Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 28, 1921, Image 1

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~ —And this is almost the last of Jan-
oing today’s chores today makes
the load for tomorrow that much the
— Everything will be running in
high in Bellefonte next week, for we
are to have our first motor show.
—_ About one forty-fourth of the res-
idents of Centre county are illiterate
and Dr. Finegan wants them lifted
out of the darkness.
— Everybody wants to know who is
going to be the next postmaster of
Bellefonte. Yon tell ’em, wagon!
You’ve got a tongue.
The prices of furs are declin-
ing rapidly according to current re-
ports so that every woman may have
all she wants next summer.
—That grand-dame from Chicago
who is paying a boy two hundred
francs a shimmy at the “tea dansan .
at Monte Carlo probably thinks that
shimmies, even at that price, are
preferable to “wall-flowers.”
—If you see a lot of distinguished
looking gentlemen limping around the
streets of Bellefonte today don’t in-
quire as to the cause. Just remember
that they have recently returned from
a pilgrimage to the east and the hot
sands over which they had to travel
probably burned some blisters.
—Some Solomon wants to know
what has become of the old-fashioned
young couple that took pride in own-
ing their own home. We can tell
him. There ain’t no such animal any-
more. They've all grown old while
trying to save enough to buy a home
at the fancy prices such things cost
these days.
—The Pennsylvania League of
Women Voters is going to stand spon-
sor for a lot of reform legislation that
is to be presented at this session of
the Legislature. The ladies have ad-
vanced a lot of good ideas and some
of doubtful practicability, but we are
right here to tell them that nothing
they suggest will get any further than
Senator Penrose permits it to go.
—The falling off in the consumption
of whiskey last year, as comp
with 1917, was eighty-four million
gallons. Assuming that there are
twenty-five million men over twenty-
one years of age in the country and
that half of them crooked the elbow
on.occasion this would mean that each
one of them got along without four
hundred and sixty-eight drinks duzr-
ing the year.
—Guy Kyle, formerly pastor of the
Free Methodist church at Mt. Vernon,
111., has just been arrested for assist-
ing in the robbing of the mails to the]
extent of $185,000: i
$100,000 was recovered at his home.
It was an awful thing for an ex-
preacher to do, but then, judging from
the salaries most of them get, we pre-
sume he thought he had a lot coming
to him and got it when the getting
was good.
—The trustees of The Pennsylvania
State College did well when they made
Dr. Edwin Erle Sparks president em-
eritus of that institution. Before his
health broke Dr. Sparks brought much
of honor to this great institution of
learning and it was largely due to the
terrific strain he was under at all
times that he wore down the machine
that now seems so difficult to build up.
It is fitting, therefor, that his work
and his worth should be thus recog-
—York, Pennsylvania, should erect
a monument of gratitude to the mem-_
ber of the council of that city who
knew that a municipal franchise was
a thing of value, too good to be given
away, as is too frequently the case.
York gets three per cent. of the gross
business done in the city, by the com-
pany that has the lighting franchise
there and the same percentage from
the street railway company. The city’s
return on the franchise last year was
—More power to the women of the
country who are awakening to the
wave of vulgarity that has been
sweeping over social functions with
increasing indecency for ‘months.
What women mean by dressing as
many of them are doing now is be-
yond explanation. On the stage they
flaunt more naked skin than is cover-
ed and the pity of it is that the fash-
ions of the stage are carried to the
ball room floor by girls who seem to
know not what modesty is.
—The advances along certain lines
in medical science have been truly
remarkable. Deaths from typhoid,
scarlet fever, diphtheria and tuber-
culosis have been steadily decreasing
during the past decade because of the
research work of science that has re-
sulted in the isolation of their germs
and methods of combatting them.
While the percentage of fatality from
these maladies has been noticeably de-
clining that of heart disease and can-
cer has been on the increase. Last
year eight and one-half per cent. of
all deaths in this country were from
heart disease, while cancer claimed
two per cent. less. Hasty conclusions
might suggest that heart disease and
cancer will never be arrested, but we
are of the opinion that they will be
mastered, in a way at least, eventual-
ly by science. It is quite possible that
the speed at which humanity is going
has much to do with the increase in
both and if we should stop running on
high gear all the time there would
likely be a decrease in both of these
mortalities without any checking con-
tributions from science at all.
{ Ledger was viciously maligning the
VOL. 66.
_ JANUARY 28S, 1920.
NO. 4.
Then and Now—A Contrast.
It makes a vast difference “whose
ox is gored.” For some time before
our country joined inthe world war,
during the period of our participation
in the war and since the end of hostil-
ities, the stupid Philadelphia Public
Ledger malignantly vilified the Pres-
ident of the United States at every op-
portunity. While preparations for
the war were in progress experts in
vituperation were employed by that
newspaper to invent charges of inef-
ficiency and extravagance against the
administration and no accusation of
atrocity was too absurd to find wel-
come to its columns. But as the time
approaches for a change in the polit-
ical complexion of the administration
the tone of the contemporary is alter-
ed. That which was a civic duty then
is now a grave crime.
+ In a recent issue the Ledger goes
into a paroxysm of distress because
of some comparatively speaking mild
criticisms of the President-elect from
whom the publisher of the Ledger ex-
pects some favors in the line of per-
iodical postage rates. Listen to its
tale of woe: “In this country the
forked tongued flames of sedition, an-
archy and the doctrine of force still
leap from unexpected crannies to lick
the body politic. The foundation of
peace and tranquility upon which the
nation sits is insecure. In every com-
munity crass ignorance, stupidity, per-
verted intelligence and prejudice
await the touch only of a vandal hand
to be galvanized into riot and disorder.
In the heart of every low and pervert-
ed intelligence our government and
our system is under suspicion, and the
evidence against it is believed to be
convincing. In the situation every
flouting word aimed at the President-
elect is a fuse under stabilized gov-
ernment. Every leering phrase: kin-
dles the spark of hate, distrust and re-
During the war, while agents of the
German Empire were planning sa-
botage throughout the country, sow-
ing the seeds of discontent in every
industrial centre and invoking every
sinister expedient to destroy the mor-
‘of public ‘sentiment the Public’
President of the United States in
every issue. More than at any other
time in the history - of the country:
“the forked tongued flames of sedi-
tion” worked harmful -results and
“crass ignorance, stupidity, perverted
intelligence and prejudice” encourag-
ed “riot and disorder.” But because
the Postmaster General cut out graft
of a few million dollars a year for
publishers of certain periodicals those
evils were a virtue then, though a vice
now in the estimation of our Philadel-
phia contemporary.
r— A ——————
Palmer’s Lame Defence.
Attorney General Palmer’s reply to
the charges against his conduct of the
offices of custodian of alien property
and Attorney General, recently made
by Samuel Untermyer, a distinguish-
ed New York lawyer, assumes some-
what the form of a plea in confession
and avoidance. Mr. Palmer doesn’t
even attempt to deny the charges. He
simply protests that his accuser is
not up to the high moral standard and
patriotic level of the best citizenship.
During the war, the Attorney Gener-
al alleges, Mr. Untermyer was in sym-
pathy with the aims of the German
embassy in this country at the time
and gave legal advice free of charge
to some of the German Imperial gov-
ernment agents stationed here.
Mr. Untermyer accused Mr. Palmer
of malfeasance as alien property cus-
todian and with inefficiency as Attor-
ney General. Similar charges have
been made frequently by others, bas-
ed upon the records of both offices.
The public has little if any interest in
the character of the accuser. But it
has intense interest in the accuracy
or falsity of the charges. In defend-
ing himself, the Attorney General
ought to have refuted the charges by
presenting evidence that they were
false. Instead he accuses Mr. Unter-
myer of infidelity to the country at a
time when patriotism was essential to
good citizenship and allows the pub-
lic to form its own estimate of the
truth or falsity of the charges.
It is well and widely known that
while serving in the capacity of cus-
todian of alien property Mr. Palmer
made that bureau of the government
a sort of asylum for political lame
ducks who were devoted to his ambi-
tions. It is equally well known that
his personal friends were favored in
various ways. That is substantially
what Mr. Untermyer charged against
him and his reply contains nothing to
refute it. As Attorney General he
has signally failed to fulfill every
promise of relief from high prices
which were freely and loudly made.
That is practically Mr. Untermyer’s
charge. If it is true in both instances
it doesn’t matter much what Mr.
termyer did for Boy-Ed or anybody
else, at any time.
Profligacy in Washington and Harris-
While Governor Sproul was de-
nouncing the administration in Wash-
ington on every “stump” available
from Maine to Missouri for profligacy,
| 1ast fall, the fiscal officers of Pennsyl-
| vania seem to have been reveling in |
| extravagance and rioting in expendi-
| tures. The expenditures of the Wash-
| ington administration of which the
| Governor complained so persistently
| were for war materials and the health
and comfort of the troops who had
volunteered for hazardous service for
| the honor of the country. The profli-
. gacy which is revealed by the neces-
| sity of deficiency bills already intro-
! duced in the Legislature has not been
explained but it is safe to say that
the money spent was for less worthy
\ The appropriations made by the
| Legislature of 1919 were several mil-
i lions of dollars in excess of those of
| any previous Legislature in the his-
tory of the Commonwealth. In fact
they were so exorbitant that Governor
Sproul felt it his duty to veto items in
the general bill and entire other bills
to an aggregate amount of about two
million dollars. But the expenditures
for the two years have exceeded the
appropriations by upward of four mil-
lion dollars and deficiencies for educa-
tional and other purposes for which
supply bills have not yet been intro-
duced will increase the total to the
vast sum of nearly seven million dol-
lars, an amount equal to the entire ex-
penses of the State a quarter of a cen-
tury ago.
But the full measure of the profli-
gacy of the Pennsylvania State gov-
ernment during the two years cover-
ed by the appropriations of 1919, is
not expressed in the deficiency bill.
They have been “eating up” money
down at Harrisbug and at various oth-
er points so gluttonously that the
When Wilson Will Act.
In his note to Paul Hymans, presi-
“dent of the League of Nations assem-
‘bly concerning Armenia, President
| Wilson sustains his splendid reputa-
tion for clear thinking, broad minded-
;ness and sublime patriotism. Great
! Britain had suggested that the Presi-
dent be urged to assert his influence
in the direction of pacification. Eng-
| land having practically recognized the
Soviet government for selfish reasons,
and strengthened it in some measure
thereby, complains to the president of
the assembly of the League of Na-
tions of Bolsheviki aggressions in
Armenia and asks that the United
States interpose to check the evil.
President Wilson replies with charac-
teristic vigor and wisdom.
President Wilson declines to in-
struct the American High Commis-
sioner, Hon. Henry Morgenthau, for
the reason that the principal powers
have failed “to define the conditions
under which he would endeavor to
mediate.” But he plainly indicates
the main causes of the disorders which
exist along the Russian borders and
the reasons for them. Russia is just-
ly or unjustly suspicious of the great
powers because she believes that they
are responsible, in part at least, for the
troubles of which they complain.
“The great impediment to peaceful
reconstruction,” he writes, “is caused
by the utter confusion between de-
fense and offense. Unless this dis-
tinction can be clearly defined, there
is not only small hope of peace, but
no hope of a clear perception of who
is responsible for new wars.”
The President believes that the
small nations bordering on Russia
would not undertake hostile operations
against that great power unless en-
couraged by the promise of help in
certain emergencies from the large
powers. He believes, moreover, that
it is the duty of the great powers to
Governor has been compelled to inau-
gurate search parties to dig up addi-
tional objects of taxation. He has
discovered objects which he hopes may
be made to yield twenty-six millions,
but if the Legislature provides a bonus
for the soldiers of the late war even’
that will not be sufficint to meet the
requirements. Of course there could
be a lopping off of several millions,
but that would leave insufficient oil
for the machine.
er————— eer e—
—— If John Sylvester Vierick does
not get something “equally as good,”
Harding is not only an ungrateful but
he is a hard-headed man.
Emergency Tariff Bill Doomed.
An impression is growing rapidly in
Washington that the Fordney emer-
gency tariff bill will not get through
the Senate, notwithstanding the sud-
den conversion of Senator Penrose to
its support. It would not have become’
a law in any event, for President Wil-
son’s veto power would have prevent-
ed that national misfortune and the
tariff-mongers are not strong enough
in the present Congress to carry it
through, “the objections of the Pres-
ident to the contrary notwithstand-
ing.” But the passage of such a
measure would have worked harmful
results, nevertheless. It would have
set a movement of commerce in other
directions and curtailed the markets
for American products after readjust-
ment is completed.
The Fordney bill is simply a step
toward the fulfillment of promises
made to campaign contributors dur-
ing the recent contest for President.
Its effect would have been to keep up
prices of commodities and prolong the
high cost of living until such time as
the new Congress, with the assent of
the incoming President, is able to en-
act permanent legislation on the sub-
ject. The aim of the Republican man-
agers is to reduce wages without de-
creasing the expenses of living. That
policy will hasten the enslavement of
wage earners. Men with hungry
stomachs and starving children are
not good fighters, and low wages and
high cost of living soon produce that
condition in life. It is an inevitable
The decrease in wages may and
probably will be followed by a reduc-
tion in prices. But it is not the only
| or even the best way to achieve that
result. Prices may be decreased by
increasing efficiency as well as quan-
tity in production and through the
free action of competition. Good
wages are the surest means of attain-
ing efficiency in production. Fair
recompense creates contentment and
fidelity and these promote both ener-
gy and interest. But these methods
are not in accord with the ideas of the
tariff-mongers. They believe in the
processes of force, the potency of
compulsion. To accomplish these re-
sults they bought the election of a
Republican President and Congress
by buying the votes of their victims.
————— A ——
| ——0f course Germany will not be
| able to meet the conditions of the
treaty of peace until she tries.
refrain from holding out such hope
to the weaker nations inclined to make
disturbance. In other words, Presi-
dent Wilson is of the opinion that a
solemn declaration on the part of the
reat powers guaranteeing the integ-
the disturbances of which Great Brit-
ain and the other great powers com-
plain. Whenever this is done Presi-
dent Wilson says he is ready to act.
— If the annual banquet of the
Centre county association of Philadel-
phia, fixed for Saturday night, Feb-
ruary 12th, at The Rittenhouse, does
not come up to the expectations of the
committee in charge it will not be for
lack of enthusiastic announcement on
their part, according to the letter sent
to this office by William S. Furst Esq.
In fact the declaration in the very
first paragraph ought to catch most
Centre countians, in the words “come
ye, who thirsteth.” And the reser-
vation is only $2.75 per plate, which
probably includes the antidote for the
“thirsteth.” Candidly speaking it is
a well gotten up appeal to all Centre
countians in or near Philadelphia at
that time to attend the annual ban-
quet, which will be the seventeenth
since the organization of the associa-
tion, and we have confidence enough
in the ability of the committee of ar-
rangements to make good all their
promises to advise everybody who
ever breathed the pure air of Centre
county as an infant in arms or since
then, and who is within reach of the
Rittenhouse on that date to attend.
—— The Hon. Thomas Beaver has
been given some very good committee
assignments in Harrisburg. He is a
member of Agriculture, Roads, Fores-
try, Fisheries and Game. All of these
have to do with matters that our
Member is particularly interested in.
When Mr. Bryan starts out to
reorganize the Democratic party those
of that political faith who live in
Pennsylvania should remember that
he was the main figure in reorganiz-
ing the party in this State eight years
— The Republican Senators will
confirm no appointments made by
President Wilson, no matter how ur-
gent the need of such action. The
average Republican Senator has mo
thought above the level of spoils.
—— There is not much in view in
the future to inspire confidence, but
the information that there will be no
increase in the number of Congress-
men is comforting at least.
— The big appropriation for the
inaugural ceremonies is available and
it is a safe bet that every dollar will
simple or elaborate.
— There is little comfort in the
assurance of a coal supply for 6000
years when the price is so high as to
make it inaccessible to shivering con-
| SUmETs Now.
territory, would stop
be spent whether the ceremony is |
Sentence Suspended on State College
For one hour on Friday morning
two young wives waited in fear and
| trembling in the corridor of the court
: house while the fate of their husbands
| was hanging in the balance at a spe-
| cial session of the court held before
; Judge Quigley in the grand jury room,
when the court finally decided to
| and
| suspend sentence and place the young
| men on parole for two years there was
| 2 swish of skirts and a rush to the im-
provised court room, and immediately
| thereafter there was a hasty exit of
| the court and all the spectators.
The case in question was that of
Harold Bowman, of Clarion, and J. B.
Sparrowhawk, of Beaver, the two stu-
dents arrested two weeks ago for rob-
bery, the story of which was told in
last week’s paper. As both young
men plead guilty to the indictments
against them a special session of court
was held at eleven o’clock last Friday
morning to dispose of the cases.
The young men were not represent-
ed by legal counsel. In extenuation
of his crime of robbery Bowman told
the court that aside from his tuition
and books he had been working his
way through college, doing anything
he could get to do, which included
washing dishes and waiting table.
He claimed that his temptation to
steal came with his urgent need for
clothing and being successful in his
first attempt at robbery led to others
until he had secured the clothing and
equipment he needed. He told his
story without any apparent effort to
cover up his misdeeds, but with a
manifest degree of conviction of his
wrongdoings. Bowman is twenty-two
years old and was a Junior at State
before his dismissal on January 11th.
Sparrowhawk, who was twenty
years old last November, was a Sen-
jor at State and was assistant instruc-
tor in physics, hence stood high in his
studies. He was also married to a
girl of State College, the two having
gone to Cumberland, Md, last June
for the ceremony. Like Bowman,
young Sparrowhawk told e story of
their various robberies with little or:
fo hesitation, only that he gave no
satisfactory excuse for stealing, as he
admitted to receiving an allowance of
about seventy-five dollars a month
from home. Neither one of the stu-
dents atempted to put the blame on
the other, neither did they reveal the
fact as to how they plotted and plan-
ned their various robberies.
Sparrowhawk’s father, who is con-
struction engineer for the American
Bridge company, of Pittsburgh, was
present in court, and though he had
little to say, was very much affected
over his son’s actions. Dr. Willard,
of State College, told the court that up
until the present trouble he had al-
ways considered Sparrowhawk an ex-
emplary young man, and he knew
him quite intimately. Two students
also gave testimony favorable to both
Bowman and Sparrowhawk.
Before passing sentence the court
took occasion to point out to the two
‘erring students the gravity of their
case and the short step that interven-
ed between them and the electric
chair. The court admitted that the
disposition of the case was a most
perplexing one. The young men de-
served punishment, not alone for the
crimes they had committed, but as a
warning to others. On the other hand
each of them has a young wife to
support and there were other reasons
for a merciful judgment. Under the
circumstances he announced that if
they would restore the stolen goods,
or make financial restitution, pay the
costs in the case, sentence would be
suspended and the young men parol-
ed for a period of two years; but they
would be required to report to court
either personally or by letter on the
first of every month just what they
are doing and how they are getting
along. If they do this and behave
like men at the end of two years they
will be free of the charge. But fail-
ure to live up to the provisions of the
parole or any digression from the
straight path will result in their be-
ing brough bact for sentence.
Both young men were able to make
arrangements for the restoration of
the stolen goods and payment of the
costs and were given their liberty.
Some unknown individual has
evidently had in mind the destruction
of some of the young maple trees in
the Catholic cemetery, and to accom-
plish his purpose cut deep rings
through the bark around about two
dozen of the trees. Just why any man
should resort to such vandalism 18 a
mystery, and so far no definite trace
of the individual who did the work
has been found.
——Those politicians who imagine
they will get rid of Woodrow Wilson
on March 4th, are making the mis-
take of their lives. That day will sim-
ply release the President to engage
in a work of greater public value than
Colonel William T. Miller, an employee
of the Altoona Tribune, is the oldest resi-
dent of that city, it is believed. He enter-
ed the service of The Tribune in 1859.
__A thief stole the entire chicken flock
owned by J. B. Harmon, of Muncy, one
night last week, together with twenty-five
bushels of oats and two bushels of wheat
to feed the fowls.
__A committee of Newberry citizens have
selected the design of G. Moretti, a Pitts-
burgh sculptor, for a war memorial in the
form of a piece of statuary to be erected
on a public square. The cost of $10,000
will be borne by public spirited residents.
__Ross Martin, a carpenter, employed in
the construction of the new paper mill at
Lock Haven, was almost instantly killed
on Monday by falling down steps, a dis-
tance of eight feet, to a concrete floor. His
neck was broken in the fall. A widow and
two sons survive him.
—Nose-bleed with which he had suffer-
ed for five weeks almost continuously,
caused the death at the hospital at Blooms-
burg on Monday of Frank Brown, aged 39
employed on the bridge-building job at
Shickshinny. He was taken to the hospi-
tal several days previous, so weak there
was practically no hope for him.
With a thumb and two fingers missing
from his right hand, Charles Guy, an eight
year old boy of New Alexandria, West-
moreland county, was taken to the Latrobe
hospital, following a disastrous experi-
ment with two dynamite caps that an old-
er boy gave him, with instructions to put:
them in the fire and see what happened.
The lad put them on a hot stove and as he
went to turn them around they let go.
— George C. Tompkins, of Philadelphia,
convicted in the Blair county court last
week of the charge of murdering Mrs. Car-
oline Humphries, near Carrolltown, Cam-
bria county, July 15, 1917, was sentenced
on Monday by Judge Thomas J. Baldrige
to be electrocuted. Motion for a new tri-
al was overruled. Tompkins also killed
the woman’s husband, Edmund I. Humph-
ries, and their son, Edmund Jr., at the
same time.
— United States Marshall John F. Short,
with headquarters at Pittsburgh, if news-
paper reports are to be believed, has
enough confiscated whiskey on hand to re-
lieve the drought of the State, and his
friends, knowing that he doesn’t drink
anything stronger than coffee, are wonder-
ing whether or not they are to be remem-
bered. Marshall Short has extended no in-
vitations in his Clearfield Republican, a
leading Democratic newspaper, to any of
his friends.
William Thorpe Schryver, pioneer
lumberman, riverman and farmer, died at
his home, Eau Claire Farm, Clearfield, on
January 15, at the age of 83. He was the .
son of Dr. Abraham Schryver, who was
graduated from Jefferson Medical College
85 years ago, and who was the first Coun-
ty Superintendent of schools in Clearfield
county. Mr. Schryver, who was remarka-
bly active for his years, is survived by his
wife and two children, Emily and John,
residing at home.
Miss Ruby A. Dixon, aged 22 years, 0
Shamokin, believes a woman's perfect right
leg is worth $25,000, according to her suit
‘brought in the Northumberland county
‘court last Thursday. The young woman
was a passenger on-a train-on the -Phila~-
delphia & Reading railway which figured
in a rear-end collision several months ago.
She claims her leg, perfect before the ac-
cident, was jarred, sprained and bruised
so as to permanently injure it, as well as
her back and side.
—On April 1st, the management of the
Hotel Updegraff, one of the largest hotels
in this section ef the State, and one of the
oldest in Williamsport, will pass to Chas.
Weingardner, of West Chester, who will
succeed E. B. Loop, who has been proprie-
tor of the house since ten years ago, when
it passed from the management of some
member of the Updegraft family, by whom
the business was founded. Weingardner
was formerly proprietor of the old Du- -
quesne hotel in Pittsburgh, and he also
conducted hotels in New York and Phila~-
— Believing death to be near, Mrs. Wil-
liam Legg, of Old Forge, Lackawanna
county, hurried to the Episcopal residence
last Thursday to receive the last rites of
the Catholic church. She dropped dead
when about to enter the building. Accom-
panied by her son and daughter, Mrs.
Legg went to Scranton to see a doctor.
She was given treatment by Dr. McDon-
ald, and then left the offices. Reaching
the street she felt that death was ap-
proaching. With her son at the wheel of
their auto, the woman was hurried to the
Episcopal residence.
— Wallace Ringle, a Senior in the Pitts-
burgh High school, and business manager
of the High school paper, killed himself
Friday morning by swallowing poison.
Ringle was arrested on Thursday, charged
with holding up a Pittsburgh store clerk
Wednesday night. The police say he con-
fessed to the charge as well as to several
other crimes. He had been at liberty on
bond. With Ringle were arrested two oth-
er youths, who also confessed to robberies.
A note sent by Ringle to one of the other
boys in school boasting of a robbery reach-
ed the police and caused Ringle’s arrest.
John H. Wilbert, a farmer near Hali-
fax, Dauphin county, has complained to
the county commissioners that relocation
of the state highway at that point would
ruin his cow path. The proposed reloca-
tion cuts through Wilbert’s farm, and he
complains that a steep embankment will
block the path which his cows now travel
to their regular watering place to the
spring. The commissioners have taken the
matter up with the engineers of the State
Highway Department to see if the cow
path can be preserved. Wilbert does not
want compensation, but he does want his
cattle to have their pure spring water
—In order to run no chances of losing
the opportunity to get the State to build
an armory in Lock Haven for Troop K,
and recognizing the need of immediate ac-
tion, a meeting of the board of directors
of the local Business Men’s Association,
with members of the old armory site com-
mittee was held there on Friday. As a re-
sult of the conference, the Business Men’s
Association agreed to raise $1000 of the
$3000 necessary to purchase the site. The
task of securing the remaining $2000 from
the industries of the city will be undertak-
en later. The site selected, on which an
option has been secured, 1s located at Pros-
pect and south Jones streets, is admirably
adapted for the purpose and has been ap-
proved by General Rickards, of the State
any he has yet achieved.
armory board.