Bull-Dog Drummond The Adventures of a Demobilized Officer Who Found Peace Dull m— by CYRIL McNEILE “SAPPER” ILLUSTRATIONS BY IRWIN MYERS Copyright by Ges. H. Doran Co. (Conclusion.) “The last straw,” remarked Ted Jer- ningham. “A more impossible man as a bridegroom 1ivould be hard to think of. Bub in the meantime I pinched half a dozen of the old man’s Perrier Jouet 1911 and put ’em in the car. What say you?” “Say!” snorted Hugh. “Idiot boy! Does one speak on such occasions?” And it was so. . . . THREE. “What's troubling me,” remarked Hugh later, “is what to do with Carl and that sweet girl Irma.” The hour for the meeting was draw- ing near, and though no one had any idea as to what sort of a meeting it was going to be, it was obvious that Peterson would be one of the happy throng. “I should say the police might now be allowed a look in,” murmured Dar- rell mildly. “You can’t have the man lying about the place after you're mar- ried.” “I suppose not,” answered Drum- mond, regretfully. “And yet it's a dreadful thing to finish a little show like this with the police—if you'll for- give my saying so, Mr. Green.” “Sure thing,” drawled the American. «But we have our uses, Captain, and T'm inclined to agree with your friend's suggestion. Hand him over along with bis book, and they'll sweep up the mess.” «It would be an outrage to let the scoundrel go,” said the millionaire fiercely. “The man Lakington you say is dead; there’s enough evidence to hang this brute as well. What about my secretary in Belfast?” But Drummand shook his head. «] have my doubts, Mr. Potts, if you'd be able to bring that home to him. Still, I can quite understand your feeling rattled with the bird.” He rose and stretched himself; then he glanced at his watch. “It’s time you all retired, boys; the party ought to be starting soon. Drift in again with the lads, the instant I ring the bell.” Left alone Hugh made certain once again that he knew the right combina- tion of studs on the wall to open the big door which concealed the stolen store of treasure—and other things as well ; then, lighting a cigarette, he sat down and waited. The end of the chase was in sight and he had determined it should be a fitting end, worthy of the chase itself— CT theatrical, perhaps, but at the same time impressive. Something for the Ditchlings of the party to ponder on in the silent watches of the night. . . . Then the police—it would have to be the police, he admitted sorrowfully— and after that, Phyllis. And he was just on the point of ring- ing up his flat to tell her that he loved her, when the door opened and a man §r-—, pp - Bn Pe a - lems Then, Lighting a Cigarette, He Eat Down and Waited. came in. Hugh recognized him at once as Vallance Nestor, an author of great brilliance—in his own eyes—who had lately devoted himself to the advance- ment of revolutionary labor. “Good afternoon,” murmured Drum- mond, affably. “Mr, Peterson will be a little late. I am his private secretary.” The other nodded and sat down lan- guldly. “What did you think of my last little effort in the Midlands?’ he asked, drawing off his gloves. “Quite wonderful,” said Hugh. “A marvelous help to the great cause.” Vallance Nestor yawned slightly and closed his eyes, only to open them again as Hugh turned the pages of the ledger on the table. “what's that?’ he demanded. «his is the book,” replied Druia- mond carelessly, “where Mr. Peterson records his opinions of the immense value of all his fellow-workers. Most interesting reading.” “Am I in it?” Vallance Nestor arose with alacrity. “Why, of course,” answered Drum- mond. “Are you not one of the lead- ers? Here you are.” He pointed with his finger, and then drew back in dis- may. “Dear, dear! There must be some mistake.” But Vallance Nestor, with a frozen and glassy eye, was staring fascinated at the following choice description of himself : “Nestor, Vallance. Auther—so-called. Hot-air factory, but useful up to a point. Inordinately cenceited and & monumental ass. Not fit to be trusted far.” “What,” he spluttered at length, “is the meaning of this abominable In- sult?” But Hugh, his shoulders shaking slightly, was welcoming the next ar- rival—a rugged, beetle-browed mati, whose face seemed vaguely familiar, but whose name he was unable to place. “Crofter,” shouted the infuriated au- thor, “look at this as a description of me!” And Hugh watched the man, whom he now knew to be one of the extrem- ist members of parliament, walk over and glance at the book. He saw him conceal a smile, and then Valance Nes- | tor carried the good work on. “we'll see what he says about you-—- impertinent blackguard.” der at the dossier. He just had time to read: “Crofter, John. A consummate blackguard. Playing entirely for his own hand. Needs careful watching,” when the subject of the remarks, his face con- vulsed with fury, spun round and fac- ed him. “Who wrote that?” he snarled. “Must have been Mr. Peterson,” an- swered Hugh placidly. “A wonderful judge of character, too,” he murmured, turning away to meet Mr. Ditchling, who arrived somewhat opportunely, in company with a thin, pale man—little more than a youth—whose identity completely defeated Drummond. 7“My God!” Crofter was livid with ge. “Me and Peterson will have words this afternoon. Look at this, Ditchling.” turned over some pages. what this insolent devil has to say about you.” “Drinks!” Ditchling thumped the tatlle with a heavy fist. “What the h—I1 does he mean? tary—what’s the meaning of this ?” “They represent Mr. Peterson’s con- sidered opinions of you all,” said Hugh ! genially. “Perhaps that other gentle- man... stepped forward with a surprised look. He seemed to be not quite clear what had upset the others, but already Nes- tor had turned up his name. “Terrance, Victor. A wonderfn! speaker. Appears really to beileve that what he suys will benefit the workingman. Consequently very valy- able; but indubitably mad.” “Does he mean to insult us deliber- ately?’ demanded Crofter, his volce still shaking with passion. “But I don’t understand,” said Victor Terrance, dazedly. “Does Mr. Peter- son not believe in our teachings, too?” He turned slowly and looked at Hugh, who shrugged his shoulders. f “He should be here at any moment,” he answered, and as he spoke the door opened and Carl Peterson caine in. “Good afternoon, gentlemen,” he be- zan, and then he saw Hugh. With a look of speechless amazement he stared at the soldier, and for the first time since Hugh had known him his face blanched. Then his eyes fell on the open ledger, and with a dreadful curse he sprang forward. A glance at the faces of the men who stood watch- ing him told him what he wanted to know, and with another oath bis hand went to his pocket. “pake your hand out, Carl Peter- son.” Drummond's voice rang through “thie room, and the arch-criminal, 100k- ing sullenly up, found himself staring into the muzzle of a revolver. “Now, sit down at the table—all of you. The meeting is about to commence.” “Look here,” blustered Crofter, “I'll have the law on you. ...” “By all manner of means, Mr. John Crofter, consummate blackguard,” an- gwered Hugh, calmly. “But that comes afterward. Just now—sit down.” “rm d—d if I will,” roared the oth- er, springing at the soldier. And Peter- son, sitting sullenly at the table try- ing to readjust his thoughts to the sudden blinding certainty that through some extraordinary accident every- thing had miscarried, never stirred as a half-stunned member of parliament crashed to the floor beside him. “Sit down, I said,” remarked Drom- mond, affably. “But if you prefer ico lie down, it's all the game to me. Are there any more to come, Peterson?” “No, d—n you. Get it over!” “Right. Throw your gun on the floor.” Drummond picked up the wea- pon and put it in hig pocket; then he rang the bell. “I had hoped,” he mur- mured, “for a larger gathering, but one cannot have everything.” Save to Peterson, who understood, it only dimty, what had happened, the thing had come as such a complete EE | 1 | surprise that even the sudden entrance of twenty masked men, who ranged themselves in single rank behind their chairs, failed to stir the meeting. It merely seemed in keeping with what had gone before. “1 shall not detain you long, gentle men,” began Hugh, suavely. “Your gen- eral appearance and the warmth of the weather have combined to produce in me a desire for sleep. But before I hand you over to the care of the ; sportsmen who stand so patiently be- | hind you, there are one or two remarks I wish to make. Let me say at once that on the subject of Capital and La- bor I am suptemely ignorant. You will therefore be spared any disserta- tion on the subject. But from an ex- haustive study of the ledger which now lies upon the table, and a fairly intl- mate knowledge of its author's move- ments, I and my friends have been put to the inconvenience of treading on you. : “There are many things, we know, which are wrong in this jolly old coun- try of ours; but given time and the right methods I am sufficiently op- | timistic to believe that they could be | put right. That, however, would not suit your book. You dislike the right method, because it leaves all of you much where you were before. Every single one of you—with the sole pos- sible exception of you, Mr. Terrance, and you're mad—is playing with revo- lution for his own ends: to make mon- ey out of it—to gain power. . “Let us start with Peterson—your leader. How much did you say-he de- manded, Mr. Potts, as the price of rev- olution?” With a strangled cry Peterson sprang up as the American millionaire, removing his mask, stepped forward. “Pwo hundred and fifty thousand pounds, you swine, was what you asked me.” The millionaire stood confront- Hugh glanced over Crofter'’s shoul- ' ing his tormentor, who dropped back in his chair with a groan. “And when I refused, you tortured me. Look at | my thumb.” With a cry of horror the others sit- ting at the table looked at the mangled fiesh, and then at the man who had done it. This, even to their mind, was going too far. “Then there was the same sum,” continued Drummond, “to come from Hocking, the American cotton man— half German by birth; Steinemann, the German coal man; Von Gratz, the German steel man. Is that not so, Peterson?’ It was an arrow at a venture, but it hit the mark, and Pe- terson nodded. “So one million pounds was the stake this benefactor of hummanity was playing for,” sneered Drummond. “One miilion pounds, as the mere price of a nation’s life-blood. i h 1 ‘ On second thoughts he | But at any rate he had the merit of “We'll sez coum, and the other beauties so ably playing big, whereas the rest of you catalogued in that book, messed shout , at his beck and call for packets of Say, you, Mr. Secre- bull's eyes. fng him, but the whole lot of you are ' so d—d crooked that you probably , voice took on a deep, : | ring, and against their will the four He turned to the pale youth, who | thought of nothing but your own filthy skins. “Listen to me.” Hugh Drummond's commanding men looked at the broad, powerful soldier, whose sincerity shone clear tn his face. “Not by revelutiors and direct action will you make this island of curs right—though I am fully aware that that is tte last thing you would wish to see happen. But with your brains, and for your own un- scrupulous ends, you gull the work- fngman into believing it. And he, be cause you can talk with your tongnes in your cheeks, is led away. He be- lieves you will give him Utopia ; whereas, in reality, you are leading him to h—l. And you know it. Evo- lution is our only chance—not revo- lution: but you, and others like you, stand to gain mere by the latter. . 2 His hand dropped to his side, and he grinned. “Quite a break for me,” he re- marked. “I'm getting hoarse. I'm now going to hand you four over io the boys. There's an admirable, but somewhat muddy pond outside, and I'm sure you'd like to look for newts. If any of you want to summon me for assault and battery, my name {8 Drummond—Captain Diummond of Half Moon street. But I warn you that that book will be handed into Scotland Yard tonizht. Out with ‘em, boys, and give ‘em Bendel feo “And now, Carl Peterson,” he re- marked, as the door closed behind the last of the struggling prophets of a new world, “it is time that you and I settled our little account, isn’t it?” The master-criminal rose and stood facing him. Apparently he had com- pletely recovered himself; the hand with which he lit his cigar was as steady as a rock. “] congratulate you, Captain Drum- mond,” he remarked suavely. “I con- féss I have no idea how you managed to escape from the somewhat cramped position I left you in last night, or how you have managed to instali your own men in this house. But I have even less idea how you discovered about Hocking and the other two.” Hugh laughed shortly. ‘“Another time, when you disguise yourself as the Comte de Guy, remem- ber one thing, Carl. Fer effective con- cealment it is necessary to change other things besides your face and figure. You must change your man- perisms and unconscious little tricks. No—I won't tell you what it is that gave you away. You can ponder over it in prison.” “So you mean to hand me over to the police, @o you?” -sald Peterson slowly. “I see no other course open {o me,” replied Drummond. Perhaps you labored up-. der the delusion that you were fook~ The sudden opening of the door made both men look round. Then Drummond bowed, to conceal a smile. “Just in time, Miss Irma.” The girl swept past him and con- . fronted Petersdn. «What has happened?’ she panted. , “The garden is full of people whom , I've never seen. And there were two men running down the drive covered i with weeds and dripping with wa- ter.” Peterson smiled grimly. i “A slight setback has occurred, my . dear. I have made a big mistake—a | mistake which has proved fatal. I “have underestimated the ability of _ Cuptain Drummond ; and as long as I live I shall always regret that I did not kill him the night he went explor- ing in this house.” Fearfully the girl faced Drum- mond ; then she turned again to Peter- SOL. “Where's Henry?’ she demanded. “That again’ is a point on which I am profoundly ignorant,” answered Peterson. “Perhaps Captain Drum- mond can enlighten us on that also?” “Yes,” remarked Drummond, “I can. Henry has had an acCident. After I drove him back from the duchess’ last night’—the girl gave a cry, and Pe- terson steadied her with his arm— “we had words—dreadful words. And for a long time, Carl, I thought it would be better if you and I'had simi- tar words. In fact, I'm not sure even Through Dry Lips. gow that it wouldn't be sifer in the Jong Tul. iu: «iri «But where is he?” said the gir. ! through dry lips. - “Where you ought to be, Carl,” an- swered Hugh grimly. “Where, soone: or Rter, vou will be.” of the wall, ard the door of the hig gafe swung open slowly. With « scream of terror the girl sank had fafuting on the floor, and even Peier | gom's cigar droppéd on the floor Tro ceiling by two ropes attuclied to bls wns, was the dead body of Henry pukinugton, And even as they watched 15, it sagged lower, and one of the feet hit sullenly against a beautiful oid gold vase. . . . “ily God!” muttered Peterson *“Did you murder him?” “Oh, no!” answered Drumioud “ile inadvertently fell in the bath he got ready for me, and then when he sun up the stairs in considerable pain, that Interesting mechanical device broke his neck.” “Shut the door,” screamed the girl; “] can’t stand it.” She covered her face with her hands, shuddering, while the door slowly swung to again. “Yes,” remarked Drummond thought- fully, “it should be an (interesting trial. I shall have such a lot to tell them about the little entertainments here, and all your endearing ways.” With the big ledger under his arm he crossed the room and called to some men who were standing outs’de in the hall; and as the detectives, thoughtfully supplied by Mr. Green, entered the central room, he gianced for the last time at Carl Peterson and his daughter. Never had the cigar glowed more evenly between the mas- ter-criminal’s lips; never had the girl Irma selected a cigarette from her gold and tortoise-shell case with more supreme indifference. “Good-by, my ugly one!” she cried, with a charming smile, as two of the men stepped up to her. “Good-by,” Hugh bowed, and a tinge of regret showed for a moment in his eyes. “Not good-by, Irma.” yemoved his cigar, and stared at Drummond steadily. “Only au revoir, my friend; only au revoir." Carl Peterson EPILOGUE. ¥[ simply can’t believe it, Hugh.” in the lengthening shadéws Phyllis moved a little nearer to her husband, who, quite regardless of the publicity of their position, slipped an arm eround her waist. *Can’t believe what, darling?’ he demanded lazily. “Why, tliat all that awful night mare is over. Lakington dead, and the other two in prison, and us mar ried.” ES I I AS “But Where ls He?” Said the Giri | He pressed the studs in the niche | | his nervous tips. For, hung Yrom the .|is_recogniz “They're not actually in jug yet, old, AER thing,” said Hugh. “And someliow . . .” he broke off and stared thought- fully at a man sauntering past them. To all appearances he was a casual visitor taking his evening walk along the front of the well-known seaside resort so largely addicted to homey- moon couples. And yet -te XWRS he? Hugh laughed softly; he'd got suspicion on the brain. “Don’t you think they'll be sent tc prison?” cried the girl. “They may be sent right enough. but whether they arrive or not is a d:fferent matter. I don’t somehow see Carl picking ocakum. It's not his form.” For a while they were silent, occu- pied with matters quite foreign to such trifies as Peterson and his daugh- ter. “Are you glad I answered your ad- vertisement?’ inquired Phyllis at length. “The question is too frivolous to deserve an answer,” remarked her hus- band severely. : “But you aren't sorry it's over?” she demanded. “It isn’t over. kid; it's just begun.” He smiled at her tenderly. “Your life and mine isn’t it just wonder- fui?” And once again the man sauntered past them. But this time he dropped a piece of paper on the path, just at Hugh's feet, and the soldier, with = quick movement which he hardly stopped to analyze, covered it with his shoe. The girl hadn't seen the action; but then, as girls will do after such remarks, she was thinking of other things. Idly Hugh watched the saun- terer disappear in the more crowded part of the esplanade, and for a mo- ment there came onto his face a look which, happily for his wife's peace of mind, she failed to notice. “Let's go and eat, and after dinner Il run you up to the top of the head- ands. Together they strolled back to their hotel. In his pocket was the plece of paper; and who could be sending him messages in such a manner save one man—a man now awaiting his trial? In the hall he stayed behind to In- guire for letters, and a man nodded te “| him. “Heard the news?’ he inquired. “No,” sald Hugh. “What's hap. vened ?” “That man Peterson and the gir have got away. No trace of 'em.” Then he looked at Drummond curious- ly. “By the way, you had something to do with that show, didn’t you?” “A little,” smiled Hugh. “Jast a lit- tle.” “Police bound to catch ’em again” continued the other. “Can’t hide your- self these days.” And once again Hugh smiled, as he drew from his pocket the piece of pa- per: “Only au revoir, my friend; only an vevoir.” He glanced at the words written in | | P'etergon’s neat writing, ang the spit | broadened. Assuredly life war stil good ; assuredly. . And into an ash tray nearby he dropped a piece of paper torn into 8 hundred tiny fragments. “Was that a love-letter?’ she de- | inanded with assumed jealousy. ° “Not exactly, sweetheart,” laughed Back. “Not exaetly.” Ana over the glasses their eyes met. “Here's to hoping. kid; heres te hoping.” he [THE END.]} EDUCATORS BAN SIMPLIFIED SPELLING. Simplified spelling is dead as far as the National Education Association is concerned. At its Des Moines conven- tion the organization decided to ad- here to the standard form. This ac- tion was taken despite the protests of E. 0. Vail, of Oak Park, Illinois, who had championed simplified spelling before the association for nineteen years. The educators took action looking to the holding of an interna- tional congress on education in this country in the future. The ultimate object is to form an international ed- ucation body. Plans will be drawn up and submitted at the national session next year. The 75,000 members were urged to work for universal good citizenship and Americanization through employ- ment of well qualified and trained teachers, elimination of illiteracy which is said to prevail among 25 per cent. of the population of this coun- try, nationalization of the non-Ameri- can element, universal training in cit- izenship, equalization of educational opportunities, and by the addition of a secretary of education in the cabinet at Washington. The association fa- vors the establishment of a bureau of economies to disseminate information on school matters. College graduates are practicing race suicide by bringing 3p too small families, said Maurice Riker, assist- ant director of the U. S. public health service, in addressing the convention. geny of 1000 college graduates will not exceed 50 in 100 years, whereas in a like period 1000 illiterate foreigners will be multiplied at least 100 times. He advocated the teaching of sex mat- ters openly in public schools but some of the other delegates—including Judge Ben Lindsey, of Denver,—ques- tioned whether this would not increase immorality. The morals of High school students came in for considerable discussion. C. E. Barker, of Chicago, charged grave conditions in High schools to- ay. Dr. W. A. Howe, N.Y. state medical inspector, answered him by saying that the morals of the children are just as good as the morals of the community. Advertising is even more import- ant to business than labor, raw mater- ial, production, marketing and organ. ization, said John J. igert, . S. Commissioner of Education. This fact ed by the rapidity with which courses in advertising are being established in schools generally.—Ex. Federal records show that the pro- HERE SRR, FARM NOTES. —_If farmers distributed their sales evenly through the year, one-twelfth, or eight and one-half per cent. of their sales would be made each month. —In any flock some hens will be found to be much better producers than others. Often there are few hens that are such poor layers that it doesn’t pay to keep them. Where the flock is small the owner can determine by observation which hens are merely bearers) and these are the ones to eat. _ —A gratifying report telling of an increase in American aigrets noted on a plantation on the Cooper River in South Carolina has been received by the Bureau of Biological Survey, Unit- ed States Department of Agriculture, from a correspondent there. Two years ago, the writer said, he saw on his plantation two birds of this vari- ety; last season he counted ten; and this year he found twenty-nine on two different occasions. Officials express themselves as much pleased with such results of the protection afforded mi- gratory birds under the Federal bird treaty act. —The one kind of poultry of ques- tionable economic status on the farms lis the pigeon, the specialists of the | United States Department of Agricul- | ture say in Secretary’s Circular 107. ! Almost exclusively a grain eater, the pigeon renders no notable service as a conserver of waste, unless it is shattered grain in the fields, and that in large measure would be taken up by other poultry and by pigs. The pigeon has a place in the scheme of urban poultry production, but, except in isolated instances where conditions are peculiarly favorable, its produc- tion on farms may not be desirable. —An orange box makes a good nest for hens. Remove the top, put the box on its side, and nail a strip about 3 inches wide along the bottom in front. It is preferable to fasten this box to the wall, as it takes too much room on the floor. Each box, the middle piece being left intact, makes two nests. There ought to be one nest for every four or five hens, say poultry special- ists of the United States Department of Agriculture. Straw or other ma- terial used for nests should be kept | clean and fresh. Be sure to keep enough straw in the box to prevent eggs striking the floor. If an egg breaks, the hen may learn to eat it, and this is a difficult habit to break. —“I have seen scores of farmers who complain of their grapes rotting on the vines, pass under their grape arbors a dozen times a day with spray materials and spraying apparatus for use on potatoes, but never thinking to use them on the grapes to prevent rot- ting” says Professor E. L. Nixon, ex- tension plant disease specialist of The Pennsylvania State College. “It would be a matter of only a few minutes’ time and little expense to turn that spray on the grapes right now and re- peat the operation in two weeks, if the farmer would only think to do it. The grape mildews will get in their | work from now on, and applications | of 4-3-50 Bordeaux mixture will do a { great deal to cut down losses from rot. | All clusters should be well drenched.” —Any leather ‘article is almost cer- | tain to mildew if kept in a warm, | damp, dark place, such as a closet, i cellar, or stable. This mildew prob- 'ably will not seriously reduce the | serviceability of the leather, unless ! allowed to remain on it too long. It | may, however, change the color ap- | preciably, thus injuring the appear- ! ance. The simplest way to prevent mil- dewing, says the United States De- partment of Agriculture, is to keep the leather in a well-ventilated, dry, well-lighted place, preferably one ex- posed to the sunlight. Mildew can not make much headway in the sunshine. ' When mildew develops, it should be washed off with soap and warm water, or simply wiped off with a moist cloth, drying the leather well afterwards. These simple measures are better than the use of preparations to prevent the growth of mildew. —Poorly nourished cows give birth ' to weak, puny calves which are hard to raise. The feeding of the calf, therefore, begins before it is born. The food elements necessary for the development of the calf are taken into the stomach of the cow , digested, as- gimilated, and transmitted to the calf ; through the umbilical cord, the con- ' nection between the mother and the calf. It is evident that if the cow ' does not receive food enough to keep | herself in thrifty condition and at the | same time develop her calf, say spe- | cialists of the United States Depart- | ment of Agriculture, both she and the | calf must suffer. : | In endeavoring to raise good, thrif- | ty calves many dairymen handicap | themselves at the start by not proper- ly feeding the pregnant cows. Such ' cows should have an abundance of | palatable and succulent or juicy feed 'in order to insure good body flesh and healthy, thrifty condition at calving , time. The calves will then be well de- i veloped, strong, and sturdy, and ready to respond normally to proper feed ! and care. | —Guinea fowl are growing in favor i as a substitute for game birds, with | the result that guinea raising is be- | coming more profitable. Guinea fowl ‘are raised, usually, in small flocks on | general farms, and need a large range i for best results. Domesticated guinea fowl are of three varieties, Pearl, White and Lav- ender. The Pearl is by far the most | popular, say specialists of the United . States Department of Agriculture. | Guinea fowl have a tendency to mate in pairs, but one male may be mated successfully with three or four ‘ females. The hens begin to lay, usu- ally, in April or May, and will lay 20 to 30 eggs before becoming broody. If not allowed to sit they will continue to lay throughout the summer, laying from 40 to 60 or more eggs. Eggs may be removed from the nest when the guinea hen is not sitting, but two or more eggs should be left in the nest. Ordinary hens are used commonly to hatch and rear guinea chicks, but guinea hens and turkey hens are used successfully, although they are more * difficult to manage. Guineas are mar- keted late in the summer, when they weigh from 1 to 13 pounds, at about 23 months old, and also through the fel), when the demand is for heavier irds.