» Deworraly Mata, Bellefonte, Pa., June 24, 1921. ALL ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——The marriage of Joseph Hog- entogler, an employee in the State Highway Department, and Miss Stella A. Daley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Daley, of east Lamb street, Bellefonte, will take place early next week. ——The Y. W. C. A. girls will give The: Circus on Friday evening, July 1st, at 7:30 p. m., on the High school grounds. Admission, 25 cents. Go and see the many world’s wonders which will be shown in Bellefonte for the first time that night. — Two men from Tyrone, one of whom was a Mr. Haven, accidentally drove over the abutments of the bridge at Snow Shoe Intersection on Wednesday evening, upsetting their cdr. Both men were badly cut and bruised but not seriously injured. They were fixed up at the Bellefonte hospital. — If you failed to see that won- | derful motion picture, “Passion” at opera house last night don’t fail to at- tend this evening. At the same time bear in mind the fact that every even- ing’s progam at the Scenic is worth seeing, and if you are a lover of mo- tion pictures you should be a regular attendant. ——Carl Weaver, of the Weaver grocery, this week purchased through the Robert F. Hunter agency the prop- erty on Curtin street owned by Henry A. Reed, until his transfer ten days ago superintendent of the Bellefonte silk mill. The property is located on the south side of Curtin street just east of Spring street. —— Dr. James Caldwell, the dentist who has occupied the offices on Alle- gheny street where the late Dr. J. E. Ward was located, will leave Belle- fonte on or about July first to locate in Lewistown, his home town. Though the doctor has built up a good prac- tice here he always has had a hanker- in’ to be in the place of his birth and this is his main reason for leaving Bellefonte. —— Put Wednesday evening, June 29th, down as the date when you will want to hear Mr. Heckerman, of Bed- ford, tell about Japan and the world’s Sunday school convention held there last October. He will speak in the Reformed church at 8:15 p. m., and illustrate his talk with several hun- dred views that he had made for him ' in Japan. Every one welcome. A sil- ver offering. ——One of the biggest trout pulled out of Spring creek opposite the Bush house this season was caught by Ben- ny Ichkowitz on Saturday morning. It measured nineteen inches and weighed three pounds and Benny was just about the proudest, happiest boy in Bellefonte when he got the big fish safe on dry land, notwithstanding the fact that he broke his rod while land- ing the big fellow. ——C. D. Casebeer has sold his house on Linn street to Harry P. Kel- ley, of Snow Shoe, who has been hunt- ing a home in Bellefonte for some time past. The price paid was $7,500. Possession will be given on or about July 15th, the Casebeers going to the Brockerhoff house and taking the large rooms on the third floor, occu- pied by landlord H. S. Ray and fami- ly during their occupancy of the hotel. ——Work is progressing very sat- isfactorily on the repairing of the Academy building, which was so badly damaged by fire about a month ago. In the rebuilding of the top portion of the building, the attic will be elimi- nated, which will obviate any further danger of fire from that source. Pa- trons of the Academy can feel assur- ed that the building will be fully re- paired and everything in readiness for the opening of the institution in Sep- tember. ——A delightful lawn party was given last Thursday evening by Miss Martha C. Beezer in honor of Miss Ruth E. Beezer, a former Bellefonte girl, now a resident of Philipsburg. The guests present included Misses Marie Smead. Kathryn Morrison, Mar- garet Howard, Nellie Monsell, Esther Hines, Elizabeth Hazel, Ruth C. Beezer, Mary Raymond, Anne Gher- rity, Elizabeth Smead and Betty Gher- rity. The evening proved a most pleasant one for all. Not enough councilmen could be gotten together on Monday even- ing to hold a meeting, but as there was nothing special to atteend to the flack of a quorum did not matter. The Fire and Police committee have not yet reached a decision as to the kind of pumpers it would be wise to purchase, but are carefully considering the mer- its of the various makes. At the present time the LaFrance and’ the White seem to be in the lead, with no certainty of which one will be recom- mended. ——0On Wednesday morning Mrs. James Uzzle, of Snow Shoe, and sev- “eral of her children were in Bellefonte on a shopping expedition, her seven- teen year old son having driven in in their Cadillac car. On the return trip home, while making the detour in the neighborhood of Hancock’s place, the car caught fire and though all the oc- cupants got out without any mishap the top and a good part of the wood- work of the car was destroyed. Mr. Uzzle just recently took the car home from Huntingdon, where it had been thoroughly overhauled at the Vuille agency. What occasioned the fire is a mystery to those in the car at the time, as the first knowledge they had of it was when the flames began to ‘shoot out from under the hood. G. M. MARKS MURDERED. Killed and Robbed in His Home Near Hannah Furnace. George M. Marks, an aged and well known resident of Taylor township, was brutally murdered in his home about a half mile west of Hannah Fur- nace presumably on Tuesday night of last week, although the murder was not discovered until Friday morning. Marks lived alone in a small house, his wife having left him almost twen- ty years ago. The last time he was seen alive by his nearest neighbors was about six o'clock on Tuesday evening when he was seen sitting on his porch. No one seeing him on Wednesday and Thursday naturally caused com- ‘ment and on Friday morning his neigh- bors decided to investigate, as they feared he might be sick and in need of help. Consequently, John Marks, a brother, J. A. Walk, Alfred and Joe Larkins went to the Marks house. They found the doors locked and the blinds all down. A window was forced and entering the small sitting room they saw Mr. Marks lying on the floor with his head and shoulders covered with an overcoat. On removing the ' coat the men were horrified to discov- er that the man had been brutally murdered, and had evidently been ' dead for some time. { Dr. W. R. Heaton, of Philipsburg, ' coroner of Centre county, was prompt- ' ly notified of the crime and a message {was also sent to district attorney { James C. Furst, and the state police of Bellefonte. The latter hurried to the scene of the crime and kept the crowd away until the arrival of the coroner in the afternoon. A jury was tion made of the body. It was found blows with some heavy instrument or a club, one on the upper portion of the back of the head, one on the right temple and one over the right ear, each one causing a fracture of the skull. All indications showed that the crime had been committed in the kitchen and the body dragged into the coat. Robbery was undoubtedly the cause of the murder. At the inquest John ly carried five hundred dollars or more’ in paper money in his pocket. The money was generally wrapped in a piece of paper and tied with a string. The paper and string were found in one of the pockets of the dead man’s . clothing but no money. He also had two pocketbooks and sixteen cents in change was all that was found in ‘ them, although he generally carried ! considerable small change with him. The coroner’s jury returned a ver- ‘dict in effect that the man met his ‘death by being struck on the head “with some blunt instrument in the hands of some unknown person or per- i sons. While Mr. Marks lived alone | he had many friends in that part of | Bald Eagle valley and his brutal mur- der has caused considerable excite- ment among the people in that section. The body was buried on Sunday. So far the state police at work on the case have failed to find a single clue that would lead to the identifi- cation of the murderers. The very fact that robbery was the cause would indicate that the deed had been com- mitted by some one who knew the hab- it of Mr. Marks in carrying such a by the investigation. upward of eighty years old, was a vet- eran of the Civil war, having served four years in Company E, 45th regi- ment, and had a splendid record. In recent years it was his great delight to attend the regimental reunions and meet his old comrades in arms. American Lime & Stone Co. to Mine Limestone. Quite a number of Bellefonte people were considerably startled at half past one o’clock on Sunday morning by hearing some six or eight heavy blasts out at the American Lime and Stone company operations and natur- ally wondered the reason therefore, inasmuch as it is generally known that most of the limestone industries in this section are virtually at a stand- still. But it now develops that the com- pany above named has a force of men, about twenty-five all told, working day and night against the time when there will be a revival in the lime bus- iness, and their activity is being spent in the direction of preparing a slope so as to mine the stone and take it out underground instead of removing it by the old quarrying method. The operation is at the No. 2 mine on the old Alexander farm, where to get at the stone by the quarrying method it would be necessary to remove one hun- dred feet or more of dirt and stone. To obviate this a drift some eight feet high and twenty feet wide will be dug in the hill a distance now estimated at about 380 feet to tap the best portion of the limestone vein. This drift will be on an incline so that the stone can be hauled out by small cars to the top of the incline. There the stone will be dumped into bucket conveyors and hauled over the meadow to feed the kilns at the big hydrating plant. In- asmuch as the men are working on this operation night and day, in three eight hour shifts, blasting may be heard at any time without meaning anything unusual. ——The Ladies’ Aid society of the Methodist church of Bellefonte, will hold a social on the lawn at the pub- lic school building on Bishop street, Saturday night, June 25th. Ice cream, cake and candy will be for sale. : at once empanelled and an examina- ' that Marks had been dealt three hard , living room and covered with the over- Marks testified that his brother usual- large sum of money about with him, but so far nothing has been revealed: Mr. Marks, by the way, who was Kerstetter—Bottorf.—The home of was the scene of a pretty wedding at eleven o'clock on Monday morning when their daughter, Miss Sara Mar- garet Bottorf, was united in marriage to Harold M. Kerstetter, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Kerstetter, of Pleas- ant Gap. Only members of the two church at Boalsburg. The bride was prettily gowned in a ried a bouquet of white rosebuds. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Bottorf, as bridesmaid, who wore a gown of white organdie and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Guy Stearns officiated as best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Kerstetter, a sister of the bridegroom. White, pink and green was the color scheme in the house decorations, ferns and pink roses predominating while the table decorations for the wedding dinner were white and pink roses. Early in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Kerstetter left by automobile for a wedding trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and other points in western New York. Upon their return they will locate at Pleasant Gap, Mr. Ker- stetter being in charge of excavation work at the western penitentiary. Included in the limited number of guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Schaeffer and daughter LaRue, and Mrs. Emeline Hess, of Bellefonte. Two of the guests pres- ent, Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Jacob Bot- torf, are past eighty yearsof age, both being grandmothers of the bride. Reynolds — Quigley. — Captain W. Frederick Reynolds and Miss Mary Shaw Quigley, of Bellefonte, were married in Cumberland, Md., last Fri- day evening, and the first definite knowledge the parents of the two young people had of their marriage was when they received telegrams about eleven o’clock Friday night tell- ing of the happy event. The bride is the youngest daughter of Judge and Mrs. Henry C. Quigley and the bride- groom the eldest son of Col. and Mrs. W. Fred Reynolds. The young people left Bellefonte about one o’clock Friday aftenoon os- tensibly to attend an afternoon dance in Lock Haven but instead motored to Cumberland, Md., where the marriage ceremony was performed. They re- turned home about 7:30 o’clock on Sunday evening and naturally have been busy ever since receiving the con- gratulations of their many friends. The bride was educated in the pub- lic schools of Bellefonte and at Kent Place, New Jersey, but spent the past year at home in Bellefonte. The bridegroom saw service in France dur- ing the world war and is now captain of Troop B, of Bellefonte. He is as- sociated with his father in the man- agement of the Pennsylvania Match company. i Myers—Rosenhoover. — Warren J. Myers and Miss Elizabeth Helen Ro- senhoover were married at the paro- chial residence of St. John’s Catholic church at 7:30 o'clock on Tuesday evening by Rev. Father Downes. Im- mediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Myers went by motor to Cur- tin where they took the train for a wedding trip east. Robert F. Rosenhoover, of Belle- | fonte, a professional nurse and a most attractive young lady. Preceding the ' wedding a pre-nuptial dinner was giv- | en at the Rosenhoover home to the i bridal party and a few invited guests. | The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and : Mrs. William T. Myers, of Chester, and is assistant foreman of a line gang for the Bell Telephone company. Boozer—Emerick.—A happy June wedding took place at the Reformed parsonage in Boalsburg on Tuesday of this week when C. William Boozer and Miss Lena Emerick, both of Cen- tre Hall, were united in marriage by the pastor, Rev. S. C. Stover, the beautiful ring ceremony being used. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Emerick and is a charm- ing and accomplished young woman. The bridegroom is engaged in the electrical wiring business and making a success of it. Following the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. Boozer departed on a wedding trip at the conclusion of which they will locate in Centre Hall. Their many friends join in extending congratulations. Taylor—Gurd.—John Reynolds Tay- lor, of Akron, Ohio, and Miss Verna C. Gurd, of Altoona, were quietly mar- ried at the home of the bride’s par- ents in the Mountain city on Tuesday of last week by Rev. S. S. Carnell, pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church. The bride is a professional nurse and for some time past has been employed in the Glenn sanitorium at State College. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry Tay- lor, of Bellefonte, and is chief elec- trician in the Goodrich Rubber com- pany plant at Akron. The young cou- ple went direct to Akron after the cer- emony and will live at Lakemore, a suburb of Akron. Gregg—Bailey.—Harry C. Gregg, of Brownsville, and Miss Alma Lee Bailey, of Carmichael, Pa.; were mar- ried at the Methodist parsonage on east Linn street on Tuesday evening, June 14th, by the pastor, Rev. Alex- ander Scott. — “Passion,” an amazing picture crammed with human interest. Don’t miss it. Opera house tonight. One show. Orchestra. 25-1t Mr. and Mrs. Hall Bottorf, at Lemont, | families and a few intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony which was performed by Rev. E. F. Brown, former pastor of the Lutheran dress of white Canton crepe, and car- The bride is a daughter of Mr. ' Forty Crippled Children Made Happy : by Assurances of Relief. i Forty crippled children were given ‘a thorough examination and recom- ! mendations for their cure or comfort offered by Dr. George B. Stull, a well , known surgeon of Harrisburg, at the ‘ special clinic held last Saturday under the auspices of the State College Red Cross Chapter, at the Glenn sanitor- ium, State College. Joy was brought to more than one - little tot, who, up to this time, had | suffered needlessly though inability to secure the best of attention, and many parents are thankful that the Red Cross service section headed by Miss Helen K. Shipps, the executive secre- tary, was instrumental in securing the services of Dr. Stull. Operations were recommended def- initely in nine cases. Five of these . will be cared for by Dr. Stull, in Har- risburg, two can be performed at the Bellefonte hospital, and in two cases Dr. Stull recommended that the pa- tients be sent to Dr. Rugh, a bone specialist at the Methodist hospital in Philadelphia. One other spinal case may be accommodated at the North American sanitorium in New Jersey. Arrangements were made for X-ray examinations in two cases, and in one case an X-ray photo was taken imme- diately so that Dr. Stull might be able to give an immediate diagnosis. One boy was referred to a Philadelphia eye specialist and another to a throat specialist. A definite medical follow- up was recommended in nine cases, and placement in training schools in two. In ten out of the forty no treat- ment was recommended. Five cases are corrective with braces only, and measurements were taken by a repre- sentative of a brace manufacturing company in Harrisburg: Fourteen of the children came from the jurisdiction of the Bellefonte Red Cross Chapter, and twenty-six from the State College territory. The fol- low-up care, hospital arrangements and treatment will be under the direc- tion of Miss Shipps and the two Chap- ter nurses. The clinic was observed by seven physicians, including Drs. Locke and Seibert, of Bellefonte, and Dr. Year- ick, of Centre Hall. Dr. Kurtz, of Howard, sent in three cases. Mrs. Jones, the State College nurse, and Miss Royer, the Bellefonte nurse, at- tended the clinic and assisted in pre- paring the children for examination. Mrs. J. Ben Hill, the Chapter chair- man, and Mrs. R. I. Weber, assisted in handling the children. The operating room was used for the clinic and two operating tables kept busy as the surgeon went from | one to the other to make the exam-! inations. Dr. and Mrs. Stull drove up from Harrisburg and stayed over in State College until Sunday morning. The Red Cross feels greatly indebted to Dr. Stull for his generosity in giv- ing his time and service. His atti- tude toward the work is particularly | fine, officials say, and he is apparently well satisfied if he can be instrumental normal condition. It is possible that “another clinic may be planned for the early fall. —Pola Negri, Europe’s most fa- | Brinmeier’s sister, “mous movie actress, in “Passion.” See men fight and die for her. A picture that takes your breath. Opera house this evening. One show only, 8:15. “Qrchestra. 25-1t Women Bathers Robbed. | Mother may I go out to swim, Yes, my darling daughter; ! * IIang your clothes on a hickory limb | But don’t go near the water. {Had Mrs. Charles Martin, of Belle- tol, one evening last week, they wouldn’t have lost their money and jewelry. According to a dispatch from Harrisburg when Mrs. Martin, who was visiting in Harrisburg, and Mrs. Swank prepared for their dip in the Susquehanna they put their cloth- ing, money, jewelry and railroad pass- es in a suitcase and hid the latter in the bushes on the bank of the river. While they were disporting among the little fishes some naughty person stole their money, jewelry and railroad passes. The “villain” must have been a man because he didn’t take the la- dies’ clothes. Many Teachers Enrolled at Penn State Indications are that the enrollment for the twelfth summer session for teachers at The Pennsylvania State College will break all records when registration is held there next Mon- day. The advanced mail registration is the largest ever experienced, and an attendance of over 1500 is expect- ed. Dr. E. R. Smith, director of the summer session, has returned from a year’s absence spent at the University of Illinois, and relieved J. O. Knauss, who has been acting director since the close of the last summer school. A feature of this year will be the unus- ually large attendance of men, partic- ularly from the regular four year col- lege courses. ——Visit Cohen & Co’s store on Saturday, June 25th, where you'll find the following specials offered: La- dies’ white tailored gabardine dress skirt at $1.48; gold band cups and saucers at 23c.; sugar in 100 1b. lots at $7.00; growing girls’ mahogany ox- fords, low heel, size 2% to 7, at $3.98; ladies’ white French voille waists at $2.48; organdie dresses for ladies at $5.00; college girl corsets at $1.29, and men’s Palm Beach suits at $13.95. 25-1t ——See “Passion,” opera house this evening. 25-1t in restoring some of the children to a a day last week at Rockview, guests of Mr. NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. | i ‘ber’s grandmother and mother, Mrs. Bush fonte, and Mrs. Curtis Swank, of Har- | risburg, not gone bathing in the Sus- quehanna river near the state capi- | —Mrs. J. E. Ward spent Tuesday with friends at State College. — Miss Margaret Yeager, of New York | city, is the guest of Miss Helen Buddinger, | of Snow Shoe, who has just completed a | course at Savage College. i —Rev. Dr. Schmidt spent several days the early part of this week in Philadel- phia, attending a committee meeting at the Reformed publication house. —Mrs. T. B. Buddinger has returned home from Washington where she spent: the winter with her daughter Sara, and has opened her home in Snow Shoe for the summer. "—J. 8. McCargar left Wednesday morn- ing to spend the remainder of the week in Pittsburgh, having gone out to attend = director's meeting of the Edward A. Woods agency of the Equitable Life. —Mrs. Thomas King Morris, of Pitts- burgh, and her son, Thomas King Jr., will be in Bellefonte this week, expecting to go directly to Hecla, where they have plan- ned to spend the greater part of the sum- mer. —Miss Sara Shuey, private secretary to Dr. Conner, of Dickinson Seminary, is home for a few week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shuey, expect- ing to remain in Bellefonte until the fifth of July. —Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker and their two older daughters left Tuesday for 2 | motor drive through western Pennsylva- | niu, intending to return today. A stop at Jedford Springs was the only definite plan made when leaving home. —DMr. and Mrs. Richard Lutz and daugh- ter Vivian motored to Clearfield on Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Guy Coll, who recently underwent a serious operation at the Clearfield hospital. Mrs. Coll is now improving as fast as can be expected. —Mrs. James Chambers, of DuBois, with her daughter and son will come to Belle- fonte this week to spend some time in Cen- tre county. During the first part of their visit they will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers, at their home on Cur- tin street. —Mrs. Martin Viehdorfer and her son Ira, of Pine Glenn, were in Bellefonte Tuesday for several hours, stopping here on the drive home from Pleasant Gap. Mrs. Viehdorfer and her son had been week-end guests of Mrs. Viehdorfer's daughter, Mrs. Charles Schreffler. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garber, of College Point, L. I., with two friends of Mr. Gar- ber as their guests, are arranging for a drive to Bellefonte. The party is expect- ed to arrive here on the third of July, to spend several days as guests of Mrs. Gar- and Mrs, Callaway. —Miss Annabelle Krumrine, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Krum- rine, of Philadelphia, arrived in Bellefonte Tuesday and has been a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. James Craig. While visiting in Centre county, Miss Krumrine will spend her time with friends in Bellefonte and with relatives at State College. —Mrs. Louis Carpeneto and her family, who have been at Mrs. Carpeneto's home in Italy for more than a year, will sail from Genoa the first of July for the States. Upon landing in New York they will visit with relatives for a week or ten days be- fore coming on to Bellefonte; their home coming being planned for the middle of August. ! —Miss Mary Cooney, Miss Kate Shaugh- nessy and Miss Agnes Shields visited for and Mrs. H. W. Brinmeier. Mr. and Mrs. 3rinmeier and their small child went to Pittsburgh Tuesday to attend the wedding of a niece, Mr. Brinmeier expecting to re- turn home this week, while his wife and child will go to DuBois to visit with Mrs. Mrs. Sullivan, before returning to Rockview. —Hugh M. Quigley, son of Judge and Mrs. Henry C. Quigley, returned home last Friday evening after spending a year and some months in South America, assisting in the development of a new oil field. He is looking fine but bronzed with his year’s outdoor life. However, he is not exactly stuck on the job he had in that southern country, as it is too far away from ecivil- ization. This week he is attending com- mencement at Williamstown College, Mas- sachusetts. —Mr .and Mrs. John Fasnacht, of Can- ton, Ohio, and their daughter Martha, were visitors the early part of the week of Mrs. Fasnacht’s brother, W. C. Cassidy, and Mrs. Cassidy, at their home on Bishop street, Mr. and Mrs. Fasnacht had driven to Washington, D. C., to meet their daugh- ter, who was returning north from St. Au- gustine, Florida, where she had been at school during the winter. Mrs. Fasnacht had been with Miss Martha, but returned north in the spring. —County Treasurer L. Frank Mayes re- turned home on Saturday from DesMoines, Iowa, where he attended the annual Shrin- er's conclave. Of course so far west he never thought of meeting any one from Bellefonte, so when he went to register as a delegate was considerably surprised to see behind the desk in charge of the registration Miss Sara Longwell, who spent most of her life here and went west less than a year ago. Of course she was very glad to see some one from Bellefonte who could tell her about her many friends here. —The Misses Daise and Anne Keichline spent last week in the western part of the State, leaving here Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galbraith as driving guests. The party stopped for a visit with Miss Elizabeth Galbraith at Cresson. Her par- ents remained there, while the Misses Keichline went on to McKeesport, where Miss Anne visited with Mr. and Mrs. Low- ery and their family. Miss Daise’s time was given to the Runkle family at Youngs- town, Ohio, going back to McKeesport to join her sister and brother Edward, for the drive home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gal- braith returned to Bellefonte by train. —Mrs. G. G. Pond and her son Gilbert left State College early Saturday morning on the drive to Mrs. Pond’s new home at New Haven, Conn., where she has planned to live with her daughter, Miss Milicent Pond; the trip being made through New York State, that they might visit with the vounger married daughter, Clara. Mrs. Pond’s leaving State College is greatly re- gretted, as ever since going there a bride some twenty-five years ago, she has been identified with and was a factor in every forward movement in the college life. Her great interest in the local Chapter of the D. A. R.,, of which she was the retiring regent, gave her recognition in both state and national work. In appreciation of her service to the Chapter, its regent, Miss Overton, and the officers met at Mrs. Pond’s home last Wednesday, and present- ed her with a rétiring regent’s pin. - a, —Miss Marie Doll and Miss Stella Cooney will go to Atlantic City today, intending to spend their two week's vacation at the Shore. —H. J. Thompson went down to Phila- delphia Sunday, for a slight operation on his nose. Mr. Thompson is expected to be i away from Bellefonte for ten days. —Mr. and Mrs. William Chambers drove to Cresson Sunday, to spend the day with Mr. Chambers’ nephew, E. Isaac Chambers, who is a patient at the sanitorium there. —Miss Verna Fogleman, cashier at the Senate hotel, Freeport, Ill, is spending her vacation with her sisters in Bellefonte and Mingoville, and at her former home at Le- mont. —Mrs. A. J. Steinman, of Lancaster, and her daughter, Elizabeth Duncan Steinman, have been visiting in Bellefonte this week, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray An- drews. —~Stella and Grace Cohen, the two older daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohen, went to Williamsport Tuesday to spend two weeks of their summer vacation with relatives. —T. 8S. Strawn, with Mrs. Strawn and their daughter Ellen, motored in from Pittsburgh on Sunday, and were guests at the Brockerhoff house until Wednesday morning. —Mrs. Gail Chaney, of Pittsburgh, has planned to spend the greater part of July in Bellefonte with her mother, Dr. Edith Schad. Mr. Chaney will join her here for the week-ends. —As has been her custom for a number of years, Mrs. Wilson Gardner is spend- ing the summer at her country home at Pennsylvania Furnace. Mrs. Gardner went there from Altoona last week. —TUpon receiving word of the serious ill- ness of Robert Morris at St. Petersburg, his father and sister, Hon. A. G. Morris and Miss Lida, drove to Lewistown early Wednesday morning. leaving at once from there for Florida. —Mr. and Mrs. George F. Reiter will re- turn to Bellefonte this week to make prep- arations for leaving for the summer. Mrs. Reiter will go to her former home at Loys- burg, while Mr. Reiter will travel in the interest of the Academy. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster returned to Philadelphia Wednesday after a five day’s visit in Bellefonte with Mrs. Foster's sister, Mrs. Cheney Hicklen, and her niece, Mrs. Ivan Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Foster were guests at the Brockerhoff house while here. . —Miss Overton and Miss Greist, of Un- ionville, were in Lemont Wednesday after- noon for a meeting of the hosts of the county convention of clubs which will be held at Lemont in the fall. All the pre- liminaries of the convention were under cussion at this meeting. —Returning from their trip to New Cas- tle Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Johnston left their daughters, Martha and Catherine, to extend their visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Stitzinger until about the mid- dle of July when the Stitzingers have plan- ned to motor to Bellefonte for their annual summer visit. - —John Herman, of Philadelphia, who, with Mrs. Herman is home on a two week's vacation, spent Wednesday with friends in Bellefonte. Mr. and Mrs. Herman are di- viding their time between Mr. Herman's family at Pleasant Gap, and Mrs. Her- man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, and her sisters, Mrs. Gehret and Mrs. Love, of Bellefonte. —Mr. and Mrs. John 8S. Walker returned home Wednesday from Chester county, where they had been for the funeral of Mr. Walker's sister-in-law, Mrs. William Walker, who was killed Sunday on a rail- road crossing, after leaping from her hus- band’s car. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker had gone east in their car last week on a business trip. —Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baum, of Rock- port, Ind., and Harry Baum, one of the leading merchants of Sunbury, are visit- ing with the Baum families here and at State College. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baum announced that they were on their second wedding trip and had come here from Ni- agara I'alls. Cleveland, Columbus and other cities of the east are included in their itinerary. —Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Coolidge, of Los Angeles, Cal., arrived in Bellefonte Monday. for a month's visit in Pennsylvania. Mrs. Coolidge’s sister, Mrs. Stewart Pearce, of Conneaut, Ohio, has joined her here for the visit with their sisters, Mrs. L. A. Schaeffer and Mrs. Sylvester Ray, and their brothers, A. Linn and John McGinley. Mrs. Pearce will then return to Conneaut while Dr. and Mrs. Coolidge will visit at their former home in Scranton and in eastern Pennsylvania. —N. D. Hubbell, assistant professor in The Pennsylvania State College extension work in industrial education, whose home is on Bishop street, this place, left Wed- nesday afternoon for Rochester, N. X., where he expects to do post-graduate work at the University of Rochester, his alma ma- ter. Mr. Hubbell is associated with the school of mines at State, where he has been in charge of the teachers training in mining and metallurgy. Mrs. Hubbell will join Mr. Hubbell the first of July for a visit, Rochester being the former home of both. —Adam Swartz, of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fortney, hav- ing come east a week ago to visit until the middle of August with relatives in Centre county. Mr. Swartz, who is a retired rail- road man, is a native of Benner township, leaving there to go west a number of years ago, his first visit back being made within the past five years. Although in his ear- ly eighties, he retains much of the vigor of youth, which enables him to divide his time between his daughters in California, his home in Missouri and his relatives in Pennsylvania. —John Dimeling, of Spokane, Washing- ton; Lawshe Baird, of Philipsburg, and Mr. Bloom, of Clearfield, were in Bellefonte a short while yesterday morning on their way back to Clearfield, after a trip to Williamsport to ‘consult with some busi- ness associates there. Mr. Dimeling left Clearfield about a year ago and has been living in Spokane ever since, so as to be in closer touch with his extensive lumber interests in that section. He came east be- cause of the critical condition of his broth- er, Senator George Dimeling, whose illness we mentioned two weeks ago. Happily the Senator is much improved though not near- ly so well yet as his friends would like him to be. John has spread out consider- ably since going west. Almost he looked like he could make a good try at filling Lawshe Baird’s clothes and anybody who knows Lawshe will realize that John must be thriving in the salubrious climate of the Pacific slope. (Continued on page 4, column 5).