Bemorralic, Patdyurn, Bellefonte, Pa., June 3, 1921. s— BOALSBURG. Mrs. Feliger is visiting friends in Philadelphia. Miss Ellen Rhone returned from At- lantie City on Friday. Austin Williamee, of Woolrich, spent the week-end in town. Mrs. Charles Klinger, of Altoona, spent several days at the home of Mrs. Shutt.. Mrs. Myra McKee, of Logansburg, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles Segner. Frank Fisher and family, of Altoo- na, visited in town from Saturday un- til Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Coxey and daughter Eleanor, of Altoona, are visiting with friends in town. Rev. W. M. Rearick, of Mifflinburg, will preach in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening. Quite a number of people from this vicinity attended the show in Lewis- town on Tuesday. Miss Esther Sparr, of Williams- burg, is visiting at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarlane home. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and son, of Huntingdon, were guests at the home of Henry Hosterman several days. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stuart and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. David Stu- _art, of Crafton, were in town for Me- morial day. Dr. W. K. McKinney, of Bellefonte, delivered the Memorial day address. Mr. James Potter accompanied Dr. McKinney to this place. Misses Romie and Isabelle Snyder, of Centre Hall, and Miss Mary From, of Bellefonte, were guests at the home of David Snyder recently. CENTRE HALL. Dr. H. H. Longwell spent a few days in Baltimore the past week. A number of our people attended the show at either Lewistown on Tues- day, or Altoona on Wednesday. The Children’s service in the Luth- eran church last Sunday evening was very pleasingly rendered, and was al- so well attended. Among those from this place who attended the Christian Endeavor con- vention in Bellefonte last week were, Rev. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. G. 0 Benner and Miss Grace Smith. Mrs. Joseph Edmiston, of State Col- lege, formerly Miss Annie Gregg, came to town between trains on Mon- day afternoon to place flowers on the graves of her father and mother. D. A. Boozer returned Monday from his visit to Chicago. On Wednesday, his son Shannon left for the Windy city. A daughter, Miss Lizzie, is now at home enjoying a short vacation. Memorial day exercises were held | at 6 o'clock p. m. Apparently every- body for many miles around came to town, large. church promptly and was a very good looking one. The speaker, Mr. Bow- ersox, gave the people a short, com- prehensive address, which greatly pleased his hearers. The Civil war veterans, who were conveyed in two automobiles, were James Smetzler, Alfred Durst, W. H. Bartholomew, Capt. G. M. Boal, D. A. Brisbin, W. E. Tate, from our town, and William Mechtley, from Lemont. Tomato Seed Oil. Every time a scientist or any one else finds a way to make use of some- thing that has heretofore been thrown away as waste he confers a benefit on humanity. Some time ago millers used to throw their bran into the riv- ers, and the people complained and started lawsuits on the ground that the fish were poisoned. Later it was found out that bran had good food val- ue for both man and fish, and a man who threw it into the river might now be arrested for criminal waste. Not long ago cotton seed was considered more of a nuisance than anything else, . but it has become almost as valuable as the fiber. Now it has been found by the de- partment of agriculture that the to- mato seeds which have annually piled up around the canning factories and such places have a valuable oil and can be made to pay instead of being left as a pure waste and loss. Toma- to-seed oil is of a deep brown color and has a strong odor, but when refined it has been found to compare favorably with other edible oils of commerce. The seed must first be separated from the wet waste, and this is done with the ordinary cyclone pumping machine and a suitable wire screen. When dried the seeds are ready for ex- tracting process. This is accomplish- ed by a press or by solvent extraction, the press producing a little better grade of oil. A yield of about 17 per cent. of oil is obtained. : In addition, there is obtained an oil cake, or meal, which may be used as food for cattle, hogs or chickens. This has been thoroughly tried out in Italy where the meal has been found as good as some of the well-known seed meals of commerce. It has been estimated that there are about 2000 tons of seed available an- nually in the eastern and middle west~ ern tomato belts where more than 200,000 tons of tomatoes are pulped annually. This will mean changing tons of waste into barrels of good oil. er————— A———————— An Indifferent View. “An amusing incident occured in a trial I attended not long ago,” says a lawyer. “‘Have you,” demanded the judge, after the customary formula, ‘any- thing to say before sentence is pro- nounced against you?’ ; “¢Only one thing, your honor,’ said the cenvicted burglar. ‘The only thing 1 have objected to in this trial was be- ing identified by 2 man who kept his head under the bedclothing the whole time I was in the room. It strikes me that is not right at all.’ ”—Philadel- phia Ledger. : for the crowd gathered was: The parade left the Reformed | 2HSPUTE OVER USE OF CAVES Scientists Disagree as to Whether They Were Habitations or Tombs of Primitive Race. Curious caves in the Matsuyama Lills, in the province of Saitama, near Tokyo, Japan, are believed by some to have been the homes of an ancient race called the Tusehiguma, or Earth Spiders, who lived long before the ancient Ainos. Others think them to be tombs, while many are convinced that they are merely shelters used by the primitive tribe when pursued by enemies, The caves are all on the southern slope of the hills, and command an extended view of a fertile valley. This strategic position argues for those who believe the caves to have been habitations and not tombs. About 200 of them have been unearthed. Seen from a distance they resemble a huge swallow bank. They are so close to- gether that the inner walls almost touch, and are entered through a nar- row, long, low passageway—so low in fact that a man cannot stand upright in the largest one. Each room is about six by nine feet in size; the ceiling is domed, and along the side is a ledge raised about nine inches from the ground. This was doubtless cov- ered with leaves, and used as a bed. No tools, weapons or household ar- ticles have been unearthed and there are no drawings on the walls, nor any sign of a pathway outside. The only light comes from the passageway. The caves are practically unknown and un- visited, except by a few scholars. REASON FOR COLORED EGGS Mother Nature Painted Them That They Might Be Preserved From Their Natural Enemies. Nature equips all living things with protection of some kind against their enemies. The larger animals are able, by rea- son of their strength, to give a good account of themselves in combat. Birds" and many of the smaller animals de- pend upon the rapidity of their move- ments. But there is another effective means of self-preservation known as “protective coloration.” Snakes and many varieties of fish form an excellent illustration. Their scales are so colored that they blend stature. MATHEMATICS VS. THE ARTS Association Is Awakening to the Faot Stucy of the Fermer Is Not Attractive. The Mathematical Association of America has discovered that interest in the study of mathematics in high schools and college preparatory insti- tutions is lagging. Under present methods of teaching, only the mathematically inclined are able to pursue the courses with any degree of interest or enjoyment. Ii will be good news to thousands of stu- dents, badly winded after a feverish pursuit of the elusive x, to learn that the association plans reforms. Mathematics has been dry for most students. Young minds that thrill to the mysteries revealed by physics or chemistry have been found singularly calm and considerably cloudy after contemplation of the binominal theor- em, Extracting the cube root of an incomprehensible number has been the dullest sort of drudgery comm- pared with the study of the Na- poleonic wars or the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome. The melodies of dead poets and the masterpieces of literary geniuses have warmed hearts and fired minds which Euclid leaves cold and calm. The energy expended and the brain cells shattered in prodigious wrestling matches with decimal frac- tions, logarithms, algebraic absurdi- ties, geometric obscurities and trig- onometric absurdities have constituted an enormous waste. It is well that the mathematicians have awakened to the fact that their | specialty needs humanizing.—Toledo Blade. AS TO FACTS AND FIGURES Nature Seems to Have Laid Down Some Rules to Which She Rath- er Rigidly Adheres. Why do tall persons have narrow noses? There are many exceptions, but this is the rule. : The type of the nose that we call “aquiline” is much more common in tall people than in those of short On the other hand, short ! people are much more apt to have flat or snub noses. Tall men are usually long-headed, ' while most short men have round or with the surrounding rocks or the shad- ows of the water, maxing them al- most invisible to the eye. is only when one of these protective- ence is apparent. The same principle is responsible for the different colors of birds’ eggs. The mother bird is unable to fight aggressively, so she has to seek refuge in flight. During the time she is away from the nest, either seeking safety from her enemies or looking for food, the eggs must be protected in some manner. It is for this reason that they are colored to blend with the surroudings in which they are In fact, it broad heads. Tall persons usually have small mouths. It is the short people who ‘ mostly have big mouths. ly colored animals moves that its pres- | lail—some of them spotted because . they are laid in the sand or among pebbles, others buff-colored or green to match the material of the nest. Peculiarity of Dreams. A curious hint is given by dreams of things which are impossible sub- jects, it would seem, of thought. I hardly know how to tell my mean- ing, but fellow dreamers will be able to interpret by their own experience. : them together until the end of the We have dreamed something, it was - : ally a civil one. Short people in a great majority of instances have short or round faces. Long faces go more often with supe- rior height. This is not at all surprising. Tall people have a tendency to longness throughout their anatomical structure. Usually their noses are long. Their arms and legs are long. The height of most very tall persons is mainly in their legs. Short people, on the other hand, are apt to be short in all parts of their physique. French Like Civil Weddings. A French marriage is a thorough going affair. It is real partnership. To begin with, the ceremony is usu- Comparatively few . weddings take place in a church. There clear, the impression lingers when we ° wake. But it is not reducible to terms of thought, much less words. We have no grasp on it as an image or a sen- sation, yet in some remote corner of ourself we know perfectly what it was. It is not a matter of having forgot- ten—the thing is inexpressible to oth- ers or ourself. Only itself knows what it was, and itself is buried away somewhere within us. When vainly trying to master the conception of the - fourth dimension we are reminded of those dreams.—Exchange. Pemaquid, 1607. In this time of commemorating the Pilgrims, the people of Pemaquid, Maine, rise to remind the world that a colony of English settlers landed at Pemaquid about fourteen years be- fore the little company that crossed on the Mayflower debarked at Ply- mouth. Pemaquid had developed into quite a trading colony before the Ply- mouth settlers managed to gain a foot- hold in the new country, and the Maine settlers provided the Pilgrims with a large quantity of food, accord- ing to the records, when appealed to by Governor Bradford. At Pemaquid may still be seen the remains of a fort that was erected in 1690 at a cost of £20,000, which was two-thirds of the entire appropriation of Massa- chusetts, which then included Maine, for that year. The Man With the Toe. Here is an extract from an article in the Geographical Magazine, in which the writer describes the labori- ous culture of rice on hillsides in the Yangtze valley: “The roily water makes the hoeing of his rice field impossible; so he does not hoe it, he toes it. With bare foot he feels about the plant with his toes, and if he finds a weed, he toes it out; then presses the dirt firmly in place again. With his right foot he toes two rows, with his left foot he toes four rows as he goes. That's the way he hoes.” White men can never expect—nor should be expected—to compete with this sort of thing.—Los Angeles Times. are no vows as to mutual toleration for better or for worse. But the French husband and wife marry to take up each other’s burdens, and then carry journey. This can be traced to several cases. One is that young people are linked together in France with a view to their practical well-being as well as to their svmpathies. A girl who is an artist does not marry a bootmaker. And a shopkeeper rarely thinks of joining his fortune to any but a shop- keeper's daughter or a business girl. The classes do not intermingle in marriage, not because of snobbishness, but because it is not practical.—From the Continental Edition of the London Mail. Moslems Ignore Mourning. No mourning is worn uy the crtho- dox Turks of the Moslem religion, nor are periods of seclusion observed by the Osmanli tribes or by most other Moslems after the death of a rela- tive. Women friends pay visits of condolence to the harem, but the in- mates—after thanking their guests for their formal expression of sympathy and good wishes for their future ex- emption from bereavement, speak calmly and resignedly of the departed. If a child has died the mother and her relatives even rejoice before their friends. For according to Moslem tenets it is considered sinful to show expressive sorrow over the death of a child. To do so is also thought det- rimental to the repose of the child’s soul and his happiress in paradise. Surprising the Empress. An amusing story is told by Augus- tin Filon in his reminiscences of the Empress Eugenie. One day, when she was lyf in a hammock, an over-zealous aide-de- camp (it was not his first blunder) noticed an old Japanese parasol which was lying long forgotten at the foot of a tree, and which had become, by the accumulation of years, the recep- tacle of a varied collection of living and dead insects. ' Advancing with the movements of a slave of the harem fanning a sul- tana, the officer opened the parasol, and a perfect deluge of grubs and caterpillars rained upon the empress, who uttered a shriek of terror and sprang out of the hammock like lightning. WORK OF ITALIAN ARTISTS Men of Genius Engaged to Decorate the Capitol in the City of Washington. Most of the decorations in the capl- tol at Washington are the work of Italian artists, according to an article by Professor Enrico Sartorio, In an Italian magazine published in New York. The dome was decorated by a young Italian painter, Pietro Bonani, who had previously worked in Rome and Carrara, and who died in 1819, short- ly after the completion of his work in Washington. The cast of the statue of liberty was done by Causici, who died before he could put it into mar- ble, and the spread eagle under the statue was carved by another Italien, Valaperti. As the hall of representatives neared completion in 1806 Giuseppe Franzoni and Giovanni Andrei, sculp- tors, were brought over from Italy. The former was skilled in figures and the latter in decorative sculpture, bat their work was destroyed when the capitol was burned by the British dur- Ing the War of 1812. When work was resumed, Andrei was sent to Italy to engage sculptors proficient in model- ing figures, and it was probably then that Francisco Iardella and Carlo Franzoni, brother of Giuseppe, were engaged. The clock in Statuary hali was begun by Franzoni and completed by Iardella. As the capitol neared completion a larger number of artists was needed, and most of them were brought over from Italy. It was then, in 1823, that Enrico Causici and Antonio Capelano, pupils of Canova, arrived. The sculp- tured portraits of Columbus, Raleigh, Cabot and LaSalle, and the groups representing the landing of the Pil- grims, Pocahontas rescuing Capt. John Smith, and some others are by them. Valaperti, who was a man of some prominence in his profession, algo came over at this time. In 1826, Luigi Persico arrived in Washington. The large allegorical group in the portico of the rotunda is his and also the statues of War and Peace on either side of the doorway. At the foot of the west stairway there is a bronze bust of a Chippewa chief by Vincenti. There are also many frescoes by Constantino Brumidi and some by Castigni, the two having been employed together on the large fresco on the rotunda, illustrating in pseudo- relief the periods In the history of the continent. Brumidi, who painted many of the frescoes in the Vatican at Rome, as well as in the capitol in Washington, came to America in 1849. In 1853 he became a citizen, and in 31859 he was entrusted with the deco- ration of the capitol. James Fenimore Cooper. James Fenimore Cooper, the first American novelist to gain a reputa- tion in Europe, studied at Yale, but he was not a close student and in his third year was asked to leave the college. He then joined the navy, where he gained knowledge and ex- perience that he later used to make his sea tales realistic. He married and retired from the navy just be- fore the War of 1812, engaging in forming. One day, while reading aloud an English novel, he boasted to his wife than he could write a better novel than many of those appearing at that time. So he produced “Precaution,” a commonplace story of English high life, of which Cooper knew nothing. Advised to turn to adventure in his own country, he wrote “The Spy” in 1821 and published it at his own ex- pense. On its appearance he was at once recognized as a novelist of force. In the twenty years that followed he brought out many novels, including those stirring sea tales, “The Pilot” and “The Red Rover.” Among his more popular books are the “Deer- slayer,” “The Last of the Mohicans,” “The Pathfinder,” “The Pioneer” and “The Prairie.” Many consider “The Last of the Mohicans” the best of the series. Canada’s Maple Products. Not all of the maple products pro- duced in Canada are consumed by the Canadian people. Take the year 1919 for which the statistics of exports in detail are available. During that year there were exported from Canada 4,- 703,366 pounds of maple sugar, having a value of $1,062,805. Nearly all of this went to the United States, name: ly, 4,412,178 pounds. Great Britain took 169,270 pounds, and France 115, 465 pounds. The other purchases were very small, such as 400 pounds to Bermuda, 10 to Australia, 67 to Newfoundland, 15 to St. Pierre and Miquelon, 41 to Norway and 5,920 to Russia. Of maple sirup, 6,950 gallons were exported, having a value of $12,202. Great Britain took 3,785 gallons and the United States 2,969 gallons. France took 805 gallons—Montreal 2:1 FORA oo Money back without question E if HUNT'S GUARANTEED 4 ap SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in the treatment of Itch, Eczema, Ringworm, Tetter or other itch " ing okin diseases. Try this treatment at our riek, ~ 65-26 C. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte SA FE ETT N, CHICHESTER S PILLS ND BRAN ; Le float A gu ore Cor and Shoes. Shoes. (Geraniums on sale at Yeager’s Shoe Store On or about May 10th I will receive and have on sale the largest shipment of Geraniums ever brought to Centre county. These Geraniums will be the very best, and carefully selected as to color and variety. You will need them for your porch boxes, your lawn, and for Decoration Day. Ijjwill be pleased to have you call and pur- chase your needs in this line. Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. RA A I I oe Fl RoE ao oN Sh | SAS RRA £ Si aL oi ELE ks a ASRS Uc e=1 U LH rl RSs Ly = ASRS | ih | 1 |] | I : il ie TE Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME. Summer Bargains Who would have thought a year ago that Summer goods could be had at such low prices as we are selling them for today? Ladies’ and Misses’ All Wool Jersey Suits All Wool Jersey Suits that sold at $25.00 to $37.00, now $15.00 Navy Blue Serge Suits and Tricotines in Braid and Embroidery effects, new box back and other styles, that sold from $25.00 to $55.00, now $16.00 to $35.00. Silk Dresses A full line of Chiffon Taffetas, Satins and Canton Crepes at remarkably low prices. Wash Dress Goods Dotted Swisses, Organdies, Imported and Domestic Ginghams, Voiles in dark and light colors, Georgette patterns, silk flow- ers and stripes, at pre-war prices. Silk Hosiery We are showing all colors in Silver Star Hosiery—navy, white, grey, cordovan and black, from $1.50 up. Table Damask Just opened a newline of Table Damask at 50 cents per yard. \ Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. EE —m————