friends on this day. Some fun-loving person will issue Invitations lo a rece Hog or perhaps : a party given by Mr. an Is. * °qe Socand.So. The eager recipient dress: Above all, it is the car of dependability---the es himself in his best and arrives, all expectancy at the designated place only to find that the invitation was a Ford engine has the POWEr. joke and he has been April fooled. Dotted Swisses, Organdies, Imported and Domestic Ginghams, Voiles in dark and light colors, Georgette patterns, silk flow- ers and stripes, at pre-war prices. Silk Hosiery We are showing all colors in Silver Star Hosiery—navy, white, grey, cordovan and black, from $1.50 up. Says Hearts Really Break. We keep your car on the road. We sell Gen- 5 Does and Tomanes Riiters or Sgey ave been on firm ground when they . have pictured broken-hearted swains ume Ford Parts. and maidens. J According to Dr. Strickland Good- all, a noted heart specialist, it is a physiological fact that hearts do break. But he says, jo and not woe or hard work is more frequently the cause of a broken heart. In his long experience he has found that emotion oy rather than hard work has been re- sponsible for Dron ee al ‘Don’t get into a temper,” says Dr. i Goodall, “because it increases the Bell f P heart's work by seventy-two foot € onte, d. pounds. Running upstairs is foolish, because the increase is 152 foot pounds. If a man § ends one day in bed weekly he saves his heart 998,400 foot pounds.” | Table Damask Just opened a new line of Table Damask at 50 cents per yard. Lyon & Co. «« Lyon & Co. THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME +S > MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. | MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. | MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. Shoes. Shoes Democtaic ia (Continued from page 2, Col 6) CENTRE HALL STA = ou ° Telymane TE COLLEGE USiUCiUSIUCIUCIUCI CUCU Uc UCU CUCU CU UC UC UCU ee Ue { [= I= ie Bellefonte, Pa., May 20, 1921 Myer, 3 Pe §eusral merchandise. GA dues Holmes, J. L., broker. 2 = HES SRSA SRSA Rs Rs EE oon aie y rok Penn Hall Garage, dutomobiles. Kom B.D a BHAIARDS AND POOL. LH oi] shel, J. H., merchandise. FL FONTE a Hil PROLIFIC NEW WHEAT DEVEL-[ Rote. 3. Gy feeds. ~~ raise o. wan TENN Carpeneto. J. L., pool. 1 i OPED. Reid, H. I, prod 3 HOWARD Bickett, W. W.. pool OE Oc e— Smith Jobin '& Broy * furniture Atlantic Refining Co d oil Finkelstine, D., pool. CL Te The Pennsylvania State College Kelchiine, 3, M. broker. : Deib, Joseph, RG edie oa Fay pool. Sr sly) . s « DT ) A e Yuey . Ni ed hoes School of Agriculture has Develop- | Spring Mills Milling Co. feed. Hoss. Se Fok and grain. Moon, A. R., pool. fRaxD SH . Hib ed a New Wheat that Gives In- Suh, Emanuel, Jeeds Butler Oil Sales Co., oils. CLARENCE Oc : ie creased Yield per Acre. ore & 0 Lapgnaze. TR LINDEN HALL Hall, W. B. & Sons, pool. Ic Y a State College, Pa., May 18.—A new SNOW SHOE Wieland, F. E., coal. : Stuck SBU Wh Uc EL ta rn | PE re | mene wa ; onfer, J. A. on, auto 4 , A. F., : ] to the acre than its nearest Pennsyl- Harm, JI by iroceries. ji OAK HALL bhi a. fc 9 I vania competitor, has been developed | Horr. John B, cigs groceries. Ferree, Wm., produce. Noll. Ray ! ] t Y Sh Fi by The Penusylvinie State Sess Nustase, Tony, meats. Rider & Rav Sa oan i penuin oh on Sale a eager S 0¢ ore 2 experiment station, according to state- ssell, James, groceries. Butli = 1 i ars Sickel, W. A,, d 3 t ; utlin, Wm., pool. S10 BE ho oh Sores ar | TB ys mm a | Ip ; 3 ’ +» Joy 8 nberg, Isaac, coal. s Oe * . Al ] gueted x the past seven years, with SANDY RIDGE Gill Mihufactiring Co., mine supplies. falace Zimiard Basen pool. Ic . ennsylvania Forty-four, the name of | Bemeth, R. J., cigars. 2 Bei auto supplies. Watson, : : i the new variety, were completed to- “Cowher, Levi, meats. Homan. THann, tonaces. gn ao SHOE oh a day with the addition of fast year's) Hemth, Mits'{; E; casey. Independent Oil Co., oils. McLaughlin, M. J., pool. Ue On or about May 10th I will receive and have = ee igures yotivad from dan Renneds, AW, a tnks Lauderbach-Zerby Co., groceries. B SANDY RIDGE Uc d= mers In various Davis of tie Srare( Herchal Gules ster © Philipsburg Hardware Co. hardware. | Lorieqe By Ty POC; ft on sale the largest shipment of Geranium =H s r, - , Ci a 0 re 1 ’ : *3 * Farms, Pennsylvania’s wheat acreage Sykes, Frank a merchandise. my Seite & én am en Hart Tam SOLYReE i ? ji 0 3 Ww. s, S. E., merchandise. id * ar n, C. B, o - : a, Ry pn OT is VAISS AEE pm eB] ever brought to Centre county 2 would mean millions of bushels in- None Ha. cigars Adis. Crain, C.'W., lumber. MILLHEIM Te t FI reas. d STORMSTOWN Williams Bros., lumber. Spigelmyer, J., pool 2 Ue resident John M. Thomas and : SNOW SHOE op 4 Il : . Tu fe Burket, I. G., 1 store. s CENTRE HALL Ld Lic Be Ee Auntie Reining Co, g15 0d 0. | cClenahan & Frank, poo. These Gerarlims will bathe very bem, ond” op ’ 4 y 3 . pa the experiment as being of invaluable | Griffin, J. H., merchandise. Spring Mills Milling Co., flour and feed. THEATRES AND M FE 3 fr aid in the promotion of Pennsylvania Serb fun AE SOLLEOE BELLEFONTE PVies Lx carefully selected 25 to: color and yorlery, Ie agriculture. The new wheat has re-| Mattern, J. C, implements. Atlantic Refining Co, gas and oil. Brown, T. C i Ic i sulted in the extended growth of the | McAfee E. produce rate Collogs Com Low eoul. Brown, T. C. theatre. 2 You will need them for r hb ir seed from one especially fine head of pie. a x . Snyder, C. B. : CLARENCE ic your porc 0X€S, Le Fulcaster found here by th 11 FUSSEYVILLY Drapchs, Mik vi [DE 4 agronomists in 1909. Er sy To ing E ‘p Ds Bierley, S hye icky SIEM i { 1 . . amer, C. P., merchandise. Vs De Ay . i was Produced » 1913 Io Slr sxper Rockey, W. F., produce. RUNVILLE Auditorium Co., movie. ! 1 your lawn, and or Decoration Day. on iments with other varieties the fol- WOODWARD Bennett, E. S., lumber. PHILIPSBURG i= Too : ” Long WT. bicyeles, Conlin Philipsburg theatre. ] : Jwing Jon, Tis Syne Yu Oendort L bn herds an aise. RESTAURANTS, EATING HOUSES | Seven Stars, Taw, niin oe I will be pleased to have you call and pur- Sn years on the college farms has been | Reffner, Walter groceries AND CAFES Menches, T. a : ! " » . ) . C., movie. Li 35.3 bushels per acre. The next best | Motz, E. W. & Co., groceries. BELLEFONTE gibi : Hd : te li = yield in the same period was 31.8 Wags ny § Ao mhiles. Moerschbacher, Mary, restaurant. Nittany ohn ar chase your needs in this line. ic bushels for Dawsons Qala Chaff, Weaver & Bowersox, autos and gas. DA a aunt, Nittany Theatre Co., theatre. = Th wo years ago eight reliable tests WARRIORSMARK Daggett, W. L., tea ga il were conducted by farmers through-| Dearmitt, Sam, general store. Dry, 1. w., lunch, Too ; AUCTIONEERS Fil ir out the State, when “Pennsylvania PENNSYLVANIA FURNACE CLARENCE S. H. Hoy, Bellefonte. ar Te 44” yidlded 283 Dashes, yder ordi. fjoheen, Be G, genesl store, Hall, W. B. & Sons, restaurant. 1 » Tank Mayes demont i : eo HS nary farm conditions and other varie- ossman, G. W., auto supplies. CENTRE HALL David Wensel, Howard. Te LE ties yielded but 23.9 bushels. Last Aran BY ve. Shoop, Samuel, restaurant. Howard Best, Milesburg. an Fr year twelve such tests were run, “44” | Ward, W. 8, general store. FLEMING For the purpose of correcting any er- be =i! yleiding 27 bushels and other varie- WADDLE Holt, J. T., lunch. rors of appraisement, an appeal will be Ic : Le ties 20.8 bushels per acre, or an in-| Cass, Jacob, meats. Stere, H. M, Iunch. held at the County Treasurer's office in |g] Te crease of 6.2 bushels. Hoy, John Est, merchandise, ” 5 HOWARD Boot oo. Friday, Jue S19, 100 Le ) =i In each of the past few years the ; WOLF'S STORE Geek 1 TE arant. when and where all those who desire may | [IE Hh college has distributed all the availa- Sr erhandse Williams, George, 00 oh, attend. an] He bie seed finish the Sire, gd 2 eave, AI B Williams, Frank G., lunch. Bien HOWARD M. MILES. F1 2 the present time there are about 1 MILLHEIM io ereantile Appraiser, {ius He : : : Walker Bros., merchandise. 1 =) BL Ea Fama 2 thet Lou Sgt L; 2 : : p Confer, Edward N., merchandise. z iL HL it for use 23 pe une Ee 3 lage SION gerne. ¢. We restaurant, . J 2] ue quantity of seed should be ready for | wo, B. A., merchandise De YE ray aurant. . : re i Ug > , B. A, . y, J. K., restaurant. Taken Steaming Hot at Bedtime As- | 2 Hy ET maa i rae is aor ] 3 , ’ ! pine, restaurant. : = aw, and a rather long, red, medium WHOLESALE LICENSES Mastos Bros., rest t. T : I TL a Sd Tt differs bh Fulcaster : AXE MANN Meltullen, Charles, Testiurant, To i cons influenza. Te \ eager’s Shoe Store on T. bons hi t th hee nee inher Way I inins Freedman, Ellis, restaurait, To purify it Winey ri er ests made at the e College flour A Pioneer Tea Room, restaurant. o tone the Liver. Oo ic milling department indicates that the | Crouse, H. E., produce. Sicko, Mike, restaurant. : 3) oY Bg re ED ew Herman, Bliza, restaurant. Tog mvelpsbowdls. will; THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MaN I; nia 44” is practically the same as| Atlantic Refining Co. oils, Burns, John R., restaurant. ful First-Aid Family medicine. Sold | B5 Oc Fulcaster, the standard milling wheat Selletonle Pio & Sunrl ou McKinley, F. C., restaurant. | by Druggists everywhere. 66-20 Tc Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. [I mn Pennsylvania. Beatty Motor Co., automobiles. STATE COLLEGE ! — 1 CH Golde FB Son lumber. ae al: wate " I= oh ban en A : . Hockmin, x 3 feeds. : Jarante, Emanuel, restaurant. | SE EEE LE - 0., groceries. & . A GIRL’S ESSAZ. Potter Hoy Hardware: a ware. BROKER ! - The following essay won the prize Soar. pape, ries, S $Money bagk without wa | C the “W. » office for High Cl b k of five dollars offered by a Butler|{ McCalmont & Co., lumber & implements. | =, DL LErONE : if HUNT'S Salve fails In the ome to the atchman”™ office ior Hig ass Job work. county paper to the High school stu- COBURN Dl Drone, | treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, | = dent of Woodlawn who would write Atlantic ReMAE fos 8a 20d OHS soa) McVey ‘Real Estate Co., brokers. Rhoden ala. Mlscndte. the best essay in an “April Fool’s” | Coburn Farm Produce Co., produce. PHILIPSBURG Try a 75 cent box at our risk, | § contest. The essay was written by Malone, F. J., butter and eggs. Bair, W. T., broker. 65-26 C. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte ? Beulah Fatkin, fourteen years old, | * nme Q L & Cc 1. & C who was born at Pleasant Gap, spent — A, - $ yon 0. yon 0. her childhood days there and at State | |! 9 College and several years ago went Q THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME. with her mother to Woodlawn. She | }| $ has many relatives in Centre county | |! S$ : E 4 who will be pleased to know of her ii C/o § May---The Month of Bargains — ; : APRIL FOOL'S DAY. p ) : : ¢ April Fool’s day is undoubtedly an 2 old custom, though just how old it re- | || y ally is we do not know, so greatly dis- | || 3 Who would have thought a year ago that Summer puted is its origin. : | ¢ ; “Many solutions have been offered in | $ goods could be had at such low prices as we are answer | being arti ludicrous and alto- | || THE UNIVERSAL CAR $ selling them for today ? gether unsatisfactory. : 9 : One of these is that April Fool’s day Q is celebated in commemoration of No- Q ah Jisking the pisteke of Sending $ fort e dove while the water sti p . : covered the earth. $ Ladies’ and Misses’ All Wool Jersey Suits It is commonly $Ipposen that ne 2 cutsom originated in India, since it is : ; one of the oldest and most common of ? All Wool Jersey Suits that sold at $25.00 to $37.00, now $15.00 cugionis there, being called the Feast | $ Navy Blue Serge Suits and Tricotines in Braid and Embroidery The day is observed in France in | || ¢ effects, new box back and other styles, that sold from $25.00 much the Same manner as that in ? to $55.00, now $16.00 to $35.00 which we observe it. : .00, . .00. i brates the. day; For the doctor, salesman, inspector, contractor, 3 having borrowed the custom from ? In Scotian i fs called “Hantng the executive, the Ford Coupe means I os on the fooled person being the ’ ¢ -Silk Dresses “ gowk. Q In America the day is hailed with y 5 2 . delight, especially by the boys. One — more calls per da in less time ? A full line of Chiffon Taffetas, Satins and Canton Crepes at : ¥ : pe y ’ ) : of ge many brie i played is fe one < remarkably low prices. of placing an old hat in the middle o La : 3 the sidewalk under which a brick is protection from weather, ? concealed and which the pedestrian ; . Q usally kicks aside to his sorrow. —ample roominess and comfort, : SE A as Me + all ( Wash Dress Goods and girls play practical jokes on their —a car of modest, businesslike refinement and elegance. $ ) ? Q Q Q Q 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 4 4 1 6 4 NII TOO Edn