i DemorraiC cn. Bellefonte, Pa., July 22, 1921. | Country Correspondence | Items of Interest Dished Up for the | Delectation of “Watchman” Read- | ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. CENTRE HALL. Miss Grace Smith spent a day in! State College last week. The teachers’ examination was held | in Centre Hall on Tuesday. : Mrs. M. W. Furey, of Bellefonte, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Millie King. The Engel and Eldredge show here on Monday evening was well attended, and proved a very good, clean enter- tainment. Mrs. Samuel Shoop spent several days in Tyrone last week, visiting with Mrs. Mary Shoop, in the Metho- dist home. Rev. James E. Stover, who is now preaching for the United Brethren people, is visiting at the William Mec- Clenahan home. Miss Gertrude Spangler arrived in town on Saturday, coming from Rochester, N. Y. She spent about ten days in Lock Haven, on her way here. C. A. Spyker returned to his home in this place after a ten day’s visit with his people, in Huntingdon coun- ty. His family is still visiting among their friends. The Misses Ruth Smith and Thelma Brungart went to Bellefonte on Fri- day and had their tonsils removed. Mr. Smith brought them home on Sat- urday afternoon. They are both get- ting along nicely. On Monday, Mrs. A. S. Kerlin, the mother of Arthur Kerlin, accidentally walked off the front porch, missing the steps. In her fall she crushed the bones in her right wrist and broke her hip. She was taken to the Belle- fonte hospital. Mrs. Kerlin is 76 years of age, and has been totally blind for several years. Her condi- tion is very serious. Mr. and Mrs. J. Witmer McCormick, of Columbia, South Carolina, arrived here on Wednesday for their annual summer visit at the home of Mrs. Mc- Cormick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid J. Meyer. Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer and daughter, Miss Miriam, of Reedsville, and John D. Meyer, of Altoona, will be here to participate in the celebration of Mr. Meyer's seventy-eighth birthday anni- versary. LEMONT. The weather has been ideal for out- door work the past week. Mrs. B. F. Hoy, who has been ill for 2 long time, is still holding her own. The farmers are certainly busy, putting in hay and wheat, and a few are cutting oats. A gang of men are at work finish- ing the road where it crosses the new concrete bridge near Lemont. It will be a great improvement. The venerable John R. Williams on Tuesday accompanied his daugh- ter-in-law and two grand-sons, to Tottenville, N. Y., where he will visit for a few weeks at the home of his two sons, David and Frank. The following teachers have been elected to teach the College township schools, for the ensuing term, which will open Monday, September 12th: Branch—Miss Miller. View—Miss 4 Pleasant . Johnston- baugh. Houserville—G. W. R. Williams. Dales—Miss Margaret Williams. Oak Hall—Miss Nell Peters. Centre Furnace—Miss Grace Brad- ford. Lemont Primary—Miss Margaret Glenn. Lemont Stella Bathgate. Grammar—Miss RUNVILLE. Mrs. Ida Witmer ‘departed for Sun- bury last Thursday, for an indefinite stay. Mrs. Eliza Jodon, of Bellefonte, vis- ited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sallie Friel. Mr. and Mrs. Forden Walker and children spent Sunday at the Pownell home, at Yarnell. Mrs. Mabel Lucas and two children, of Snow Shoe, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Earl Kauffman. The Ladies Aid society will hold a festival July 30th, at the band hall. Go and help a good cause along. Miss Margaret Witherite, of Pitts- burgh, is spending her vacation at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Rod- ers. Mrs. Jennie Walker and Mrs. Mol- lie Shirk visited over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lock Haven. Hayden Sparks and sister, Miss Verda, who had been spending their vacation at their parent’s home in this place, left Saturday for their places of employment. Willis Poorman, wife and two chil- dren spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Poorman. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lucas, of Al- toona, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Heaton. JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. John Lucas visited over Sun- day with friends in Mingoville. Clyde Yearick and family spent Sunday at the Earl Confer home. Mrs. Clyde Yearick is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Monteith and little | daughter Thelma. The venerable Gabriel Betz is still confined to bed, with little if any im- provement in his condition. Ephriam Deitz was called to Blanchard early in the week on ac- count of the serious illness of his “rother, Dean Deitz. Many people from this section at- tended the festival at Howard on Sat- urday eveni and report a large crowd and a pleasant time. Word has been received here of the Shirk’s daughter, at |. Mrs. James Mackey, of Rochester, N. Y., is plying her trade as a fine seamstress among the women of this i neighborhood. OAK HALL. The Oak Hall Lime and Stone com- pany resumed operation this week. Philip Dale, of State College, trans- acted business in this vicinity Friday. Charles Whitehill, who is employed at Philipsburg, returned home last week. Carl Zong is assisting with the farm work on the Henry Elder farm on the Branch. Mrs. Forrest Evey and son Ellwood spent a day last week at the A. C. Pe- ters home. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Korman and chil- dren motored to Osceola Mills Sunday and visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Peters, of Pine Grove Mills, were Sunday guests at the N. J. Rishel home, on Main street. Mrs. Orin Grove and children, whose home is near Philadelphia, are visiting at the J. J. Tressler home for an indefinite time. Lenore Peters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Peters, had the misfortune to have her finger caught in the wringer of their washer and almost torn off. Mir. White, who daughter, Mrs. Benner Walker, of this place, died last Thursday morning and was buried Saturday afternoon in the Centre Hall cemetery. BOALSBURG. Miss Flora Snyder friends in Centre Hall. Fred Reitz, who was seriously ill last week, is able to be out again. Mrs. Magoffin and Miss Ellen Rhone spent the week-end at Pine Grove Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reitz and son, of Charter Oak, were in town Satur- day and Sunday. The Eagle and Eldridge circus gave their performance in town on Tues- day evening. Mrs. Beck and daughter, of Mec- Keesport, were guests at the home of Charles Segner last week. Miss Anna Sweeney is spending part of ‘this week at the home of her cousin, Mrs. H. B. Shattuck, at State College. Mr .and Mrs. William Fisher and son, Dr. Joseph Fisher, of Sunbury, spent several days last week at the Fisher home. Harry Shoaf, of Susquehanna Uni- versity, will conduct services in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. is visiting MEDICAL. A Talk with a Bellefonte Man Mr, James H. Rina of 239 High St. Tells His Experience. There is nothing like a talk with one of our own citizens for giving hope and encouragement to the anx- jous sufferer from the dread kidney disease. We, therefore, give here an interview with a Bellefonte man: “My back was in such a weak con- dition, I couldn’t put my shoes on and could hardly drag myself around,” says Mr. Rine. “I had very severe pains all through my back and limbs. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills for these troubles and they cured me. Others to whom I recommended Doan’s Kid- this remedy.” Over three years later, Mr. Rine added: “It was ten years ago I first used Doan’s and I haven’t been trou- bled since. I recommend Doan’s whenever I hear any one complaining of backache or kidney weakness.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Rine had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. College. Centre county has contributed a to- tal of one hundred and five students to the record-breaking attendance of 1900 men and women at the twelfth annual summer session at The Penn- sylvania State College. Most of these are public school teachers who are spending their vacation in study, re- ceiving credit towards college degrees. There are also some students from the regular four year courses, taking summer studies that they might be graduated earlier. The college work for about half of the enrollment will close on August 5th, or at the end of six weeks of the session, and the re- mainder will continue until August 20th, for a total of nine weeks. The students from this county gath- ered on the college campus one night last week at the annual county reun- ion observance. The occasion was voted a success ,and the get-together resulted in plans for many county pic- nics, hikes and outings for the re- mainder of the summer. The Penn State summer enrollment and marks the first year that the col- lege has held its doors open for the entire summer, making it an all the year round educational institution. resided with his ney Pills were cured of backache by- Following is the list of Centre coun- ty teachers attending the session: John W. Aiken, B. L. AKerly, Mary Kk. Aller, J. G. Amend, Bertha M. Artz, Della 1 J. Avery, H. ¥. Babcock, Stella M. Barry, ! ! Llizabeth Beck, R. M. Bierly, B. L. Black, Austin Blakeslee, Maranda Bohn, | B. T. Brown, D. A. Campbell, H. N. Con- : ner, L. A. Crader, D. 8. Cryder, Lois Cun- ningham, G. W. Davis, John R. Doty. | Charles Edwards, Margaret Ferree, G. M. | I'oulkrod, Mary R. Frear, E. R. Gehr, | Frances P. Gibbons, Sara M. Gilliland, C. BE. Glenn, Margaret G. Glenn, G. F. Gray, | P. H. Hall, Caroline L. Hanck, N. A. Han- | son, D. L. Harmon, Anna Grove Harrison, Maurice Healey, Ralph Heberling, F. J. Heckman, Daisy B. Henderson, P. H. Hev- erly, P. BE. Hoffman, Susie Holt, W. G. | Hopkins, C. H. Hotchkiss, 8S. F. Howell, | RB. 1. Hunter, Cecil J. Irvin, Margaret Yi i Ishler, W. R. Ishler, Mrs. Emilie Jones, J. W. Knecht, C. R. Koch, Edward J. Kunze, Helen B. Leete, J. F. Leete, W. I. Leitzell, , Mason Long, J. A. McCurdy, M. J. Max- field, Rhea B. Maxwell, Mrs. Margaret | Miles, J. F. Miller, W. M. Miller, Lewis \ Morley, H. C. Musser, Mary E. Nixon, El- ‘ eanor B. North, Murley Patton, R. W. ; Pease, Clara B. Peters, Alma BE. Peterson, { Ivan L. Potts, Charles Reiter, 8. I. Ross, James Runk, W. 8. Runkle, I'rances Ti, Sackett, M. B. Schroeder, E. M. Shick, Guy A. Shuey, Francis W. Smith, 0. H. Steck- er, C. W. Straup, Carlisle Taylor, Alice Thompson, Mary A. Tomso, Walter Train- er, Elizabeth Waite, Helen C. Ward, War- ren Ward, Ray Watkins, Curtis Watts, Margaretta Way, Deane Weber, E. H. Woik. T. A. Williammee, J. J. Williams, Yingling, Mary Zerby. CASTORIA Bears thesignature of Chas. H.Fistcher. In use for over thirty years, aud The Kind You Have Always Bought. © €- +y ¥: You save nothing by buying poor. thin or gristly meats. use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, cholcest, best blood and mua- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorez meats are elsewhere. ~ I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game In season, and any kinds of goud meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonts Po is four hundred larger than last year, | Isabell : Boyd, Lucretia I. Boyd, Grace I. Bradford, Margaret A. Williams, G. S. Wykoff, J. M. . Get the Best Meats CHICHESTER THE DIAMON. pie Askren TTR Pills in Ted snd Gold merallic boxes, sealed with pe Ribbon. 0! SPILLS = known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE years SOLD << 1. eath at Renovo, last Saturday, of dward Leathers, who was quite well Hear Your Favorite Opera Airs from “THE BOHEMIAN GIRL” “Then You'll » Remember Me” “ The Heart Bowed Down” “1 Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls” AND THE OTHERS Presented with Full Cast, Chorus and Orchestra AT HAUTAUQUA Tenth Anniversary Program 1912-1921 SEASON TICKETS - $2.50 In Bellefonte the week of August 3 to 9, inclusive. EE ————e————————— known in this vicinity. His brother, Centre County Teachers at State ‘Roy Leathers, died here several years | ' ago. - Profit in Raising Geese. Just beyond Buck, Lancaster coun- ty, is the farm of Herbert Graybill, who makes a specialty of raising geese and for a number of years he has been highly successful. No year passed that he did not sell more than fifty. Last season he sold seventy. This season he has been remarkably successful. Over a month ago he had sixty well grown young ones, and at present his young stock numbers al- most one hundred. Besides raising geese he has been able to sell a quan- tity of eggs, for all of which he gets a good price. The price of a goose at present is in striking contrast to that of only a few years ago, when a good, big, fat one could be bought for 756 cents. Four dollars is the present figure ask- ed for them. i Another farmer raising a large flock fifty is not unusual with him, and he has a number of Lancaster countians who have depended upon him for their yearly supply of geese covering a long period of time.—Ex. ATTORNEY’'S-AT-LAW. KELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at~ Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law, Practices in all the Re Con sultation in English or GLYCERINE MIXTURE FOR GAS ON STOMACH. -Simple glycerine buckthorn bark, ete., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or sour stomach. It acts on both upper and lower bowel and removes all foul mat- ter which poisoned stomach. Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap- pendicitis. The INSTANT pleasant action of Adler-ika surprises both doc- | tors and patients. One man who suf- | fered five years from indigestion and constiptation was helped by ONE dcse. Runkle’s Drug Store. 66-28 German, Office in Crider’ om Crider’s Exchange, BelleiOnis, KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prony at- tention given all legal business em- trusted to his care. Offices—No. § East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. ail pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of emple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at- Consuliation in ner pe an. / chan, Bellefonte, Pa. #2. 1a rider's Ex 588 of geese every year is Christian Eck- | > T man, of East Drumore. A flock of —Get your job work done here. PHYSICIANS R. R. L. CAPERS, on OSTEOPATH. ellefonte State Children Cry for Fletcher's rey Ty : S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his resi | | 1 1 i i | | i and Zt Tie Infants and Children— age is its guarantee. For Wind Colic and Diarrhoea Bears the ( rea} [=a Ii UCU CUCU CLUE = UEUELELELE obi Te Ue Ue Ue | — i [ut ERE RE RS Ra nL The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and * Just-as-good ” are but nts that trifle with and endanger the health of Never attempt to relieve your ba “What is GAS use for yourself, . % 5 Castoria is at is CASTOR 1A Drops and Soothing Syrups. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; healthy and natusal sleep. The Children’s Comfort 3; giving hea Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALways 0 ~The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. A A a Aen . | ‘Something Soft. We have taken dence. FLOUR We have our new Concrete Mill completed and now running. We built the best mill to produce the has been made under his per- best flour possible. “Our Best” A WINTER WHEAT, STRAIGHT “Victo We can Grind Your Feed While you Wait, We are in the Market, for All Kinds of Grain C. Y. Wagner & Co., Inc. BELLEFONTE, PA. € If you Want rience against Eins Good Flour—Try y with a —Or— 99 A Spring Wheat It is pleasant. It contains Patent Its more than thirty years it has ; allaying Feverishness arising Signature of 66-11-1yr Employers, __|'This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. SRE Il L j-- JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, State College Bellefonte 43-18-1y The Preferred Accident Insurance A SR Eee ic ® = i 57 Suits a = gL OS THE $5000 TRAVEL POLICY ft Ae BaNEFITS: I Li $5,000 d. i i! S10 5) 1 ands, I —men’s and young men’s—from our G5 230 los of Cther hand, Ts = 2,000 loss of either foot, il Hh ; 630 loss of one eve 8 regular stock. They are one and two oh i” | a : sh 10 per week, partial disability. i it ¢ Ki d ie (limit 26 weeks) Un suits of a kind. PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, = _ .pavable quarterly if desired. =i The regular price on these suits was = Larges or smaller amounts i proportion, Uo Ln preferred occupation, inc uding house id EE | Sg, cle Se Pn All from $35.00 to $50.00. [id | § insure under this poiicy. He i] 03| | Fire Insurance Hn - : i : IE ‘We have marked them all at one price— fi | § _tinvice your attention to my Fie Insur oF : Te gay of Solid C aa Bs. J = = ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania i Lh Sr : i= i H. E. FENLON, = $ 18 SO = 50-21. Agent, Bellefonte Fa Si ° aT : =i NY me Aa TT a El 2 INSURANCE LE : id. i Th ill 0 Oc ey will not last long. Uo | 31 : ot Fire and Automobile Insurance at a Uo ; Gf | reduced rate. oy Be an early one and get yours. | ©. 1 M. KECHLINE, Ages. Sh Ho ; ie Ue FINE JOB PRINTING Ue Uo o0—A SPECIALTY—0 i -Fauble gi AN Oc ® Uo WATCHMAN OFFICE. Ie Uc i Gof § L - LE There oi 2 is no style Sf otk, from the A 4 Hi : BOOK WORK, : 20 : SY that we can not do ip the most satis: AECL UE UE UCD [EEE EEE TUE, ent with the class of work. oa _ communicate with this office