Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 22, 1921, Image 2

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The Adventures of a
Demobilized Officer Who
Found Peace Dull
Copyright by Ges. H. Doran Ce.
(Continued from last week.)
At .ast the Boche made up his mind,
and went behind the chair. Hugh
felt him fumbling with the rope, and
flashed an urgent look of caution at
the other two.
“You'd better be careful, Heinrich,”
he remarked, “that none of the others
gee, or you might have to share.”
The German ceased undoing the
knot, and grunted. The English swine
had moments of brightness, and he
went over and closed the door. Then
he resumed the operation of untying
the rope; and, since it was performed
behind the chair he was in no position
to see the look on Drummond’s face.
Only the two spectators could see
that, and they had almost ceased
breathing in their excitement. That
he had a plan they knew; what it was
they could not even guess.
At last the rope fell clear and the
German sprang back.
“Put the case on the table,” he cried,
having not the slightest intention of
coming within range of those formid-
able arms.
“Certainly not,” said Hugh, “until
you undo wy legs. Then you shall
have it.”
Quite loosely he was holding the
cause in ene hand; but the others,
watching his face, saw that Ii was
strained and tenseo.
“First T the notes must have.” The
German strove to speak conversation-
‘ally, but all the time he was creeping
nearer and nearer to the back of the
chair. “Then YI your legs undo. and
you may go.”
Algy’s. warning ‘cry ‘rang out simul.
. taneously with the lightning dart of
the-Boche’s hand as-he snutched at the.
cigarette-case over Drummond’s <houl-
der. And then Druramond laughed a
fow, triumphant laugh. It was the
move he had been Loring for, and the
German’s wrist was held fast in his
vise-like grip. His plan %had sne-
And Lozgworth and Sipecluir,
hod seer many things In their lives,
the remembrance of which will he with
them till their dyfug day, had never
geen and are never likely to see any-
thing within measurable distance of
what they saw in the next few mine
‘utes. Stowlv, inexorabiy. the German's
arm was being twisted. while he mts
tered gasping cries. and beat impo-
tently at Drummonds bead with ius
free hand. Then at Jast there was a
dull crack as the urm broke, and a
scream of pain, as he lurched round
tne chair and stood helpless in front
of the soldier, who still held the cig-
arette case in his left hand.
‘They saw Drummond open the cig-
arette case and take from it what
have killed you. I'm sorry about it;
I wasn’t particularly anxious to end
your life. But it had to be done.”
The German, hardly conscious of
what he had said owing to the pain in
his arm, was frantically kicking the
Englishman's legs, still bound to the
chair; but the iron grip on his wrists
never slackened. And then quite sud-
denly came the end. With one dread-
ful, convulsive heave the German
Jerked himself free, and fell doubled
up on the floor. Fascinated, they
watched him writhing and twisting,
rniil at last, he lay still. . . . The
Boche was dead. . . .
“What was that blow-pipe affair?”
cried Sinclair hoarsely.
“The thing they tried to finish me
with in Paris last night,” answered
Hugh grimly, taking a knife out of his
waistcoat pocket. “Let us trust that
none of his pals come in to look for
A minute later he stoed up, only to
gave way. They were numbed and
stiff with the hours he had spent in the
same position, and for a while he could
do nothing but rub them with his
Lands, till the blood returned and he
could feel once more.
Then, slowly and painfully, he tot-
tered across to the others and set them
free as well. They were in an even
worse condition than he had been;
and it seemed as if Algy would never
he able to stand again, so completely
dead was his body from the waist
downwards. But, at length, after what
seemed an eternity to Drummond, who
realized only too well that should the
gang come in they were almost as help-
less in their present condition as if
they were still bound in their chairs.
the other two recovered.
“All fit now? Good! We've got to
think what we're going to do, for we're
not out of the wood yet by two or
three miles.”
“Let’s get the door open,” remarked
Algy, “and explore.”
Cautiously they swung it open, and
stood motionless. The house was in
absolute silence; the hall was de-
“Switch out the ,light,” whispered
Hugh. “We'll wander round.”
They crept forward stealthily in the
to listen. But no sound came to their
ears; it might have been a house of
the dead.
Suddenly Drummond, who was in
front of the other two, stopped with a
warning hiss. A light was streaming
out from under a door at the end of a
passage and, es they stood watching
~{{1, they heard a man’s voice coming
from the same room. Some one else
answered him and then there was
.| silence once more.
At length Hugh moved forward
rzuin, and the others followed. And
it was not until they got quite close to
{te door that a strange, continuous
rao’se began to he noticeable—a mise
vid emme mostidistinetly from the
‘vhted room. It rese and fell with
ano orous regularity; at times it re-
‘embled a brass band—at others it
fel away to a gentle murmur. And
asionally it was punctuated with a
“nngied snort, . ,
“Great Scott!” muttered Hugh ex-
citedly, “the whole boiling bunch are
asleep, or I'll eat my hat.”
*I'ben who was it spoke?” said Algy.
“a1 least two of ’em sre awake right
And, as if in angwer to his question,
there came the voice again from in-
sie the room.
“Wal, Mr. Darrell, 1 guess we can
pass on, and leave this bunch.”
With one laugh of joyful amazement
Hugh flung open the door, and found
looked like a tube of wood. Then hey himself looking from the range of a
felt in his pocket and tock out 8
match-box, containing a number cf
long thin splinters. And, having fitted
one of the splinters into the tube he
put the other end in his mouth.
With a quick heave they saw him
jerk the German round and catch his
unbroken arm with his free left hand.
And the two bound watchers looked at
Hugh's eyes as he stared at the moan-
ing Boche, and saw that they were
hard and merciless.
There was a sharp, whistling hiss,
and the splinter flew from the tube
Into the German’s face. It hung from
his cheek, and even the ceaseless move-
raent of his head failed to dislodge
“I have broken your arm, Boche,”
said Drummond at length, “and now I
_ “And Now | Have Killed You. I'm
Sorry About It.”
yard into two revolvers.
“1 don’t know how you've done it,
boys,” he remarked, “but you can put .
those guns away. I hate looking gt
them from that end.”
“What the devil have they done to
"811 your dials?’ gaid Darrell, slowly
lowering his arm.
“We'll leave that for the time,” re-
tarned Hugh grimly, as he shut the
door. “There are other more pressing
matters to be discussed.”
He glanced round the room, and a
slow grin spread over his face. There
were some twenty of the gang, all of
them fast asleep. They sprawled gro-
tesquely over the table, they lolled in
chairs ; they lay on the floor, they hud-
died in corners. And, without excep- |
tion, they snored and snorted.
“A dandy bunch,” remarked the
American, gazing at them with satis-
faction. Then he turned to Drum-
“Say now, Captain, we've got
a lorry load of the boys outside; your
friend here thought we'd better bring
‘em along. So it’s up to you to get
“Mullings and his crowd,” said Dar-
rell, seeing the look of mystification on
FHugh’s face.
For a few moments Drummond
stood, deep in thought; then once
again the grin spread slowly over his
face. “Get the beys in, Peter: and
get these lumps of meat carted out to
“ @ lorry. And, while you do it, we'll
zo upstairs and mop up.”
Even in his wildest dreams Hugh
bad never imagined such a wonderful
opportunity. To be in complete pos-
session of the house, with strong
forces at his beck and call, was a state
of affairs which rendered him almost
. speechless.
| “Keep your guns handy,” whispered
Hugh. “We'll draw each room in
turn till we find the girl.”
But they were not to be put to so
much trouble. Suddenly a door oppo-
site opened, and the man who had
been guarding Phyllis Benton peered
out suspiciously. His jaw fell and a
look of aghast surprise spread over
his face as he saw the four men in
front of him.
sit down again abruptly, as his legs |
turkness, stopping every now and then ~
Hugh stepped past him and was
emiling at the girl who, with a little
cry of joyful wonder, had risen from
her chair.
“Your face, boy,” she whispered, as
I'e took her in his arms, regardless of
the others, “your poor old face! Oh,
that brute, Lakington!”
le laughed gently, and for a mo-
ment she clung to him, unmindful of
Low he had got to her, glorying only
in the fact that he had. It seemed to
her that there was nothing which this
wonderful man of hers couldn’t man-
cge; and now, blindly trusting, she
waited to be told what to do. The
nightmare was over; Hugh was with
her. .
“Are there any cars outside?” Hugh
turned to the American.
“Yours,” answered that worthy.
“And mine is hidden behind Miss
| Benton’s greenhouse unless they've
moved it,” remarked Algy.
{ “Good,” said Hugh. “Algy, take
i Miss Benton and her father up to Half
LIioon street—at once. Then come back
“But, Hugh—" began the girl ap
“At once, dear, please.”
for you in the near future.”-
With no further word of protest tlie
girl fellowed Algy, and Hugh drew
« breath of relief.
“Now, you ugly-looking blighter,”
he remarked to the cowering ruffian,
who was by this time shaking with
fright, “we come to you. When does
Lakington return?”
“Termorrow, sir,”
“Where is he now?”
The man hesitated for a moment,
but the look in Hugh's eyes galvan-
ized him into speech.
“He’s after the old woman’s pearls,
¢ir—the duchess of Lampshire’s.”
“Ah!” returned Hugh softly. “Of
course he is. I forgot. When does
I’eterson come back?”
“Termorrow, too, sir, as far as 1
knows,” answered the man.
“And . what's he doing?’ demanded
stammered the
«On the level, guvnor, I can’t tell”
ver. Strite, I can’t.”
At that moment Darrell’s voice came
up from the hall.
“The whole bunch are stowed away,
Hugh. What's the next item?”
Hugh walked to the top of the
stairs. A grin spread over his face
as he saw half a dozen familiar faces
in the hall, and he hailed them
“Like old times, boys,” he laughed:
“Where's the driver of the lorry?”
“That's me, sir.” One of thew
stepped forward.
“Good,” said Hugh. “Take your bus
ten miles from here: then drop that
crowd one by one on the road as you
ge a'o gg. You can take it from me
ft:ut none of ’em will say anything
out it, even when they wake up,
"hen take her hack to your garage:
I'it see you later.
‘Now,” went on Hugh, as they heard
t= sound of the departing lorry,
“we've got to set the scene for to-
morrow morning.” He glanced at his
watch, “Just eleven. How long will
iv take me to get tue old buzz-box to
Laidley Towers?”
“Laidley Towers,” echoed Darrell.
“What the devil are you going there
“1 just can’t bear to be parted from
Henry for one moment longer than
necessary,” said Hugh quietly. “Ard
Lienry is there, in a praiseworthy en-
deavor to lift the duchess pearls. . . .
Dear Henry!” His two fists clenched,
2nd the American, looking at his face,
laughed softly.
But it was only for.a moment that
Asrummond indulged in the pleasures
of anticipation; all that ceuld come.
after. And just now there were other
‘things to be done—many others, if
events next morning were. to go as
they should.
“Take those two into the center
room,” he cried. “Incidentally there's
a dead Boche on the floor, but he'll
come in very handy in my little
“A dead Boche!” The intimidated
rabbit gave a frightened squeak.
“Good heavens! you ruffian, this is
lieyond a joke.”
! Hugh looked at him coldly.
© “You'll find it beyond a joke, you
miserable little rat,” he said quietly,
| “if you speak to me like that.” He
| laughed as tle other shrank past him.
| “Three of you boys in there,” he or-
dered briskly, “and if either of them
i gives the slightest trouble clip him
over the head. Now let's have the
rest of the crowd in here, Peter.”
They came filing in, and Hugh
waved a cheery hand in greeting.
“How goes it, you fellows,” he cried
with his infectious grin. “Like a com-
parapet. What!
shew this time, boys, than any you've
had over the water. Gather round,
and listen to me.”
For five minutes he spoke, and his
fudience nodded delightedly. Apart
from their love for Drummond—and
three out of every four of them knew
him personally—it was a scheme which
careful to tell them just enough of the
sinister design of the master-criminal
to make them realize the bigness of
the issue,
“That’s all clear, then,” said Drum-
mond, rising. “Now I'm off. Toby,
¥ want you to come, too. We: ought
to be there by midnight.”
“There's only one point, captain,”
‘remarked the American, as the group
hegan to disperse. “That safe—and
the ledger.” He fumbled in his pocket,
and produced a small india-rubber. bot-
tle. - “I've got ‘the soup here—gel-
ignite,” he explained, as he saw the
‘He smiled.
at her tenderly, but his-tone was de
“This is ‘going to~be no place -
pow-wow hefore popping the -
And it's a bigger.
tickled them to death. And he was
mystified look on the other's face. “I
reckoned it might come in handy. Al-
so a fuse and detonator.” :
“Splendid!” said Hugh, “splendid!
You're an acquigition, Mr. Green, to
any gathering. But I think—I think—
i i
a i i
7 j
And Once Again the American Laughed
Softly at the Look on His Face.
Lakington first. Ob! yes—most un-
doubtedly—Henry first!”
And once again the American
laughed softly at the look on his face.
in Which Lakington Plays His Last
“Toby, I've got a sort of horrid feel-
fug._that the hunt is nearly over.”
With a regretful sigh Hugh swung
the cart out of the sleeping town of
Godalming in the direction of Laidley
Towers. Miie after mile dropped
gmoothly behind - the powerful two-
seater, and still Drummond’s eyes wore
n look of resigned sadness,
“Very nearly over,” he remarked
tedium of respectability positively
stares us in the face.”
“You'll be getting married, old bean,”
murmured Toby Sinclair hopefully.
For a moment his companion bright-
ened up.
“True, O King,” he answered. “It
will ease the situation somewhat; at
least, I suppose so. But think of it
Toby: no Lakington, no Peterson—
nothing at ail to play about with and
keep one amused.”
“You're very certain, Hugh.” With
a feeling almest of wonder Sinlair
gnced at the sguvsre-jawed, ugly
profile beside him. “There’s many a
(To be Continued..)
The annual reunion of membe:s of
the Reformed churches of Central
Pennsylvania will be held this year on
July 22nd at Lakemont park, Altoona.
‘This occasion has proven a great as-
set to the life of the denomination in
this section. Many people see each
other but once a year and then only
while they attend this annual gather-
ing. The attendance upon the reun-
ion has been increasing through the
years. This year should see an espe-
cially large attendance of country
folks as the harvest is advanced.
The program this year, as always,
will be opened at 11 a. m. in the casi-
no and trom then ‘on until 10 p. m.
there will not be an idle moment.
These attending the reunion have al-
ways demanded the delivery of a ser-
mon at the morning service and this
year the Rev. J. Hamilton Smith, D.
D., of Pottstown, will be the preacher.
Family dinners and the renewing of
old and the making of new acquaint-
ances will be in order from noon until
2:30. At the 2:30 service the mem-
bers of the Huntingdon church will
render a pageant entitled, “Democ-
The sport events for boys and girls
after the afternoon services have al-
ways been a popular feature and will
be in charge of H. S. Lang. The ball
game between ministers and consis-
torymen will close the afternoon pro-
gram. The ministers won last year
and the laity are out to redeem their
defeat this year. er
The evening program will begin at
7:30 and be little more ti.'n an hour
in length to give all an opportunity to
stay for its rendition. The choir of
sisted by an orchestra, will render a
sacred cantata, “The Resurrection and
the Life,” by Ira Wilson. Luther
Mitchell will be the director of the
| chorus.
The reunion is in charge of a capa-
ble committee of which Prof. George
D. Robb is chairman and every effort
is being made to have this one of the
best ever held. The day should be
marked a holiday on the calender of
every member of the Reformed
: church.
1800 at Penn State Summer Session.
All records for attendance at the
| summer session for school teachers at
| The Pennsylvania State College were
broken this year with the enrollment
of eighteen hunded men and women
: students. This is five hundred more
than last year, when a few more than
1300 established a record. - The class-
es this year will be optional for six
and nine weeks, and about 600 have
signified their intention to remain for
the full nine weeks’ training. Over
two hundred courses are being taught
this summer, and the schedule of out-
side lecturers is’ the most attractive
ever arranged. 1
again. “And then f@nce more the
Grace Reformed church, Altoona, as-'
Happiness is symbeolical. It belongs to
us exactly in proportion to our apprecia-
tion of it. People who know what happi-
ness is are happy. Only those who do not
understand remain fretting like foolish
children.— Home Chat.
It is rumored that the French de-
signers, tiring of a season cof dull
trimmings, will again swing the style
pendulum back to ornaments of scin-
tillating surfaces this fall. Dull wax
flowers and black felts, according to
the forthcoming issue of the Retail
Millinery Association or America’s
bulletin, have led to a vogue that calls
for glistening things.
“There are the most unusual cabo-
chon ornaments sponsored by Maria
Guy, who uses these beads in gradu-
ated rows and mounts them on a foun-
dation of net. Across the front of an
upturned brim this trimming is really
striking and must be carried out, of
course, in black or the still newer
bronze or copper—or preferably plat-
For the hat that depends on its
shape for its success there is a belt of
“cabochons finished at the front with
eyelets and buckles of steel that is ab-
solutely captivating as a trimming.
Its simplicity and thorough novelty
will doubtless gather admiration.
“A combination cf jet and steel is
the newest and smartest of ideas in
ornaments that the French are sure
will prove one of the biggest vogues
of the fall seeson. Fringe suspended
from a cut jet and steel plaque is both
unusual and distinctive, and when art-
fully aranged on a hat cf dull black
{abric it achieves the effect of sim-
plicity and good taste.
“Ornaments of steel and copper are
extremely new, and when finely cut in
a cabochon of unusual design prove an
asset that will carry a plain hat into
the class of distinction. Fringes of
steel and jet are considered one of the
important trimming notes for the
smartest gowns and have penetrated
their way into the millinery world in
a variety of attractive designs.”
Garbage cans generally have to be
discarded after two or three seasons’
usage, but if treated in the following
manner they will last for a number of
one can of tar-roofing paint, give the
entire inside a coat of this and the out-
er base and the sides also, to the
height of 10 inches. This tar paint
will prevent the acids of foods corrod-
ing the inside of the can, and it is im-
possible for the dampness of the
ground to rust the outer base.
If sleeves are long, for instance,
they are apt to be full. If they are
three-quarters long, they are bell-
shape. The neck is no longer plain
when it is cut to a deep V. It is fin-
ished with a single or triple fichu
which rises high at the back of neck.
The topless corset which is more and
more acceptable to women in this
country permits a hip:line instead of
waistline, but it calls for a flat dia-
phragm. Skirts are wider, even when
they are not longer; they are usually
both. Floral fabrics are in fashion,
and such things as applied roses, gar-
lands of flowers, embroidered designs
are frequent.
A coat of kerosene oil applied to
stoves before putting them away for
the summer will prevent their rusting.
Cut olives in rounds, is an attract-
ive garnish. The bright red and green
is very effective.
To mend a torn place in a freshly
laundered curtain, cut a patch out of
lace or net to match as near as possi-
ble, dip in starch and iron on over the
hole. It will make a neat patch and
will be next to impossible to detect.
Sweet pickled apples are delicious
with meat, especially pork.
A turpentine solution is good for
washing woodwork or floors in clos-
ets and wardrobes. Moths will not
live in a place that kas been washed
with turpentine.
Ice cream can be kept hard for 24
hours if it is placed in a paper cook-
ing bag, the ends being folded over
tightly to keep ‘out ‘the air, then plac-
Se irectly on the ice in the refrigera-
Every week the refrigerator drain
pipe should be well cleaned with cold
water and a few bits of charcoal de-
posited in the corners of the refriger-
ator to keep it sweet. All food should
be cold before being placed in the re-
To remove mildew, rub over tke
marks with the juice of a raw toma-
to and then sprinkle with salt and lay
in the sun for one hour or more. Re-
' peat if necessary.
; -
, To remove grass stains, wash the
stained parts with alcohol and rinse in
clear water. If possible, treat the
stain as soon as possible.
For cracks in plaster a good filling
is composed of plaster of paris, set for
20 or 30 minutes. The putty-like mass
must be pushed into the cracks and
can be smoothed off evenly with a ta-
ble knife.
Sally Lunn With Blueberries.—A
sally lunn with blueberries is another
hot bread that can be served at either
breakfast or tea. Mix a scant haif
cupful of shortening with a fourth of
‘a cup of sugar, add a cup of milk, one
i beaten egg, two teaspoonfulls of bak-
{ing powder and two cupfuls of flour.
Stir into this’ batter just before bak-
ing it one cupful of blueberries. It
| can be baked in a loaf or in individual
| pans.
Bran Muffins.—A most unusual rec-
ipe for bran muffins calls for three-
i fourths of a cupful of orange juice.
Sift together a half cupful of flour
i and a half a teaspoonful of salt, then
' stir into it a cupful of bran. Dissolve
la half teaspoonful of soda in three-
! fourths of a cup of orange juice, then
add two tablespoonfuls of melted but-
Iter and one and a half of molasses.
| Beat vigorously ‘and pour into a hot
"buttered gem pan and bake in a hot
Purchase from any paint store
—It is well to consider at this time
the purchase of lime and fertilizers
for fall application,
—Approximately thirty-four per
cent. of the farmers of Pennsylvania
are using gas engines.
—There is practically no market for
wool in Pennsylvania at the present
time. Many farmers are holding two
—Celery suffers more from lack of
water than any other common vegeta-
bles. A thorough soaking of the soil
once a week will accomplish wonders.
—It appears that eighteen per cent.
of the farmers and fruit growers of
Pennsylvania sprayed their orchards
the past spring for insect. pests and
plant diseases.
—The number of lambs in Pennsyl-
vania the past spring appears to be
ninety-four per cent., compared with
the usual number. Number of pigs,
eighty-eight per cent.
—About forty per cent. of the far-
mers of Pennsylvania are using cream
separators. As the market for whole
milk develops and improves the num-
ber of separators in use declines.
—There should be no let up in po-
tato spraying because of intensely hot
weather. Some growers stopped
spraying during hot spells, believing
it to be injurious to the plants. State
College specialists say it is beneficial
rather than harmful.
—It is not only unsightly, but poor
farm practice to allow rank growths
of weeds to appear along fence rows
and roadsides. One can well spend a
day or two with a scythe at mowing
down weeds before they produce seed
to scatter through fields.
—Colts and calves that are running
on grass will do better if penned in
cool, dark stalls away from flies during
the day time, and allowed to pasture
during the early evening and at night.
If any stock is on pasture during the
day, be sure that shade is provided.
—The Lady Beetle is a beneficial in-
sect but apparently few people realize
it, as many spcimens are being sent
to the Bureau of Plant Industry,
Pennsylvania Department of Agricul-
ture, asking how to get rid of them.
The Lady beetle both in the adult stage
and the larva stage feed upon plant
lice or aphids and other small insects,
and upon the eggs of larger insects.
They should: be - preserved—do not in-
jure them, because they help to keep
down destructive insect pests.
—The small green aphids are be-
coming more numerous on potato
plants. Watch the plants carefully
during hot, dry weather. When they
become damaging add one pint of nic-
otine sulphate (Black Leaf 40) to 100
gallons of Bordeaux spray mixture.
If a separate spraying is made, use
one pint of nicotine with four or five
pounds of dissolved soap to 100 gal-
lons of water. A spray broom having
three nozzles to a row will be satis-
factory, but it may be necessary to ex-
tend the distributing pipes by putting
in a five inch nipple, directing the noz-
zles upward so as to drench the en-
tire plant.
—All duck eggs should be tested at
least twice during incubation, prefer-
ably on the seventh and fourteenth
days, and the infertile eggs and those
with dead germs removed. Dead
germs in duck eggs decompose very
rapidly, and are often detected by
their odor.
Duck eggs having pure white shells
are often tested as early as the fourth
or fifth day, and the infertile eggs
sold to bakers. Infertile eggs make
good feed for ducklings, and can be
used for cooking. The eggs are test-
ed with the large end up. so that the
size of the air cell may be seen, as well
as the condition of the embryo duck-
ling, specialists in the United States
Department of Agriculture say. Test-
ing should be done in a dark room.
The infertile egg when held before
the tester will appear perfectly clear,
much the same as a fresh egg, while
a fertile egg will show a small dark
spot known as the embryo, with a
mass of little blood veins extending
inall directions, if the embryo is liv-
ing. If dead the blood settles away
from the embryo toward the edge of
the yolk, forming in most cases an ir-
regular circle of blood. known as a
blood ring. The eggs containing
strong, living embryos: are dark and
partly filled up after the fourteenth
day, and show a clear, distinct line of
demarcations between the air cell and
the growing embryo, while dead germs
show development only in part and
lack this clear, distinct outline.
—An opportunity to save one-third
of the hog grain bill and at the same
time place the hogs in good condition
on the early market at the top prices,
is offered to every Pennsylvania far-
mer who starts immediately to place °
his porkers on suitable pastures.
The greatest draw-back to the aver-
age nog grower is trying to raise hogs
in too close quarters and depending
too much on expensive grain feed.
Twenty-two hog pasture demonstra-
tions conducted in various parts of
the State last year when farmers co-
operated with county agents and The
Pennsylvania State College extension
division, showed conclusively that pas-
ture with grain accomplishes a great
saving. If preparation has not been
made for this method of feeding, plan
now to utilize a part of an alfalfa,
clover or rape field during the sum-
mer months. Grass orchards may be
used to advantage. College specialists
advise, however, that at least three
to three and a half pounds per hun-
dredweight must be fed each day while
on pasture. A mixture of corn, shorts
and tankage is recommended.
Last year’s experiments, which in-
cluded the feeding of 672 hogs in this
manner, showed that only 318 pounds
of grain was needed for a hundred
pounds of pork gain, as against 475
pounds on dry feeding. There was al-
30 a profit gain of $2.76 per hundred
pounds in forage over dry lot. By us-
ing hogs in pasture, a profit of over
$21 was realized per acre. Compared
with the college dry lot tests, there
was an average saving of 33 per cent.
in the grain bill. In late September
the hogs may be set to harvesting por-
tions of the corn field, which will place
them in first class market condition.
——~8ubscribe for the “Watchman.”