Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 15, 1921, Image 6

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‘Bellefonte, Pa., July 15, 1921.
One night in my cell
My eager eyes fell
On a note that came through my door,
A little white sheet
That fell at my feet
On the flags of my cold stone floor.
My heart gave a bound
As I stooped to the ground
Not knowing from whom it could be
What a great surprise
To my waiting eyes
That letter from mother to me.
As I sat all alone
In my cell of stone
I felt as happy as I could be,
And rarer than gold
In my hand I hold
That letter from mother to me.
Yes, it's from mother
Life has no other
Who loves us so fondly as she,
Bitter tears I have shed
On my prison bed
It’s that letter from mother to me.
Tis now many years
Since we parted in tears
And I remember the day that I went,
And she writes me today
That her hair is gray
‘And her back now with age is bent.
Your friends may grow cold
No matter how old,
Your faults will be all that they see,
On mother depend
She'll stick to the end
Says that letter from mother to me.
—Author Unknown.
_Shabuoth, which is the Hebrew for
the Feast of Weeks, was observed in
all congregations of the Jewish faith
Sunday, June 12th, and in more ortho-
dox synagogues on Sunday and Mon-
day, June 13th. This festival is one of
the three pilgrim feasts which were
observed in ancient Biblical times
when the inhabitants of ancient Pales-
tine made pilgrimages to the Holy
Temple at Jerusalem and there in
numbers vast sang praises unto the
Lord for his mercies which endure
continuously. In those days the cere-
monial consisted in the offering of the
first fruits and grains of the field and
were brought as a thanksgiving token
for the new crop that was being har-
vested. (Deut. xvi: 10).
This feast of the first fruits like
other ancient pilgrim festivals was
gradually transformed and invested
with a more spiritual significance;
particularly after the Jewish people
developed a historical consciousness.
In later periods of their existence the
Jewish people linked historical events
with those institutions and festivals
that were transmitted from remote an-
cestry. In the case of the. Feast .of
Weeks the giving of the Decalouge
was associated with the feast of the
first fruits, thus investing the feast
with spiritual content. In this spirit
ig celebrated to this day. ES
fsommemorating the glorious season '
when the revelation of God’s word
was made known unto the people of
Israel the festival becomes a re-dedi-
cation of the people of Israel unto
the service of God, whichis a conse-
cration of the Jewish people to so live
that their deeds may be seen of men
as deeds of justice and loving kind-
ness. :
‘By this association of the giving of
the law with the Feast of Weeks the |
Jewish people developed the conscious-
ness of their appointment as a priest- |
people at the altar of humanity in the
sense that the Jew is dedicated to the
ample this law of love and to strive to
bring about the glorious era when all |
humanity shall be united to do h
to God as the i)
children are all sons of men.
. The Reform congregations have
in later decades enriched Shabuoth
with new significance by designating
Las the-Confirmation Day. This cer-
€£mony possesses a religious character
in that it aims to impress the Jewish
children with their obligations to their
religious heritage. Expressing of
tlieir own accord their convictions they
Pledge doyalty to a covenant of justice
and humanity. The Confirmation serv-
ice does not exact from the confirmant
any. other confession than that of a
belief in God’s justice and truth as
manifested in history.
Following the confirmation. services I-
a reception is held in the Horie or in
the religious-school where friends arid
relatives of the confirmants and their
parents receive greetings ‘and felicity.
tions on the eventful day in the life of
the graudate.
Ward Favors World Wide Me-
morial Observance.
An Stornaiont Memorial day to
commemorate Sacrifices. of. the.
world war, has Ji ‘Yeceived the en-
dorsement of Cabot Ward, vice ad-
miral of the Infér-Allied Federation
of Veterans. ia
In a letter to ¥. iW. Hamilton, of St.
Pgul, who is urging that May 30 be
made a day of iifiternational observ-
ance, Mr. Ward Said he was sure his
endorsement would be reiterated by
Colonel Crosfield;: head of the British
Legion, and Charles Bertrand, presi-
dent of the IntervAllied Veterans.
r ard vofgr’s. to. the -xesolution,
a¥opted by the Thter-Allied Vetérans:
that the organization's members
“should do all in their power to insure
that other nations adopt May 30th as
Memorial day for those who gave
their lives for their country in the late
Mr. Hamilton also has letters from
prominent Europeans approving the
idea, which brought forth a letter
fiom Stephane Luzanne, editor of the
Matin, Paris, with 3
ing the proposal. Senator Edvard
Wavrinsky, of Stockholm, a member
of the Inter-Parliameéntary “Union,
said “Swedish papers will support the
movement.” ;
‘One point in Mr. Hamilton’s plan,
which he stresses, is that on May 30,
“3]l the world would halt its activities
for five minutes at noon while silent:|-.
tribute would be paid to the hero
service of teaching by word and by ex- |
universal father whose |
an editorial favor- |
Systematic planting of -shade trees
along the main highways of the Key-
stone State system, which has been
suggested, discussed and occasionally
started for the last half dozen years
or more, is under way at last in what
might be called the Harrisburg dis-
trict, and in the course of the next de-
cade there will be stretches of road
leading into the capital city lined with
fine trees.
Highway Commissioner Lewis S.
Sadler and Commissioner of Forestry
Gifford Pinchot some time ago work-
ed out a plan whereby designated por-
tions of highways could be lined good,
sturdy specimens from state nurseries
have been placed, while others will be
put in when the conditions are right
this fall. Effect of this plan in years
to come is going to be something very
pleasant to contemplate now. People
who were in France before the devas-
tation of the German armies will re-
call the roads lined with trees and
those who have been through New
England towns and traveled in South
Carolina will recollect highways bor-
dered with trees on a well thought out
plan. Some day automobiles will run
along roads lined with elms or with
other native trees, all methodically
planted and cared for. Perhaps there
will be nut trees here and there for
the benefit of the wild life and possi-
bly the rows may be varied with the
native tulip trees, while there is a
chance for a “road of oaks.” And it
is even possible by that time a chest-
nut immune from the blight may be
developed, as experiments with that
end in view are now under way. These
lines of trees will have another use be-
sides shading and ornamenting the
roads, for they will be guides for avi-
ators and the pilots of passenger car-
rying aircraft.
New York State, along the Hudson
river highways, is planted with mag-
nificent oak and elm trees which make
most beautiful driveways stretching
for miles and miles.
A swimmer must learn first to put
the head under the water.
In most strokes the face is under
the water half of the time. Practice
at home in your bath or with a basin
full of water. Inhale a long breath
through your mouth, plunge your face
into the water, exhale slowly through
your nose. Repeat until you find it
easy to count regularly one while in-
haling, three while exhaling.
Practice the “dead man’s float.”
Take a deep breath, stretch your arms
out in front of you and fall face down |
in the water completely relaxed. Next |
i learn to float on your back. Stretch |
! your arms straight out to the sides, |
bend your head way back and lean |
slowly against the water. Do not bend |
at the waist and do not get scared and |
raise the head, as this will make you! ~~
sink. “As long as you keep your head |
back and body straight you are bound |
to float. When you have thoroughly |
overcome any nervousnezs about being
under water and have learned that the |
water naturally holds you up you can
learn to swim, to move the arms and.!
Teeth nowadays are likely to be sus-
pected of almost anything in the way
of mischief. If you have any sort of
ailment not easily accounted for, your
physician tells you to consult your
dentist. .
Tooth-roots are often infected, or
even abscessed, without attracting
special attention to themselves.
that is the case, they are a source of
danger. The dentist takes a few X-
ray pictures, to make sure; or perhaps
he sends you to an X-ray l~horatory
to get a complete set of “shadow-
graphs” of your jaws. They are not
pretty at all.
“I’m afraid that tooth will have to
come out,” says the dentist. Hard
luck. But there is no help for it. You
register resignation, and are privileged
to make a choice between two methods.
You may have local anesthesia, or you
may take gas.
The local anesthesia is all right
after it has got well started; but to |
produce it requires several prelimin-
ary punches with hypodermic syringe
deep into your gums. It is a painful
business. When enough has been
squirted into your gums, you are all
right; you don’t feel the yank of the
forceps much.
Probably you make up your mind
to try the gas next time. It is really
much better, though likely to make
you feel rather nervous beforehand.
The operator's way of determining
when you have reached the requisite
degree of unconsciousness is to poke
his forefinger gently into a corner of
your eye. If you do not respond by
screwing up the lid defensively, he
picks up his forceps.
. That eye reflex is not infallible. It
is a good idea to ask the operator to
step on the gas right hard before he
uses the forceps; if he doesn’t use
enough of it, you may not become
gilts as unconscious as you want to
Every Dollar you Spend in Bellefonte will “COME HOME TO BOOST”
T man’s B H C i
he Watchman’s Buy-at-Home Campaign
Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn’t thought of before. Patronize the people whose
ads appear here. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in cir-
culation in Bellefonte.
Everything in Furniture.
Phonographs and Records.
Send Us Your
Grocery Order Today
It Will Pay You.
Allegheny St.
The Latest
in Dry Goods and Ladies’ and
Misses Ready to Wear.
The Headquarters for Athletic
Goods in Bellefonte. Smoker Sup-
legs in definite strokes to gain dis-'
| tance Lis, ii - i
I myself learned to swim as a child. ;
I was incorrectly taught by amateurs. |
One day I happened upon a book on:
swimming. It inspired me to take up
the sport intelligently. First I read |
the description of each stroke, and
practiced the motions in my room.
' pool to practice. At the very first at- |
| tempt I found the breast and back |
strokes quite easy.
Both of these strokes are important |
for life saving or resting in a long dis- |
tance swim. The scissors kick used.
in the side stroke and in the trudgeon:
is hard to do correctly from the des:
scription. 0
correct you it is a great help, for it is;
hard to recognize your mistakes by.
!the feeling. In the crawl, the fastest”
stroke of all, the leg stroke is a quick’
! repeated thrashing up and down froni
the knees near the water’s surface.
{ In both the trudgeon and the crawl
| double overarm stroke is .used while
the body is face down in the water.
The head is turned sideways merely
when taking breath. There are sligh
differences in the arm movements and
breathing in these two strokes which
a coach or teacher would easily point
out to you. I found that in three les-
sons'I learned enough about these
strokes to give me a great deal to
work on. . ; :
Apple Crop Said to be 24 Per Cent. of
dele en Normally is hh
= The condition of the total or agri-
cultural crop on June 1 was 24 per
éent. of ‘a normal, indicating a preduc-
tion of 4,778,000 bushels, as compared
with 23,937,000 bushels last year, and
7,972,000 bushels in 1919. The com-
mercial crop this year is estimated at
478,000 barrels, as compared with 2,-
000,000 barrels last year. The total
commercial apple crop in the United
States his Jean aa a 16s
BO%000 Bartels, i foripated with 36,-
soz ki last year. .
The condition of the ‘peach crop in
the State on June 1 wag’15 per cent.
of a normal, indicating ‘a production
of 308,000 bushels, as ¢ompared with
1,744,000 bushels last yeh.
eel eee.
Many Will Teach.
Almost one-fourth of the 455 men
and women who were graduated from
The, Pennsylvania State: College in
tional school field.
dsummer & Fall
Seeds, plants, bulbs, etc. A
postal will bring it to you. Maule’s
seeds are all tested and if ance
GROWN are always WN.“
21st and h S Philadelphia
If you have some one tg:|
Jane: will: become. school. and college |
teachers. Many will: enter the voca-} |
4 3
Af=er this I went to the Y. W.'C. A)! ___
Barber Shop in Connection.
. Under First Nat. Bank. ..
Our Grocery
Line is always complete
and we invite your pa-
High St.
is the Storage Battery of Serv-
ice. "Any make battery repair.
ed and recharged.
Expert Repairing on
All Makes of Cars.
The House
of Service when it
Comes to Hardware
Our Meats
are alwdys fresh
and wholesome | .
Phone Your Order.
We Do Not Recommend
Ford parts that are not genu-
ine. Make our garage your
headquarters, Ford owners.
Meade Sweets, Maillard and Louis
iy Candies,
Gross Bros.
Good Broom......... .. 68¢
5 pounds Coffee............ 98¢
5 Soap..... EN Cs tecnnsssina. 23e
3 Jersey Flake..... rvs toy 25¢
1 Large ean Peaches. ..\.... 28¢ *
Wholesale Grocers
Fitting glasses for 15 years.
Satisfaction guaranted.
Registered Optometrist.
The First National Bank
invites your patronage.
1'Everything in Electric Sup-:
y -
+] from the market. Cream cheese a specialty.
| Een. gt.
Can Beat Mail Order Houses at
Their Own Game If They
Will Do lt.
Catalogue Concerns Spend Hundreds
of Thousands of Dollars Annually
to Create Demand for Their
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
+ The forest ranger and the prairie.
- farmer have learned that they must
fight with fire. They know that when
the all-consuming forest or prairie fires
are sweeping toward them their only
hope of safety lies in the “back-fire.”
By kindling and carefully controlling
. a fire of their own they force the big-
ger fire to burn itself out, finding no
further fuel on which to feed.
The merchants of the small cities
and towns are learning that in waging
their fight for existence they must
‘adopt the tactics of the men of the
West. The great mail order houses
of the cities are the consuming flames
which threaten to wipe out the retail
«merchants of the small towns unless
bis to realizing their danger, take
80s to remove the menace. The re-
“tail merchants, as a whole, are begin-
ning to realize that they must fight
fire with fire and that to save them-
selves they must build a “back fire.”
Advertising is the weapon with
[which the mall order houses conduct
“their warfare on the retail merchants
of the small cities and towns. The
‘mail order houses do their advertising
through their own catalogues and
‘known as mail order advertising me-
'diums. A big mail order house spends
‘hundreds of thousands of dollars mere-
ily on the preparation and publication
cof its bulky catalogues.
' Business Built’ Upon Advertising.
The catalogue houses also spend
‘thousands upon thousands of dollars
.in advertising in the mail order publi-
‘cations which look for their circula-
‘tion to the people of the small towns
‘and the rurai districts. Advertising in
isome of these mediums costs as much
as from $40 to $85 for a single inch,
Fet the mail order houses find it profit-
w>le to pay these high rates. Their
business is built upon advertising and
‘if they were denied the use of the
nails for their advertising for a single
month their business would be de-
| advertising of some sort. The placing
| vertising. The only difference between
. passing by the store.
‘one season to another.
‘knows that the store which advertises.
through certain publications which are | attractive pictures .and
In advertising, the local merchants
find the only weapon with which they
can beat the mail order houses at their
own game. This does not mean neces-
sarily, only newspaper advertising, al-
though that is the big gun in the bat-
tery employed by the successful mer-
chant in his battle for trade. Adver-
tising is a big word and it covers a big
field. There is no longer to be found
the man who does not believe in ad-
vertising. Every merchant believes in
of a display in a show window is ad-
that kind of advertising and advertis-
‘ing in a newspaper is that where the
one reaches dozens the other reaches
‘hundreds. Attractive window displays
‘are, of course, an important adjunct of
‘any retail store. They serve their pur-
pose but this purpose is only to attract
the attention of those who may be
There are other
forms of advertising, such as personal
Solicitation, but printed matter must
always continue to be the chief reli-
~ance of merchants in attracting cus-
‘tomers to their stores.
Advertising Begets Confidence.
The buying public has learned that
the store which takes the people into
‘its confidence through its’ advertising
‘is the one in which it may expect to
‘get the best bargains and the most sat-
isfactory treatment. It knows that the
store which advertises consistently and
‘regularly has the best and most up-to-
date stocks because this store sells its
goods more rapidly than the one which
does not advertise and, therefore, is
not forced to carry over old stock from
‘The public
‘can place lower prices on its goods be-
.cause it turns over its stock oftener
‘than the store which :doés not adver-
tise and therefore does not have its
capital tied ‘mp in slow-moving mer-
‘chandise. a = Coa
' The mail order house does not get
{its business by, merely letting the pub-
lic know that it has dry goods or hard-
‘ware or groceries or some: other com-
.modity to. sell. It ereates a demand
for its goods by placing in its catalogue:
i detailed de-
scriptions of the artic
] re
this that the mail order house has and
can do it ‘mich more effeetively. than
the mail order house can. The retail
merchant can talk to the people of his
community through his home newspa-
per and that is something which the
mail order houses as a rule cannot do,
for the local newspapers through a
sense of loyalty to their communities
and their home merchants will not ac-
cept the advertising with which the
mail order houses would floed them if
they had the opportunity.
Books, Stationery and Post
“Cards. :
"The Index Book Store
‘Special This Week
50 Ib. Cotton Mattress, $10.75
50 Ib. Cotton felt Mattress $13.75
Firestone; ‘Gates’ super tread and
Mohawk Tires. ; %
Atlanti¢, Mobiloil, Sonoco and Wa-
1 verly oils.
Mobiloil tractor oil a specialty. |
A full line of groceries at reduced prices.
A full line of foreign and domestic fruits
in season. Klink’s bacon and ham, fresh
. With every. foc. purchase we give free a
coupon tor, x oer. silverware. Ask for
SPRosite. P, R. R. Station.
o Sechler,k Co.
them. °
v Suc-
‘The Variety Store
When You Want
‘Hardware of any description
call and see us. We invite
"your patronage.
Everything in Hardware :
for Farm, Dairy and Home.
This Market is now under New Manage-
ment and we Solicit Your Patronage
Formerly Lyon’s Market
Quality at the Jowest prices is our
Motto. Satisfaction guaranteed on
every purchase at
The Mens’ Shop
If You Buy Out. of Town and I Buy Out. of Town, What, will Become of Our Town?
Shoes for the entire family
at right prices
The Rexall Store
and that means quality.
Special attention given to
Runkle’s Drug Store
The Home of the famous
Butter Krust Bread.
Confectionery and Baked
The City Bakery
Everything in Lumber, j
Sashes, Doors and Blinds.
The Bellefonte Lumber Co.
The Home of Hart, Schaff-
ner and Marx Clothing for
Men. Also a complete line of
Men’s and Boy’s furnishings.
The Edison
“is the peer of Phonographs.
Come in and hear one today.
Records, Pianos, Player-
Pianos. ;
We Are Still
in the Hardware business
at the old Stand. Every-
thing complete always.
Wholesale and Retail fruits and
produce. :
A complete line of imported Ol-
| ive Oil.
When In Town
"See the best in Motion
Pictures at the Scenic.
Weaver, Grocers
Bellefonte, Pa.
The Best
in Dry Goods and
Ladies Ready to:
The Bellefonte Trust Co.
Courtesy. Safety. Service.
The Bellefonte Trust Co.
Saturday, June 11th, sale on ladies’
Coats, Suits and Dresses.
Dor’t miss it.
The Grocery Store of
Wholesome Goods and
Prompt Service
Clothing of the Best
for men who are careful of ap-
pearances. A full line of
Men’s and Boy's furnishings.
30x30 1-2 Norwalk Cord
Find out particulars at
W. S. Katz
Ladies Ready to Wear
The Watchman
has always advised buying at
home, and it
buys at home itself.
Queen Quality Shoes for
. Women bk
Regal Shoes for men
We fit the Youngsters, too,