meet at the same time and
i place. The result was the largest
| gathering of officers seen anywhere
| outside a state encampment.
! avoid the rush, but the big influx was
{ on Saturday.
When a “Watchman” reporter visit-
| ed the camp on Saturday afternoon he
| found Capt. Charles E. Sohl, of the
{ Boal troop, stationed at the mouth of
i the dugout registering the arrivals.
i The dugout evidently was not pattern-
ed after the approved German plans,
because itis built on top of the
‘ground. Your name on the registry
' book was a pass to the dugout. The
i reporter didn’t register.
All told over one hundred men
{ prominent in military affairs were
| present. These included Adjutant
General Frank D. Beary, Major Gen-
eral W. G. Price, Major General
George C. Rickards, and colonels
lieutenant colonels, majors, captains
and lieutenants by the dozen. Some
fifteen or more were present from
Philadelphia, an almost equal number
from Pittsburgh and the balance from
other sections of the State. They
were quartered and fed in tents re-
ceived from the state arsenal at Har-
risburg. Many of the younger officers
were accompanied by their wives. The
American Legion band, of Clearfield,
was present and gave a concert each
day, while a dance was held in the of-
! ficer’s club Saturday night.
On Sunday night Boal troop gave a
problem in military shooting on the
mountain range near MacBride’s gap,
using tracer bullets. This exhibition
was watched by hundreds of people
who motored to the camp on Sunday.
The gathering throughout was almost
entirely of the social order. On one
or two occasions a number of officers
got together and discussed such prob-
lems as a suitable by-laws for the Na-
tional Guard association, and some
contemplated changes in officer’s uni-
forms, but no definite action was tak-
en. The camp broke up on Monday
and by evening all had departed for
their respective homes.
| ——The I. O. O. F. band of Belle-
fonte is proving a popular musical or-
ganization. This is shown by the
great demand for its services. Dur-
ing the month of August it filled sev-
enteen engagements, held nine re-
hearsals and was compelled to turn
down a number of requests for
services owing to conflicting dates.
In addition to the weekly concerts at
Bellefonte the band played at Port
Matilda, Blanchard, Beech Creek, Re-
bersburg, Millheim, Spring Mills,
Howard, Hublersburg, Hecla Park and
Hughes field. Willis E. Wion is man-
ager of the organization and every
member takes a deep interest in keep-
ing it up-to-date in all the latest mu-
——Dr. John W. Thomas, the new
president of The Pennsylvania State
College, will fill the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday. The
public is invited to attend and hear
! him,
was the occasion of their first get-to-.
—Struck by a bolt of lightning as he
was standing in the doorway of the barn
of his farm at Hatch Hill, Fred Smith, 42
years of age, was instantly killed during a
severe storm which swept over Bradford
county last week.
—In a suit recently filed, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Lyson ask $15,000 from John Tercho,
Sr., of Oardale, Fayettte county, as the re-
sult of the death of their daughter, Ann,
11 years old, who was accidentally shot at
the Tercho home, August 5th, by 14 year
old John Tercho.
—Henry DeVillers Williams, a member of
one of New Bethlehem’s most prominent
families, before ending his life with an au-
tomobile gun, wrote a note to a member of
his family in which he said: “I am tired
of attempting to live a Packard life on a
wheelbarrow salary.” He was employed
as a bookkeeper.
—Wiley Titus, aged 9 years, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Titus, of West Middlesex,
Mercer county, was dragged to death by a
run-away cow. The boy was leading the
animal and had the rope tied around his
waist. The cow became frightened and
ran away, dragging the boy about 250 feet,
causing his death.
—John Carver, of Lebanon, aged 65
vears had been courting Emma Hornber-
ger, aged 26, and, during the course of the
courtship presented his lady love with a
$100 phonograph, a $27 wrist watch, a $9.50
ring, and clothing and cash to the value
and amount of $300, and now the young la-
dy jilts the aged Apollo and he demands
the return of the articles specified.
— District Forester B. D. McPherson, of
Lock Haven, has reported to the State For-
estry Department the presence of a large
flock of ravens in the vicinity of Rauch-
town, Clinton county. The birds have been
found roosting on rock ledges at Rauch’s
gap. It was believed that ravens were ex-
tinct in that section, but McPherson be-
lieves they have nested there for years un-
—Forty barrels of elderberry wine were
used to extinguish a fireon a farm near
Carlisle one day last week, after the availa-
ble water supply had been exhausted by a
bucket brigade, which had worked stren-
uously for six hours. A barn and out-
building were destroyed. A handsome
lodge, upon the roof of which the wine was
used, was the only building saved. The
owner, Gilbert Beetem, estimated his loss
at $10,000.
—Judge Fuller, of Luzerne county, has
directed that a permanent injunction be is-
sued restraining the borough of Sunbury
from taking over the electric light proper-
ty of the Pennsylvania Power and Light
company at Sunbury, which had been de-
cided upon by popular election four years
ago. The .property is worth $350,000.
Council had directed a special election and
the vote was overwhelmingly for municipal
ownership. :
—John J. Reilly, for six. years supervis-
ing prineipal of the schools of Conyngham
township, Columbia county, has been oust-
ed from his position and Miss Mary Fen-
nessy, a daughter of a former member of
the board, who was removed from office
several years ago after dishonest practices
were charged, was named to the post by
the present board, which is now facing re-
i al in proceedings before the court.
Al fo yi, mov p g
ror > LOVE Reilly, , sided with the mi-
' of them came in on Friday evening t0hgeiry or to deciarod sidad With the
Rherity of the board in the trouble beiween
the two factions.
—While Harry Sherwood and I. J. Focht,
of Wellsboro, were visiting the Asaph oil
well in Sheppen township, Tioga county,
two “‘moter-crazed” porcupines took pos-
session of their auto. When the men re-
turned, they found one animal chewing the
upholstery for a choice morsel, while the
other, more ambitious, had attacked the
steering wheel. As they could not be
handled without gloves, the men armed
themselves with long poles and after much
effort succeeded in dislodging the usurp-
ers and regaining possession of their car.
—The State prison labor commission
which has the contract for furnishing au-
tomobile license plates to the State High-
way Department, was low bidder to sup-
ply 500,000 brass dog license tags to the
State Agricultural Department. It bid
$3598.62. Other bids were made and the
commission will likely get the contract.
This is the first time the State has con-
tracted for the tags in this manner. Each
county will have its own series and there
will also be kennel tags. Enforcement of
the dog law by the State will start next
January. Heretofore it has been a county
—James E. Young, 57 years old, of West
Nottingham township, Chester county, was
almost instantly killed by a vicious bull at
his home Thursday evening. His body was
found in a field, by his wife, who went in
search of him after the cows he had gone
to the field to drive to the barn had .ar--
rived there without him. The body was
found lying close to a fence, which Youug
had evidently endeavored to reach when
attacked. Young went into the field where
the bull was pasturing with his cows and
had apparently been attacked at once. His
body was badly gashed by the horns of
the animal and he had also been trampled.
Mrs. Sadie Dean shot and accidentally
killed Mrs. John Bates at Bedford, last
Wednesday. Both were endeavoring to
protect themselves from John Bates, who
was drunk and threatening to do them
bodily injury. Bates had been drinking
home brew during the day and in the
course of the afternoon at the Bates home,
he became vicious and threatened the wom-
en. To protect themselves against the man
the women secured a gun. In making their
way hurriedly to a place where they could
better protect themselves Mrs. Dean stum-
bled and the gun was discharged. The
charge struck Mrs. Bates in the neck, kill-
ing her instantly. All are colored. Mrs.
Dean gave herself up immediately after
she learned that Mrs. Bates was. dead.
Bates was arrested and held on the charge
of violating the liquor law.
— Asserting that his pretty wife had been
stolen deliberately by a man in a large
touring car, Charles Fillingér, of Geneva,
N. Y., appealed to the Sunbury police last
Friday for aid in finding her. He asserted
that he and his wife were walking along
the road near Mifflinburg when the tourist,
alone, offered them a ride. At Mifflinburg
the husband got out to go into a store, and
the stranger drove off with the woman.
Fillinger is 35 years old, and his wife, No-
ra, is 30. She has dark hair and blue eyes
and is pretty, the husband asserted. They
had left their home in Geneva, N. Y., and
were “hiking” south in search of work,
when the stranger, who said he was on his
way to Philadelphia, met them. The police
have thus far been unable to trace her.
Fillinger was frantic with anxiety. He
said they never had been apart before since
they were married.