Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 28, 1921, Image 7

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i lta.
" Bellefonte, Pa., January 28, 1921.
tnteresting Observations on the Prod-
uct of the Meiting Pot by
Frederick Palmer.
Where were the foreigners? 1 won-
dered as I looked at the faces in the
streets upon my return from Europe.
The French, who had heard much of
our polyglotry, asked this question
when they saw our soldiers march-
ing along the roads of France. In
French eyes the men were all of the
type American. Yet they included for-
elgn born, as well as rons of every
race in Europe, Frederick Palmer
writes in Harper's.
Are you Americans? their adopted
country asked of them in those trying
days. They gave their answer in sac-
rifice at home and in battle. often
fighting against an enemy of their own
blood. Zalinskis, Einsteins, Schmidts,
Bertellis, Katsanjans won the Distin- |
guished Service Cross, thrilling our |
pride with a new sense of nationalism.
Had they now reverted to loyalty to
the lands of their origin? If so, what
had wrought the change in their
To my fresh view all the people
were distinctively Americans in garb
and taste; in their complexion, which
our climate so promptly affects; mn
their brusque and frank civility, their
intensity, their pleasures, and their
restless motion. Later, as I became
settled at home and more discerning, |
I might note that this or that person
was of Swedish. Italian, Hungarian
or Slav stock.
through the veneer, as 1 was told.
¢ of view, of the box.
a —
Wearing of Hosiery Is an Indication
That the Wearer Earns at Least
$20 a Month.
Soap and socks in Sumatra-~ten
years ago the observant mind of a
consulate representative of the United
States in that island would have de-
voted less thought to such matters,
but now the internationalization of
commerce gives soap and socks in Su- |
matra their place in the sun. The
natives, it appears from a recent con-
sular report, are more and more tak-
ing to wearing socks. Those sim-
ple garments of extremities, one
judges, are becoming an indication
that the wearer earns at least $20
a month. American socks are well
thought of, as are American soaps,
put more socks and soaps from Amer-
jca can be sold in Sumatra if the
American dealers in these commodi-
ties will give more thought to local
taste in decorating the boxes or wrap-
pers in which they go on sale in the
bazaars. These buyers in Sumatra,
like their soaps and socks done up in
bright colored containers; in fact,
they are inclined to judge the con- |
tents by the beauty, from their point
The picture of
American manufacturing plant
i leaves them cold. nor do they care
i for a wrapper
decorated with land-
seape in colors.
matter of hosiery, they like the box
decorated with some brightly colored
picture which catches the eye and ap-
t . .
, peals to the imagination by its *“hu-
| man
interest.” (ne judges that il
would be good policy for American
{ dealers in soaps and socks to discard
Then I would see !
But aren't most of us—again, not a |
new idea—who are “off the reserva-
tion,” of foreign stock?
My people |
missed the Mayflower and came over |
in 1636.
descendants of the Pilgrims were more
American than I was or than a dark
I could not discern that the | Peculiar Sentiments Revealed in Re-
eyed telephone gir! whose father was
an Italian immigrant.
Not even in the mean streets did I
fiad patches. I saw no shriveling ba- | y
vies 1 emaclated mothers’ chine ol! | for the 446 members of the reichstag
lw 0, rs
bread lines in the European sense, | was 26,017,590. 3
though conditions were bad enough | to be thrown out ran into the thou-
| sands.
i lot:
standards which m v 1 » | 08s
z ust over ou ' ity socialists this time, but unless |
stag : 5
“everything is for the best in the best | ean get Westphalian ham that 1s
from the point of view of desired
ambition away from
of worlds.” In place of saloons in
stores and restaurants had appeared.
How clean the restaurants were com-
pared to those of the same class in
Europe? How wholesome was their
Health Problems of the Remotest
Land Is the Concern of All
The war against disease is a world
war. Commerce carries dangerous in-
fections, as well as goods and ideas.
The health problems of the remotest
land concern all peoples. More and
more, nations are coming to recognize
their interdependence in health as in
industry, government, science, and cul-
ture. There are even now foreshadow-
ings of world-wide co-operation in com-
; ! never do
mean streets and average streets, new | 2 !
their present containers and employ
some of the artists who make covers
for the popular magazines to design
and paint them new ones particularly
for the Sumatra market—Christian
Science Monitor.
cent Balloting for Members of
The total number of valid votes
cast at the recent election in Germany
The votes that had
One woman wrote on her bal-
“] am voting for you major-
made in Westphalia from now on I'l
it again.” Quite a few
votes were cast for the kaiser on the
ground that “if elected the humilia-
bating the maladies which. have long |
threatened humanity.
campaign leaders are needed to extend
the frontiers of medical science, to
teach, to organize. to administer.
Demonstrations are required to con-
For this new |
tion would serve him right.” One
man from Magdeburg deposited in-
stead of his ballot a five-mark nole
without comment,
ut the prize ballot came from Lin-
den, It dos 2 piece of wrapping pa-
per, on which was written “Isaiah 12
23.94" The verses read: “Show the
things that are to come hereafter that
we may know that ve are gods; yea, |
do good or do evil, that we may be
dismayed and behold it together. Be-
hold, ve are of nothing and your work
of naught; an abomination is he that
chooseth you.”
Spirit Known as “Natalite,” Made ia
Papua, Put on Market Cheaper
Than Gasoline.
The rivers in the sngar-growing dis-
| ¢ricts of Ausirnlin will run less SWE! -
vince communities and nations that |
diseases can be controlled and even J
eradicated. The Rockefeller Founda- |
tion, enlisted for this world-wide cam-
paign against disease, is co-operating
with many agencies in five continents,
is fostering the growth of internation-
al confidence and good will, and is
seeking the fulfillment of its chartered
purpose—*“to promote the well-being
of mankind throughout the world.”
ee ————————————————————
Fuel Oil for Railroads.
The great scarcity of coal has caus-
ed the Paris, Lyons, and Mediterra- |
nean Railway company to transform
some of its motive power from coal
to fuel oil consumption, which is
about to be followed by the Chemin |
de Fer de I'Etat, or state-owned rail-
way, and engines at its shops at Sain-
tes are now undergoing changes for
experimental purposes. Much atten-
tion is being directed to the announce-
ment that the first-named railway
company is planning to equip 200 lo-
comotives for fuel oil and install nu-
merous storage reservoirs of from 40
to 100 tons’ capacity at various points
on its lines.—Scientific American.
Census Involves Much Work,
The 110,000,000 cards needed to rec-
ord the population of the United
States in the new census made a
stack more than ten miles high. With-
out machinery it would be almost im-
possible to manage a census nowadays.
It took seven years to complete and
publish the census of 1890, and nine
years to complete the census of 1880.
By means of electrical mechanism
which punches something like 4,000,000
cards a day, the cards are now sorted
and tabulated in weeks instead of
years. The device also saves expense
and eliminates error,
An Obligation.
“Do you intend to vote at the com-
ing election?”
“Yes,” replied Miss Cayenne. “And
I shall wear my handsomest costume.
Having secured the right to vote,
every woman should feel it her patri-
otic duty to make it fashionable ?%0
do 80.”
ly new that the government has re:
moved tire excise duty of a shilling «
eullon. which has made unprofitabie
the local manufacture of industrial
alcohol. Every year, so writes a cor-
respondent of the London Times
Trade Supplement from Sydney, hun-
dreds of thousands of gallons of
molasses have been run into those
| rivers because there was no profit in
using the molasses to make alcohol;
but the removal of the duty comes ag
an important part of the movement
now under way to replace petrol with
industrial alcohol and thus make Aus-
tralin able to produce her own liquid
One immediate result has been the
formation in Australia of an impor
tant company to manufacture indus-
trial alcohol: and one future result
seems to be that Australians who now
speak of petrol will eventually say
“patalite” In Natal a patent spirit
which has been given this new name
is already being marketed at a price
Jower than petrol, and the making of
this liquid fuel is about to be under-
taken on a large scale in Papua, where
plants and trees have been discovered
that are expected to yield about 73
gallons a ton. A hundred square miles
of country have been reserved on
which some 5,500,000 gallons of natal-
ite a year are considered a reasonable
beginning with the likelihood of in-
sarticularly in the |
Ris Ee
London Newspaper Tells of Meritori-
{ cus Pictures Made Quickly by
i Traveling Artist.
Wile great painters have spent
weeks—perhaps months—on a simple
| study. a young artist is turning ont de-
| lighttui views of the gea and country
in rive minutes, says London Answers.
! impossible as this sounds, it is a
fact. and the artist = question is Al-
bert Cronkshaw of danchester.
It was an extremely dull day, with
dark clouds overhead, when a crowd
of holiday makers stopped to watch a
smart looking man, mounted on a plat-
form. transforming a plain piece of
canvas into a marvelou§ scene of beau-
ty. Every one forgot the dark, gloomy
atmosphere as they were transported,
first, 10 a beautiful spot in North
Wales. and then to a picturesque cas
tle. And it was all done in 10 min-
They were pictures to be proud of,
too. painted with taste and an eye to
the artistic. As fast as they were
painted so were they sold to the ad-
miring audience.
{There is no doubt that there wiil be
| a great demand for “rapid” artists in
| the near future, when we get some of
| those promised houses built, and un
| doubted!ly the economical housewife
will be on the lookout for good, cheap
pictures (o beautify the walls of her
domain, She need search no further
than the traveling artist, who will comn-
plete a picture in five minutes and
charge less for it than almost any art
denler. .
Here. too. is an opportunity for any
discharged soldiers who are artistical-
ly inclined. In a neat little hand book
issued by the traveling painter they
will find all the businesslike methods
explained clearly and simply. It is a
really useful short cut to rapid paint-
Slowing Down Production.
“How do you like the new hired
man?’ ade
1 like him first rate,” replied Farm-
or Corntossel. “But I've got my
donbts about whether we can afford
to keep him. He talks so interestin’
about political economy and things
that everybody wants to quit work an’
Funeral Arrangements. ;
Teacher—What is the presidentia:
sucession law, John?
John—the presidential succession
ww provides that if both president
and vice president die the cabinet
members will follow in suocession.—
‘Boys’ Life.
Rules for “Knights” of the Road. |
What should a driver do? The rules
are very simple:
Keep to the right of the road.
Slow down at crossings.
Signal for a stop or turn to the cars
behind by holding out the left hand.
Apply brakes slowly. Change speed
rates slowly. Drive carefully. i
Be prepared to help any motorist in |
trouble in roads distant from garages. |
Be prepared to give pedestrians |
“lifts” on country roads.
Stop car and engine when meeting
drovers with sheep, swine or cattle on
country roads.
Park only at side of roads, leaving |
fair way. :
When buying produce in the coun-
try park alongside road, not on road. |
. When parking at night leave warn-
ing lights.
Have headlight dimmers and use
them when meeting and passing other
motorists at night.
When picnicking, do not trespass to
gather wild flowers, tree branches,
blossoms, fruit or shrubs.
When picnicking, carefully put out
picnic fires. :
When picnicking, clean up thor-
oughiy, removing from sight all cans,
papers and rubbish. .
Give all vehicles, especially loaded
trucks, a good half of the road.
Take hills on the right side of the
road. Go over the crest carefully.
Avoid coasting or speeding around '
curves at foot of hills.
Be courteous to pedestrians.
not drive your car at them full tilt and
laugh when they jump. Do not splash
water on them as they stand at cross-
ings or near curbs, waiting for you w
pass. :
Avoid street cars carefully at stops.
Learn and follow the local" traffic
rules, speed limits and driving ordi-
nances. These are made for the com-
mon good of all drivers, including
yourself, and of all: pedestrians.
With these practices universally fol-
lowed by drivers, motoring will main-
tain its safety, its freedom, its stand-
ing and its favorable acceptance by
the community. Five years ago such
suggestions as these were unnecessa-
ry. Today, when each’ eleventh per-
son owns a car, it is vitally necessary
to have drivers recall the: days of
chivalry. Crowded and still more
crowded streets and roads have pro-
duced a nation-wide problem, whose
simplest solution is a return to the
courtesy of the days when knighthood
flowered. :
The automobile is too vital to the
nation, too mich a part of the blood
and bone of the country’s economic
life to have its use curtailed through
the failure of its usérs to follow the
rules of simple courtesy and safety. --
meee ern be
— “How do pou like that typist. I
sent you? Is she accurate and care-
ful enough for you?” “No doubt of
her being careful enough,” was the
reply. “She stops and asks me how
to spell every word.”—Houston Post.
in this city or
and cheaply.
Handling Your Funds.
A Business Manager who disburses
funds at your direction, a secretary
{ who keeps your accounts, a sleepless
sentinel guarding your funds, a car-
rier who delivers to all corners of the
country—all these and many other of-
fices are performed by
Money which you wish to send with-
to distant points is con-
veyed by your check simply,
The checking account is only one of
the many mediums through which this
bank serves its customers.
many other ways in which we can be
helpful to you and it would be our
pleasure to serve you in any or all of
the bank.
There are
Do |
Yeager’s Shoe Store
Just a Suggestion
There is not any gift which
would be appreciated more
than a dressy pair of shoes
or a pair of comfy bedroom
slippers . .
. . . . .
We Have the Best
Yeager’s Shoe Store
‘Bush Arcade Building 58-27 BELLEFONTE, PA.
creasing the output to at least 18,- |
000,000 gallons when a system of re-
planting the land has been put in
operation. The plan goes further, and
will seek to engage farmers to co-
operate by raising crops of sorghum,
| with an estimated yield of 80 gallons
of industrial alcohol to the ton, for
a share in the profits.
Washing Machine Activity.
Next to the automobile manufactur-
ers. the makers of washing machines
are now the greatest consumers of cop-
| per. The utility companies, which in
normal times are large users of cop-
per. cannot buy much now heeaguse
they can't get the monev Pn wash-
ing machines are heine tt mt hy
thousands in an «fe the
chortace of lahor =n nters
Iarente inte the most
$F the
of wnshing +
Letz Feed Mills
Sharples Cream Separators
Sharples Milking Machines
(Electric and Line Machines)
Chicken, Dairy and Horse Feed
Calf Meal
{ Dubbs’ Implement and Feed Store
Lyon & Co. ~~ Lyon & Co.
January Clearance
and White Sale
Our White Sale is now on in ful swing, values and Reductions
36 inch unbleached Musling, NOW. .....c.ievenruruencennceeceens .12¢
36 inch Heavier and Better Qualities in Bleached and Unbleached Mus-
Hug. oui .aaud vih ia TH CC vate sia aay a se 15¢
45 x 86 Pillow Cases... ..eeeeeesennnns SB oii, Eh,
Coats and Suits
Ladies’ and Misses Winter Coats and Suits at Prices that will
Mean Quick Selling.
Ladies’ Suits, Black, Navy, Reindeer and Copenhagen at..... $19.50
Ladies’ Coats, all Sizes, all Colors, that sold from $35.00 to $65.00,
$15.00 to $39.50
yd sas esas ssid s escent everest res.
Special Lots
On lot of Men’s handsome Silk Neck Ties, value ranging from $1.50
to $3.50, we are making quick selling price at 98¢
Turkish Towels
10 dozen All White, Very Heavy Turkish Towels, size 22x44, 8bc., our
.. 50c
sees sssssscnnse
cree essere
New Spring Dress Goods
All the new styles, large assortment Dress Voiles, small and large de-
signs, the regular 85¢ quality, during the sale..... «..30c
Better quality, beautiful colorings, value $1.75, during the sale. .$1.25
Lyon & Co. « Lyon & Co.