Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 13, 1921, Image 4

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    Demorralic a
Bellefonte, Pa, May 13, 1921.
To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
mame of the writer.
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
potice this paper will be furnished to sub-
scribers at the following rates:
Paid strictly in advance
Paid before expiration of year
Paid after expiration of year
Italian Airship in Bellefonte Last
An Italian aeroplane, the “Ansaldo,”
attracted considerable attention at the
Bellefonte aviation field on Saturday
morning during its stay of several
hours. The ship arrived in this coun-
try just about three weeks ago, hav-
ing been purchased by a Chicage com-
pany for passenger service between
that city and Milwaukee as well as
other western cities. The ship is
equipped with a three hundred horse-
power Fiat motor and is designed to
carry five passengers in addition to
the pilot. It is constructed along
beautiful lines and has about the same
wing spread as the DeHayiland planes
used by the government in the air mail
service. The fusilage is also about the
same length as the DeHaviland though
much bulkier. The pilot's seat is in
front and the passenger cabin right in
the rear of the pilot.
The ship trailed the mail plane from
New York to Bellefonte and in the act
of taking off for the trip to Cleveland
broke the tail skid, which is rigid, so
laid over here several hours while the
mechanics on the field made tempor-
ary repairs. With the ship on its in-
itial flight were the purchaser, pilot,
a Fox company motion picture opera-
. ter and Mr. Dickson, president of an
Aero club in Chicago. The latter is
sixty-three years old and an enthusi-
astic aeronautist. During the past
year he has not only learned to fly but
avers that he can loop the loop, do the
.tail spin and falling leaf and really en-
joys it.
The ship left Bellefonte at ten
o’clock and got through to Chicago
that afternoon without further mis-
hap, having stopped in Cleveland en-
High School Athletics.
Owing to the fine showing of the
Bellefonte High school track team in
winning the Centre county champion-.
ship, coach Stock will send a team to
. State College this Saturday to partic-
ipate in the interscholastic track meet.
There will be athletes there from all
the larger schools of Pennsylvania,
but the local team is expected to make
3 fine showing.
2. William Waite will run in both the
100 and the 220 yard dashes. Otto
~-1$mith will participate in either the
half mile or the two mile run; Leslie
Thomas in the broad jump, while the
“relay team will be composed of W.
Waite, W. Kline, M. Gordon, and L.
.Bodle. : .
.. The local baseball team won its sec-
‘ond victory of the season on Saturday
‘by defeating the strong Centre Hall
team by the score of 5-4. The game
“Swas a pitcher’s duel, as neither side
could hit the opposing pitcher, while
- Mensch had sixteen strike outs to his
credit. In Bellefonte’s half of the
ninth inning the score was tie. After
‘two were out in the ninth Williams
drove the ball to the fence for three
bases, and scored a moment later on
Keathley’s single.
Bait and Fly Casting Contests.
At the annual meeting of the Centre
County Conservation Association to be
held in Bellefonte on June 17th, bait
vand fly casting contests will be held
"for the disciples of Izaak Walton at
10 a. m., which will include the follow-
- «ing: - Distance bait casting; accuracy
' -bait casting; distance fly casting; ac-
curacy fly casting.
The contests will be open to all resi-
dents of Centre county. A team of
three contestants will be allowed in
- each event from each of the nine Con-
servation districts. The teams shall
be selected at a publicly advertised
preliminary contest to be held under
the direction of the chairman of the
distict committee on fish in each Con-
servation district. The names of con-
. testants shall be certified by them to
Mr. John J. Bower, Bellefonte, Pa.,
who will have charge of the contests,
under T. H. Harter, chairman of the
".county committee on fish. He will ap-
. point the necessary captains and as-
sistants. Full particulars can be had
of the chairman of each Conservation
Memorial Day Observance.
Headquarters Gregg Post No. 95,
Department of Penna. G. A. R.
Active preparations for the proper
‘observance of Memorial day are now
being made by Gregg Post No. 95, G.
A. R. All orders and societies are in-
vited to take part, and those doing so
will please report to Col. W. F. Rey-
nolds, who has been appointed chief
marshal for the day. Sunday, May
29th, the Post will attend divine serv-
ice at the Presbyterian church, at the
regular morning service.
Sunday afternoon a detail from the
Post will hold services at Meyers and
Shiloh cemeteries, and on Sunday,
June 5th, at Snydertown, Hublers-
‘burg and Zion. v
The Memorial address will be deliv-
ered by Mr. Samuel Hare, of Altoona.
By command of,
" W.'H. TAYLOR, Commander.
EMANUEL NOLL, Adjutant, -
‘| the poor memories of the voters.
| GLENN.—Miss Sarah Glenn, a
'! member of one of he old-time Fergu-'
| son township families, passed away:
! last Friday morning at the home of
| her niece, Mrs. Frank S. Musser, in
Altoona, of diseases incident to her
"advanced age.
! She was a daughter of John and
i Hannah Bailey Glenn and was born in
the Glades on December 17th, 1836,
hence was in her -eighty-fifth year.
She was educated in the common
schools and at the Pine Grove Mills
Academy. As a young woman she en-
gaged in teaching, a profession she
followed for many years, having the
reputation of being one of the best
educators of her day. She was com-
pelled to give up teaching to care for
her mother during her declining years
and after her death she made her
home with her niece, Mrs. Musser.
She was the last member of her fath-
er’'s family. She was a life-long
member of the Methodist church, and
her entire life was devoted to the wel-
fare and uplift of others.
Funeral services were held at the
Musser home in Altoona at two
o'clock on Sunday afternoon, after
Ridge cemetery in that city.
Il :
MEEK—Mrs. Eliza G. Meek died
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Grace Sutton, in Altoona, on Tuesday
| night, following a year’s illness with
; a complication of diseases. Her maid-
en name was Eliza Glenn Shiffer, and
she was born at Pine Grove Mills on
October 31st, 1865, hence was in her
fifty-sixth year. She was married to
Bigler Meek and her survivors include
five children, Charles W., Harry G.
and Ralph E., of Pittsburgh; Mrs. El-
la Lungran, of Lonita, Cal., and Mrs.
Sutton, of Altoona. She also leaves
three sisters, Mrs. W. H. Musser, of
Bellefonte; Mrs. G. H. Woods, of Pine
Grove Mills, and Mrs. William Fri-
gate, of Joliet, Ill. Rev. J. B. Stein
will have charge of the funeral which
will be held at 2:30 o’clock this after-
noon, burial to be made in the Fair-
view cemetery, Altoona.
brick, widow of the late Henry Gar-
brick, died at the home of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Frank Clevenstine, near Zi-
on, last Friday, of general debility,
aged 76 years. She is survived by
five children: Calvin, of Hecla; Otis,
of Freeport, Ill.; Roy, of Centre Hall;
Mrs. Frank Clevenstine and Mrs. Joel
Royer, both of Zion. Burial was made
in the Zion cemetery on Monday.
Bellefonte Academy News Notes.
Two track men, Henry Alwine, of
Greensburg, and Marsh Johnson, of
Jamestown, N. Y., represented the
Academy at the interscholastic meet
held at Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh,
last Saturday. They won third place
in the meet with a total.of thirty
points.” Now several other runners
are sorry they did not go, as they feel
they could have helped to win the
meet. Next Saturday a large delega-
tion will attend the -meet at State,
hoping; to win. :
This (Friday) afternoon at four
o’clock the crack Wyoming Seminary
‘nine, of Wilkes-Barre, unbeaten to
date, will play the Academy nine on
Hughes field. It will be a thriller.
The visitors recently defeated Cornell
Freshmen 3-0.
The Academy minstrels to be given
for the benefit of the firemen, on
Thursday and Friday evenings, May
19th and 20th, will produce two de-
lightful programs for the audiences
that will surely attend the perform-
ances. Mr. Hughes wishes to an-
nounce that all gallery seats will be
choice seats for such entertainments
‘as the Academy will present, if they
are clean and good order is guaran-
teed. He positively guarantees that
the gallery will be thoroughly clean-
ed and that the best of order will be
preserved. The opera house should
be packed on these occasions.
Regarding his students and circus
parades, Mr. Hughes announces that
hereafter on such occasions they will
either be kept at their school work or
required to witness the parades from
the Academy limits on promise of per-
fect order.
American Legion to Head S. A. Drive.
The Salvation Army appeal for
Centre county is well under way. The
budget for the next year’s work, in-
cluding relief work for the county, is
$6000.00, and Bellefonte has been
asked to raise $800.00 of this sum.
Mr. Nolan, the commander of the
American Legion, has consented to
act as the local chairman for the ap-
peal in Bellefonte and the American
Legion boys under the leadership of
the commander will make a canvass
this week for the funds. The money
that is being raised this year is for
the extension of the Army’s work in
the county and your giving will help
and bless some one else. :
Philipsburg Hotels Raided.
Rev. R. E. Johnson, the “raiding
parson,” of Philadelphia, with his
wrecking crew slipped quietly into
and raided three hotels, securing
twelve cases of whiskey. The hotels
raided were the Continental, Joseph
Dugan, proprietor; the Farmer's hotel,
W. R. Bowser proprietor, and the
Ramsdale, Conrad Juschik proprietor.
Rev. Johnson - took samples - of the
whiskey for use against the landlords
when action is brought in the U. 8,
court, the confiscated wet goods being
stored in the basement of the Phil-
ipsburg postoffice.
y ——= Obviously the Republican léad-
ers of Pennsylvania are banking on
which burial was made in the Oak:
Minerva Gar-
Philipsburg last Saturday morning
Big Crowd at Main’s Show.
The - Walter L. Main show drew a
large crowd to Bellefonte on Monday,
in fact so large that at the afternoon
performance the tent was crowded be-
yond the stage of comfortable capac-
ity, while some had to be turned away.
The show came to Bellefonte from Ty-
rone Sunday morning and by nine
o’clock was unloaded and down on the
old fair grounds. Sunday afternoon
hundreds of people motored to the fair
grounds to look the show over, and
they must have been favorably im-
pressed, as the estimated crowd in at-
tendance on Monday afternoon was
placed at three thousand people. The
show gave a street parade at noon,
and though it was not ‘very long,
everything was clean and fresh look-
ing and presented a good appearance.
While the prices for admission and re-
served seats combined ‘were a little :
stiff the performance was clean and
good throughout, though of course not
as varied as the big shows. Some of
the acts were new to Centre county
circus goers, hence all the more inter-
esting. .
- So far as could be learned the show
throughout was clean and devoid of
the usual troupe of circus followers
of the gambling type. Not a single
complaint was made of any attempt
to flimflam the gullible public in any
way and had it not been for the un-
fortunate accident in the afternoon in
which a young girl lost her life the
day would have passed by without an
unpleasant incident.
Kreider—Baisor.—Herbert D. Krei-
der, a son of Rev. and Mrs. Isaac
Kreider, of Duncansville, and Miss
Beatrice Baisor, a daughter of J. W.
Baisor, of Philipsburg, were married
in the Lutheran church at Duncans-
ville, on Tuesday by the bridegroom’s
father, Rev. Isaac Kreider. The young
couple will make their home at Elyria,
Ohio, where Mr. Kreider is foreman
in the pattern shop of the Garford
foundries. .
‘ Deitrich—Smith.—Leslie J. Dei-
trich and Miss Mary K. Smith, both
of Hublersburg, were united in the ho-
ly bonds of matrimony at the Reform-
‘ed parsonage in Bellefonte, at noon
on Tuesday, by the pastor, Rev. Dr.
‘ Ambrose M. Schmidt. Immediately
! after the ceremony they left by auto-
mobile on a motor trip to Altoona and
other places, expecting to return home
in a few days.
Marriage Licenses.
| Lester A. Schreckengast and Hale-
da Keen, Millheim.
i James L. Krebs and Pearl A. Hull,
State College.
Thomas E. Kelley and Lillian V.™
Hassinger, Bellefonte.
Walter D. Johnston and Arvilla C !
Bloom, State College.
Leslie J. Deitrich and Mary _K.
Smith, Hublersburg. i
: A
announced as the date for the formal
dedication of the home for aged wom-
en of the Central Pennsylvania Meth--
odist conference in Tyrone. A week’s
program is being arranged by super-
intendent W. E. Karns. ;
was formerly the residence of the late
S. S. Blair, for years superintendent
of the Tyrone division of the Penn-
sylvania railroad, and while many
changes and additions have already
been made to the property many oth-
ers have been planned which will ne-:
cessitate an expenditure of about
$60,000, and the directors have map-
ped out a campaign to raise this
amount during the dedicatory week.
.——The date for the Bellefonte
Chautauqua this year will be August
3rd to 9th inclusive. The Chautauqua
management claims to have some ex-
ceptionally fine talent this year, but
so far no program has been announc-
The annual commencement ex-
ercises of the Bellefonte parochial
schools will begin on Friday evening,
June 3rd, and continue over the fol-
lowing Sunday. :
Farmers’ Week at State College in
June. 3
annual Farmers’ week at the agricul-
tural school of The Pennsylvania
State College will be held this year on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
June 22, 23 and 24, according to an an-
nouncement made by Dr. R. L. Watts,
dean of the school and director of the
experiment station.
This will be the third consecutive
year that this event will be held in
June, the two previous occasions: each
resulting in the attendance of upwards
of 5000 farm people to view the col-
lege farm and learn of the latest sci-
entific investigations completed by the
school and experiment station. Attend- |
ance has been growing each year, and
as the occasion falls in the early sum-
‘mer slack season for farmers, a rec-
ord breaking crowd is looked for this
In connection with the usual pro-
gram, the Young Farmers’ week,
which was inaugurated last year with
great success, will be continued this
| year, opening on Monday, June 20.
Contests of all kinds will be arranged
for the entertainment of Pennsylva-
nia’s farmers of the future, and their
program will continue into that of the
regular Farmers’ week.
As usual, there will be no indoor
lectures put on as in the winter farm
weeks of previous years, and the vis-
itors will be taken right into the barns
and fields where actual demonstra-
tions and results can be shown con-
cerning the latest findings beneficial
to better farming. Preparation has
already started to make the occasion
emigre. eer Se ne
- this year the best ever held at the col-
ad lege. . . . Ja
The home.
McMurtrie—On April 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Malin McMurtrie, of
‘ Bellefonte, a son, LeRoy Hayes.
| Schultz—On April 25, to Mr. and
Mrs. John L. Schultz, of Spring town-
. ship, a daughter, Barbara Elizabeth.
! Baney—On April 19, to Mr. and
Mrs. Milton E. Baney, of Be. zfonte, a
daughter, Mary Elizabeth.
Bowmaster—On April 17, to Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Bowmaster, of
. Walker township, a son, Arthur Rob-
i Bent.—On April 13, to Mr. and Mrs.
' James G. Bent, of Bellefonte, a daugh-
ter, Anne Elizabeth.
i Barrett—On April 8, to Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Barrett, of Spring
township, a daughter, Louise Theresa.
i Johnstonbaugh—On April 10, to Mr.
and Mrs. Laird C. Johnstonbaugh, of
Bellefonte, a son, Clyde.
McMurtrie—On April 7, to Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel M. McMurtrie, of Spring
township, a son.
Tierney—On April 2, to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Tierney, of Bellefonte, a
daughter, Velda Victoria.
Witmer—On April 26, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harrison Witmer, of Spring
township, a daughter, Madaline Grace.
Knisely—On April 2, to Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Knisely, of Bellefonte, a
daughter, Charlotte M.
Miller—On April 3, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Miller, of Bellefonte, a son,
Anthony Wilfred.
Yearick—On April 27, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Yearick, of Walker town-
ship, a son, Charles Wilbur.
Beezer—On April 8, to Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph T. Beezer, of Benner township,
a daughter, Elizabeth. :
Shutt—On April 12, to Mr. and Mrs.
James C. Shutt, of Spring township,
a son, Arthur Irvin.
Hartswick—On April 16, to Mr. and
Mrs. James M. Hartswick, a son.
Berardis—On April 19, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ottavia Berardis, of Bellefonte,
a daughter, Marie.
Shuey—On April 26, to Mr. and
Mrs. Israel Shuey, of Benner town-
ship, a daughter, Irene Elizabeth.
Caslo—On April 23, to Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Caslo, of Benner township, a
daughter, Julia.
Thomas—On April 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. George B. Thomas, of Spring
township, a daughter, Bernice Rebec-
Tressler—On April 14, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry A. Tressler, of Spring
township, a son, Robert Kenneth.
Krape—On April 22, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Krape, of Walker town-
ship, a son, Paul Robert.
Fravel—On April 29, to Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Fravel, of Walker town-
- ship, a daughter, Mildred I.
Payne—On April 22, to Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Payne, of Bellefonte, a
daughter, Virginia Evelyn.
Tressler—On April 21, to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles H..Tressler, of State Col-
lege, a son, Charles Rodney.
Stuckey—On April 25, to’ Mr. and
Mrs. John Stuckey, of Milesburg,.a
son, John Edward. i
Bechtol—On April 19, to Mr. and
Peters—On April — to Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm D. Peters, of Spring
township, a daughter, Betty Virginia.
Walker—On April 28, to Mr. and
Mrs. George T. Walker, of Spring
township, a son, James Henry.
Dann—On April 27, to Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Dann, of Bellefonte, a daugh-
ter, Irene Anna.
The Potato Magazine calls attention
to the fact that certain regions of the
upper peninsula of Michigan have
been virtually freed ofthat notorious
pest, the potato bug, by the operations
of a tiny parasitic fly which lays its
eggs upon the striped beetle. Grubs
hatched from these eggs bore into the
potato bug’s body and eat out his in-
side works.
If it were not for parasites that
prey upon the potato bug, it * would
scarce be possible to grow any pota-
toes in this country, despite all the
farmer could do to poison the insect
with paris green.
That destructive beetle was orig-
inally native to mountain districts of
Colorada, where it fed on a wild va-
riety of potato plant called the “sand
bur.” It is, supposed to have been car-
ried into Missouri by the cattle traffic,
and in 1864 it crossed the Mississippi
river. In .the early seventies it had
crossed the Detroit river and Lake
Erie was literally alive with potato
bugs, passengers on ships or whatever
State College, Pa., May 12.—The,
else would keep them afloat. They
reached the Atlantic coast in 1873, and
the beaches were soon swarming with
them. Vessels were boarded by them
in such numbers that hatches had to
be battened down.
At that period and for some time
afterward much alarm was felt lest
the potato would become an extinct
vegetable in the United States. But
nature has a way of dealing with such
mischiefs, and before long parasitic
enemies of the beetle multiplied in
such numbers as to make possible its
The above-mentioned fly, which has
done such good work in Michigan, will
be colonized in other parts of the
country, and may solve the potato bug
problem for good and all.
New Use for Potatoes.
The large stock of potatoes in the
bins of many rural farm houses are
becoming burdensome on the hands of
the growers, and many and varied are
cattle and dairymen claim that the in-
tato diet for several days. As the
vegetable contains a large percentage
Chickens thrive on potatoes. Even
: Mrs. Bruce: Bechtol; ‘of. Walker: towns -
— R / ship, a daughter, Evelyn “Grace.” ; F
: Thursday, May 26th, has been
of Tyrone, motored to o
Mrs. Hannah Osman is having her
home wired for electric light.
E. Shoemaker is -building a new
garage and milk house combined.
Mother’s day was fittingly observed
in all the churches here on Sunday.
Mrs. Maria Reed had a bad fall last
Friday night, injuring her right arm.
J. Cal Gates is having his home
freshened up with a new coat of paint.
Postmaster Ed Livingstone, of Bar-
re, spent Saturday with friends at the
St. Elmo.
Miss Gladys Williams, of Tyrone,
is visiting grandpa Williams, on east
Main street.
Rev. J. S. Hammac spent Monday
making pastoral visits among his par- '
ishioners at Fairbrook.
Hamill Glenn and Harry Williams
spent Tuesday evening with relatives
at Lemont and Houserville.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson motored
to Warriorsmark and spent Sunday at
the Donald Robinson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bloom are re-
ceiving congratulations on the arri-
val of a sweet little girl, No. 2.
Mrs. Mary Garis, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rachel Wil-
son, at the W. E. Johnson home.
A strange hunting dog is at the
Charles Louck home on Main street,’
but so far the owner has not turned
Hon. J. Will Kepler was home the
early part of the week seeing how. the
building of his new home is progress-
ing. :
John C. Martin, an ex-service man
of Lock Haven, is assisting Irvin
Walker on the Dr. Andrews farm near
of Ferguson township’s best citizens
and his many friends hope he will live
to celebrate many more anniversa-
Charles Smith, a drummer boy in
the Civil war, attended the annual re-
union of the 49th Pa. regiment at
Huntingdon on Tuesday, the anniver-
sary of the battle of Spottsylvania
Court House. The 49th lost 171 men
in that battle, 69 killed and the bal-
ance wounded and prisoners. The
Centre county survivors include W. H.
Taylor and Joe Campbell, of Belle-
fonte; Joe Tierney, of Coleville; Wil-
liam Colpetzer, of Benner township,
= Charles Smith, of Pine Grove
Xa .
reese eae
Real Estate Transfers.
Sarah B. Baker, et bar, to Harvey
M. Emenhizer, tract in Curtin town-
ship; $1200.
Charles R. Treaster, et ux, to Reese
Williams, tract in Philipsburg; $1800.
Lloyd C. Lester, et ux, to Howard
E. Confer, tract in Potter township;
Irving L. Foster, et ux, to Charles
D. Moore, tract in State College;
Clarence D. Johnston to Harry O.
Walker, tract in Howard township; $5.
Mary C. Cummings, et al, to A. O.
Detwiler, tract in Potter township;
James P. Waddle, et ux, to John A.
Hoy, tract in Patton township; $180.
I. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to C. E.
Snyder, tract in State College; $3000.
Harry Dukeman, sheriff, to A. B.
Budinger, tract in Snow Shoe; $475.
John L. Holmes, et al, to John Gil-
liland, tract in Ferguson township;
Lester Tate, employed by farmer F. $300
W. Swabb, is off duty at present, ow-
ing to having cut his right foot with
an ax.
John Irvin Markle and wife came
down from Bellwood for a week’s vis-
it among their old Pennsvalley
A band of gypsies camped on the
green near town several days, the
men trying to swap horses with the
—Mrs. Nannie Bailey, of Fairbrook,
is spending a few days at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Hamill Glenn, on
Main street.
Corrugated iron roofing is being
put on the W. F. Thompson and Miss
Sue Dannley residences, and the A. O.
Johnson barn.
Rev. C. H. Brandt, of the Anti-Sa-
loon League, will speak in the Meth-
odist church here on Thursday even-
ing, May 19th.
Rev. J. O. C. McCracken, of Junia-
ta, with his wife and two sons, spent
several days at the old family home
in the Glades. ’
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams, ac-
companied by Mrs. Sue Peters, motor-
ed to Tyrone on Sunday and spent the
day with friends.
The two weeks wet weather delay-
ed farm work considerably, but this
week will probably see the bulk of the $1
corn in the ground.
John B. Walls and Fred Williams,
; town last
aturday and Spenty® §gveral hours
* greeting old friends. ~
The Epworth League of the Meth-
odist church will hold a festival in the
I. 0. 0. F. hall Saturday evening,
May 28. The public is invited. j
Our coal dealer, George M. Koch,
spent last week among the bituminous
operators of Clearfield county nego-
tiating for his winter’s supply of coal.
David H. Krebs, who has been a
surgical patient in the Bellefonte hos-
pital for several weeks, is recovering
plosly and will soon be able to return
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, of Johns-
town, spent last week visiting rela-
tives in the valley. Before returning
home they will also visit in Somerset
county. ; :
Farmer J. E. Reed is having his
home thoroughly remodeled. A new
bath room is being installed and the
house will be repapered and repainted
A. S. and Nannie Bailey spent
Thursday at the county seat on busi-
ness pertaining to the settlement of
the Bailey estate, of which they are
the executors.
The Presbyterian Sunday school
took up a collection for the China re-
lief last Sunday which amounted to
$87.50. Recently they gave $126.00 to
the Near East relief.
Harry Kustaborder was obliged to
kill one of his team of mated sorrels
-on Tuesday on account of a broken :
leg. As he is a new beginner on the
farm he feels his loss keenly.
At the last regular meeting of
Pennsvalley Lodge, No. 276, I. 0. 0
F., $25.00 were donated to the China
relief fund. At a previous meeting a
like amount was voted to the Near
East relief.
Ed Frank and family motored to
Bellefonte on Sunday to visit Mrs. W.
C. Frank, who recently underwent a
serious operation in the Bellefonte
Tiogbital and is now getting along as
well as can be expected. |
. |
“An Old Fashioned Mother,” is the
title of an amateur play that will be
given this (Friday) evening in the
Grange hall ‘at Rock Springs by the
dramatic club of that place. It will
also be reproduced in the I. O. O. F.'
- hall here tomorrow evening. Admis-'
_ sion, 20 and. 30 cents.
A pleasant surprise party was held
at the John E. Reed home at Rock |
Springs last Thursday evening in hon-
or of Mr. and Mrs. Reed. The guests
contributed the refreshments and all |
had a most enjoyable time. Mr. Reed
the uses to which the tubers are ap- | has been a sufferer for some time
plied. Large quantities are fed to the with asthma,
but appreciated the |
gathering in honor of himself and
crease in the milk production is re- ‘wife. ) i
markable after giving the cows a po- |
All roads led to White Hall last
Saturday when scores of people jour- '
neyed to the John B. Witmer home to |
of starch, it acts as a fattemer for | felicitate with him on his seventy-'
hogs, and the same can be said of | third anniversary. The festivities
continued during the afternoon and |
evening. Mr. Witmer was born bel
horses soon learn to relish them. Un- | the farm near Bellefonte, where the
less utilized in this way thousands of | early part of his life was spent. Thir-
bushels around here will go to waste. | ty-five years ago he located ‘at White |
all where he tilled the soil until his
W. L. Foster, et al, to E. C. Wood-
ruff, tract in State College; $425.
Paul B. Brenneman, et ux, to E. C.
Woodruff, tract in State College; $350.
Anna M. Thal, et bar, to E. C.
Woodruff, tract in State College;
$1,000. :
Wm. R. Ham, et ux, to E. C. Wood-
ruff, tract in State College; $1600.
Philipsburg Coal and Land Co., to
Joseph G. Demshak, tract in Rush
township; $40.
W. C. Kreamer, et al, to J. D. Knarr,
tract in Milesburg; $505.
John B. McCord, et al, to Barbara
McCord, tract in Rush township; $400.
Barbara McCord to B. B. Gearhart,
et al, tract in Rush township; $550.
Priscilla J. Condo to Clyde F. Con-
do, tract in Potter township; $1500.
John P. Harris to M. R. Pifer, tract
in Marion township; $500.
Martin D. Carr to Eva M. Carr,
tract in Rush township; $1.
Catherine Septt, et al, to Harry Ash
Mark, tract in Philipsburg; $2000.
Samuel R. Prentis, et al, to J. Ed-
ward Horn, tract in Rush township;
Simon Ceprich, et ux, to Mark Ce-
prich, tract in Snow Shoe township;
Jeremiah Lutz’z Admrs, to Harry
A. Corman, et ux, tract in Spring
township; $4750. ok
.L. L. Miller, et al, to Chester A.
Miller, tract in Philipsburg; $10,000.
Mary C. Lichtenthaler to H. H. Ash-
man, tract in Philipsburg; $250.
Anna M. Thal, et bar, to D. C. Dun-
can, tract in State College; $950.
Joseph Knapper, et ux, to Agnes W.
King, tract in Rush township; $1.
Womelsdorf and Dunkle to Joseph
Knapper, tract in Rush township; $10.
Edwin C. Strohm to Willis V. Stru-
ble, et ux, tract in Walker township;
Elmer E., et ux, to Lloyd
Sampsel, tract in Spring township;
James E. Harvey, et bar, to Fred
Frangel, tract in Philipsburg; $1500.
Bloomer Girls Want Games.
New York Bloomer Girls who open-
ed their twelfth consecutive baseball
season on April 9th, against South-
side Edens, at Wilmington, Del., have
open dates for reliable home male
teams seeking a banner attraction.
The Girls play an exceptionally clever
game of baseball, being fine batters,
runners, fielders and throwers. This
team smashed 25 records for attend-
ance and receipts in the 32 games
played in six States last season, and
numerous well known teams and man-
‘agers may be given for reference. In
Stella Friss and Toots Andres the
team has two of the finest female in-
fielders ever developed, the former
being an exceptionally good hitter in
addition to her fine all-around play at
the initial bag. Absolute satisfaction
+ guaranteed; play on either percentage
or guarantee basis; booking agents
protected. Full information regard-
ing terms, dates, references, methods
of advertising, etec., from M. R. Nabel,
50 Beach street, Staten Island, N. Y.
‘Notice !
Se — APO
All retail establishments of
Bellefonte will
Close their Places
of Business
Every Thursday
at 12 o’clock noon, beginning
Thursday June 2nd, and con-
tinuing until Thursday Sep-
tember 15th, inclusive.
Associated Business Men
of Bellefonte, Penna.
—Subseribe for the “Watchman.” retirement three years ago. He is one 06-19-3t