Demat INK SLINGS. —Spring is surely on the way as the familiar honk! honk! of wild geese flying northward was heard on Tues- day night. —This winter has been a great one for all kinds of game that had to de- pend on the great outdoors for their food supply. —Sugar deaiers are already trying to work up a scare over a predicted shortage in raw sugar, evidently for the purpose of running up the price on the consuming public. —The Sinn Feiners in Ireland in- dulged in the pleasant pastime of am- bushing a train the other day and kill- ing eight innocent passengers, and still they wonder why they are not given self-government. —The Pennsylvania Legislature will take a holiday all next week be- cause of Washington’s birthday on Tuesday. This will at least delay the passage of a lot of bills that few peo- ple have any interest in. —And now the Republican muck- rakers in Congress want President Wilson to account for that one hun- dred and fifty million war fund voted him by Congress during the late war and for expenses at the peace com- mission. Why not let Dawes tell it? —1It is rumored that Attorney Gen- eral Palmer will take up his residence in Washington permanently after March 4th and engage in the private practice of his profession. It will probably be a good thing for Pennsyl- vania Democracy if the rumor proves correct. ; —Reports coming to this office from the farmers throughout Centre county indicate that the wheat never looked better this time of year than it does right now, which ought to be proof that a heavy covering of snow is not essential to wheat wintering in good shape, especially when the winter has not been any colder than the present. —Only fifty-six days until trout fishing season opens and the ardent disciple of Izaak Walton is already looking up his fishing tackle, etc., pre- paratory to that big annual event in piscatorial sport. And while most of them will have no trouble in making the tackle size up to the emergency the big majority will be woefully short on the “ete.” —Sixty year old Dr. Evan O'Neil Kane operated upon himself for ap- pendicitis at the Kane Summit hospi- tal on Tuesday, and three hours later declared he felt very comfortable. Dr. O’Neil claims he performed his own operation mostly for experimental purposes, but as he has removed some four thousand appendixes during his active practice he may have had an eye to the saving of the fee usually charged in such cases. Let us hope that Penn State is taking too long a look into the future. This thing of adding a course in cook- ing for men to the curriculum of that institution appears too significant for our peace of mind. But come to think of it, since the country has gone dry and the bright lights have lost their lure many an “old man” is spending his evenings at the place that he once thought was “nothing like this” so he might as well be peeling potatoes and skinnin’ flitch for breakfast, because he’s in the road anyhow. ~—Only fourteen more days of the good old Democratic administration and then the reins of government will be turned over completely to the Re- publicans. And won’t there be a scam- per of the hungry Iiorde for offices under the new administration, from the most insignificant postoffice to the best paying job at the chief execu- tive’s command? And we'll venture the assertion that house cleaning this year will begin quite early in the new administration; so early in fact that the present office holder who is a Dem- ocrat should begin right away to look up another job. : —President-elect Harding has ad- . vised Representative Longworth, of Ohio, that he does not believe he should be granted exemption from paying an income tax on his presiden- tial salary, but he hasn’t said he wouldn’t accept exemption if Congress sees fit to pass the bill recently intro- duced to that effect. The income tax on the President’s salary wouid amount to approximately $18,000 year, and that is rather an attractive sum to relinquish for any ordinary man, and so far the President to be has not displayed any characteristics that justify putting him in the extra- ordinary class. . —The capture of another cargo of booze at Graysville last Friday by the state police should awaken the author- ities to the fact that Centre county ' has been for months past an open trail for booze runners between the north- western part of the State and Blair and Clearfield counties. For months these illegal traffickers in wet goods drove their truck loads of whiskey right through the streets of Belle- fonte without fear of molestation, but as the grip of the law began to tight- en they changed their course and have been using the Bald Eagle and Penns- valley routes, preferably the latter, as it offers a better chance of escape from officers who might be on the lookout for them. While a few of them have been caught and their cars and cargoes confiscated, it has had no appreciable deterrent effect and this wholesale traffic of booze through Centre county will not be broken up until local officers in every communi- ty become more active in their en- deavors to catch the bootleggers. VOL. 66. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL CNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., FEBRUARY 18, 1921. NO. 7. mma Something the Matter With the Work. The fact that deficiency bills aggre- gating several millions of dollars are necessary is ample proof that some- thing is the matter with the fiscal pro- cesses of the State. The last Legis- lature appropriated funds for the ex- penses of government upon estimates made by those charged with that serv- ice. Small differences either above or below the figures might have been ex- pected and accounted for by unlooked for conditions. But a general defi- ciency bill of nearly four million dol- lars and other deficiencies that make a total of nearly eight million dollars are so extraordinary as to create sur- prise and demand investigation. Such a difference between estimate and ex- penditure is just cause for suspicion. Because expression had been given in the newspapers of such suspicion Governor Sproul called a secret con- ference of three men and cut three or four hundred thousand dollars out of the general deficiency bill. But in the absence of an explanation why that much excess was needed in the first place, that cutting was not satisfac- tory and the newspapers continued to talk. Thereupon complaint was made that criticism of this kind is “attack- ing Governor Sproul’s program.” Possibly that is true, but a welfare program which cannot stand the pro- cess of inquiry may be set down as a spurious welfare which would better be checked in the beginning. Secret programs are always dangerous. There has been something going on during the past two years that cost large sums of money and was not au- thorized by law, or else something is contemplated in the future which it is necessary to conceal from the public. The tax payers of Pennsylvania have ‘a right to know exactly what is done | with every dollar they put into the treasury and covering up profligate ‘expenditures by blanket deficiency bills is not a satisfactory way of transacting the public business. If "any department of the State govern- ' ment has been “eating up” money the ‘fault should be revealed and the re- ' sponsibility, placed. Demanding this | right for ‘the public is not attacking any welfare. program worth protect- ing. : The truth*will find its way out. | The Buffalo Times has discovered that | eighty-four per cent. of the business | failures during 1920 “were of firms | that didn’t advertise.” Valid Objections to Crow Plan. Mr. E. Lowry Hume, special assist- ‘ant Attorney General of the United ' States, scores a strong point against Senator Crow’s plan for a constitu- ' tional convention. The Crow bill pro- | vides for the appointment by the Gov- ernor of one-fifth of the membership of the proposed convention. Mr. Hume says: “This 20 per cent. will undoubtedly be the balance of power on all disputed questions. Consequent- ly it will be within the power of one man to determine what rights the peo- ple shall surrender and what limita- ‘tions shall be prescribed for the se- ' curity of their liberties.” No such at- ‘tempt to monopolize power has ever been made before in Pennsylvania. | Mr. Hume is not equally forceful in | his objection to the selection of the ‘other members of the convention. { From the beginning our government has been one by “party” and the prop- osition to elect delegates to a consti- tutional convention by the same meth- “ods that members of the General As- sembly and Congress are chosen can hardly be condemned as subversive of i the principles of popular government. | Members of every previous constitu- | tional convention held in this State i have been chosen in that way. In the ' convention of 1873 a number of del- egates at large were chosen on 2 non- | partisan basis by agreement and there was provision for minority represen- | tation. But party lines were drawn in the elections. It would be a sad thing indeed if at some near or remote period in the future a constitutional convention should be made up of “representatives i of certain industrial groups or relig- ious denominations and disqualifying from participation all those not prop- erly affiliated with the groups or de- nominations in control.” But we have no fear that such a condition will ever exist in this country. The constitu- tion of the United States stands as a guarantee against such a misfortune, and though bigotry has been putting spurious patches on that immortal in- strument in recent years, it is not probable that such an absurd limit will ever be reached. ! reese pee me. England’s pathetic plea that her war debt to the United States be remitted places our old friend John Bull in the attitude of a mendicant. ——We can see no actual harm in the fact that railroad executives have been notified that they are not “the whole cheese.” Good May Come Out of Evil. Governor Sproul’s purpose to in- crease the State revenues by levying new taxes is meeting with hard knocks. In the first place a considera- ble number of Legislators in both branches of the General Assembly are coming to the opinion that with proper business methods employed and reasonable economy exercised, ‘there will be no need for additional revenue. This view of the subject has been advanced frequently by this newspaper and other close observers of events, who have expressed surprise that the fiscal agents of the State have never given it a thought. Mon- ey has been spent as freely as if it grew on trees with the result that ex- perts have been kept busy hunting up . new subjects of taxation. The chances are that if there had been no factional quarrels in the Re- publican party the old order of things would have been continued and the Legislature would have proceeded with the enactment of such legislation as the Governor recommended. But Mr. Grundy and Senator Crow disagreed upon certain subjects involving labor legislation two years ago and Gover- nor Sproul enlisted under the Crow banner. Because of this Mr. Grundy made up his mind to punish Sproul and the available means was in at- tacking his legislative program. The conditions favored this for the reason that the Sproul program contemplat- ed taxing manufactures and coal and the manufacturers of the State feel that industry is not in shape to bear additional burdens. So for as the tax on coal is concern- ed it was felt that it was futile. It was attempted during the Pennypack- er administration and though it caus- ed a considerable increase in the price of coal it never put a cent in the State Treasury. With shops and factories closing down all over the State the prospects of getting revenue from a tax on manufactures seemed equally hopeless and that left the entire Sproul program open to attack. It is now charged that Grundy is behind the demand for investigation of the. deficiency bills, which is net denied; and that intensifies the bitterness of the factional fight in progress. If it will result in economy of administra- tion, however, the public will regret it. nme ——Mr. Fordney promises the tar- iff mongers “the highest tariff in the history of the country.” .The Aldrich tariff also enjoyed that distinction and look what it did to.the Republican party. % Big Fox Hunt Scheduled for Rush Township. The Philipsburg and Rush township division of the Centre County Conser- vation Association - are planning to pull off a big fox hunt on next Tues- day, Washington’s birthday. Dogs will bé used in the hunt and according to information reaching this office yesterday those who have originated the affair expect at least four hundred men to take part. Hunters from all over that section are lining up for the big event and if the plans do not mis- carry it should prove an innovation in sport circles that may become an an- nual institution. The hunt, by the way, will not be the kind of a fox chase pulled off in England in olden times, or one similar , to that indulged in to this. day down in Chester county, where a captured ' reynard is turned loose and hunters and hounds chase him to the death. This is to be a real hunt after the wild animal and the purpose is to i rid the woods of this beast of prey. ; The hunters will go forth for the in- : tent purpose of killing foxes, and not for the glory of capturing the brush. | This will be the first event of the kind to be pulled off in Centre ounty , since the organization and under the “auspices of a unit of the Conservation | Association, and the outcome will nat- ,urally be awaited with considerable interest. It is the aim of the Associ- ation to conserve game of all kinds, birds, forests, etc., and if in doing so it becomes necessary to destroy the enemies of game, that will undoubted- ily be in the direct line of conserva- , tion. | And this is but one way in which the great work of conservation can be carried on effectively in Centre coun- ty. There are many other ways, of i course, but the Conservation Associa- tion has already become so deeply rooted among the enthusiastic sports- men of the county that we feel cer- prove beneficial in more ways than one, and the way to help it along is to become a member at once. e———— reteset —— ——It is to be hoped that General Dawes didn’t visit Harding for the purpose of making apologies for his plain talk to the smelling committee of Congress. hoe ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” tain that its work in the future will | Deposits of State Funds. I The suggestion recently made by Auditor General-elect Lewis that the deposit of State funds be based on contract rather than favoritism is al- ready in process of crystalization. A bill has been introduced in the General Assembly requiring ‘the board of rev- enue commissioners to place the funds with the highest responsible bidder. The plan is to advertise for bids and award the favor to the highest. Un- der the existing system depositories of State funds are required to pay two per cent. interest on balances. Mr. Lewis imagines that this may be increased to three per cent. or more without impairment of the security. If that be true the innovation would be an advantage. The revenue derived from State de- positories now averages something over three hundred thousand dol- lars a year. It is estimated that this might be increased about two hundred thousand, which is a worth while improvement. It seems, Mr. Lewis says, that individu- als and corporations get consider- ably more from banks though their deposits are in lesser sums. But Mr. Lewis overlooks the fact that banks are not expected to make campaign contributions in consideration of in- dividual and corporation accounts while the Republican machine wouid be greatly disappointed if not actual- ly incensed if managers of a bank generously favored by State deposits failed to meet the campaign collector with a liberal contribution. But we can see no reason for ob- jecting to the Lewis plan on that ac- count. The practical politicians who - manage the Republican machine will find a way to “get the money” neces- af {o finance the campaigns of the futlire, as they have in the past, and if good will come to the publie with- out great harm to the politicians by it the experiment is worth a trial. Mr. Lewis states. that his plan is in opera- tion in Ohio with excellent results, which reminds us that it was one of the improvements introduced by Gov- ernor James M. Cox, recently the ‘Dismocratic candidate for: President, and the people of Ohio gave his oppo- nent for the office a majority of sev- eral hundred thousand. ——When Thaddeus R. Hamilton walked into this office on Tuesday morning we immediately realized that another year of life had been chalked up to his credit, because he makes it a point to come here just as regularly this time he was two days ahead of time, as his anniversary was yester-' : : . ' From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. day, when he was just eighty-five years old. For the past ten or fifteen, tor Penrose’s remarks on the present years friends of Mr. Hamilton have been complimenting him on how well After the G. O. P. Landslide. By Horace V. Blue in Philadelphia Rec- ord. It is just wonderful how the great Republican landslide continues to cir- cumvent the United States. Those people, particularly the wage-earners, who were clamoring for and voted for a change are getting it in leaps and bounds. To say, as some do, that we are still undér a Democratic adminis- tration, is obviously misleading. From the moment the Sixty-sixth Congress (elected in 1918) began to function, and the Senatorial oligarchy “breath- ed forth contagion,” and Senator Lodge with a nasal accent, said, “I am fighting Wilson,” and hell-roaring Hi Johnson let loose the dogs of war, and the wild man, Senator Borah, of Idaho, started on a rampage, the ex- ecutive or Democratic branch of the government was powerless. ; The fact that the greatest prosperi- ty ever enjoyed by our people and the highest wages ever paid in the coun- try took place under a Democratic ad- ministration, and also the faet that the greatest war in the history of the world was brought to a successful con- clusion under a Democratic adminis- tration, brought the Old Guard and their satellites to a degree of despera- tion unknown in the history of Ameri- can politics. With the aid of an un- limited amount of money, wrung from certain tender and susceptible busi- ness interests in the good old Mark Hanna way, a subsidized press, and the horde of hungry officeseekers, who have been kept away from the pie counter for nearly eight years, a prop- aganda was so successfully spread that they elected a President by a tre- mendous majority; but the landslide continues and the Labor Department survey shows that 3,473,466 people are , unemployed, and we might add that a large number of banks and banking institutions have also gone Republi- can. At least, they have been closed. And so it goes; and it is very likely, highly probable and extremely possi- ble that when Mr. Harding is inaugu- rated with Jeffersonian simplicity on the 4th of March, we will be almost back to “normalcy.” It was indeed a g-r-r-and and glor- r-ious victory. I wish to say, however, that the ranks of the nine million (100 per cent. American) men and women, God bless them! who voted the Béo- cratic ticket because they believed in the League of Nations, and hoped to bring about and make operative that ‘ magnificent plan of “peace on earth, ‘good will to men,” will be greatly aug- mented. Even now the hosts are marching; already we hear the thun- der of the tramping feet, and embla- i zoned on their banner is that immor- tal sentiment, “Government of the . people, by the people, and for the peo- ple shall not perish from the earth.” as he celebrates his birthday, although : Job-Hunters. It is not difficult to detect in Sena- activity of officeseekers an undertone ginning to seem as if he were going ! backward in years instead of forward and his friends ought to wait until he begins to grow old before they talk about how well he is carrying the weight of years. And how he has managed to do it so easily and grace- fully is a secret that many a man, and woman too, would like to have. At some time in his strenuous career he must have taken a drink from the spring of life without knowing it and is now reaping the benefit. Candidly speaking, Mr. Hamilton is a splendid example of the fact that hard work will kill no man, and he has been a hard worker all his life and today at eighty-five, is able to do a better day’s work than many men are willing to do. ——Judge Henry C. Quigley will soon establish a reputation in Pitts: burgh that will naturally make him feared by criminals if he continues to hand out such salty sentences as he did on Tuesday when he sent a nine- teen year old youth to the peniten- tiary for an indeterminate term of not less than fourteen years nor more than twenty years for the theft of an automobile. ! ——Senator S. J. Miller on Tues- day sponsored a bill introduced in the State Senate appropriating two mil- lion dollars for carrying on construc- tion work of the new penitentiary at Rockview. ——1It is officially stated that cat- tle on the farms have diminished in value a couple of billion dollars with- in a year, but cattle on the butcher’s block have not decreased in price in proportion. I ——The Harding cabinet may be a trifle shy in intellectual equipment but in the matter of boodle it will _ shine resplendent. : | | ~——When Germany defaults on the late Kaiser’s allowance we may begin to think she is too poor to pay the war indemnity. rr — oS ———— | i ——Get your job work done at this office and get it right. . of regret for the days when no vexa- he carries off his age and it is really be- | ti55 civil service legislation checked the aspiration of loyal partisans to get on the payroll of the government. Carrying on the Civil war was for Abraham Lincoln a less laborious task than apportioning the postoffices. Mr. Penrose appears particularly restive under an order of President Wilson which, if it stands, will prevent the Republican party from rewarding the faithful with postoffices. Its obnox- ious effect is to prevent a clean sweep of postmasterships for the sake of those who expect to enjoy an open season of bloody reprisals. Nothing is more difficult than to persuade an Old Guard politician: that public office belongs to neither party and is for the service of the country. The politician professes to be quite unable to detect the slightest ethical obliquity in filling public places to pay off his private political debts. He bit- terly resents the impertinent intrusion of taxpayers upon his selections. Theirs is to a silent and a static part- nership; they provide the salaries and he provides those who are to receive them. Sometimes we blame ignorant immigrants for submitting with such docility to the yoke of the padrone. Yet we meekly bow to the dictates of a political system which, in certain spheres, is quite as absolute as any industrial despotism. Make It Unanimous. From the Detroit Free Press. : The Rhode Island Board of Agricul- ture claims to have discovered a fer- tilizer that will grow grass and kill weeds at one and the same time. Couldn’t they get up an improvement that will also mow the lawn. : Killing a Sport. From the St. Joseph Gazette. The doctor who prescribes perman- ganate of potash instead of whiskey. for snake bites has taken all the thrill out of snake-hunting. —— pi 2 News Notes. From the Des Moines Register. The ticket agent at Marion, Ohio, is going to sell some tickets to Wash- ington, D. C., very shortly. ——Upon “sober, second thought”, the Republicans in Congress have con-’ cluded to make no change in the plans for the navy at present. inches high. SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —H. Frank is the oldest citizen of Punx- sutawney, and perhaps of Jefferson coun- ty. He is 96 years old, erect, straight of limb, eyesight keen and hearing only slightly impaired. He looks to be twenty- five years younger and believes he can add twenty-five more years to his age. “And why not?” he asks, “my grandfather lived to be 120.” —A quarrel over boarding house biscuits ended on Sunday in the death of Sylvester Williams, of Uniontown, from a bullet and the serious wounding of Benjamin Brown with a knife. Williams and Brown were at the table when the former made a re- mark about the quality of the biscuits. This was resented by Brown, who is said to be an admirer of the cook. A fight fol- lowed. —Notices have been posted at the loco- motive shops of the New York Central railroad at Avis, that the shops will close on Saturday until further notice. These shops have been working day and night shifts and employing 550 men. The order to close was not accompanied by any fur- ther information than that it would be in- definite. The car shops at Avis have been closed since January 15. —The season for sap, maple syrup and sugar has arrived, and work was started last week in many of the sugar camps in Columbia county. Hundreds of trees were tapped and the tapping will continue for séveral days. The season is about a month earlier than usual, and owners of the su- gar camps are of the belief that spring is here. Early reports are that the sap has begun running in as great quantities as when the trees are tapped in the middle of March. —Describing high heels on women’s shoes as a “menace to the human race” and the cause. of specific injury to health, mem- bers of the Blair county Osteopathic So- ciety, in convention at Tyrone last week, unanimously adopted resolutions asking the Legislature to pass the bill prohibit- ing the manufacture, sale, display or wear- ing of heels more than one and one-half The removal of mechanical interference with health is the aim of the bill, say the physicians. —Earl Webster, aged 14 years, of Tul- lytown, died last Thursday in the Harri- man hospital, at Bristol, Pa., a victim of complications which arose after the boy, an invalid, had jumped into the Delaware and Lehigh canal, near his home, and res- cued three children whe had broken through the ice while skating. The heroic action of the boy, who sacrificed his life for his young friends, is to receive recog- nition by a medal, subscription for which is to be taken up by residents of the bor- ough. —Just before submitting to an opera- tion for appendicitis in an Easton hospit- al, Bill Faust dictated a will disposing of a $200,000 estate. He. gave the attorney who drew ‘it a bad check for $75, and, while convalescing, lived in luxury, with three nurses working eight-hour shifts, and several extra waiters. He had Con- gressman Kirkpatrick draw up a power of attorney for two men to tap his security boxes in a Reading bank, and bring the contents, some $30,000, to Easton. He is in jail all right now, but he fooled many wise and some few otherwise people. —Only a few ‘inches space separated John and Charles Ney, brothers, as they walked side by side to their work at the Mill Creek colliery, at Trement, last Thursday, yet John was killed by a fall- ing boulder and nearly: every bone in his body crushed, while Charles was not touched. The boulder, weighing several tons, descended with crushing force, leav- ing the uninjured man without a serateh, but breathless from his narrow escape from death and prostrated with grief over the sudden death of his brother. John was active in P. O. 8. of A. circles. His father and a number of brothers and sis- ters survive. —Theft of mail containing money from lock boxes at the postoffice in Bloomsburg that may run into hundreds of dollars was revealed Thursday when postal authori- ties caught a small boy rifling mail from a box. They refused to divulge his name, as he has implicated a half dozen others. Money, stamps and checks mailed to bus- iness men, and particularly to County Treasurer Dresher, have miscarried. Bus- iness men have complained that letters, torn open, have been found in their boxes and that some had been delivered to them without the money. Two checks were found on the street last week, each made payable to the county treasurer. —A Glen Campbell, Indiana county, man was locked up in the borough jail at Punx- sutawney, Jefferson county, after he had consumed a goodly portion of the white mule brand of liquor popular in the latter town. Not many iron bars or locks are required to hold a victim of Punxsutaw- ney white mule, so when the prisoner was thrown into jail both the outside door and that of the cell were left unlocked. While the fellow from Glen Campbell was slcep- ing it off, a Punxsutawney youth entered the jail and demanded the valuables of the prisoner for safe keeping, claiming to be an officer, securing $1.35. The follow- ing day the young man was rounded up and fined $7.75 for robbing a prisoner in jail. —After N. R. Buller, State Fish Com- missioner of Pennsylvania, finished a speech urging a company of sportsmen representing Union, Northumberland and Snyder counties in session at Lewisburg last Friday evening to support the pro- posed tax of $1 on fishermen which, he said, would give his department sufficient funds to do efficient work, Harry S. Strine, a borough councilman of Milton, took the floor and stated very determined opposi- tion to the tax. When put to a vote of the assemblage the proposed tax was over- whelmingly defeated. The sportsmen took the ground that when the fish commission could show some drastic action looking to- ward the end of stream pollution the fish- ermen would gladly pay such a tax. —The man who contemplates mortgag- ing his property to the limit bankers will allow and fails to take friend wife into his confidence had better take into account a bill that the Pennsylvania Federation of Women’s clubs is about to have introduced in the Legislature. The measure, which has the backing of practically every wom- an’s organization in the State, would re- quire the written consent of the spouse before a husband could take out a mort- gage. Women behind the bill declare that numerous instances have come to light where widows, in settling up estates, found to their surprise and chagrin that their late hubbies had burdened his possessions with mortgages. In consequence the wid- ows were left high and dry on the finan- -cial rocks.