Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 27, 1921, Image 3
ao u . honorable, and strictly reliable. Deworeaiic fai] Bellefonte, Pa., May 27, 1921. Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PLEASANT GAP. Earl Rimmey has again resumed work at the penitentiary after a brief lay off. : Four of our citizens were fortunate on Monday last to secure employment with the Titan Metal company. Harry Twitmire and wife, of Pit- cairn, were visitors at the home of Henry Twitmire, the early part of the week. They returned home Tuesday last. John Mulfinger is serving in the ca- pacity of night watchman for the state road, a well-deserved recogni- tion, since John is absolutely honest, The right man in the right place. Anyway we have occasional days when a man wears a straw hat to avoid a sun-stroke, and wears an over- coat to ward off chilblains, then won- ders at the crazy way our women dress. Shall wonders never cease. Mr. Samuel Waite will leave Satur- day for Long Island, N. Y., to visit his daughter. After an indefinite sojourn there he expects to proceed to Niaga- ra Falls, to visit his son and family. He expects to return to his bachelor quarters at Pleasant Gap on or before August first. The tax payers of Spring township were very agreeably surprised. They anticipated considerable of an increase over the 1920 duplicate. The only changes made were an increase of two mills cn road tax. The road tax was increased from 8 mills to 5 mills, while the poor tax was decreased from 3 mills to 2 mills, thus causing only a slight increase over 1920. Almost everybody about the Gap who can afford it are the happy pos- sessors of an automobile, hence it is that Mr. Henry Noll, proprietor of the Ford’s authorized service station, is obliged to work all day and frequently half the night. We noticed twelve disabled machines at this garage on Monday last. On inquiry as to what this meant were told by Mr. Noll that it means that his prices for services appeal to the public. Messrs. Jodon & Sommers, at the forks of the road, also operate a garage and are appar- ently ‘busy all the time. Mrs. Kate Hunter, of Pittsburgh, after spending a few weeks at the home of L. A. Miller and wife, left for her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Hunt- er is probably better known in this vi- cinity as the former Katie Furey. She is as cheerful and entertaining as of yore; one of the characters that never grow old, since she never borrows trouble and is noted for looking on the bright side of everything. It’s a pity that all of us can’t do likewise. Cold words may be correctly spoken and el- egant, but if there is no heart-pulse in them, they fall like flakes of snow from a statue of ice. Ex-County Commissioner H. E. Zimmerman, in connection with his other varied industries, is about to embark in the lumbering business. He has purchased a tract of timber, some- thing over a hundred acres, adjacent to McBride's gap, the former holdings of Howard Wells. The tract will yield an abundance of tie and prop timber. It is conjectured that the bark and fire wood will yield sufficient revenue to pay for the investment. It is Mr. Zimmerman’s intention to erect a saw mill near his home at the Gap, where the product will be prepared for mar- ket. The ex-commissioner is wide awake and progressive. He don’t waste much time standing before a mirror, but has a reputation of doing things. Like the illustrious Washing- ton, he frequently asks the advice of his friends, then does as he pleases. The hour fixed for the decoration of our soldier’s graves, twenty-eight in number, is 6 p. m. on Monday next. While we have only three veterans left, the churches, Sunday schools and the Patriotic Sons of America, will aid in the ceremonies, and will do so willingly, since this day is sanctified to the memory of the soldiers who fell in defense of the flag that represents the unity, peace and prosperity of the nation. - This should be no day of mourning, but rather of rejoicing. Not rejoicing that there are desolate homes, vacant chairs, fatherless chil- dren, but that the one flag, represent- ing as it does the grandest principles in the political economy of the world, floats supremely and without a rival, its fair folds cleaned of the stain of slavery and .its field of stars widely extended. That thousands, yea, hun- dreds of thousands dizd in the strug- gle, is true, but it was that millions yet to be, might breathe the soul- nourishing air of freedom and devel- op into heroic and independent man- hood. Why mourn their loss when the gain was so great? Let us strew bright flowers upon the graves of the heroic dead. When the old veterans have answered their last roll-call, the patriotic sons will perpetuate their memory. A few evenings ago while walking down the state road the writer was dumbfounded to hear a mother up- braid her boy; she used some terrible and unbecoming language. Nothing could be more unkind and injudicious. It struck me that if you wish your children to reform, you should throw a shield around their character. Many a youth has been driven to reckless dispair by being upbraided before strangers for misconduct, which never ought to have been known beyond his own family. It is not wise for a mother either to boast of the excel- lencies, or to publish the faults, of her children, but rather to ponder them in her heart; to mention them only at the throne of grace, there to return thanks for what is right, to.ask for guidance to correct what is wrong, and, in all things, to make plain before her face the way of her own present duty in reference to them. Mothers, partic- ularly, have it in their power in early life to form the disposition and char- acter of their children, by instructing them properly, and by giving a right direction to the thoughts and feelings; by so doing, you determine which class of passions shall have the predomi- nance in their minds during life. The mothers have a grave responsibility resting upon them. ORVISTON. Mrs. Milford Cox has been quite ill, but is somewhat improved. Mrs. J. H. Slatterbeck, of this place, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomp- son Spangler, at Blanchard. Mrs. Spangler has been quite ill. Mrs. George Bixel and daughters, Misses Almeta and Mary Jeannette, were Lock Haven visitors last week- end, and report a pleasant time. Mrs. Marian Niepling, of Clyde, N. Y., who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. John Hume Sr., has been feeling quite ill and, although better, is not at all strong. William Lucas and a party of friends traveled in William's “tin Hen- ry” to Lock Haven to see the big show. Everybody had a good time cidents. : Mrs. Belle Shearer, of Beech Creek, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Shearer, for a couple of weeks, expects to return home this week. We are always glad to see the dear motherly soul. Harry Jodun, who moved his family to Farrandsville from here last fall, has returned to our little town and people. Of course he brought his in- teresting little family back and we are all very glad to see them. Mrs. Jodun is one of our pleasant and very popu- lar women. Willis Thompson and Alexander Hume traveled around Centre county last week in Willis’ several old friends and relatives. They first called at the Thompson home in Bellefonte; next went to the Henry Thompson place to visit Willis’ grand- Edgar Morrison, a former chef of the Centre Brick Inn, of Orviston. Mr. Morrison now owns a very nice farm over on the Ridges. They then called on William Walker, the former effi- cient night fireman of the brick kilns, now owning a dandy farm on the out- port a very pleasant time and a warm and hearty welcome from all. Hoping that they all may find their way into our midst before long. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and daugh- ter, Corolla Berger, left for their new home in Williamsport. Their friends and neighbors were very sorry to part with them but wish them the best of good luck, health and prosperity in their new neighborhood. Mrs. Hall endeared herself to her neighbors by her unvarying kindness and helpful- ness, especially in sickness and.death. With malice toward none and charity friends and neighbors are grieving over the state of her daughter’s health, as Corolla has tuberculosis and must be sent almost immediately to the sanitarium at Mont Alto. We are all hoping she may recover and be a comfort to her good, kindly parents. Mr. Hall has been a good, faithful workman, a sober, industrious man and. a kind, accommodating neighbor. We hope to have them visit us often. BOALSBURG. Miss Amanda Mothersbaugh, of Al- toona, is visiting friends in this vi- cinity. Rev. S. C. Stover and Mr. A. J. Ha- zel are attending Classis at Howaid, this week. The Boalsburg Electric company has decided to install meters for the use of its patrons. Keller Snyder came up from Mif- flinburg on Wednesday for a visit with his father and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Bottorf, of Le- mont, were callers at the Fisher home on Saturday evening. : Irvin Johnson, of Crafton, is visit- ing Mrs. Johnson, at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. A. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin spent some time with the former’s mother, who is quite ill at her home in Mifflin- burg. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel and daughters and Hazel and Tom Fax- on spent Sunday at Madisonburg and were accompanied home by Mrs. Sa- rah Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kline and children, of Altoona, were callers in town on Sunday on their way home from a visit at the home of John Kline, at Smullton. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhn accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Bartley, of Belle- fonte, on a motor trip to Tyrone on Sunday, where a number of friends were entertained at the William Ka- narr home. Police at Spelling Bees. The state policeman is becoming a familiar sight at the many spelling bees held throughout Lancaster coun- ty. For many years the success of spelling bees were marred by youths, whose only reason for being present was to “act smart” and get the con- testants “fussed.” Now all this has been changed. Although unique work for the state police, Troop E has been supplying a number of requests from rural schools for mounted officers. As a result the teachers declare that the spelling bees are more successful, larger in attend- ance and carried off without the usual interruptions from boisterous persons in the audience. gmk Spas ——Teachers’ councils are now or- ganjsed in 86 cities in the United tates, and 45 more have advisory bodies of teachers in some form. AL trie CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas. H.FletcLe.. | In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. and came home safe, without any ac- car and visited parents; then to visit an old friend, ' skirts of Port Matilda. The boys re- | for all, she has proved herself one of | the finest of womankind. Her old; : CENTRE HALL. | Miss Fleisher, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Margaret Jacobs. ! Miss Cora Boal has been very ill; bus at this writing is slightly improv- ed. | Miss Pearl Ruble and Miss Beatrice Kramer are about ready to enter the | Bellefonte hospital for training. They will enter on Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Rhone Bayard, of Ty- rone, and Miss Edith Sankey, of Mid- dleburg, were circulating among their friends in this locality. The Academy minstrels gave a very good entertainment in Grange Arca- “dia on Tuesday evening. The house was comfortably filled. Mrs. Mary Crust has so far improv- ' ed that she was able to come to town , with her son one evening this week. But she is still far from well. iF. V. Goodhart is getting the foun- . dation of the new furniture and under- taking establishment ready very rap- idly, and we will soon have a fine new ! mercantile building down street. ' Will Soy Beans Take the Place of Oats? Will soy beans replace oats to ad- vantage in the Pennsylvania farm crop rotation? This question came up during an eight year experiment with , soy beans conducted at The Pennsyl- . vania State College agricultural ex- periment station, in which the aim was to determine the adaptability of , that crop to Pennsylvania conditions. . One outstanding feature of the long test was that for an average of eight years it was found that soy beans pro- duced more protein per acre than oats, ‘and when cut for hay the beans also contained slightly more net energy than oats. . However, when it comes to replac- _ing oats with soy beans in Pennsylva- ‘nia, the college recommendation var- | | ies with the use of the crop. In the! ' southern and southeastern counties where the oat crop is relatively poor, , the use of soy beans is considered ad- ; visible; but in the more central and northern counties, soy beans can only , replace oats advantageously when the , crop is desird for hay. This is due to ‘the fact that if the soy beans are ' raised in those sections as a grain crop, they will mature too late to per- , mit the planting of wheat, the suc- ; ceeding crop. In the southern part, however, it would doubtless be good practice for farmers to raise soy beans instead of oats, provided they care to go to the extra work involved in their production. Inoculation of the soil and cultivation are necessary for the successful production of soy beans, but these extras are offset by the great soil nitrogen storing properties ' of the soy bean, which is a lagume. The State College tests also showed that when a silage of soy beans and ' corn is desired, the two crops should !'be grown separately for best results and mixed at the rate of one ton of The best time for seeding soy beans is in late May or early June. Exper- iments show that they can be grown and matured anywhere in the State. Governor Signs Dog-License Code. Harrisburg. — Pennsylvania’s new dog-license code, which makes the li- censing of dogs a State matter instead of one within control of county offi- cials, has been signed by Governor Sproul and will become effective on January 15th next. County treasur- ers will issue licenses, but the reve- retary of Agriculture being the officer to enforce the law and to pass upon claims for domestic animals and poul- try killed by dogs. The act does not apply to first and second-class cities. The licenses are unchanged, but each applicant will have to pay ten cents to the county treasurer. The new law will take considerable revenue from counties and divert it to the State Treasury. MEDICAL. Of Local Interest > Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. This is a purely local event. It took place in Bellefonte. Not in some far away place. You are asked to investigate it. Asked to believe a citizen’s word; To confirm a citizen’s statement. Any article that is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. M. H. Daley, railroad man, 213 E. Lamb St., Bellefonte, says: “My back and kidneys were in a very serious condition, when I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills. They gave me great benefit and I was more than pleased with the results. I recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills whenever I have an op- portunity.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Daley had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 66-21 Get the Best Meats by buying thin or gristly meats. use only the LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts. My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game ir season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BE 84-34-1y. Bellefonts Pa Money back without question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fail in the treatment of Itch, Eczema, Ringworm, Tetterorotheritch- ing skin diseases. Try thie treatment at our risk. Hight Street. beans to two or three tons of corn. ! nue will be paid to the State, the Sec- {li 65-26 ©. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte | PENNSYLVANIA ODD FELLOWS’ CENTENNIAL. The city of Philadelphia will witness the greatest outpouring of Odd Fel- lows ever known, on Tuesday, June Tth, 1921, when a large and pictur- esque parade will be held on Broad street, Spring Garden street and the Parkway, in honor of the 100dth an- niversary of Odd Fellowship in Penn- sylvania. The celebration will start on Satur- day, June 4th, by the placing of a Bronze Tablet on the building that now occupies the site of Upton’s Tav- ern, No. 218 Dock street, which was the birthplace of the Order in this State in 1821; the ceremonies will be under the direction of Pennsylvania Lodge No. 1, and will be participated in by the officers of the Grand Lodge and several of the local lodges. At the Metropolitan Opera house, on Sunday evening, June 5th, the Hon. Clyde M. Kelly will address a meeting of the members of the Order, and Rev. William Barnes Lower, D. D., will preach an appropriate anniversary sermon. The celebrated Welsh sing- ers will conduct the musical pro- gram. On Monday evening, June 6th, in the Metropolitaan Opera house, the Hon. William Sproul, Governor of our Commonwealth, and the Hon. Hamp- ton Moore, Mayor of Philadelphia, will i welcome the delegates and visitors to | the anniversary on behalf of our State land city, and a reception will be ten- dered the distinguished guests among whom will be the Grand Master, i Frank Shannon, of Pittston, Pa., and his board of Grand - Lodge officers; Grand Masters and Suites from sev- {eral of the surrounding jurisdictions; Grand Sire, Joseph Oliver, and sev- eral of the other Sovereign Grand , Lodge officers; Hon. John Wanamak- er; Hon. Emery A. Walling, and many i others prominent in official stations in I city, State and Nation. | On Tuesday afternoon, June 7th, "about 40,000 members of Cantons, ' Encampments, Rebekah and Subordi- inate Lodges, together with the chil- "dren from the several Orphans homes, ; and the residents of the Aged homes, i will participate in what is expected to ! be the largest parade of a Fraternal ‘ Order ever held. | In the evening, at the Second Regi- "ment Armory, the Grand Decoration | of Chivalry will be conferred on a | number of prominent men of the or- der by the General Commander, Pa- ! triarchs Militant and a grand Military ' ball will follow this event. | Wednesdday evening, June 8th, will be devoted to a banquet and dance in Scottish Rites hall, and special degree work will be given in Lu Lu Temple "and other large halls. Thursday afternoon and evening, | Willow Grove will be the scene of ac- tivities and general sports, and games will be arranged for the children of the orphanages and the young element of the order. Special trains and cars will be provided. Atlantic City will be the Friday trip and the grand finale of what promises ito be a most delightful week, and judging by the extensive preparations | being made by the lodges in every | city, town and hamlet throughout this State, and many from New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia, to be in Philadelphia ! that week, the committee on housing | will have its hands full, but owing to the extensive preparations made by that committee, every visitor will be comfortably housed and cared for. Water in the Sky. Science tells us that water in the atmosphere keeps us warm. If the air were entirely dry the temperature would be 50 degrees lower than it is. We should have hard work to keep from freezing. Without moisture in the air, there would be no rain, of course. The earth would quickly become a desert; so that, lacking food, we would soon starve to death anyway. One thing that rain does for us is to wash the dust out of the air. Tt makes the rivers run and provides us with water to drink. All of which are con- soling reflections in which we may properly indulge during a spell of what we call bad weather. Great Secret Dies With Colored Man. The whereabouts of the official seal of the Confederacy, an unsolved mys- tery for more than half a century, probably will ever remain unknown. James Jones, aged negro employee in the Senate office building, said to be the only person with a knowledge of where the seal was buried, died at Washington, without disclosing the secret. Jones was serving as a servant of Jefferson Davis, President of the Con- federacy, when Davis was captured. As the tale goes, Jones buried the seal and never revealed the spot. ——Executive office of the simpli- fied spelling board are moving from New York city to Harvard University, in Cambridge. GLYCERINE MIXTURE SURPRISES BELLEFONTE. The quick action of simple glycer- ine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, is surprising. One spoon- ful relieves ANY CASE gas on stom- ach or sour stomach. Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all foul accumulated matter which poisoned stomach. Often CURES constipation. Prevents ap- pendicitis. One lady reports she has no more pain in back of head or gas on stomach since using Adler-i-ka. Runkle’s Drug Store. 66-21 ——Get your job work done at this office and get it right. BULGARIAN BLOOD TEA Assists Nature To purify the blood. To gently move the bowels. To sweeten the stomach. To start live action. To flush the kidneys. Every thoughtful parent will keep a box of this Pure Herb Tea on hand as a first aid remedy to kill colds and ward off “Flu,” Grippe, Pneumonia. Sold Everywhere by Druggists. From straw hat value. ! - I! Our bright furnishings will keep you cheerful, and what’s better to live for. We want you to deal with us only be- cause we give you good stuff and good Wear our good, “Nifty”’ clothes. E A. Fauble 2 HEEL ER EI CR EUR IE CRE LE UE LE J ELCs = LIE to striped socks we LRiLRLR i can furnish your body and make it fit to I2 live in. = Ic Come in and see our cool clothes for [Hs @ the warm days sure to come. Th SRR ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-ate Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices ia all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's Exchange. 51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Cone sultation in English or German, oan in Crider’'s Exchange, Eelletolte KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at« Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt ate tention given all legal business en- trusted to his care. Offices—No. 5 East High street. ’ 57-44 M. KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. _All pro fessional business will = receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation SS Eogish 2d Ger- man. ce rider’ Bellefonte, Pa. : Zchange PHYSICIANS. R. R. L. CAPERS, OSTEOPATH. State College 66-11 Holmes Bldg. Bellefonte Crider’s Exch. W dence. FLOUR We have our new Concrete Mill completed and now running. We built the best mill to produce the best flour possible. If you Want Good Flour—Try “Our Best” A WINTER WHEAT, STRAIGHT S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his Li OI meee “YT 99 A Spring Wh Victory” * 75s = We can Grind Your Feed While you Wait, We are in the Market, for All Kinds of Grain C. Y. Wagner & Co., Inc. 66-11-1yr BELLEFONTE, PA. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. "It will be to your interest to con- sult us befgre placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, Bellefonte 43-18-1y State College » The Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY BENEFITS: $5,000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of both fi 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, 2,500 loss of either hand, 2,000 loss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, (limit 52 weeks) 10 per week, partial disability, (limit 26 weeks) by PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion Any person, male or female, engaged in a referred occupation, in nding house, ing, ye eieen joarg iA age of mo: cal condition nsure under this Solicv, nay ® Fire Insurance 1 invite your attention to my Fire Insur- ance cy, the strongest and Most Ex tensive of Solid Companies represent- ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, Agent, Bellefonte Fa INSURANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at a reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. 50-21. FINE JOB PRINTING o—A SPECIALTY-——o0 AT THB WATCHMAN OFFICE. There is no from the cheapest *‘ BOOK WORK, that we can not do in the most satis. factory manner, and at Prices consist. ent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office’ le of wo ’ to the