BemorraticATatdgom INK SLINGS. i —Anyway, to us, there is money in muddy water. Seeing that we can’t ! fish fly on it we stay at home and: work contentedly. —Speed the day when some of our friends discover that film is not pro- | nounced fil-lum, nor column, col-yum, nor dollar, dol-yer. —Some one told us Wednesday the sign of the fish is holding sway in the almanac this week. At once the scales fell from our eyes and we saw it rain- ing. —Bacon is twenty-two cents and sugar six cents in Philadelphia, and gasoline is twenty cents in Chicago, but why worry! You’d stick on in good old Centre county if they were | Rohin or, perhaps its merely to get a giving things away every place else. —Will the Germans do something more than make another offer or will France actually move on May 12th. | have a good time for we have been in- It is certain that if France doesn’t! formed that it is to cost them nothing. carry out her threat little more than ' Since the railroad passes were called new offers may be expected from Ber- lin. —The setting aside of the convic- | 1 tion of Senator Newberry, of Michi-- gan, was not a surprise. It was only affirmation of the belief that many men have that laws are not made to be obeved when it is more convenient to ignore them. —Talking of a revival of the Dem- ocratic party in Pennsylvania we are of the opinion that only men who openly declare that they have no am- bition or desire for preferment ean ral- ly enough of the party’s scattered forces to effect resuscitation. —The blushing, demure, sweet girl graduate who used to be so confused if she happened to let a dainty ankle 'of dining and grape-juicing at State i College would need the S. R. O. signs ' were it not that some of our contem- | peep out from under her commence- ment frock as she sat, admired by all, on the stage, will have trouble keep- ing her knees covered in this year’s skirt styles. —No matter what you are. No matter what you have been it is cer- tain that one person, at least, has seen something of virtue in you, has pray- ed to God ever hopefully that your better self might some day come into its own. eternity she is prostrate before the great white throne pleading for you. Sunday is the day set apart in honor of your mother. Next your Creator she who was His messenger in bring- ing you into the world has the great- est love. ‘Will you requite it in some vay Sunday? —The president of the Corn Ex- change National bank sounds like 2 man who ought to be listened to when he rises to question the wisdom of a tariff that will keep Canadian grain and other products out of this coun- try. As he says, why make bad friends of the Canadians by an act that serves no good or economic pur- pose. Canadian grain will merely be diverted to compete with our own in foreign markets and instead of our having friendly competition there our neighbors to the north will fight our prices because of our foolish tariff discrimination against them. —This is fly week and many people are finding out things they never knew before. Did you know that the erec- tion of a pig stye within one hundred feet of a public stream is punishable by both a fine and imprisonment. Happily many of our laws are enact- ed more to please the vanity of their fathers than to make work for those empowered to enforce them. Were it not the case half the people along the Bald Eagle, Spring creek, the Buffalo run, little Fishing creek, Penns creek, Elk, Pine and the other creeks in Cen- tre county would be taking their meals through the little aperture in that big iron door that sheriff Dukeman carries the key for. —~Secretary Mellon’s first real re- port of the condition of the treasury gives little hope of reduced taxes within the next two years unless it is to those whose incomes are over fifty thousand dollars a year. Poor souls, they need relief and probably because he is in that class himself and knows "only bottle the oldest of them knew "a nipple attached to its neck. When the Pennsylvania Farm school was | born it wasn’t designed that it should In life she was praying. In’ “round” of drinks by giving three or how it feels to give up a lot when one has a lot, he has recommended a re- duction of the incomes of the poor lit- tle rich folks. The Secretary goes on o say that he expects to be able to re- duce the short-dated debts of the country about one billion dollars dur- ing the next two years and then takes all the glory out of such a prospective achievement by stating that his Dem- ocratic predecessor had cut the short- dated debt down one and two-thirds billions in only nineteen months, or from August 31st, 1919, to March 31st, 1921. —1It is quite possible when the good people who responded so wonderfully to that hard luck story of the Martin family in Clarence learn that the Mar- tin boys had earned $222.84 every month for eleven months preceding the shut down, they will be wondering what was done with the wages. Very | few families there are in Bellefonte who have a gross income of over $2500.00 a year and we know of none so wasteful as to be “starving” within six weeks of the suspension of their pay. From what we have learned, from most credible sources, the Mar- tin donations were very much in the nature of misguided philanthropy. Anybody who read the North Ameri- ~an’s story of the misfortunes of the Aartin family might have known from the lead up that some one had been given the assignment who had proba- bly never been further into the country | than Kirkbride’s or Willow Grove for | body understands Professor Einstein's STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 66. BELLEFONTE, PA.. MAY 6, 1921. NO. 18. A Pilgrimage of the Pencil Pushers Sproul Inviting a Hard Fight. of Pennsylvania. from Harrisburg that Sproul intends to double cross some of the Senators and Representatives in the General Assembly who fawn- ingly served him during the session. In other words we learn through the press dispatches that the Governor proposes “to ask the head of each de- partment of the State government to give him a statement, by the middle of May, of the smallest appropriation upon which a department can be run,” with the view of cutting the appro- priations to the bone. It has been freely charged that he obtained the votes to carry out his legislative pro- gram by promising to sign all the ap- ‘ propriation bills which passed both Houses of the Assembly. The most serious charge made against the Governor and his adminis- tration is that of profligacy. At the beginning of the session the Governor . informed the Legislature that the rev- “enues available were limited, and that unless additional revenues were cre- ated appropriations should of neces- sity be limited to about $90,000,000. But he suggested legislation which would increase the revenues by about thirty-five million dollars and intimat- ed that if such bills were passed, ap- propriations might be increased. The i revenue bills were passed and the ap- propriation bills as promptly enacted. Now it is intimated that the Governor ‘intends to cut the appropriations and i thus strive for a record for economy. There is an impression on the pub- raise oats for the brewer's big horses, | lic mind that all is fair in politics and so a three mile limit was established | Some politicians have prospered by within which our departed friend John | tricking the public. But fooling the never entered unless surreptitiously | Public and deceiving politicians, in the company of a boot-legger. Of | though of a minor grade, are vastly course, the College, being a centre of | different. Governor Sproul won a no- learning it is not to be supposed that | table victory over an opposing faction very advanced education in the art and during the closing period of the ses- science of boot-legging was not onc of « Sion but at the same time he took on a its unwitting gifts to humanity. | fight which is likely to tax his ener- This infant Farm School, child of 8ies and resources to the limit. If in the State, now grown to the great and ; his desire to pose as an economical lusty Pennsylvania State College, is ' administrator he violates faith with unique, we think, in that it has never ; Legislators who supported him under been wet since it was born. | promise of liberal appropriations, the But enough of this. Let us say ranks of his opponents in the next what we started out to say. Many struggle will be greatly increased. years ago the Pennsylvania State Ed- E——— itorial Association held its annual con- | vention in Bellefonte. Our recollec- tion of the gathering is rather hazy, Today the editors and publishers of Pennsylvania are to gather at State College for a symposium, or a Round few scientific points on how to keep scissors sharp and paste pots from going stale. Whatever it is, they’ll in and there’s no more chance for making good the overlooking of his four inches of “bull” in the next edi- tion to those who didn’t the country editor doesn’t have the same joy in living that he once had. And this play poraries will probably be detained at home to figure out how they can push their own hours up to one-hundred and twelve so that those of their employ- ess can be reduced to forty-four per week. We are wondering how many of the gentlemen of the press who will gath- er within the confines of old Centre today will realize that they are con- gregated right in the centre of the original little Sahara of Pennsylva- nia; for State College was functioning perfectly as arid territory when the anything about was the one that had Professor Taft declares that | “respect for representative govern- ‘ment is lower today than it was a but out of misty memory we recall seeing streams of men trooping out to the “Big Spring,” coming back to their hotels, then trooping out again. That outstanding feature of the day had no significance for youth, but often since we have wondered whether it was the pure joy of viewing again and again | century ago.” Naturally, for nearly half that period Professor Taft has {been a figure in our representative | government. re esc en te se Knox Resolution Passed the Senate. i i The Knox resolution repealing the ! resolution of Congress of 1917, declar- ing war against Germany, was adopt- ‘ed on Saturday by the considerable ‘majority of forty-nine to twenty- | three. Thus Senator Knox has been : able to register the concurrence of the | Senate in his openly expressed sympa- thy with Germany. Even while the the pool that impelled Rochambeau to exclaim; “La Belle Fontaine!” or whether it was the copious supply of the only known cooler for “hot cop- pers” that really attracted. Not since then has there been such a concentration of brains in Centre | county as there will be today and to- : morrow. And, as we tried to make i war was in progress and the result clear at the beginning the editor of | uncertain, Senator Knox’s sympathy today is not the editor of yesterday. was with Germany. After the cessa- Evolution has evoluted him along with | tion of hostilities he opposed the peace everything else, so that the lovable old | treaty for the reason that it was too types who amiably went their way | severe on Germany. Since the organ- moulding public sentiment and living | ization of the League of Nations he mostly on husks are fast being super- | has allowed no oppertunity to aid Ger- ceded by men whose brains have been | man efforts to avoid the just penalty developed to consideration of their of Hun atrocities, to escape. own business offices as well as their; In supporting the Knox resolution in editorial rooms and are therefor all | the Senate Senator Lodge declared the more efficient in the service they | that every other nation asscciated render humanity in these times when | with us in the war has made peace the practice is quite as essential as the | with Germany. But neither of them theory of existence. has made a separate peace. The peace | made by England, France and Italy is 1 : ; | the peace provided for in the Versail- eI iki {les convention in which the United gone up png ow Past | States was a leading element, and in Ya 3 I ee which we might have participated but the water in that ordinarily sparkling | for the perverseness of the Republican stream. They found the water so pol- | majority in the Senate. Lodge and luted with chemicals and drainage DiS bigoted A800 ore sponds from some place that the stench there- | In he fact haat ng and, te an from was almost unbearable. In fact | 1taly A e Yen 0 a farmers have been complaining that | Ree Hd : many wh ae a ’ the water is so bad that their steel | YY© nught have been the Ist and 1a- i vored beneficiary of restored com- | merce. will not drink it. Dr. J. L. Seibert, representative of the State Board of Acide Crom tho bad faith to our Al lies in the war, expressed in the Health, was notified and went up the a fo fioied thay | adoption of the Knox resolution, there he has located the source of the trou- |S revealed Bn selfishness of purpose ble and has notified the State Board of | Which 1s a el Hpen Je Smeslens Health as to what he has discovered, | SAnERnIOn Fn ution ropy 0 os and he anticipates that an inspector | t 8 agus oF, a Fir Oh ans and engineer will be on the ground ; 3nd Claims every advantage Ii allows probably this week to see what can be | to membership in another. It puts the done to stop the pollution. As it is it | American people in the attitude of is a menace to the health of the peo- begin favo 1s from JR otgeizaiion : ? ; o the maintenance of which they re- ple of that section through which the ose to contribate. Thix is not. the | American way. It is the sordid and stream flows. selfish methods revealed in the Dollar i =~ : It is vaguely intimated in the news Governor ——Ambassador Harvey says he | Diplomacy which prevailed while “is wholly unable to perceive why a Knox was Secretary of State and has citizen of the United States cannot | peep rejected by every self-respecting represent his country without appear- | American since. ing either a sycophant or a swash- | buckler.” Nobody who knows Harvey | can see how he can represent anything without being either or both. Obviously Senator Penrose is | still a very sick man. Otherwise he wouldn’t allow the Sproul road roller to crush his friends as it has done. ——It’s rather fortunate that no- ——Speaking of delusions it is said amateurishness and unfamiliarity with | theory. In the circumstances he can’t | that William Jennings Bryan still im- country conditions was written all through his story. agines that his voice has influence on do much harm even if he does little popular Democratic opinion. good. Senator Newberry’s Election Sus- tained. The decision of the Supreme court of the United States setting aside the conviction of Senator Newberry, of Michigan, and sixteen others who had violated the Federal Corrupt practic- es act, is more confusing than surpris- ing. The law limits the expenditures of a candidate for Senator in Congress to $10,000. Senator Newberry ac- knowledged that his nomination and election had cost himself and his fam- ily about $200,000 and his party and friends more than a million. The ev- idence at the trial showed, however, that most of the money was spent in the primary campaign and the deci- sion of the court is based on the prop- osition that Congress has no right to regulate primary eclections. Of course Chief Justice White and Associate Justices Clark and Brandies dissented. Being Democrates they are unable to discern the fine lines which differentiate between primary and general elections. But they agreed upon a reversal of the judgment of the lower court nevertheless, upon the ground that Congress is without au- thority to limit the expenditures of a candidate, that being a prerogative of the State Legislatures. Orin D. Blakesley, of Venango county, who pleaded nolle contendre to a similar charge some years ago and forfeited his seat in Congress will probably think his lawyers were stupids. If he had carried his case to the higher court he might have held his seat. Still there is no certainty on this point. Senator Newberry was elected at a time when the election of a Re- publican Senator was of the greatest importance to his party. His vote gave the Republicans a majority in the Senate and enabled the bitter end- ers to pack the committee on Foreign Relations so as to prevent the rafifi- cation of the Paris peace treaty and put the United States into the League of Nations. That was the most im- portant event from the view point of the Republican machine, of recent years, and Newberry having paid the price and taken the chances, was en- titled to protection. On the principle of “hone» among thieves,” he was en- titled to the decision handed down. of Philadelphia and the State of Penn- sylvania have sustained a distinct loss in the death, last week, of Henry Budd, of Philadelphia. Hope for Democracy in Action, Prompt We are neither inclined to nor in the habit of “chasing rainbows.” Until the blundering and profligate Legisla- ture disgusted the thinking people of the State we could see no reasonable hope for the success of the Democrat- ic party in Pennsylvania, in the near future. The stupid or venal leaders who had control of the organization for over eight years had so complete- ly demoralize the party that every ex- pectation was dismayed. Selfish am- bitions led to such a prostitution of power that life-long workers in the political faith of Jefferson and Jack- son turned away in disgust. But in the light of recent. events we can now see a possible chance of vic- tory in the near future. profligacy and riotous indulgence in other vices by the recent boss-controll- ed Legislature have so outraged pub- lic sentiment that justice-loving and: right-thinking men in all sections of the State, hitherto earnest Republi- cans, are turning away in disgust and seeking alliances into which they may enter without a sense of shame. Out of this confusion of purpose there arises a hope for the triumph of the Democratic party. It is the only available vehicle for escape from the iniquities of machine spoliation. But even this hope can be fulfilled only by a complete reoganization of the Democratic party. The faithless patronage mongers who have been misleading the party in the recent past must be driven out of the coun- cils and the mission of leadership be- stowed upon men worthy of the con- fidence thus reposed in them. This can be accomplished in time to enter | the next important campaign with courage and confidence, if it is begun at once. But action must be prompt and vigorous. And the obligation is upon every true Democrat in every voting district in the State. Let us begin it in Centre county now. ——During the years 1919 and 1920 Centre county received as its share of the appropriation for the support of the public schools $66,951. If the Governor signs the appropriation bill passed by the last Legislature the ‘county will receive as its share for 1921 and 1922 $95,100, or $28,149 more than it received before, all of which will be devoted to paying increased salaries to teachers. rt Mp Ap ——DMaybe in the long run the Sproul-Crow machine will discover that it “sowed to the wind to reap a whirlwind.” The Democratic party, the city Fine Fight in Prospect. There is a good deal of speculation throughout the State as to the depth and width of the chasm which sepa- rates the factions of the Republican party. The events which marked the closing sessions of the General As- sembly indicate a bitterness which is irreconcilable. The humiliation put upon Speaker Spangler and through him cn Joseph R. Grundy, of Bucks county, and George S. Oliver, of Pitts- burgh, was paiticularly cruel and se- vere, while incidentally the ponderous form of Senator Penrose was side- swiped in a manner that might be ex- pected to provoke resentment in kind. The Senator has not hitherto been known as of the amiable type that of- fers the other cheek when a blow is administered. Of course both sides in the conflict, for it can be described in no other term, depend upon the healing influ- ence of public patronage to work a reconciliation of their differences. The Grundy-Oliver contingent may confi- dently rely upon the moral support of Senator Knox, who is said to stand high with the President and Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. If to the in- fluence of these gentlemen is added that of Senator Penrose it may safely be said that the patronage of the fed- eral administration is solid on that side. In former years that would have ‘been sufficient to turn the tide of Re- publican sentiment in that direction and control the vote of the party. But things are different now. Through the work of the recent ses- sion of the Legislature Governor Sproul has control of so vast an amount of official patronage that the postoffice and revenue department pat- ronage dwindles into insignificance. The Governor can summon to his aid and put upon his payroll such an ar- my of tax eaters that the federal force would be overwhelmed if the two ele- ments should come into encounter. Thus far Knox, Mellon and Penrose have not revealed themselves in the contest and possibly they may con- sult prudence and remain out of the range of the Sproul guns. The Sena- tors are old and foxy. But if they should conclude to take a hand they could put up a fine fight. am ATE One of the funny features of v ee ere F SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. | —White glass sand of a high grade is said to have been found on the farm of D. G. Welch, near Shirleysburg, in Huntingdon county. The farm is one of the best in the Aughwick valley. —DBecause his wife compelled him and their young daughter to say their prayers in bed and interfered with family worship by rattling dishes, George A. Oiler, of Harrisburg, was granted a divorce from his wife, Clara. Oiler testified his wife beat him over the legs with a skillet and was abusive in her language, holding his religion in contempt. —DMurder trials in York county are cost- ly. This was demonstrated by the trial of Charles Baker, which ended last Friday with a verdict of second degree murder, and which clerk of court Smith says will cost the county more than $25,000. District Attorney Rochew announced that gun-tot- ing by irresponsible and dangerous char- acters must cease in that county. —After being searched for by relatives and friends in all parts of Cumberland and adjacent counties, Joseph Conrad, 71 years old, of Mount Holly Springs, who disap- peared from his home on Wednesday morning, was found contentedly living in the county jail at Carlisle, where he had gone in search of a night's lodging when he became fatigued on the way to visit a son in Harrisburg. —Since April 1, the Pennsylvania High- way Department has let highway contracts aggregating $6,000,000 in value. This in- volves the construction of about ninety miles of roads, including excavation, grad- ing and surfacing, mostly with reinforced concrete and Hillside brick. The month's total was increased by the letting, during the last week, of three contracts aggregat- ing $680,387 in value. —John Birka, 8 years old, died on Sun- day in the Berwick hospital several hours after he had been shot by his brother Michael, aged 5 years, while they were playing with their father's revolver. The elder brother had pointed the weapon play- fully at Michael and then handed the weapon to him. The boy pointed it at John and fired, the bullet tearing away part of the jaw and lodging in the neck. —DMinisters and laymen from all parts of the central Pennsylvania Methodist Epis- copal conference gathered at Mechanics- burg on Saturday clad in overalls for the purpose of cleaning up the Methodist Home for Children. This land was recent- ly purchased by the conference and many small buildings which were on the proper- ty were razed by the ministers and laymen. A general clean-up of the premises was al- s0 made. —Timely use of a revolver and sure aim by Joseph R. McCombs, an insurance spe- cialist, of Sunbury, saved T. W. Bittner, a Sunbury merchant, from being bitten by a copperhead snake, one of the largest of the variety ever seen in that vicinity. Mec- Combs and Bittner were out in the woods when the snake coiled, hissed and struck at Bittner. At the same moment, Me- i Combs fired. The bullet took the head off | the snake. i —An unusual claim for compensation has | been made before Referee Jacob G. Snyder, | of the Altoona district, by Serafino Dostil- ilo, of Gallitzin, a Pennsylvania Railroad | laborer. The petitioner claims that he lost i the sight of both eyes by coming in con- { tact with gaseous fumes arising from rail- Foad ties ‘treated with creosote. He has ; been blind since October, 1920. The case is | the first of its kind since the establishment | of the local office. current political gossip is that the | —The lone combination freight and pas- friends of former Secretary of State | senger train on the Kishacoquillas Valley Lansing ‘complain that he was badly | Railroad, nine miles long, running between tronted by President Wilson. If Pres- i Reedsville and Belleville, had its first real ident Wilson hadn’t mistakenly favor- |" eck last Friday in thirty years of opera- | 42 . : > | tion. The rails spread, throwing a freight ed Lansing nobody would have ever |... joagea with wheat over an embank- = y hi ; known much about him. ! ment. Another freight car was upset and { forty cans of cream were spilled, flooding = tl A re em se The reckless “The Pamphlet” Comes to Life Again. The Pamphlet, edited by Charles J. Bangert, of DuBois, one of the oldest, best known and most picturesque .newspaper men in north-western Pennsylvania, has been “re-born” after an interval of more than nine months, during which time the editor devoted himself to special newspaper work in Pittsburgh. The Pamphlet is one of those little pocket-size publications for which there is a distinct place in our local, State and national life. It is written : entirely by one man, in a most happy, "humorous and quaint style, which has a way of getting under the skin of the sourest reader. As it was issued last year, The Pamphlet was a thin little booklet, i some 24 pages and cover. The “re- born” issue, dated May, 1921, seems not only to have been re-born, but to have grown quite considerably in the process. For the May number, which has just reached us, is a thick one of some 48 pages and cover, is excellent- ly printed on first-class paper, and shows signs of having been carefully designed by expert printers and pub- lishers. Typographically speaking, it is a finished product, and is in keep- ing with the fine reading on the inside pages. The publishers announce that The Pamphlet will be issued regularly every month and will be on the news- stands on the 25th. We welcome The Pamphlet into the journalistic field again, and bespeak for it a happy and successful career at the hands of the reading public. remo ee fp ee: | ——President Harding has sadly ! disappointed Senator Johnson, but no more so than Secretary Hughes is dis- appointing the government in Berlin. —DMay day parties, if there were any in this section must have been damp, dismal affairs. ——During the past week several hundred men in various parts of the State who had been laid off some time ago by the Pennsylvania railroad com- pany, were ordered back to work, which looks as if the crucial period of depression in railroad business had been passed and better times coming. ——The wet weather this week has put the farmers back with their work and also played havoc with gardening of all kinds. But cheer up, the alma- nac says we will have nicer weather next week. | the car f{loor to a depth of two feet aand i drowing a crate of pigeons. The passen- | ger car also was derailed and the passen- | gers shaken up, but nore injured severely. | { —The Rev. Dr. I'ranklin KX. Huntzinger, { for more than a score of years known as ; Reading's “marrying parson,” {frequently {marrying as many as eight pairs in a day, | died on Sunday, aged nearly 77 years. His | Wife died some years ago, and their only i child preceded them in death. For fifty- | two years pastor of St. Luke's Lutheran | church, which he founded, Dr. Huntzinger i resigned two weeks ago and was then i elected pastor emeritus. He preached 20,- 000 sermons, ‘confirmed thousands of young | people, baptized 9732, married 4277 couples i and conducted 4983 funerals. | —Penniless, friendless and jobless, John | Dietz, of Connersville, Pa., and H. A. Gil- { ford, were arrested last week on the moun- tains near Mt. Carmel, charged with three robberies. When asked what they did with the bottle of chloroform taken from them they said they put themselves to sleep to escape suffering from cold and hunger. The young men had met in Norfolk and tramped to the coal region for work. When in an old brick house one night while com- ing north, they were unable to sleep be- cause of being cold and hungry and took so much choloroform to put them out of their misery that they did not get awake for three days. Deitz recovered first and aroused Gilford. —George C. Tompkins, of Philadelphia, thrice convicted of murder in the Cambria county courts and recently cinvicted in the Blair county courts when a change of ven- ue was granted, will go to the electric chair during the week of May 23rd. Tomp- kins is now in the Blair county jail. He was convicted of murdering Edmund I. Humphreys, his wife, Caroline, and son, Edmund I. Jr, at Carrolltown, Cambria county, July 15th, 1917. Two verdicts of first-degree murder brought in Cambria courts, were set aside by the Supreme court prior to the trial in Blair county. A plea of insanity was set up by counsel and during the trial his actions were those of an insane man. He is making beads at present in the Blair jail and apparently sane, —Aroused from her afternoon nap at her home in Essington on Saturday, Irene Kenscroft discovered that her head had been shorn of some of the beautiful black curls that had hung beyond her waist. No “Jack, the Snipper,” was responsible for the loss of Irene's crop of curls, however. The presence of a pet Billy goat, munch- ing upon the severed tresses explained the theft. According to Miss Kenscroft, “Bil- ly” suddenly developed a laughing fit, the curls having caused a tickling sensation in the goat's stomach. He was driven almost into hysterics. The goat has the run of the Kenscroft home, the girl said, and when he strolled into the living room and espied his young mistress asleep on a lounge, he succumbed to the temptation to make a meal of her raven locks.