A Just Judge. There is an old New England squire whose knowledge of the statute law is limited, but who has decided views as to common justice. Not long ago a certain Hank Miller was brought before him, charged with larceny. It appeared from the evidence that Hank had rented a horse from a farmer to do some hauling, and that, during the period the animal remained in his pos- session, he had fed it from the own- er's stock of grain, although the agreement was that Hank himself should supply the feed. He was charg- ed by the farmer, therefore, with the theft of two bushels of oats and corn. “The statutes made and provided,” “the old squire announced ponderously, “gay that theft is to convert to your own use the property of another. The horse is the servant of the owner, not of Hank, and Hank converted them oats to the horse’s use, not his—so I ‘acquit Hank of stealin’ them oats— he ain’t guilty of larceny.” Hank rose, thanked the Squire, and was about to leave the room when the old man called him back. “As I said, Hank,” he remarked, with a gleam of humor in his eye, “you ain’t guilty of larceny, but you shore air guilty of something, and I'm goin’ to send you to jail for a month for it.” Cuban Sugar Crop Board Proposed. The United States and Cuban gov- ernments are considering the appoint- ‘ment of a commission ts supervise the marketing of this year’s Cuban sugar crops in such a way as to protect both the growers and the public—the for- mer against sale at prices which mean great financial loss, and the latter “against the exorbitant prices created by an artificial market. Enoch H. Crowder, Judge Advocate- General of the army, who has been in Havana for some weeks, assisting Cu- ba in straightening out her political and financial affairs, has advised the State Department, it was stated by of- ficials, that the government officials and experts in Cuba with whom he conferred in regard to the sugar situ- ation, favor the proposed commission plan. The State Department has in- formed Mr. Crowder that this govern- ment has no objection to any plan which would not create an artificial price. It ‘was made plain that this government is acting merely in an ad- visory capacity in this matter, and not in any way contrary to the sovereign rights of Cuba as a nation. Co-Operative Plan for Selling Wheat. A co-operative plan for selling wheat was adopted on Saturday of last week by the executive board of the National Association of Wheat Growers. Members of the board said the plan would mean the saving of ap- proximately 55 cents a bushel through elimination of the middleman’s profit. The growers’ plan is to establish central receiving. stations State, where the farmers may send their wheat and obtain a receipt for it. From these elevators the wheat will be sold direct to the millers. Sta- tions for receiving wheat also will be established at all large seaports to _..handle export wheat. . . . “The farmers get $1.40 a bushel for their wheat, which costs from $2.50 to ; $2.75 to raise,” said W. C. McGreevey, of Wichita, Kansas, secretary of the association. “If something is not done at once to relieve the situation, the farmers will be forced to stop raising wheat. By our new plan, we will dispense with at least two mid- dlemen in the handling of the grain, and in some instances, a third and a fourth.” ‘The Celt Was Puzzled. A well known physician of New York tells why he does not know whence his ancestors came. Now, he had always understood that his ancestors were Scotrh-Irish, and on the strength of that belief had prided himself on their royal blood. Once it occu to him to go and ‘have a look at‘the old place whence ! they were supposed to come. When he arrived at what he believed was the ‘right district’ he appealed to an old Irishman to tell him the exact spot. The Celt regarded him much as one does a crazy man, and then said: “Ye say that your ancestors, emi- grated from here 200 years ago? Then why the deuce, sir, are ye lookin’ for them here now ?” =:i~st American Stock Market. The first congress of the United States, while in session in Federal hall on Walt street, New York, in 1788- 89, authorized and subsequently issued bonds (then called stock) amounting to $80,000,000 for the purpose of dis- charging debts incurred by the Con- tinental congress and the various col onies. This naturally led to orders for the purchase and sale of these bonds being sent to New York. These orders first came to merchants, at torneys and others, but later, as the transactions increased, some men be- gan to rive special attention to this business. becoming the first brokers in America. Water Affects Varnish." The varnish on some furniture is so hard and smooth that finger marks and soiled places may be remove with a cloth wrung out of lukewarm suds, made with white soap, and the finish restored by rubbing with a cloth. on which a few drops of light lubri- cating oil or furniture polish has heen sprinkled. In many cases this is 1 good method to use on the tops of dining tables, but in general it is un wise to put water on varnished, oiled or waxed surfaces. Painted and en: ameled furniture may, of course. be washed like-any other surface so fin ished. : Jid Tunkins on Economy. Jud Tunkins says economy is lke a plece of musie. It nay turn our fine, but the person who practices 17 can't be very entertaining for the time being. in each, ' «SABBATH DAY” NOT SUNDAY Modern Writers Display an Amazing Carelessness in Their Misuse of the Words. In English there is not a more defi- nite word than sabbath, yet it is used with an amazing carelessness as a synonym for Sunday. The writers and translators of the New Testament use subbath correctly, says a writer in the Brooklyn Eagle. It is always Hebrew and in no in- stance is it associated with the New Testament dispensation—now univer- sally known as Christianity. Indeed the apostles were severely rebuked by the Jews for breaking the sabbath. Christians cannot break the sabbath, for they do not have it to break. Sabbath and Sunday are observed on separate days, but this is not nec- essary, as astronomy shows that the identity of days from year to year is impossible; since the year and day are incommensurable. The leap years show that any given date varies a day: even this does not correct the dates, as other corrections—the cen- turial leap years—become necessary. There is a still deeper reason for dis- carding the severity of the sabbath, namely, our seven-day week is un- counted thousands of years older than the book of Genesis. Evidence is very strong that it was founded on quarter- ing the sidereal month—the “true month.” Long before anything even approaching astronomy arose man no- ticed that the moon slowly moved into another group of stars each night, and by rough eye measurement, completed her revolution in 28 days—“the 28 mansions of heaven” of the Chinese and Japanese. COVERED HEADS IN CHURCH Before the Year 1661 Men Did Not Remov. Their Hats During Religious Services. About 1661 an agitation commenced to have men remove their hats in church—Pepys makes gentle fun of it. The custom was first to remove the hat to cover the eyes in prayer, and later it was taken off altogether. The introduction of the wig helped the custom—for it proved difficult to keep one’s hat on over a tousled mass of false curls. This also led to large hats with plumes going out of style. Then, instead of wearing hats in- doors, men went to the other extreme, and often carried them in their hands when ont of doors. The Puritans in Ingland continued to wear their Lrond-hrimmed hats. however, indoors and out. Men's hats and clothing were changed with the French Revolution: wigs went out, and then with the rise of Napoleon, dress became military in style. In 1815, during the Restora- “tion period, arose the “stovepipe hat,” and breeches, at the same time he- gan to be worn to the ankle. How Old Armor Was Made. Ancient armor cost money. A com- wlete iron suit of exclusive design might “stick” the purchaser for as much as $1,000, which was a great «um in those days. Baronial gentle men, however, had their own profes: «onal armorers to turn out such metal garments. The common soldiers went to battle with nothing better to protect them than leather jerkins and steel caps. Recently samples were taken from a dozen of ancient pieces and put through a chemical and micro- scopical examination by experts in or- der to find out something about how the stuff was made, It was found that all the pieces thus tested were made from very pure wrought iron, converted into steel by the old “cemen- tation” process. The original iron was produced much like our modern wrought iron. It was carbonized. hammered into sheets and the sheets welded together. The whole was then hammered into shape while heat- od and plunged into water, thus pro- ducing the final bardening. i | | | Sige | | i | Religion in Everyday Life. The widespread impression that re- ligion is a thing of life apart and not an essential part of profitable life is at the bottom of all our social prob- lems. Were the people taught, not merely preached to on Sundays, but taught in school from infancy to old age, that to deal justly, to be kind and generous, and to revere the pow- ars ahove earthly powers, our social affairs would soon assume, or approx- | imate. the conditions contemplated by the Master. In these more enlight- ened times men want to know the value of religion as a personal asset in life rather than a promised assur ance of peace and comfort after death. An oceasional sermon on the value of religion as a personal asset in social and business life would be helpful to, many toilers.—Erasmus Wilson. Recipe for Good Memory. Rose, the garrulous domestic, can give you facts of history—internavion- al, dramatic, scandalous—right off the bat without a moment’s hesitation. “How do you manage to remember ‘employer the other day. “I'il tell ye, ma'am.” says she. “All ne life never a lie I've told. And when yz don’t have to be taxin’ yer memory to he rememberin’ what ye told this one or that one or how ye explained this or that ye don’t over- work it and it lasts ye, good as new. forever.” , all these things, Rose?” inquired her: Then Rose came back with the in-_ fallible rule for memory training. . o Sees to It. “In former times the man who lived n a small town saw little of life.” “And now.” “Now the same films go every- where.”—Louisville Courier-Journai. stm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XECUTOR’S NOTICE.—In the estate of Fountain W. Crider, late of Bellefonte borough, deceased. Let- ters testamentary in the above-mentioned estate having been granted to the under- signed. all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims (0 present the same, duly proven, to > HUGH N. CRIDER, CHARLES E. DORWORTH, | i i i Harry Keller, Executors, Attorney. Bellefonte, Pa OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR N PARDON.—Notice is hereby given that Benjamin Lichtenstein, now confined to the Western Penitentiary on two different charges imposed by the Court of Oyer & Terminer of Blair coun- ty and a sentence imposed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Centre county, will make application for pardon to the Board of Pardons of Pennsylvania, on Wednes- day, the 16th day of March, 1921, R. A. HENDERSON, 66-S-2t Att'y for Benjamin Lichtenstein. The McVey Co. Real Estate Operators NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Our spring catalogue will go to press on March 1st, and should contain a descrip- tion of the property which you wish to sell since this catalogue is forwarded to pros- pective buyers in all parts of Pennsyiva- nia. No charge unless sale is made. FOR SALE. Two 6 room dwellings in good condition, house piped for bath, lot 530x150, price for both houses, $3200. Pine street, Bellefonte, Pa. 8 room brick dwelling, all modern con- veniences, north ' Spring street; price, $3200. 5 room frame dwelling, near Titan Met- al plant; price, $800. Double dwelling, 6 rooms on each side, large lot, near Titan Metal plant; price, $900. FARM. 13% acres—100 acres in good state of ral-’ tivation, balance young timber and pas- ture, 600 apple trees, other fruit of all kinds. This is a good fruit farm. Two houses, good bank barn, silo and other outbuildings. Running water at house and barn, one mile te school, church and store; price, $3200. OFFICES: BELLEFONTE MOUNT UNION A E RD ALTOON DFO HARRISBURG LEWISTOWN JOHNSTOWN : Crider Stone Building Bellefonte, Pa. 66-1 —Subscribe for the “Watchman.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ULL CALF.—We have a thoro-bred Guernsey bull calf for sale. The animal will be sold with the reg- istry papers for $35.00. CROSS and MEEK, Bellefonte, Pa. Bell Phone 212-93 66-4-t OR SALE.—A thirty-two acre farm, fine location, good drainage, locat- ) ed one mile north of Lemont on the Houserville main road, 2% miles from State College. GEO. P. BIBLE, Bellefonte, Pa. United Phone. 66-2 MINISTRATRIX’'S NOTICE.—Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Hammon Sechler, late of the Borough of Bellefonte, deceased, all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. ¥, ANNA SECHLER, Administratrix, Bellefonte, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, 66-4-6t Attorney. PPLICATION FOR CHARTER.—In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, State of Pennsylva- nia, SS: Notice is hereby given that an applica- {ion will be made to said Court at No.—- February Term, 1921, on Monday, the 28th day of February, 1921, at 10, o’clock, a. m. by Alexander B. Gray, Neil M. Fleming, Hu- go Bezdek, B. M. Herman, Richard C. Bar- low, James HB. Watson, Charles W. Hep- penstall, H. D. Mason, Jr., and J. M. Mec- Kee, under an Act of Assembly, entitled “An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations,” approved April 29th, 1874, and the supple- ments thereto, for the charter of an in- tended corporation to be called “Varsity Club of Penn State,” the purpose of which is the fostering of all worthy movements in the interest of Pennsylvania State Col- lege, especially those which will assist in “clean and vigorous athletics, and to ad- ‘ vance the mutual interests of its member- ship, and for these purposes to have, pos- sess and enjoy all the benefits and privi- leges of said Act of Assembly, and the supplements thereto. The above applica- tion is now on file in the Prothonotary’s office. : : JAMES MILHOLLAND, 66-5-4t Atty. for Petitioners, Ira D. Garman Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry “JEWELRY MADE OVER” 11th Street Below Chestnut, | 63-34-6m. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Farm for Sale. ; 170 acres in Bald Eagle Valley, Huston township, Centre county, Pa., one mile east of Julian, along the state highway; 80 ACRES CLEAR and in high state of cultivation, level and rolling land, balance in timber (most cut). Good orchard. . EIGHT ROOM FRAME HOUSE in fair condition; bapk-:barn and. all nec- |: essary outbuildings. All new roofs. Will sell at reasonable figure. Inquire of P. C. GRAY, 66-4-8t Julian, Pa. nme UEUELEVEUELUEIEUEUEUELUSUS] 22MIN 22S i lel uv J J i) the quality of its products Buy Your Canned Foods by the Case How often have you wished you could buy your canned foods by the case, but feared you could not use a whole case of one variety. By special arrangement with Peck & Pratt, Inc,, we can now offer you their famous “Early Rise” Brand of fancy New York State canned vegetables in assorted cases. Fach case contains eight cans each of tender sifted peas, delicious Crosby corn, and lus-- cious ripe tomatoes—growt in the region famed for Every Case and Every Can are Guaranteed only. Buy a case, use a can or two, and if not satisfied return the case, and it has cost you nothing. - Is that fair enough? If so phone us your order, or come in and let us tell you more about it. Buy by the Case for Economy, Convenience and Quality R. S. Brouse Store... Bellefonte, Pa. Sold by the case s New Suction Sweeper ** Not. an Electric”’ You will be delighted when you see this wonder- ful cleaner (weight 8 pounds) do the same work as a big, heavy electric cleaner. As handy to use as an ordinary sweeper. cords. No wire, no plugs or Come in%and see the “Marvel Cleaner,” only $25.00 Electric Irons Universal $7.50 value at $6.35 Princess 7.00 Ci ‘t 3-50 Flashlights $1.50 value at $1.25 200 liso Straight Razor $3.00 value at 98 cents BELLEFONTE, PENNA. The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. 66-6-tf $1.75 value at $1.25 9. ggiciliec £01 5 08 .. , , ad - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. you want to buy or sell real estate write to him or call’ at his office in Temple court, Bellefonte, Pa. 65 OTICE IN DIVORCE.—In the Court EAL ESTATE.—J. M. KEICHLINE. real estate operator in Centre county N of Common Pleas of Centre coun- buys and sells real estate. If ty. No. 34 September Term, 1920. Beatrice B. Snyder vs. Charles Snyder. In Divorce, A. V. M. -28-6m To Charles Snyder, Respondent above Bellefonte borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- tate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having claims against the same must present them, duly authenti- cated, for settlement. 66-4-6t named: Notice is hereby given that the under- signed Master, appointed by the said Court to take testimony in the above en- titled case, and report the same with his opinion and with form of Decree to said Court, will sit for the purposes of his ap- pointment at his office in Foster Block, Philipsburg, Pa., on Saturday, March 12, 1921, at 10 o’clock a. m., where and when you and all parties interested may attend. GEORGE W. ZEIGLER, Master. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.—Letters of administration upon the estate of Kathryn R. Shefler, late of JOHN C. SHEFFLER, Administrator, Bellefonte, Pa. 66-7-3t Scenic Theatre Week-Ahead Program (Cut this out and save for reference). ‘SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26: WILLIAM FARNUM in “DRAG HARLAN.” This star is seen in a typical western story with plenty of wild and woolly atmosphere. Great shooting. Fine rope work. Six reels of thrilling action. Also,Snub Pollard Comedy. Matinee at Scenic February 26: N Seven reel Goldwyn star picture, “GODLESS MEN,” and 2-reel comedy, “THE BIG SHOW,” 2a comedy by children for children. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28: BR. A. WALSH—Realart in “DEEP PURPLE.” (Big Special). This is one of the finest pictures of the year by an all star cast, in six reels. Good di- rection. Fine story. See Bird Millman in her famous slack wire perform- ance. An entertaining picture. Also, Screen Smapshots and Pathe News and Topics. TUESDAY, MARCH 1: BENJ. HAMPTON produces the “U. P. TRAIL.” This seven reel Zane Gray story with such stars as Roy Stewart, Kathlyn Williams, Robt. Mc- Kim, ete., is one that will please you if you liked “Desert Gold,” and “The Westerners.” A typical western story. Also, Spanuth’s Ved-a-Vik WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2 (Matinee and night): CONSTANCE TALMADGE in “THE LOVE EXPERT.” This is a peach. Don’t miss it. One of her regular ones you have all learned to enjoy so much. Just good, clean, high-class, extra fine comedy. Also, “Striking Models,” a Christie comedy. | THURSDAY, MARCH 3: WANDA HAWLEY in “HER BELOVED VILLIAN”—(Realart). Tully Marshall helps put across this adaptation of the French play, “La Veg- lione,” a vigorous French farce drama. One man told the other her fam- ily were drunkards, then married her himself. See the result. Also Pathe News and Review. FRIDAY, MARCH 4: EVA NOVAK in “THE TORRENT,” a well told story with fine night pic- tures and many interesting bits of life on a desert isle. The water scenes are especially good. Also 6th episode of “THE SON OF TARZON.” We now see beautiful Manilla Martin in her bewitching jungle role. The wild animal stuff is excellent. OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25 and 26: HELEN CHADWICK in “GODLESS MEN.” This 7-reel Goldwyn feature by an all star cast. Story of a God-defying seaman who regenerated through the influence of & young girl who proves to be his daughter. Also 2.reel comedy, “THE BIG SHOW,” played by children and greatly inter- ests ‘them. ' “a -y Near East Relief Every dollar contributed by Centre county to the Near East Relief Fund goes direct to headquarters. There is not one cent deducted from contributions for any purpose. Chas. M. McCurdy, Treasurer. The First National Bank Bellefonte, Pa. Silver Polish 40c. per jar—a fruit pint. glass top jar full, made by ourselves; positively the very best, polish in the world. No grit, no acids, no dust, little work. ‘The town clock is 6 seconds fast on the strike. F.D. Blair & Son, Jewelers and Optometrists Bellefonte, Pa. 64-22-tf