Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 20, 1921, Image 4

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    “Bellefonte, Pa., May 20, 1921.
To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
Terms of Sabscription.—Until further
potice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance - - $1.50
Paid before expiration of year - 1.75
Paid after expiration of year - 2.00
May Term of Court.
The regular May term of court con-
vened on Monday and out of a total of
nine women summoned for jury serv-
ice only two responded, the others tak-
ing advantage of the court’s offer to
excuse them if they preferred not to
serve, all of which must be taken as
evidence that the women are not as
anxious for the job as they first ap-
peared to be.
D. L. Zerby, of Millheim, was ap-
pointed foreman of the grand jury and
that body of men established a record,
passing upon seven bills, one of which
was ignored, inspecting the public
buildings and being discharged by
four o’clock the same day. The one
case ignored was that in which Anna
Soboloski, of Osceola Mills, had
brought action against a neighbor for
stealing a sled. The grand jury was
unable to find any evidence of larceny
and as Mrs. Soboloski has appeared in
court frequently she was sentenced to
pay the costs and stand committed un-
til the sentence is complied with. Be-
ing unable to produce the necessary
cash she went to jail.
The first case tried was that of Har-
ry Winton vs. Dr. Coburn Rogers, be-
ing an action to recover a certain
amount of money the plaintiff claimed
he had loaned the defendant. The de-
fendant contended that the money giv-
en him was to purchase stock in a coal
company being organized to develop
a mine near Karthaus, and that the
plaintiff still owed a balance on his
stock. The jury returned a verdict in
favor of the plaintiff for $125.00.
The next case was that of the Com-
monwealth vs. John Elliott, indicted
for assault and battery. Prosecutrix
Jennette B. Harris. Mrs. Elliott was
the only witness for the prosecution
and she testified that her husband had
ill-treated her during the past seven
years but on or about the fifteenth of
April had struck her several times.
She assigned her husband’s cruelty to
jealousy. In response to a question
of the court Mrs. Elliott stated that
she was forty-nine years old, was mar-
ried thirty-four years ago and was the
mother of fifteen children, twelve of
whom are living. Mr. Elliott denied
abusing his wife, blaming her for all
the trouble, as he declared that she
was always “chewing the rag” and
never satisfied with anything. The
jury returned a verdict of guilty, but
the court is still holding disposition of
the case under consideration.
Commonwealth vs. Walter Deitz and
Martha Wakefield, indicted for mali-
cious mischief. At the close of the
Commonwealth’s testimony the court
directed a verdict of not guilty.
Commonwealth vs. George Harris;
charge, larceny. Prosecutor, John Ru-
dy. The case is from State College
and the prosecution charged the de-
fendant with picking up ten dollars he
had dropped and refusing to give it
up. The jury returned a verdict of
guilty and the court imposed a fine of
fifty dollars and costs of prosecution.
The last case was that of Fred
Geissey vs. John Bodenshok, and
Catherine Geissy and Fred Geissy vs.
the same. This action was brought
to recover damages as the result of an
automobile collision which the plain-
tiffs alleged was the result of the de-
fendant being intoxicated. The jury
ignored the charge of intoxication but
returned a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff in the sum of $329.00. Court
adjourned Wednesday afternoon.
ie rp fas ——
Bellefonte Academy News Notes.
The Bellefonte Academy baseball
team will close its season with a game
on Hughes field Saturday afternoon
with the Penn State Freshmen nine.
Last Saturday the Academy played
the Freshmen at the College and had
them sewed up to the tune of 8 to 5
in the ninth inning when an unfortu-
nate break came and the Freshmen
nosed out by the score of 9 to 8. The
Academy team is now after revenge
and the game tomorrow afternoon,
which will be called promptly at three
o’clock, should be an exciting contest.
If you are a lover of the game don’t
miss it.
The cup won by the Academy track
and field team in the interscholastic
meet at State College last Saturday
is now on exhibition at Mott’s drug
The Academy minstrels will go to
Centre Hall next Tuesday evening and
give an entertainment for the benefit
of the P. O. S. of A.
Bellefonte Will Entertain Red Men
in 1922.
At the closing session of the first
annual convention of the Central
Pennsylvania League of Red Men held
in Lewistown last week Bellefonte was
selected as the place for holding the
convention next year, and the time the
second Tuesday and Wednesday in
May. Officers elected for the ensuing
year are as follows: Harry F. Roth-
rock, Lewistown, president; George W.
Shaeffer, Mount Union, vice presi-
dent; Rufus C. Garrett, Lewistown,
secretary; W. H. Shellenberger, Al-
toona, chaplain, and J. Rose Hart,
Mount Union, trustee.
SLOOP.—Mrs. Erma Rea Sloop,
"wife of Prof. Arthur H. Sloop, super-
intendent of the Bellefonte public
' schools, passed away at her home on
east Curtin street at ten o’clock on
' Monday morning. About ten months
ago she submitted to a rather serious
operation at the Bellefonte hospital
but had practically recovered there-
from when she became ill three
months ago with an affection of the
liver, though her condition did not
become critical until two weeks or
more ago.
She was a daughter of James A.
and Mary Elizabeth Huey and was
born in Federalsburg, Md., on July
18th, 1882, hence was not quite thirty-
nine years of age. She was educated
in the public schools of Federalsburg
and at Dover, Delaware, and in 1908
she was united in marriage to Mr.
Sloop at Seaford, Del. Mr. Sloop was
at that time an instructor at the
Bellefonte Academy and early in 1909
he brought his wife to Bellefonte and
this had been her home ever since.
Shortly after coming to Bellefonte
she aligned herself with various
movements in which the women of
Bellefonte were interested, becoming
a member of the Woman's club and
taking an active part in every line of
endeavor in which the women inter-
ested themselves for the uplift of the
town. She was a faithful member of
the Presbyterian church and took an
active part in all kinds of church ac-
tivities. Though intensely interested
in her church and the social problems
of life she did not allow anything to
interfere with her whole-souled devo-
tion to her children and her home. It
was there that her real character
measured up to the highest standards
of womanhood.
During her residence in Bellefonte
she made many friends who deeply re-
gret her passing away, but their grief
is nothing to that of the surviving
husband and three young daughters,
Mary Elizabeth, Barbara and Erma
Jr. She also leaves her father, living
at Federalsburg, Md., two brothers
and a sister, namely: U. Robert Hu-
ey, of Chesterton; Frank, of Massey,
Md., and Mrs. Ralph Brown, of Fed-
Dr. W. K. McKinney, of the Pres-
byterian church officiated at the fun-
eral which was held at two o'clock
yesterday afternoon, the remains be-
ing laid to rest in the Union cemetery.
QUICK.— Thomas C. oi. an old
soldier of the Civil war, died on Sun-
day at the home of his son-in-law,
John Coakley, on east Bishop street,
after a brief illness with arterio scle-
He was a son of Martin and Sarah
A. Reynolds Quick and was born in
Boggs township on February 2nd,
1842, hence had reached the advanced
age of 79 years, 3 months and 13 days.
At the breaking out of the Civil war,
or on August 29th, 1862, he enlisted
for service under Capt. James F. Wéa-
ver in Company B, 148th regiment
Pennsylvania volunteers and was with
that organization through all of its
strenuous career in the Virginia cam-
paign, including the battle of Gettys-
burg, until June 3rd, 1864, when he
was severely wounded at the battle of
Cold Harbor, Va. This ended his ac-
tive service and on January 4th, 1865,
he was discharged on a doctor’s cer-
tificate of disability. Returning to
Centre county he located at Runville
and engaged in the work of a team-
ster. During the past four years he
had made his home in Bellefonte.
His wife died a number of years ago
but surviving him are the following
children: Edward Quick, of Miles-
burg; Mrs. T. H. Hoffman, of Cedar
Run; Mrs. Edward Bloom, of Powel-
ton, and Mrs. John Coakley, of Belle-
Funeral services were held at the
Coakley home at two o’clock on Tues-
day afternoon, after which burial was
made in the Advent cemetery in
Boggs township.
FIKE.—Abram Fike died at his
home in Philipsburg on Wednesday
morning, following two week’s illness
with kidney trouble. He was a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Fike and
was born near Bellefonte on July 13th,
1836, hence was almost eighty-five
years old. He served during the Civil
war as a member of Company I, 149th
regiment, better known as the Buck-
tails. At the close of the war he re-
turned to Bellefonte and for a number
of years worked in the ore mines here-
abouts, later going to Union county
and twenty-five years ago locating in
Philipsburg. He was twice married
and is survived by his second wife, all
his children, brothers and sisters hav-
ing preceded him to the grave. Bur-
ial will be made in the Philipsburg
cemetery tomorrow afternoon.
il |
STANTON.—Elory Stanton died on
May 8th at the home of his son, L. G.
Stanton, at Martha Furnace, aged 66
years. Surviving him are his wife
and six children, Henry and L.G.
Stanton, of Martha; Mrs. John Jack-
son, of North Philipsburg; Rev. J. E.
Stanton, of Bentleyville; Sterling, of
Starrucca, and Mrs. Van Keator, of
Scranton. He also leaves one broth-
er, Henry Stanton, of Martha. Fun-
eral services were held at eleven
o’clock on Wednesday morning of last
week, burial being made in the Wil-
liams cemetery.
WILLIAMS.—Mrs. Hannah Wil-
liams, widow of the late James B. Wil-
liams, died at the Memorial hospital,
Niagaa Falls, on Wednesday of last
week as the result of injuries sustain-
ed in a fall six weeks ago. She was
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Lewis and was born at Port Matilda,
on August 6th, 1848, hence was 72
years, 9 months and 5 days old. Mr.
Williams died five years ago but su-
viving her are the following children:
Mrs. Lafayette Stine, of Woodland;
William, of Grampian; Ebenezer, of
Tyrone; Charles, of Tyrone; Orvis
and Mrs. Henry Marshall, of Port Ma-
tilda. The remains were brought to
Centre county, to the home of Mrs.
Marshall, where funeral services were
held last Friday, burial being made
in the Presbyerian cemetery at Port
i il
MILLER.—Isaac Miller, for many
years keeper of the toll gate south of
Bellefonte, died at 12:30 o’clock on
Monday night at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. E. P. Moore, in Tyrone,
of diseases incident to his advanced
age. He went to Tyrone about the
middle of March to visit with his
daughter and family, was taken ill
while there and passed away at the
time above stated.
He was a son of Robert V. and Eliz-
abeth Lytle Miller and was born in
Spring township on August 23rd,
1839, hence was 81 years, 8 months
and 23 days old. His boyhood days
were spent on the farm working in the
summer time and attending the com-
mon schools during the winter season.
In the latter sixties he quit the farm
and engaged in the coal business but
after a few years gave that up and for
a number of seasons operated a
threshing machine. He later went to
work for the Valentine Store company
as driver of the delivery wagon but
gave that up to become a puddler at
the old forge, working there until the
forge was abandoned. In 1891 he was
appointed toll gate keeper on the Lew-
istown pike and continued in that ca-
pacity until the pike was abandoned
a number of years ago.
Mr. Miller’s ancestors on his fath-
er’s side were staunch members of the
Society of Friends and he clung to
that faith throughout his entire life.
In politics he was an ardent Republi-
In 1865 he was united in marriage
to Miss Catherine Pennington, of
Pennsvalley, who died a few years
ago. Surviving him, however, are
three children, Mrs. E. P. Moore, of
Tyrone; Isaac P., of Philadelphia,
and Mordecai, at home. One brother,
Robert V., of Bellefonte, also survives.
A minister of the Society of Friends,
of Philadelphia, officiated at the fun-
eral which was held at two o’clock on
Thursday afternoon, burial being
made in the Friends cemetery.
Christian Endeavor Rally.
One of the greatest and best Chris-
tian Endeavor rallies ever held in the
Bellefonte United Brethren church dis-
trict was that held at Centre Line on
Tuesday evening of this week. Such
a good spirit was manifested by every
one present, and everybody seemed to
be so happy that the influence of such
a meeting cannot soon be forgotten.
After a spirited song service led by
the splendid Centre Line choir prayers
were offered by R. S. Ross, Rev. L. C.
McHenry, James Schreck and the
president. The Centre Line quartette
sang an impressive selection and the
regular business was transacted. The
president of the district, Rev. George
E. Smith, was elected as alternate del-
egate to the world’s Christian Endeav-
or convention to be held in New York
city July 6-11.
A spirited debate took place on the
question, “Resolved, That the church
of the future should have and control
its own moving pictures.” The ques-
tion was ably upheld in the affirmative
by R. H. Grove «nd W. F. Shope, while
James H. Schreck and L. C. Thompson
very earnestly argued in the negative.
The judges, R. S. Ross, William Tay-
Ir and Earl Gunsallus decided in fa-
vor of the negative. The Bellefonte
society and Centre Line quartette each
rendered beautiful selections.
After adjournment all visitors were
invited to the beautiful lawn at the
farm home of H. Nearhoff, near the
church, where a great luncheon was
served in cafeteria style and a pleas-
ant social hour spent.
The Story of “Queen Esther.”
One of the features of this year’s
High school commencement in Belle-
fonte will be the musical production
of the Biblical story of Queen Esther,
by the High school chorus. This pro-
duction is unexcelled in its gripping
story, its oriental splendor and mag-
nificent setting.
Mrs. Maurice Krader, who will have
the production in charge, made a spe-
cial trip to Pittsburgh to personally
select the costumes and stage drop,
thus securing the best along this line.
The principal characters have been
carefully chosen and have been prac-
ticing for a long time. The solos of
the principals will be augmented with
a chorus of eighty voices. Persons
who have attended rehearsals are very
enthusiastic over the progress being
made, and indications point to a very
successful production. The date will
be Tuesday evening, May 31st, and the
place the High school auditorium.
A. Weber, of Howard, Stricken.
A. Weber, the well known Howard
merchant and financier, suffered a
stroke of apoplexy at six o’clock last
Saturday morning, and as been in a
serious condition ever since. Yester-
day he was a bit more cheerful and
his condition was such as to give hope
that the trouble might clear up with
complete rest and quiet.
Mr. Weber had never been sick a
day in his life and there were no pre-
monitory indications of the trouble.
His entire left side is affected.
——Frederick Lutz, of Snow Shoe,
was brought to Bellefonte and put in
jail on Wednesday on the charge of
stealing a hand car belonging to the
New York Central railroad, riding on
it to Mill Hall where he crashed into
a freight engine, demolishing the car.
Lock Haven Fire Co. Demonstrated |
Triple Pumper.
Members of the Hope Fire company,
‘of Lock Haven, brought their triple
pumper to Bellefonte last Friday
evening at’ the solicitation of the
Bellefonte firemen and gave a demon-
stration of the pumper’s water throw-
ing power on south Water street. The
water was pumped out of the creek
and the exhibition included the throw-
ing of one stream, then two and final-
ly three. While no measurement was
made of either the distance or height
of the streams thrown there is no
question but what they would be equal
to any emergency or demand made up-
on any fire fighting apparatus.
The pumper is one of the standard
White machines and there has never
been any question as to its effective-
ness as a fire fighter. In fact it is a
safe conclusion that it will hold its
own in competition with any pumper
made. The demonstration was not
staged for the mere purpose of show-
ing what the pumper could do, but
rather to interest the people of Belle-
fonte, and especially large property
owners, in the campaign now being
conducted by the firemen to raise suf-
ficient money to purchase two such
After the demonstration it was the
intention of the Bellefonte fire depart-
ment to give a big street parade but a
hard rain storm spoiled this part of the
program, although the companies did
parade out Allegheny street and back
in the rain.
As advertised in last week's
“Watchman” Cohen & Co. gratuitous-
ly offered to donate to the firemen ten
per cent. of their gross sales on Sat-
urday and representatives of the fire
companies were in the store all day
and until the close of business that
evening. On Monday morning Mr.
Cohen handed over to Charles M. Me-
Curdy, treasurer of the firemen’s fund,
a check for $189.48, as their percent-
age of the sales for that day.
Centre County Convention Notice.
The fifty-second annual convention
of the Centre county Sabbath School
association will be held in the Metho-
dist Episcopal church at Milesburg,
June 7th and 8th. This promises to be
a very interesting convention. Prof.
Bentley D. Ackley, of Philadelphia,
will have charge of the music. Mrs.
John Y. Boyd, of Harrisburg, will be
one of the speakers. Hon. Benjamin
F. Bongaurd, chaplain of the Penn-
sylvania Senate, will also speak. Mr.
Walter E. Myers, adult superintend-
ent of the Sabbath school association,
will be at all sessions of the conven-
tion to conduct services and make ad-
dresses. Sunday schools are urged to
send names of their representatives
to Miss Anna Schroyer, of Milesburg,
so that entertainment may be pro-
r———— ee ————
Susquehanna Trapshooter’s League.
The Susquehanna Trapshooter’s
league will hold six one day tourna-
ments during the summer season, as
follows: Burnham, May 27; Jersey
Shore, June 24; Northumberland, July
29; Williamsport, August 19; Milton,
September 23, and Lock Haven, Octo-
ber 12. W. L. Foster, of State Col-
lege, is vice president of the League
and many of the leading trapshooters
in Centre county are members.
Vonada—Spicer.—Earl E. Vonada,
of Bellefonte, and Miss Elsie V. Spi-
cer, of Milesburg, were united in mar-
riage on Wednesday by justice of the
peace C. Irwin Lewis, at his office in
Hollidaysburg, the ring ceremony be-
ing used. Both bride and groom are
quite well known in Bellefonte and
after a brief wedding trip west they
will go to housekeeping in this place.
Gaut—Huntsinger.—James H. Gaut,
of Julian, and Miss Nellie K. Huntsing-
er, of Douglasville, were married at
the Methodist parsonage, Bellefonte,
at 2:30 o’clock on Tuesday afternoon
by the pastor, Rev. Alexander Scott,
the ring ceremony being used. Imme-
diately after the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Gaut left for a wedding trip to
eastern cities.
Marriage Licenses.
Harry W. Herman, Langley Field,
Va., and Eleanor E. Tyson, State Col-
Jesse D. Taylor and Elizabeth S.
Fye, Colyer.
Millard L. Solt, Moshannon, and
Julia E. Saxon, Snow Shoe.
James H. Gaut, Julian, and Nellie
K. Huntsinger, Douglasville.
Entertainment at Pleasant Gap.
A home talent play entitled “Hap-
py School Days,” will be given in the
Methodist Episcopal church at Pleas-
ant Gap, May 26th, under the auspices
of the Epworth League. Admission:
A silver collection will be taken. The
public is cordially invited.
——Miss Regina Rapp has resign-
ed her position as book-keeper at the
City laundry to accept a similar posi-
tion with the State-Centre Electric
company. She will make the change
next Tuesday. Miss Rapp went to the
laundry almost sixteen years ago and
has been very faithful and efficient in
her work there. She is well qualified
to fill her new position with the State-
Centre company and her friends nat-
urally wish her all kinds of success.
——Among the prisoners brought
to Rockview last Friday is a former
Centre countain, John Toner, who was
sent up from Lycoming county for
stealing a quantity of whiskey at the
Hotel Crawford, Jersey Shore. To-
ner’s time will be up some time next
{lead. Services will be held at Pine
Farmer S. A. Homan is erecting a
new silo at his barn.
Miss Ella Livingstone is this week
visiting the home of her childhood at
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bierly, of State
College, were callers on friends here
on Sunday evening.
Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick will “preach
in the Presbyterian church here at
7:30 p. m. on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson motor-
ed to Avis and spent the Sabbath with
the John Wolf family.
W. A. Coilins and wife and Wils
Martin motored to Bellefonte Satur-
day on a shopping expedition.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Osman, of State
College, visited the J. R. Smith home
on east Main street on Saturday.
Dr. G. H. Woods, wife and daughter
Mary attended the funeral of Mrs.
Eliza Meek, in Altoona, last week. :
Lumberman Thomas B. Cronover, of
Huntingdon, was here last week look-
ing after his lumber and bark inter- :
ests. !
Dr. George S. Kaup, who has been
ill all winter, is again able to be on du-
ty and look after those who are ailing
Mr. and Mrs. George Louck, of
Bellefonte, were over Sunday visitors
at the James D. Tanyer home on east
Main street. .
George Graham, with his wife, son
and daughter Ruth, took supper at the
hotel Sunday evening, after a spin
down the pike. i
I. G. Owen, wife and several chil-
dren, of Water Street, were Sunday
visitors at the Joe W. Johnson home
on Main street.
J. Arthur Peters, of Oak Hall, was
in town on Sunday and took his moth-
er, Mrs. Sue Peters home with him
for a brief visit. !
Joe M. Johnson has ordered a new
mixer as he has a number of contracts
for concrete work, Mac Fry being the |
first on the list. i
A. W. Nale, a Civil war veteran of |
Mifflin county, has been visiting his
old neighbor, John Bowersox, and
family, in the Glades. i
J. Cal Bailey and wife and Mr. and |
Mrs. Fred Williams, of Millmont,!
spent Saturday afternoon among their
many friends in town. |
Dr. L. E. Kidder, of State College, |
passed through here Sunday on a trip
over Old Tussey to visit the home of
his youth, near Saulsburg. !
George A. and Joseph E. Goss, en-
thusiastic fishermen, spent two days |
over at the old Whipple place and
both came home with the limit.
Superintendent of state highways
W. E. Hurley was through here on an |
inspection trip on Friday and found!
the highway in good condition.
Grandmother Rachael Wilson was |
taken to Williamsport on Tuesday to |
consult an eye specialist, as the sight
of both her eyes is very far gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Everhart are
receiving congratulations over the
new arrival at their home on the]
Branch. It’s a boy and has been nam- |
ed Robert. y
Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Neidigh, of |
Whitz Hall, received word on Monday
of the arrival of a young son in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Neidigh, '
at Butler, Pa. {
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fry were Sun-'
day visitors at the Allen Burwell
home near Tyrone, bringing home |
with them Dorothy Viola Burwell, who
is having a rollicking good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs motored |
to Spruce Creek and spent Sunday at'
the George Bell home. Mrs. Krebs |
just recently returned from the Belle- |
fonte hospital and is feeling like a dif- |
ferent woman.
B. F. Homan, of State College, spent |
a few hours in town last week, taking '
a peep at things in general. Several
weeks ago he sustained several brok-
en ribs in an accident and since then
he has been going about as easy as
possible. !
The “Old Fashioned Mother” given
by the Rock Springs dramatic club in
the town hall here on Saturday even-
ing was a clever play, and the ama-
teur artists deserve a lot of credit for
the splendid manner in which they
presented it.
Fresh cows and springers seem to
be in demand just now. Last week C.
W. Mitterling, of Centre Hall, pur-
chased a car load in this section and
this week drover Peachey, of Belle-
ville; Robert Merrick, of Chester
county, and Charles Stover, of Mill-
heim, have been through here on the
hunt for cattle.
C. B. McWilliams, of Altoona, spent
Saturday greeting old friends in town.
Fifty years ago, as a young man, he
clerked for his uncle, Alex Sample, in
his store here, but things are so
changed here now he hardly recogniz-
ed the place. He will spend some
time at Graysville with his brother, !
Miss Mary Thomas, of Latrobe, has |
been visiting old friends hereabouts,
her former home. It is fourteen years
since she has been here and naturally
she sees many changes. Before re-
turning home she will visit her sister,
Mrs. Maggie Gates, at Gallitzin. Miss
Thomas and another sister are engag-
ed i the millinery business at La-
The many friends of Mr. and and
Mrs. Oliver Gibboney, of Saulsburg,
sympathize with them in the loss of
their cosy farm home, which was to-
tally destroyed by fire at noon last
Friday. The blaze started in the at-
tic from a defective flue and spread so
rapidly that they were able to save
only a portion of their household
goods. The property was insured.
Preparations are being made for a
proper observance of Memorial day
here by the Capt J. O. Campbell Post,
No. 272 G. A. R. The different socie-
ties, Sunday schools and American
Legion men are invited to join with
the G. A. R. The soldiers will attend
divine service on Sunday, the 29th, at
the Lutheran church at 10 a. m., where
the pastor, Rev. A. M. Lutton, will
preach the sermon. Major Leitzell
and a squad of ex-world war soldiers
have accepted an invitation to be here
on Memorial By at two o'clock p. m,,
when there will be a parade to the
cemetery. The Citizens band will
Hall at 6 p. m. The decoration of
graves in Meek’s cemetery, at Tad-
pole, Rock Springs and the Branch
will be made by details. The public is
asked to take part in these services
and contribute flowers. All flowers
should be delivered to comrade
Charles Smith.
——Complete line of gymnasium
shoes for boys and girls at Cohen &
Co. 20-1t
Real Estate Transfers.
Bellefonte Trust Co., et al, 10 O. P.
Sharer, tract in Taylor township;
Bellefonte Trust Co., et al, to R. H.
Gilbert, tract in Taylor and Rush
townships; $11,450.
Calvin M. Sharer, et ux, to C. Ho-
mer Seso, tract in Taylor and Rush
townships; $13,500.
Calvin M. Sharer, et ux, to O. P.
Sharer, tract in Taylor township; $1.
O. P. Sharer, et ux, to C. Homer
Seso, tract in Taylor township; $25.
R. H. Gilbert, et ux, to Calvin M.
' Sharer, tract in Taylor township; $1.
Susan E. Blackburn to Samuel D.
Blackburn, tract in Halfmoon town-
ship; $600.
John Shulich, et ux, to James E.
Scott, tract in Rush township; $800.
_ Melissa Lyons to Oliver King, tract
in Spring township; $150.
John L. Holmes, et al, to Ellen
Krebs, tract in Ferguson township;
Jacob Smith, et ux, to William E.
Keller, tract in Miles township; $875.
Lydia Houser to J. Linn Woomer,
tract in State College; $800.
John H. Glossner, et ux, to Clair G.
Lyons, tract in Marion township;
Charles D. Moore to Harry G. Gil-
more, tract in Penn township; $2500.
Bald Eagle Grange, P, of H, to
Ojibioak Tribe 496, Imp. Order of Red
Men, tract in Boggs township; $630.
F. P. Vonada heirs to Jacob N. Roy-
er, tract in Miles township; $132.
Kline A. Miller, et ux, to Jacob N.
Royer, tract in Miles township; $705.
Marilla Dawson to Margaret H.
Brown, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
James L. Lyons, et ux, to Charles
Wentzel, tract in Howard township;
A. Feltz, et ux, to Fred C. Mears,
tract in Philipsburg; $2000.
J. E. Lauker, et al, to T. F. Hull,
tract in Penn township; $61.
J. L. Spangler, et ux, to R. Wallace
Markle, tract in Bellefonte; $1500.
Morris Frank, et al, to Moshannon
Creek Coal Mining Co., tract in Phil-
ipsburg; $650.
Edith E. Mayes, et bar, to Stella
Smiley, tract in Philipsburg; $150.
D. C. Fightner, et ux, to Eila
Gearhart, tract in Philipsburg; $4500.
Lydia O. Brady, et bar, to Taylor
M. Poorman, tract in Boggs township;
Elizabeth Black, et bar, to Joseph
Sosenko, et al, tract in Philipsburg;
Harriet M. A. Fowler, et ux, to
John Thomas Beckwith, tract in Tay-
lor township; $700.
Edward H. Loughner, et ux, to J.
H. Davidheiser, tract in Potter town-
ship; $75.
Fred P. Resides, et ux, to Henry T.
Morris, et ux, tract in State College;
Fred P. Resides, et ux, to Henry T.
Morris, et ux, tract in State College;
John T. Spangler, et ux, to Fred P.
Resides, tract in State College; $400.
Edward L. Taylor to Fred P. Re-
sides, tract in State College; $400.
Compare High and Low Prices of
Farm Products.
The average price received by pro-
ducers of the United States for hogs
during April fell below $8 per 100
pounds for the first time since March,
1916, according to a report by the Bu-
reau of Crop Estimates, United States
Department of Agriculture. The av-
erage price for April reached the low
mark of $7.86. The highest price
reached at any time was during Au-
gust, 1919, when the average was
$19.30 per 100 pounds. Prices advanc-
ed more or less steadily from 1916 to
1919, then took a rather rapid drop
during the latter part of 1919. Dur-
ing 1920 the average price for each
month was between $13 and $14 until
December when it dropped to about
The price which producers received
for cotton seed reached the lowest
mark in April since November, 1914,
when it was $14.01 per ton. The av-
erage price for last April was $17.23
per ton, as compared to the peak price
of $72.65 in November, 1919. The low
George W. McWilliams. | price in 1914 was the result of the big
[crop produced
that year, which
amounted to 15,873,002 bales.
The price of wool in April was be-
low 18 cents, which is the lowest since
May, 1912. In March and April, 1918,
the average price of wool was 60 cents
a pound.
Prices of Meat Animals Lowest in
Ten Years.
Prices of meat animals (hogs, cat-
tle, sheep and fowls) to producers of
the United States decreased 9 per
cent. from March 15 to April 15, ac-
cording to a report issued by the bu-
reau of Crop Estimates, United States
Department of Agriculture. In the
last ten years prices paid for meat an-
imals have increased 4.5 per cent.
during the period from the middle of
March to the middle of April. The re-
port shows that on April 15 the
index figure of prices for meat animals
was about 37.9 per cent. lower than a
year ago; and 16.3 per cent. lower
than the average of the last ten years
on April 15. The statisticians of the
department point out that the high
prices paid for meat animals during
the last few years is the result of in-
creased demand during and immedi-
ately following the war, and that the
present prices are approaching those
which maintained during normal times
preceding the war.
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