Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1921, Image 3

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    Pewocalic Wad,
Bellefonte, Pa., June 10, 1921.
Country Correspondence
Items of Interest Dished Up for the
Delectation of “Watchman” Read-
ers by a Corps of Gifted
E. E. Swartz and family were Sun-
day visitors at Altoona.
Miss Mary McClincy is spending her
vacation with friends at Jersey Shore.
Fred Mulfinger, of Akron, Ohio, is
visiting his father, Mr. J. C. Mulfing-
Mrs. Frank Britz and daughter Lo-
is are visitors at the home of John T.
Miss Margaret Yeager, of New
York city, is a visitor at the home of
W. H. Noll Jr.
Mrs. Henry Noll and her two chil-
dren are spending a week with her
parents at Rebersburg.
Mrs. John Schwarm, of Williams-
port, spent a few days at the hospit-
able home of Mrs. Jonathan Bilger.
Herbert Showers says there is no
greater abnormity than a woman in
breeches, unless it is a man in petti-
Mrs. William Rossman was admit-
ted to the Bellefonte hospital last
week to undergo an operation for that
dreaded disease, cancer.
The Misses Nettie Gill and Nellie
Peters were the delegates sent by the
Methodist church to the Sunday school
convention at Milesburg.
The children of the Methodist
church are studiously engaged in prac-
“tice and rehearsal for Children’s day,
which event will be celebrated on Sun-
day, June 19th.
It is alleged that a number of our
townships in the county are up against
it since their school boards are in a
quandary to raise sufficient funds to
carry out their school work. Not so
with Spring township. The school
board in Spring township, through ju-
dicious financiering, has money to
loan; a very pleasing situation from a
financial point of view. In the mean-
time the millage remains the same as
last year.
Notwithstanding that the cherry
crop is a decided failure and plums
and apples will scarcely yield a half
normal crop, the indications now are
that we will have an abundant crop of
grapes, blackberries and raspberries;
in fact all varieties of berries look
very promising. So that we can con-
gratulate ourselves that we will have
a sufficiency of jellies and preserves to
bridge us over. Providence never for-
sakes us.
Oscar Rishel, of Altoona, was a vis-
itor in town on Sunday.
Mr. Lomis Thomas, an aged citizen,
depared this life Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hazel and son
were week-end guests at the home of
A. J. Hazel.
Cyril Zechman came home from
Susquehanna University for the sum-
mer vacation.
Miss Ellen Seyner, of State College,
spent part of last week among friends
in this vicinity.
Miss Mary Hazel, a student in the
musical department at Irving College,
returned home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Baney and son and
Mrs. Harry Meyer, from Lebanon
City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mey-
er recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Keller and
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kline, of Axe
Mann, were visitors in town on Sun-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tussey and chil-
dren, of Sinking valley, spent several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
‘William Goheen.
Mrs. Leah Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Rockey and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Rockey and daughter Gladys attend-
ed the Grove reunion at Centre Hall
on Saturday.
Austin Dale and daughters, accom-
panied by L. K. Dale and family, of
Oak Hall, and Mrs. Etters and Mrs.
Shuey, of Lemont, enjoyed a day’s
outing at Crystal Spring park.
Some newlyweds have been spend-
ing a few days at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Drumm. The bride is a sis-
ter of Mrs. Drumm.
The Rebekah Lodge had installa-
tion on Tuesday evening; and, inci-
dentally, a “feed.” A number of out-
of-town guests were present.
Mrs. Raymond Walker was taken
to the Bellefonte hospital last Friday
night. As yet she has not been op-
erated upon but may be later.
A number of representatives from
our different Sunday schools attend-
ed the county convention at Milesburg
this week. They report a good con-
Mrs. C. D. Bartholomew and two
children went to Altoona on Tuesday
morning by train. The remaining
members of the family went by auto-
mobile an Wednesday and brought
them along home.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school rendered a Children’s service
program on Sunday evening in a most
acceptable manner. The church was
crowded and all present enjoyed the
efforts put forth by the children.
A Japanese “boy” came to the home
of a minister in Los Angeles recently
and applied for a position. Now it
happened that the household was al-
ready well supplied with servants, so
the minister's wife said, “I am sorry,
but we really haven’t enough work to
keep another boy busy.” ;
“Madame,” said the Oriental polite-
ely, “I am sure that you must have.
Yoy may not know what a little bit of
work it takes to keep me employed.”
| little daughter Hazel,
—Christian Register.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had as guests
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Roth, of Lewisburg.
Master Wallace Kerstetter, of State
| College, is spending part of his vaca-
tion here with his uncle, Z. D. Thom-
as, and aunt, Miss Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. James Guisewite have
had as guests Mr. Royer and mother,
of Los Angeles, Cal. The family was
formerly of this part of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond and
Mr. and Mrs. Hackenberg, of Union
county, were Sunday guests of Mrs.
Raymond’s father, Henry Mowery.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Otto and son
Morgan, Mrs. Annie Stover and Har-
ry Eisenhauer on Monday motored to
Huntingdon, Hollidaysburg and Al
toona, returning home the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bartges, of
Millheim; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bailey, ' and full of judg-
and Mrs. Grenninger and children on | and full of that ego that blasts judg-,
Sunday motored to Union county,
where they spent the day with Mr.
Bailey’s son, Charles Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grove and
of Hartleton,
came up Sunday. Mr. Grove return-
ed home the same day leaving Mrs.
Grove and daughter with Mrs. Grove’s
mother, Mrs. Alice Eisenhauer.
Mr. and Mrs. George King came up
from Norristown where they had been
staying since coming north from Flor-
ida. They are staying for the pres-
ent with Mrs. King’s father, Henry O.
Brown. Later they expect to return
to their home in Hibbing, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Pierce, of New York city, are iu
the village en route to California. Mr.
and Mrs. Pierce are guests of Mrs.
Pierce’s mother, Mrs. Caroline Mayes.
Mrs. Mayes has been in ill health since
last December and on Friday Mr. and
Mrs. Pierce took her to the Geisinger
hospital, Danville, for an examination.
On Monday they were down and on re-
turning home they brought her with
them. Her friends hope her trip will
prove of great benefit to her and that
she may find relief.
Victory for Scranton.
Scranton staged a second Armistice
day celebration recently when a mes-
sage from Harrisburg announced that
Governor Sproul had signed’ the bills
that provide for protection against
cave-ins of mines and for jail penal-
ties for coal company officials who vi-
olate the bills.
The Governor’s approval means that
the citizens of Scranton and the en-
tire anthracite region have won a bat-
tle that lasted for thirteen years
against the coal companies, in protest
against cave-ins that wreck schools,
churches, homes, streets and ceme-
teries and which have resulted in
many deaths.
Under the terms of the two bills
passed by the Legislature, the compa-
nies cannot do any further reckless
A dispatch says that when the word
came that the bills had been signed
sirens and whistles in industrial
plants throughout the city raised a din
the like of which has seldom been
heard. Impromptu parades surged
through the streets, church bells were
rung and automobile horns split the
Beidleman and Rasmussen at State
College Farm Week.
Speakers for the evening meetings
to feature the annual June Farmers’
week at The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege school of agriculture have been
selected. On the evening of Wednes-
nay, June 22nd, the day preceding the
opening of the college demonstrational
program, Lieutenant-Governor Ed-
ward E. Beidleman and State Secreta-
ry of Agriculture Fred Rasmussen
will give addresses. On the following
evening the new president of Penn
State, Dr. John M. Thomas, will give
his first talk to the farmers of the
State. The program for Thursday
and Friday of Farmers’ week will be
the most complete of its kind ever of-
fered to Pennsylvania farmers, and in
that time it will be possible for the
visitors to see practically every fea-
ture of the college and experiment
station work.
Sounds Like Einstein’s Theory.
Two gentlemen riding on a train
were both very much intoxicated.
First Gent—“What time is it?”
Second Gent (after extracting a
match-box from his pocket with much
exertion and gazing at it intently)—
First Gent—“My heavens, I've got
to get off here.”—Everybody’s.
——A New York garage owner
whose safe had been cracked twice
improvised a shrapnel shell, consist-
ing of a liberal charge of gunpowder
and buckshot. He placed this in the
cash box of the safe in such a manner
that upon opening it the charge would
detonate. Following a loud report the
watchman found the charge exploded
and blood on the floor. The burglar
had escaped.
Lt tu
——Chicago police will use wireless
telephones in their war on crime.
wireless is being installed on the roof
of the city hall for constant communi-
cation with fireboats, rifle squads, fire
engine houses, patrol wagons and po-
lice stations. Officials hope ultimate-
ly to have every policeman equipped
with receiving apparatus, weighing
but a few ounces. :
Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher.
In use for over thirty years, and
The Kind You Have Always Bought.
Why Be Constipated?
Do you know that one of nature's
greatesy laxatives is Bulgarian Blood
To flush the kidneys and gently move
the bowels brew a cupful of Bulgarian
Blood Tea. Sold by druggists. Sa +
Marvel ucts Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
— ———————
Franklin K. Lane, in 1914, in an ad-
dress to clerks in the Department of
the Interior, of which he was Secre-
tary, defined the meaning of the flag
by representing it as saying:
“Let me tell you who Iam. The
work that we do is the making of the
‘real flag. I am not the flag—not at
tall. Iam but its shadow. I am what-
ever you make me, nohing more. I
‘am your belief in yourself, your
dream of what a people may become.
i I live a changing life of moods and
‘ passions, of heartbreaks and tired
muscles. Sometimes I am strong with
i pride, when men do an honest work,
The duties and obligations imposed
by the dog law of 1917 has been
brought to the attention of every bur-
gess, mayor and constable in the
State, by the Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The 956 bur-
gesses, 36 mayors and 3,300 constables
have each been sent a letter calling
attention to the fact that the law pro-
vides that these officials shall assist
in carrying out the provisions of the
| fitting the rails together truly. Some-
i times I droop, for then purpose has
| gone from me, and cynically I play the
| coward. Sometimes I am loud, garish
ment. But always I am all that you
; Dope to be and have the courage to try
“I am song and fear,
| panic, and ennobling hope.
day’s work of the weakest man,
the largest dream of the most daring. | ang
ent the ‘entire year, is greater during
I am the Constitution and the courts,
Not only have these public officials
been asked to see that all dogs are
properly licensed, but it has been urg-
ed that all dogs not kept in proper re-
straint by their owners, be promptly
rynded up and the owners prosecut-
Complaints, literally by the hun-
dreds, have reached the Department
of Agriculture, coming from city and
suburban dwellers, whose gardens,
| lawns and flower beds have been torn
struggle and up and destroyed by dogs permitted
I am the to run at large, particularly during
and the night time.
The danger from rabies, while pres-
statutes and statute makers, soldier the hot summer months, and for this
' reason the officers are urged to remain
l and dreadnaught, drayman and street
sweep, cook, counselor and clerk. I
"am the battle of yesterday and the
mistake of tomorrow. I am the mys-
tery of the men who do without know-
ing why. I am the clutch of an idea
‘and the reasoned purpose of resolu-
i tion. I am no more than what you be-
"lieve me to be, and I am all that you
believe me to be. Iam what you make
“me and nothing more. I swing before
| your eyes as a bright gleam of color,
a symbol of yourself, the picture sug-
| gestion of that big thing which makes
are your dreams and your labors.
| They are bright with cheer, brilliant
you have made them so out of your
| hearts, for you are the makers of the
| flag, and it is well you glory in the
i ;
Whiskey Not a Medicine.
The recent declaration of the Na-
tional Medical Association that whis-
key has no therapeutic value finds
strong support in the fact, brought to
light through a recent canvass of the
152,627 physicians in the United
States, that only 33,379 or 22 per
cent. of their number hold permits to
In 24 States druggists cannot fill
not allowed to prescribe alcoholic
liquors as medicine. There are 40,000
physicians in these States, and in
many of them pure grain or ethyl al-
cohol is found to be a satisfactory sub-
stitute for whiskey or brandy as a sol-
vent or preservative.
All of which would indicate that
there is nothing very drastic in the
Volstead Acts limitation of the phy-
sician’s right to prescribe whiskey for
medicinal purposes to not more than
one pint for one patient in any ten
The Conscientious Juror.
a cutlery in a small New England vil-
drawn on the jury and there was much
excitement when he left for the coun-
ty seat to take up his duties.
tions asked by his old cronies—espe-
cially about the dispsition of the case
of one of their fellow-townsmen who
had been up for hose-stealing.
“Well, boys,” said old John, “the
fact o’ the matter is, that during the
three days that his trial lasted it was
rainin’ so derned hard on the tin roof
outside the window where I sat, that I
didn’t hear a word of the evidence, but
they all said he was guilty, so I voted
with the bunch.”—Judge.
“What was that sentence the choir
repeated so often during the litany?”
“As near as I could make out it was
‘We are all miserable singers.’ ”—II-
lustrated Bits.
is a Burden
Woman’s lot is a weary one at best.
But with backache and other distress-
ing kidney ills life indeed becomes a
burden. Doan’s Kidney Pills have
made life brighter for many Belle-
fonte women. Read what Mrs. J. T.
Gordon, 130 E. Beaver St., Bellefonte,
says: “I and another member of my
family have found great benefit from
the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills, which
were procured at Parrish’s drug store.
My trouble was a dull, constant back-
ache which kept me in misery at
times. Mornings I was so sore and
lame I dreaded to begin my house-
work, for it was a burden. Doan’s
Kidney Pills, taken according to di-
rections restored my kidneys to a
normal condition. I have had no re-
turn of the backache or kidney disor-
ders. Doan’s surely have my grati-
tude for the lasting benefit they
brought me.” (Statement given
April 12, 1914).
On October 19, 1918, Mrs. Gordon
said: “I gladly confirm my previous
statement for Doan’s Kidney Pills, as
I certainly have found them to be all
that is claimed for them. Doan’s
curs me, for which I am very thank-
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the. same that
Mrs. Gordon had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 6
Money back without question
(Hunt's Salve and Soap),fail in
the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
Ringworm, Tetterorotheritch-
ing skin Cisesses. Try thie
treatment ai our risk,
65-26 ©. M. PARBISH, Druggist, Bellefonte
Old John Moreton was a grinder in
Upon arriving home, three weeks |
later, many and varied were the ques- |
this Nation. My stars and my stripes
| with courage, firm with faith, because |
on the alert, rounding up stray and
ownerless dogs to prevent an outbreak
such as is now on in the south-eastesn
section of the State.
Present reports indicate that the
registration of dogs is greater this
year than ever before and it is hoped
that a general registration of dogs
can be secured in every county in the
State without the necessity of resort-
ing to the wholesale prosecutions, such
as were required for proper enforce-
ment of the law, in 1920.
The Overworked and Overflowing Ash-
Of all ugly sights in a yard the
overworked ashpit is the worst. It
has a pyramid of ashes, tin cans, wire,
' old rags and paper, rising above it and
| overflowing on the sides. Such a sight
is a disgrace to any home.
It is a
"badge of slovenliness that cannot be
prescribe whiskey for medicinal pur-
such prescriptions and physicians are '
argued down. No housewife, or
househusband, for that matter, can
feel proud of such a sight or justify it
to critical neighbors. It is an eyesore
to the whole block. It makes no dif-
ference if it is in the back yard and
cannot be seen from the front. The
neighbors see it if strangers do not.
Any person viewing the neighborhood
critically, perhaps with a view of buy-
ing some home that may be for sale,
is forse to be unfavorably impressed
y it.
How is this to be remedied? If the
owner has so little sense of neatness
or his duty to his neighbors as to let
it overflow, he can be brought into
line when the national clean-up and
lage, and was slightly deaf. He was :
paint-up campaign is on. That is the
time when neighbors feel that they
can speak to him about it. If he once
gets the clean-up spirit and the idea
of neighborhood co-operation into his
mind he will get that ashpit regularly
emptied ever afterward. That is one
of the greatest features of the cam-
paign; it gets people to thinking in
ises and surroundings and they want
the overflowing ashpit.
Bellefonte women will be surprised
at the INSTANT pleasant action of
simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc.,
as mixed in Adler-i-ka. One spoonful
relieves ANY CASE gas on stomach
or sour stomach. Because Adler-i-ka
acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel
it often cures constipation and pre-
vents appendicitis. One lady reports
herself CURED of a bad case of bow-
el trouble and constipation. Runkle’s
Drug Store. 66-23
Deficient Vitality a Great Misfortune.
Persons who can rarely or never say that
they feel full of life, are really among the
most unfortunate. They do not live, but
merely exist; for to live implies more than
to be. To live is to be well and strong—
to arise feeling equal to the ordinary du-
ties of the day, and to retire not overcome
by them—to feel life bounding in the veins.
A medicine that has made thousands of
people, men and women, well and strong,
has accomplished a great work, bestowing
the richest blessings. Such a medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla, The weak, run-down,
or debilitated, from any cause, should not
fail to take it. It builds up the whole sys-
tem, changes existence into life, and makes
life more abounding. It is simple justice
to say these words in its favor.
Hood’s Pills very effectively supplement
it in cases where a cathartic ar laxative is
needed. 66-23
Get the Best Meats
You save nothing by buyin phot,
thin or gristly meats. I use only the
and supply my customers with the
freshest, choicest, best blood and mus-
cle making Steaks and Roasts. My
prices are no higher than the poorer
ineats are elsewhere.
I always have
Game in season, and any kinds of good
meats you want.
34-34-1y Bellefonte
Hight Street. Pa
Money back without question
(Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in
the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
Ringworm, Tetter or other itch-
ing ekin diseases. Try
treatment at our
65-26 C. M. PARRISH. Druggist, Bellefonte
Ladies! Ask your Druggist for
Chi.ches-ter s Dlamond Bran
Pills in Red and Gold metallic
sealed with Blue Ribbon. :
yearsknown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
A A RS Te Me i of
oh i
Sh) : in
i= ; i)
ie You can always save money when fk
I you buy your clothes from us. 5
fi We buy the best. on
BH =1
il We buy for CASH. 0
is I
Ve That’s why we can sell for less. i!
2 =i
i Come in and you will find out. i
=i |
fi ’ Uc
I: Wear our good, “Nifty’’ clothes. a
oi Uo
L oh
SH oi]
1 or
= oh
i oi
in chi
ST oi
! A. Fauble !
ol =
it 58-4 ie
the right terms about their own prem- :
to keep things clean and attractive all |
the time. That campaign is death to
ELINE WOODRING — Attorney-at«
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices im
i all courts. Office, room 1§ Crider’s
| Exchange. b61-1y
| B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law,
i Practices in all the courts. Con=
sultation in English or German.
Office in Crider's Exchange, Bellefont:
Pa. 20-23
Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate
tention given all legal business en«
trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East
High street. 57-44
M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law
and Justice of the Peace. All pro-«
fessional business will receive
prompt attention. Office on second floor of
Temple Court. 49-5-1y
WwW G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law.
Conpaltetion = Sa2un £4 Ger-
man. ce in er’
Bellefonte, Pa. rider's xchalge,
State College
Holmes Bldg.
Crider’s Exch.
We have our new Concrete Mill
completed and now running. We
built the best mill to produce the
best flour possible.
“Our Best”
S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and
Surgeon, State College, Centre
county, Pa. Office at his resi-
If you Want
Good Flour—Try
“Vi 99 A Spring Wheat
ictory Patent
We can Grind Your Feed
While you Wait,
We are in the Market, for
All Kinds of Grain
C. Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
66-11-1lyr BELLEFONTE, PA.
This Interests You
The Workmans’ Compensation
Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916.
It makes Insurance Compulsory.
We specialize in placing such in-
surance. We Inspect Plants and
recommend Accident Preventicn
Safe Guards which Reduce In-
surance rates.
It will be to your interest to con-
sult us before placing your In-
Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College
a ———
The Preferred
$5,000 death by accident,
5,000 loss of both feet,
5,000 loss of both hands,
,000 loss of one hand and one foot,
loss of either hand,
loss of either foot,
630 loss of one eve
25 eek, total disability.
Pe pees
10 per.week, partial disability,
(limit 26 weeks)
pavable quarterly if desired.
Larger or smaller amounts in proportion
Any person, male or female, engaged in a
referred occupation, including house,
a eI io nls
m and physical condition
nsure under this Toi
Fire Insurance
I invite your attention to my Fire Insur-
ance cy, the strongest and Most Ex
tensive Line of Solid Companies represent-
ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania
Agent, Bellefonte Fa
Fire and Automobile Insurance at a
reduced rate.
62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
There a ee abi
that we can not do in the most satis-
factory manner, and at consists
ent with the class of work. Call on of
communicate with this office’