"Bellefonte, Pa., April 29, 1921. Bull Dog Drummond (Continued from page 2, Col. 2.) quietly. “If once those men suspect anything, God knows what will hap- pen.” It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her that it was too late to worry about that; then he changed his mind. “And what is there suspicious,” he asked, “in an old friend who happer. to be in the neighborhood dropping in to call? Wherefore your tel:phone message? What's the worry?” She bit her lip and drummed with her fingers on the arm of the chair. “If I tell you,” she said at length, “will you promise me, on your word of honor, that you won't go blunder- ing into The Elms, or do anything foolish like that?” “At the present moment I'm very comfortable where I am, thanks,” re- marked Hugh. “1 know,” she said; “but I'm dreadfully afraid that you're the type of person who who a She paused, at a loss for a word. “Who bellows like a bull, and charges head down,” interrupted Hugh with a grin. She laughed with him, and just for a moment their eyes fim | [1 Sami: 514 | £0 0 i em A 7 A: CO as A} a ll a l wiv Myses “l¢’s Very Dangerous for You to Come Here,” She Remarked Quietly. met, and she read in his something quite foreign to the point at issue, In fact, it is to be feared that the question of Lakington and his com- panions was not engrossing Prum- maond’s mind, as it doubtless shouln hive been, to the exclasien of all else. “They're so utterly unscrupulous,” she continued hurriédly, “so fiendishly clever, that even you would be a child in their hands.” Hugh endeavored to dissemble his pleasure at that little word “even” and only succeeded in frowning hor- ribly. “I will be discretion itself,” he as- sured her firmly. L “I suppose I shall have te trust you,” she said. “Have you seen the evening papers today?” “I looked at the ones that come out in the morning labeled six p. m.; be- fore I had lunch,” he answered. “Is there anything of interest?” She handed him a copy of the Planet. “Read that little paragraph in the second column.” She pointed to it, as he took the paper, and Hugh read it aloud. “Mr. Hiram C. Potts—the celebrat- ed American millionaire—is progress- ing favorably. He has gone into the country for a few days, but is suf- ficiently recovered to conduct business as usual.” He laid down the paper and looked at the ‘girl sitting opposita. “One is pleased,” he remarked in a puzzled tone, “for the sake of Hr. Potts. To be ill and have a name like that is more than most men could stand. . But I don’t quite see Nd “That man was stopping at the Carlton, where he met Lakingten,” said the girl. “He is a multi-mil- lionaire, over here in connecticn with some big steel trust; and when multi- millionaires get friendly with Laking- ston, their health frequently does suf- er.” “But this paper says he’s getting better,” objected Drummond. ¢ ‘Suf- ficiently recovered to conduct business :as8 usual.’ ” Za If is sufficiently recovered to Cut 35 Je Su as usual, why did he send his confidential secretary away yesterday morning on an urgent mis- sion to Belfast?” “Search me,” said Hugh. “Inci- dentally, how do you know he did?” “I asked at the Carlton this morn- ing,” she answered. “I sald I'd come after a job as typist for Mr. Potts. ‘They told me at the inquiry office that he was ill in bed and unable to see anybody. So I asked for his secre- tary, and they told me what I've just. told you—that he had left for Belfast that morning and would be away sev- eral days. It may be that there's - nothing in it; on the other hand, it > may be that there's a lot. And it's only by following up .every possible “clue,” shé continued fiercely, “that I “house Jdicans. can hope to beat those fiends and get daddy out of their clutches.” Drummond nodded gravely, and did not speak. For into his mind had flashed suddenly the remembrance of that sinister, motionless figure seated by the chauffeur. The wildest guess- work certainly—no vestige of proof— and yet, having once come, the thought stuck. And as he turned it over in his mind, almost prepared to laugh at himself for his credulity— millionaires are not removed against their will, in broad daylight, from one of the biggest hotels in London, to sit in immovable silence in an open car —the door opened and an elderly man came in. Hugh rose, and the girl introduced the two men. “An old friend, daddy,” she said. “You must have heard me speak of Captain Drummond.” “I don’t recall the name at the mo- ment, my dear,” he answered courte- ously—a fact which was hardly sur- prising-—“but I fear I'm getting a little forgetful. You'll stop and have some dinner, of course.” Hugh bowed. “I should like to, Mr. Benton. Thark you very much. I'm afraid the hour of my call wag a little informal, but being round in these parts, I felt I must come and look Miss Benton up.” His host smiled absentmindedly, and walking to the window, stared through the gathering dusk at the opposite, half hidden in the trees. And Hugh, who was watching him from under lowered lids, saw him suddenly clench both hands in a ges- ture of despair. It cannot be said that dinner was a meal of sparkling gaiety. Mr. Ben- ton was palpably ill at ease, and be- yond a few desultory remarks spoke hardly at all; while the girl, who sat opposite Hugh, though she made one or two valiant attempts to break the long silences, spent most of the meal in covertly watching her father. If anything more had been required to convince Drummond of the genuine- ness of his interview vith her at the Carlton the preceding day, the atmos- phere at this strained and silent party supplied it. As if unconscious of anything pecu- liar he rambled on in his usufil in- consistent method, heedless of wheth- er he was answered or not; but all the time his mind was busily working. He had already decided that a Rolls- Royce was not the only car on the market which could break down mys- teriously, and with the town so far away, his hest could hardly fail to ask him to stop the night. And then —he had not yet quite settled how— he proposed to have a closer look at The Ils. At length the meal was over, and the maid, placing the decanter in front of Mr. Benton, withdrew from the room. “You'll have a glass of port, Captain Drummond?’ remarked his host, re- moving- the stopper, and pushing the bottle .toward him. *“An old pre-war wine which I can vouch for.” Hugh smiled, and even as he lifted the heavy old cut glass, he stiffened suddenly in his chair. A ecry—half shout, half scream, and stifled at once—had come echoing through the open windows. With a crash the With a Crash the Stopper Fell From Mr. Benton’s Nerveless Fingers, Breaking the Finger-Bowl in Front of Him, While Every Vestige of Color Left His Face. stopper fell from Mr. Benton’s nerve- Jess fingers, breaking the finger-bowl In front of him, while every vestige of color left his face. “It’s something these days to be able to say that,” remarked Hugh, pouring out himself a glass. “Wine, Miss Benton?” He looked at the girl, who was staring fearfully out of the window, and forced her to meet his eye. “It will do you good.” His tone was compelling, and after : moment's hesitation, she pushed ine glass over to him. “Will you pour t out?” she said, and he saw that she was trembling all over. (To be Contiued. en—————— (—————————— ; Of the 29 presidents of the United States, six were residents of Ohio when elected. They were W.H. Harrison, Whig; and Hayes, Garfield, ‘McKinley, Taft ahd Harding, Repub- cans. - With the exception of W.' H.' Harrision, all the above were born’ in Ohio, and in addition, Grant and Ben-' - jamin Harrison, Republicans.’ COMING UNTO HIS OWN. Time was, and not so many years since, that mountain goats and sheep cavorted the Rocky mountains around Denver, in large numbers, but the an- imals, like the days, are gone, due to the actions of men and their lack of humanitarianism, and a total lack of appreciation of the beauties of nature. Many can recall the thrills they ex- perienced when these animals started climbing what looked like an impossi- ble place, or leaped a wide, yawning chasm that seemed to mean instant death, but the trained eye and supple limbs made the endeavor easy of ac- complishment. Roland G. Parvin, State Game Com- missioner, hung up his Christmas stocking and received a 200-pound mountain sheep. “Santa Claus,” as he calls it, was captured on Al Davis’ ranch near Rockwood, La Plata county, where for two weeks he had been fraternizing with the cattle and horses, sharing their beds of straw and hay. The old fellow was taken with a struggle. He was sent over to the park on Lookout mountain, where there are eight of these sheep. He is one of the finest specimens ever seen—such is the verdict of those qualified to judge, and the oldest set- tlers around Rockwood say that he is the first they have seen for many years. Why did he come down and join with animals other than his kind ? Lonely? Yes, wholly alone, but thanks to Mr. Parvin he will now find a few of his kinsfolk that are being properly cared for, as he will be, and all nature lovers will say: “May his tribe increase and multiply, for no doubt the old roamer found peace on 2arth Christmas day.”—By J. B. Dil- on. Get your job work done at this office and get it right. ads appear here. culation in Bellefonte. Everything in Furniture. Phonographs and Records. NAGINEY’S Send Us Your Grocery Order Today It Will Pay You. CITY CASH GROCERY Allegheny St. The Latest in Dry Goods and Ladies’ and Misses Ready to Wear. HAZEL & CO. The Headquarters for Athletic Goods in Bellefonte. Smoker Sup- plies. Barber Shop in Connection. RUHL’S Under First Nat. Bank. Our Grocery Line is always complete and we invite your pa- tronage. BROUSE’S High St. Willard is the Storage Battery of Serv- ice. Any make battery repair- ed and recharged. WITMER’S Studebaker Expert Repairing on All Makes of Cars. BEEZER’S GARAGE. The House of Service when it Comes to Hardware THE POTTER-HOY Co. Our Meats are always fresh and wholesome Phone Your Order. ECKEL’S MARKET We Do Not Recommend Ford parts that are not genu- ine. Make our garage your headquarters, Ford owners. BEATTY MOTOR CO. This Week A Special on Belle Meade Sweets, Milliard’s and Lonis Sherry Czu- dies. THE MOTT DRUG Co. Gross Bros. Good Bram........ es.ve00 00 88c I 5 pounds Coffee............ 98¢c 5 Soap... aici nen. we 23C 3 Jersey Flake..... siasan ree 230 1 Large can Peaches........ 28¢c BELLEFONTE, PA. LAUDERBACH-ZERBY CO. Wholesale Grocers YOUR HOME OPTOMETRIST Fitting glasses for 15 years. Satisfaction guaranted. CASEBEER’S Registered Optometrist. The First National Bank mites your patronage. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLEFONTE. Read these articles with care. ' Some Mail Order Houses Fing .{+ness from. lack of patronage. Every Dollar you Spend in Bellefonte will ‘‘CO - If You Buy Out, of Town and I Buy Out. of Town, What, will Become of Qur Town ? MAAN PICTURES ARENOT ALWAYS TRUTHFUL Them Very Useful in Their Business. CAN “DOCTOR"* PHOTOGRAPH The Watchman’s Buy-at-Home Campaign They may present something you hadn’t thought of before. They are your neighbors and will treat you right. ME HOME TO BOOST” Patronize the people whose The money you spend with them stays in cir- tenses. dowever, if the customer buys a table which looks in a picture to be 48 inches wide, but which proves upon its arrival to be only 36 inches wide, he has no legal grounds upon which to base a complaint if the sell- ‘er has not told him in so many words ‘that the table was 48 inches wide. Stick to Truth in Figures. Some unscrupulous mail order hoases have taken advantage of this selling power of pictures in a very in- genious way. They adhere strictly to the truth in the actual measurements given in their catalogues of the arti- cles which they have to sell. They may employ descriptions which exag- gerate the qualities and appearances ' of the articles offered, but when it Concerns Can Give Wrong Impres- sions With Illustrations While Sticking to Truth in Descriptions. (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.) “Figures never lie,” it has been claimed, but this is far from the truth. The defaulter who has “doc- tored” his books in such a way that he has escaped detection for years, knows that figures can be made to lie. The shrewd politician, who knows how to juggle statistics, knows that they can be made to tell a story that is far from the truth. But there is another medium of ex- pression which is also supposed to be a stickler for truth, but which is a greater prevaricator than figures. That is a picture. A. picture of any person or thing, supposedly, is an ex- act reprcduction of the original, but this is frequently only a wild suppo- sition. The photographer who did not make his picture tell a little fib now | and then would soon go out of busi- Pictures Better Than Words. Pictures have come to occupy a very important place in the life of the world in recent years. It has been said that for newspaper purposes a picture which tells its story strikingly is worth more than columns of written words on the same subject. Newspapers and magazines have realized the truth of this faet and as a result pictures are used profusely in illustrating the news and fiction of the day No one has been quicker to realize the possibilities of the picture when properly—or it might be said improp- .erly—used, than the mail order man. He has realized that a picture will do more to sell his kind of merchan- ‘dise than a column of words and fig- ures. One reason for this is that it’ is harder to catch a picture in a lie than it is printed words and figures. For instance, if you sell a man a table .on the strength of a printed statement that it is 48 inches wide and if when ‘the table reaches the customer it is only 36 inches wide, the customer not snly has a moral right to kick, but he has a legal right to accuse the sell- er of obtaining money under false pre- | included in the descriptions. comes down to actual measurements : the descriptions given are technically correct. Then these concerns rely upon their pictures to sell the merchandise, realizing that a picture will make a far deeper impression upon the mind of the prospective buyer than the act- ual figures given. A picture of a wide, roomy bed will attract the eye and i the reader probably will not stop to | measure off the width of the bed as it is described in the catalogue to see whether it is as wide as desired. Fig- ures, in the abstract, mean little to the average reader and do not convey the impressicn that is given in the pic- ture. A former manager of a mail order house teidls how his concern manipu- lated pictures in this way to suit its purposes. It had pictures of its chairs retouched so that the legs seemed to Le an inch and a half in di- ameter, when they were really less than an inch. It made narrow beds appear in the picture to be wide and comfortable. Posts of iron beds that were really an inch in diameter were made to eppear as if they were three inches in thickness. These things are easy for any competent artist to do. Patrons Had No Recourse. This concern, however, adhered rig- idly to the truth in the measurements Custom- ers who found, when they received their goods, that they were not what they expected, could kick, but it would do them no good. The mail order house could show that it had set forth the measurements truthfully in cata- logues, and there was no recourse for the customer. There is no question but that pic- tures will lie, sometimes without any manipulation, and the person who buys an article of merchandise from a pic- ture is taking big chances, even though the picture is not intentionally altered to give a wrong impression. Any ama- teur photographer knows from experi- ence how the camera often will give a wrong idea of proportions. The only safe method is to bay from the local merchant where one sees the article itself and not a picture of it. The arlcle itself cannot lie about its dimensions, at least, Books, Stationery and Post | Cards. The Index Book Store Special This Week 50 lb. Cotton Mattress, $10.75 50 1b. Cotton felt Mattress $13.75 BRACHBILL’S. Everything in Electric Sup- plies. THE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Have your Vulcanizing Done Now. A full line of Tires and Acces- sories. BELLEFONTE STEAM VULC. CO. NEW GROCERY A full line of groceries at reduced prices. A full line of foreign and domestic fruits in season. Klink’'s bacon and ham, fresh from the market. Cream cheese a specialty. With every 50c. purchase we give free a coupon for Rogers silverware. Ask for them. ALTERS & STOVER High St., opposite P. R. R. Station. Suec- cessors to Sechler & Co. The Variety Store SPIGELMYER & CO. When You Want Hardware of any description call and see us. We invite your patronage. “BELLEFONTE HARDWARE CO. Everything in Hardware for Farm, Dairy and Home. GLENWOOD RANGES, SCHAEFFER'S | | | This Market is now under New Manage- ment and we Solicit Your Patronage FRESH MEATS DAILY KLINE’S Formerly Lyon’s Market Furnishings of the best for men and boys. Every line complete and up- to-date. WILLARD & SON HABERDASHERS. The Grocery Store of Wholesome Goods and Prompt Service HAZELS Clothing of the Best for men who are careful of ap- pearances. A full line of . Men’s and Boy’s furnishings. SIM THE CLOTHIER Shoes for the entire family at right prices YEAGER’S The Rexall Store and that means quality. Special attention given to prescriptions. Runkle’s Drug Store The Home of the famous Butter Krust Bread. Confectionery and Goods. The City Bakery Baked Everything in Lumber, Sashes, Doors and Blinds. The Bellefonte Lumber Co. The Home of Hart, Schaff- ner and Marx Clothing for Men. Also a complete line of Men’s and Boy’s furnishings. MONTGOMERY & CO. The Edison is the peer of Phonographs. Come in and hear one today. Records, Pianos, Player- Pianos. GHEEN’S MUSIC STORE. We Are Still in the Hardware business at the old Stand. Every- thing complete always. OLEWINE’S Wholesale and Retail fruits and produce. A complete line of imported Ol- ive Oil. CARPENETO & CO. When In Town See the best in Motion Pictures at the Scenic. SCENIC THEATRE Weaver, Grocers Bellefonte, Pa. The Best in Dry Goods and Ladies Ready to Wear. SCHLOW’S The Bellefonte Trust Co. Courtesy. Safety. The Bellefonte Trust Co. Service. COHEN’S The Complete Department- Store. [Everything for the family. COHEN’S A Special Sale of all Sizes of Tires for this Week. WION GARAGE W. S. Katz DRY GOODS ; Ladies Ready to Wear The Watchman has always advised buying at home, and it buys at home itself, Queen Quality Shoes for Women | Regal Shoes for men We fit the Youngsters, too, MINGLE’S SHOE STORE.