Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 24, 1921, Image 1
STATE ET Re is © .=That sale is’ not an honest one _ that does not benefit both the andthe seller.’ ©. —If you are looking for a side-line _ add ice cream. That seems to be the popular thing to do now-a-days. —Many farmers in Centre county started making hay this week and what splendid weather they have had for it thus far. _If a beautiful day really is the smile of the Great Spirit' we have been favored more than we deserve thus far in June. — Among the great new oil fields in Colombia, Mexico, Mesopotamia, and the Caucasus are we soon to see the Bald Eagle valley listed? — We are wondering whether there is water in the Logan steamer or whether the churn valve on the Un- dine’s Silsby has been fixed. ___The Republican Congress hav- ing blundered in regulating immigra- tion it would be in order to offer a re- ward for a way out of the trouble. —The longest day of the year has passed and we're headed towards fall. If you expect to use bituminous coal next winter buy it now. It will never be cheaper: It seems to us that Washington would do well to drive the “rubber- neck” wagons off S. street before they drive former President Wilson out of Washington. —No matter whether you have grown hopeless of ever reaching your goal; keep marching toward it. Am- bition only partially gratified is some solace, at least. __These are times when a lot of fel- lows would be far happier and more in funds if they were to emulate Josh Billings, who said he “tried to do too much and did it.” _In the light of the tragedy at Hannah a good way to save yourself from being murdered is to keep your money in the banks. If some one must be murdered all on account of a little mazuma let the bankers substi- tute for you. — President Harding promised us “less government in business” and ever since Congress has been in ses- sion, now more than one hundred days, it has done absolutely nothing but devise ways and means for poking the public nose into private affairs. —In other words the Republican state organization has made the Re- publican women of the State, non- resident members of their party. They may hold honorary offices in the or- ganization, but waive their right to anything more than ornamental ad- juncts with votes for the men to dis- pose of. —If a lady or gentleman in Belle- fonte is in mental distress as to whom they borrowed that black-handled silk umbrella from that is standing in the corner of the hall we beg to announce that we loaned ours to some one and are just as much befuddled as to who it was that we helped out as they must be as to who helped them out. —For eight months we had the pis- catorial itch and we have just discov- ered that only thirty-eight days re- main during which we can legally scratch it. After all, we believe, there was more joy in anticipation than there has been in realization, for al- ways we visioned the streams lined with boot-legging friends who haven't yet materialized. —A medium who has invoked the occult power of her five controls an- nounces that Carpentier will knock Dempsey out in seven seconds. If only it were to be so there would not be general regret, but from conditions and reputation we fear that if star gazing has anything to do with the big fight on the Fourth Carpentier will be seeing them all then. — Should Samuel Gompers lose his position as president of the American Federation of Labor the public will be more directly affected than it imag- ines. Mr. Gompers has been as con- servative as the exigencies of his po- sition have permitted and with his re- straining influence in the discard the radicals in labor will have freer rein and drift further toward Bolshe- vism. —Gen. Charles G. Dawes, Chicago banker, soldier and plain speaker, has been appointed the first director of the budget for the United States. Gen- eral Dawes has the ability and the will to make a budget of expenditures for the various Departments of our gov- ernment but we fear it will take more {han “hell’n Maria” to make their heads believe that he knows more than they what it ought to cost to run them properly. — President Thomas, of The Penn- sylvania State College, is insisting that the farmers of Pennsylvania use the facilities of the College wherever and whenever they may prove help- ful to progress in agriculture. Dr. Thomas wants it understood that the College and its interests belong to the people of the State and what he found opportunity to urge on the farmers goes for every other vocation that the college research work equips it to ad- vise on. This is the real way to get to the people. Generally speaking State has always functioned for the service of Pennsylvanians, but most people are under the impression that that service is limited to the education of their sons and daughters.’ They do not know that the College might and should be regarded as a great refer- ence library or laboratory where al- most every problem in agriculture, engineering, mining and mechanics can be solved. : buyer | son.” STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. NO. 25. VOL. 66. Pennsylvania, “the women, heaven bless them,” were handed a lovely gold brick at the meeting of the Re- publican State committee in Philadei- phia, on Saturday last. The ostensi- ble purpose of the meeting was to give the women voters equal rights and privileges with the men in the party organization. In assuming his seat as temporary chairman of the meeting Governor Sproul modified the program by stating it was to give the women “adequate recognition in the affairs of the committee.” It may be | inferred, therefore, that the women | will be permitted to vote the ticket as it is named by the Republican ma- chine. That is as far as the average Republican voter gets. | The rule which is intended to give the women ‘adequate recognition,” provides that “the chairman, secretary | and treasurer of the Republican State ' committee shall be of the male sex ‘and the vice chairman and assistant | secretary .shall be of the female sex.” This is a fine arrangement. It gives Senator Crow and W. Harry Baker perpetual tenure in control of the par- ‘ty organization and flatters the vani- ty of Mrs. Barclay Warburton, of | Philadelphia, who was elected vice chairman, and Mrs. Thomas Robins, of | Pittsburgh, chosen as assistant secre- tary. But the right of succession in | the event of the death or resignation | of the chairman or secretary is not | conveyed to the ladies. That would | be more than adequate recognition in | view of the fact that Chairman Crow i is sick and may die. | All in all the proceedings of the | committee were about as complete a batch of buncombe as has been offered to the public in recent years. As a specimen of platitudinous, balderdash Governor Sproul said “our action to- day will attract the attention of other States, and Pennsylvania, the bulwark of Republicanism, will’ be known as one of the first States to give women the right to participate in political affairs.” As a matter of fact, and through the work of the Republican machine, Pennsylvania was among the last to yield to the just and reasona- ble demand of women to the right of franchise and no women, except these who want to be fooled and flattered, are deceived by the present false pre- tenses. Mr. Schwab thinks the existing industrial depression is a good thing for the people. But the man without means to buy his next breakfast is not likely to see the subject from the same angle. Source of the Seven Millions. The source of the Harding majority is becoming as great a mystery as that perplexing problem of an earlier generation, “who struck Billy Patter- Soon after the election Sylves- ter Veireck, of New York, under the absurd delusion that his head contain- ed one of the “best minds,” visited Marion and assured the President- elect that he had influenced some six million German-American voters who had previously been Democrats and thus created that seven million major- ity. Ambassador George Harvey, in a speech before the Pilgrim club of London, subsequently declared that the League of Nations had turned the trick and still later Congressman Fordney, of Michigan, protested ve- hemently that the farmer vote fixed it. Of course each of these protago- nists had a selfish purpose to subserve in laying his claims in the matter. Veirick wanted favors for his father- land and probably laid the foundation for the separate peace resolution still pending in Congress. Harvey was in- fluenced entirely by personal vanity. He was the real inventor of the policy to kill the peace treaty and having been rewarded by appointment to the leading Ambassadorial seat, hoped to justify the partiality by claiming re- sponsibility for the seven million ma- jority. Fordney wanted to pass the emergency tariff bill so as to give the DuPont family a strangle hold on the throats of the people through a monopoly on dye stuffs. Now another claim has been set up. It is that the wool growers of the country, determined to secure a res- toration of schedule K, of the Payne- Aldrich tariff bill, made the home run that produced the vast majority. The emergency tariff legislation having failed to benefit the farmers they pounced down on Fordney and drove him to the last expedient, the wool tariff. The wool tariff at the rate of Schedule K in the Payne bill would cost the people more than a billion dollars a year. Former President Taft denounced it as the crowning in- iquity of the age. But it now claims to be the cause of the seven million majority and that entitles it to the right of way at all times. ~——Harding and Hughes seem to differ from Harvey on the question of why we entered the world war, but Harvey is the mouthpiece on the other side of the sea. The newly enfranchised voters of | Fooling and Flattering Women. | Question of a Constitutional Conven- tion. The esteemed Philadelphia Record, usually right on fundamental ques- tions, but very, very bad, when wrong, pretends to see no objection to the assembling of a convention to frame a new constitution under the recent Act of Assembly. The people may not be in a proper frame of mind to consider such an important matter at this time, our esteemed contem- porary admits, “but when have they been in a better frame of mind, so far as that matter is concerned ?” it asks. This question may be answered brief- ly. Any old time within the period since the State was founded. Never before has the Legislature surrender- ed to a partisan machine the right to choose the members of a constitution- al convention. Under the Act of Assembly provid- ing for a constitutional convention Governor Sproul is authorized to ap- point nearly one-third of the member- ship. In the nature of things that gives him a controlling power over the body. The political machine over which he exercises almost absolute control may be depended upon to elect one-third of the delegates or more. If he names another third he will exer- cise in combination with the machine a power to control the action of the convention on every conceivable sub- ject. No other Governor of this or any other State has had such power. No other Governor of this or any oth- er State has ever asked for such pow- er and in the absence of sinister rea- sons we can’t imagine why any Gov- ernor would want such power. The old constitution has been bat- tered frequently and patched freely, though not always wisely. But it is a tolerably good charter yet and cer- tainly safe enough for a while longer. The public mind is certainly not in a frame for the consideration of per- manent subjects now. The last Leg- islature acted more like a pack of wild men than the representatives of a ra- No other Legislature tional people. has ever given public officials authori- ty to name as many officials as they wanted and the right to fix their sal- aries at any figure. No other Legis- lature has ever done half as many foolish things as that of this year and. there is menace in a constitutional convention created by it. — It will be difficult to untangle the immigration mess into which the Republican Congress has gotten the country. In fact that party seems in- capable of anything except making messes. Prohibition Lobby Rebuked. Our friends of the prohibition lobby in Washington are not dwelling to- gether in that harmony which ought to abide among the truly good. Pos- ibly they have had their own way too much during the past several years and have grown arrogant as well as overbearing in their attitude toward the Congress, the public and each other. Mr. Volstead and Mr. Wayne B. Wheeler have lately undertaken to dominate the legislative program in a way that suggests more pretense than piety in their activities. It is not sur- prising, therefore, that signs of dis- content are beginning to reveal them- selves and that some of those who have borne the burden of the prohibi- tion battle should enter protests. This is precisely what has happened. A few days ago Mr. Dinwiddie, who had been on the firing line for many years and forced amendment to the constitution, was the first to speak the word of admo- nition. The other day Representative Pou, of North Carolina, another vet- eran in the cause, sounded a protest and upon the same occasion Represen- tative Campbell sharply rebuked Mr. Wheeler for his pernicious activity, not in behalf of prohibition, but in a purpose to coerce Congress to obey his orders. “I wish to say that I do not take kindly to criticism of this sort from men who have been making a business out of prohibition,” said Mr. Campbell. “I have no fear of such threats, coming as they do from men who are paid to lobby before Congress on the prohibition question.” It may safely be said that a large majority of the people of this country are earnestly in favor of temperance in all things. It might even be said that a considerable majority favor prohibition and that there is vastly more objection to the methods of the prohibition activities than to prohi- bition. But when paid lobbyists for prohibition or anything else use threats against those who disagree with their methods they become a menace to public interests. The pro- hibitionists have used more money and pursued more objectionable meth- ods in politics within the last few years than either or all of the other | parties, and it is time they should be called to account. - ——The Senate may consent to lim- iting the army to’ 150,000 if it is found impossible to get money ‘to pay more. the prohibition: BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 24, 1921. Pinchot Protests Timber Tariff. Mr. Gifford Pinchot, Commissioner of Forestry, has thrown a shock into his party leaders by issuing a protest against the proposition to levy a heavy tariff tax on lumber. “A tariff on lumber would simply increase the cost of the necessary wood to every wood user and home builder in the State,” Mr. Pinchot has declared in a letter to Pennsylvania Congressmen, whom he asks to vote against the measure. Of course it will and that is precisely what it is for. The in- crease will be precisely the amount of the tariff tax and the difference will go, not into the public treasury, but into the pockets of the lumber barons. It is gratifying to see Republicans awakening to the actual effect of tar- iff taxation. It never contributed ma- terially to the revenues of the coun- try. But it always increased the price of the commodity taxed and multiplied the profits of the producers while it impoverished the consumers. Mr. Pinchot never protested before though there were greater tariff abuses than that contemplated in the timber tax. That tax pinches him directly, how- ever, and he squeals. If the Fordney measure is passed it will have others squealing before long. Only the prof- iteers look with favor on such a sys- tem of taxation. The tax on timber will increase the price of lumber to the home-builders. The tax on wool increases the price of clothing to the home-maintainer and the tax on leather and hides increases , were five dollars for firsts and $2.50 "the price of shoes to the head of "the family. Now what is the difference? | One tax of this sort is as burdensome “as another and all together make pov- ' erty inevitable. But the Republican party is pledged to tariff legislation and it never fails to keep pledges to the producers of slush funds. The corporations paid for the legislation in advanee during the last campaign ' and they will get it, Gifford Pinchot to the contrary, notwithstanding. — Twenty foreigners were grant- ed citizenship papers in naturalization court on Monday. A few were held over because of while one, a German, was continued * for ok} year because of the fact that when’ called in the selective draft dur- ing the world war he took advantage - of the enemy alien act to evade mili- . . | tary service. This fact, of course, was not stated in his papers but examiner James J. Lynch had found it out in some way and asked the man if it were not true that he had asked for a discharge under the enemy alien act after he had been sent to Camp Meade. He admitted the fact and when asked by the court why he had ' done so stated that he was willing to fight for the United States any time but was not willing at that time to fight for France and England, as he | thought they were as much to blame for the war as Germany. Under the circumstances the court continued his case for a year. ants for the Bellefonte postmastership to file their examination papers with the Civil Service Commission at Wash- ington, which would indicate that the appointment of postmaster Gherrity’s successor may be made in the near fu- ture. Just at this time it would be in- teresting to know just who sent in ex- amination papers, but unfortunately the “Watchman” is not in a position | to give the names for the one and only reason that they are not in our pos- session. But one thing we can tell and that is that the number of would- be postmasters must be pretty large as every examination form sent here was called for and probably filled out and sent in. But examination or no examination, the plum will likely go to the man Congressman Jones rec- ommends and that man will likely be the one endorsed by the local Republi- can organization, whoever he may be. ——A few evenings ago the trout’ specialist attached to the “Watchman” staff was attracted by the persistent jumping of two of the big trout in Spring creek, right opposite this office. The natural conclusion at first was that they were feeding but the per- sistent regularity and rythm of their jumping soon dispelled the above con- clusion. The two trout came up head first with kind of a see-saw movement ' and so close together they almost looked like one fish. While watching the trout the specialist sub-consciously heard the strains of music and then noticed that the movements of the trout were timed to the music and the only conclusion that could be reached was that it was a gay old buck and a giddy doe shimmying to a lively jazz tune being reeled off on the player- piano in the Bon Mot store. ———One of the Washington corres- pondents states that Republican Sen- ators are becoming weary of Senator Newberry. He is no longer needed to maintain control of the Senate and as he can do no good in any other way, there-is no use in standing for his in- iquities. incomplete papers — Today is the last day for aspir- Conservationists Hold Annual Meet : in Bellefonte. The threatening weather of last Friday morning undoubtedly interfer- ed with the attendance at the first an- nual meeting of the Centre County Conservation Association, and the re- ; sult was a smaller crowd than the of- ficials of the organization anticipated. . Then again, the chairmen of the var- ious conservation districts who had charge of the rifle teams for the shoot, “and the fly and bait casting teams failed to make advance reports of any entries and for a while it looked as if there would be no contests. But along about ten o’clock four rifle teams re- ported and a few entries in the fly and bait casting contests. These contests were pulled off on Hughes field and al- though the crowd of spectators was , not overly large the various events , were close enough to make the con- . tests quite exciting. , In the high powered rifle contest : Millheim scored first with 106 points; ' Bellefonte second with 103; Howard , third with 94, and State College fourth with 90. The best individual . scores were made by J. C. Musser, of _Millheim, 48, and F. M. Pletcher, of Howard, 44. In the low powered rifle contes : Millheim scored 157, State College 150, | Bellefonte 108, and Howard 53. The best individual scores were made by | Calvin Kline, of State College, with | 61, and R. S. Stover, of Millheim, with | 57. The prizes in the shooting contest i for seconds. i The only contestants in the fly cast- ing contest were John B. Payne, of | Bellefonte ; Dean R. L. Watts and !'son, Gilbert Watts, of State Col- ‘lege, the latter winning with a 99 per cent. average while the dean had 98.2 per cent. While both the dean.and his son made casts of 53 feet the average of the dean in five casts was but 50 feet while the average made by Gil- bert was 51.1 feet. !" Guy Corman, awarded the prize for the largest brook trout caught last Thursday, the “length being 16 inches. The Boy Scout troop, of State Col- lege, had the only extensive exhibit of bird houses, wild flowers, mounted ui- "sects, etc., though Miss Anna Valen- ‘ tine, of Spring twonship, had on ex- "hibition a number of wren houses made out of cocoanut shells. The "awards in these exhibits were made "as follows: Bird House—1st, Guy Kerstetter; 2nd, James Thompson. Wild Flowers—1st, Robert Fletch- cr; 2nd, Sherwood Hollobaugh. Tree Leaves—I1st, Robert Fletcher; 2nd, not awarded. Mounted Insects—Arthur Hodgkiss. Essay on Conservation—Paul Van- Sant. . All the above are members of Boy Scout troop No. 2, of State College. About one hundred people attended the meeting held in the court house at 12:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Ralph | Smith, of Sandy Ridge, president of the Association, presided and the ad- dress of welcome was delivered by burgess. W. Harrison Walker. The first speaker of the afternoon. was | Hon. Seth Gordon, secretary of the State Game Commission, who speke on the need of conservation of game and wild life and also gave an expla- nation of the game laws as revised by the last Legislature. ; Other speakers were dean Watts, . who was one of the founders of the | Centre county association; Grant Hoover, of Wil.iamsport; T.2Roy Mar- tin, of the State Forestry Department, | and Col. W. Fred Reynolds. On motion of Dean R. L. Watts it “was voted that a committee of three | be appointed to confer with commit- ' tees from Huntingdon and Lycoming | counties as to the advisability of or- .| ganizing a state association and to de- “velop plans for the same. The chair ' appointed Dean Watts as chairman of the committee and George R. Meek | | another member, the third man to be appointed after further consideration. It was decided to hold the next an- nual meeting at Boalsburg. It was also announced that a State College conservation meeting is being plan- ned to be held some time during the month of September. Committees for that district will be elected at that time. —— The late Tim Campbell thought the constitution might be dispensed with among friends but Harding ap- pears to imagine that it is equally un- important in dealing with enemies. — Ninety-four degrees in the shade was the record for Tuesday, and Tuesday night was the first hot night ‘we have had this summer. Fala ny | ——There is no legal reason why Harding should not use the Wilson policies, but self-respecting newspa- pers always give credit. ——— A —————— — The separate peace resolution is probably intended to encourage Ger- many in the belief that she won the | war. ‘| struck by Ag Friday —An involuntary petitio} t 2 Wl Fiat of Millheim was ! —DMrs. Joseph Rager, of was filed in the United S Pittsburgh last Friday against Albright, banker. and sbreker ; Pa. Creditors who filed th more than $500,000. ~~ % —So many cows and. horses al loose at night in ‘Houtzdale, county, that the local paper of suggets that a curfew for.such an arranged, or that the might wateh instructed to corral all stray animals. The number of stray animals is so great, the Houtzdale Citizen says, 0 hideous.” — Injuries received when he was struck by a falling tree limb. caused the death Saturday afternoon of William Trivelpiece, aged 50 years, of Berwick. He was walk- ing through the woods when the accident another which woodsmen had felled an lodged in another tree, falling when a walked by. —Mrs. Margaret Fearnside, of West man juror. In deliberation of a case, the jury stood 11 to 1. his coat off and said he would stay a week unless the eleven decided his way. Mrs. Fearnside quickly replied, “Well, I'll stay two weeks.” It was enough. He wilted and went over to the majority. —An hour after Mrs. Elwood Coleman, of Orangeville, Columbia county, had death proving fatal to her. Mrs. Coleman morning last week, and when she failed to respond, investigated and found her body. hour. home in White Deer, four miles north of Milton. Forty years ago Elliott's wife died and he left home and a 5-year-old daughter. Few people in the village re- membered him, but he learned that his daughter, now Mrs. O. B. Whipple, is liv- union took place last Thursday. —William Smith, a McKeesport newsboy, was almost burned to death Saturday evening by a live wire. Little hope is held for his er A broken electric light wire had fallen upon a mail box. Young and he drew back. The movement resulted in the end of the wire coiling about his neck. As he fought to escape, his clothing { was burned off and his hands, arms, face and neck were horribly seared. Lewistown hospital, his left foot amputat- ed just above the ankle as the result of a cows in a field close to the tracks of the Sunbury and Lewistown railroad, a mile east of Lewistown, when he became drowsy and, climbing to the railroad tracks, lay | down between the rails and fell asleep. He | was taken from under the third car of a | stone train. © ___Séate Superintendent of Public Tostrue- i tion Finegan, calls the attention of super- | intendents of schools, High schools and Normal schools to the United States citi- zens’ military training camps for boys over 16 years of age, the government paying expenses of food and transportation while the youth receives the benefits of nourish- | ing food, outdoor life, active physical ex-: ercise and training in discipline, education and citizenship. Pennsylvania boys will go to Camp Meade, Md. __At the recent public sale of milking Shorthorns at Troy, Pa., $40,900 was real- ized for twenty-eight head. Minnie, of Glenside, from the L. D. May herd, brought the highest price ever paid for a $4000. Two others went to Canadian buy- ers at $2000 and $1000, respectively. From the May farm at Granville Center thirteen i head brought $14,280, or $1098.50 each. | Cleveland Brothers, of Mansfield, sold two ‘cows and a calf for $1475. i i { —Thirty tons of ice were completely de- | stroyed Saturday night in a $10,000 fire at Mount Holly Springs, near Carlisle, which for a time threatened to destroy the little Noel Cunningham. The fire started when a gasoline tank in a frame building was. ignited by a lantern, being used to fill the tank of an automobile. Mrs. Cunningham, who was seated in the machine when the an hour and twenty-five minutes, Mount Holly firemen with antiquated apparatus, managed to get the flames under control. Bakers are required to w-ap all bread before sending it out to the consumer, in a tentative ruling adopted by the industrial board at Harrisburg last Thursday. The action was taken as the result of a petition to the board complaining that unwrapped bread is exposed to too much handling be- fore it reaches the dinner table. The rul- ing will be submitted to a committee of pakers who assisted the industrial board in drafting the bakers’ code. A request for indorsement of the ruling .was met with protest by bakers in convention at | Scranton, although it was stated many baking firms are in favor of the regulation. The First Reformed church of Sun- bury was bequeathed $2000 and the Mary M. Packer hospital $1000 under the will of William W. Fisher, president of the Sun- bury Business Men’s association, who died in that place two weeks ago. Miss Flora Stroh, of Sunbury, was given $10,000 and a $50,000 building together with his house- hold furniture, automobile and $3500 worth of bank stock. Miss Elizabeth Fisher, aged 19, of Watsontown, a niece, is given $10,000, while the rest of his $100,000 estate goes to relatives, except that employees of his jewelry store will get $500 each, Mr. Fisher was a bachelor and had no direct heirs. —1In civil court at Ebensburg, a jury the other day returned a verdict of $10,300 against Joseph Allon, who is now in the western penitentiary serving a nine-year term for second-degree murder, the victim having been the husband of Mrs. Angeline Tramaglia, the plaintiff in this case. Six years ago, Allon, at that time a resident of the Prospect Hill section, Johnstown, was convicted of having stabbed Tramaglia to death, and at the present time he is work- ing out that sentence, but in view of the fact that Allon is possessed. of considera- ble money, the widow of the dead man sued him for damages, and the jury awarded her the sum above mentioned. leged that Albright's debts amounted to. be be “they Tore | occurred., The tree limb had broken from £ The lone man threw Smith’s shoulder was touched by the wire, —Floyd Kefford, 11 years old, is at the village. The ice was stored in the plant of: explosion occurred, was uninjured, After’ 4 x WEE tty A slight breeze shook it just as Trivelpiece Conshohocken, serving as a juror ‘in crim-31 inal court, at Norristown, outgeneraled ‘a’ wo found her sister, Mrs. Stephen Jumper, of / Wilkes-Barre, dead in bed, Mrs. Coleman was also dead, the shock of her sister's; H went to call her sister for breakfast ome Doctors said she had been dead about am — Disappearing forty years ago, and for : many years believed dead by his family, ' Charles Elliott has returned to his old ing in Watsontown, where an unusual re- locomotive and two steel coal hoppers pass- {ing over him. Young Kefford was herding female of the breed in Bradford county, °