BE the son who. follows his Sunday after, Trinity, 8.a..m. Holy Shaan y. oD USER ee see In the Churches of the | County. AILS S SLOSS SPS SAAS THE PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC. Converted Buddhist to Speak in the Bellefonte Methodist Church Sun- day Evening. Mz. Colbert N. Kurokawa, formerly a Buddhist and coming from a once strong Buddhist family, a native of Hawaii, and now preparing for the Christian ministry, will make an ad- dress in the local Methodist church on Sunday evening, at 7:30. His address is a fine presentation of interesting | manners and customs of the Hawaii- ans and beautiful and romantic phases of the land of music and the home of the ukulele. The bondage of Buddhiam and the freedom of Christianity he knows and can tell from experience. The public is cordially invited. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Like father, like son. A church going son makes a proud father; but a stay-at-home father is not proud of : example. | Change ‘the*boy’s habit, or change ‘the! boy’s example. ! George E. Smith, Pastor. Geo. Wes Emenhizer, Pastor Emeritus. | I METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school 9:30. Sermon by the: pastor 10:45. Senior League £90, Address by Mr. Colbert N. Kurokawa 7:30. Coleville—Bible school 2:30. Alexander Scott, Minister. §T. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. | Services next Sunday morning at 10:45. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. There will be no evening services un- til the first Sunday in September. Ambrose M. Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Serivces beginning July 24: Ninth Communion. 11 a. m. Mattins: and sermen, “Relationships : Natural and Supernatural.” 7:30 p. m. first even- song of St. James. Monday, feast of St. James the great Apostle and Mar- tyr, 10 a. m. Holy Eucharist. Visit- ors always welcome. Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning worship 10:45. No evening service. Rev. Wilson P. Ard, Minister. a Sa SRR ARI — Progress on the state highway NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. |Fgrmers, Take Not ice above Pleasant Gap is being held up because of some contention between the State Highway Department and the contractor over liability for dam- ages to some of the concrete put down last fall. When winter set in the road was thrown open to traffic and as a means of protecting the concrete six inches or more of dirt was piled on top of it. But the heavy traffic down the mountain damaged the concrete and the Highway Department at first in- sisted that the entire stretch be taken up and relaid. This the contractors re- fused to do, as they claimed they were not responsible for the damage. An amicable agreement has finally been reached whereby the concrete will be patched where it is badly damaged. The mountain portion of the road will be covered with brick, but as the brick has not yet arrived work on that por- tion is also held up. In the meantime traffic continues to detour around by Lemont. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.— Letters testa- mentary on the estate of Nancy Glenn, late of Ferguson township, Centre county, Penna., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned all per- sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, prop- erly authenticated, for payment and those knowing themselves indebted thereto should make immediate payment. JOHN G. MILLER, Executor, Pine Grove Mills, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, Attorney 66-26-6t nena Farmers and Others Take Notice. I will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the cash plan, for three years, as against fire and lightning. J. M. KEICHLINE, 66-16-6m Bellefonte. Pa. Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, 63-34-6m. PHILADELPHIA, PA. —— Subscribe for the “Watchman.” "ELERY PLANTS FOR _ SALE.—One million plants of leading varieties proven free from hollow stalks s0 often found in many strains of celery. 50 plants 30c. 100 plants 50c. 500 plants $1.75. 1000 plants $3.00. Call or mail your order. If wanted by parcel post add 10c per 100 plants or 2bc_per 1 D HOUSER, Pleasant Gan, Pa. P.O. “address 66-25-tf Bellefonte, R. F. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE.—Notice hereby given that the firm of John T. Harnish & Co., has been dissolv- ed by mutual consent. All bills owing to them should be paid promptly to E. C. Miles, at the office of the Bellefonte Lum- ber company, and all obligations contract- od by them will be paid at the same of- ce. is JOHN T. HARNISH. E. C. MILES LN. 66-27-3t ARM FOR SALE.—The old Samuel P. Gray Farm, 122 acres cleared, 100 mountain land well covered with young timber and ganister rock, 100 acres pasture fand along Bald Eagle creek. tone dwelling, frame barn, good spring at house. The farm is located in Half- moon and Huston townships, buildings adjacent to Gray's church on the Buffalo Run road. Either the entire farm or half interest in it will be sold. Inguire of H. D. or P. B. MEEK, State College, Pa. 66-27-tf Executors D. L. Meek Ist. Special Reduction Ten-Day Sale Guaranteed as Represented Salesrooms Open to Public 9 a. m. Wedne Continue to Saturday 9 p. m. Open Daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Stock of Cars ccasists of the tollowing Makes and Models Cadillac 3--Model 57, Touring, 7 Passenger. 2—Model 57. Suburbans, 7 Passenger. 2— Model 57. Victorias, 4 passenger. 2—Model 57, Roadster. 2—Model 55. Touring, 7 Passenger. 1—Model 55, Phaeton, 4 Passenger. 1—Model 55, Club Roadster. 4—Model 53, Touring, 7 Passenger. 1—Model 55, Limousine. 1— Model 30, 7. Passenger, 1914. 1—Model 30, 5 Passenger, 1913. 1921— Coupe Bu 3—1921 Buicks, 3—1920 Buicks, 2—1920 Buicks, 2—1920 Buicks, 2—1919 Buicks, a a a a SITTIN RAVRIVINS PUININAININININIUIUINI UI TNI NTT 2—1919 Buicks. 2—1918 Buicks, 1—1918 Roadste Also a number o y '1. 5 Pass er. ; : Hayes, 6 Cyl. 5 Bessengel - ‘Also several old 1—1921 Daniels;"8 Cyl Sports Model, new. 1—1921 Roamer. 6 Cyl. 7 Passenger, new. King, 8 Cyl. Sports Roadster like new. Essex, 5 Passenger, 1921 New 1921 Mitchel Coupe. Apperson Club Roadster. Cole, 8 Cyl. 7 Passenger. Templar, 5 Passenger, 1920. Chalmers 1920 Chalmers, 7 Passenger. 1919 Chalmers, 7 Passenger. - Hudson Hudson Cabriolet. 2—7 Passenger Touring. 2— Hudson Speedsters. Chandlars - 3—Chandler Club Roadsters. Chardler Sedan, like new. “Chandler Coupe. = In acdition to the above we have .. This 10. DAY SALE continues ONLY TEN DAYS. former prices. We have a splendid stock on hand and will not allow “cripples” dreds of USED CARS, and will give you the names of our previous purchasers. refer you to the MAN WHO Models. 2—i1920 Roadste 2—Baby Grand, 3—Model 490, 5 Packard 3 ton. White 34 ton. Cadillac 3 ton. s 1— Ford, Ligh Reo Speed, Ww tomers, do not look at our stock. We are glad to above cars must be as we represent them. ~ July 20th to July 30th 1921 1921-23 Union Avenue, Altoona, Pa. RAPA INP ISIS ISIS SII NINO INI GGG GGG NNN CNW 2—Ford 1 ton Worm Drive. t Delivery. agon, ceveral BUGS and three older Model cars, suitable for trucks or bugs. Cars not sold during this time will again be listed at their Cadillac Sales Co. of Used Cars sday July 20, 1921 July 30, 1921 . . Buicks 1921—Buick Sedan, run 1300 miles. ick, run 8oo miles. 7 Passenger. 7 Passenger. 5 Passenger. Roadsters. 7 Passenger. 1—1919 Buick, Coupe. Roadsters. 7 Passenger. 1. f Buicks 1917-16-15 Models. models and several small. 4 Cyl. Buick, 5 Passenger, D—35 and E—34 Reo rs. 1917, 7 Passenger Touring. Chevrolet 5 Passenger. Passenger. 1—Model 490 Roadster. Trucks 34 ton. on our floors. We have sold hun- If you find any dissatisfied cus- HAS BOUGHT FROM US. The A. M. JACOBS A eH Sa Ue ed) chase. This is i L = your gain. jL ue) ar A RRA SRE RE REREAD First Pre-Inventory Sale In accordance with the policy of this Company, we are offering our entire stock of Shoes and Slippers at prices which we feel sure will compel pur- a bona-fide sale. Our stock must be reduce A few of the many bargains are listed below. d. Our loss is SR Sh Ueilics SRE S t Ho I = Women’s Grey Buck One-Strap Pump---$10 value Women’s Blk. Kid Oxford, Louis Heel---$10 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes Men’s Scout, Shoes Boys’ Heavy School Shoes Children’s White Canvas Pumps and Ox{o! $7.45 7.45 2.50 2.50 2.95 1.00 1 - EIU HAs oh SL Ne r 5) ea Hed led) bi = i UE HE See = TE i A 5 ENE " D. J. Lehman, Manager A Discount; of 10 per cent.. on: All Other Leather Goods Buy Now .... Save Money 20th Century Shoe Co. State College, Pa. = The First National Bank | EAL ESTATE—J. M. EEICHLINE, I will insure your crops ag ainst eal estate opera . . . . perator in Centre counts | fre and lightning for six months. you Want > 2 ne ig Sate uy or sell real estate write to him or call’ at his office in Temple J. M. KEICHLINE, Bellefonte, Pa. court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65-28-6m | g¢-27-8t Salix Chautauqua... July 16 to % BYRON W. KING, Superintendent Lectures, Concerts, Music, Expression EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS Special Saturday and Sunday Programs. Chautauqua and Lyceum Classes. Special Music Department. Recreation, Health and Entertainment. Biggest Little Chau- tauqua on Earth. For details, write KING'S SCHOQL OF ORATORY, Mt. Oliver, Pittsburgh, Pa. Or DR. T. J. LIVINGSTONE, SALIX [Cambria County] PA. nv 66-27-2t* Scenic Theatre Week-Ahead Program (Cut this out and save for reference). SATURDAY, JULY 23: SHIRLEY MASON in “THE LAMPLIGHTER.” The story of an abandon- ed child restored to parents through kindness of The Lamplighter. A piquant, entertaining performance. Also, Snub Pollard Comedy. MONDAY, JULY 25: BEBE DANIELS in “DUCKS AND DRAKES.” Dandy comedy scenes. Funny titles. Beautiful and diversified lot of gowns. Amusing and en- tertaining. How tricks cures sweetheart of flirting. Don’t miss it. Also, the first Tony Sorg Comedy, Pathe News and Topics. TUESDAY, JULY 26: VIOLA DANA in “THE OFF SHORE PIRATE.” Six reels of delightful amusement by this deliciouus little star. Millionaires planned to marry no account foreigner is tricked into falling in love with American. Very in- teresting. Also, The Gumps and a comedy. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27: Ralph Ince and Williams Bros. produce “WET GOLD,” the most wonder- ful submarine picture ever produced. Made from a specially built subma- rine. Startling, genuine undersea pictures. Don’t miss it. Also, Sunshine Comedy, “MEAL TICKET.” THURSDAY, JULY 28: CONSTANCE BUNNY in “THE MAGIC CUP.” Story of a poor little dish- washer who suddenly finds herself a princess. Some comedy Cinderella stuff. Some drama and some romance. Also, Pathe News and Tepics. FRIDAY, JULY 29: GRACE DORMOND in “THE BEAUTIFUL GAMBLER.” Story of a girl forced to marry mortgage-holder and later finds happiness with reformed rich man. Also, 11th episode of “THE AVENGING ARROW.” Empty Pocketbooks Ther country today. are many empty pocketbooks in the They are dismal objects. They mean privation, often suffering. Sometimes they cannot be avoided, but often they can. A bank ac- count, that fosters the saving habit, is one of the best preventives. Even a small part of one’s earn- ings deposited regularly will, in time, grow into a comfortable balance. Try it. The money you spent foolishly is gone, and nothing to show for it. How much better to have put it in bank. Let Us Help You to Acquire the Saving Habit ; Bellefonte, Pa. 61-46 F. P. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. 64-22-tf