Bewrail tdpn INK SLINGS. —Unless the ugite appears very | soon much of the money the borough | has put on repairs to High street will be washed down into Spring creek. —Governor Sproul has announced that he knows the liquor that they are selling in Canada is good. None but the most credulous Prohibitionists would ask the question: How does he know ? —Most of Centre county’s trout streams are muddy again and it is doubtful if there will be any more fly fishing this season, which will go down in the diaries of the disciples of Walton as one of the most unpropi- tious within their memory. —Secretary Mellon declares that he can find nothing in the archives that would indicate that President Wilson even considered cancellation of the Allies debt to us. Thus another pit that was dug for the premier of Amer- jcan Presidents has been filled with Senatorial muck-rakers instead. —Bonuses for the soldiers are not part of the administration’s present plans. They would mean real money. Had the boys who fought for thirty dollars a month while the rest of us staid at home and took down nearly that much a day asked for some sort of fake panacea like the farmers were given in the emergency tariff bill they would have gotten it. But words | and dollars are different things and the votes were all counted last fall. — The Fordney emergency tariff that was to have made the lot of every farmer a mighty happy one, having failed utterly to produce anything more than more disaster the Senate has set about preparing a new nostrum to cure the agricultural ill. It is doubt- ful, however, whether the Senate cares much for the welfare of the farmers. What it desires most is to keep the bill prohibiting beer as a medicine in pick- - VOL. 66. Monkey Wrench in the Machine. There seems to be a monkey wrench lodged somewhere among the cogs of the Republican machine. Some time previous to the last gubernatorial election, in consideration of services rendered, Senator Penrose promised to bestow the Republican nomination for Governor on a millionaire lumber merchant named E. V. Babcock, of Pittsburgh. Subsequently William C. Sproul, a millionaire manufacturer of Chester, declared an ambition to be the next Governor, and being a trust- ed lieutenant of Penrose, the incident created an embarrassing situation. But Penrose was equal to the emer- gency. He persuaded Babcock to ac- !cept the nomination for Mayor of ! Pittsburgh and gave the gubernatorial | nomination to Sproul, who was elect- "ed It was no easy job to entice Bab- cock into the detour. Penrose, how- | ever, pointed out to him that the of- fice of Mayor of Pittsburgh would be 1a sort of night school in which he I could learn the duties of the higher office which would come to him auto- matically at the expiration of Sproul’s term. Meantime Edward E. Beidle- . man, of Harrisburg, had developed a | gubernatorial bee and as he had been i 2 handy man on the stump and else- i where, he was nominated for Lieuten- {ant Governor with assurance that as an understudy for the Governor he le. The brewers give more to the par- | &, 14 pe in direct line for promotion ty campaign funds than the farmers. —The riot of prisoners in the west- ern penitentiary at Pittsburgh on Monday is without precedent in the annals of American penal institutions. That it was suppressed without great- er loss of life or escapes seems re- markable and certainly creditable to the organization and emergency func- tioning of the guards in service there. The riot, itself, was neither alarming nor unnatural. Certainly little of good could be expected from eleven hundred convicts from whose associa- tion nearly all of the merit men have been removed and their outbreak should be viewed as little else than a reflex of times when even the temper of men at liberty is not so trangiul and well controlled as in normal times. —Senator Knox has joined the op- position in the Senate to the anti-beer legislation that has been brewing ever since Attorney General Palmer ruled that beer may be regarded as medicine. The Senator has little to fear from his constituency in Penn- sylvania so he speaks his mind with impunity. Wet and dry sentiment in this State is fairly divided, but beyond that the preponderance of Republicans | who would not let prohibition stand between them and party success is so great that the junior Pennsylvania Senator sees no reason for trimming on this much discussed question. course the question as to whether he spoke as a free agent or as the rep- resentative of the wealthy brewers in and about Pittsburgh is debatable. —The near-ice famine in Bellefonte is a misfortune, especially when we consider the fact that few communi- ties have such opportunity as we have to harvest pure natural ice. Even last winter when the period of natural ice making was scarecly more than ‘two weeks there was enough ice on the various ponds about here to have made the supply ample had it been harvest- ed. Our observation is that what we need more than anything else is stor- age room. All of the commercial houses combined hold but a small quantity as compared with the possi- ble consumption and the loss from melting during such a season of hot weather as we have recently had has been so great as to completely con- sume any surplus carried in the stor- age houses. —While the announcement of cur- tailed passenger service on the Bell-- fonte Central was received with a’ smile by those familiar with the serv- ice in force before the three-day-a- week schedule was promulgated, it is a serious matter to residents of the Buffalo Run valley and to State Col- lege, to State especially, because of inadequate mail facilities. It is a con- dition, not a theory that actuates the railroad company. Practically all of its passenger traffic has been taken by bus lines and private motors, leaving passenger, express and mail trains to carry a loss too great for any business that hopes to keep out of the hands of receivers to bear. While there are some who think that had the Belle- fonte Central taken proper care of the passenger traffic it once enjoyed its present competition would never have appeared. We doubt that, however, for the circuitous route of the Central makes it impossible for it to carry passengers to and from State College in safety in the time that a motor bus covers the shorter highway. And in this age of hustle and bustle time is what every one is demanding, regard- less of what the after effects may be. In other words, if State College were content to spend a few moments more in the Coaches of the Central occasion- ally it would probably force the com- pany to run regular passenger trains and thereby insure itself much need- ed mail and express facilities. of . to the higher office next year. Mr. | Beidleman’s credulity being about i equal to his ambition he took the bait i and since has been hopefully waiting. Some time after the return of the soldiers from France Mayor Bab- i cock, of Pittsburgh, openly insulted them by granting a privilege to the . German-American citizens of Pitts- burgh, in the face of a vigorous pro- test, by the returned soldiers, to hold a “tag-day” in that city. This arous- ed a very bitter feeling in the west- ern end of the State and shortly after- “ward the fire of resentment was fan- ned by Mayor Babcock’s determina- tion to review a parade of the return- ed soldiers in celebration of “Armis- tice day.” These recurring “monished Penrose that Babeock is not an availablétor even safe’ candidate for Governor, and his promise to Bei- dleman being largely in the nature of a joke, he wai in a dilemma. Penrose is resourceful as well ag successful in politics, however, and he promptly set about to repair his dam- i aged fences. During his prolonged illness a year ago Governor Sproul . got gay and attempted to procure let- ters of administration on his political estate which naturally severed the in- timate relations between them. No man likes to be buried before he’s dead, and the big boss is human. In the emergency he is said to have chos- en Judge C. B. Witmer, of Sunbury, ‘who is a keen politician without en- tangling alliances, for Governor. As ,a preliminary to the announcement | of his purpose the Senator has been , building = substantial entrenchments , against any opposition that might be | brought forward. For example, the appointment of . State Senator McConnell, of Shamo- . kin, to the office of state prohibition , officer, gives him control of some one hundred and sixty well paid officials , throughout the State. Chairman . Glass, of the Republican county com- mittee, of Northumberland county, i another recent federal appointee, will be another useful unit in the combi- , nation, and it is believed that other | appointments will be made in the near | future that will materially strengthen , the enterprise. The recent compro- mise of the differences with the Vare {forces of Philadelphia, which looks like compounding a felony, will help the project along by diminishing the ' force and impairing the strength of ' the opposition. But it is not expected that the Pen- rose plans will be carried out without opposition. Babcock is as sore as a carbuncle and others who are disap- pointed will be ready and willing to take up a fight.and carry it to the last ditch. In other words there is a mon- key wrench in the machinery and it will be a hard job to get it out. Prob- ably the big boss will be able to con- trol the nomination next year as he has done before. But if things go on as they are now drifting a nomination will not be equivalent to an election even in Pennsylvania. Men and wom- en are thinking. now and thinking hard and indications point to a revo- lution in politics greater than any that has gone before. —Japan says she will consider sit- 9 ting in President Harding s parley Japanese in this country the same lib- | ‘erties Americans have in Japan. 1f ' Japan keeps on building armies and navies we must do the same. The Pa- | cific coast States will not accede to the Japanese conditions for.the par- ley so we will find ourselves taxed to. impoverishment unless we decide to enter the League of Nations through, which this question would be automat- ically settled and which seems the near cut to peace and lower tax bur- dens. Japan Hands Out a Serpent. In the reply of Japan to the Hard- ing invitation to a conference in the interest of disarmament, there ap- pears to be a very large and exceed- ingly venomous serpent. For many years the white residents of the Pa- cific coast have been apprehensive of the increasing power of the Japs in that section. Finally they procured legislation by Congress providing certain restrictions, including a de- nial of the privileges of the public schools, for moral reasons, and of the right of acquiring and holding real estate on economic grounds. These restrictions created a good deal of dissatisfaction among the Japs in this country and their own, and though they threatened war, have been ad- hered to. Japan promptly responded to the President’s invitation, but tied a string to it. That is to say the Tokyo authorities said that they were very much in favor of disarmament but be- fore agreeing to participate in an in- ternational conference looking to that result they would require certain con- ditions. Later a second communica- tion, or rather a published statement, revealed the conditions. They are substantially that before sitting in the conference the other parties in the movement shall agree that Japanese in their countries shall be given every right and privilege that is claimed for their own people while sojourning in Japan. In other words the United States will have to revoke all restric- tions put upon Japs on the Pacific coast by Congress or the State Leg- islatures. Of course England, France, Italy and other European and Asiatic coun- tries might readily agree to that prop- osition for Japs ‘are in no respects menacing in those countries. In fact as an ally, offensive and defensive, of Japan Great Britain might want such an agreement. But it would be tough on the Pacific slope States of this country. If there were no other way to secure disarmament, such a public beneficence might be worth such a price. But it is not the only way or even the best way. If the United States. will join with the other forty or more countries in the League of Nations, the disarmament will follow without doubt and may be begun be- fore this year comes to an end. —Of course it is a long look into the future but should Penrose decide to make Judge Witmer his candidate to succeed Governor Sproul, and elect him, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” on Fishing creek will be the place a lot of local Republican leaders will be hanging round for any crumbs that might be swept off the porch. Effects of Tariff Taxation. President Harding protests against : a tariff tax on oil and crude petrole- um. He declares that those commodi- ties should be admitted free “to safe- guard our interests.” He discerns a . vanishing oil supply in this country and incidentally an impairment of our industrial progress because of the val- ue of oil as a fuel. Some time ago Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Commissioner of | Forestry in this State, entered a pro- test against the proposed tariff tax on lumber for the reason that such a tax impairs the building industry in this country. We cordially agree with both of these propositions. A tariff ‘tax on oil is detrimental to our indus- trial life and a tariff tax on lumber is destructive of our housing hopes. tariff taxes on these commodities? A tariff tax on hides and leather increas- ‘es the cost of shoes. A tariff tax on "wool adds to the price of clothing. In ‘fact tariff taxes on any commodity i adds to the price not only the amount “of the tax but the cost of collection and a profit for handling the tax both by the payor and payee. Tariff taxa- tion has only two purposes. One is to ‘enable the producer to charge more for the product and the other to pro- vide office for the collectors. The ' question of revenue is not even a sec- ‘ ondary consideration. If the protec- ‘ tionists could make the tax prohibi- | tive in all things they would do so as the Fordney bill embargoes dies. Mr. Fordney justifies his tariff schedules with an estimate that they L will produce revenue to the amount “of $700,000,000. But they will make | the commodities cost the people of the United States $2,000,000,000 more. In other wards the tax payers of the i country will be penalized to the ex- | tent of $1,300,000,000 in order to pay for unearned bounties to the manufactur- ers or producers of the taxed commod- ities. No wise business man would undertake to conduct his operations on such a system. No honest business man will try to levy largesses upon his neighbors in that manner. Pres- ident Harding must have a personal interest in the oil importation and “Pinchot in the lumber trade. But the ‘people are concerned in all. ——Ambassador Harvey has not been recalled but the indications are that his tongue has been bridled. But why stop with protests against . One Lie Disposed Of. There were a good many false charges against President Wilson made during the Presidential cam- paign last year and the size of the Republican majority indicates that most of them were believed. Some of them have been repeated since the elec- tion in the general campaign of vili- fication and others. dropped as of no further use. Among those that serv- ed effectively before the election and since was an absurd statement that Woodrow Wilson was engaged in a conspiracy to relieve Great Britain of her obligation to pay the government of the United States the money ad- vanced or loaned for war operations during the war. That was a favorite form of appeal to the prejudices of Irish-Americans. That this was regarded as a dam- aging accusation may be assumed be- cause of the eagerness of Woodrow Wilson’s enemies in Congress to veri- fy it. Soon after the assembling of the extra session of Congress the Sen- ate authorized the investigation of the charge and put it under the control of such irrzconcilable bitter-enders as Senators Reed, of Missouri, and La- Follette, of Wisconsin, to whom the expectation of discrediting Mr. Wilson made it “a laoor of love.” But the joy has been taken out of their lives by the result of their investigation. They have discovered that while Lloyd George had advanced such a proposi- tion it was unequivocally rejected in a letter in which Mr. Wilson stated that he “is not prepared to consent to the remission of any part of the debt ' of Great Britain to the United States.” But there are reasons to believe that the present administration has been contemplating such an agreement. It is widely suspected that it was with this purpose in view Secretary of the mittee supports..Admiral Sims in his invest him with full power to refund or negotiate the debts of foreign gov- ernments to us. Great Britain and France will probably be obliged to take bonds of Germany, Austria and Turkey in payment of indemnities and it would be wise financiering to shift all such dubious securities onto _+thé& Ynited States. They may be good in the far distant future but what all countries want now is securities that are good at present. : : | ——Of course a Congressional com- mittee supports Admiral Sims in his , quarrel: with former Secretary of the Navy Daniels. But the present Sec- "retary of the Navy is not likely to take that view of it. The Sims-Daniels Controversy. No thoughtful observer of events in Washington was surprised at the re- port of the Senate committee on the controversy between Admiral Sims and former Secretary of the Navy Daniels, made public the other day. In a book purporting to be a review of the naval operations during the late war, Admiral Sims charged Mr. Dan- iels with all kinds of offensive and de- fensive blunders. The Secretary cited | the splendid work of the navy abroad { in refutation of the charges. Then the Senate took the matter up and packed a committee to prove the charges. That is precisely what the report at- tempts to do. The operations of the United States navy during the war deserved and re- ceived the unstinted praise of the en- tire world and the most generous en- coniums from all the naval experts everywhere. It was hardly prepared for activities on so extensive a scale as was required when war was declar- ed. But it speedily got itself into shape for any emergency that might arise and performed marvelously per- fect work. But in order to justify Sims in his senseless criticism of his | superior, all the magnificent achieve- | ments had to be belittled and the work . which all “others praised now stands | condemned by this partisan commit- | tee. | In accord with President Wilson's i weakness in judgment of men, Ad- | miral Sims was chosen out of a doz- {en or more rear admirals equally fit, | to direct our naval operations abroad. | The moment he landed among the ti- ‘ tled aristocrats of the British metrop- i olis he began making impossible de- | mands upon the department. His re- ' quests were complied with as fully as possible, but he was never satisfied. After the war, in subversion of every principle of discipline, he pub- lished his criticisms which are now supported by a Senate committee con- ceived in malice in a report filled with partisan prejudice. It surprises no- body and shames every seaman in the service. rm — A ———— —If the disarming policy results in nothing more than the lifting of one or two battleships from the shoulders while. —Since somebody named golf as a statesman’s diversion the department clerks at Washington are buying golf I sticks. Japan’s “Special Interest.” From the Philadelphia Record. We are indebted to the Washington bureau of the New York Herald for information that Mr. Robert Lansing is going to make some more disclos- ures. It is said that he is going to re- veal the fact that the Lansing-Ishii agreement with Japan was one of the crimes of one Woodrow Wilson; that Lansing signed it under orders, and that it recognized “Japan’s paramount interest” in China, and that this phrase is generally recognized as clos- ing the “open door,” or shutting us out of the commerce and development of China. ¥ The statement about Mr. Lansing’s connection with the Ishii agreement is probably correct. The foreign af- fairs of this country are comstitution- ally directed by the President; the Secretary of State is simply his agent, and if his “mind doesn’t go along” with the mind of the President, e President gets another Secretary. This has happened before. roe Doctrine was not invented by James Monroe, but by John Quincy Adams. It was without official effect, however, until the President adopted it and made it the expression of the American government and people, and it has naturally borne his name. Mr. Roosevelt’s biographer says that Mr. Roosevelt directed the Panama rec- The Mon- ! 'SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. i —The will of Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, Suffrage leader and writer, who died last , week, ‘was admitted to probate lest Satur- i day. Following the death of relatives ; stipulated by the will the bulk of her es- i tate is to go to the Y. W. C. A. She is ; said to have left about $45,000. ! —William E. Doyle, 35 years old, a line- | man, of Gaysport, near Altoona, was al- | most instantly killed Friday night when | he drove his motorcycle on the rocks at | the side of the road to avoid colliding with an automobile. His wife and daugh- ter in the side car were injured, but not seriously. | —The big anthracite blast furnace of i the Robesonia Iron company near Reading ; has been blown in after a long idleness. Its capacity is 2000 tons a week. Reduc- tion in pay of common labor from 35 to 30 cents an hour became effective at the ! Carpenter Steel works on July 16th. Skill- ed and semi-skilled labor was cut 5 cents . an hour, ! —The building of the Pottstown Brew- ‘ing company, which before the passage of ! the Eighteenth amendment housed a plant | that turned out thousands of barrels of | beer a year, will now be used to dispense the “staff of life.” The building has been purchased by the Pottstown Wholesale t Grocery company and will be used for the i distribution of bread, meats and groceries. —Daniel p 82 years old, a B. Schaeffer, Berks county farmer, has just finished cut- ; ting and stacking fifty-eight four-horse loads of wheat, building the ten stacks himself, and forty-eight four-horse loads of hay. Both crops exceed those of last ! year. He has not missed a harvest since ‘ he was fourteen years old. Mr. Schaeffer, , who works every day in the field with his son and a hired man, has a 110 acre farm near Fleetwood, and finds time in addition to serve as director in a Fleetwood bank. { —Feeding his herd of fourteen goats was a simple matter for a foreigner living on , the outskirts of Hazleton, until the police | broke up his system of taking a fence pal- : ing off so the animals could get into a nice vegetable garden for the day. The man would nail on the paling again and go’ to . work for the balance of his shift, taking home the goats at night. When Mayor H. : W. Heidenreich collected a fine of $42 for ognition proceedings, instead of leav- one day's grazing, he remarked it would ing this to John Hay. | be cheaper hereafter to buy feed for the If it suits the purpose of Mr. Lan- animals. sing to direct public attention again | practically burned over the eatire to the very subordinate position he | body as the result of an explosion which occupied in the Wilson Administra- | followed an attempt to start the fire with tion, the country is not greatly con- cerned therein; but we should think from the forecast of the revelations to be made by the former Secretary of State that the disclosures will be no more Starling than those regardin the peace conference which he has al- ready made. The public already knew that Mr. Lansing was not in harmony with his chief, ahd was only surpris- ed that he held on until the President told him to resign. No one had any doubt that the Ishii a ment was decided by President Wilson, and that the Secretary of State played a very subordinate part in drafti did Secretary Bryan In. drasting the submarine letters to Germany; and after signing a few that he disapprov- ed of, he declined to sign any more, apd resigned. It never occurred to “Bu Sasa vo vital: ments about the character agreement with Japan. tex sof the Qne is that it recognized the “paramount inter- | est” of Japan in China. It recognizes the “special interest”—not the para- mount—of Japan. And who can de- ny the special interest? Japan is the reer of the Occidental Powers in statesmanship, military prowess and commereial: development. China is a it. So : kerosene at his home Sunday afternoon, George Caleanos, aged 40, a miner from i Cresson, died at the Altoona hospital. at {1:10 Monday morning. = He had been ad- | mitted to the hospital about four hours after the catastrophe. His chest, abdo- | men, part of the back and his legs were | enveloped with first ‘and second degree burns. He was a member of the Orthodox Greek church. q —Edward Ford, of South Forks, aged 35 vears, was killed instantly on a trestle in that town Friday night when attempting to save Mrs. Mary Manske from a similar fate when a train bore down on them. ord had reached the landing and could have escaped with ease, but he returned to help the woman, who then fell through. i Mrs. Manske wag injured badly and is in a hospital. It is Pelieved she will recover. The husband of Mrs. Manske stood 'mear © “ihe trestle; but.was unable to help either Tord or his wife. { —A chase of mere than thirty miles from Dalmatia, Northumberland county, | early last Thursday after an automobile { containing two men who were seen to Set | fire to the Delmatia Paint company’s fac- i tory resulted in the arrest of Dr. M.’ L. i Emerick, of Lancaster, Pa., and J.'B. | Stauffer, his chauffeur. The doctor denied ! that he had been there but his identity was neighboring country, while the Unit- i alleged to have been proven and both were ed States is across the Pacific and Eu- | held by Judge Cummings, of Northumber- rope is on the other side of the world. {land county, in $2500 bail for criminal Of course Japan has a more direct, or | court on charges of arson. Dr. Emerick special, interest in China than other | used to live at Hickory Corners and made of the people it will have been worth nations have. The other misstate- ment is that the recognition of Ja- pan’s interest in China was understood as a waiver of the “open door” policy. | Thisis not true, and it never was true. The United States has insisted on the | open door policy, and Japan has asr . sented to this. There has never been | any waiver of it, in the Ishii agree- ment, or before that, or since that. There has been criticism of Mr. Wil- ‘i son for recognizing that Japan had a | “special interest” in China; but in view of our jealousy of our special in- terest in the Western Hemisphere, it would have been rather awkward for us to refuse to recognize Japan's spe- cial interest in a country so near Ja- pan as China, and so impotent, so cer- tain to be subject to some outside Power. A Painful Less of Interest. Irom the New York World. What the Senate committee on Fi- nance actually found among the more or less secret documents bearing on the Allied debts to the United States proved to be not what some members of the committee had hoped and ex- pected to find. : ‘The whispered campaign of bile and slander against the record of the Wil- son Administration in the last Presi- dential election included nothing more persistent and vindictive than that the President was intriguing with the Al- lied debtors, and particularly Great Britain, to let them off with a clean slate. This was borne in upon the Irish and hyphenated vote with special force and with consequences which may not be exactly calculated. We can accordingly understand the eager expectancies with which Sena- tors Reed and LaFollette viewed the production of all pertinent documents bearing upon the matter and demand- ed their sifting to the last incriminat- ing item. But all that appeared was a letter from Premier Lloyd George to President Wilson suggesting a gener- al cancellation of inter-allied debts, and a telegram from Chancellor Aus- ten Chamberlain of the British Ex- chequer to a private British citizen in the United States suggesting the same thing. . There followed a noticeable subsi- dence of interest in the matter on the part of Mr. Reed and the Republican members of the committee. It became almost painfully observable when re- cently they were informed on the au- thority of Secretary Mellon’s Treasury Department that all the evidence in hand indicated that President Wilson had never been inclined to regard the Lloyd George suggestion favorably. ——The ‘Watchman” is in a class ' by ltself—high class. trips to Bellefonte as a specialist. PP —Results of an analysis made hy.Dry C. L. Alsberg. of Washington, chief federal chemist, disclosed that botulinus poison- ing caused the death of three persons sev- eral days ago in Greensburg after ‘eating ripe olives at a dinner at a birthday cele- bration in the home of Joseph D. Went- ling. Dr. R. C. Rosenberger, of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, made .an analysis of samples of the olives, but found no botulinus germs. He did find other poi- sonous germs in the olives, however, and two guinea pigs fed with them died, one six hours after eating the olives. The sale of the olives, which were purchased in Pittsburgh, was discontinued. . —Clarence Yeatter, 30 years old, of Lew- , istown, is at the Lewistown hospital with his body practically riddled with spalls of limestone rock sustained last Thursday when he was blown thirty feet into the air by a heavy charge of dynamite which ex- ploded when he was bending over it re- lighting a fuse.” Yeatter was working at the Mount Rock Limestone quarries when in the regular course of the day’s blasting a fuse went out after burning short and Yeatter attempted to refire it and get away. The force of the explosion blew thousands of spalls from the rock ledge and many of these broke through the skin causing him to bleed profusely. He will recover. —Impaled on a thin wire that penetrat- ed his hand in such a way that he could not release himself while trying to extin- guish a fire in tankage at the city garage plant on Fritz’s Island, near Reading, George Zimmerman, alone in one section of the plant, shouted for help for half an hour before Mrs. Earl Freeman, who lives ‘mearby, heard him and took help. The wire was cut off, but could not be taken out of his hand uhtil Zimmerman was tak- en to a hospital. - He was rescued just in time to save him from suffocation in the burning tankage. Other employees extin- guished the flames. Boilers in the plant, with water shut off through the fire, came near exploding before Zimmerman could be gotten out. —After rescuing a 16 year old compan- ion from drowning, Robert B. Shreiner, a Lafayette College student, and son of George A. Shreiner, former superintendent of the State Department of public grounds and buildings, in Harrisburg, lost his life in the Juniata river while on a camping trip at Iroquois, Dauphin county, last Thursday. Shreiner hauled Frank Barber from deep water after the boy's strength gave out. When he had him in shallow water, other members of the party took Barber and dragged him to the bank, for- getting the rescuer, who it was thought, was seized with cramps. When it was no- ticed that he was sinking, he was in deep water and none of the boys on the bank could swim. It was an hour and a half before his body was found by a number of railroad men who were summoned to aid in the search. —~