Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 04, 1921, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., March 4, 1921.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Lutheran church will hold a bake sale
at Olewine’s hardware store each Sat-
urday during March.
The Ladies Aid society of the
United Evangelical church will hold a
food sale at Sourbeck’s all day tomor-
row (Saturday). Your patronage is
— James Davis, a colored man, of
Pittsburgh, was electrocuted at the
western penitentiary at Rockview on
‘Monday morning for a murder com-
mitted early in 1920.
Alfred F. Showers has sold his
home on east Curtin street, Bellefonte,
and purchased a small farm near Un-
ionville where he will move on April
first and devote his time to chicken
raising and truck farming.
Word has been received in
Bellefonte of the serious illness of
Miss Grace Cook, at Orlando, Florida,
where she and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Cook, have been spend-
ing the after part of the winter.
If you are a fan on motion pic-
tures bear in mind the fact that there
is no better show in this section of the
State than the Scenic. Good pictures
are shown there every evening and
manager Brown gets all the best ones.
Watch the advance programs publish-
ed in this paper every week.
The Business Men’s association
of Millheim held a big banquet on
Tuesday evening as a sort of a cele-
bration of what they believe is the
dawn of a great industrial boom for
that town and vicinity. Some fifty
or more members and invited guests
were present and the affair is heralded
as one of great success.
March didn’t come in like a
roaring lion, neither was it very lamb-
like, but we want to declare right here
that we are off all those old-time
weather saws for good. The ground
hog promised us six weeks of nice
weather following February 2nd and
we have had more real winter since
that day than all the season prior to
'——Harry Alters and Scott Stover
have purchased the grocery store of
Sechler & Co., in the Bush house
block and took charge of same on
Tuesday, March first. This is the old-
est grocery stand in Bellefonte, and
with the requisite amount of hustle
and careful attention to business there
is no reason why the young men
should not make a success of the bus-
: A delegation of the Bellefonte
Lodge of Odd Fellows journeyed to
the home .of Henry Armagast near
Hunter's Park, on Sunday and pre+
sented that gentleman with a badge
testifying to the fact that he has been
an honored member of that organiza-
tion for fifty years. The Bellefonte
Lodge now has five half century mem-
bers, which is a remarkable record for
any lodge.
——Before adjourning court on
Wednesday morning at the close of
the February session Judge Quigley
granted the thirteen liquor license ap-
plications; subject, however, to the
Volstead act and any and all State
laws. Of the thirteen applications
only two are from Bellefonte, those
for the Garman house and the Haag
hotel, most of the number being from
The Logan Fire company cele-
brated the fifty-first anniversary of its
organization last Thursday evening
with quite an elaborate banquet. Over
seventy-five members and guests were
present and it proved quite a memora-
ble event. M. R. Johnson presided as
toastmaster and brief responses were
made by Judge Henry C. Quigley,
Hon. Thomas Beaver, Dr. M. J. Locke,
Roy Wilkinson and John J. Bower.
Miss Pearl MacDonald, of The
Pennsylvania State College, will talk
on “Food for Children,” this (Friday)
afternoon at three o’clock in the High
school building. This talk is intend-
ed especially for parents or those hav-
ing children in charge and all such
should avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity to hear the best authority on
this important subject. Many chil-
dren, in our public schools, are under-
weight and can be brought to normal
only by proper food. Make an effort
to hear Miss MacDonald this after-
-Methodist ministers throughout
Pennsylvania are now getting their
affairs in shape for the annual Cen-
tral Pennsylvania M. E. conference
which this year will be held in the
Methodist church at Newberry, begin-
ning March 16th. Bishop McDowell
will preside and the usual questions of
importance in church government will
be disposed of. Naturally, the most
important question with the ministers
in the conference is that of the as-
signments of the ensuing year, but so
far there has been no intimation of an
unusual shake-up in this direction.
James E. Solt, for years a well
Inown shoemaker in Bellefonte, closed
his shop last week and on Sunday
morning left for Williamsport to make
his future home with his son Grover.
While he had no definite plans matur-
ed it is just possible that he may open
_up a shop in that city and show the
people down there some real, honest
to goodness cobbling. Jim has been a
resident of Bellefonte for many years
and his friends here regret that he
found it necessary to change his
abode, especially for the reason that
the powers that be might not appreci-
ate just how good a Democrat he is.
How the Women Felt Over Doing
Jury Duty.
The February term of court con-
vened on Monday morning with Judge
Quigley on the bench. The usual mo-
tions and petitions were presented
after which the list of grand jurors
was gone over. Mrs. C. W. Hunter,
the only woman called to serve on the
grand jury, took advantage of the
court’s offer to excuse her from duty
and did not appear. E. J. Williams
was appointed foreman of the grand
jury. When the list of traverse jurors
was gone over it was discovered that
two out of the nine women summoned
had availed themselves of the court’s
offer to excuse them and did not re-
port for duty. The other women were
all there and practically all of them
served on one or more cases, some on
two or three. Regarding their exper-
ience one of the lady jurors probably
expressed the sentiment of all in the
following statement to the “Watch-
“The women who served as jurors
wish to express their appreciation for
the help and courtesies extended them
by the Court.
“All felt that when they had been
called to serve in that capacity that it
was a civic duty they should take ser-
iously and not shirk, for so long as
women must be tried in our courts we
should have women represented on the
“Now that a fair opportunity has
been given women to demonstrate
their ability in this new field we do
wish to encourage the policy of their
occupying it.
“There is no question as to the qual-
ification of women to serve as jurors.
It is only just that women should have
the right to enforce the laws which
they help put upon the statute books,
and each one should be a champion of
equality and justice, and help exact
from lawyers and judges a standard
of courtesy and refinement which in
some courts today has fallen shock-
ingly low.
“Our experience was not disagree-
able in any way. It was interesting
and instructive, and all expressed their
willingness to serve again at some fu-
ture time.” :
After the list of civil cases had been
gone over and most of them continued
for various reasons the case of George
L. Robinson vs. Isaac Heaton & Son,
was taken up. It was an action in as-
sumpsit to recover the difference on
a coal contract. After the evidence
was all in counsel for the defendant
asked the court for binding instruc-
tions in favor of the defendant, which
were given.
In the case of the Commonwealth
vs. the Supervisors of Potter town-
ship, indicted for failure to maintain
the township roads, the indictment
was quashed on motion of defendant’s
counsel. | :
Commonwealth vs. Peter Garmella,
indicted for selling liquor without a
license. This case was from Philips-
burg and was the result of the defend-
ant’s selling Jamaica ginger, the Com-
monwealth alleging the ginger was
sold for beverage purposes. At the
close of Commonwealth’s testimony
counsel for defendant made a motion
for the discharge of the defendant for
the lack of incriminating evidence and
the court so ordered.
Roxanna Knoff vs. Jerry Sowers, an
appeal. Verdict in favor of the plain-
tiff for $135.00, less $10.25.
" The grand jury completed its work
on Tuesday morning and in its report
recommended a number of minor re-
pairs to court house and jail.
Overstocked With Booze.
Bellefonte’s depository for confis-
cated booze—the old wine vault in the
cellar of the postoffice—is already
somewhat overstocked and the Belle-
fonte attorney representing the feder-
al enforcement commission has recom-
mended either the destruction or re-
moval of the wet goods. Aside from
the stock of old wines and lipuors con-
fiscated from the Garman house, and
which the government holds subject
to a decision as to its legal ownership,
and the forty gallons of grain alcohol
captured from one of the illegal booze
runners, about the safest way to dis-
pose of the rest of it would be by the
sewer route. The beer stored there
is probably now in no condition for
any use, even by parties authorized to
handle the same, while as to the whis-
key, there has been so much counter-
feiting of the real article that it would
hardly be safe to dispose of it either
to hospitals or manufacturing chem-
ists. But of course, the government
agents will eventually dispose of it
as they see fit, so there is not much
use in offering suggestions.
e———————— reese.
High School Basket Ball.
For the second time this season
Bellefonte registered a victory over
Lock Haven. The game with their
old rivals last week was a thriller
from start to finish and the 25-22 vic-
tory was well deserved. The local
boys seemed not a bit discouraged
over the loss of two regulars, but dis-
played excellent spirit and team work.
The High school team will play its
last regularly scheduled home game of
the season with their greatest league
rivals, Tyrone, in the armory this
(Friday) evening. Tyrone now stands
second in the league and will offer
strong opposition. However, with
Lock Haven victories to their credit,
the local boys feel confident that they
will take Tyrone into camp but at the
same time realize they will have to
deliver their best to accomplish the
task. The game promises plenty of
action and should draw a record
breaking crowd.
——The show given in the opera
house last Thursday night under the
name of “The Trail of the Lonesome
Pine,” proved to be only a “trail,” as
there was very little of the real thing
to it, according to those who had the
temerity to attend.
——The principal question discuss-
ed at the regular meeting of the Belle-
fonte Business Men’s association on
Wednesday night was that of band
concerts during the coming summer.
The sentiment of the association was
in favor of the concerts and the music
committee was empowered to see what
can be done in the way of securing
financial support for the same.
Word was received here last
Friday morning that a son had been
born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rob-
erts, of Dayton, Ohio. It just hap-
pens that this wee feather from the
wings of love that has fallen into the
lap of motherhood makes the Hon.
John Francies a grand-father, and
while we most cordially felicitate such
a happy event we cannot resist advis-
ing Mrs. Mae Francies Roberts that a
certain distinguished gentleman for
whose judgment we have the highest
regard in every other respect will like-
ly run amuck with all her plans for
the proper training of this first grand-
Last Saturday afternoon as the
University of Buffalo basket ball team
was enroute to State College for a
game with the State quintette they
had a few minutes to spare in Tyrone
and stepping up to a four wheeler
baggage truck standing on the station
platform they proceeded to while away
the time by shooting crap. Capt. A.
R. Barr, of the railroad police force,
and sergeant Bowers, of the Middle
division force, walked up to the col-
lege crap shooters and after watching
a few fancy passes invited the eight
young men to take a walk over to
’Squire Taylor’s office and that gentle-
man calmly informed them that their
pastime was worth just $3.25 each to
the borough of Tyrone, which they
paid, and this was probably one of the
reasons why they were so overwhelm-
ingly defeated by the Penn State
passers. The experience of the Buf-
falo students should serve as a warn-
ing to others, never to engage in a
crap game in Tyrone with officers in
plain sight.
eee freee ten
Chu Chin Chow.
The world’s most beautiful produc-
tion, “Chu Chin Chow,” will have its
first and only showing in Altoona at
the Mishler Theatre for the entire
week of March 21st, with matinees on
Wednesday and Saturday.
No production in. the past decade
has attracted so much comment or
elicited so much praise as the Afier-
ican production of the big Oscar
Asche spectacle, which was made un-
der the personal direction of F. Ray
Comstock and Morris Gest. It is the
largest traveling organization on tour
in America. Described as an animat-
ed spectacle of ancient Bagdad, with
its story of a thousand and one
nights, “Chu Chin Chow” is shown in
fourteen complete scenes, employs the
services of 300 people, has 867 cos-
tumes and 18 delightful musical num-
bers. The feast in the palace of Ka-
sim Baba, the rich merchant of Bag-
dad, with its ballets, is said to be one
of the greatest examples of consum-
mate stage craft. In addition the
blue hall, the slave mart, the bazaar
at Bagdad, the rose terrace, the orch-
ard in the moonlight, the robber’s
cave, and other richly vested settings
are of such amazing beauty that the
spectator is often spellbound.
“Chu Chin Chow” was originally
written and produced by Oscar Asche,
creator of “Kismet,” at His Majesty’s
theatre, London, and for five years
has amazed the world by continuous
playing to capacity audiences.
During the Altoona engagement
night performances are announced to
start at 8 p, m. and matinees at 2 p.
m. :
Bowman Bro’s Minstrels.
If you are sad—cheer up. If every-
thing has gone wrong lately—take
heart. There is an antidote for the
blues, succor for the downhearted,
sureness for the wronged in sight.
“The best of them all,” The Bowman
Bro’s All Star Minstrels—by all odds
the funniest minstrel entertainment
ever presented—will be seen for the
first time in Bellefonte at the opera
house Tuesday, March 15th. And
these are not the words of the press
agent, but the consensus of opinion of
the country at large. For years the
Bowman Bro’s have been recognized
as headliners on the “Big Time” vau-
deville as worthy rivals of McIntyre
and Heath, in the delineation of
Southern negro comedy which guar-
antees a riot of laughter from start to
finish. They have an olio as good as
ever presented by any minstrel organ-
ization with themselves heading the
bill; Georgie Hunter, “The Dixie Daf-
fodil” rapid free comedy, the great
Orth, the “Tetrazzina of Minstrelsy,”
Matt J. Thompson as. “Aunt Chloe”
and her five Jemima’s eccentric
dancers. The Blue Grass Five Jazz
Band, The Knickerbocker Four, come-
dy quartette; Whalen & Trainer, ex-
pert wooden and soft shoe dancers.
The opening first part radiates with
the glorious and sumptuous presenta-
tion “Roseland,” in which melody and
song predominate. The many and fa-
mous solo and ballad singers are sup-
ported by a large chorus, interspersed
with rapid fire comedy from the com-
edians which rocks the walls with
laughter and closes with a grand en-
semble from the opera “Aida.”
Annual Athletic Banquet at Belle-
fonte Academy.
The annual athletic banquet at the
Bellefonte Academy was held in the
Academy banquet hall last Friday
evening from six until ten o'clock.
Covers were laid for one hundred and
twenty-five and a delicious menu was
provided. Excellent music was fur-
nished by the Louis Hill orchestra.
Mrs. J. C. Hess played a beautiful in-
strumental solo of her own composi-
tion entitled “The Lark,” which called
forth a hearty encore.
Mr. James R. Hughes acted as
toastmaster and conducted the most
successful program of toasts ever of-
fered at these banquets. The decora-
tions of gold and blue were very at-
tractive. The toasts interspersed with
music, were as follows:
“Our Champions,”
“The Quintet,” Stanley Smith.
“Great Things Ahead on the Dia-
mond,” Russell Roller.
“Things are Moving,” Russell Phil-
“Are We in it with the Best Pre-
paratory Schools?” James Foreman.
“Watch Us on the Track,” De
“Lessons from the Life of George
Washington,” Rev. Wilson P. Ard.
“School Days the Best,” Richard
“The Minstrels a School Feature,”
Boyd C. Parshall, Jr.
Presentation of athletic diplomas
and letters, J. R. Hughes.
“The Gold and the Blue,”
“Our Boys at College,” Fred Stamm.
“What would We Do Without
Them ?” Louis Trax.
“What is Required of Us,”
George F. Reiter.
“Reminiscenses,” Hon. Ellis L. Or-
William Ash-
Dr. A. E. Martin, of State College.
Dr. Sylvester Beach Honored.
Through the courtesy of Mrs. Wis-
tar Morris, of Overbrook, the “Watch-
man has received a copy of The Par-
ket, a paper published at Princeton,
N. J., which contains an elaborate ac-
count of a reception given to Rev. Dr.
Sylvester W. Beach by the First Pres-
byterian church of that city on the
occasion of the fifteenth anniversary
of his pastorate there. The item is of
“American Expansion Since 1897,” |
| some interest in Bellefonte because of |
the fact that Dr. Beach spent one year |
"in Bellefonte as an instructor at the
Bellefonte Academy and his wife was
a Bellefonte girl, Miss Orbison. As
evidence of how greatly the
Princeton church appreciates the min-
isterial efforts of Dr. Beach the con-
: gregation presented him with a purse
gold pieces.
Dr. Beach graduated at Princeton
about 1876, was pastor of a church in
Baltimore from 1880 to 1887, then
went to Bridgeton, N. J., where he
remained until 1901 when he went to
Paris and worked in the student’s
quarter. Returning to the States in
1905 he was given a call by the
Princeton church, which he acccepted.
During his fifteen year’s labor there
the church membership has increased
from 421 to 674; he has been instru-
mental in raising for all purposes a
total of $163,452. He has attended
252 funerals, delivered 1950 sermons
and addresses and made 9000 pastoral
calls. a
Answers to Health Questions.
Question 1—What is the high limit
of temperature for a school-room ?
Answer—70 degrees.
Question 2—Why should window
blinds be open out of school hours?
Answer—Because light, especially
sun light, has a destructive action
against germs.
Question 3—What is the objection
to the feather duster?
Answer—The feather duster dis-
places dust but does not remove it.
About 1000 boards of health are
functioning in Pennsylvania. Some
are at work, some are loafing.
The next lesson entitled “The
Board of Health” is about a determin-
ed woman, an obstinate man and a
spineless Board of Health and illus-
trates the method by which the State
Department of Health enforces
health laws in municipalities where
the boards of health are derelict of
their duties.
———————— meee.
Additional Honors for Dr. Armsby.
Dr. Henry Prentiss Armsby, direc-
tor of the institute of animal nutri-
tion at The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege, was recently conferred with hon-
orary membership in Gamma Delia
Sigma, for “distinguished services to
agriculture.” Dr. Armsby, through
his investigations with the animal res-
piration calorimeter at State College,
| the only plant of its kind in this coun-
try, has done more for agricultural in-
terests in the country than any other
man at the college. This is the third
has received recognition as a scien-
tist. In that time he received the de-
gree of Doctor of Science from Yale
University and was elected a member
of the National Academy of Science.
———Mr. Hezekiah K. Hoy, celebrat-
ed his eighty-sixth anniversary on
Monday at his home on Willowbank
street with a home coming of all his
children, and a few invited guests to
share in the big dinner, which of
course, was a feature.
——A handsome bowknot pin was
found this week in the W. C. T. U.
room. Loser can get trace of same by
linquiring at this office.
time within a year that Dr. Armsby |
and a silver loving cup filled with | his grandmother, the late Mrs. George L.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews left
Sunday to spend the early part of March
in Philadelphia.
—Mrs. A. W. Witmer had as week-end
guests her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hunsing-
er, and her daughter Madaline, of Altoona.
—Miss Mabel Allison will leave Spring
Mills today for a visit of several weeks
with friends in Coatesville and Philadel-
—Ferguson Parker returned to DPitts-
burgh Sunday, after a week's visit at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ross
—Mrs. Elmer Campbell, of Linden Hall,
spent the fore part of the week in Belle-
fonte, a guest at the home of Miss Mary
—Mrs. Butterworth, who is a guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Knisely,
came in from Pittsburgh Sunday for a
visit of several weeks in Bellefonte.
—Mrs. Jack Decker, who had returned to
Bellefonte for a short visit with her two
children, left again the early part of the
week to join Mr. Decker in Lancaster.
—J. Fred Kurtz, postmaster at Lewis-
burg, was in Bellefonte on Tuesday mak-
ing arrangements for the funeral of his
mother, the late Mrs. Frederick Kurtz.
—The Misses Bessie and Mary Sommer-
ville are in St. Petersburg, Florida, having
left Winburne before Christmas with plans
for remaining in the south until spring.
—Mrs. John Puff and Mrs. Belle White-
man, of Centre Hall, were guests over Sun-
day of Miss Rebecca Derstine, at the home
of the late Mrs. James Harris, on Spring
—Mrs. Harry O'Brien, of Snow Shoe,
and her small son Billy, visited for several
days in Bellefonte the early part of the
week, guests of Mrs. O'Brien's cousins, the
McGarvey family.
—Mrs. B. D. Newcomer, who had been
with her niece, Mrs. Lightner, in Tyrone,
for the winter, returned to Bellefonte early
in the week to open her home on Curtin
street for the summer.
—Mrs. Grant Pifer, of Wilkinsburg, who
is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K.
Hoy, was the guest of relatives of Mr. Pi-
fer in Howard, Tuesday, while looking
after some business interests in that place.
—Mrs. John Evans, of White, South
Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goodhart,
of Orangeville, Ill.,, have been with rela-
tives in Centre Hall and Bellefonte this
week, coming east for the funeral of Mrs.
George I. Goodhart, Monday.
—Miss Kate D. Shugert went to Atlantic
City Monday morning, to join Mrs. Frank
McCoy and her daughter, Miss Anna, for a
week's stay; Mrs. McCoy and her daugh-
ter having gone down two weeks ago, in- |
tending to return home early next week.
—Bllis 0. Keller returned from Atlantic
City a week ago completely recovered from
his recent illness.
Bush house, for several weeks before re-
turning to Pittsburgh to resume his work.
—George Geiss, son of Mr. and Mrs, D.
Wagner Geiss, of Bellefonte, and who is a’
college, |
student at the Pierce business
Philadelphia, came home on Sunday even- |
ing to attend the funeral on Monday of
Goodhart. & &
~The Hon. John T. McCormick, of State
College, was in Bellefonte doing jury duty
on Monday and Tuesday but was able to
get excused Tuesday afternoon and found
time, as he usually does, to make a few
little visits with the friends who are al-
ways glad to see him.
—Mrs. John Helliwell came here from
New York city Saturday and is spending a
week in Bellefonte with her father, William
B. Rankin and the family. Mrs. Helliwell,
who is a professional nurse, was called
home on account of the illness of her sis-
ter, Miss Lillian Rankin.
-—Walter Miller, of Hagerstown, Md.,
visited in Bellefonte during the past week,
with his grandmother, Mrs, Patsy Stew-
art. Mrs. Thompson, of Port Matilda, was
also a guest at the Stewart home, spend-
ing Sunday here with Mrs. Stewart and her
—Mrs. James B. Lane returned from
Philadelphia this week to open her Linn
street house, which has been closed since
before Christmas. Mrs. Lane spent the
holidays with her son and his family in
McKeesport, later going east for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. Shaffner and her
—Dr. William 8S. Glenn, of State College,
was called to Canton, Ohio, early in the
week for consultation regarding the health
of his niece, the younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Demster L. Glenn. This was Dr.
Glenn's second professional visit to Can-
ton on the same case, but unfortunately the
young lady died before he reached her bed-
—J. C. Condo, of Spring Mills, was a
Bellefonte visitor on Wednesday and in re-
newing his subscription to the “Watch-
maan’’ stated that he has been a reader of
the paper for almost fifty years, starting
to take it when he was twenty years old;
the surprising thing to us being that he
was so far along in life's pathway, as we
have always looked upon him as a man
still in the prime of life, and he looks it,
—We hadn’t seen our friend John P. Ish-
ler, of State College, for nigh onto three
vears, until Tuesday, when he was in
town for a short time with his son. He
isn’t the familiar figure he once was on
Bellefonte streets when he was farming up
in the “Big Hollow,” but he's just as af-
fable and, we thought, a little mere so
than ever when he so heartily agreed with
our remark that we have had a lovely win-
ter. Then it leaked out that he lives on a
corner at State College and has 250 feet of
outside pavement and a winter without
much snow to shovel surely is lovely to
the proprietor of one-twenty-oneth of a
mile of side-walk that has to be kept clean.
—Deputy warden Fred DB. Healy, of the
new western penitentiary, dropped in on
us Monday morning to talk chicken for a
minute or so. We have heard him talk
“turkey” to recalcitrant players on the ball
field, for he is a noted ump of the nation-
al game, but we didn’t know he is a chick-
en fancier. It appears that he is, how-
ever, and we wouldn't like to tell you how
many eggs one of his hens laid in a year
for fear you might not know him to be the
gentleman of truth and veracity as we do.
But he has electric light in the coop and
fools them, like so many others are doing
now, into thinking the days are longer
than they are and the silly chicken works
over time for the same reason that she
runs across the road just in front of your
motor when there seems to be no reason in
the world for such foolishness.
Ellis will be with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller, at the
—Mrs. George Jacobs, of Mifflin, is in
Bellefonte visiting with Mrs. Charles E.
—Mrs. M. I. Gardner came over from
Johnstown yesterday to spend a little time
with her mother, Mrs. Strickland.
—W. Harrison Walker spent the fore
part of the week in Philadelphia, going
down for a meeting of the Grand Lodge of
the Masons.
—Mrs. MacNeil returned to her home in
Haddonfield, N. J., Tuesday, after a three
week's visit in Bellefonte with her aunt,
Mrs. Wilkinson.
—Wade Cruse, of Harrisburg, was an
over Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. A.
J. Cruse, at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Kline Woodring.
—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, of Johns-
town, were guests of Mr. Smith's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, while making a
week-end visit in Bellefonte.
—Mrs. J. L. Montgomery left Sunday to
accompany her son Jack to Philadelphia,
where he has entered the Pierce business
college for its regular course.
—John Coakley is among those from
Bellefonte spending a part of the week in
Washington, D. C. Mr. Coakley went down
Wednesday for the inauguration.
—John C. Hoy passed through Belle-
| fonte Tuesday on his way home to Madi-
i sonburg after spending the winter in Pitts-
| burgh with his daughter, Mrs. Hendricks.
| Miss Anna M. Miller returned to Belle-
fonte Monday to resume her work with Dr.
M. J. Locke. Miss Miller had been in Sa-
{lona for three weeks, called there by the
i illness of her sister.
—Mrs. Walter Cohen has been with her
sister, Mrs. Lentz, in Lock Haven, for a
| part of the week, while Mr. Cohen left
| Wednesday for the east, on a buying trip
i for Cohen & Co. store.
! —Mrs. Herron accompanied her husband,
| James Herron, to Pittsburgh a week ago,
| for a visit with relatives in her home city.
| Mr. Herron's time was spent in looking
after some business interests.
—E. H. Richard has been in Philadelphia
| this week, going down to attend a meet-
{ing of the Lime Manufacturer's Associa-
! tion, and to see his nephew, Jack Aull,
who has been ill with pneumonia.
—Dr. Russell, a nerve specialist of Phil-
adelphia, was called to Bellefonte Tuesday
to repeat the operation performed on Mrs.
William Dawson a year ago, for the relief
of her severe attacks of facial neuralgia.
—Mrs. D. Mosher, of Genoa, N. Y., has
! been in Bellefonte for some time visiting
i her brother, J. S. McCargar and his wife,
at their home on south Spring street. She
will probably remain with them until
April 1st.
—J. 8S. McCargar left on Wednesday for
Pittsburgh, where he attended the conven-
tion of the Underwriter’'s Association and
the spring meeting of the Equitable Life
Assurance Association. He expects to re-
turn home today.
—Mrs. Sadie Davies Rees, of Scranton, a
remote relative of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Rees, of Reynolds avenue, was a visitor at
i their home on Monday. She was on her
way to State College where she will spend
four weeks demonstrating at fraternity
i and boarding houses for the Mazola Corn
"Products Co. Mrs. Rees is an expert in
culinary science and has been demonstrat-
ing in eastern colleges and hospitals with
| much success for a long time. So profi-
cient is she that in one of her demonstra-
: tions she prepares thirty-seven varieties o
| food on the same fire. :
eee eee.
A Siamese Pig.
| Donald Gettig came into town
| yesterday with a load of porkers for
his father’s meat market and brought
with him a freak pig that had been
still-born with a litter on the farm of
Claude Hoy up near Shiloh.
The little animal was perfectly de-
veloped back to a short distance be-
yond its shoulders and there two bod-
ies appeared with two extra front
legs and four hind ones. oe
It gives the appearance of one little
pig’s head and neck having grown in-
to the chest of the other, for beyond
that they look like two fairly well
formed pigs.
Garner—Huey.—Harry A. Garner,
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Garner, of
Bellefonte, and Miss Pearl C. Huey,
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.
Huey, of Waddle, were married at the
Methodist parsonage at Mill Hall on
February 23rd by the pastor, Rev. H.
K. Ash. t
Griffin—Johnson.—James G. Griffin
and Miss Sarah J. Johnson, both well
known young people of Pennsylvania
Furnace, were married at Huntingdon
on February 23rd, by Rev. Dauben-
speck, of the Presbyterian church.
They will reside in Tyrone.
Fritz Kreisler.
Majestic Theatre, Williamsport,
Tuesday evening, March 29, at 8:15
o'clock. Main floor, 14 rows $2; bal-
ance $1.50. Balcony, 10 rows, $1.50;
balance unreserved $1. War tax ex-
tra. Box office sale opens March 26.
Mail orders now to H. S. Krape, Box
144, Williamsport, Pa., promptly fill-
ed. 66-8-2%
To All Trout Fishermen.
We have 55 styles of wet and 38 of
dry trout flies, also leaders, lines, etc.
These gocds are all imported from
Ireland and are of excellent quality
and finest workmanship. Catalogue
and blank “Special Introductory Or-
der” on request. Bald Eagle Canoe
House, Lock Haven, Pa. 66-8-2t
— See the Potter-Hoy Hardware
Company before buying your fencing.
They have the right fence and at the
right price. 7-1t
Sale Register.
H 10, 1921—At the residence of D. M.
Mee on the Lewistown pike, just south
of Axe Mann, a clean-up sale of his full
line of farm implements, horses, cattle
and hogs. Sale starts at 9 a. m.
Frank Mayes, Auctioneer. *
MARCH 19th—At the residence of Jared
Evey, on the T. E. Jodon farm, near Axe
Mann, 5 horses, 25 head of cattle, 56 hogs
and farm implements. Sale at 10 o'clock
a. m. L. Frank Mayes, Auctioneer.