Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 03, 1921, Image 4

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    Beara ican
= Bellefonte, Pa., June 3, 1921.
x To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
pame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
potice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - -
Paid before expiration of year -
Paid after expiration of year -
Services in Bellefonte
Largely Attended.
Fifty-six years ago the war of the
rebellion of the South against the
North came to an end with the surren-
der of Lee’s army at Appomattox. The
fratricidal strife continued for four
years and it was the greatest war in
history up to that time. Almost
three-score years have passed since
then and the horrors of that war have
been eclipsed by one of such magni-
tude that the Civil war almost dwin-
dles into insignificance, but those of
the men who marched forth to battle
at that time, still living today, never
falter in their devotion to the com-
rades who have passed away, but each
year wend their way to the silent cem-
eteries and strew flowers on the
graves of those who have gone before.
But the old soldiers are passing away
and their ranks are growing pitiful-
ly small. During the past year six
Civil war veterans in Bellefonte have.
answered the long roll. Time was,
not so many years ago, when Gregg
Post marshalled almost a company
strong on Memorial day. On Monday
just sixteen old veterans were in line.
The parade formed in the Diamond
promptly at 1:30 o’clock and moved as
the town clock struck two. John J.
Bower Esq., was chief marshall and
the parade as made up included Troop
L, Capt. W. Frederick Reynolds in
command; the I. 0. O. F. band of
Bellefonte; upwards of five hundred
sehool children, members of the G. A.
R., six Spanish-American war veter-
“ans, the American Legion, forty-eight
strong, including both soldiers and
sailors, the P. 0. S. of A; Knights of |
the Golden Eagle Commandery and
the Logan fire company.
. Commander S. B. Miller had charge
of the exercises at the cemetery and
at the conclusion of the G. A. R. ritu-
al introduced Samuel Hare Esq., of Al-
toona, who made the Memorial ad-
dress. An incident of the day was the
placing of special wreaths by mem-
bers of the American Legion on the
graves of John Cunningham, Richard
Corman, Joseph Anderson, Joseph
Morrison and Ira Wolfe.
Details from Gregg Post went to
Shiloh and the Meyers cemetery last
Sunday and decorated the graves of
soldiers buried in those places and the
coming Sunday members of the Post
will leave the Post rooms at 9 a. m,,
for Snydertown where services will
be held at 10 o'clock. Returning in
the afternoon services will be held at
Hublersburg at 2 o'clock and at Zion
at 4 o'clock.
Members of the Post acknowledge
with sincere thanks contributions of
flowers for Memorial day from the
following persons:
< Paul Luts Peter Meek
ce Luts George Meek
£5. Knisely Mrs. E. L. Walker
Mrs. B. McGovern
Catherine Miller
Edmund McCafferty
Christy Smith
Irvin Grassmyer
Leonard Lambert
Grace Kerchner
Jean Smith
Charles Smith
Myrtle Cupt
Virginia Cupt
Alice Grafmyer
Jean Blanchard
Mrs. Edward Cooke
Mrs. Ambrose Schm
Donald McCoy
Mrs. Wm. Waddle
Mrs. Nelson
Janet Brouse
William Brouse
Mrs. John Noll
Mrs. G. O. Gray
Mrs. Hill
Catharine Farley
Virginia Spangler
Virgie Auman
Helen Auman
Margaret Monsel
Charles Monsel
Robert Steele
Margaret Henty
Robert Henty
Evelyn Snyder
Herbert Rossman
Claire Rhoads
Helen Reed
Barbara Rboads
Helen Rossman
Julia Hines
Jas. W. Herron Jr.
Barbara Sloop
Erma Sloop
Jean Herron
Dora Krisner
Sara Gordon
J. McGovern
— Gettig
Madaline Thomas
Helen McCoy
Frances Auman
Dorothy Spicer Mrs. Woodring
Mrs. Harry Yeager Mrs. Parker
Julia Young Guy Ostrander
Two baskets of flowers
Wedded Fifty Years.
Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey Rick-
ard, of Milesburg, celebrated the fif-
tieth anniversary of their marriage
last Saturday with a home-coming of
their children, grand-children and
great grand-children to the number of
twenty-six. Mr. Rickard was born at
Axe Mann seventy-three years ago,
while his wife, who before her mar-
riage was Clara Potter Thomas, was
born at Milesburg seventy-four years
ago. They were married at Miles-
burg in 1871 and shortly thereafter
moved to Lock Haven. After living
there forty years they returned to
Milesburg in 1912. Mr. and Mrs.
Rickard’s children are Mrs. W. O.
Knapp, of Mill Hall; Mrs. A. E. Suit-
er, of New York city; Edgar, of Lock
Haven; J. Boyd, of Salona; Rembrandt
P., of Johnstown; Alice, Amy, Gladys
and Russell, at home.
At the age of fifteen years Mr.
Rickard enlisted for “service in the
Civil war and served until the close of
the struggle. After the war he enter-
ed the employ of the Pennsylvania
railroad company as a bridge builder
and had been connected with that com-
pany for a period of fifty years, hav-
ing been retired at the age of seventy
——The Milesburg fireproof garage,
William W. Keichline and Calvin
Hockman proprietors, opened for serv-
ice on* Wednesday. It’is located on
the main street, where the Mann pic-
ture show used to be. °
Miller, widow of Sidney Miller, passed
away last Thursday at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. L. H. Wian, on east
High street, Bellefonte, as the result
of injuries sustained almost a year
ago. Readers of the “Watchman”
doubtless recall the fact that on June
28th, 1920, a heavy barn door fell up-
on Mrs. Miller at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. T. Noll, at Pleasant
Gap, breaking her ankle and otherwise
injuring her. Asa result of the acci-
dent she spent a number of weeks in
the Bellefonte hospital, later being re-
moved to the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Wian. Last October she was
taken to the Noll home at Pleasant
Gap where she remained until about
five weeks ago when she returned to
the Wian home, where she passed
away last Thursday.
Deceased was a daughter of John
and Mary Swaney and was born at
Pleasant Gap on June 17th, 1842,
hence was almost seventy-nine years
old. When a young woman she was
united in marriage to Sidney Miller,
of Spring township, and their entire
married life was spent in the vicinity
of Pleasant Gap. She was a life-long
member of the Lutheran church and
an upright christian womar. Possess-
ed of a kind and gentle disposition,
with always a thought for the welfare
of others, she was loved and revered
by a large circle of friends.
Her husband died a number of years
ago but surviving her are the follow-
ing children: Mrs. L. H. Wian, of
Bellefonte; Mrs. Harry D. Gehret, of
Corry; Mrs. J. T. Noll, of Pleasant
Gap, and Mrs. H. H. Kirkwood, of
Woodlawn, Pa. She also leaves three
sisters, Mrs. Levi A. Miller, of Pleas-
ant Gap; Mrs. Maggie Raudenbush, of
Bellefonte, and Mrs. Lewis Miller, of
Kansas City, Kan.
The remains were taken to the Noll
home at Pleasant Gap where funeral
services were held last Saturday
morning by Rev. Wilson P. Ard, of
Bellefonte, after which burial was
made in the Lutheran cemetery at the
Il il
RUMBERGER. — Amos Harper
Rumberger, treasurer of Clearfield
county, died at the Cottage State hos-
pital, Philipsburg, shortly after the
noon hour last Wednesday as the re-
sult of peritonitis following an opera-
tion for appendicitis.
He was 4 son of Balser and Hannah
Rumberger and was born at Pennsyl-
vania Furnace, this county, on January
14th, 1862, hence was a little past
fifty-nine years of age. When a boy
his parents moved to Huntingdon
county and later to Houtzdale where
Mr. Rumberger engaged in the hard-
ware business. In the fall of 1919 he
was elected treasurer of Clearfield
county, hence had served but a little
over a year of his term. He was a mem-
ber of the Osceola Lodge of Masons,
the Williamsport Consistory and the
Altoona Shriners. He was a member
of Centre Council No. 803, Royal Ar-
canum, of Philipsburg, and treasurer
of the Central Pennsylvania district
Volunteer Firemen’s association.
He is survived by his wife and these
children! Mrs. G. M. Gleason, of Du-
Bois: Mrs. Glen Cameron, of Philadel-
phia; Mrs. Mahlon Hagerty, of Phil-
ipsburg; George, of Seattle, and Miss
Gertrude, at home, He also leaves four
brothers, Dr. Walter Rumberger, of
Mt. Union; William, of New Castle;
George, in western Canada, and How-
ad, in Bellingham, Wash. Burial was
made at Houtzdale on Saturday after-
i Il
TAYLOR.—George Taylor, an old
and well known resident of Milesburg,
died very suddenly at noon on Sun-
day at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Samuel Campbell. After eating his
dinner he sat down in a rocking chair,
had a collapse and died in a few min-
He was a son of Jacob and Hannah
Taylor and was born in Elk county
ninety-two years ago, being the eldest
of six children. He came to Centre
county in 1865 and located in Miles-
burg where he lived ever since. He
had been a member of the I. O. O. Fr
for more than fifty years. He was
twice married but never had any chil-
dren, so that his only survivors are
his half-sister, Mrs. Campbell, and
two half-brothers, James Taylor, of
Nebraska, and William ,in Tennessee.
Rev. M. C. Piper had charge of the
funeral which was held on Wednesday
afternoon, burial being made in the
Treziyulny cemetery.
i i
HAMER.—Mrs. Susan Hamer, who
for more than forty years had been a
sufferer with an affection of the
throat, died last Saturday night at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Claude
Gette, in Philipsburg.
She was a daughter of George and
Martha Houser Cronemiller and was
born at Houserville, this county, on
September 27th, 1843, hence was in
her seventy-eighth year. She was
married to George Hamer in 1868, and
in 1880 they located in Philipsburg.
Mr. Hamer died in 1883 but surviving
her are one son and a daughter. Mrs.
Hamer was the last surviving member
of a family of eleven children. Bur-
ial was made in the Philipsburg cem-
etery on Tuesday afternoon.
HARTSOTE — Mrs. Fora Louise
Hartsock, wife of Harry P. Hartsock,
of Chicago, but formerly of Centre
county, died on Sunday, May 22nd,
following an illness of several weeks.
She is survived by one son by a for-
mer marriage, two sisters, and a
brother, all of Altoona. Burial was
made in the Forest Home cemetery,
Chicago, on May 25th.
— Mrs. C. D. Casebeer entertain-
ed Friday night with five tables of
five hundred.
Rachael Larimer { The Penn State Commencement Pro-
The annual commencement of The
Pennsylvania State College will begin
on Friday of next week, and inasmuch
as the class to be graduated this year
will be the largest in the history of the
College—460 in number—preparations
are being made for a large attendance.
The complete program for the week is
as follows:
7:00 p. m. — Freshman .
7:30 p. m.—*A Thousand Years Ago,” by
. The Penn State Players—
Open Air Theatre.
m.—Alumni Council, meeting of
Branch and Class association
delegates—Old Chapel.
m.—Concert—College band.
m.—College business meeting of
General Alumni association—
12.00 m.—Alumni luncheon—Alumni tent.
1:00 p. m.—Track, University of Pitts-
burgh vs. Penn State—New
Beaver Field.
m.—Alumni parade—Front campus
m.—Paseball, University of Pitts-
burgh vs. Penn State—New
Beaver Field.
8:00 p.
9:00 a.
10:00 a.
1:30 p.
3:30 p.
5:00 p. m.—Dean of Women at home to
house party chaperons- -
Women’s Building.
m.—Dinner and business meeting
of Penn State Alumnae Club
— McAllister hall; Class din-
ners—University Club, Berk-
6:00 p.
shire, etc.
7:30 p. m.—Concert, College Musical elubs
9:00 p. m.—Informal Alumni reception to
President and Mrs. John M.
Thomas and Dr. and Mrs. E.
E. Sparks, dancing and gen-
eral get-together—Women's
Building and lawn,
m.—Bacecalaureate sermon, Presi-
dent John M. Thomas—aAu-
6:30 p. m.—Y. M. C. A. meetings—Open
Air Theatre.
3:00 or 8:00 p. m.—Concert, College Mili-
tary band. Instrumental and
10:00 a. m.—Class Day exercises—Open Air
10.00 a, m.—Annual meeting of the Board
of Trustees—Carnegie Libra-
11:00 a. m.—Initiation and annual busi-
ness meeting of Phi Kappa
11:00 a. m.—Tennis, Leland Stanford Jr.
University vs. Penn State—
Gymnasium Courts.
2:30 p. m.—Baseball, University of Pitts-
10:30 a.
Beaver Field.
9:45 a. m.—Commencement procession.
2:00 p. m.—Election of Trustees—Dele-
gates to the Old Chapel—
Alumni in Room 114 Main.
5:00 p. m.—Reception to College guests
Pregident’s lawn, west cam-
Some Good Snake Stories.
H. A. Surface, of Susquehanna Uni-
veristy, formerly economic zoologist
in the State Department of Agricul-
ture, has always ridiculed the idea of
there being such reptiles as hoop-
snakes, horned snakes, etc., but if he
wants to get into an argument he
should visit Bellefonte now. The Ga-
zette last week published a story about
week by Elias Breon, of Axe Mann,
and offered to prove it with the horns.
Among those who read the story was
Elmer C. Straub, better known to his
many friends as “Waxey,” who avers
that the reptiles in question are what
is familiarly known as stone copper-
heads. In fact “Waxey” claimed to
having had an intimate acquaintance
with them when he farmed the old
Alexander farm along the mountain
where, he said, they were so plentiful
that he had bushels of the “horns”
taken from the snakes he had killed.
He probably used the horns as husk-
ing pegs and various other things
around the farm.
In discussing the horned snakes a
well known Bellefonte physician, re-
called the fact that once upon a time he
saw a snake that apparently had two
horns, one sticking out on each side of
its head, and he was so impressed with
the queer looking specimen that he got
as close to the reptile as possible to
make sure his eyes were not playing
fantastic tricks, and then he discov-
ered that the snake was in the act of
swallowing a frog and what he had at
first believed to be horns were the
frogs legs sticking out of the snake's
mouth, one on each side. .
But speaking of snakes, George Mil-
ler, of Bush’s Addition, states that last
week he discovered something was
eating his strawberries and naturally
he blamed it on the birds, as only the
ripest side of the berry would be tak-
en. But watch as close as he could he
failed to see any birds in his straw-
berry patch. On Saturday he under-
took to gather the ripe berries in his
patch and then he discovered that the
berry thief was a copperhead snake,
and the snake so resented Mr. Miller’s
intrusion into the patch that it showed
battle and when he finally got the rake
to kill it it put up a good fight but was
finally dispatched, and now he antici-
pates no more stealing of his berries.
— Some unknown miscreant visit-
ed the home of Mrs. A. C. Coldren,
near Pleasant Gap last Thursday
! night and stole all
| plants from her hotbed.
her best tomato
Sunday School Convention at Miles-
burg Next Week.
The people of Milesburg have prac-
entertaining the fifty-second annual
convention of the Centre county Sun-
day school association which will be
held in the Methodist church of that
place next Tuesday and Wednesday.
E. R. Hancock, of Philipsburg, is pres-
ident of the association. Bentley D.
| Ackley, of Philadelphia, has been se-
cured to have charge of the music dur-
ing the convention. The full program
for the two days is as follows:
m.—Song Service
m.—Address of welcome H. B. Neff
10:35 a. m.—Response......... Rev Drumm
10:40 a. m.—Song
10:45 a. m.—Address, - “The Community
Teacher Training Class,” Rev. A. M.
11:10 a. m.—Discussion
11:20 a. m.—Address, “The Graded Sunday
School”....cevsvrer-+-...H. B. Faulkner
11:45 a. m.—Discussion
11:50 a. m.—Appointment
° mittees
12:00 m.—Adjourn
10:00 a.
10:15 a.
10:30 a.
of Com-
:00 p. m.—Song Service
:15 p. m.—Devotions
Young Peoples’ Div. Pres. Church
Geo. MacMillan
Childrens’ Div. M. E. Church
Mrs. C. E. McGirk
Adult Div., S. W. Gramley, W. E. Myers,
Baptist Church.
4:30 p. m.—Adjourn
6:30 p. m.—Parade and Band Concert
7:30 p. m.—Song Service
7:45 p. m.—Devotions
8:00 p. m.—Address, “Parents’ Depart-
ment, Why and How?’ Walter BE. My-
ers, Erie, Adult Supt. Penna. S. S.A.
8:30 p. m.—Song
8:35 p. m.—Offering.
8:40 p. m.—Address, “The greatest Thing
in the World,” Mrs. John Y. Boyd, Har-
risburg, Vice Pres. P. 8. 8. A.
9:20 p. m.—Adjourn
30 a. m.—Song Service
45 a. m.—Devotions
00 a. m.—Address, “The Monthly Work-
ers’ Meeting......ccevveenees W. A. Ridge
a. m.—Discussion
a. m.—Song
Walter E. Myers
11:05 a. m.—Discussion
burgh vs. Penn State—New |
7:30 p. m.— ‘Pompompus I" by The Thes-
10:0 a. m.—Commencement Exeretdeh— |
the killing of two horned snakes last |
Officers, Raising Budget, Etec.
12:00 m.—Adjourn
f-— .
‘ z
9.00 p. m.—Song Service ~
2:15 p. m.—Devotions
2:30 p. m,—Paper......... Dr, G, F. Frank
2:50 p. m.—Song
2:55 p. m.—Address, “The Temperance
Situation............ Dr. W. K. McKinney
3:30 p. m.—Song
3:35 p. m.—Round Table
4:30 p. m.—Adjourn
6:45 p. m.—Band Concert. . Wetzler's Bard
7:30 p. m.—Song Service
7:45 p. m.—Devotions
8:00 p. m.—Address, “The O. A.B. Cc.
Five Point Chdllenge.”.. Walter E. Myers
8:35 p. m.~—Song °°
8:40 p. m.-—Address, “The Sunday School
in the Light of the Twentieth Century
Progress.”—Hon. B. F. Bungard, Port-
age, Pa., Chaplain State Senate.
9:20 p. m.—Adjourn
Christian Endeavorers in Convention.
After a lapse of five years represen-
tatives of the various Christian En-
deavor societies in the county met in
an annual convention in the Unite
Friday, and as evidence of the inter-
est manifest in the reorganized coun-
ty Union sixty-nine delegates regis-
tered at the morning session while
the afternoon and evening.
A most interesting program was
presented, the speakers including Rev.
dent of the Bellefonte district of the
Allegheny conference Union, United
Brethren church; E. B. Buller, of
State College, president of the Centre
‘county Union; W. T. Kitchen, associ-
ate secretary of the State College Y.
M. C. A.; Rev. J. F. Harkins, pastor
of the Lutheran church, State College;
Rev. J. Max Kirkpatrick, Presbyterian
minister of Centre Hall; Rev. R. G.
Bannen D. D., former State president
ence E. Williams, of Bellefonte, for-
phia county Union. Haines A. Rei-
Pennsylvania Union, spoke at both
the afternoon and evening sessions.
Among the subjects of vital inter-
were how to interest young people in
Christian Endeavor work; the Chris-
tian Endeavor pledge; how the society
can be an efficient aid to the pastor;
the value of the quiet hour; the priv-
ileges and responsibilities of officers
and committees; and things worth
while. A round table and question-
naire on methods was conducted by
the state secretary. In the evening
the Penn State girls quartette gave a
most delightful concert.
them in an active and flourishing con-
dition. Officers elected for the ensu-
Clarence E. Williams, Bellefonte; vice
president, Rex Shaffer, State College;
secretary, Miss
treasurer, S. Z. Miller, Philipsburg;
superintendent extension work, R. H.
Grove, Bellefonte; pastoral executive
advisor, Rev. J. F. Hawkins, State
College. An active program of work
for the ensuing year was mapped out.
The music for the convention was in
charge of Rex Shaffer, as chorister
| and Mrs. Nevin Cole pianist. Lunch-
eon and dinner were served the visit-
ing delegates by the three Christian
{ Endeavor societies of Bellefonte.
a———————————— EY ——————————
| ——Get your job work done at this
office and get it right.
tically completed arrangements for |
30 p. m.—Divide into Three Conferences :
:35 a. m.—Address, “Graded Instruction,” .
spectfully requested to inform upon
ninety or more were in attendance in y
George E. Smith, of Bellefonte, presi- |
of the Pennsylvania Union, and Clar- |
mer superintendent of the Philadel- '
est discussed by the various speakers
Miriam Beck, Nittany; !
| Ferguson Township Soldier’s Body
Brought Home.
| Included in the five thousand bodies
of American soldiers who died or were
! killed in France which arrived in New
| York last week was that of Ralph II-
'lingworth Dunlap, of Pine Grove
{ Mills. The body reached Lemont yes-
‘terday morning and was taken in
| charge by a detail from the Boal Ma-
| chine Gun Troop, with which organi-
zation he went to France. The re-
| mains were taken direct to Boal camp
| at Boalsburg where they will be held
| until tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon
| when they will be conveyed to Pine
| Grove Mills, to the home of his moth-
er, Mrs. S. A. Dunlap. - :
| Funeral services will be held in the
. Methodist church at Pine Grove Mills
| at four o’clock on Sunday afternoon.
| Rev. J. W. Long, of State College, will
| be in charge of the services. The
| young man will be buried with full
' military honors by his old comrades
in arms. Capt. Sohl, of Boal Troop,
| will be in charge of the military, while
' Major Theodore Davis Boal will also
be in line with the soldiers. A gener-
al invitation is extended to all ex-serv-
ice men to attend. The Citizens band
: will lead the military parade. Burial
will be made in the Pine Grove Mills
er ee 4
, By reason of the fact that many ser-
' ious accidents result from the failure
“to observe a “safe and sane” Fourth
"of July, notice is hereby given that the
, provisions of the ordinance of the
Borough of Bellefonte, relating to the
firing or throwing of fire crackers, fire
, balls, squibs, or other fire works, or
the firing of any pistol, will be strict-
| ly enforced.
The Fourth of July may be properly
celebrated without endangering the
1 life or property of any person and it
is this kind of an observance that will
‘be expected. The celebration will be
! strictly confined to that particular
day; it does not start a week or two
I in advance or continue for an indefi-
| nite period thereafter. July 4th, 1921,
| is only twenty-four hours in length.
All good citizens are hereby re-
| and prosecute to conviction persons
| State or the ordinance of our borough
| relating to the sale and explosion of
any and all fire works contrary ‘there-
| to. Assist in making the day “safe
‘and sane.”
Given under my hand and seal of
. said borough this 1st day of Jnue, A.
' D., 1921.
Rifiemen Practicing for Shoot.
Sportsmen from all over the 2nd
district are practicing for the final ri-
' fle shoot which will decide the make
up of the team to represent the dis-
trict in the “all county” shoot to be
held at Bellefonte on Conservation
day; June 17th, 1921.
| The team to represent College, Fer-
| guson, Halfmoon and Worth town-
ships, composing the. 2nd district of
the Association, will be chosen at a
, shoot to be held on the Glun Club |
grounds at State College June 10th, |
,at 2 p. m. Any resident of this dis-
, trict over eighteen years of age may
compete for a place on the team. The
Brethren church of Bellefonte last gistance will be fifty yards at stand- | took place
| ard targets furnished by the Associa-
tion for which a nominal fee will be
, charged. Any rifle may be used and
any sights except those containing
The range officer will be John Gil-
liland, of State College, to whom all
' communications should be addressed.
| Appropriations Approved.
| Governor Sproul cleaned his desk of
all bills on Saturday with the approv-
‘al of the big budget of appropriations.
' A large number of the appropriations
' were cut down and some vetoed. Those
approved by the Governor of interest
to Centre county are as follows:
ed $20,000 two years ago. Sule
Cottage State hospital, Philipsburg,
$102,000; received $54,000 two years
Western penitentiary, $961,923.65,
chel, of Harrisburg, secretary of the received $1,103,955.61 two years ago. | Brel Soman 2nd bewail
| The Pennsylvania State College—
General maintenance deficiency, $251,
1 000; general maintenance, $1,600,000;
| buildings $25,000; experiments in
"bacco culture, $6,000; extension work
in agriculture and home economics;
| $450,000; apprentice trade and night
; schools, $35,000; summer school for
| teachers, $40,000, a total of $2,407,000,
as against $1,781,462 two years ago.
| ee
‘Boy Scout Camps at State College
This Summer.
Camps for Boy Scouts will be held
' again on the campus of The Pennsyl-
"eerie she tal of tie, $8 SL Gg ane pe month
yo Ys of July. These camps have become a to iron while the strike’s hot; and if
: regular feature of the summer life at
| Penn State and each year half a dozen
ing year are as follows: President, | troops take advantage of the college ,
| invitation. The camps this year will
be held for periods of one week each,
| starting July 5. The others will start
on July 18 and 21, respectively. Prof.
\T. I. Mairs, of the agricultural school
- faculty will again have charge of the
! scout camps.
| — Leaving York, Pa, at five
o'clock on Monday morning Jacob
| Jury Jr., and Orrin Ruth hiked it to
| Bellefonte, arriving here at eleven
| o'clock Tuesday night.. Though this
| is undoubtedly - a record. hike -the
| young men both report a pleasant trip.
| While in Bellefonte they will be guests
, of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Sager, Mr.
Jury being a brother of Mrs. Sager.
Bellefonte hospital, $18,000; receiv-
to- |
(Continued from page 8, column 6.)
—Miss Emma Montgomery has returned
from Pittsburgh and is with Mr. and Mrs,
James Clark, at her own home on Alle-
gheny street. Since being away from
Bellefonte, Miss Montgomery has been
with her sister, Mrs. J. C. McHugh, of
Mrs. Charles Keichline will leave next
week for New York State to visit at her
former home at Kirkvillee. Mr. and Mrs.
G. F. Reiter, of the Academy, who are now
with Mr. and Mrs. Keichline, will remain
there for several weeks and take charge of
the Keichline house.
—Miss Dale, of Lemont, spent Tuesday
in Bellefonte looking after some business
relative to their farm. Miss Dale and her
mother, Mrs. Georgianna Dale, live on their
farm near Lemont, during the summer but
spend their winters with Mrs. Dale's oth-
| er two daughters, Mrs. Lingle, at Pitcairn,
and Mrs. L. V. Barber, at Mill Hall
| Bank President Becomes Oil Ex-
. D. Ross Wynn, president of Mo-
shannon National bank of Philipsburg,
has accepted the position of vice pres-
ident and general manager of the
Dreadnaught Oil & Refining company,
of Louisville, Kentucky.
He was the first president of the
General Refractories Co., of Pennsyl-
vania. He is also a director in the
following companies: Nickel Fabri-
cating Co., Philipsburg, Pa.; Ameri-
can Re-Insurance Co., Philadelphia,
Pa.; H. F. Wilcox Oil & Gas Co., Tul-
sa, Okla., and treasurer of the Phil-
ipsburg Foundry and Machine Co., of
Philipsburg, Pa.
Mr. Wynn and family are well and
favorably known throughout the State
and have the best wishes of friends
and business associates in their new
; activity.
Saint John’s Class Exercises.
Night exercises of Saint John’s
school will be held this (Friday) even-
ing, June third, at eight-fifteen o’clock
in the school hall. The commence-
ment exercises will take place on Sun-
day morning, June fifth, with a high
mass, sung by the children in Saint
; John’s church, at ten-thirty o’clock.
The following students will be grad-
11:20 .4. m.—Business Session. Election of ' : s
, offending against the laws of our Joseph J. Bosciano Thomas M. Gross
Eugenia C. Bauer Elizabeth A. Gherrity
_ Christine A. Gillen Elizabeth T. Hazel
: Mary T. Martin
| bore
| Dr. Roan Has Changed Her Office
| Hours.
Dr. Eva B. Roan, of State College,
who has an office at the residence of
! D. Paul Fortney, on Bishop street,
this place, has changed her hours for
, visiting here. Hereafter she will be in
Bellefonte only on Saturdays from 1
to 9 p. m. 22-1
. Ostrander—Burns, — Arthur Clyde
Ostrander, of Bellefonte, and Miss
Catherine Naomi Burns, of Altoona,
| were married at the Trinity Reformed
' church, Altoona, last Thursday even-
ing, by the pastor, Rev. James Runkle.
, The young couple will reside in Al-
ral end
——Formal installation of Rev. J.
| Max Kirkpatrick as pastor of the
' Spring Creek and Sinking Creek
charges of the Presbyterian church
this week. The of-
ficial service took place at Pine Grove
Mills on Wednesday afternoon; at
, Centre Hall yesterday morning and at
Lemont last evening. Dr. W. K. Mc-
Kinney, of Bellefonte, had charge of
the services last evening and was as-
sisted by Rev. Samuel Martin, of
State College. Following the services
a reception was tendered the new pas-
by the ladies of the church.
— Mrs. S. J. Boak, of Pine Glenn,
: has reopened the Golden Pheasant tea
room for the summer and is in a posi-
tion to accommodate guests who will
give due notice in advance. She can
be reached on the Commercial phone.
Where It Stings.
| He wasn’t much of a hand at work;
bue when a strike was in the air Jone-
| ki was well to the front. Nothing
| pleased him better than to stand at
the hard lot
, even though at the
| same time his wife had to take in
| washing to keep herself from starv-
So he was in his element when a
strike actually happened. On the
| fourth day he swaggered into the fam-
ily kitchen, where Mrs. Joneki labor-
i ed over a steaming tub.
«And I tell you, Sarah,” he ended
his oration proudly, “the only way for
us working men to keep our liberty is
to strike while the iron’s hot, and stop
' the slave-driving capitalists from fat-
| tening on the fruit of our labor.”
Sarah straightened her weary back,
and eyed him loweringly.
“You listen to me, my man!” she re-
plied sternly. “I've heard about
enough of that clap-trap! I'm obliged
you come gassing around here I'll in-
troduce you to the argument of the
broomstick!” — Louisville Courier
ep Ar ee —
Candle and Grade Eggs.
Farm women frequently have entire
charge of the marketing of eggs, but-
ter, and poultry. In some States they
form what are called “egg circles” for
marketing their eggs in large quanti-
ties. The eggs are collected regular-
ly by one f the members or by some
one hired by the circle. Efforts are
| being made by marketing agents of
j the United States Department of Ag-
riculture to teach these farm women
| the value of properly candleing and
| grading the eggs so that only the
best are marketed.
—Buy your own paper and read it.