Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 28, 1921, Image 8

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Demorraic; Matcha
Bellefonte, Pa., January 28, 1921.
The Thimble Bee of the ladies
of the Reformed church will be en-
tertained at the home of Mrs. D. R.
Foreman, on Spring street, Friday
afternoon of this week.
The ladies Bible class of the
Lutheran church will serve a sauer
kraut and baked bean supper in the |
basement of the church, Thursday
evening, February 3rd. Price of sup-
per, 75 cents, including dessert.
Dr. A. L. Martin, of State Col-
lege, will address the Bellefonte Wom-
an’s club on Monday evening, Janu-
ary 31st, at 8:30 o’clock, after the
regular business meeting. His sub-
ject will be, “Pacific Ocean and Japo-
American Relations.” The club ex-
tends a cordial invitation to the pub-
lic to attend the meeting.
——Don’t miss the big auto show
to be held in the armory, Bellefonte,
beginning tomorrow and continuing
next week. Auto dealers from all over
Centre county have taken space for
exhibits and practically every stand-
ard make of car will be represented.
Good music every day of the week by
he-Mandolin club, of State College.
; The annual
meeting of the Presbyterian church
was held on Wednesday evening.
Messrs. F. H. Thomas and James C.
Furst, whose terms as trustees expir-
ed on January 1st, declined a re-elec-
tion, and Jgmes W. Herron and
Charles F. Mensch were chosen as
their successors. No other business
of importance was transacted.
——Miss Grace A. Marvin, who for
some time past has been associated
with the Robin Film company, at Cul-
ver City, Cal., has accepted a more en-
ticing offer with the Hal Roach stu-
dios, of the same city. Miss Marvin
has been engaged in motion picture
work for some months and is evident-
ly proving a sucess when rival pro-
ducers go bidding for her services.
——A quantity of ice was harvest-
ed last week before the warm wave
struck this locality, but it is not any-
ways near enough to keep Bellefonte
cool during the coming summer. From
all’ indications the remainder of the
winter will be a succession of cold and
wahm spells, and ice men should take
advantage of every spell of cold to
filE their houses, else they are liable
toibe short on ice next summer.
A letter received this week by
Mrs. A. J. Cruse from her son, Tem-
pleton Cruse, of Pittsburgh, contained
the information that he has been made
superintendent of delivery of mails
in the Pittsburgh postoffice, and will
thus have charge of all outside deliv-
eries. This is quite a promotion and
his many friends in Bellefonte will be
glad to know that his efficiency in the
postal. service is bringing its reward.
——According to a summary just
issued by the Department of Internal
Affairs the number of men employed
in productive industry in Centre coun-
ty during 1920 was 3750. They
earned an average wage of $985.71 and
the value of the product of each one
is estimated at $2,519.41. The pro-
ductive value of the Centre county
employee is within six of being the
lowest in the State, while the average
wage paid was within fifteen of being
the lowest.
——At the annual meeting of the
Harris Dental association in Lancas-
ter on Wednesday of last week Dr.
Wilbur Twitmire, of that
W. T. Twitmire, of Bellefonte, and
the fact that the Harris Dental asso-
ciation is the only society of its kind
in Lancaster city and Lancaster coun-
ty, Dr. Twitmire’s election as presi-
dent of the same is quite an honor
for a man so young in the profession.
——A great benefit matinee for the
European relief fund will be given at
the Scenic theatre to-morrow after-
noon, January 29th, in the wonderful |
boy play, “The Soul of Youth.” The
story is similar to that of “Huckle-
berry Finn,” with a human interest
that will appeal to all. Also, a two-
reel Buster Keaton comedy, which is
a scream. The admission will be 25
cents flat, with no war tax, every pen-
ny received to be donated to the relief
fund. Judge Lindsay, of Denver, ap-
pears in this picture.
——Mrs. Emma Cooke was defend-
ant in a case heard before ’Squire J.
M. Keichline the past week, the action
being one for damages brought by
James R. Hughes for the mutilation
of two trees standing on the Acade-
my property. After hearing the evi-
dence the justice postponed the case
several days and went onto the ground
and viewed the damaged propety after
which he imposed a fine of thirty dol-
lars and costs upon the defendant in
default of the payment of which a jail
sentence was attached. Mrs. Cooke
appealed the case to court.
——For some time past there has
been an impression among various
residents of Bellefonte that the town
clock on the court house was not
showing correct time. The clock is
not only kept in running order but
properly adjusted by F. P. Blair &
Son, and on Wednesday of this week
when compared with the correct
Washington time it was found to be
just one second out of the way. Inthe
future readers of the “Watchman”
will find at the bottom of the F. P.
Blair & Son advertisement in this pa-
per a line stating just how the clock
is—whether Tast or slow.
was elected president of the associa-
Dr. Twitmire is a son of Mr.’
| Grand Opening Will be Held in Belle-
: fonte Armory Temorrow.
Twenty years ago the automobile
: was regarded merely as the rich man’s
| toy; today it is the poor man’s friend.
It neither eats nor sleeps and the only
expense outlay entailed is when it is
working. The passnger car, the light
and heavy delivery trucks and the
farm tractor have all proven their val-
ue in this twentieth century progress
and it would be practically impossible
to get along without them.
Millions and millions of dollars are
invested in the manufacture of the
various types of cars today and the
majority of the types have reached
that standard of perfection where they
may all be characterized as good. The
only question at issue being the spe-
cial type each buyer might prefer.
And that is the main excuse for the
big auto show which will be held in
the armory in Bellefonte for one week,
beginning tomorrow.
Dealers from all over the county
have taken exhibition space in the ar-
mory and will have cars and accesso-
ries on display, so that the prospec-
tive purchaser will be able to see just
what the car is like, whether it be a
| passenger vehicle, a big truck or a
farm tractor. Competent representa-
tives of the various dealers will be on
| hand to give any and all information
desired. Prospective purchasers and
present owners of cars should not miss
this opportunity of seeing a big auto
show. It is the first of the kind ever
held in Centre county, and will be
complete in every detail.
There will be special days for every
section of Centre county, but this will
not prevent any one from attending
every day, if they feel disposed to do
so. In addition to the exhibition there
will be lectures on the care of cars,
the utility of trucks and tractors, and
a musical program every day by the
Mandolin club of State College.
Consult the big advertisement on
page five of this issue of the “Watch-
man” as to the details of the show,
then be sure to attend.
Tractor Clynic During Auto Show.
On Tuesday, February 1st, in con-
| junction with the Auto Show, Belle-
fonte is to be the scene of a tractor
clinic, which promises to be well at-
tended and one of the most interest-
ing days of the show.
. To the average individual a gath-
ering of this nature has no special at-
traction. But with the introduction
of power farming in agriculture in re-
cent years, it means much to the per-
son closely associated in the develop-
ment of farm lands. The tractor for
power on the farm has solved the la-
bor problem to a great degree and has
done much toward making farming a
nore profitable and pleasant business.
A very interesting program has
been arranged for the occasion, con-
sisting of motion pictures depicting
the tractor in many phases of its
work, an exhibit of farm implements
as well as the working parts of a trac-
tor and talks by persons directly as-
farm tractor. Prof. R. U. Blasin-
game, dean of the department of ag-
ricultural mechanics, of The Pennsyl-
vania State College, will talk on
“Power and Progress.”
Several hundred invitations have
been sent out, but in the event you did
not receive one and are desirous of at-
tending this gathering, communicate
with the Beatty Motor company, at
Bellefonte, and they will gladly send
you an invitation.
To Improve the Union Cemetery.
Bellefonte’s picturesque home of the
dead—the Union cemetery—will be
very much improved and beautified
the coming summer, if the plans re-
cently formulated by the cemetery as-
sociation can be carried out success-
fully. They include the raising of a
. fund for the purpose of fixing up and
putting under perpetual care the old
{and practically filled up portion of
| the cemetery. This will mean the re-
setting of the tombstones and mark-
ers, grading of lots, sodding, etc. A
temporary committee of well known
men and women of Bellefonte has
been appointed to solicit contributions
to the fund.
In this connection it might be said
that all persons whose ancestors are
buried in the cemetery should contrib-
ute as liberally as possible to the fund.
They should be interested in seeing
that the graves of their forefathers
are not only put in a more presenta-
ble condition but kept green at all
times. And the only way this can be
assured is through the agency of a
perpetual care fund. It is hoped to
have a sufficient fund on hand to be-
gin the fixing up of the cemetery ear-
ly in the summer, and because of this
fact the committee will start in at
once to solicit contributions. It might
further be added that the trees and
driveways in the cemetery will also
be taken care of through the perpetu-
al care fund.
All interested persons are invited to
attend a meeting at the court house,
Bellefonte, on Sunday, at 2:30 p. m.,
January 80th, 1921, to hear the Hon-
orable John F, Kramer, United States
prohibition law enforcement officer, of
Washington, D. C. This meeting
should appeal to all who are in favor
of the United States being governed
by regularly enacted legislation for
the betterment of the people as a na-
tion. No admission charge will be
made but an offering will be lifted to
defray expenses.
Wanted.—A waitress.—Mrs. W. F.
Reynolds. 4-tf
——We supply real Punxsutawney
coal. Telephone orders on Bell phone
169-W will receive prompt attention.
—J. M. Showers & Co. 4-1t
——By consulting the Scenic ad-
vertisement in another column of this
paper motion picture fans will be able
to see just what will be shown at that
popular place of amusement during
the coming week. But you can’t al-
ways go by names. The name of a
play might not appeal to you, and yet
the picture be one of the very best.
Therefore, it is a wise move to go to
all of them, then you’ll be sure to see
the good ones. And you can’t go far
wrong, because every picture is worth
——Sunday will bring two inter-
esting and very prominent speakers
to the Lutheran church. At 10:45 a.
m., Hon. John F. Kramer, federal pro-
hibition commissioner, will speak
along the lines of the layman’s part in
church work. Mr. Kramer is one of
the active men in the Lutheran church
body and is a most excellent speaker.
At 7:30 p. m., Dr. I. Chantry Hoff-
man, of Philadelphia, will speak on
“God’s Big Business.” Dr. Hoffman
is a most vigorous talker and his ad-
dress will be helpful and inspiring.
Visitors welcome at both services.
——The “Watchman” omitted to
mention the fact last week that Hon.
A. G. Morris, of Bellefonte, had been
elected president of the board of man-
agers of the Huntingdon reformatory
at the annual meeting-held two weeks |
ago. Mr. Morris ‘was appointed a
member of the board in 1896 and
served continuously until 1916, hav-
ing been president of the board for
three and a half years. At the expira-
tion of his commission in 1916 he was
not reappointed but was again ap-
pointed to the board by Governor
Sproul after his accession to office and
now that he has again been elected
president he will be back in the old
chair which he filled so admirably be-
The Washington Furnace Lands Sold.
Fishermen, hunters and picnickers
all over Central Pennsylvania will be
interested in the announcement that
Charles L. Steele, of Northumber-
land, has sold his holding of mountain
land in the Fishing creek narrows to
the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal &
Iron company.
There are thousands of acres in the
tract, which extends from the gap at
Lamar clear through into Sugar vak
ley. It is covered with fair second
growth timber but as to whether that
was what the new purchasers got -it
for we know not. We do know tha¢
last summer Mr. Steele was perfect-
ing. plans to cut the.chestnut which
was going back because of the blight.
i The only reservation ‘fie made in the
sale was of the big farm at Lamar.
: Lately he has improved it very much
and expects to hold it. °
sociated with the development of the
Convention of Road Supervisors.
The annual convention of the Su-
pervisors’ Association of Centre coun-
ty will be held in the court house,
Bellefonte, on Wednesday, February
9th, 1921. The meeting will be called
to order by the officers of the associ-
ation at 10 a. m. Supervisors are ur-
gently requested to attend this con-
vention as this is one of the most im-
portant duties of your office as town-
ship supervisor.
Either Joseph W. Hunter, township
commissioner, or a representative of
the township division will be present
and will explain and answer questions
relating to the State reward act.
This is of vital importance to Centre
county and to every supervisor in the
county because of the fact that during
the present year Centre county did
not take full advantage of the provis-
ions of this act, and as a result, over
$2,000 went to other counties that
should have been spent on the roads
and bridges of Centre county.
rete pe eerste.
Three Academy Students Injured.
On Sunday afternoon John Alwine,
D. Brown, Willard Davis, and Messrs.
Ennis and Knauer, took a walk and
finally landed in one of the American
Lime and Stone quarries, above the
Bellefonte Central railroad shops.
After looking through the quarry they
came to one of the dump cars stand-
ing on the quarry track and conceiv-
ed the idea of taking a short ride down
the grade. They all got into the car
and started, but unfortunately the car
soon acquired a momentum which
they were unable to control. At the
speed the car was traveling it was dan-
gerous to attempt to get off and the
five young men stuck to the car hop-
ing that something would happen to
get them out of their predicament.
And something did happen, but not
just what they hoped for. The car
ran to the end of the trestle, then
tumbled down over the embankment,
a distance of twenty-five feet or more.
Of course the young men went with it.
Knauer, Davis and Ennis, sustained a
few ugly cuts and bruises, but no
broken bones, while Brown and Al-
wine escaped without injury. The lat-
ter two assisted their companions into
Bellefonte and to a physicians office,
where they had their injuries dressed,
all thankful that they got off so luck-
ily, as one or more of them might have
been killed. They also were left off
pretty easily by the American Lime
and Stone company, as all that has
been required of them is to pay for the
damage done.
| probably more war.
: mangled.
| quite twenty-three years old, and was
Bellefonte Woman Still in Durance, ;
but Safe.
Bellefonte friends of Mrs. Elinor
Cook McDowell will be glad to learn
that while she and her husband are
still held in durance by the Turks they
are both perfectly well and in no per-
sonal danger, as is evidenced by the
following letter reeived from Mr.
McDowell which was written on board
a Near East relief ship, as they are
not allowed to either write or receive
mail where they are retained:
On board U. S. S. “Overton,”
Samsun, Turkey, Jan. 4.
Dear Mr. Cook:—I have this chance
to come on board ship and write a
note. You have probably heard of our
situation. The N. E. R. is here to
work but we can receive or send no
mail. The Turkish government is
making it as difficult as possible with-
out actually putting us out. We are
perfectly safe and are personally be-
ing treated courteously. Elinor and
I are both well and happy. She had
no chance to come aboard this time.
She and I are carrying on the whole
work where formerly there were five
We are counting on leaving here
the first of April and reaching Ameri-
ca some time in May. This is the first
time in the four years that I have
been out here that I have been keen
on going back. But now I am fed up
with the relief work and all the trou-
bles that attend it. We will spend
several months, at least, in the States,
and may remain a year. What’s going
to happen out here I have no idea,
We are entirely without news of the
outside world. No mail of any kind.
Continue ‘writing, ‘however, to Con-
stantinople. We may get out soon.
I haven’t more time. With much love
from both of us.
Ralph Weaver Killed by Train.
Ralph Weaver, son of Jacob Wea-
ver, of Hublersburg, was instantly
killed on the railroad near the depot
in Howard about two o’clock on Mon-
day afternoon. He with one or two
other men were engaged in loading a
car with props for P. B. Crider & Son,
of Bellefonte. Weaver went into the
station to get a drink of water and as
he stepped out of the building he saw
a train coming down the track which
he supposed was the Pennsylvania—
Lehigh east.
An open freight car was standing
on the siding just opposite the station
and Weaver walked over and stood be-
hind it waiting for the oncoming train
to pass. But the train was not the
Pennsylvania—Lehigh but local
freight engaged in shifting, and ac-
cording to reports they made a flying
switch, shunted a car onto the siding
which in turn bumped a freight car
standing thereon and the. latter car
ran down against the car behind which
Weaver was'standing. This car was
dlso bumped into :action and Weaver
being close ‘to it was knocked down
and run over, his body being badly
The unfortunate young man was not
born at Hublersburg. His mother
died .when he was quite young and
since then he made his home with an
aunt. He is survived by his father
but no brothers or sisters. The re-
mains were taken to Hublersburg
where funeral services were held at
one o’clock yesterday afternoon by
Rev. Messner, burial being made in
the Hublersburg cemetery.
“My Soldier Girl.”
Containing more than a score of
novelties and elaborate scenic ideas,
the musical spectacle, “My Soldier
Girl,” the season’s greatest success,
coming to the Garman opera house
next Monday night, is without doubt
the most novel attraction of the en-
tire season. The producers, LeComte
and Flesher, have spent money freely
to make this play elaborate in every
detail. The feature novelties are ma-
ny, including the popular “flirtation
walk,” an illuminated run-board ex-
tending from the stage almost to the
rear wall of the auditorium. The
girls, in novel drills and cleverly
staged dances, are a treat to look up-
on. A brilliant lawn fete, with banks
of flowers and lights, New York city
in grand illumination and shimmering
opalescent scenery fulfills every ex-
pectation. The famous “pony” ballet
from the roof of the New York thea-
tre, is a revelation, while the cleverly
selected cast is all that can be desired
to make “My Soldier Girl” a success.
Spanish War Veterans Install Officers.
The Geo. L. Jackson Camp No. 70,
United Spanish War Veterans, at a
regular meeting of the Camp, held on
January 14th, elected and installed the
following officers: Commander, Stew-
art Hampton; senior vice commander,
James Morrison; junior vice com-
mander, George Eberhart; officer of
the day, Harry Charles; officer of the
guard, John Morrison; trustees, N. B.
Spangler, David Dale. Appointments:
Adjutant, Toner Hugg; quartermas-
ter, Milton W. Reed; patriotic instruc-
tor, Samuel Gettig; chaplain, Frank
Wallace; historian, Col. H. S. Taylor;
sergeant, David Dale; quartermaster
sergeant, John Mong; color sergeants,
William Wilson, Clyde Smith; chief
musician, Toner Hugg.
Past commander, George W. Sunday
was the installing officer.
——The Mott Drug Co. is now of-
fering a permanent reduction averag-
ing over 25% on Belle Meade Sweets
candies. 4-1t
—Mr. and Mrs. George P. Bible are in
Philadelphia, Mr. Bible going down to be
under the care of Dr. Fox, the eye special-
—Francis Thal is substituting for an
employee at the baggage room of the P. R.
R., at Osceola Mills, having left Bellefonte
—DMr. and Mrs. Joseph Sourbeck have
been here from Williamsport this week,
visiting with Mr. Sourbeck’s grandfather,
John D. Sourbeck.
—Mrs. John I. Olewine was among those
from Centre county who attended the Penn
State Alumni banquet, held at the Penn-
Harris, in Harrisburg, yesterday.
—Roy Grove spent several days in Phil-
adelphia the after part of last week, going
down in the interest of the militia of
which he is a very active member.
—George D. Fortney and Mr. Corl, of
Boalsburg, represented Harris township
at the annual school directors’ meeting
held in the court house last Friday.
—DMiss Ida Greene went to Altoona Wed-
nesday, intending to go from there to Phil-
ipsburg, having planned to spend two
‘months with relatives in those two places.
—Miss Winifred Woods, of Carlisle, an
instructor at the Birmingham Seminary,
was an over Sunday guest at the home of
her cousins, Miss McCalmont and the John
S. Walker family.
—Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Fetterolf have
been entertaining Mrs. Fetterolf’s cousin,
Mrs. Lewis Beck, of Howard. Mrs. Beck
came up Wednesday to spend the remain-
der of the week in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raymond and Mrs.
Raymond's sister, Miss Margaret Dunlap,
spent last Saturday in Tyrone, guests at
a joint birthday party given by Mrs. Shuey
and Mrs. Duey, relatives of Mr. Ray-
—Mrs. Bowersox, of Somerset, who was
called to Bellefonte on account of the ill-
ness of her daughter, Mrs. Howard Stover,
has been a guest while here of her sister,
Mrs. William Whitmyer, on Valentine
—Miss Edith Corl, Miss Florence Hoy
and Miss Anna May Cunningham, opera-
tors in the Bell telephone office at State
College, were in Bellefonte Sunday after-
noon for the funeral of Miss Kathryn
—Mrs. James B. Lane, who is now in
Philadelphia, left Bellefonte before Christ-
mas to spend the Holidays with her son
Richard and his family in McKeesport.
Mrs. Lane will in all probability be east
until early in March.
—Mrs. Harry Curtin, of Curtin, was in
Bellefonte yesterday for a day with her
friends, the first in five weeks. For the
greater part of that time Mrs. Curtin was
under quarantine on account of scarletina
in the H. Laird Curtin family.
—Mrs. Immel Mignot, who has been with
her son Boniface and his family on Lamb
street since coming to Bellefonte six
months ago, is now with the John Mignot
family on east High street, where she will
spend the remainder of the winter.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Richard left Tues-
day for Philadelphia, going down to see
their first grand niece "and namesake of
Mrs. Richard. The child's mother before
her marriage was Miss Margaret Aull,
who has frequently visited in Bellefonte.
—The Misses Clarabella and Margaret
Horner, of Altoona, nieces of Mrs. W. H.
Miller, were Mr. and Mrs. Miller's guests
for several days the after part of last week.
Paul Eckert, also of Altoona, joined them
here for Sunday, returning with them to
—Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harper went to
Philadelphia Sunday, where they will visit
for two weeks at the home of Mrs. Har-
per’s sister, Mrs. Seixas. Mr. Harper will
then return to Bellefonte, leaving his wife
in the city to prolong her stay for an in-
definite time.
—Miss Helen Bair, of Philadelphia, ac-
companied Mrs. Daise Barnes Henderson
te Bellefonte Saturday, remaining here as
Mrs. Henderson’s guest until Sunday after-
noon. Mrs. Henderson, who is commercial
instructor in the High schools, had been
at the Pierce Business College for special
—Edward Brown Jr., and his daughter,
Miss Katherine, expect to leave Bellefonte
in March for Omaha, Neb., for a stay of
not less than a year. Their Logan street
house has been rented furnished to the
Bratten family, who have come here from
Altoona, Mr. Bratten being a guard at the
—Miss Dora Kephart, of Fillmore, and
her sister, Mrs. Parsons, were in Belle-
fonte on Tuesday on their way to Mrs.
Parsons’ home in Toledo, Ohio, where
Miss Kephart will be her sister’s guest for
some time. Mrs. Parsons had been at her
former home at Fillmore since the day be-
fore New Years.
—Mrs. W. F. Reeder came to Bellefonte
Friday from Harrisburg, going from here
to Lock Haven Saturday, expecting to
complete arrangements at once for return-
ing to her home at Monrovia, California,
the trip west to include. a visit with
friends in Chicago. Mrs. Reeder came east
a little less than a year ago.
—Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cook and their
daughter, Miss Grace, left last week for
Tampa, Florida, expecting to spend an in-
definite time in the south. For a number
of years it has been the custom of the Cook
family to leave Bellefonte for the after
part of the winter, spending the time in
California, Florida, or Atlantic City.
—Miss Elizabeth Cooney returned to
Bellefonte this week, having left here more
than three weeks ago with Miss Louise
McMullen, for Atlantic City. After two
weeks there Miss McMullen went to the
Johnsons, at Jenkintown, where she will
spend several weeks; while Miss Cooney
visited with her sister, Miss Margaret, at
Bethelehem, until her return home,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Batt returned Sun-
day to their home in McKeesport, after a
ten day’s visit in Bellefonte with Mrs.
Batt’s sister, Mrs. Thomas Rishel and her
husband, at their home on Willowbank
street. Mr. and Mrs. Rishel have also had
with them their nephew, Andrew Rine, of
Coleville, who is in Bellefonte owing to
the quarantine of the family for scarleti-
—Mrs., Lida Thomas Gibson, who had
been in Bellefonte for ten days with her
mother, Mrs. Isaac Thomas, returned to
Philadelphia on Monday. Mrs. Gibson's
visits home are short and infrequent, bus-
iness demanding her constant presence in
the city. Although so long and well es-
tablished in Philadelphia, Mrs. Gibson is
considering a business opportunity in
| Mrs. Ostertag and her son, who have
been visiting with the child’s grand-par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Gamble, have
returned to their home in Lancaster.
—Mrs. Robert Miller was over from Ty-
rone yesterday, a guest of honor at the
dinner party given by Mrs. Clayton E.
Royer, at her home on Water street.
—Mrs. Mary Clevenstine, of Hublers-
burg, and Nelma Clevenstine, of Nittany,
have been guests for a week of Mrs. Clev-
enstine’s son Harry and his wife, at their
home on Bishop street.
Some Contemplated Changes for the
Mrs. Warfield, her daughter, Mrs.
Craig and family, and Dr. and Mrs.
Capers will leave the Schad home on
Linn street, the former two going to
Mrs. Warfield’s home on Curtin street,
while the Caper’s family have secur-
ed the Sebring home on Howard
street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker
have leased the Schad home, vacating
the Ivan Walker home, which they will
occupy themselves, going to Linn
street from the Holz apartment, where
they have been since coming here
from Philadelphia.
The Joseph Nolan family will go
from the Schad house on Spring street
to the Cruse double house on east
High street, now occupied by the Max
Kalin family; the Kalins moving to
their own house on Logan street,
which will be vacated by the Bicketts,
the Bicketts taking the Kalin house,
vacated by Edward Robbs, who are
going to the McDermott house on east
Bishop street.
The Mark Williams family from the
Isaac Thomas house on Thomas street
to the George Sunday home, vacated
by Mrs. Furey.
The Peter Saylor family will move
into their own home, formerly the
property of Mrs. Earl Tuten; the
Misses McKnight and the Harry Boy-
er family, who now occupy it, will go
to the Schad double house to be vacat-
ed by Joseph Nolans and Mrs. Con-
Mrs. William Larimer will leave
Bellefonte, going to one of the peni-
tentiary properties, to be with Mr.
Larimer, the Jacob Knisely family
moving into her house, while the Wil-
liam Houser family will go to the Cole
home on Water street, vacated by the
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Toner are having
prepared for them an apartment in
the Garman building, next door to the
opera house.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolfe will
move from one of the Rhoads houses
on Lamb street to their own, recently
purchased from F. H. Thomas, on the
same street.
The Charles Larimer family will
move from the Jared Harper home on
the corner of High and Thomas
streets to the Harper home on High
street, to be vacated by Mr. and Mrs.
Ebon Bower, who will take possession
of their own home on Howard street,
now occupied by the Willard Barnhart
Christian Endeavorers Take Notice!
A meeting will be held in the Pres-
byterian church at Centre Hall on
Monday evening, February 7th, at 7
o'clock, for the purpose of reorgan-
izing the county society and electing
officers for the ensuing year. All
Christian Endeavor societies in the
county are requested to send dele-
gates. Mr. Haines A. Reichel, a
member ofthe State society, will be
present and address the gathering.
President County Union.
——DMiss Helen Shaughnessey, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Shaughnessey Jr., graduated Friday
of last week from the training school
for nurses of St. Joseph’s hospital, in
Philadelphia. Miss Shaughnessey will
remain in the hospital for a time, but
S2pecty eventually to locate in Belle-
——A. Clyde Smith having resign-
ed as deputy treasurer of the county,
to resume his tailoring business, has
consolidated his own establishment
with that of the late Jacob Gross and
will henceforth conduct them both.
He has moved from the rooms former-
ly occupied in the Bellefonte Trust
Co. building to the Crider stone build-
ing and will occupy the rooms Mr.
Gross had. Tailoring in all of its
branches, dry cleaning, pressing, dye-
ing will be carried on and the public
is assured of Mr. Smith’s personal su-
pervision of the work done in all de-
partments. 4-1t
The community party announced by
the Woman’s Guild of St. John’s Epis-
copal church has been postponed until
after Lent. Watch the papers for
later date.
For Sale.—A lot of good furniture
and household goods. Also many use-
ful articles. Goods can be seen over
the implement store, Water St.—
J. S. Waite. 4-1t-*
——Permanent price reductions, av-
eraging over 25%, on Belle Mead
Sweets candies at The Mott Drug
Co. 4-1%
——We supply real Punxsutawney
coal. Telephone orders on Bell phone
169-W will receive prompt attention.
—J. M. Showers & Co. 4-1t
For Sale—Full line of household
goods at home of James Moddrell, 16
S. Penn St., Bellefonte, February 5,
at 1 p. m. S. H. Hoy, Auc. 1-4t*