Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1921, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., June 10, 1921.
The last scene of the last act in the
tragedy of the passenger pigeon is the
present search of museums for stuffed
members of the lost species which are
here and there in private possession.
Along the Mississippi, a half centu-
ry ago, live passenger pigeons up to
1875 were the pest of the wheat far-
mer. In order to get rid of them they
trapped the birds in nets and hauled
them to the market by the wagon load,
where they were glad to sell their
catch at any price. The pigeons were
Sinped to eastern markets by the car
Volumes have been written on the
overwhelming tragedy of the passen-
ger pigeon, but if one will hurry, it is
vet possible to get the story at first
hand. Here and there in the north
middle western States an aged man or
woman may be found who “remembers
as though it were yesterday” when the
passenger pigeons traveled in flocks
of countless millions north over the
Mississippi Valley.
One of these pioneers is Robert
Quigley, a former Iowa Senator. Mr.
Quigley was born in the forties in a
log cabin near the Mississippi. He
remembers when the valley in which
they lived, in the spring of the year
used to become dark in the middle of
the day, because the pigeons were fly-
ing over it in such hordes as complete-
ly to shut off the sun.
“If it were late in the day,” Mr.
Quigley says, “sometimes the flocks
dropped like a cloud from the sky to
roost in the woods along the creek.
Such masses of them bunched togeth-
er on the trees that all night we heard
the cracking of the limbs as they
broke under their weight. In the ear-
ly morning they arose with a mighty
roar of wings, and in a couple of min-
utes were only a black speck in the
northern sky, so rapidly did they fly.
“We used to find beechnuts in the
crops of those we killed, showing that
they had come three hundred miles or
more since their last feeding. It was
just as the wheat had been put in the
ground in the spring by the farmers
of the northern central States that the
immense flocks came. That is why
they were such a pest, for they settled
down on the fields like the grasshop-
per swarms of recent years. I have
seen them go over a wheat field, roll-
ing like a great blue wave. Not a
kernel of wheat would be left.
The last time Mr. Quigley remem-
bers seeing the passenger pigeons
nesting in great numbers was in 1859.
After that, he says, they began to di-
minish rapidly. In 1870 they had be-
come so reduced in numbers that only
small flocks were seen, and these were
so rare that hunters were all agog
when a flock of pigeons was reported
in any neighborhood. -A-few years
later the very last of the species wing-
ed their flight up the Mississippi. Now
there is not a live passenger pigeon in
all America, and the museums are of-
fering fabulous prices for a stuffed
“How could they entirely disap-
pear 2”’Mr. Quigley was asked.
His answer was the same as that of
all who try to explain to the wonder-
ing men and women of this generation
the greatest tragedy in American life
—the extinction of the graceful, beau-
tiful passenger pigeon.
They were trapped in colossal num-
bers in the spring before the breeding
season, at first because they were in-
jurious to the crops, and later by the
market hunter. As their numbers be-
came less and the market for them
better, they were hunted and trapped
all winter in the south and all summer
in the north. The immense flocks
were reduced to small flocks by this
wholesale slaughter. Then the small
flocks were shot to death by local
So it happened that one day the na-
tion awoke to the astounding knowl-
edge that in place of millions of wild
pigeons, there was not one at large.
Of the few in captivity the very last
one died a number of years ago in the
Cincinnati Zoological gardens.
The faithfulness of the pigeon to its
mate made the utter annihilation of
them possible. The passenger pigeon
chose its mate for life. If either of
the pair was killed, the other remain-
ed a celibate the rest of its days.—
Our Dumb Animals.
The State forest commission has
taken action to establish about fif-
teen state parks, or recreation
grounds, in different sections of Penn-
sylvania. Governor Sproul recently
approved a law authorizing the Com-
mission to set aside within the State
forests unusual or historical groves of
trees especially worthy of permanent
preservation. The law provides that
the parks are to be made accessible
and convenient for public use, and
they are to be dedicated in perpetuity
to the people of the State for their
recreation and enjoyment.
Colonel Henry W. Shoemaker, a
member of the Forest Commission,
has sugested a list of fifteen historical
and noteworthy groves of big trees
which he considers suitable for parks
in various parts of the State. The
Forest Commission has agreed that an
advisory committee shall be appointed
to act on the selection of the proposed
recreational areas, and other sites
which may be considered later. At
the suggestion of Gifford Pinchot, the
State’s chief forester, the members of
the commission will offer names of
persons who may be considered for the
Some of the proposed public parks
suggested by Colonel Shoemaker are:
Forest Engineers park, on Moore’s
Run, Potter county; Nine Mile drive,
on Prouty Run, Potter county; Mount
Riansares, once the property of the
Queen of Spain, in Clinton county;
Joyce Kilmer Recreation park, in Un-
ion county; Allan Seeger Recreation
park, Huntingdon county; New Ger-
mantown Hemlocks, Perry county;
Coxe’s Valley Pines and Hemlocks,
Mifflin county, and McConnell Nar-
rows Hemlocks, a magnificent virgin
forest in Union county.
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of
trouble, attempts what is above its
strength, pleads no excuse of impossibili-
ty; for it thinks all things lawful for it-
self, and all things possible. It is, there-
fore, able to undertake all’ things, and it
completes many things, and warrants
them to take effect, where he who does not
love would faint and lie down.—Thomas
Summer Care of the Eyes.—After
we have had a long stretch of warm
weather the eyes are likely to protest
against the dust and lack of moisture
in the atmosphere by a dry, burning
sensation, while their appearance is
less sparkling and bright than at oth-
er times.
It is well worth while to take good
care of the eyes, for unless they are
at their best the whole system reacts
to the condition. Then, too, patriotic
work, such as sewing or making sur-
gical dressings, may tax the eyes
somewhat, so it behooves us to take
such precautions as are within our
power to keep our eyes in good con-
Procure an eye cup, as it is impos-
sible to cleanse the ball of the eye
without a properly shaped vessel.
Have prepared a simple bottle of the
following eye wash:
Eye Wash,
BOOTHE ...ue: i ieectiviinssensniioy 8 grains
Rosewater ......ccsesveesennes 2 ounces
Camphor water .............. 2 ounces
Half fill the eye cup with this and
add as much more warm water. Bathe
the eye twice a day. Be sure that the
bottle is plainly labeled so that the
wrong one will not be taken in a hur-
A simple solution of boracic acid is
also soothing. Use eight grains to
four ounces of water. Hot water will
effect dissolving more readily than
cold. Use distilled water and apply
three or four times a day.
Witch hazel also enjoys a consider-
able reputation for brightening and
resting the eyes.
Witch Hazel Lotion.
Distilled witch hazel ......... 2 ounces
Distilled water .............. 2 ounces
Use in an eye cup.
After one has gone for a motor ride
or has been on the water or even spent
a long and rather trying day in a busy
office one of these simple eye washes
will rest and soothe.
A great many people wear eye-
glasses nowadays. It is amazing how
some people can tolerate the soiled,
smeary glasses through which they
try to see. This is injurious to the
eyes. Soap and water are excellent
cleansers or a little plain alcohol. Pol-
ish with a clean, dry chamois.
| In some of the establishments where
| glasses are fitted and tested a solution
"is kept in an atomizer made up of
"equal parts of alcohol, water and lis-
| terine, with a couple of drops of oil
of eucalyptus added to the alcohol.
This disinfects, cleanses and the oil
! tends to prevent the accumulation of
~moisture on the lenses. ;
It is very unwise to attempt to read
!in a poor light. The light should come
i over the left shoulder. To read lying
down also strains the eyes, or to read
"in the twilight or in a moving vehicle.
| A couple of times a day every one
who can should either lie down or sit
{down in an easy chair, resting the
head at the base of the brain and close
: the eyes for several minutes. The re-
‘ laxation of the nerves will be very
| grateful. It is impossible to expect
bright eyes if one does not get regu-
i lar sleep or keep the system in good
| condition by drinking plenty of pure
water and eating laxative foods.
Some people cannot ride in an auto-
mobile with the cover down without
| suffering with headache and burning
eyes. In that case either wear a cap
| with a visor or goggles, or ask that
! the cover be put up.
i No woman can be truly beautiful
| without bright eyes which do not ex-
press weariness or strain.
Are you getting the most out of your
separate skirt? Of course you wear
a separate skirt when you play tennis
or golf, or even when you join the on-
lookers. But, do you put your skirt
to any other purpose, save tolerating
it at a pinch when your frocks need
renovating? Has it occurred to you
that a Canton crepe blouse with your
Canton crepe skirt would make a
smart little street frock?
As a matter of fact there are many
occasions when a skirt and blouse are
just the right costume, if the blouse
is right. Miss Gould makes these sug-
gestions for a small-cost adaptable
costume: A silk crepe skirt, with it a
matching silk crepe slip-over for
street wear; a cotton voile smock, for
sports; several crisp organdie blouses,
for general morning wear, and a chif-
fon blouse the same shade as the skirt,
for perhaps an informal luncheon.
A Tunic that Ties On.—“Tying,” it
seems, is “being done.” In fact, it ap-
pears to be a poor wardrobe that
doesn’t have something that ties. You
tie your sash. You tie your blouse.
And, now, behold, you tie your tunic!
It’s the smartest little trick you ever
saw for making a “frock” out of just
an ordinary dress.
For instance! You have a little taf-
feta dress—just a straight little dress
with an elastic at the waist in the
popular new fashion. With cunning
net or embroidery collars and cuffs, it
is a general-utility dress suitable for
nine out of every ten occasions. Then
along comes the tenth occasion. Well,
here’s where the tunic ties on. It’s
made of printed chiffon, or perhaps of
white organdie, and there are collar
and sleeve ruffles to match. They're
adjusted in a twinkle and there you
Of course you wear a camisole to
match the color of your blouse. But
what do you wear in the way of under-
musling with it?
It is all right in winter time to slip
a camisole over your chemise; but
aren’t you tempted in July to cut off
your chemise at the waist line and do
away with the extra thickness of ma-
terial above? That's literally what
has happened, for now there are en-
velope and step-in drawers designed
especially to wear with camisoles. It
doesn’t mean cumbersome old-fashion-
ed drawers with strings to tie - and
buttons that never stay buttoned.
Governor Sproul has approved the
bill making it a misdemeanor to kill a
person in mistake while hunting, and
requiring the person so guilty to pay
from $500 to $1,000 to a representa-
tive of the deceased and undergo im-
prisonment from two to five years.
The act is not to apply where a person
may kill another while actually shoot-
ing at game.
A plan whereby the State Forest,
Fisheries and Game Commission can
unite to condemn and acquire for the
State lands deemed necessary for for-
estry or game protection or preserva-
tion is provided by a bill approved by
the Governor.
The Governor has also announced his
approval of the bill establishing a new
scale of workmen’s compensation for
the loss of hands, eyes, legs, ete. Six-
ty per cent. of the wages is to be paid
for the loss of a hand for 1755 weeks;
of an arm 215 weeks; of a foot for 150
weeks; of a leg for 215 weeks; of an
eye 125 weeks and for two or more of
such members not constituting total
disability sixty per cent. for the ag-
gregate of the periods for each.
For serious permanent disfigure-
ment of the face of such a character
as to produce an unsightly appearance
and such as is not usually incident to
the employment, sixty per cent. of the
wages for 150 weeks. The compensa-
tion is not to be more than $12 a week
nor less than $6.
By the terms of a bill just approved,
the prothonotary of any county may
have dilapidated, faded or injured
books or papers copied, transcribed
and certified for better preservation of
—Fe eral Judge Rose, of Balti-
more, has just rendered a decision to
the effect that the ouija board is mere-
ly an ordinary game, taxable as such.
He strips it of its mystery and its
spiritualistic appendages.
Dollar you Spend in Bellefonte will ¢
ads appear here.
culation in Bellefonte.
The Watchman's Buy-at-Home Ca
Read these articles with care.
They may present something you hadn’t thought of before.
They are your neighbors and will treat you right.
Patronize the people whose
The money you spend with them stays in cir-
Everything in Furniture.
Phonographs and Records.
Send Us Your
Grocery Order Today
It Will Pay You.
Allegheny St.
The Latest
in Dry Goods and Ladies’ and
Misses Ready to Wear.
The Headquarters for Athletic
Goods in Bellefonte. Smoker Sup-
plies. Barber Shop in Connection.
Under First Nat. Bank.
Our Grocery
Line is always complete
and we invite your pa-
High St.
is the Storage Battery of Serv-
ice. Any make battery repair-
ed and recharged.
Expert Repairing on
All Makes of Cars.
The House
of Service when it
Comes to Hardware
Our Meats
are always fresh
and wholesome
Phone Your Order.
We Do Not Recommend
Ford parts that are not genu-
ine. Make our garage your
headquarters, Ford owners.
This Week
A Special on Belle Meade Sweets,
Milliard’s and Lonis Sherry Can-
Gross Bros.
Good Broom........c....... 68¢
5 pounds Coffee............ 98¢c
BD Soap.....aisinnsies sesives 23¢
3 Jersey Flake.............. 25¢
1 Large can Peaches........ 28c
‘Can Make or Break a Community -
‘ rather than the rule.
Through Exercise of Their
Buying Fower.
it Is Estimated That at Least 80 Per
Cent of Retail Purchasing Is
Done by Feminine
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
It has been said that the hand that |
rocks the eradlu ig the hand that rules |
the world and =sowhere is this more |
literally true tkyn in the world of |
trade. The wom:n is the purchasing
agent of the houschold and man, as a
rule, is very glad ¢o have her handle
the job.
It has been estimated by some stu-
dents of the merchandising game that
80 per cent of all retail buying is done
by women. This may be a high esti-
mate but a visit to the retail stores
of any town or city is enough to con-
vince one that the figures are not too
high. The preponderance of women
among the buyers is sufficient, at any
rate, to make not only the retailer but
the manufacturer and the wholesaler
realize that it is the women that they
must please with their merchandise.
Because they do by far the greater
part of the buying in any community,
the women have a responsibility that
they do not always appreciate. The
women of a town, through their buy-
ing power, can make or break the mer-
chants of a town and as a natural con- |
sequence they can make or break the
town. It is in their power to make
it a prosperous town or a dead town.
When the women of a town acquire
the mail order habit, the town may
just as well begin making arrange-
ments for its own obsequies.
Hard to Understand.
Just why a woman, who is a shop-
per by instinct and a shrewd judge
of values in merchandise, should suc-
cumb to the lures of the mail order
house it is difficult to understand but,
unfortunately, some of them do. No
one knows better than the woman who
has had some experience in the buy-
mg of merchandise how difficult it is
to distinguish between the genuine and
the imitation even after a close inspec:
tion. The good shopper, when on buy-
ing bent, does not always take the
first article that is offered for inspec:
tion. In fact this is the exception
The merchants
know it and expect it. They expect a
woman, if she is a good shopper, to
“look around a little.”
If a weman should walk into a re
tail store and purchase the first suit
that she tried on, for instance, the
shock probably would prove fatal tc
the stferekeeper or the saleswoman,
The chances are that she will try on
a dozen suits and look at as many
more before she selects one that suits
her taste or pocketbook, and the store:
keeper not only expects but wishes
her to do this. He wishes her to be
satisfiod as he knows that a satisfied
customer is the best advertisement
that he can obtain.
Taking a Chance.
This same woman, however, may or
der a suit from a mail order house on
the strength of nothing more than a
pretty picture and an alluring descrip-
tion. She has not even the opportun-
ity to try it on, to say nothing of the
chance of examining the fabric, noting
the exact shade of the material and
inspectine the workmanship. She is
taking ¢ ns on the suit fitting her,
on the ial being good and dur-
able, the suade becoming to her and
the workmanship of such a character
that the suit will not fall to pieces,
The woman who takes such chances
cannot be called a shrewd shopper.
It might be more easily understood
why mere man, unaccustomed and
averse, as a rule, to shopping excur-
sions, Should fall a victim to the cata-
logue kabit. He might find it easier
to order from the picture in the cata-
logue than to go to a store and look
for the article that he wanted or he
might take the position that he
wouldn't know what he was getting
anyway if he went to the store and
he might as well take a chance on the
mail order gamble, but why the wom-
an who knows what she wants and
knows that she is getting what she
wants when she gets it should buy on
the “sight unseen” plan—well, that’s
another question altogether.
Woman's Greatest Opportunity.
Women are taking a more and more
prominent part in public affairs all
the time. They are aiding now in
many parts of the country in running
the affairs of state. Even where they
do not have the ballot they are playing
a big part, individually anG through
their organizations, in the conduct par-
ticularly of local governments, yet in
the one field where they can do most
to help build up their communities
they may be overlooking their oppor-
tunity. With the buying power in
their hands they can do more for their
community by stanchly supporting
their home business men than they
can possibly do in any other way.
Man may think he is a very impor-
tant element in the progress and devel-
opment of his town but when he re-
Aects that 80 per cent of the buying
power of the community is in the
hands of the women he is apt to real-
ize tha* _e is a very insignificant atom.
Books, Stationery and Post
The Index Book Store
Everything in Electric Sup- |
Wholesale Grocers
Fitting glasses for 15 years.
Satisfaction guaranted.
Registered Optometrist.
The First National Bank
invites your patronage.
Firestone, Gates’ super tread and
Mohawk Tires.
Atlantic, Mobiloil, Sonoco and Wa-
verly oils.
Mobiloil tractor oil a specialty.
A full line of groceries at reduced prices.
A full line of foreign and domestic Peruits
in season. Klink’s bacon and ham, fresh
from the market. Cream cheese a specialty.
With every 50c. purchase we give free a
coupon for Rogers silverware. Ask fi
High St., opposite P. R. R. Station. Suc-
cessors to Sechler & Co.
The Variety Store
When You Want
Hardware of any description
call and see us, We invite
your patronage.
Everything in Hardware
for Farm, Dairy and Home.
Special This Week
50 lb. Cotton Mattress, $10.75
50 lb. Cotton felt Mattress $13.75
This Market is now under New Manage-
ment and we Solicit Your Patronage
Formerly Lyon’s Market
If You Buy Out, of Town and I Buy Out, of Town, What, will Become of Our Town ?
Shoes for the entire family
at right prices
The Rexall Store
and that means quality.
Special attention given to
Runkle’s Drug Store
The Home of the famous
Butter Krust Bread.
Confectionery and Baked
The City Bakery
Everything in Lumber,
Sashes, Doors and Blinds.
The Bellefonte Lumber Co.
The Home of Hart, Schaff-
ner and Marx Clothing for
Men. Also a complete line of
Men’s and Boy’s furnishings.
; The Edison
is the peer of Phonographs.
Come in and hear one today.
Records, Pianos, Player-
We Are Still
in the Hardware business
at the old Stand. Every-
thing complete always.
Wholesale and Retail fruits and
: A complete line of imported Ol-
ive Oil.
When In Town
See the best in Motion
Pictures at the Scenic.
Weaver, Grocers
Bellefonte, Pa.
The Best
in Dry Goods and
Ladies Ready to
The Bellefonte Trust Co.
Courtesy. Safety. Service.
The Bellefonte Trust Co.
Quality at the lowest prices is our
Motto. Satisfaction guaranteed on
every purchase at
The Mens’ Shop
The Grocery Store of
Wholesome Goods and
Prompt Service
Clothing of the Best
for men who are careful of ap-
pearances. A full line of
Men’s and Boy's furnishings,
The Watchman
has always advised buying at
home, and it
buys at home itself.
Saturday, June 11th, sale on ladies’
Coats, Suits and Dresses.
Don’t miss it.
A Special
Sale of all Sizes of Tires
for this Week.
W. S. Katz
Ladies Ready to Wear
Queen Quality Shoes for
Regal Shoes for men
We fit the Youngstérs, too,