Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 01, 1921, Image 7

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    ET A .
te, | Veisls tor Cold ime Mothers. SO AS TO FEEL BETTER
1 ia 2 * : . + Eu | -
3 = . some instances to sacrifice their indi- HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Shoes. oes.
Pemocrahic: atmo ideal advantages to the interest of HICHESTER S PILLS sh
. i the community. BO RAND: | ae RE —— n
A rd rr ye —— BUILD YOURSELF UP £650 Ein) | EE AE Ren
© J ue
© u
for 25
QE ————— ole 3 3
ee The War Department is making a
rs BRAN ic
: ' special effort to distribute Victory | Eat and sleep better, as well as look years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable [ Ts
: ING. the nearest relative of every soldier | It is an all-the-year-round medicine, Te Je
The progressive city of Pittsfield who died in the service, good in all seasons. SL ic
: Liepterait, Jeojnel Yount: Ho. i It purifies, enriches and Tevita sizes
cla > in charge of the I'ennsy vania district, | the blood, creates an appetite aids di-
Ei A ear ote] promises every mother or the nearest gestion, ‘assists assimilation of the
place. The director of the vocational relative a medal, if they will commu- | food you eat, and wonderfully builds
nicate with the Victory Medal Office, | up the whole system. In many cases
i Zk BB Sk Io U. S. Army, Postoffice Bldg., Scran- | it succeeds where other medicines fail
has continuation schools for vocational
(Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in
the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
T 4
Ed |
Meney beck without guesticn = i
: y ton, Pa., without delay. to do any good. ; Ringworm, Tetter or other itch- LE I
Se Ty To ee man | of yo eed a mild effective cathar EE re |B 5
their studies. Subscribe for the “Watchman.” | tic, get Hood's Pills. 66-26 | 65-26 C. M. PABRISH, Drugglst, Bellgfonte | [fic Ic
The entire equipment of the Ben SL Oc
Franklin Press of Springfield, was SH a
purchased and installed in the base- Ue of]
ment of the Pomeroy school, and one Fd : 9 o Us
of the best equipped printing depart- Ladies’ ° Hh il
ments to be found in any similar in- Ui on
stitution in the state, is at the disposal Bungalow arm ed er pecia S AL le
of the young men of Pittsfield. i] FH
The Berkshire Eagle devoted more Dresses Uc 5
igen a oimms, i a Repent jesus, i L Select; 9 Lk 5 Ue
e work of the Continuation Schools arge selection ar 25 =
for boys and girls. The results set : : ( ] ) ( J 3Y Large assortment Lit, O Th d P =n
fourth shows Ha over Gai boys one All aT at Pp < FL ne ousan airs TE
sixteen years of age have been turn /. ar LE:
back into the schools. This means at at $1.98 I: Te
much to a small city like Pittsfield 2) at ; oh
on with He gradual Qsvelopmiont of - — P LE of
ese schools, a greater interest wi Special Lot : Sale Sl -
be taken by the ‘employers of labor Ry : ants Yor! : =i i
in the Gutiive Sndusties fof the gen- | Men's Dress Shirts Work and Dress ; | Oe =)
eral welfare of these students. 1 ; Li
The present system, requiring a boy Boys’ Blouses Extraordinary quality. Extra good quality Kbaki Don { Neglect i Having purchased one thousand pairs of i :
a Io A a nop Latest patterns, includ- | Pants in Government O. EE Ladies’ White Pumps and Oxfords at a 3
regardless of aptitude, intelligence or d Shi ris ing an assortment with D. standard shade Your Boy ¥! el
ability, will soon be ancient history. an 1 s Ih . ” 3 / ue
The trade schools enable the student collars attached, will be $1.48 and $1.98 ie price less than one half the cost of man [Ic
to advance as rapidly as he is capable sold at 98 cents. We are offering a = diactore el
of mastering his trade. In these days Blue, Khaki Mercerized and Sik 2d : LS . fit
of high wages, short hours and ake 48 Cotton Worsted Pants Special lot of Ix oi]
endent” workmen, employers oi labor Stripes ’ , : : : Ue
De giving this subject more and more | and Fancy Stripes at. % to $2 928 In dark, neatly striped iis Ue All of these shoes are worth from $5.00 1
consideration, and are more eager to Get, Your Share patterns. Double and «Security ig : : a0
gather in thorough, efficient and con- 65. 79 and 95¢ List fabric Oc up to $8.00, and the entire lot will be x
rg BG vg zegaiiess o ’ $1 ‘st and $1 95 WashableKnickers Fi i oh is
whether they have serv 0 years Neck h an J 30 put on e at $2. per pair Ts
or twenty-five, so long as they can wear \ Oe . oe
and will “deliver the goods.” : ; i in
No man will argue against experl- Washable and Silks, lat- Dress Pants il | BO w®
ence being essential in making a com- est shades and patterns, Serge, Worsted and is =
petent workman, but some men never matchless values— erge, c ; j re Ue
Sues tiae, wighrelesy of tore 23. 48 and Sess lll Here is Your Chance to Purchase 8
service. ; f= ~ F
What a wonderful field for ye nee : 3 an 69c $2.45 and up E | Ic 0 :
velopment, of our Poure trade school | | All Roms — ‘Khaki and Kool if} pid White Shoes
education is obtainable. Parents . mber Big Sel ection of : Sh : : i
i de Tg High Grade | Spencer Economy Prices * Play Sui Kloth Krash oh at a Big Saving in Price
by iain and progress to : on Underwear, Union : ys y . . Pl :
their town. : = “Ill Work Shirts | Suits, and 2-Piece Ath. | Khaki, blue and hickory | Knickerbockers {ll | & 3
Promote the vocational continuation . : stripes. Nicely trimmed L Oc
schools in your town and in Ye the letic and Balbrigan. Be 0 y me Fl ) aI
street corner loafers will be elimin- redu Hosi and well made. HH Tie
us oud osiery : ss,6oamdoec ll Yeager's Shoe Store gi
There is no Deter Jp hg ot te All kinds and styles for Special Values il : ilk
eeds of our boys an \ I= 1h
one is tested for the trade best adapt- work and dress. at, 9c and 98¢c {@8 THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN [ig
ed to his or Ler piles, No Square A 8
1 in round holes,” if the studen : : : i a Le
pl ogni Ou ole er Taine. Uc Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. [i l
“The continuation school teacher 1s Learn 5 Learn ; Se : Sh
required to spend at least one-third | A : : Se CUE ELELEUELEL ESE on EEE ELELELELELELE IE
of his hours of service in follow-up , : UE RE HS oN UC URES
visites to the pupils’ homes and places : to FW 8 8 . - i to
of employment, says the Eagle, in E ; vid ges : : > — SL oT a : . =
its report. “The follow-up work 1s, ¢ ; Ne ome to tne atchman’ office 10r rig ass JOD WOrkK.
the source of most valuable informa- : conomize °7 3° ; Economize
tion for the teacher, enabling him to! Bush Arcade Building . . « Bellefonte, Pa. p——— ———
visualize the problem of the individual |
and to offer practical assistance in the | 5
way of vocational guidance. — T H BE D E L T O R
“The parents and employers have | — - — ———
y ;
That. Saves you 50c. to $10.00
The natural reaction of the parent to-
ward a sincere and pratical attempt
to render worth-while assistance to
the child is one of appreciation, grat-
itude and friendship. The spirit of
co-operation on the part of the em-
ployers of Pittsfield has been proven
by their unfailing courtesy to directors
and teachers, their kindly interest in
the plans and progress and the read-| |
iness with which they have placed at | |!
our disposal juvelushle nformsgiony |
e conten workman is the one | || :
who is master of his trade. THE UNIVE RSAL CAR
More power to the trade schools.— | ||
Our Paper.
Fez Discarded as Headdress in Turkey S ] ) D A nN
The National Assembly in Angora, | || &
has decided that the fez is no.longer
to be the - National headdress of : the \
Turk. ‘By unanimous vote ‘it* was | 1.
Agreed tat Se “inivare should fo 7
place it, as the uniform covering for 3
the head of all troops, Seials. and $795 f. 0. b. Detroit,
Turkish subjects generally. : Gadi
The principal argument in favor of d ;
this reform, which eliminates one of : - :
the TASH 2 ehoracteristie EM, Diep . 5 3
esque features o e Turkish attire, ;
esque features of the Turlgsh stice, Can you think of any other passenger car that
pve Dever been ghe to Inanufaciure v
ezes that compared in price or qual-
feces S18) somperad Ip prise of S95} offers you so many advantages as the Ford Sedan?
especially in Justia, Whets fhere I . ; - Ls : :
were several large factories whic | on
turned out ) of these articles. t 1S a car for everybody, Every where. The busi-
. The Tkalpaler isan be viatifasiursd 7 d . . . ’
in Turkey, but it can ha con- \ - .
Saeed an mprovement aly Je cope ness man finds it an asset in his business; the
ez. . <i.
1t is made of black cloth or felting,
Tt s made of black cloth or felting farmer has no end of uses for it, and when it is
only flatter and broader, as it does not
. ® ¢
taper. Neither is it really a practical done with business, it does duty for the whole
shown an almost unanimous desire to | F==————" e———————— -
This wonderful new aid to home-sewing tells you, by means
co-operate with the teachers and di- | {!
rectors of the continuation school.
of pictures so simple that you follow them almost by instinct—
p at once—
How to Save soc. to $10.00
on Materials
form of headgear, because they are
warm and afford little protection . .
against rain and none from the glare family.
of the sun. The fez was bright and
lent color to any assembly. Its suc-
cessor is sombre, uninteresting and on Order your Ford car now. Don’t wait until the
the whole rather depressing.
The Deltor gives you a “picture-layout’’ worked out by But-
terick experts, for your own individual pattern, in your exact
size, for every width of suitable material, that saves you any-
where from % to 1% yards of goods.
How to Achieve that Coveted
Parisian Charm
Fourth of July Advice by Washington. rush season comes. Just phone us or drop us
(In his address to the Governors of the
States, June 8, 1783). ard
There are four things which I hum- a Cc
bly conceive are essential to the well
being—I may even venture to say to
the existence—of the United States
as an independent power:
First, an insoluble union of the
States under one federal head. : ; ; :
Secondly, a sacred regard to public ' or :
¥ oy
Stitch by stitch, as your needle flies in and out, basting, then
stitching, just as the Deltor’s pictures show, something more
than a correctly draped frock grows beneath your fingers. All
unconsciously you bave sewn Paris’ own distinction into your
3 How to Finish Like the Cleverist
French Modiste
The Deltor will tell you the French modiste’s own answer to
every perplexing question of finishing or adornment—all those
important little things that make the difference between ‘‘just a
_ dress” and a ‘‘creation from Paris.” :
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.
justice. g
Thirdly, the adoption of a proper
Be oy of. od Bellef
_ Fourthly, the prevalence of that pa- t P
cific and friendly disposition among ) € on € da.
the people of the United States which They
will induce them to forget their local
prejudices and policies, to make those
mutual concessions which are requi-
site to the general prospeity and in