Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1921, Image 7
—_ Deworralic ata —_— Bellefonte, Pa., April 22, 1921. COUNTY RIFLE MATCHES. Under the auspices of the Centre | County Conservation Association and under the supervision of J. R. Miller, Millheim, Pa., chairman of the county committee on Game. At 10 a. m., June 17th, 1921, the Centre County Conservation Associa- tion will hold two rifle matches at Bellefonte. One for high power rifles and one for smaller rifles. The following rules and regulations will govern the contests: Competitors: 1. The competitors for each match shall be 9 teams of 3 men each to represent each of the nine Conservation Districts, to be cer- tified to the county chairman by the District chairman on Game. 2. Each team shall be chosen by open competition in its respective dis- trict at publicly advertised prelimi- nary matches under the direction of the chairman of the committee on Game in the District. The teams must be chosen some time prior to the final match. The rules governing prelimi- nary contests shall be determined by the chairman on Game for each Dis- trict. 3. Preliminary contests are open to all bona fide residents of the Con- servation Districts above eighteen years of age. 4. Both in the preliminary and the : final matches, an entrance fee of ten cents will be required of each compet- itor to cover cost of targets and other expenses. 5. In the final matches, all compet- itors will be required to report to the range officer at least fifteen minutes before the start of the match. Conduct on the Range: 1. No competitor may go in front of the fir- ing line, while the shooting is in pro- gress, under any pretext whatsoever. 2. No competitor may load a rifle Le anywhere but on the firing points. 3. When on the firing line, the muzzle of the rifle must be kept point- ed in the direction of the targets. 4. Any violation of the preceding three rules will disqualify the offend- ing competitor. No appeal will be al- lowed. Rifle: Any single loading or re- FARM NOTES. | | wild mustard next summer, spray with | iron sulphate when the plants have | reached a growth of three or four . inches. | —The cattle, calves, ' swine slaughtered for food annually in the United States, if moving in single file, six inches apart, would reach sev- en and a half times around the globe. —The State College of Forestry at Syracuse urges New York farmers not to take up the growing of hardy catalpa except as an experiment. Ex- perience with this tree does not seem to promise success with it in that State. —Because of the low price of eggs, one should now consider putting them down for winter use. Lime water or water glass make excellent preserva- tives. Full directions may be obtain- ed by writing to the Agricultural Ex- periment Station, State College, Pa. —Every rotation should be planted so that one or more legumes will oc- cupy the land one or more times dur- ing four years.. The legume will en- rich the soil in nitrogen and make it produce a larger crop of non-legumes such as corn, oats, wheat and grass. —Everything on the farm cannot If the oat fields are infested with | A SMALL ANIMAL THAT HAS NO | LEGS. Most of us think of an animal as | something that has four legs and can ! walk, run, and skip about, and by a squirrel, or mouse. But I am going to tell you about one smaller than any of these, which hasn’t any legs that we can see, and so stays in one place, in fact he really cannot move about for very early in his life he is fasten- ed to a rock or to something firm in zine. He does not live all by himself, either, but a number of his family or “colony” live together, yet each one has his own “room” to himself. He is called a sponge. You know the small, soft sponge that you sometimes use in your bath, and the larger, soft sponge that is in which a group or “colony” of these little animals once lived. The little animal is very soft and pulpy, like a bit of jelly. His food and nourish- ment are brought right to him by the | water which flows over him. Men in | rubber and canvas suits—called divers : —go down and gather the sponges, | take them up into boats where the an- | “small animal” we mean a rabbit, or sheep and | the ocean, writes Carolyn C. Bigelow in the Kindergarten Primary Maga- used in washing carriages and auto- | mobiles? Those are really the houses be run with the precision of clock- imal part is cleaned out, and just the Fork ok i of Jo wart should | fibrous framework is left, and that is e nne ; ing a i . for ii wey Bois Ter ! The yon Which WE how si buys 2 sary. Ideas should be kept ahead of | Sometimes the divers find that a the work. Brains should be made to crab has chosen to make his home in a help the muscle. : sponge. Mr. Crab will squeeze him- spurs Seed Lvs or Jose ; of right down into 2 sponge) Yes profitable than scrubs. y not take | makes a very cozy nest for him, an advantage of the present depressed | there he is safe from the big fish who condition of the market and oa a few | ould like Mm for then dinner But head to your herd? It will mean in this way he makes quite a large greater financial return in a very | hole in the sponge, so the sponge is short time. Select good individuals as | not as good and firm for our use. “smaller size by close planting. . pay for themselves. well as good pedigrees. i Once in a while a sponge gets torn off —Few families like cabbage heads i the foundation on which he grew, then the water rolls him around and around. Sometimes such a sponge will get covered up in the sand, for he does not attach himself to anything else when once he is torn free. After a diver has brought a sponge out of the salt water into a boat, if rain or fresh water falls on it the sponge—the animal part of the sponge—will die. But if no fresh water does hit it, a man can divide the to weigh over three pounds. Copen-: hagen, a popular early variety, often gets too large if planted more than | fifteen inches apart in the row. Late | varieties that are not intended for | kraut making can also be grown in a —At this time of year farmers and | dairymen suffer great losses through not taking sufficient precautions with cooling milk and cream. It can be | done with a little additional equip- | ment and labor which will more than ! Water coolers | ' are best, or provide space where cans peating rifle to be approved by the range officer. Ammunition: Any kind; to be fur- nished by the competitor. Sights: Any ordinary hunting sights may be used provided they do not contain glass. Sights may be attach- ed to any part of the rifle. Positions: The standing off-hand position will be used. There shall be no artificial support to the rifle. This regulation prohibits the use of the sling strap. Distance: 50 yards. Targets: Standard 50 yard outdoor targets will be used. These targets are of the 10 ring variety. The 8, 9, and 10 circles form a black bullseye 3 inches in diameter. Targets for the preliminary matches may be obtained from J. R. Miller, Millheim, Pa. Shooting: Each competitor will shoot one string of ten shots within a time limit of 10 minutes. Scoring: 1. The value of a hit will be determined by the edge of the shot hole nearest to the centre of the tar- get. 2. When a target has more hits than the specified number of shots (10) in the string, hits in excess shall be deducted from those of the highest value. 3. When a target has less than the specified number of shots in the string, the competitor shall be deemed to have missed. 4. In the final contests the range officer, who shall be appointed by J. R. Miller, Millheim, Pa., the chairman of the county committee on Game, shall have charge of the scoring. He will appoint the necessary assistants. No appeal from his decision will be allowed. Ties: 1. In case of a tie bteween two or more teams the tie will be shot off by the teams in question. The scores resulting from the shoot-off will be the recorded scores of the matches. 2. In case of a tie between indi- viduals the tie will be shot off by the teams in question. The scores, in this case, resulting from the shoot-offs will not count for the team to which the individual belongs. Defective Rifles and Ammunition: 1. In case a rifle breaks or jams in competition, the competitor may fin- ish his string with another rifle, but no extension of the time limit will be allowed. 2. A misfire that is immediately reported to the range officer may be corrected by another shot. No exten- sion of the time limit will be allowed. In these competitions the teams making the highest score in each event will be declared the winning teams. The competitors making the highest individual scores will be de- clared the winners of the matches. Prizes will be given to the winning teams, and to the competitors making the highest individual score. Jap Representatives to Visit the Unit- ed States. A large delegation from the Japan- ese House of Representatives is plan- ning to visit the United States about next August or September. } The project was suggested at the time of the visit to Japan of American Congressmen last year, when the Americans expressed their wish for a return visit of Japanese parliamen- tarians. Decorated Lamps. “You say the glare. of his headlights confused you. Weren't his lamps dimmed ?” “They were after I got through with him,” said the man who had the nar- row escape. “I gave him such a nice pair of black eyes that he could hard- ly see out of them.” may be set in cold water. | —Entomologists advise that it is! not necessary to use para-dichloroben- zene as a remedy for peach borers be- fore the middle of August. The meth- | od has been proved successful and is | recommended as a control measure. | It is a very simple and inexpensive | process. Your county agent will give | information as to procedure. —Better pay an experienced pruner $10 a day to prune the orchard than | to have the work done by men who have never learned the science or ac- quired the practice of tree pruning. Much damage is done in many orch- ards every year by inexperienced pru- ners who cut and slash the limbs with- out knowing how to do the work. i —In addition to the insect pests that may be controlled at this time by us- ing arsenate of lead or nicotine sul- phate in the usual apple sprays, the lime-sulphur will control scab and prevent a greater loss than will be caused by the March freeze. State College pathologists and entomolo- gists repeat their warning that spray- ing should be continued as usual. —Small fruits, especially berries, paid the growers large profits the past | season. The developing of jam-mak- | ing and fruit flavor industry is going to make a steady increasing demand ! for small fruits, and the man with a | small place who likes to grow straw- berries, raspberries and other bush ; fruits will make no mistake if he en- | ters more largely into the planting and growing of these fruits. —Young chicks thrive best on sour milk. It is a good practice not to give | the chicks any water to drink during | the mornings until they are about ten | weeks old, provided they are given all the milk they will consume. It is not good to alternate sweet and sour milk | as chick feed. Omit meat scraps from | the chick ration until they are three | or four weeks old. At about six weeks the chick feed may be gradual- | ly replaced by hen scratch grain. —In less than a month it will be time to plant corn. No use to plant! until the soil is fairly warm so that the seed will germinate. If corn lies in a cold wet soil for a week without sprouting it is likely to rot and never | produce plants. Take advantage of | rainy days to shell and grade seed corn ready for the planter. Remove | the irregular butt and tip kernels be- | fore shelling. These will not go | through the dropping device of the planter with uniformity. | —The burning of straw, even’ though the ashes leave a small quan- tity of additional mineral matter in the soil, results in an almost total loss. | It is practiced most largely in the West, mainly because of custom rath- | er than inability to purchase, feed or market meat-producing animals. Many people there have come to believe that straw is of no value and in that sec- tion large quantities are allowed to waste. In some of the western States a campaign has been made by the col- leges of agriculture and extension workers to get farmers to use a por- tion of their waste straw for spread- ing over their grain fields. —Garden tools are again in vigor- ous action throughout Pennsylvania, for it is time to get most of the ordi- nary garden seeds into the ground. Cabbage plants are ready for the field and tomato plants should be ready to transplant from hotbeds to cold frame; carrots, lettuce, endive, kale, kohlrabi, onion sets, parsley, parsnips, peas, radishes, rhubarb roots, salsify, spinach, Swiss chard and turnips can be planted at any time now that the ground can be prepared. Recent rains have held up garden making in Cen- tral Pennsylvania, and such work should be rushed now with all possi- ble speed. Extension Circular 583, “The Backyard Garden,” tells what and when to plant in the home garden and can be secured free by writing to | I | : - . | each piece to a cement disc with lead wire, plant it down on the bottom where he found it, and it will grow and increase just as if it had not been disturbed. There are many kinds of sponges, but these that I have been telling you about are called sheepswool and are the best ones to be found in this coun- try. They grow and make their home off the west coast of Florida. in the Gulf of Mexico. CANCER DEADLIEST OF DIS- EASES. Returns of the new federal census show that cancer still continues to progress at a steady and alarming rate. Each year it kills more people out of every 1000 than before. In the last twenty years the mortality from cancer in this country has grown 27 per cent. On the other hand, the mortality from typhoid fever, scarlet fever, other fevers, diphtheria and croup, | has been cut down by two-thirds since 1900. These are diseases with which we have learned how to deal effective- ly. Most of the deaths that now occur from typhoid are unnecessary, being due to lack of proper treatment; and the same may be said of diphtheria, for which a thoroughly satisfactory antitoxin is available. Last year there were about 1,360,000 deaths in the United States. Heart disease, with a mortality of 140,000, led the list. die of heart disease than of tubercu- losis, which until recently destroyed more lives than any other malady. Pneumonia claimed 181,500 victims, Bright's disease 93,500 and cancer 85,- 500. Nearly as many people died from cerebral hemorrhage as from cancer. These figures are approximate. The reason why they are larger than the census figures is that the latter cover only what is called the “registration area,” representing 81 per cent of the total population. Heart disease causes 8% per cent of More people uowadays | | sponge in several pieces, so long as the School of Agriculture, State Col- | lege, Pa. all deaths in this country. Most au- thorities are inclined to attribute its increased rate to the speed at which we live. For the information of parents who recklessly expose their children to whooping cough, regarding it as a harmless affliction of childhood, it is worth mentioning that this complaint caused about 19,000 deaths in the United States last year. he leaves at least one little animal un- hurt in each part, then he can fasten Fletcher's AANNNNNNNNNNNSNNNNNNNW\WW > | ¥3 6 be FS . RTH HTH Hh. Children NIENNANAN ARERR Cry for —_ 7 9 / ZINN The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of PA Tire and has been madc under his per- sonal supervisicn since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Count:-f:its, Imitations and * Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALwaYs Bears the Signature of ON wt \ \ ZIMA N ANN Shh aS NR CR RRRUNLY R NNR SRN NRA Rllh hhh hha NARS ® In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY, Handling Your Funds. A Business Manager who disburses funds at your direction, a secretary who keeps your accounts, a sleepless sentinel guarding your funds, a car- rier who delivers to all corners of the country—all these and many other of- fices are performed by the bank. _ Money which you wish to send with- in this city or to distant points is con- veyed by your check simply, safely and cheaply. The checking account is only one of the many mediums through which this bank serves its customers. There are many other ways in which we can be helpful to you and it would be our Pleasure to serve you in any or all of em. a LS ILLIA WAIIRIRAATUAAIAARIAI RAUNT UII NIP ISI GGG GGG GGG GGG GI CENTRE COUNTY BANKING €0 60-4 BELLEFONTE, PA. a an an Sn a BS Td SRI IT TTT Shoes. Shoes. A Ne TESS ES ea ea Ease eee 5 Te 7 5 ; Quality Up i is Prices Down i LE Oc gl Six months ago men’s work shoes is I at $5.00 per pair were so poor in oh quality, that when I sold a pair I SRSA SRSA 0 would just have to trust to luck that the purchaser would not mur- 5 der me for selling a pair of shoes i made of paper. But, today shoes 0 2] are better. I can sell a pair of Men’s Work Shoes, guaranteed to be absolutely solid leather, and guar- antee the shoes to give the cus- tomer satisfaction or a new pair will be supplied—and EERE Soa et, - So = — BERS E The Price is Only $5.00 Yeager’s Shoe Store THE SHOE STORE FOR THE POOR MAN SASS] LE MRL Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA. soon LU RRR Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class Job work. Lyon & Co. Lyon & Co. § THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME. Special Merchandise at the Right Prices 81x90 Seamless Sheets, special o-oo $1.50 36 inch Unbleached Muslin. oom oom 10c¢c 36 inch Bleached and Unbleached Heavy Muslin... =. 15¢ 36 inch Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, the best —-_- 20c¢ 56 inch Table Damask that sold at $1.25, now----—- -—--65c 58 inch Table Damask that sold at $1.50, nowW--———- —————- 80c¢ Blue, Red and Tan Damask (very scarce) now--_---———-- $1.00 Mill End Nainsook, 36in. wide, 75c. quality, special ---_- 35¢ Ladies’ Hose, black and white only, 3 pairs for. 50¢ Ladies’ Hose, black lisle, 75¢. quality, now- oo ———_- 35¢ Curtain Scrims as low as Ready-to-Wear Garments We have again replenished this department. New Coats, new Coat Suits, for ladies and misses in the best styles at popular prices. Silk Dresses, all wanted colors, Chiffon Taffetas, Can- ton Crepes and Messalines. These are artistically de- signed and priced within the limit of yonr purse. Rugs Rugs Rugs Wilton, Axminster, Tapestry and Wool Fiber Rugs at attractive low prices. Want of space makes us shorten our price list, but a visit to our store will prove to you quality the best, prices the lowest.. Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co. THE STORE WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME