Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 04, 1921, Image 1

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    TR Res,
EL TRE RES a —— ————————— — y TR
euactalic J —The respite staying electrocution of
Tn Clarence R. Collins and Chas. C. Reinicker,
ame . the two youthful Adams county murderers,
. —March certainly did come in like a
—The Supreme court has ruled that
arrests for violation of the Volstead
act may not be made without a war-
— March fourth, all you Republicans
who have been hungering for eight
years. The public pie counter is now
ready to serve you.
— At the last minute Congress
set aside all serious legislation by tak-
ing time to vote free seeds to all the
constituents back home. What a trav-
__If President Wilson had wanted
to confound his enemies he would have
signed the emergency tariff bill, but
he was thinking of his country and
killed it by the pocket veto.
—The auditor’s statement of the
condition of the county’s finances is
published this week, but too late for us
to make an analysis that would be
either fair or comprehensive.
— Reports have it that Russia is
ready for another revolution and that
Trotzky and Lenine can’t last the year
out. God help Russia if they do, for
then there will be nothing left to rev-
— Tonight it will be President Hard-
ing. Here’s luck and good wishes for
an administration that will keep the
ship of state off the rocks and do jus-
tice to all classes in this glorious old
U. S. A.
— The German offer to pay two of
the eleven billion pounds sterling de-
manded by the Allies as reparation
for the war couldn’t be accepted even
on the principle that half a loaf is bet-
ter than no bread at all.
— We notify you right now, Dr.
Thomas .E. Finegan, that there isn’t a
kid in this whole Commonwealth who
will have a good word to say for that
bill of yours that proposes adding ten
days to the length of the public school
— According to a ruling of the Su-
preme court handed down, those parts
of the Lever act which empowered the
government to prosecute food profit-
eers have been declared unconstitu-
tional. My, oh my, the Supreme court
do beat all. Tt can unmake laws fast-
er than Congress can make them.
—I’Homme Libre, the old Paris-
ian paper that Clemencau once con-
trolled, has a very wholesome respect
for the United States. It calls us the
most formidable power in the world
and says our open hand is large and
generous, but our closed fist redoubt-
able and stable. Right o, France, you
know us.
—Mr. Joseph Rosenthal, of Wilkes-.
Barre, believed to be part of the
“rains” of the whiskey ring that has
been flooding this part of the State
for some time, was arrested and had a
hearing on Tuesday for violation of
the Volstead act. The name Rosen-
thal and. the “mysterious red road-
ster” are both familiar in Bellefonte.
The resignation of John Skel-
ton Williams as comptroller of the
currency, was probably none too soon.
Mr. Williams has been an exception-
ally capable man, but he minimized
his usefulness by so many petty and
harrassing proscriptions on the Na-
tional banks that there will be few of
the men whose activities. he directed
who will not God-speed his retirement,
— Women jurors have been an in-
teresting and interested feature of this
week’s sitting of quarter sessions
court. Happily there have: been no
cases to develop those sordid revela-
tions that sometimes are so shocking
to refined sensibilities and because
they are inevitable the “Watchman”
feels that women might well waive
their right to jury service without
prejudice to their new duty of citizen-
—A conductor on the Pennsylvania
runs from New York to Philadelphia,
which requires two hours and eleven
minutes, and takes down eight dollars
and twenty-four cents because that is
classed as a day’s work for him. We
scribble away here from seven-thirty
in the morning until eleven at night
and often don’t get even the twenty-
four cents because we haven't wit
enough to be a railroad conductor in-
stead of trying to enlighten Centre
—We agree with Thomas Raeburn
White in his contention that the pro-
posed method of selecting delegates to
the anticipated convention for revis-
ion of the constitution of Pennsylva-
nia is unfair, undemocratic and calcu-
lated to destroy any chance there
might be for revision. Mr. White
pleads publicly, “as a party man and
a Republican,” for minority represen-
tation in such a convention and the
fact that a Republican has made a
plea to give the Democrats, Prohibi-
tionists, et al, a show just naturally
makes us wonder where this kind of
Republican came from.
—Everybody of any consequence at
Harrisburg, excepting of course our
Hon. Tom Beaver, having made a pil-
grimage to Washington during the
vacation of last week the Legislature
is functioning again at Harrisburg.
Penrose says he isn’t going to inter-
fere with the Governor’s program, but
the Governor is taking no chances by
discretely announcing that he hasn’t
any program to force through the
Legislature. All he intends to do is
make some bullets and if the Mem-
bers want to shoot them they can. It
is significant, however, that he is “off”
those pet tax raising proposals on
coal and manufactures.
VOL. 66.
mand of the ship of state.
During the eight years that the par-
ty has been in power almost every
one of them has been punctuated by
irrepressible yap. Yap, according to
the new international
means “to bark snappishly, to yelp.”
It is a peculiarly significant word be-
cause it expresses so perfectly just
what any Republicans have done con-
tinuously since the moment Woodrow
Wilson was inducted into office on
March 4th, 1913. While it is beyond
question that more constructive legis-
lation has been enacted during the
past eight years than in any other
similar period of the country’s histo-
ry; that the world’s greatest war was
fought to a successful conclusion with
the United States playing the stellar
role; that an army of five million men
was raised, equipped and two million
of them transported through three
thousand miles of submarine infested
seas without a single mishap; that
never within recorded history was an
army so well cared for while in serv-
ice and its wrecks so considerately pro-
vided for after discharge, not one of
these transcendent achievements have
been acknowledged by the opposition
in any other way than with yaps.
Every act of the President and
every member of his cabinet has elic-
ited nothing but yaps from them.
There was a concert of effort to “get”
the members of his official family.
McAdoo, Baker, Burleson, Palmer and
ed and when their acts withstood the
acid test of the most searching inves-
tigation the yaps but grew louder.
It will be remembered that when
the guns of jealous partisanship were
bombarding every Department in
Washington before we entered the
war the Secretary of the Navy had not
yet come into range. The war broke
out and in the stress of speed to func-
tion promptly it was discovered that
the navy was ready. Then Josephus
Daniels was damned with faint praise.
At the close of the war he advocated
a large naval program and at once
drew the fire of these despoilers.
A new Secretary of the Navy will
be in charge this afternoon. He has
already announced himself as favor-
ing even a larger naval program than
Mr. Daniels advocated and we hear
no yapping about it from those who
have been unable to do anything else
than yap for eight years.
Why this overnight change? Some
of the reasons, of course, are that
some Republicans really think that a
Democrat can do no good and that a
Republican can do no harm. Some were
bitterly jealous because Democrats
happened to be filling federal offices
for a short time while others, just
without any reason at all wanted a
change. All is serene along the Po-
tomac now and the government at
they think, merely because the Grand
Old Party is in control again.
want a big navy? Ah, there is
where the yap comes in again, but
this time it is spelled with a capital
Y and means a little island in the Pa-
cific that Japan wants and the United
States thinks should belong to some
other power.
There will be no such Democratic
tration as there was over Mr. Wil-
son’s but we will be interested in see-
ing whether the yappers who yapped
at Mr. Daniels because he wanted to
prepare for possible trouble over Yap
will yap at Secretary Denby when he
advocates even enlarging on Mr. Dan-
iel’s program.
There may be danger ahead with
Japan, but we don’t believe it proba-
ble. The world has too much respect
for the revealed power of the United
There is not a European nation that
can dream of risking a conflict with
the United States. Germany under
William II ruled over Europe and one
| happy day got the idea of occupying
i Haiti. One grumble from Washing-
ton and Germany went back into her
hole. The England of Salisbury—pu-
pil of Beaconsfield—desired to mix in
the affairs of Venezuela. In the form
(of a note infinitely disagreeable and
| edited in a tone such as England nev-
{ er suffered from any other people,
| Grover Cleveland forbade England to
{ interfere in matters that did not con-
cern her. England did as told.
Germany and England both knew,
years ago, when we had only the
“contemptible little army” that the ex-
Kaiser referred to recently and a navy
| that Whitney described as pathetic,
that the United States wasn’t to be
i trifiled with. How much more the
world knows now of our unconquera-
! ble ‘spirit and resources goes without
saying. Japan will do about Yap
just what William II did about Haiti.
Just what Salisbury did about Vene-
, zuela.
Ere this copy of the “Watchman” |
reaches most of its readers Democrat- ' is a prerequisite of an alert mind the
ic administration of the federal gov- | colleges and schools of our land are | nesday, removes a noted exponent of
ernment will have passed into history | looking more seriously than ever at
and a Republican crew will be in com- | the problem of physical welfare. Itis
| the development of a fact that has
dictionary, '
Daniels were continuously calumniat-
Washington lives to a better purpose,
But why does Mr. Secretary Denby
yapping over Mr. Harding’s adminis-'
The Manly Act of Self Defense.
On the principle that a strong body
not a new idea, to be sure, but merely
long been admitted, but neglected for
the reason that the old school of edu-
cators were trained in the days when
the theory of all work and no play was
in vogue.
Instinctively the young of all spe-
cies of animal life play. Whether it
is an effervescence of exuberant life or ,
designed exercise of developing mus- |
cles is of no consequence. The fact
remains that play is as much a part
of young life as food and sleep. Hu-
man beings act much the same as the
lower order of mammals in this re-
spect during their earlier years, but
when the sobering influences of edu-
cation and business come into their
lives they are prone to become more
sedentary in their habits, in fact far
too much so. The result being that
types of phlegmatic, morbid, ascetic
individuals grow out of happy, hope-
ful, ambitious children.
All of this is in consequence of the
lack of exercise. Muscles become
flabby, livers torpid, stomachs not
functioning, hearts weak and such
derelicts marry and beget their kind.
The cycle goes on with each genera-
tion taking a step backward rather
than forward in the development of
the human race.
The real motive in the special at-
tention that is now being paid to all
forms of recreative activity is primar-
ily the development of better speci-
mens of physical manhood. When
they are attained there will necessari-
ly be better brain power and a higher
plane of intellectuality.
In the past experience teaches us|
that those who needed exercise most
took the least of it, probably for the
reason that in those days sports that
impelled their interest and participa-
tion had not been organized or, if so,
were indulged in by so few others in
the community as to render them un-
interesting and listless.
The college plans of today compre-.
hend games for every one and every
one for a game, so that the weakling
and the indifferent, as well as the
husky who strives for a place on the
Varsity eleven, will be attracted to
the general playground where the very
kind of sport that will interest him
and give him the kind of exercise most
beneficial is provided and conducted
by a skilled supervisor in physical cul-
ture. Young and old, weak and strong
can and should play. There are
games for all of them. Wholesome,
recreative games that develop the bo-
dy and prepare the mind to receive
and store knowledge and inculcate the
spirit of fair and sportsmanlike ri-
We see the idea gradually gripping
the nation. Baseball, football, basket
ball, tennis, golf, hiking, fishing,
hunting, sports and out-of-door life of
every sort and to us it is a wonderful-
ly hopeful sign.
With the coming of this new atti-
tude of educators to athletic contests
we see many forms of sport, hereto-
fore debased to the lowest motives,
being lifted to a level where they too
supply a useful purpose. There are
many of them but the one specially in
mind now is that of boxing, known as
the manly art of self defense.
It appeals to a lot of fellows who
care for no other games and if it can
be refined by the manly, strong heart-
ed exhibitions that college boys are
now giving how quickly it will purify
the atmosphere that has surrounded
professional exhibitions of this char-
acter and show the youngster who
thinks he is “handy with his dukes”
that his aptness may be turned to
his physical, moral and mental uplift.
Two recent exhibitions of boxing
given in this place have been of quite
a different order than the ones our
ministerium worked so hard to pre-
vent some years ago. They were
clean, hard, fairly fought contests be-
tween boys who love the game, not for
its brutality, for there need be none
of that, but because they have in them
that determination to conquer that is
a quality worth cultivating if direct-
ed honorably.
Aside from the fact that every boy
should know how to use the only
weapons, recognized as fair, that na-
ture has given him to defend himself
with, the boxing game can be used to |
good ends by a large class just as suc-
cessfully as any of the other means of
sport or recreation.
Time was when a session of
court in Centre county would last two
full weeks and occasionally run over
into three and even four, but now it
has narrowed down to a few days. In
fact this week the work was all done
and court adjourned on Wednesday
morning. It must be because people
are becoming more law-abiding or
else they find it too expensive to go
into court.
| Hon. Champ Clark, Democrat.
| The death of the Hon. Champ Clark,
' which occurred in Washington Wed-
i the principles of Democracy. He was
| an outstanding figure in the co
NO. 9.
The Coal Combinations.
From the Philadelphia Record.
It is an astonishing story that un-
derlies the indictment of several hun-
dred coal mine operators and leaders
of coal labor unions. A combination
uncils | of employers and employees to create
| of the Democratic party; a strong {an appearance of scarcity,
earted, courageous leader and his | strikes for the purpose of corroborat-
death closed twenty-six years of serv- | ing this appearance, and milk the pub-
ice in Congress so that he did not live
' the new body in which he would not
{ have been a Member because of his
lic, is something new in the industrial
| to feel any regret at the convening of world. It is the more remarkable be-
cause there has always been supposed
to be a good deal of competition in the
soft coal industry; the extent of the
defeat for re-election last fall. He |g oft coal deposits and the number of
came near being the party’s choice at | operators has seemed to make combi-
the Baltimore convention that nomi-
nate Woodrow Wilson for President
‘and one of the strange anomalies of
: politics was that the men in that con-
| vention who had been bringing Mr.
‘Clark on for years deserted him to
: support Mr. Wilson whose chances of
| the nomination seemed to give great-
! er promise of personal aggrandize-
! ment for them.
The two-third rule of the convention
alone prevented Clark’s nomination.
The honor which his party thus paid
him was the most notable of his pub-
lic life. In American political history
Martin Van Buren was the only other
man who failed of the Democratic
nomination for the Presidency after
having received a majority of the
votes in the national convention, but
he enjoyed the unique distinction of
being elected subsequently. To
William J. Bryan's sensational at-
tack on Clark at Baltimore, charging
him with being affiliated with leaders
representing “the interests,” held the
convention in deadlock for more than
a week when it ended in the nomina-
tion of Wilson. Bryan’s speech, de-
claring that Thomas F. Ryan, August
Belmont and Charles F. Murphy were
supporting Clark, was a bolt from the
. blue sky which made the Clark ranks
| waver. Clark supporters declared
| afterward that none of the three lead-
| ers mentioned were for Clark as first
| choice, but that the unit rule carried
| the New York delegation to the Clark
: forces.
The breach between Bryan and
Clark never healed, although they met
at a luncheon arranged by mutual
frignds a few months later and ex-
ness between Clark and Wilson wore
off after the President entered the
White House, and on legislative poli-
cies they worked ‘in harmony, except
in one notable instance, the repeal of
the Panama tolls exemption, which
Speaker Clark opposed unsuccessful-
iy. i
The failure of his candidacy at Bal-
| timore never ceased to be the disap-
| pointment of Clark’s life. He refus-
| ed nomination as Vice President, and
told the House on the eve of his defeat
| that he preferred to remain as Speak-
His election to the Speakership of
the House came in the Sixty-second
Congress, prior to the Baltimore con-
vention, and it was by a united De-
mocracy in recognition of the contest
Mr. Clark had made again the rule
of Speaker Joseph Cannon. Mr. Clark
had served in every Congress since
and including the Fifty-third in 1893,
except the Fifty-fourth.
Clark’s sincerity, friendship for op-
ponents and adherents alike, his fair-
ness as a presiding officer and his
knowledge of history, his love of clean
anecdotes and humorous stories, and
his marvelously retentive memory
ranked with his attributes of leader-
ship. Ile welded the minority into a
virtual Democratic unit when he was
minority leader, and after the ousting
of Cannon, which robbed the Speaker-
ship of many of its powers, he divid-
ed with Majority Leader Underwood
the control of the Democrats in the
House and they formed a great work-
ing team.
— The Altoona Tribune thinks the
past administration didn’t live up to
its pretentions concerning the appoint-
ment of postmasters. We don’t know
just what pretentions our esteemed
contemporary refers to, nor do we
have the nerve to defend all of the ap-
pointments that were made, but when
it attempts proof of its assertion by
stating that there are now only two
Republicans serving as postmasters in
Blair county we respectfully request
| it to report to us the number of Dei-
| ocrats who will be handing out mail
"up there on March 4th, 1925.
eee leper
| ——1If it should become necessary to
prune the appropriations granted by
the present Legislature for higher ed-
ucation in Pennsylvania we wonder
what Gov. Sproul will do when the
bills for The Pennsylvania State Col-
lege and the University of Pennsylva-
nia are laid on his desk. The one is
the child of the State. The other is
pleading for adoption, and Governor
Sproul said things on the terrace at
State last November that we can’t
well forget.
—If we get into trouble with Japan
it will probably be because of too
| much yap.
‘Gaanged perfunctory speeches. Cool |: - “poscow :
nation impossible, and it was thought
no monopoly could exist.
It seems incredible that a conspira-
cy against the public, embracing so
many companies and individuals with
diverse interests, could have been
formed and its secrecy preserved.
The indictments are the result of in-
vestigations extending over eighteen
When will the repeated investiga-
tions of the anthracite industry result
in some definite information, the ex-
planation and justification of present
prices, or indictments for combining
in restraint of trade? The household-
er is very much more interested in the
price of anthracite than in that of bi-
tuminous coal. What justification is
there for prices of $15 or $16 a ton?
Labor and transportation are more ex-
pensive than they were before the war,
but they do not explain increases of $8
and $10 a ton. If the anthracite com-
panies, between which there is little
or no competition, are able to get such
prices as they are now receiving, why
did they not get them half a dozen
years ago? Is it a fact that the war
opened the eyes of the coal operators
to the amount that “the traffic would
bear,” and now in the absence of war
they are utilizing the information?
There has been a good deal of in-
vestigation of anthracite mining.
Considerable testimony was taken be-
fore a Senate committee in hearings
on the Calder bill. How much longer
will it be before we learn from some
authoritative source, either the justi-
fication for the present prices, or of
the indictment of the men responsible
for present prices? Now that action
is in sight in the case of soft coal, how
long have we to wait for similar #c- |
tion, or a justification of prices
case of hard coal?
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The report from Moscow, by way of
Latvia, that 140,000 workmen are
clamoring for bread and for increased
political and industrial privilege, and
have struck to enforce their demands,
is in no way surprising; the singular
thing is that the nondescript guard
posted at the doors of the Soviet
headquarters has been able to pre-
serve a semblance of respect for au-
thority so long, in a winter which has
repeated all the hardships and horrors
of last season. The world waits in
suspense for the long-prophesied out-
break, while the Bolshevists continue
their nightly house-to-house search
for counter-revolutionaries.
Red Communism of the Soviet brand
must establish itself firmly at home
ere it can hope for success in its plot-
ted spring offensives, and Trotzky is
sparing no effort in these months of
bitter cold that keeps a terrorized
population within doors to indoctrin-
ate all he can reach with his program
of looting and leveling. The peasants
are snowbound and he cannot get to
them. His propagandists are vocif-
erous in the cities. He need not won-
der that city-dwellers freezing and
starving manifest small enthusiasm
for his doctrine, even though the
councils of soldiers and workmen
whose pictures are industriously cir-
culated by the Bolshevists themselves
present the fair semblance of patriots
working out the salvation of their
land. As long as the Soviet finds
food for those who work for it and
grants them special privileges it can
present such pictures of crusading
zeal; but the signs are multiplying
that the specious semblance of popu-
lar content cannot much longer be
maintaind by giving bread and jam to
children at school and supplying free
movies to young and old. It is a nat-
ural law that the producers live and
those who rob and destroy must pass.
The prospect of a world-wide war does
not rejoice the multitude in Russia.
What it wants is food and fuel and
work. It has had all the rhetoric it
needs and all the war.
meee eee fp meen.
Owning Up About Cork.
From the Clearfield Republican.
Dropping Germany for Ireland,
Lloyd George, in his speech in the
House of Commons, attacked where
he knew that attacks would be made
upon him. His Irish policy is wvul-
nerable if only because it has not ful-
filled his prophecies of success. Lloyd
George had to make a tacit confession.
This is that the “blacks and tans” got
out of hand and burned the city of
Cork. Gen. Strickland’s report is still
withheld from publication, perhaps
for good official reasons, but the in-
ference is plain that it placed the re-
sponsibility for the incendiary work
in Cork not upon the Irish. As pre-
sumptively the guilty men, seven sol-
diers have been dismissed from the ar-
my. The whole is a belated and mor-
tifying acknowledgment that the gov-
ernment in Ireland lost control of its
own forces.
—— Subscribe for the “Watchman.”
has been issued fixing the executions for
the week of April 4. :
—Chopping down a large walnut tree on
the farm of Preston E. Lynn, of New
York, near Cherryville, Lehigh county, Al-
bert Zimmerman, caretaker of the proper-
ty, found 135 pounds of wild honey. ;
—Bertha B. Hawthorn, of Dauphin, is
the first woman justice of the peace to be
named in Pennsylvania. Her nomination
to be justice of the Dauphin county bor-
ough as successor to William H. Edge, who
resigned, was sent to the Senate Monday
night and immediately confirmed.
—Paul Schmoker, aged 15 years, of
Homewood, a suburb of Pittsburgh, died
in a hospital Monday from injuries receiv-
ed when an electric shock threw him from
a telegraph pole several hours earlier. He
had scaled the pole to recover a kite which
had become entangled in the wires.
—After being teased about not being on
duty at his position as a Kulpmont po-
liceman and then felled to the floor by a
blow from a bottle by John Novitski,
Charles “Smith” Malinowski pulled two
guns and, while on his back on a bar
room floor, shot and killed Frank Goldof-
ski and wounded Novitski.
—Auditor General Snyder, who has been
elected State Treasurer, may not take up
his duties as custodian of state funds, his
friends aver, as he has been summoned to
Washington, and it is said will be appoint-
ed to a special office for the collection of
delinquent taxes. Snyder believes he can
make the same record at Washington that
collection of many millions long due the
—Charged with swindling prominent
Pittsburgh citizens out of $20,000 in a gas
well promotion at McKeesport nearly two
years ago, M. P. Fries, a broker with of-
fices in Scranton, was arrested on Monday
by county detective George P. Andrews, of
Pittsburgh. It is alleged that during the
gas well excitement in: McKeesport Fries
floated a company and secured the amount
involved but failed to drill any well, as
—State police discovered a genuine ap-
plication for the word “bootlegging,”
when they discovered Frank Cheslock, of
Shamokin, carrying whiskey in his wood-
en leg. The inside contained a hole to car-
ry two quart bottles, it was said. Ches-
lock was sent to jail by N. A. Engle, fed-
eral commissioner at Sunbury last Satur-
day. Cheslock was caught in the act of
soliciting the sale of whiskey at $10 a
quart, it is said.
—“That “pennies make dollars” is the
belief of the Northumberland county com-
missioners. Instead of buying more sani-
tary drinking cups for the court house at
six-tenths of a cent apiece, envelopes will
be bought at 10 for a cent. According to
chief clerk Deppen, if a man takes ten
drinks of water a day at six-tenths of a
cent a cup it costs the tax payers 6 cents
a day, while if this same drinker uses 10
envelopes it costs but a cent to water the
man... ; HE
shia BV
annually in the State. Several thousand
fowls have been vaccinated at the depart-
ment’s experimental station in Philadel-
phia, and the results of the experiment are
expected to be known within the next few
—The Standard Steel works at Lewis-
town which have been gradually closing
down since armistice day has reached the
minimum and only men enough to keep
the plant from actual decay are kept in
service and it is said that this week will
see even this number materially decreas-
ed. Samuel M. Vauclain, a heavy stock-
holder and an officer of the plant, made a
prediction in an after dinner speech be-
fore the local Chamber of Commerce re-
cently that everything would be normal
before the blue birds sing again. 2
—Mayor S.A. Barnes and chief of pe-
lice Elder, of New Castle, are on the trail
of the bunny huggers, the camel walkers,
the toddlers and the other dancers ‘who
shuffle and wabble cheek to cheek in pub-
lic dance halls of that city. Drinking in
any dance hall also is to be prohibited.
The mayor and chief in a statement is-
sued on Saturday gave drastic orders as to
what kind of dances and steps will be per-
mitted. Dancers must be at least three
inches apart.
enforce the orders will be forfeiture of the
dance hall license.
—When M. H. Paxson, of Chester, on
his way home one night last week heard a
gruff voice shout in his left ear, “hands
up,” he did not obey the order promptly.
A revolver was thrust in his face, and up
went his hands. After: going through
Paxon’s pockets, “confiscating” a wallet
containing nearly $400, a gold watch, and
other articles, the bandit said “I thank
you very much for your kind attention
and pleasing consideration. You saved
both yourself and me a lot of trouble,
maybe, by obeying orders,” then politely
bade Paxson good-night. Paxson report-
ed the robbery to the police. ;
—The large flour mill of the Blackburn
Milling company at Cessna, was entirely
destroyed by fire, with all its contents,
Saturday evening about 8:30 o'clock.
Shortly before that time a light was notic-
ed in what was thought the vicinity of the
engine room and before those residing
nearby could notify the owners, flames had
gained so much headway that it was im-
possible to control them. The mill, which
was owned by Mr. J. Ild Blackburn, of
east Penn street, Bedford, was operated by
his sons, Border and Jay Blackburn. The
loss will reach almost thirty thousand dol-
lars and with but $6,000 insurance.
—Trapped in a room, eight by ten feet,
twenty-eight negroes were taken into cus-
tody by the police in an early morning
raid at Chester on Sunday, charged with
gambling. The alleged gambling joint has
been under suspicion for some time, and
it is said the man who is accused: of run-
ning the place, Edward Bass, leader of the
anti-Sproul forces among the negroes in
the Bethel court section, had been tipped
off, but declared he did not have to close
up. Bass got the surprise of his life when
half a dozen police burst in upon his crap
party Sunday morning. Hemmed in the
little room the negroes made little resist-
ance, and not a man escaped. Bass was
fined $50 and costs in police court, and his
alleged patrons got off with a fine of $2
and costs.
he has accomplished at Harrisburg in the
oof finding a p 9
which takes a “heavy ‘toll of poultry
The penalty for failure to"
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