TF 7 ——r— - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVER RTISEMENTS EAL ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE. igh i : : 3 - 2 R fenl estate speritor n Centre county | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farmers and Others Take Notice. | NJ ©5E 10 y* CoNCoftN. —thar any you want to buy or sell real estate write P will insure dwellings at $1.00 a hun- person buying land or timber from fo him or call at his office in Temple DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. —Let- | dred and barns at $1.60 a hundred on the | Pearl C. Gray or Helen G. Gray without court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65.-98.0m t etal ’ cash plan, for three years, as against fire | my affidavit or sworn signature will be y Sa IStFALIOn having liseh and lightning. held responsible by me for same, as this PPLICATION FOR CHARTER_In | the estate of Ellwood S. Hall. late of J. M. REICHLINE, {was areanged at gle time when Mr, Zethy A the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- | Milesburg borough, deceased, all persons 66-16-6m Bellefonte, Pa. 2nd othersideeded this Teal estate, Sot fre Conuty, Sas 2 knowing themselves indebted to said es- ECUTOR’ 66-17-4t IRVIN G. GRAY. yoties is hereby Even that sn applica tate are requested to make prompt pay- XECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Estate of Eliz- i jon w oS Tia de 3 9, e 2 ove, ourt on | ment, and those having claims against the abeth Pysher, late of Williamsport, op 2%] i A , 1921, at 0 o'clock a. m, same to present them, duly authenticated, | »- Lycoming county, Pa., deceased. A Noto 16 Biri given Ha Kiet $i. Jpg D. G the CO El rago, Tr Lhe Charler Of ELSIE M. HALL, Administratrix, | ontary In Oe a undersigned, pt ira . Garman Be i Se iH: Loins s ywen, 22-OtH Ave, Juniata, Pa. | all persony owing ssid estais are request- | pe : tl, Coapte of Be. 808 HES of which | Avorn voor (I Bo SRE NE | Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry is to provide a ome . for e psilon : nown the same without delay. “ MAD, VER”? Chapter of the Delta Sigma Phi Fraterni- UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Estate of |- N. M. EDWARDS, Executor, JEWELRY EO ty and, to promote social Inercoteie, (10 | [Y Jowithly) Contes etn Pade a 708 Best Ntonal mi, | et Bo ADS , ship, Centre county, Pa., de- | 66-15- With a view to the establishment of their | ceased. In EP Orcas ont of Tn ge-15:6¢ Williamspors, Pa, ® in, PHILADELPHIA. PA. personal morality and loyalty to each oth- | county, No.— er, the development of good-fellowship | The undersigned, an auditor appointed | \ A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAS AS among them and the advancement of their by the above named Court, to pass upon interests in all worthy endeavors of an ed- | the exceptions filed to the 2nd partial ac- i ucational nature, and for this purpose to | count of C. Oliver Witmer, James C. Wit- . : have and possess and enjoy all the rights, | mer and . William Groh Runkle, executo | h i benefits, and privileges, of the said Act of under the last will and testament of 4 cenic ea re EE — VN wr VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VV eee Assembly and its supplements. said William Witmer, deceased; to re- ale Charter, js now on file in the Pro- sole the geld seeouns according to the . k . onotary’s office. - ndings o: e Auditor; to ascertain the WwW Ah : exact : €eK- ead Program ANY shi = fF well b h ’ d 66-17-3t HICKS & OWENS, Secon a. | sets DE ar pong Bd yo shirts start off well,but they can't stan -17- yrone, ta, whom the same are due and owing, show- : n the gaff of a long race—the constant fric- - all SeeuTities A avgerin n he (Cut this out and save for reference) tion at the wrists, the neck, the waist, the 0 . d Sostedh mini of funds and other prop- : sa xecutors, : frequent trips to the tub. Eagle Shirts win because rganize Bug 08 Teitriin 10 G16 Dinas of Num 1% saTURDAY, MAYA : : . : : sets, and other property and securities re- BUCK JONES in “JUST PALS.” This enterprising western actor is a story the yarns n their quality fibsics ake or: P OWCr. | ny rel 3 L Sscprtain That real ontais the of a town’s lazy man who proves himself a hero. Clever work by a boy of hirt | seized and possessed of, its : They give great service per ollar. In uyings S nselfishness! location, approximate Ris and what has the Huckleberry Finn ty pe. Also, Pollard Comedy. as in everything else heen done regarding the sale and rental Saturday Matinee “THE STEALERS,” is a crook melodrama with a faith 0 lit ] thereot 1 ake distribution b the theme. Comedy. and pathos abound. Eight reels of very good entertain- ua always pays Eo Executors to and among. those: legally en- ment. Also, Harold Lloyd comedy, “HIGH AND DIZZY.” Y y P 14 In a nut shell itled i focsive the sgine, will fnest jhe ’ parties interested for the purposes o: Ss MONDAY, MAY 16: ? : appointment on Saturday, May 28th, 1921, pod > FAG 12 Ni IRT that’s the genius of BD ack. mr. au hig office, Room No. TOM MOORE in “HOLD YOUR HORSES.” Story of White Wing who be- 14, Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. comes political boss and later marries society woman. A good, strong com- When and where all parties interested may edy that will entertain. Don’t miss -it. ~ Also, Screen Snap Shots, Pathe : appear. : Mont ome & Co a The 66-18-3t KLINE WOODRING, Auditor. News and Topics. g I y . TUESDAY, MAY 17: . State College ETHEL CLAYTON in“THE CITY SPARROW.” ' This charming star gives ® ~ v : a very satisfactory picture in the character of a girl vaudeville artist who d va 1011 my : d we on finally marries a farmer and lives happily ever after. Also, The Gumps and a comedy. Bellefonte Ready for any emergency ; call up- BELLEFONTE, PA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18: mr aEeRT EE EE x : . . CONSTANCE TALMADGE in “GOOD REFERENCES,” is another of this procession and Holy Eucharist, with {on them ; battling ceaselessly Plumbin d Heat: inimical star's complicated comedy pictures that always amuse and please. sermon. 7:30 p. m. evensong and ser- against every form of misery, mis- an n You will like it, so don’t miss it. Also, the good sunshine comedy, “ROAR- In the Churches of the mon. Monday and Tuesday, holy days g y ys ING LIONS ON PARADE.” gh 8 Qin continuation of the festival, 10 a. | fortune and distress, the Salvation- its . 3 eg County m. Holy Eucharist. Wednesday, Fri- : : THURSDAY, MAY 19: hy : ¥ 1 day and Saturday, Ember days, on ists ask only that they be given the By Hot Water WANDA HAWLEY in “HER FIRST ELOPEMENT.” This vivacious SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN | hich special prayers are to be said 5 5 5 ; blonde star shows her talent in this comedy drama with her-matrimo- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. for those who are to be ordained, 12 funds with which to serve human- Vapor nial ventures. Also, Pathe News and Review. Sabbath services as follows: Morn- |, noon, the Litany. Friday, 7:30 p- m. | itv for another year. : Sté FRIDAY, MAY 20: ing worship at 10:45. Evening wor- | evensong and instruction. Visitors al-| ~ team EVA NOVAK in “THE SMART SEX,” a story that starts out as a ro- ship at 7:30. Sabbath school at 9:45 | ways welcome. . ; sit mance and ends up with crook business. Beautiful farm scenes. Her part SH prayer service every Wednes- | ~~ Rev. M. DeP. Maynard, Rector. Third Home ; Pipeless Furnaces © as a stranded chorus girl is good class. Also, the third episode of “THE day evening at 7:45. A cordial wel- ST. JOHN'S REFORMED CHURCH. : AVENGING ARROW.” You will like this serial as it proceeds. coms $0 si. McKinney, Ph. D., Pastor. Services next Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Sices nex Smday st 10:78. 2 | Govice Appeal |Full Line of Pipe and Fittings'$ —— CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY. Christian Church.” 7:30 p. m. “The AND MILL SUPPLIES OPERA HOUSE. Christian Science Society, Furst | Pentecostal Sermon.” Sunday school ; Adi g ice | at 9:30 a. m. and C. E. at 6:45 p. m. an : : : . In ates Shinn me May, 1921 a FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS MAY 13 AND IE... 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meet | Ambrose M: Schmidt, D. D., Minister. ing at 5 gcuck, To these wesiingen ns : i ‘ and swindlers reform after their leader reveals the power of prayer. Al- are welcome. ree r . a i a S443 so, 2 reel Harold Lloyd Comedy. A big show, don’t miss it. - iy Je pele every Teasley H OU cris, of round nd out 33 EADS Tony Sharman Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings : SATURDAY, MAY 21: afternoon from o 4. buildings, Bea ed at Roopsburg, is C.C ADAMS, County Treasurer ’ ROSCOE ARBUCKLE in “THE ROUND UP,” for one day only. Six reels ’ *odd : i for sale. Inquire o Bible and Christian Science literature ef \LFRED BEEZER LL a SAA AAAI WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SRT SITTIN ININ & ONAN IO ITT samme may be read, borrowed or purchased. | gg.19-tf Bellefonte, Pa. R. Rb. e101 First National Bank, Philipsburg | Estimates Cheerfully and Promptly of a comedy drama that will amuse you. Furnished. 6615 Subject, May 15th, “Mortals and Im- mortals.” : METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Bible school 9:30. Sermon, “Les- sons from King Asa,” 10:45. Junior League 2 p. m. Senior League with installation of officers 6:30. Sermon, -“«The Man Who. Led. His Nation} Astray,” 7:30. Class meeting Tues- day, 7:30. Prayer service Wednesday, ! 7 - “Security” Brand Boys’ Suits - "Latest Styles and Newest Patterns in Blue Serge and Fancy Cassimeres Each Suit Well Tailored and Nicely Trimmed Knickerbockers Full Lined - - - at Spencer Economy Prices From $4.95 to $9.98..... : Men's Pants $1.48 up. Boys’ Pants 49c. up Complete Line of Furnishings for the Family ‘Saturday May 14, 1921 Do your part. Help make this a red letter day for Belle- fonte. We have set aside this day in our store to help the Firemen raise ready cash with which to purchase up-to-date fire fichting equipment for Bellefonte. 10% of Our Gross Receipts of this day’s business will be turned into the committee’s | hands on Saturday night toward this fund which has already 30. Coleville—Bible school 2p. m. Mother's day service 2:45. Alexander Scott, Minister. | UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Preach- ing service, 10:30. Christian Endeav- or, 6:30 p. m. Worship and sermon, 7:30 p. m. Reed O. Steely, Minister. ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services for the week beginning May 15: Whitsunday, the festival of the Holy Ghost, 8 a. m. Holy Com- munion. 8:45 a. m. Mattins (plain). 9:45 a. m. church school. 11 a. m. A —— sm. R * %ix OF CONDITION OF THE First National Bank, No. 9249, at Howard, in the State of Penpsyl- vania, at the close of business on April 28th, 1921. Quality Highest....Prices Lowest RESOURCES. Loans and discounts......... ...$ 90,918 08 Overdrafts, unsecured........... 70 74 ) Deposited to secure circulation U. S. bonds_ par value. $25,000.00 WEE SEagER ff Spencer Economy Store OLA] «..vesrrsrseercrnnessces 49,836 15 a ois = iio npn LBARNITO BCONOMIZE been started. With Triple Combination Fire Trucks fires can easily be con- a SE mun Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa. quered anywhere 1n the country as well as in town. Would this be a benefit to aptal sens wid Federal eS) 00 our neighbors of the country in the protection of their property? Most assuredly. “hams lis. SU rn MRR] ae re Then, farmers, your financial help is needed now. When your property catches and 4.......... ......§22,736.03 RIA PI I Nt on fire you immediately call for help. Who comes? The firemen. They work Checks on banks locate outside - pi city ge town Of -Teporting as hard as they can, forgetting the danger that confronts them on all sides. With plank and other cash, lems. 82 67 : a5 ] . EE ERE pW el B( PS(0 | Stoves 8 the inadequate equipment they now have your property and your lives are in "gi SUTET coevusssvvensssannens 2 , k : OB otal .cvsiiicntss-vns hat seh “311,344 10 of danger. : Ic LIABILITIES : oi] 2 : i= utp mal 1666 6 ha th all beaten for E f 7 at, a we 0 ® In Toss. curreh expiises, Inisriat J ave them n ior kconomy O oi 1 i and taxes paid........ ,420. 2,7 : 3 : . : . : i : . =] Cireulating notes’ Ouistanding... 23.00.00 Operation and Satisfactory Work i Help in any way you can to raise the money with which to purchase the right i Cashier's checks on own Bk. oo Ie kind of fire-fighting apparatus. Do your buying at our Store next Saturday, May 14th, and 10 Mg Total of Items 22,'23, 24, 25 and A—Has the Rockweave Asbestos Indestructible Wick, which Oe cents of each $1.00 you spend goes to the committee in charge of this fund. That's our Eg Individual "deposits "subject to ae will not burn up. gl spirit in this matter. Our store, our clean-cut methods of doing business, our quality of mer- X ie ha Certificates. of deposit due in less ; B—Will burn 26 hours on one gallon of oil. fie chandise and our low prices are too well known in this community to be introduced. Who is « Bg JO01EY. DONIOUAd) cs resersessres 4,000 00 : : 3 : 2 ot willing to lend a helping hand in this movement ? Don’t forget the day and date— = Piidends nse, dois 8 00 C—Will boil water in ten to twelve minutes, sooner than other oi] da ic t - : 37 flan, bu, deposi pice popular makes of stoves. Satyrday May 14th, 1921 Ls c 4a Ee 3 roses , 327. v [Ll yi Hie ertificates of deposit (other 81.278 88 SEE IT BEFORE BUYING LE | than for money Yorrowed) Total of time deposits subject UC el US to Reserve, Items 33, 34, 35 J Ghd 86... traie $81,278.88 rw = ; Sf] ames 1 = fatal... i rersais evans 311,344 10 = r , ; i State of Pennsylvania county of Centre, ss: il : = ee ADoWnLL, cashier of tne |§ Vudor Porch Shades, Brown and Green, All Sizes $ |Lf a 2] above-named bank, do solemnly swear that (Ie : Ae the above statement is true to the best of Sh , : Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May, 1921. * HOWARD A. MOORE, Notary Public. My commission expires April 7th, 1923. Correct — Atte RAHAM_ WEBER, The Potter-Hoy Har dware Co. 66-6:t¢ WALTER J. KURTZ, A. M. BUTLER, lL Directors i 8 ; EN. [EEUU Uc Ue = UC HEU EUCUCUCILE [Lic =H — = : . 66-10-1t AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP eR A A A Ns olan Een A See aN Mae aeons Te strlen — le fll | g==Firemen in uniform will be in the store all day, and will receive any per- - 5 sonal/contributions you-may wish to give them. ; hai 1 IE BS vit ius [3 holes Remaants of Lintleyss at Attractive Prices 0 Department, Store ! 1
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