Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 22, 1921, Image 7
> EE —— NE EE SA ———_ a ————— TEL he, $ FORD PLANT BULDS 108,962 "IN‘{ Ford, but it is the belief that most each day each Satin IT : ce y ful 11 oes : Pemorrali JUNE. prospective motor car buyers are in- a of ED A Son oa Sh Shoes. a, agri ’ : —_— vestigating all of the costs incident to conditions, weather forecasts and ad- . Ae i : i = | During the month of June, the Ford | motoring much more carefully than | vices on other matters on which sue- J ET EERE LUELSUELEUIEIUSIUEIICC on EEE Bellefonte, Pa., July 22, 1921. Motor company, through its Detroit at any period during the past five | cessful farming and marketing de- id SAE NE I NE eT a Ue) Bel Ue Ue) Ue] Ue Ue Lie Th EEE ree oe factories hii 22 aasemhly Slants years. Hosted. contol of Alle Ford pend 3 ae bE throughout the country reac the e estimated output © the Fo e department is primarily inter- T= 1 Real Estate Transfers. production of 108,962 Ford cars and | factories for July calls for 109,000 ested in helping er to Y ee 1 i T. V. Yothers, et ux, to P. J. Walsh trucks, setting up a new high record | cars and trucks, or a production of production and obtain fair profits from io tract in Huston township; $2800. » for one month. : 4360 a day for 25 days. Since the as- | the business. In aiding them to do all | JIE oi David 1. Kerr's E to E. H | Production of Ford cars and trucks sembling of cars is being handled dur- these things it is also helping every- 30 1 Louthrer, rs Sh Cont 0 all; has been steadily increasing since ear- ing an eight hour work day only, the body else, for all must look to the far- te lie I i! J re all; ly spring, and shows substantial gains hourly output will be 545 cars. In | mer for food and for many other es- | [ic d= A : over the same period last yead. The other words, one Ford car or truck sentials, including tue raw material | gl 4 John P. Condo, sheriff, to David L. second quarter of 1921, viz., April, | leaves the assembly line every 6% sec- | used by numerous industies. oh 2] Ror tract in Centre Hall, $650. May snd duns, shows an output of onds. ie I ® He00S ® Uc hilipsburg Coal & Land Co., to ’ Ford cars and trucks against TET LC onary EE Th George Kerns, tract in Philipsburg; 220.878 for the same three months of . . HOOD’S SARSAPARILL SA ar] $325. b 2 Jatt year, or i increase of 80.918. Wireless Service for Farmers. = 1 Ic Thomas A. Cronover, et ux, to Guy espite the fact, however, that the | The department of i i oe I= ro RY ’ Ford plants have bee i Gepariment 0 agriculture 1s HE Er W. Barger, tract in Philipsburg; ah a tiYs gon June oe planning to aid farmers in producing BUILD YOURSELF UP in Ie $4400. a UI af trucks is not bei and marketing their crops by estab- SO AS TO FEEL BETTER I or] Estella E. O'Brien to Moravian ' pod at ihe prewent time io ing wel, lishing a wireless system for giving Jia ae Coal Mining Co., tract in Snow Shoe; and unfilled orders Tave b any fe them advance information concerning re 9 . Oc $300. ahead so that Ford sales een Le op weather conditions as well as tips on | Eat and sleep better, as well as look | Sl oh Adam H. Hartswick to Annie M. ited t i are still lim- | crop prospects, market conditions, | better, by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. | 55 LiL 1 t M. ited by manufacturing facilities rath- i HE y i Panmide tract in College township; 'er than marketing possibilities oh price Sucteions tei 131 plans eal hy an a) he-year-round medicine, | fie Lt Hicularly is this true with SS a] 1 > rst by send- in all seasons. =i = & : op gohan Hohe J 1 May shelved cars, io Which the cain eo I or Bn a, an pr i ie ughes, tract in Rush township; $1. as been unusually heavy. radius of Washington. | gestion, assists assimilation of the | 20 ’ \ a or] : LW. Vonada to N. W. Boyer, tract f prs reason cited by Ford officials If it works out successfully on this food you eat, and wonderfully builds Ue One housand Pairs on in Miles township; $2100. For d 2 unnideelentes demand for small scale a number of wireless up the whole system. In many cases fie ] John G. Dauberman, et al ¢ o Jennie ood ears 5 $ e resem ionency. on Herts Sin be cena Htongh ne fp Taccends Where other medicines fail Sil i A. Daup, tract in Centre Hall; $150. ‘pomes h Ye iB ntry. Intelligence will be tele- to do any good. 9 OE James H. T. Ryman to G. B. Alex- of De Bent) oon ws d to the long list graphed to these stations from Wash- If you need a mild effective cathar- | fr at o 8 or : ER $1150 Vv g ell have afforded ington. The stations will also be link- tic, get Hood’s Pill 66.26 | 55 = A 2 oe } s i larger and more costly cars than the ed together telegraphically. Twice ' g Sissy 2 Ic Oc 7 Shope, tract in Snow Shoe; $800. : | - : — ee | TE me B. H. Shaffer, et ux, to James A. @ ® Fr ‘me . . | ® . i Seid Popa ot ux, tract in Spring town- M is Having purchased one thousand pairs of Te ; , . = . . Sl Emma Hartishell, et bar, to Albert 1 1 | : ou | lL Ladies’ Lc Moorehead, tract in Rush township; 4 i 2 § White Pumps and Oxfords at a i PI elon. ob bom, to. William Fil price less than one-half the cost of man- os y ’ =] 2 Krause, tract in Rush township; $200. W W TE ufacture. = Charles T. Houser, et ux, to Forest | LE ISTO N, PENNA. i LE cys tract in Benner township; oy A i S00. : ° bi 11 of these s Pil LC. Gorgon Foster, et al, Bp 4 Bi g D a\ 7S an d N ht ip hoes are worth from $5.00 Ic ert M. Foster, tract in State College; 1 by tc up to $8.00 and the ti 1 ill be Lic $1500. / g 3 «UU, entire lot wi i Robert F. Hunter, et ux, to Carl S. | 3 put on sale at $2.98 per pair. A Weaver, tract In Bellefonte; $1. ° : a a HE EN Western Maryland Dairy, et al, to Bi er and Better th : Admission 50 Cents Ic Hc woe i Dairy Inc, tract | . an ver 0 . P . i= 1 in_ Bellefonte; $1 $9,000 in Premiums |g 4 “Andrew Mrozik, et ux, to John’ : ’ bE AG Minto, tract i Rush township; $100. Uc 3 pic Poni Hare, ea I JB Here is Your Chance to Purchase g& C. Longee, tract in State College; 7 = = ia . El $850. | X 1 1 S nL White Shoes “Sh Hugh Ciemer, et ux, to Thomas B. | . Te Ac : UC > ~ . . . 93 | evn ss ur tract in College town- Vaudeville Mifflin C Horse Races = at a Big Saving 1n Price 1s Mary C. Ammerman, Admr., to Free Attractions mn ounty 1 ! iy J. Davis, tract in Bellefonte; Farm Bureau Tuesday TL 2 3000. wdinns : = 0:95 Trot. risrersnrsos $ 500.00 | fir: oe Ross G. Hockman, et ux, to J. S. D'LONE A 2:12 Pace 500.00 Lic 9 ol Maile, tract in Miles township; $800. Mifflin Count Fore REE ovens 00. oe | g Sh St orf i J oseph Rachau, et wi to -Gerdner “The Man Up the Pole” P 1t Sh y Wedn . d -1+ 500.00 lL €a cr S oe ore 0 : chaeffer, tract in Miles township; ’ oulitry ow esdaay 21 a $400. : FRED’S PIGS 0 Basel, tied sili THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN wxfiE Minnie B. Clifford, et bar, to No. Pigs is }igs” Mifflin Co 2:14 Trot .............. 500.00 | 5 123 Loyal Order of Moose, tract in . unty Running Race 300.00 | i: Bush A 123 a = Philipsburg; $6000. Fl Keelers un EE Lured 001 Oe ush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. [Rt ) A Horticultural and Agri Thursd I; Fis , Jui Higle ot aly to Bifgh Shoots Aerial Trapese Ac Brie: | inaiurviay RRRARRRREEEEEEEEEEoODOC ; . 4S 119 isda SS Ta he Ue He eT lhe ris Sr EEE LE eh Maria Reed, et al, to Pine Hall DALY BROS. cultural Association 2:20 Pace Se nuhy sonad A 200.00 Sa et vel ahi lk Funing $a tract in Ferguson | “4° Acrobatic Stars L d ‘ ES Running Race .......... 300.00 C h Wa > ; . doses? : I «XRT. . | : ome to the “Watchman” office for High Cl b work ae 4 DIAZS adies’ Handiwork : Friday igh Class Job work. Marriage Licenses. ¢ A Veritable Revelation in Wire and Department Pree for 4) Pace....... $ Hoge PF TT Gi : — ee. A rial P ri ; . VALE sscsvessrensye o! Joseph R. Hogentogler and Stella . eHOImannS Running Race ......... 300.00 M. Daley, Bellefonte. . ? i ® ® Joseph H. Barton and Marjorie Ha- zel Lucas, Fleming. yon 0. Lyon & Co Fay B. Brymball East Orange: > \ A ] a 3 J., and Ida Jane Sweetwood, (entre Hall. J a Merl E. Myers, Millheim, and Jear- GOOD BANDS--LEWISTOWN AND BURNHAM nette Irene Quiggle, Castanea. | Walter De Jn Edna Sun- 1 000 Fir ewor . ° "Foy ee Woamer and Dora E. Ny- | - $ ! Es Program Tovery Night > Semi-Annual (Clearance Sale wba E SiN bain August 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 1921 n Yr. Lr 1 . ’ : o y 66.28-5t For the next fifteen days we are offering all Summer Goods Eagle's Mere. Andrew Retorick and Elizabeth K. | = ETT Ee ———————————— ee een at Clearance Sale Prices, which means a saving from 20 per cent. . Wagner, Moshannon. : Se "Mike Hoculack and Frances Stasik, J. gee : to 50 per cent. Clarence. 35s of $0 PR ike. Trusliu, Ludlow, and Anna Single, Clarence. i i Daniel R. Stover and Helen M. Nei- | BH digh, State College. Andrew Koshko and Mary S. Poltis, Clarence. Wm. H. Hosterman, Fredonia, and ‘Beatrice R. Kreider, Rebersburg. Harry Elmer Wert, Millmont, and Mary Susanna Stover, Aaronsburg. Why pay from 25 cents to 50 cents a yard for Dress Ging- hams when we are seiling ours at 20 cents a yard ? dd ) e ¢ Better qualities, - larger assortments of Ginghams that sold ? from 50 cents to 65 cents a yard, now 35 cents. : Q Q e Q French Ginghams that sold for $1.00 a yard now 65 cents. Children’s Ginghams Dresses from 1 to 5 years now 75 cents. Dresses 6 to 14 years now $1.00. ) ) ) } A beautiful line of Cretonnes that were selling from 40 cents ) to 75 cents a yard, during this Clearance Sale, 25 cents and 35 cents a yard. ———————— ee ee——— Agricultural Extension Men Honor TH E Uv N t VE RS AL CAR 4 4 4 { Director. ; § | ¢ Table Damask 50 cents a yard. 4 ¢ ¢ b 4 4 4 4 Silks White Habutai from 75 cents a yard up. M. S. McDowell, director of agricul- . tural extension since its inception in $795 f.o.b. Detroit. 1912 at The Pennsylvania State Col- |- lege, has accomplished his difficult | S E D organization work so well, that the A hundred men on the force gave him Chiffon Taffetas in black and colors. The qualities that Shoes Ladies’ and Children’s white, black and cordovan I.ow Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. : : the recent summer conference of ex- tension men at the college. ———————————— A ———————— Fifty-Fifty. “You said you would be at home at 11, and here I have been keeping ; awake these last two hours waiting for | you to come in!” said the angry wife. The delinquent husband leaned against the wall and prepared to re- move his shoes. “And 1,” he said, softly and sorrowfully, “have been waiting outside for these last two hours, so’s you'd go to sleep.” Men’s Work and Dress Shoes at Clearance Sale Prices. BEATTY MOTOR CO, Bellefonte, Pa. 3 } ) ) ] } ) i > ) » y ) ) ! ; ) yan ) y : ) ) ) 3 » ) ) : ) : ! ) ] : glowing tribute for his success, and : p 1d at d presented him with a handsome gold __the car of many uses, the car for the whole family While elegance, re- § sold at $3.00 a yard, now $2.00. watch. J. M. McKee, the Washington 5 ’ ¢ : . : _county farm agent, acted as spokes- finement and comfort are dominant features, the Sedan affords sturdy de- $s We Sport Silks, a $6.50 and $7.00 quality, at $3.75 to man and presented the watch, at the s : ics Soe The giving Director McDowell : pendabllity on all roads in all weather. Pongee Silk in plain and striped effect, natural color, 75 cents ue credit on the part o e sixty- . . . nd $1. : ee r Qe Cnty agents, mine assistant The famous Ford engine provi des more than sufficient power foreveryiieed { and $1.00 per yard. These qualities were sold much higher. agents and thirty specialists for . oo : ¢ aes Pennsylvania as the leader in | The sturdy, rugged construction of the whole chassis is a surety of year in { Ready-to-Wear agricultural extension in the country. ! : : : TE Oe tr socavel 6 and year out endurance and economy. 1o Ladies and Misses’ Spring Coats at Sacrifice Prices. hearty pledge of co-operation from his . . . . G 4 : ’ 3 3 ee force at the beginning of the We will round out this service in the car itself by keeping your Sedan in R Children’s Coats, ranging in ages from 3 to 12 years, at tenth year of constructive effort that | ood condition We sell G : Ford P . . : ess than cost of manufacturing. is carried direct to the farmer in his g ’ 5 enuine Ford Parts and our fully equipped repair 26 Ladies’ Coat Suits, all sizes, at Clearance Sal i fields. The presentation took place at | shop handles repairs promptly and well. Let us come and demonstrate. . PR Ey ale prices. 4 4 4 { 4 4 4 4 4 $ Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. £ 4 4 { 4 4 Puddle