Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 29, 1921, Image 2

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The Adventures of a
Demobilized Officer Who
Found Peace Dull
Copyright by Geo. H. Doran Co.
(Continued from last week.)
PROLOGUE.—In December, 1918, four
men gathered in a hotel in Berne and
heard one of the quartet outline a plan
to paralyze Great Britain and at the
same time seize world power. The other
three, Hocking, American, and Steineman
and Von Gratz, Germans, all millionaires,
agree to the scheme, providing another
man, Hiram Potts, an American, is taken
in. The instigator of the plot gives his
name as Comte de Guy, but when he
leaves for England with his daughter he
decides to use the name Carl Peterson.
CHAPTER I. — Capt. Hugh (Bulldog)
Drummond, a retired officer, advertises
for work that will give him excitement,
signing ‘X10.” As a result he meets
Phyllis Benton, a young woman who an-
swered his ad. She tells him of strange
murders and robberies of which she sus-
pects a band headed by Carl Peterson and
Henry Lakington of being the leaders.
“I hope he avoided the crash all
right,” murmured Drummond politely.
Both men looked at him, “The
crash!” said Lakington. “There was
no question of a crash. We just
“Really,” remarked Drummond. “I
think, sir, that you must be right in
your diagnosis of your chauffeur’s
mentality.” He turned courteously to
Peterson. “When something goes
wrong, for a fellah to stop his car,
by braking so hard that he locks both
back wheels, is no bon, as we used
to say in France. I thought, judging
by the tracks in the dust, that you
must have been in imminent danger
of ramming a traction engine. I won-
der if I could help your man,” he
continued. “I'm a bit of an expert with
a Rolls.”
“How very kind of you,” said Peter-
son. “I'll go and see.” He went over
to the man and spoke a few words.
“Isn't it extraordinary,” remarked
Hugh, “how the eye of the boss gal-
vanizes the average man into activ-
ity. As long, probably, as Mr. Peter-
son had remained here talking, that
chauffeur would have gone on tinker-
ing with the engine. And now—Ilook,
in a second—all serene. And yet I
dare say Mr. Peterson knows nothing
about it really. Just the watching
eye, Mr. Lakington. Wonderful thing
—the human optic.”
He rambled on with a genial smile.
watching with apparent interest the
car in front. “Who's the quaint bird
sitting beside the chauffeur?
peals to me immensely. Wish to
heaven I'd had a few more like him
in France to turn into snipers.”
“May I ask why you think he would
have been a success at the job?” Lak-
ington’s voice expressed merely per-
functory interest, but his cold, steely
eyes were fixed on Drummond.
“He’s so motionless,” answered
Hugh. “The bally fellow hasn't
moved a muscle since I've been here.
I believe he’d sit on a hornet’s nest,
and leave the inmates guessing. Great
gift, Mr. Lakington. Shows a strength
of will but rarely met with—a mind
which rises above mere vulgar cu-
“Jt is undoubtedly a great gift to
have such a mind, Captain Drum-
mond,” said Lakington. “And if it
isn’t born in a man, he should most
certainly try to cultivate it. Shall
we be sseing you this evening?”
Drummond shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m the vaguest man that ever lived,”
he said lightly. “I might be listen-
ing to nightingales in the country;
or I might be consuming steak and
onions preparatory to going to a night
club. So long. ... Hope you don't
break down again so suddenly.”
He watched the Rolls-Royce start,
but seemed in no hurry to follow suit.
And his many friends, who were wont
to regard Hugh Drummond as a mass
of brawn not too plentifully supplied
with brains, would have been puz
zled had they seen the look of keen
concentration on his face, as he stared
along the white dusty road. He could
not say why, but suddenly and very
certainly the conviction had come to
him that this was no hoax and no
leg-pull—but grim ana sober reality.
In his imagination he heard the sud-
den sharp order to stop the instant
they were over the hill, so that Peter-
son might have a chance of inspect-
ing him; in a flash of intuition he
knew that these two men were no
ordinary people, and that he was sus-
pect. Two thoughts were dominant
in his mind. The first was that there
was some mystery about the motion-
less, unnatural man who had sat be-
side the driver; the second was a dis-
tinct feeling of relief that his auto-
matic was fully loaded.
At half-past five he stopped in front
of Godalming postoffice. To his sur-
prise the girl handed him a wire, and
Hugh tore the yellow envelope open
quickly. It was from Denny, and it
was brief and to the point:
“Phone message recélved. AAA.
He ap- |
i you to come here,”
Must see you Carlton tea day after
tomorrow. Going Godalming now.
AAA. Message ends.”
With a slight smile he noticed the
military phraseology—Denny at e¢3~
time in his career had been a signaler
—and then he frowned. ‘Must see
vou.” She shoulé—at once.
He turned to the gizl and inquired
tne way t3 The Larches. It was
about two miles, he gathered, en the
Guildford road, and impossible to
raiss. A biggish house standing well
back in its own grounds,
“Is it anywhere near a house called
The Elms?’ he asked.
«Next door. sir,” said the girl. “The
gardens adjoin.”
He thanked her, and having torn
up the telegram into small pieces, he
got into his car. There was nothing
for it, he had decided, but to drive
boldly up to the house, and say that
he had come to call on Miss Benton.
He had never been a man who beat
about the bush, and simple methods
appealed to him—a trait in his char-
acter which many a boxer, addicted
to tortuous cunning in the ring, had
good cause to remember. What more
natural, he reflected, than to drive
over and see such an old friend?
He had no difficulty in finding the
house, and a few minutes iater he
was ringing the front-door bell. Tt
was answered by a maidservant.
“Is Miss Benton in?’ Hugh asked
with a smile which at once won the
girl’s heart.
“She has only just come back from
London, sir,” she answered doubtfully.
“I don’t know whether . ..”
“Would you tell her that Captain
Drummond called?’ said Hugh as the
maid hesitated. “That I happened to
find myself near here, and came on
chance of seeing her?”
Once again the smile was called
into play, and the girl hesitated no -
longer. “Will you come inside, sir?”
she said. “I will go and tell Miss
She ushered him into the draw-
ing-room and closed the door. 1t
was a charming room, just such as he
would have expected with Phyllis. Big
windows, opening down to the ground,
led out on to a lawn, which was al-
ready a blaze of color. A few great
oak trees threw a pleasant shade at
the end of the garden, and partially
showing through them, he could see
another house which he rightly as-
sumed was The Elms. In fact, even
as he heard the door open and shut
behind him, he saw Peterson come out
of a small summer-house and com-
mence strolling up and down, smok
ing u cigar. Then he turned round
and faced the girl.
Charming as she had looked in Lon-
don. si; was doubly so now, in a sim-
ple I'nen frock which showed off ber
figure to perfection. But if he thouzht
Le was going to have any leisure io
enjoy thie picture undisturbed, he wus
soon disillusioned.
“Why have you come here, Cup-
tain Drummond?’ she said, a little
breathlessly. “I said the Carlton—
the day after tomorrow.”
“Unfortunately,” said Hugh, “Id
left London before that message came,
My servant wired it on to the post-
oitice here. Not that it would have
made any difference. I should have
come, anyway.”
An involuntary smile hovered round
her lips for a momens; then she grew
serious again. “It's very dangerous for
she remarked
(Continued on page 6, Col. 1.)
hereby given that the following
persons and firms have been appraised and
are hereby liable for mercantile taxes for
the year 1921:
O'Bryan, G. W., general merchandise.
‘White, W. 8., feeds.
Bower, A. F., implements.
Krape, J. F., general merchandise.
Kister, G. W., implements.
Musser, C. E., candies.
Stover, Wmn., oil.
Stover, A. S., wall paper.
Rachau, Fred W., merchandise.
Brouse, W, H., produce.
Hazel, A. J., general merchandise.
Ishler, J. G., meats.
Rishel, S. R., oil.
Charles, F. M., plumber.
Patterson, J. D., groceries.
Zeckman, J. F., furniture.
Bowes, W. A., general store.
Clark, J. H., gas.
Deitz, W. C., groceries.
Harter, W. J., general merchandise.
Kunes, T. M., general merchandise.
Kessinger, H. C., general merchandise.
Moon, A. R., cigars,
Page, A. E., general store.
Rothrock, Sara, notions.
Vonada, W. H., merchandise.
Williams, C. A. Est., general merchandise
Ghaner, W. H., coal.
Lykens, H. B., general merchandise.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas.
Aikey, J. B., groceries.
Blair, F. P. & Son, jewelry.
Blackford, C. I., cigars.
Baum, Sim, clothing.
Beezer, P. meats.
Bonfatto, G., fruits.
Bellefonte Lumber Co., lumber.
Brouse, W. 8., groceries.
Bellefonte Vule. Co., tires,
Brachbill, W. R., furniture,
Bellefonte Hardware Co., hardware,
Bickett, W. W., cigars.
Billett, M. L., feeds.
Bush House Cigar Co., cigars.
Beatty Motor Co., automobiles.
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal. -
Beezer, George A., automobiles.
Crissman, L. H,, cigars.
Centre County Junk & Fuel Co., junk.
Caldwell, James F., candy.
Caldwell and Son, plumbers.
Cairns, Thomas W., wall paper.
Cohen Co., dry goods.
Casebeer, C. D., jeweler.
Cooke, C. E., furniture.
Coxey, W. C., groceries.
City Bakery, bread.
Carpento Co., fruits.
Carpeneto, J. L., cigars.
Cooney, Elizabeth, millinery.
City Cash Glogery, groceries.
Crider, P. B. & Son, lumber.
: pHbbe, % Bm Jemente, | a
ectric Supply Co., electric supplies.
‘ Eckel, J. P., meats.
, Eckenroth, B. J., wall paper.
Finklestine, D., cigars.
Fauble, A., clothing.
Garman, H.. F., general store.
Gamble, G, M., grain.
—— S———
Genua, Angelo, cigars.
Garbrick Bros., auto supplies.
Gross, J. W., groceries.
Gettig, L. H., meats.
Garbrick, H. E., groceries.
Gheen Music Shop, pianos.
Harnish, J. T. & Co., lumber.
Hazel, Thomas S., groceries.
Herr & Heverly, groceries.
Hockman, N. J., produce.
Hazel & Co., dry goods.
Heverly, J. O., auto supplies. !
Hunter, J. D., stationery. !
Jodon, J. C., groceries. i
Kelley’s Bakery, candies. }
Kalin, Max, shoes.
Katz, W. S., dry goods.
Krader Motor Co., motors.
Kelly & Bickett, coal.
Kline, Henry, cigars.
Keichline, C. C., candies.
Lyon & Co., dry goods.
Lyons, W. A. Est., meats.
Mallory’s Studio, cameras.
Mott Drug Co., drugs.
Mingle, A. C., shoes.
Miller, G. A., hardware.
Montgomery & Co., clothing.
McGinley, A. L., wall paper. |
Mayer, M. Frank, feeds.
Miller, David, groceries.
Miller, N. A., auto supplies.
Moerschbacher, Mary, cigars. :
McCrory, J. G. Co., 5 and 10c. store. |
McGarvey, P. H., auto supplies. i
Naginey, F. E., furniture.
Nighthart, J. L.. & Son, cigars.
Olewine, John I. Est., hardware.
Parker, W. S., junk.
Poorman, S. H., automobiles.
Potter-Hov Hardware Co., hardware.
Parker, Wm. G., florist.
Parrish, C. M., drugs. i
Rietano. Tony. groceries.
Ruhl. Harry, cigars.
Runkle, M. B., drugs. i
Sechler & Co., groceries. !
Spencer Economy Store, gents furnish-
ings. |
Spigelmyer & Co., general merchandise. !
Schaeffer, H. P., hardware, ;
Schlow, Chas., ladies’ furnishings. !
Schofield, James, harness. i
Schad, A. E., plumber. |
Showers, J. M. & Co., coal. |
State-Centre Electric Co., Elec. supplies.
Twitmire, W. T., stoves.
Thal, Joseph, candies.
Tate, C. F. plumber.
Weaver Bros., groceries.
Witmer, R. C., auto supplies.
Wion, Willis E., automobiles.
Willard, D. I. & Son, clothing.
Waite, J. S. Co., implements.
Witten, Israel, junk.
Yeager, H. C., shoes.
Zeller & Son, drugs.
Boozer, D. A., harness.
Benner, G. O., general store.
Bradford & Co., coal.
Bartholomew, C. D., produce.
Boozer & Smith, automobiles. !
Centre Hall Pharmacy Co., drugs. |
Campbell, H. C. & R. P., cigars. |
Dauberman, J. G., meats.
Emerick, Geo. H., implements.
Emery, C. F.. general merchandise.
Fetterolf, J. 1., auto supplies.
Foreman, R. D., coal and grain.
Fredericks, Samuel, coal and grain.
Goodhart, James, produce.
Geary, F. P., cigars.
Goodhart. F. V., furniture.
Harper & Homer, oil.
Henney. Mrs. Lucy, millinery.
Herr, Max, junk.
Ishler, George E., meats.
McClenahan & Flink, cigars.
McCoy, Miss Emma, bread.
McClenahan, Wm., oysters.
Meiss, G. B., groceries.
Odenkirk. W. A.. general merchandise.
Runkle, W. J., cigars.
Smith, L. L., auto supplies.
Schaffer. Roy J., produce.
Smith, C. M., general merchandise.
Smith, T. L., hardware.
Tressler, G. W., shoes.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Coburn Grain & Coal Co., coal and grain.
Dinges, Cloyd, feeds.
Brandt & Bohn, general merchandise.
Glasgow. J. W.. general merchandise.
Malone, F. J., produce.
Musser, C. E. & Son. general merchandise
Mingle, A. C.. general merchandise.
Vonada & Sons, auto supplies.
Budinger, A. B., general merchandise.
Brooks, Jacob, general merchandise.
Clarence Corp. Assn., Gen. merchandise.
Freedman, Jacob, general merchandise.
Harm, 0. J., general merchandise.
Hall, W. B. & Sons, cigars.
Horvath, Andy, cigars.
Gillette, H. H. & Sons, cigars.
Koshko PBros., groceries,
A. M,, cigars.
, John M., cigars.
Trubitza, Mike, groceries. ;
Pinchok. Geo., general merchandise.
Reeser, Harry, meats.
Zewok, John, groceries.
Bald Eagle Supply Ltd., Gen. Mds.
Heaton, James, produce.
Holt, S. W., groceries.
Holt, G. W., groceries.
Eckenroth, Charles, coal.
Irwin, Ben H., coal.
Jenett, Harry, produce.
Lindemuth, Harry, gas.
McElwain Bros., general merchandise.
Stere. H. M., cigars.
Smith, T. W., feeds.
Stere, J. B. & J. C., general store.
Scholl, H. A., produce.
Hoover, George, merchandise. -
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Baney’s garage, automobiles and gas.
Berry, L. D., automobiles and gas.
Condo, J. F., general merchandise.
Deitz, J. F.—paid by McCartney, general
Fox, C. M., implements.
Green, Ed, cigars and candy.
Gladhill, A. D., cigars.
Harter, Walter D., furs.
Kline, H. A., produce.
Long, W. H., grain.
Lucas, C. C., general merchandise,
Moore, H. A., drugs.
Miner, Manius, jewelry.
Pletcher, Chas. E., oils.
Pletcher, T. A., harness.
Pletcher, F. V., groceries.
Pletcher, Wm. B., produce.
Shawley, Thomas, produce.
Schenck, A. A., hardware.
Williams, George, groceries.
Weber, B. & Son, general store.
Williams, Frank, cigars.
Wolfe, S. J., general store.
Yearick, Walter, meats.
Hoy, George F., general merchandise.
McClintock, E. L., general merchandise.
Andrews, Anna, groceries.
Beals, BE. E., ice cream.
Henderson, J. E., groceries.
Harrington, Art., coal.
Lorrah, Mabel, coal.
Mattern, H. K., produce.
Parsons, W. P., groceries.
Tallhelm, Walter G., groceries.
Turner, J. H., groceries.
Walizer, R. D., coal.
Kato Supply Co., general merchandise.
Stover, George B., cigars.
Keller, Mrs. J. W., general merchandise.
Ross, J. H., general merchandise.
Wieland, F. E., coal.
Bohn, George J., jewelry.
Evey, A. H., ee ry.
Evey, E. W. Son, produce.
Hoy, R. K., auto supplies.
Lenker, J. E., general merchandise.
Mitchell, John, hardware.
Ross, Elmer C., general merchandise.
Schreck Bros., oils.
Williams, George C., furniture.
Ebert, O. D., general store.
Bergner, Albert, general store.
Glossner, Harry, eating house.
Galbraith, Clair, fish.
Mann, Harvey, ice cream.
Vulcan Trading Co., general store.
Brodencshok, John, meats.
roe, A. A,, general merchandise.
Lewis, LeRoy, general merchandise.
Quick, Rush, feeds.
Maurer, Clara, ice cream.
Everett, Thomas, general merchandise,
azel, B. B., general merchandise.
Bartges, C. E., general merchandise.
Goldberg, Ike, general merchandise.
Miller, E. L., general merchandise.
Workman, C. C., general merchandise.
Yarnell, Geo. H., ice cream.
Allison, J. R. G., cigars.
Auman, N. A., groceries.
Bowersox, B. F., drugs.
Breon, C. H., automobiles.
Burd, Mrs. L. V., millinery.
Boob Lunch Room, cigars.
Berman, Jacob, cigars.
Campbell, 8. M., furniture.
Colombus, Sol, junk.
Frank, A. A. & Sons, general store.
Griffith & Ulrich, 5 and 10c¢ store.
Hosterman and Stover, hardware.
Houseman, J. W. O., produce,
Kessler, A., clothing.
Leitzell, H. H., meats.
Meyer, T. F., general merchandise.
Mauck, E. W., general store,
McMullen Bros., feed.
Neiman, D. J., clothing.
Stover, R. S., jeweler.
Spigelmyer, J., general merchandise,
Snyder Home Bakery, bread.
Schreckengast Bros.. groceries.
Smith & Adams, milliners.
Ulrich, T. B., cigars.
Weiser, F. F., gas.
Grove, Anna M., coal.
Hummer, E. J., —goods.
Korman, C. W., merchandise.
Irwin, B. H., coal.
Milesburg Store Co.. reneral store.
McCullough, M. J. & Sons Gen. Mds.
Miles, O. E. & Sons, general merchandise. |
Sprankle, T. C.. groceries,
Stucky. J. K.. cigars.
Spicer, Mrs. Effie, candy.
Wetzler, F. L.. general merchandise.
Betz, M. S., general merchandise,
Beck, J. H., general merchandise.
Kessinger, W. E., cigars.
Long, H. A.. meats.
Peck Bros., merchandise.
Yearick, N. H., merchandise.
Orviston Supply Co., Gen, merchandise.
Watson, Alex, fish.
Young, Fred J., candy.
Etters, Clayton, feed.
Lowder, Ralph J., merchandise.
Kidder & Raymond, coal.
Copelin, Martin, gas and oil.
Demeck, Joseph, merchandise.
Gloyonski, Ed, merchandise.
Goss, R. J., merchandise.
Gravish, T. J., merchandise.
Kashmark, Ben, merchandise.
Harris, P. M., gas,
Horgweht, James, grocery.
Stine, S. B., foundry.
Wood, William, hardware.
Zigner, Anthony, merchandise,
Lewis, Clarence, groceries.
Bates, Miss Edith, candy and cigars.
Boak, Mrs. Sallie, candy.
Gettig, H. C., meats.
Confer, Harry, merchandise.
Jodon & Summers, gas.
Noll, H. T., auto supplies.
Noll, W. H. Jr. & Bro., merchandise.
Noll, Ray C., cigars.
Stitzer, C. K., merchandise.
Beckwith, J. T., merchandise.
Bennett. W. M., merchandise,
Gates, H. S., produce.
Hoover, W. T., hardware.
Laird & Laird, meats.
Osman, S. S., gas.
Port Matilda Supply Co., Gen, store.
Pringle, C. M., general store.
Williams Bros., feeds.
Woodring, H., coal.
Williams, J. S., merchandise.
Reese, A. W., general merchandise.
Ammerman, G. G., produce.
Bailey, J. H., produce.
Behrer, Chester, produce.
Auman, E. H., feeds.
Barr, David, cigars.
Keller, John Co., coal.
Martz, E. C., general merchandise.
Stuck and Kline, gas.
Watt, E. M., general merchandise.
Ward, S. E., gas.
Williams, J. W., harness.
Atlantic Refiining Co., gas and oil.
Andrews, W. C., dry goods.
Ayers Bros., groceries.
*Adelman & Ratosky, dry goods.
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Teas, Ete,
Austin, William, cigars.
Alpine Restaurant, cigars.
Brown, W. B., drugs.
Buzzel, Edgar, drugs.
Beals, John, groceries.
Butlin, William, cigars.
Birchfield, W. L., dry goods.
Bretts, J., candy and cigars.
Bowser, William, cigars.
Campbell, C. A., groceries.
Custard & Norris, paper and paints,
Callahan, H. A., meats.
Carmela, P., cigars.
Carpenter, M., milliner.
Centre Lumber Co., lumber.
Cenrre Milling Co., feeds.
Cohen, M., meats.
Copelin, Duke, feeds.
Dugan, Joseph, cigars.
Deacon. Thomas, cigars.
Delaacy, W. F., meats.
Davis, C. H,, jewelry.
Dermis & Goss, auto supplies.
Dermis, E. E., plumber.
Drives & Hoones, cigars.
Drinson, Thomas, Sugar Bowl, candy.
Emery Candy Kitchen, candy.
Edward, J. S., shoes.
Erhard, C. B., general store.
Electric Supply Co., electric supplies.
Flegal, H. L., automobiles.
Fenberg, Lewis, gents goods.
Freeman, Wm. & Son, meats.
Fredericks, W. J. Piano Co., musical in-
Pinpars Isaac, junk.
Felty, A., junk. :
Gill, W. F., sporting goods.
Globe Store, dry goods.
Guelick, P. L., automobiles.
Gilbert, D. B., electric supplies.
Grebe Bros., cigars.
Garfinkle, H., junk.
Gearhart. Fred, groceries.
Hendon Stores, groceries.
Harper, H. E,, candy.
Humphrey Bros., plaster board.
Hoffer’s Novelty Store, novelties.
Hamilton’s Music Store, pianos.
Hoffman, F. L., tobacco.
Hindle, W. H., cigars.
Haworth & Eboch, furniture.
Haggerty Bakery Co., bread.
Holling, Walter, groceries.
Hockman, Mrs. N., groceries.
Hopkins, James, cigars.
Hodas, Harry, junk.
Hurley & Ammerman, tires.
Ibberson, John, fancy goods.
Independent Oil Co., oils.
Jaffa, A., fruits.
Jones, Calvin, wall paper.
Jones Co., hardware,
Jones, Ed, groceries.
Juackick, Conrad, cigars.
Kellock, G. M., cigars.
Kephart, J. F., hardware.
Knepp, Lloyd, meats.
Kline, J. O., harness.
Kopelin, Morris, junk.
Kline, Roy C., cigars.
Leback, Mrs. Maria, grocerjes.
Lutz, A. D., electric supplies.
Mills, H. C., groceries.
Markowitz, A., groceries.
Miller, George W., cigars.
Maguire Bros., clothing.
Miller, S. Z. gents goods.
Maurer, Raymond, hardware.
Mestos Bros., cigars.
Meyer, J. W., cigars.
Mock, Miss C. H., milliner.
Mattern’'s Meat Market, meats.
Musser, M. 8. 0. B., groceries.
Mark, H. A., Motor Co., automobiles.
McCrory Store Co., 5 and 10c¢ store,
McCausland, J. G., jewelry.
Nelson, C. C.,
Owens, W. F., pianos.
Owens, C. W., clothing.
Oregon Mercantile Co., groceries.
Penn Motor Co., automobiles.
Prichard, Josiah, automobiles,
Parker, George W., florist.
Press, Jacob, junk.
Plank & Bower, cigars.
Philipsburg Milk Depot, milk.
Peterson, W. E , groceries.
Pioneer Lunch Room, cigars.
Philipsburg Foundry & Machine Co.
Philipsburg Vule. Co., tires.
Parsky, Lewis, clothing and cigars.
Reiling, J. M. & Co., jeweler,
Richards, George H., meats.
Reed, J. O., feeds.
Rothrock, I. M., groceries.
Rusnak, Steve, groceries.
Runk & Dennison, auto supplies,
Rothrock Studio, kodaks.
Sicks, John, groceries.
Stott Motor Co., auto supplies.
Smith, Mrs. Mary cigars.
Stern, Morris, groceries.
Spilman, Myer, junk.
Stonebraker, W. J., groceries,
Sicks, John Jr., cigars.
Sicks, Mike, cigars.
Sicks, Mike, cigars.
Schmidt, A. M., groceries.
Solomon, D., groceries.
Smith, F. R., dry goods.
Singer Machine Co., machines,
Troutman, George F., drugs.
The Quality Boot Shop, shoes.
The Model Shop, millinery.
Urbine, Albert, produce.
Vail, Howard, automobiles.
Woodring Meat Shop, meats.
Workman's Cash Grocery, groceries.
Watson, Blair, cigars.
Williams, Polly, store goods,
Wilenzek, Theo, clothing.
Weber, Frank Est., furniture,
Womer, Rob, store.
Witten, Wm., store.
Walton, Albert J., drugs.
Yonk:y, August. groceries.
Zeff, Simon, clothing.
Bevers, C. E., feed.
Bierley, W. F., produce.
Bierley. C. C., lumber.
Lierley, S. A., lumber.
Daveler, J. R., cigars.
Gephart. 8. L., merchandise.
Haines, M. C., merchandise.
Jennett, E. S, merchandise,
Witmer, Mrs. Ida, merchandise,
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Aikens, J. P., cigars.
Armstrong, E. I... photographer.
Athletic Store, athletic goods.
Brown, Henry, junk.
Bastress, J. M., merchandise.
Baum, Sim, clothing.
Corl, John, feed.
College Drug Co., drugs.
Decker & Harper, automobiles.
Deal, Albert & Son, plumbers,
Foster, Philip, coal.
Fye, L. D., general merchandise.
Fromm, Morris, clothing.
Fishel, John, groceries.
Gentzell, W. R., general merchandise,
Griffith, H. P., music room.
Gilliland, Ray, drugs.
Graham. Geo. T., candy and tobacco.
Gregory Bros., tires, gas.
Hartswick, N. N., automobiles.
Haugh, John, general store.
Hurwitz, Moses, store.
Harrison, W. T., candy.
Hubler Bros., auto supplies.
Hockman, C. W., feed.
Imboden, Anita, millinery.
Jaramie Manuel, cigars.
Keller, J. D., meats,
Keller, H. N., meats.
Koons & Hartman, candy.
Krumrine, J. E.. drugs.
Lohman, Geo. W., pipes.
Leitzell. Wm. F., candy.
Long, H. L., clothing.
Metzger, L. K., books.
Morell, H. G., notions.
Musser, C., harness.
Musser, J. H., groceries.
Miller & Breon, groceries.
Musser, H. N., merchandise.
Montgomery & Co., clothing.
McCormick, I.. M., implements.
Moffett, Anna M., millinery store.
Porter & Weber, paper.
Resides, C. T., meats.
Rupp, Mrs. B. M. milliner.
State College Fuel & Supply Co., fuel.
Smith, J. C. & Son, hardware.
Sowers, H. W., clothing.
Snyder, Cora, milliner.
Struble Grocery, groceries.
Stover, G. Z.
State College Billiard Co., cigars.
Smith, W. E., clothing.
Snyder. C. E., automobiles.
State Electrie Supply Co., Elec. supplies.
State-Centre Electric Supply Co., electric
Schillings, Chas., 2nd hand furniture.
Smith. George I... cigars.
The Twenty Century Store Co., shoes.
The Vogue Shop. furnishing store.
The University Club, cigars.
The Columbia Shop, graphophones.
The Crabtree Co., jewelry.
Woomer, J. Lynn, cement.
Varsity Pool Room, cigars.
Ackerman, F. W., groceries.
Auman, V. (., groceries.
Blauser. W. A., groceries.
Breon, Willis E., groceries.
Carson, F. A., merchandise.
Condo, S. L.. harness.
Corman, O. T., produce.
Dunlap, A. C., cigars.
Detwiler. 0. K., cigars.
Finkle, Cal, produce.
Gentzel, D. R., gas and oils.
Krape, Charles A., shoes.
Long, C. P. Co., merchandise.
Lee, A. B., coal.
Leaster, Charles A., produce.
Myers, W. C., general merchandise.
Myer, J. F., general merchandise.
McCormick, J. O., cigars.
Penn Hall Garage, automobiles.
Rishel, J. H.. merchandise.
Rote, S. G., feeds.
Rossman, H. F., merchandise.
Reid, H. I., produce.
Smith, John & Bro., furniture.
Stover, W. Braid. produce.
Spring Mills Milling Co., feed.
Smith, Emanuel, feeds.
Stover, C. B., hardware.
Wolfe, G. M., produce.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oils.
Burns, J. R., cigars.
Confer, J. A. & Son, automobiles.
Harm, Mrs. H. M., groceries.
Hall, W. B. & Sons, groceries.
Herr, John E., cigars.
Nastase, Tony, meats.
Russell, James, groceries.
Sickel, W, A., drugs.
McKinley, Mrs. F. C., cigars & groceries.
McLaughlin, M. J., groceries,
Bemeth, R. J., cigars.
Cowher, Levi, meats.
Edminston, E., merchandise,
Heath, Miss L. B., candy.
Kennedy, A. W., cigars.
Lewis, Clarence, soft drinks.
Marchella, Charles, store.
Spitler, Mrs. Annie, cigars and candy.
Sykes, Frank G., merchandise,
Twiggs, S. E., merchandise,
Stover, H. H., cigars.
Walizer, S. A., merchandise.
Burket, I. G., general store.
Eves, Chester, produce.
Eves, John, produce.
Griffin, J. H., merchandise.
Gray, John I., produce.
Thomas, D. R., produce.
Mattern, J. C., implements.
McAfee, E., produce.
Waite, H. B., produce.
Jordon, E. T., Daniel's goods.
Ramer, C. P., merchandise,
Rockey, W. F., produce.
Long, W. T., bicycles.
Orndorf, L. D., merchandise.
Orndorf, 8S. H., produce.
Reffner, Walter, groceries.
Motz, E. W. & Co., groceries.
Mingle, D. G., fish.
Weaver, L. L., automobiles.
Weaver & Bowersox, autos and gas.
Dearmitt, Sam, general store.
Goheen, R. G., general store,
Rossman, G. W., auto supplies.
Tressler, Aaron, oils.
Rider Bros., general store,
Ward, W. S., general store.
Cass, Jacov, meats.
Hoy, John Est., merchandise.
Showers, G. H., merchandise.
Weaver, D. B. & Sons, feeds,
Walker Bros., merchandise.
Confer, Edward N., merchandise.
Noll, B. A., merchandise.
Armstrong, Earl R., furs.
White, W. 8., feeds.
Crouse, H, E., produce.
rors of appraisement
held at the County
Bellefonte, Pa., on Friday, June 3rd, 1921,
between the hours of
Wien sud where all those who desire may
Atlantic Refining Co., oils.
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co., coal.
Beezer, George A., automobiles.
Beatty Motor Co., automobiles.
Crider, P. B. & Son, lumber.
Gamble, G. M., feeds.
Hockman, N. J., feeds.
Lauderbach-Zerby Co., groceries.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co., hardware.
Mayer, M. Frank, feeds.
Musser, G. F. Co., groceries.
McCalmont & Co., lumber & implements.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oils.
Coburn Grain & Coal Co., feed and coal.
Coburn Farm Produce Co., produce.
Malone, F. J. butter and eggs.
Bartholomew, Chas. D., produce.
Bradford & Son, coal and grain.
Foreman, R. D., grain.
Kerlin, A. E., produce.
G. W. Holt. i
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Deihl, Joseph, produce.
Long, W. L., feed.
Ross, Elmer C., coal and grain.
Butler Oil Sales Co., oils.
Ross, J. H., grain.
Wieland, F. E., coal.
Hockman, A. F., produce.
Ferree, Wm., produce.
Kidder & Raymond, grain.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Centre Milling Co., feeds.
Finberg, Isaac, coal.
Gill Manufacturing Co., mine supplies.
Guelick, P. L., auto supplies.
Hoffman & Runk, produce.
Hoffman, Frank, tobacco.
Independent Oil Co., oils.
Joffa, A., fruits.
Lauderbach-Zerby Co., groceries.
Philipsburg Hardware Ceo., hardware.
Kephart, J. F., powder.
Reed, J. O., flour and feed.
Swift & Co., meats.
Crain, W. S8., lumber.
Crain, C. W., lumber.
Williams Bros., lumber.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
Spring Mills Milling Co., flour and feed.
Atlantic Refining Co., gas and oil.
State College Com Co., coal.
Neidigh, J. D., grain.
Snyder, C. E.
Bierley, S. A., produce.
Bennett, E. 8., lumber.
Moerschbacher, Mary, restaurant.
Blackfard, Clyde, restaurant.
Knisely, George H., restaurant.
Daggett, W. L., tea room.
Dry, H. W., lunch.
Hall, W. B. & Sons, restaurant.
Shoop, Samuel, restaurant.
Holt, J. T., lunch.
Stere, H. M. lunch.
Green, Ed, restaurant.
Gladhill, A. D., lunch,
Williams, George, lunch.
Williams, Frank G., lunch.
Boob Lunch Room, restaurant.
Corman, C. W., restaurant.
Spicer, Mrs. Effie, restaurant.
Stucky, J. K., restaurant.
Alpine, restaurant.
Mastos Bros., restaurant.
McMullen, Charles, restaurant.
Dew Drop Inn, restaurant.
Freedman, Ellis, restaurant.
Pioneer Tea Room, restaurant.
Sicko, Mike, restaurant.
Herman, Eliza, restaurant.
Burns, John R., restaurant.
McKinley, F. C., restaurant.
Crystal Cafe, cafe.
Koons & Hartman, cafe.
Jaranie, Emanuel, restaurant.
Gregory Bros., restaurant.
Dale, Arthur, broker.
Hunter, Robert, broker.
Keichline, J. M., broker.
McVey Real Estate Co., brokers.
Bair, W. T., broker.
Holmes, J. L., broker.
Carpeneto, J. L., pool.
Bickett, W. W., pool.
Finkelstine, D., pool.
Moerschbacher, Mary, pool.
Moon, A. R., pool.
Hall, W. B. & Sons, pool.
Stucky, J. K., pool.
Orviston Supply Co., pool.
Noll, Ray C., pool.
Butlin, Wm., pool.
Deakin, Thomas,
Myers, J. W., 2D
Pa'’ace Billiard Parlor, pool.
Plank & Bower, pool.
Watson, Blaine, pool.
McLaughlin, M. J., pool.
Burnett, R. J., pool .
Kennedy, A. W., pool.
Hartman, C. B., Joo),
State College Billiard Parlor, pool.
Varsity Pool Parlors, pool.
Spigelmyer, J., pool.
MecClenahan & Frank, pool.
Brown, T. C., movie.
Brown, T. C., theatre.
Drapchs, Mike, movie.
Auditorium Co., movie.
Philipsburg theatre.
Seven Stars, movie.
Menches, T. C., movie.
Nittany Theatre Co., theatre.
Nittany Theatre Co., theatre.
S. H. Hoy, Bellefonte.
L. Frank Mayes, Lemont.
J. I. Reed, Pine Grove Mills.
David Wensel, Howard.
Howard Best, Milesburg.
For the purpose of correcting any er-
an appeal will be
reasurer’'s office in
9 a. m, and 1 p, m,,
Mercantile Appraiser.