Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 02, 1921, Image 3

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    Deworvaic Walp
Bellefonte, Pa., September 2, 1921.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
The prodigality of the poor creates
the eminent wealth of the rich.
Miss Geraldine Bilger, of Belle-
fonte, visited here with friends.
James Carpenter, of New Milford,
is spending a few days at the Gap.
Miss Helen Gttig has secured a cler-
id position in the offices of the
iterock quarries.
Mrs. Fritz and Mrs.
Portsmouth, Ohio, are visiting with
George Gettig and family at the Cross
Mrs. Paul Keller and two interest-
ing little girls, of Philadelphia, are
spending some time at the home of
her father, William H. Noll Jr.
Mrs. Charles Bender and daughter,
of Lancaster, after visiting with
grandmother Bilger for some two
weeks, returned home on Tuesday last.
That kind of financiering that will
carry on successfully a private busi-
ness, is what we need at the head of
our state department at this momen-
tous time.
The McNnitt-Huyett Lumbering Co.
have nearly 30,000 first class railroad
ties ready for market, but owing to
railroad embarrassments no market
exists as yet.
A cripple is valuable as an illustra-
tion of what may happen to you, ei-
ther by carelessness or accident, and
consequently anything given him is
not thrown away.
Mi. and Mrs. William Florey and
sen Rea, accompanied by Mrs. Rachel
Noll, motored to Williamsport recent-
ly. They report the scenery at this
time as simply grand.
Mr. Leslie Miller and family, of
Woodlawn, Beaver county, came to the
Gap the early part of the week and
expect to take in the Granger's picnic
before returning home.
Mr. J. S. Miller is enjoying a ten
day’s vacation, and he surely deserves
it.” He is one of the favorite employ-
ees at the penitentiary, and barring
his annual vacation he is onto his job
every day of the year.
Mrs. Elmer Musser and daughter
Natalia, or Cleveland, Ohio, arrived
at the Gap a few days ago and will re-
main for some time before returning
to their home. Mrs. Musser is a
daughter of our townsman, Mr. W. A.
Hoover, at whose home she usually
makes her headquarters during her
annual vacations.
Our state road management are in
receipt of three car loads of brick,
which would possibly amount to 30,-
000. Something like 500,000 brick
will be required to complete the con-
tract. It is doubtful if they will be-
Ellison, of
gin the laying of brick until more ma-
terialize—the -present invoice would
be consumed in three days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kerstetter and
daughter Tamazine left a few days
ago on an extended motoring trip.
Pittsburgh was their first stop. After
seeing what they could see in the
Smoky city they left for Cleveland,
and will visit a number of notable
cities before returning home. They
will in all probability return Satur-
day or Sunday.
Mi. and Mrs. John Herman, of Phil-
adelphia, came here a short time ago
with a view of remaining over until
the close of the Granger picnic. John
says there are two things he surely
enjoys, they are to be in attendance
annually at the Granger picnic and to
eat his mother’s apple pies. He says
they have very fine apple pies in the
city, but somehow mother’s pies seem
far superior to him than any other
Dr. R. S. Melroy and wife are over
in the Lewistown Narrows residing in
their cottage. It is there they spend
their annual vacation and have an up-
to-date good and enjoyable time. Mr.
J. Abner Noll, Mrs. Melroy’s father,
went over to join them on Tuesday
and remained until Thursday night.
Abner’s going was a surprise to the
entire community, since he has been
in business at the Gap for over thirty
years and such a thing as a vacation
is an unknown quantity to him.
A girl and her best fellow went up
the state road taking a leisure walk in
the direction of State College. They
had boasted previously that they
would, under no circumstances, make
fools of themselves like injudicious
youngsters do by making 2a public
show of themselves on the street be-
fore they were married, when in fact
thy had a regular hugging match in
broad daylight. A bunch of young
men witnessed the loving antics and
greatly enjoyed the same. The scene,
they say, if properly presented to our
Bellefonte movies would be an 1m-
mense drawing card and no mistake.
Husbands are not always what they
seem; neither are wives, and each are
very much what the other makes of
them. Most young women rega
matrimony as the aim and end of life.
So it is to many. They read of love,
think of it, talk of it, and pray for it,
until they become so wrought up over
it that they are liable to mistake a
passing faney for it. Then they are
delighted, and chatter, and sing, and
dream. They don’t know what it is,
but they have it. If a woman would
exercise as much care in selecting a
husband as she does in choosing a do-
mestic she would hit the nail on the
head oftener than she does.
The Gettig reunion was a great suc-
cess. The same was held at Gherrity’s
Seven mountains’ famous resort. The
affair was largely attended, among the
number participating being Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Corman and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Foster Fanning, Paul Fan-
ning and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Gettig, Donald Gettig, wife and two
children, Mrs. Frank Weaver and Ir-
vin Gettig, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geh-
|Get the Best Meats
| ret and John Hoy, all of Bellefonte;
| Mr. and Mrs. John Herman, of Phila-
delphia; Mrs. Jay Crust and daughter
| Jean, Catherine and Fannie Miller, of
Niagara Falls; H. E. Gettig and fami- |
ly, Henrietta and Carl Gettig, Mv. and
| Mrs. John Uhl and Roy Uhl, Mrs. Al-
ice Coldren, of Pleasant Gap; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hoy and son William,
Harry Hoy, wife, and five children,
Miss Helen Hoy, and Ray Williams.
All present enjoyed the festivities
en A —————
W. R. Bierly attended the Bierly re-
union at Milton last week.
E. C. Winters, of State College, was
an over Sunday visitor with his moth-
er here.
J. M. Winters, of Philadelphia, is
spending his annual vacation with his
mother in this place.
A delegation of men from this town
attended the Business Men’s picnic at
Hecla park last Thursday.
J. D. Keller, of State College, was a
business caller at the Keystone print-
ing house, Friday of last week.
Roy Held has taken up work with
the McMullen Bros., at Millheim, and
operates their mill during the night.
Charles Snyder, who has been work-
ing for S. H. Hackenberg during the
summer, left his place and has taken
up quarters in Sugar valley.
George H. Smull and wife have been
away over a week. Just where they
have gone is not known, but are sup-
posed to have gone on 2 business trip.
John Smith and two brothers called
at the home of Herbert Stover for an
old fashioned chat, Sunday afternoon.
John is a jovial good fellow and al-
ways welcome.
Mrs. Edith Meredith, formerly
Edith Detwiler, of this place, but now
of Lewisburg, with her husband, has
been spending some time pleasantly
with the lady’s mother here.
Sometimes it seems as though one
man had all the trouble in this world,
but when we hear other people tell
of their experiences in life we are led
to believe that all have their share
of troubles and disappointments.
The Keystone printing house, Her-
bert H. Stover, proprietor, is rushe
with work for weeks ahead. A talk
with Mr. Stover reveals the fact that
his printing plant has put out more
work since last March than ever be-
fore in its history.
rere, see lee
Fern Strubles are rejoicing over the
arrival of a baby boy.
Rev. Brown and wife spent Satur-
day at the home of D. H. Bottorf.
Mrs. Frank Haller and daughters
went to Williamsport, where they will
camp for a week.
Joseph Hunsinger, who had the mis-
fortune to break his right arm, is get-
ting along nicely.
John H. Shuey and wife spent a
week among friends in the eastern
part of the county.
The teachers of College township
are getting ready to attend the coun-
ty institute next week.
Prof. Ed. Crawford, of Centre Hall,
attended the United Evangelical Sun-
day school on Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Brandt and children
spent last week at the home of Mrs.
Brandt's father, B. F. Hoy.
Anna Williams came up from Perth
Amboy, N. J., to visit among friends
in these parts, for a few weeks.
Last Saturday night some one went
into W. E. Grove’s garage and stole
five gallons of gasoline and five gal-
lons of oil.
B. K. Hoy has greatly improved his
garage by having a big tank for gaso-
fine put in, and also by the erection of
a new brick addition to his shops.
Harry Hoy and family motored to
the home of Roy Garbrick, at Centre
Hall, last Friday evening.
Gabriel Betz has been seriously ill
the past week and at this writing
there is no improvement in his condi-
Mrs. William Eckenroth and son
John spent last Wednesday afternoon
at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ol-
iver Bitner.
Lincoln Walizer, of Boston, Mass,
is spending his vacation at the home
of his sister, Mrs. George Stover.
Last week Mis. Stover and daughter
Mary accompanied Mr. Walizer on a
trip to Baltimore, Md., to visit anoth-
er brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Yearick and
returned home they found a car load
of guests at their home. On Sunday
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
You save nothing by buying poor
thin or gristly meats. use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
meats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of gouvd
meats you want.
Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte Pe
T other.
a Ask for © ERS
known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
family went on the hunt of sweet corn
last Saturday evening and when they |
two car loads of friends from State |
College also visited the Yearick home
' making a crowd of twenty-three all
Mrs. Bryan Fort, of Wrightsville,
New Jersey, visited friends and rela-
tives in this section last week, coming
here from Altoona, where she attend-
"ed the funeral of her father, the late
‘| ard St., says:
very bad, brought on by kidney trou- |.
Michael Zeigler. The Zeigler family
at one time lived here but twenty-two
yars ago moved to Howard and later
to Altoona.
J. S. Dale, of State College, spent
a short time in our town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Etters are
visiting relatives in Pittsburgh this
F. P. Herpzler, of Pittsburgh, was
a Saturday guest at the A. C. Peters
home on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. William Korman and
daughter Eva, of Tyrone, are visiting
in our town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Lowder, of
this place, are rejoicing over the ar-
rival of a young son. The child has
been christened Ralph Joel Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zong and chil-
dren, and Mrs. William Folk and son
William Jr. motored to Danville and
Milton on Saturday and returned on
Miss Nellie Wagner, employed in
the silk mill in Bellefonte, with her
friend, Miss Stoner, of Axe Mann,
were weck-end guests at the Wagner
home in this place.
Quite a large crowd of people gath-
ered at the N. J. Rishel home on Fri-
day evening in honor of Mr. Rishel’s
fifty-ninth birthday. Refreshments
were served and Mr. Rishel was the
recipient of many useful gifts. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rish-
el and sons Gerald and Robert, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Houtz and daughter
Betty, Mr. and Mrs. David Gilliland
and daughter Nannie, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Rishel and children, Mr. and
Mrs. William Houtz, Mr. and Mrs.
James Peters, Mrs. Sue Peters, Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Peters, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Peters, Mrs. Clara Zerby and
daughter Jessie, Mrs. Harry Wagner
and daughter Susan, Mrs. Luther
Dale, Edward Zong, Ralph Rishel.
Mrs. William Folk, Miss Margaret
Kern, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Decker,
Mr. and Mrs. William Rishel and
daughter Mary, Misses Mildred, and
Nellie Peters, and Harry Peters.
Real Estate Transfers.
Maurice W. Neidigh, et ux, to J. M.
Sopa, tract in Ferguson township;
E. M. Watt, et ux, to George Ww.
Helpful Words
From a Bellefonte Citizen.
Is your back lame and painful ?
Does it ache especially after exer-
Theresa Cunkle, et bar, to Ora A.
Burns, et ux, tract in Rush township; !
Estella B. Peters, et ux, to Marcella
Beals, tract in Huston township; $100.
James S. Martin to Paul J. Smith,
tract in State College; $2000.
J. C. Hosterman, et ux, to Orvis M.
Sholl, tract in Penn township; $75.
Philipsburg Coal and Land Co., to
Chester M. Frank, tract in Philips-
burg; $350.
M. Emmett Davis, et bar, to S. B.
Nolan, tract in Philipsburg; $3400.
H. W. Orwig, et ux, to Preston A.
Frost, tract in State College; $6500.
1. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to Earl
in State College;
L. Moffitt, tract
T. C. Weaver, et ux, to J. O. Greno-
Lauck, tract in Ferguson township;
ble, tract in Haines township; $800.
Elmira P. Gramley to H. T. John-
son, tract in Spring township; $500.
County Treasurer to W. G. Runkle,
tract in Spring township; $15.24.
County Commissioners to Fred W.'
Thomann, tract in Snow Shoe; $43.11.
Annie Harocimchik, et bar, to An-
nie Koval, tract in Rush township; $1.
. 5 tinchik, |
Annie Koval to Annie Harocim hik, | J ENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-ate
et bar, tract in Rush township; $1.
Charlotte Wood to Moses Johnson,
et ux, tract in Philipsburg; $2000.
Brermo Bardrow to Charles Berry,
et ux, tract in Rush township; $1.
Margaret B. MacDonald, et al, to
Zeta Zeta Chapter, Fraternity of
Lamba Chi Alpha, tract in State Col-
lege; $8000.
Phoebe Houdeshell, et ux, to Jacob
5 Houdeshell, tract in Rush township;
Men's Wear
at, Faubles.....
Boys’ School Clothes.
Overcoats for Men and Young Men.
Stetson Hats, Shirts,
Suits and
Neckwear, Walk-
over Shoes, Kiddies’ Suits and Hats---the
prettiest ever shown in Bellefonte.
Priced as low as honest merchandise will
permit and sold with the ever Fauble
Your Money
When You Want It
Is there a soreness in the kidney re- | §
If so there is danger in delay.
Weak kidneys get weaker fast.
Give your trouble prompt attention.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak
Your neighbors use and recommend
them. Ask your neighbor.
Read this Bellefonte testimony.
Mrs. Charlotte Reed, 214 E. How-
“My eyesight became
ble. 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills and
they gave me very beneficial results.”
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Reed had. Foster-Milburn Co., z
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 66-34 |
These symptoms suggest weak kid- of
finement and comfort are dominant features,
pendability on all roads in all weather.
—the car of many uses, the car for the whole family. While elegance, re-
the Sedan affords sturdy de-
The famous Ford engine provides more than sufficient power for every
need. The sturdy, rugged construction of the whole chassis is a surety of
year in and year out endurance and economy.
We will round out this service in the car itself by keeping your Sedan
in good condition. We sell genuine Ford parts and our fully equipped repair
shop handles repairs promptly and well.
Let us come and demonstrate.
Bellefonte, Pa.
KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at«
i Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices ins
; all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's
| Exchange. 51-1y
B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
; Practices in all the courts. Come
sultation in English or German,
| Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonts,
Pa. 40-
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Promp at-
tention given all legal business em-
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 Hast
High street.
M KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-
fessional business will receive
Prompt attention. Office on second floor of
emple Court. 49-5-1y
G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Consutigtion a Saglish 22d, Ger-
man. ce in Cr ’
Bellefonte, Pa. ore pe 588
State College
Holmes Bldg.
Crider’s Exch. 66-11
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
Jeno county, Pa. Office at his resi
We have our new Concrete Mill
completed and now running. We
built the best mill to produce the
best flour possible.
a ew “Our Best”
“ye 9 ring Wh
Victory” * “reeat
We can Grind Your Feed
While you Wait,
We are in the Market, for
All Kinds of Grain
CY. Wagner & Co., Inc.
66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA.
=| This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Prevention
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
5.000 loss of one hand and one foot.
2,500 loss of either hand,
2.000 loss of either foot,
630 less of one eve
25 per week, total disability,
(limit 52 weeks)
10 per week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
payable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
pisored Seeman, BCS" are
, over een years Of
good moral and physical condition may
insure under this policv.
Fire Insurance
1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
_ ance Agency, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Fa
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
- Ny —
that we can not do in the most satis
factory manner, Prices consists
and at
ent with the class of werk. Call on or
commumicate with this office’