Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1921, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., June 10, 1921.
— Look for the circus. It is com-
ing soon.
— All of our home-made candies
this week 25¢. a Ib.—Sourbeck’s 23-1t
— The Young Woman’s Mission-
ary society of the Presbyterian church
will hold a festival on the chapel lawn
on Thursday evening, June 16th.
Everybody invited.
——The Jodon family reunion will
be held on Thursday, June 16th, at
Crystal Spring, in Pennsvalley. This
will be the second annual reunion of
this family and will be a basket pic-
— The Fifth regiment association
Spanish-American war veterans held
their fourteenth annual reunion in Al-
toona last Saturday, and among the
speakers was Col. H. S. Taylor, of
——A little daughter, their first
born, arrived in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank A. Homan, of Ferguson
township, last Friday. Both mother
and babe are doing splendidly, and the
young father is as proud as a pea-
— The Peters family fourth an-
nual reunion will be held in Kohlbeck-
er’s grove at Milesburg on Saturday
June 18th. All members and friends
of the family are invited to join in
this outing which will be in the shape
of a basket picnic.
— The Business Men’s association
of Beilefonte will hold its annual pic-
nic on Thursday, August 18th, at Hec-
la park. The concession privileges
this year will be handled by Harry
Ruhl and any one desiring any stands
or privileges on the grounds should
apply to him.
— The Hazel and Schaffer reunion
will be hel in Detrick’s grove at Mad-
isonburg, on the 23d of June. All rel-
atives and friends, and the public in
general, are invited to attend. The
Odd Fellows band of Bellefonte, will
furnish the music for the day. It will
be a basket picnic.
—Twenty-three Y. W. girls jour-
neyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Yearick, at Jacksonville, on
Tuesday evening, in one of the Em-
erick busses, where they held their
regular meeting and spent a most en-
joyable time; returning home shortly
after eleven o’clock.
— Troop L of Bellefonte, which
has been an integral part of the First
Pennsylvania cavalry, will shortly be
changed into a machine gun unit as
part of the 52nd machine gun squad-
ron, according to orders issued by Ad-
jutant General Beary recently. The
name of the troop will not be chang-
ed; however.
——Dr. Stull will be at the Glenn
sanitorium at State College June 18th,
at 1 p. m. The Bellefonte Red Cross
has made arrangements to have all
children who have any deformities
taken to Dr. Stull for examination on-
ly. Parents having children whom
they want examined kindly communi-
cate with Miss Royer, community
——Why sit at home every evening
worrying over some little thing that
didn’t go right during the day. Go to
the Scenic and see the motion pictures
and forget your troubles.
grams shown night after night are in-
teresting and instructive and you can-
not help but enjoy them. Try it once
and see, if you are not already a reg-
ular attendant.
— State policemen last Thursday
evening arrested two men who gave
their names as Victor and Max Solo-
mon, on the charge of selling spurious
automobile insurance in Centre coun-
ty. The men were given a hearing be-
fore Squire Woodring on Monday and
in default of $1000 bail were commit-
ted to jail to await trial at the next
term of court.
—— During the severe thunder
storm last Friday evening lightning
struck the barn on the Jared Kreamer
farm in Brush valley, about two miles
east of Rebersburg, causing a fire
which burned it to the ground. The
farm was tenanted by Ambrose Web-
er who lost four horses, a bull, two
heifers and most of his farming im-
plements. The barn was insured.
— The Fourth of July is only a
little over three weeks away and so
far neither Bellefonte nor any sur- |
rounding towns have announced any
celebration of the event. So far as
Bellefonte is concerned every indica-
tion is for a perfectly safe and sane
Fourth, and as the day falls on Mon-
day it will doubtless be as quiet as it
should be safe and sane.
——Now that High and preparatory
schools have closed for the school year
a large number of boys and young
men have been released whose help
will be available for farm and other
work, if needed. While there is no
employment office in Bellefonte Wal-
ter S. Greevy, superintendent of the
office in Altoona, whose address is the
Commerce building, will be glad to
supply farmers or others needing help
with good, reliable young men.
— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garman,
of Tyrone, entertained at the Garman
summer home at Edgefonte yesterday,
with a house picnic, each of the eighty
guests being asked to bring with them
their eating tools. The party was in-
vited for either rain or sunshine and
the drive over made early in the after-
noon, allowing plenty of time for the
merry making, which continued far in-
to the night. Mr. and Mrs. Garman’s
parties at Edgefonte are always one
of the season’s events in the social
life of Tyrone.
The pro-
Borough Council so Voted at Its Reg-
ular Meeting Monday Evening.
The persistent demand of property
owners of Bellefonte for better fire
protection and the claim of Belle-
fonte’s volunteer firemen for more
modern fire fighting apparatus was
answered by borough council on Mon-
day evening when that body voted to
authorize the purchase of two motor
pumpers of a type to be approved by
council upon recommendation of the
Fire and Police committee. The sev-
en members present at the meeting
were president Walker and Messrs.
Brouse, Cunningham, Fauble, Flack,
Knisely and Richard, the absentees be-
ing Beezer and Harris. The motion
to authorize the purchase of two
pumpers was voted for by Brouse,
Fauble, Flack, Knisely and Richard.
Mr. Cunningham went on record as
being opposed to the purchase of two
pumpers, while president Walker ex-
ercised his right as presiding officer
by not voting either way.
Clement Dale Esq., appeared in per-
son before council and requested that
something be done to prevent the sur-
face water from Linn and north Alle-
gheny streets during hard rain storms
overflowing the pavement and flood-
ing his cellar. This has occurred sev-
eral times this spring and is very
much of a nuisance as well as a det-
riment to the health of himself and
family. The matter was referred to
the Street committee and borough
manager to do something to correct
the trouble.
A communication was received from
the chief fire marshall to the effect
that the fire hydrant on the corner of
Lamb and Thomas streets had been
fenced in by Arthur Thomas, who in-
ferentially claims it is on his proper-
ty. The matter was referred to the
Street committee.
A communication was received from
the recording secretary of the Wom-
an’s club asking for the removal of the
watering trough from the pavement
in front of the court house, and sug-
gesting as the proper location for
same the upper end of Bishop street.
No action was taken.
A communication was received from
the Eureka Fire Hose company stat-
ing that all their hose was guaranteed
for three years and if any of the hose
purchased from them in June, 1919,
has gone bad it is to be returned and
will be replaced. The borough man-
ager was instructed to make a thor-
. ough inspection of the hose and if any
bad sections are found to return them.
. fighting equipment.
Secretary W. T. Kelly stated that
when Mrs. J. Thomas Mitchell was
here recently and sold her property
she paid water tax for two years, or
$30.00, but as the house had been oc- |
cupied only about three months of
that time she felt that she was enti-
tled to a rebate. Referred to the Wa-
ter committee.
The Street committee reported var-
ious repairs around town and the col-
and $4.72 for old iron sold.
The Water committee reported mak-
ing connection for the water pipe to
the Academy swimming pool; that the
"electric pump was put in commission
again on May 23rd, and the collection
' of $77.00 on the 1919 water duplicate.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported the Bellefonte Academy fire
and that a new concrete floor had been
put down in the Undine building.
The Finance committee presented
the report of the borough treasurer
which showed a balance on hand June
1st of $3,381.86.
It was at this juncture of the pro-
, ceedings that Mr. Fauble presented the
opinion of the borough solicitor re-
garding council’s legal rights in the
matter of purchasing modern fire
‘fighting apparatus. The opinion was
quite lengthy and quoted decisions
showing that borough councils have
the power to purchase fire fighting
equipment from the general fund, and
under a law passed by the last Legis-
lature council also has power to lay a
tax for general borough purposes as
“high as fifteen mills. Referring to the
present financial condition of the bor-
: ough the solicitor stated that it was
below the limit allowed by law, and
further suggested that if the taxes
| remaining unpaid were all collected
| the financial condition would be ma-
| terially relieved. Mr. Fauble also pre-
' sented the report of the board of un-
derwriters which stated that a town
, the size of Bellefonte, and taking in-
to consideration every prevailing con-
tingency, should have as its fire fight-
ing equipment three triple pumpers
with a combined capacity of two
thousand gallons a minute. But if the
two present fire engines were kept in
reserve two pumpers with a capacity
of six hundred gallons per minute each
should be ample protection, and in
the next rating should materially re-
duce the deficiency charge on all in-
surance, which is now 22 cents per
thousand. Mr. Fauble further stated
that he believed the purchase of the
two pumpers could be made without
adding even one mill to the present
tax rate, and the Finance committee
at the proper time would endeavor to
arrange for the finances.
Mr. Richard then made a motion
that council authorize the purchase of
two pumpers. Mr. Cunningham stated
that he was opposed to the purchase
of two pumpers, but would acquiesce
in one, as he believed that would give
the town ample protection.
Mr. Flack stated that there have
been times when a half dozen could
have been used. The matter was pret-
ty well discussed from every angle,
Mr. Cunningham finally suggesting
that if the motion passed the Fire and
Police committee should not be hasty
in making a selection but should. in-
vite firemen, property owners and
everybody interested to meet with
them and consult in regard to the very
best kind of a machine for the town.
‘Council concurred in this suggestion.
A vote was then taken on the motion
which resulted as stated at the begin-
ning of this article.
Mr. Fauble then presented a resolu-
tion that the secretary be instructed
to notify tax collector J. Kennedy
Johnston that all taxes remaining un-
paid on all duplicates must be collect-
ed and paid on or before September
1st, 1921, or the borough solicitor
would be instructed to proceed against
him and his bondsmen to recover
same. The motion passed.
Mr. Cunningham stated that inas-
much as there had been considerable
talk at the time of the Titan Metal
company fire of the low water pres-
sure at that place he and the borough
manager had gone out and taken the
pressure and found it to be 64 lbs. to
the square inch, while 65 is normal for
most every place in Bellefonte.
Attention was called to the fact that
the recent order of fire hose was not
of the same size or thread of coupling
used in Bellefonte and the fire mar-
shall was directed to return the hose
and secure the right kind.
President Walker stated that at the
time of the building of the state road
on south Water and Willowbank
streets the borough had accepted or-
ders of contractor R. B. Taylor on the
Bellefonte Trust Co. to the amount of
$6,000, only $5,108.38 of which has
been paid. Inasmuch as the bank
wants the balance and the borough is
still indebted to Mr. Taylor in a sum
sufficient to cover the amount he sug-
gested that a motion be passed to pay
the Trust company the balance, or
$891.62, which was done.
Bills to the amount of $1748.94
were approved and council adjourned.
eee pee
Public Meetings to Select Pumpers.
In accordance with the suggestion
of the borough council the Fire and
Police committee of that organization
will hold a public meeting in the coun-
chamber on Monday evening of
next week to hear any offers or sug-
gestions to be made by the Undine
firemen regarding the type or make of
machine to be purchased. A similar
meeting will be held at the same
place on Tuesday evening to hear
what the Logan firemen have to say,
and a citizens meeting will be held in
the same room on Wednesday even-
ing to give every tax payer of Belle-
: fonte an opportunity to have a voice
in the purchase of this up-to-date fire
Inasmuch as
every resident of Bellefonte is inter-
ested there should be a large attend-
ance at the citizens meeting.
Look for the circus. It is com-
ing soon.
Presbyterian Congregation Express
Regret and Good Wishes.
C At a congregational meeting of the
lection of $40.00 for sewer permits Bellefonte
Presbyterian church held
on Wednesday evening, June 1st, the
following minute was adopted:
The congregation of the Bellefonte Pres-
byterian church desires to record the deep
regret with which the resignation of the
Rev. Wm. K. McKinney, as pastor of the
church, has been received.
During the five years of his pastorate
there has been a growing appreciation of
his character, of his intellectual power,
and of his many engaging qualities. He
has steadfastly upheld and taught the
need of high standards of christian life in
business and civic affairs, while his at-
tractive and forceful preaching, and his
own example, have combined to give him
a high place in public regard.
Holding fast the vital tenets of the
church his sermons have taught the great
truth that salvation here and in the future,
can only be had through the practice of
the principles of Jesus.
As a pastor he has been deveted, sym-
pathetic, and helpful. As a citizen he has
not failed in the performance of public du-
ty, and as a minister he has upheld and
exemplified the high traditions of his
Our best and kindest wishes follow him
to his new field and it is our sincere wish
that he may find there full opportunity
for doing the work to which he has de-
voted his life.
Commemorated Church Anniversary.
The feast of the dedication of St.
John’s Episcopal church was kept on
Tuesday of this week, commemorat-
ing the consecration of the church
building, forty-nine years ago, or on
June 7th, 1872. From very early
times it has been the custom among
christians to keep such a yearly festi-
val in celebration of the solemn serv-
ices at which the Bishop set apart the
local church to be the House of God
and the Gate of Heaven. Next year
it is planned to observe this occasion
in St. John’s with services and fes-
tivities befitting the fiftieth anniver-
sary. The parish itself is considerably
older than its present church, dating
from 1837.
Riflemen’s Meeting.
John Curtin, of Bellefonte, chair-
man of the Benner and Spring town-
ship riflemen who will compete in the
shoot to be held in Bellefonte on June
17th under the auspices of the Centre
County Conservation Association, re-
quests all riflemen desiring to partic-
ipate in the shoot to assemble at the
Bellefonte armory tomorrow (Satur-
day) afternoon at two o’clock. They
must bring their rifles and ammuni-
tion as it is intended to select the best
shots in Benner and Spring to repre-
sent these townships in the county
shoot on June 17th.
mt ——e—————
——Ladies, don’t miss the great
clearing sale of coats, suits and dress-
es, on Saturday, June 14th, at Cohen
& Co’s. 23-1t
1 burg. Immediately following the cer-
Will be Celebrated in Bellefonte Fri-
day, June 17th.
Following is the program for the
first annual Conservation day to be
held in Bellefonte on Friday of next
week, June 17th, under the auspices
of the Centre County Conservation
10 a. m.—Rifle and bait and fly
casting contests.
2:30 p. m.—Conservation meeting
in the court house, to be addressed by
Hon. Seth Gordon, State Commission-
er of Game, and Hon. N. R. Buller,
State Commissioner of Fish.
A full day of conservation for Cen-
tre county hunters and fishermen, for
those interested in song birds, wild
flowers and boy scouts activities, and
for all lovers of out door life and
Teams from different Conservation
districts will compete with high pow-
er rifles and smaller rifles at 10 a. m.
Contests in accuracy and distance
bait casting and in accuracy and dis-
tance in fly casting will take place at
10 a. m.
At 2:30 p. m. a county conservation
meeting will be held. All are invited
to attend. In addition to Hon. Seth
Gordon and Hon. N. R. Buller, other
speakers familiar with Centre county
conditions will address the meeting
and also Mr. R. F. Beatty, president
of the Huntingdon County Conserva-
tion Association, and Grant Hoover, |
president of the Lycoming Conserva-
tion Association.
The winning essay on conservation,
by a High school student, will be read.
During the day there will be an ex-
hibition in the court house:
The work of Boy Scout Troops.
Mounted collections of leaves of for-
est trees.
' Mounted collections of wild flowers.
Bird houses, ete.
Prizes will be awarded in all con-
— Look for the circus. It is com-
ing soon.
Col. Reynolds Buys Bellefonte Lum-
ber Co. Plant.
Col. W. Fred Reynolds last Thursday ,
exercised an option taken two weeks
ago and purchased the plant of the,
Bellefonte Lumber company. He has
also arranged for the consolidation |
with his newly-acquired plant with the
planing mill operated by John Harnish
and Wilbur Miles in the Thaddeus
Hamilton property on Howard street. !
The old Bellefonte Lumber Co. will!
close out all its business by the first |
of July when the new owners will take |
full charge, although they are already :
transferring some of the work from |
"the Hamilton mill to the Bellefonte :
| that he might attend the commencement
Lumber company plant. ‘
— Delicious ice cream, rich inl
quality and delicately flavored. All
flavors 40c the quart at the Bon,
Mot. 23-1t
Mulberger—Shaffer.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Shaffer, on Lo-
gan street, was the scene of a pretty
wedding at six o’clock qn Monday
evening when their daughter, Miss Al-
da M. Shaffer, was united in marriage
to George W. Mulberger, of Pleasant
Gap. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Reed O. Steely, of the United
Evangelical church, and the only
guests present outside the immediate
members of the family were two cous-
ins of the bride, Miss Barker and Miss |
Shaffer, of State College. Mr. Mul-
berger is one of the foremen at the
silk mill in Bellefonte and is a worthy
young man, while his bride is a most
estimable young woman.
———————— ———
Gates—Yarnell.—Charles E. Gates,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gates, of
Bellefonte, and Miss Della Marie Yar-
nell, daughter of ex-Sheriff and Mrs.
George H. Yarnell, of Hecla, were
quietly married in the Presbyterian
chapel at three o'clock yesterday
afternoon by the pastor, Dr. W. K.
McKinney, the ring service being used.
There were no attendants. The bride-
groom is employed as stock clerk at
the Bellefonte aviation field and ow-
ing to his limited leave of absence the
customary wedding trip was deferred
fcr the present, the young couple
going direct to their already furnished
apartment in Crider’s Exchange. =
Musser—Watkins.—Claude E. Mus-
ser and Miss Irene Watkins, both of
Millheim, were married at noon on
Monday by justice of the peace C. Ir-
win Lewis, at his office in Hollidays-
emony the young couple left on a wed-
ding trip to Atlantic City and other
points east and upon their return will
take up their residence at Millheim
where Mr. Musser is employed as a
——Col. Theodore Davis Boal, with
his customary generosity and kind
feeling for the old soldiers, entertain-
ed the members of the G. A. R. at his
residence in Boalsburg last Friday
evening, serving very appetizing re-
freshments and winding up with a
smoker. The Colonel is widely known
for his liberal hospitality under all
circumstances and on this occasion he
almost excelled himself.
——Delicious ice cream, rich in
quality and delicately flavored. All
flavors 40c the quart at the Bon
Mot. 23-1t
: law,
—Mrs. MI”A. McGinness, of Clearfield,
was a guest over Sunday of hef parents,
Hon. and Mrs. James Schofield. *
—Mrs. Bruce Burlingame, of: Syracuse,
N. Y., is at Curtin’s Works, for a visit of
a week or more with Mrs. Harry Curtin.
—Mrs. W. B. Dix, of Dayton, came in
from Ohio a week ago to spend the month
of June here with her sister, Mrs. L. T.
—The Misses Bess and Mary Sommer-
ville motored over from Winburne Satur-
day, spending the day here with Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Potter.
—Mrs. John Musser and her daughter,
Miss Catherine Musser, spent the week-
end in Centre Hall, guests of Mrs. Mus-
ser’s sister, Mrs. John Slack.
—Col. and Mrs. W. F. Reynolds went to
Lancaster Monday to attend the funeral of
Col. Reynolds’ sister, Mrs. Harris, who died
Saturday at her home in Providence, R. IL
—Mrs. A. Howard Tarbert, of York, was
an arrival in town last Friday evening to
spend several weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Coxey, of east Bishop
—Miss Isabella Hill, of the Academy fac-
ulty, and president of the Woman's club
of Bellefonte, left Wednesday for her home
at Greenwich, Conn., for her summer va-
— Mrs. George M. Sellers, of Williams-
port, district factory inspector, spent the
fore part of the week at her former home
at Lemont, and in Bellefonte, in the inter-
est of her work.
— Mrs. Joseph Ceader, who returned to |
Bellefonte Wednesday evening, was ac-
companied by her sister, Mrs. Robert Gil-
mour, of Philadelphia, who will remain
here for a part of the summer.
— Mrs. Sarah Satterfield went to Pitts-
burgh Saturday to spend several weeks
with friends. Mrs. Satterfield’s sister, Mrs.
William Dawson, accompanied her as far
as Tyrone, visiting there for the day.
— Mrs. DeGolyer, of Evanston, Ill, has
been here with her mother, Mrs. Louisa V.
Harris, this week, stopping in Bellefonte
on her way home from Baltimore. Mrs.
DeGolyer has been attending the reunion
of her class at Goucher College.
— Miss Anne Dashiels, a former instrue-
tor in the Bellefonte High school, but now
with the Beaver schools, has been a guest
of Miss Katherine Allison this week. Miss
Dashiels was on her way to her home in
New Jersey for her summer vacation.
—Mrs. Edward Gehret, of Bellefonte;
Mrs. Braucht, of Spring Mills, and Mrs.
Luse, of Centre Hall, left Sunday after-
noon for Philadelphia, to represent the
Daughters of Rebekah, at the one hun-
dredth anniversary and Grand Assembly
of the I. O. O. F.
— Mrs. Joseph Baker, of Cleveland, Ohio,
with two of her children, are guests of
Mrs. George F. Harris on Linn street. Mrs.
Baker's mother, Mrs. Breese, has been vis-
iting Mrs. Harris for some time and Mrs.
Baker came to spend a few days while her
| mother is here.
—The condition of William H. Derstine,
who has been in poor health since early
last winter, was so serious early this week
| that on Tuesday Mrs. Derstine telephoned
her son Frank of the fact, who came down
from his home in Juniata, and spent the
night with his father and mother.
— Philip Barnhart will come to Belle-
fonte tomorrow from Pittsfield, Mass., to
be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Barnhart and the family for his vacation.
Philip's visit home at this time was made
at State, of which he is a graduate.
— Mr. and Mrs. George L. VanTries, of
Pittsburgh, were called to Tyrone Sunday,
by the death of Mrs. VanTries’ brother-in-
John W. Woodring. Mr. VanTries
came from there to Bellefonte Monday,
spending the day here with his sister, Mrs.
Louisa V. Harris, and in seeing some of
his old friends.
— Mr. and Mrs. John Harper, of Sche-
nectady, N. Y., who are spending Mr. Har-
per’s vacation here with both their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jared Harper and Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Barnhart, came back home
at this time to attend the commencement
at Penn State. Mr. Harper was a member
of the class of 1918.
__XKlizabeth Larimer and Emily Parker
went out to Elizabeth’s grand-parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William V. Larimer, on the old
Chambers farm, now included in the pen-
itentiary grounds, for an extended visit.
Starting their visit the early part of the
week, they have planned to remain in the
country all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller, of east
Linn street, are entertaining the former's
brother and his wife, the Hon. and Mrs.
William H. Keller, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles F. Hager, of Lancaster. They ar-
rived last evening and part of the plans of
entertainment are several fishing trips for
the gentlemen and picnic suppers for the
— Mrs. Frank Crosthwaite arrived in
Bellefonte Wednesday, on her way to State
College to open her house for the summer.
Mrs. Crosthwaite had been with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Brandenstein, in Schenectady, for
the winter and on her way home from
there had spent a week or more with her
brother in Williamsport, going from the
latter place to State College this week. Mrs.
Brandenstein will join her mother later in
the season for a month's visit.
—Mrs. John Y. Boyd, of Harrisburg, vice
president of P. 8. 8. A,, spent several days
of the week at the Bush house, while at-
tending the Sunday school convention at
Milesburg. Mrs. Boyd, who has gained
great prominence in Pennsylvania as a bi-
ble student, was the principal speaker at
the convention. It was a rare opportunity
for Centre county, for while Mrs. Boyd is
in great demand, her impaired health pro-
hibited her frequent public appearance;
the principal part of her strength and time
being given to her bible class of two hun-
dred in her home city.
—Mr. and Mrs. Darlington, their daugh-
ter Caroline, and J. Chauncey Shortlidge,
of Darlington, Pa., and Dr. and Mrs. Chas.
Shortlidge and their son Malcolm, of Li-
ma, Pa., have been guests this week of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Walk-
er and Miss Shortlidge, at their home on
north Allegheny street. The party motor-
ed here Tuesday to spend several days in
Centre county, their objective point being
their former home at State College, where
Mrs. Darlington, who was Miss Marion
Shortlidge, and her two brothers, Charles
and Clarence, lived when children, while
their father, Dr. Joseph Shertlidge, was
president of Penn State. This being the
first visit back of the Shortlidge men since
leaving there some forty years ago, they
found much to interest them in the many
improvements about ‘the college proper-
—Dr. dnd Mrs. 8. M.. Nissley have had
as a-guest this week Mrs: Nissley’s cousin,
Miss Alice McGowen, of Cannonsburg.
for Charleston, West Virginia, for a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Numbers.’
— Charles T. Beatty has been attending
the convention of Ford agents of the Pitts-
burgh district, at Morgantown, this week.
—Miss Ruth Haines came in from Me-
Keesport the early part of the week and is
now visiting with her grandmother, Mrs.
David Haines. 1
—Mrs. Cyrus Showers and her daughter
Gertrude expect to spend the greater part
of the summer in Iowa, leaving for Grand
Rapids this week. "4
—John G. Love Jr., who has finished his
law studies at the University of Pennsyl-
vania, is in Bellefonte with his mother and
sister, at their home on Linn street. >
—Miss Ada Kopplin, of Minneapolis, a
school-mate of Miss Mabel Sheffer at Tar-
rytown on-the-Hudson, has been a guest
at the Sheffer home on Curtin street.
—Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Blair left Sunday
afternoon for Seattle, Wash., where they
expect to spend the greater part of the
summer with their son Fred and his fam-
—Rev. Dr. Schmidt left on Monday for
Lancaster to attend the commencement ex-
ercises of Franklin and Marshall college,
and the reunion of the members of his
—Mrs. Turner, of Julian, was a DBelle-
fonte visitor Tuesday, being a guest for the
day of her brother and his wife, Dr. and
Mrs. W. U. Irwin, while here shopping and
looking after some business.
—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Healy spent Sunday
in Lock Haven as guests of Sheriff and
Mrs. Johnston. Their daughter Virginia,
who accompanied her parents, remained
for a longer visit with the Johnston fam-
—Mrs. Robert H. Fay and her daughter,
Patty Lane Fay Jr., of Altoona, were week-
end guests of Mrs. Fay’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Lane. Mrs. Fay is contemplat-
ing spending the greater part of the sum-
mer in Bellefonte.
—Prothonotary and Mrs. Rey Wilkinson,
Mrs. Flegal and Mrs. Donald Potter have
been on a drive to Philadelphia this week
and will be accompanied home by Mr. Wil-
kinson's father, who will remain here for
a visit with his son.
—Miss Mary Hartswick is in Baden, Pa.,
having gone out a week ago for the wed-
ding of her brother, LeRoy and Miss Jessie
Dickson, which will take place Wednesday,
the 15th of June, While there Miss Harts-
wick will be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Hartswick and their family.
—Mrs. Harry Keller went to Connells-
ville Monday, to attend the funeral of Miss
Katherine Gans, who died last week of
blood poisoning, at the Darlington Semi-
nary, at West Chester, where she had been
an instructor. Miss Gans was a sister of
Mrs. Keller's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Orvis
—Mr. and Mis. H. A. McKee were in
Bellefonte Friday for a short time, sto-
ping here on their way home to Wilkins-
burg from a two weeks visit with rela-
tives and friends of Mrs. McKee in Harris
township. During their stay in Bellefontc
they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
—oOur good friend Jerry Donovan, of
Spring township, was in Williamsport this
week serving as a juror in the U. 8. dis-
trict court. As a large number of the cases
heard had to do with bootlegging in which
the defendants plead guilty Mr. Donovan
spent a good part of the time as an inter-
ested listener to the proceedings.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Moesline, of Brook-
1yn, will arrive in Bellefonte Sunday, com-
ing here for a visit with Mrs. Moesline's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Undercoffer,
and to attend commencement at Penn
State, Mr. Moesline being a member of the
class of '20. Mrs. Moesline is better known
in Bellefonte as Miss Esther Undercoffer.
—On Sunday Robert Roan took Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Casebeer and daughter Betty to
Somerset, where Mrs. Casebeer and her
daughter will remain indefinitely in the
hope that the change in atmospherical con-
ditions will prove beneficial to the little
girl who has been a sufferer for some time
with whooping cough. Mr. Casebeer re-
turned to Bellefonte with Mr. Roan on
—Miss Mary McQuistion, accompanied by
Miss Mary Charlotte Parker, will leave the
middle of next week to spend a part of the
summer in the west. Going together as
far as Chicago, Miss McQuistion will go
from there to Dewitt, Iowa, to be with
cousins for an indefinite time, making her
visits en route on the way home. From
Chicago Miss Parker will go to Madison,
Wis., to spend several months with her
sister, Mrs. Henry Keller, who will come to
‘ Bellefonte with her sister upon her return
in August. During Miss McQuistion’s ab-
sence her home will be occupied by Mrs.
S. J. Musser and her daughter, Miss Cath-
—It isn’t very often that the “Watch-
man” is shy its interesting letter from
Pine Grove Mills but as this item is writ-
ten it looks very much as if it will be
missed this week. Capt. W. H. Fry, our
faithful correspondent from that section,
is off on a jaunt this week and we feel
sure that all his friends will wish him a
pleasant journey. Leaving home Monday
afternoon he went to Allentown to attend
the State encampment of the G. A. R.,
going from there to Philadelphia yester-
day to see the big parade at the celebra-
tion of the one hundredth anniversary of
the institution of Odd Fellowship in the
United States. Today the Odd Fellows
will journey to Atlantic City and the Cap-
tain has planned to accompany them and
do a little frisking on the sandy beach,
with perhaps a plunge in the salty waters
of the Atlantic. While the Captain is sev-
enty-seven years old he doesn’t look it and
we hope will enjoy his week’s outing to the
Lost.—On Academy campus on
night of fire, an account book 123 by
10%, black cover with red corners and
binding. Reward if returned to Mrs.
James R. Hughes. 23-2t
——Ladies, attention! Don’t miss
the great sale of coats, suits and
dresses on sale Saturday, June 11th,
at Cohen & Co’s. You can save some
real money. 23-1t
For Sale.—Good, second hand Iver-
son-Johnson bicycle. Apply to the
LD, I. Willard store, Bellefonte. 23-1t
—Mrs. W. Miles Walker left yesterday “