a, AT EL hl ll A A A As A ia Al i i pm paam— ww a ———— pT ———— " ju CABGD OF SLUICE BOGZE Bel Men Bio for Com. 4 rR OO A A, TIM Loh eo rete ing i SEIZED. ey Will be Held in Bellefonte Armory | —Leslie E. Miller returned to his work | some business. : | Landlords Henry Kline and August 4 at Woodlawn on Tuesday after spending a Lg M ] | Ateohol and Whiskey Raked in by Glinz and bartenders Barney Bilger January 29th to February 5th. [voit among thimay Wed niihor at Mrs. Melvin Locke left Bellefonte yes- Bellefonte, Pa., January 14, 1921. NEWS AROUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Shaughn- essy announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne Elizabeth, to Mr. Gordon Montgomery. — Mrs. Joseph Runkle is teaching in, Coleville, having taken charge of the school made vacant in December by the resignation of Miss Helen Hoy. '——The Thimble Bee of the ladies of the Reformed church was enter- tained by Mrs. Maurice Runkle, at her home on Logan street, Thursday afternoon. ——H. M. Bidwell, the furniture re- pair man, has had a Bell telephone in- stalled, so if any of our readers are in need of his services they can call him by asking for 138-W. ——A special meeting will be held in the W. C. T. U. room Sunday, Jan- uary 16th, at 3:30 p. m., to celebrate the first anniversary of the Eigh- teenth amendment. Each member is urged to be present and take a friend. ——The State Freshmen basket ball team will play the Bellefonte Acade- my five on the armory floor in this place this (Friday) evening at eight o’clock sharp. Admission, 25 cents. ‘A fast and exciting game is assured and the public is invited. © — Mrs. Charles, wife of William “T. Charles, trainmaster at Tyrone, ‘died on Christmas day. She was born -,and raised at Mill Hall, Clinton coun- ty. Mr. Charles is a native of Miles- “burg and his many friends in that - -place sympathize with him in the loss of his wife. ——Richard Brouse has bought out the Herr and Heverley interest in the cash grocery store on Allegheny street and will conduct same in the fu- ture. The store building, which was recently bought by Herr and Heverly from James Pierpoint’s sons, has been taken over by Mrs. M. E. Brouse. ——Announcements have been re- ceived in Bellefonte of the birth of a daughter, on December 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Soafer, of Philadel- phia. Mrs. Soafer was known in Bellefonte as Miss Anna Massey, hav- ing lived here for several years with her aunts, the Misses Anne and Eva Powers. We notice that at a meeting in Philadelphia, on Monday, at which the adoption of foreign waifs became the popular thing, Noah H. Swayne II took twenty-five of Hoover's little folks under his care. Mr. Swayne is still held in pleasant memory by those who knew him when a resident here as president of the Nittany Iron Co. —A decree of divorce on statu- grounds was granted in j tory York this week to Blanche B. Appel, ' from her husband, Nathan B. owner of the York opera and Orpheum theatre. Mrs. Appel, whose stage name was Helen Grace, has played in Bellefonte on one or more occasions and has also visited friends here. ——John Price Jackson, formerly dean of the school of engineering at The Pennsylvania State College, later Commissioner of Labor and Industry under the Brumbaugh administration and during the war an efficiency engi- neer in France, has just been appoint- ed assistant to chairman of industrial relations committee of the Philadel- phia Chamber of Commerce. ——Just because the weather so far has been unusually nice is no evidence that we won’t have any real winter, but whether we do or not you will al- ways be able to find a comfortable place at the Scenic to spend an hour or two every evening during the week. The programs of motion pictures are bigger and better than ever and every evening’s entertainment is worth see- ing. See the full program for the coming week in another column of this paper. : Manilla Martin, the beautiful dancing star in the new serial, “Son of Tarzan,” which will begin at the Scenic Friday, January 21st, was born on July 4th, the day that Admiral Dewey won the battle of Manilla bay, and from that was given the name “Manilla.” Eminent directors have named her the “Soul Child.” Her work and appearance as the wild, half- savage girl of the jungle is incompar- able. Don’t miss the start of this thrilling serial. 3-1t ——Of course the weather this win- ter has been phenomenal and we have all commented upon it more or less, put Benton D. Tate, of Bellefonte, tells the most remarkable story of any we have yet heard. In the discharge of his duties as superintendent of fines for the Bell telephone company of Pennsylvania he last Saturday went to Snow Shoe and on the north side of the Allegheny mountain be- tween the Summit and Beech creek he picked arbutus the buds of which were bursting and showed quite pink among the underbrush. ——A meeting of officials, route agents and employees of the Ameri- can Railway Express company for the division of which Bellefonte is an in- tegral part will be held at the express office in this place this . (Friday) evening for the purpose of inaugurat- ing a “right way” campaign, and local shippers are invited to attend the meeting. The object is to develop some means to reduce the amount of breakage and damage in shipments. Shippers will be asked to do their packages up in a more secure manner while employees will be shown the ne- cessity of carefulness in the handling of all kinds of packages. Appel, house | AND COUNTY, y hot aerated. Bellefonte Raider on Sun- day Night. i Forty gallons of pure grain alco- { hol, thirty quarts of Overholt whis- | key in bottles, two men and a Buick runabout car were the proceeds of a raid conducted by Bellefonte citi- zens on Sunday night, and once again the spoils were from Wilkes-Barre but have thus been diverted from reaching their original destination, wherever that may have been. A burned out bearing on the car was the cause of the illicit booze run- ners and their cargo being captured. i Because of the damaged bearing the men in charge of the car were com- pelled to stop in Bellefonte for re- pairs and pulled into the Wion garage. Just how the fact that they were there leaked out is not known, but leak it did and men prominently identified with the local law and enforcement league at once got busy, notwithstand- ing the fact that it was well after ten o’clock at night. : Justice of the peace John M. Keich- line was summoned to his office, who in turn called on sheriff Harry Duke- man. The latter went to Mr. Keich- line’s office where were already as- sembled Rev. Alexander Scott, C. C. Shuey, Samuel B. Miller, J. Kennedy { Johnston Esq., and George Eberhart. A search and seizure warrant was sworn out and placed in the hands of the sheriff and the entire crowd then proceeded to the Wion garage and a search of the car in question disclosed forty one gallon cans, such as is used for shipping varnish, filled with alco- hol and thirty bottles of Overholt whiskey. The entire cargo with the exception of three bottles of whiskey was packed in the rear of the runa- bout, the three bottles being found un- der the seat of the car. The cargo was seized and later the two men, who were already in bed at the Bush house, were arrested and taken to jail and are being held to awit the action of the United States commissioner. The men gave their names as Joe Feldman and Bert Jacobs and while they admitted they were from Wilkes- Barre they declined to state where they were going aside from the fact that the alcohol and whiskey were des- tined for a manufacturing druggist. According to information obtained this week the booze in question was brought in a truck as far as Pleasant and Walter Krytzer, all of Bellefonte, arrested almost two months ago by federal prohibition enforcement offi- cer R. E. Johnson, of Philadelphia, for having liquor in their possession in de- fiance of the Volstead act, were given a hearing before United States com- | missioner N. S. Engle, in Sunbury last Friday, and were each held in five hundred dollars bail for their appear- ance for trial before the United States district court in Harrisburg at the March term. Bond was furnished in "each case. Contributors to Christmas Fund. The list of contributors to the chil- dren’s Christmas fund so ably admin- istered by the Associated Charities was as follows: Bellefonte Lodge of Elks, F. W. Crider, Isaac Mitchell, J. S. McCargar, Dr. VanValin, Rev. May- nard and Mesdames A. O. Furst, J. C. Furst, E. H. Richard, W. F. Reynolds, J. L. Montgomery, James R. Hughes, Catherine Dinges, W. H. Hiller, Ed- mund Blanchard, W. H. Brouse, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller, Misses Jane McCalmont, Mira Humes, Lucy Pot- ter, Helen Mingle, Ida Klinger, Carrie Harper, Janet Potter, Emma Green and Roxy Mingle. kets containing a Christmas dinner were distributed as well as coal and clothing. The committee takes this means of thanking all contributors to this worthy cause. Absolutely the Best. All reports from towns played by John W. Vogel’s black and white re- vue agree that Col. Vogel has the greatest minstrel organization on the road today—bar none. In massive- and beauty of the scenic investiture and costuming, and the general excel- lence of the performers, the revue far outclasses all competitors. “I am surprised at the way the people have turned out to see my newest offering,” said Col. Vogel. “They have literally packed the theatres, and in some in- stances we have had to turn people away.” to the opera house next Thursday, January 20th, for a single night’s per- formance. The interest already mani- fested in the coming of this attraction indicates that there will be a big de- mand for seats, and a sell-out is an- ticipated. Gap where it was transferred to the car in broad daylight Sunday after- | noon. The truck then went back | across the mountain and the car came into Bellefonte. It is very likely that only a small portion of the truck load was transferred to the car and that the balance of the consignment went throught to its destination, which is said to have been Houtzdale. On Monday evening a large Paige | touring car containing two barrels of | whiskey ‘broke down in the Penns- valey Narrows. Two men were in charge and they made their way to Woodward, telephoned somewhere for a car and about midnight another car arrived, the whiskey was transferred and the men went on their way. > o— Milk Station Nearing Completion. The Bellefonte milk station of the Western Maryland dairy is fast near- ing completion and when it is finally finished will be one of the most up-to- date plants in the country. While the station has been receiving milk for al- most two months it has been utilized so far merely as a shipping station. That is, the milk on being delivered at the station was strained and put into cans for shipment to Baltimore the same evening. But by the last of the week all the machinery will be in place and it will then be possible to put all the milk through the aerating process, which will insure its keeping I sweet for from twenty-four to forty- eight hours longer than milk which is i | - As the milk is received at the sta- j tion it will be weighed and dumped in- i to two large tanks in the receiving jroom. From these tanks it will be! pumped up to the top floor into two large glass lined tanks from where it runs by gravity over the aerating coils info cans for shipment. The plant is also equipped with a Babcock tester to determine the amount of but- ter fat in the milk, and also a heater and DeLaval cream separator. One important part of the plant is the big refrigerator which can be kept at any desired temperature from freezing point to zero by the ponderous cooling machinery installed which is operated by a twenty-five horse power electric motor. Every piece of machinery in the plant has its own individual mo- tor, even to the can washing and dry- ing machine. The plant is equipped with a big boiler for heating purposes. Huge ventilators run from every room to the roof to carry off all odors and surplus of heat. When entirely completed the station throughout will be as completely sanitary as it is pos- sible to make it. Practically all the floors are concrete and equipped with a large drain so that they can be thor- oughly washed as often as necessary. Frank Hoag is the genial superin- tendent in charge of the station and it is quite evident that he understands the business thoroughly. But he would like to have more milk. The station is now handling one hundred and twenty cans daily, but that is only a small portion of what it can handle and what Mr. Hoag would like to have. ——The borough auditors have started work on auditing the borough Bellefonte to Have a Notable Visitor. Lady Ann Azgapetian, the wife of General Azgapetian, of the Russian army, is to be in Bellefonte on Wed- nesday, January 19th. In the even- ing, at 8:30, she will speak in the court house on conditions in Armenia and the Near East. 4 For two years she worked with the Red Cross in Imperial Russia and, in consequence, will bring first hand in- formation as to the tragedies that have followed in the wake of war. Her address will be free, not even a collection will be lifted. It will be merely preliminary to the campaign that is to be opened next month. To ! create an atmosphere, as it were. When the war broke out, Lady Az- gapetian closed her house in New York and, together with her husband, General Azgapetian, and several hun- ‘dred Armenian volunteers went from New York to Petrograd, enlisting with the Imperial Russian Red Cross society, and serving for two years with the field hospital units attached to the army of the Caucasus under the Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholas- viteh. When Russia collapsed and the Bolshevik came into power, loyal ad- herents of the old regime were forced to flee the country. Lady Azgapetian and her husband found their escape cut off in every direction save toward the north and it was from Archangel, the Arctic Port, that she and the Gen- eral and their tiny baby were enabled ‘to get out of the country, and after twenty-two days crossing by way of Iceland, return to America. Of her personal experiences it is difficult for Lady Azgapetian to speak. She barely touches on the hardships they had to undergo because the re- membrances are, as yet, too keen to be told without emotion. So difficult was it to get nurses in the war zone, that she was obliged to work in the hospitals even to the night her little daughter was born. When the child was three months old the Russian revolution broke out—soon the army disintegrated, conditions became un- bearable and then followed ten months of wandering through Russia, ten months of danger and starvation that seem like a horrid nightmare compared with the peace, security and plenty in America. Todd—Shultz.—John O. Todd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Todd, of Phil- ipsburg, and Miss Evelyn May Shultz, a daughter of W. W. Shultz, of Port Matilda, were married at the parson- age of the Eighth avenue Methodist church in Altoona on Wednesday of last week by the pastor, Rev. George F. Boggs. Following a ten day’s wed- ding trip the young couple will take up their residence in Philipsburg where the bridegroom is in business as a coal operator. ——L. A. McDowell has resigned his position as cashier of the First National Bank of Snow Shoe, to go with one of the Philadelphia banks, the change to be made on the 15th of February. Mr. McDowell will move his family to Philadelphia at that accounts for the year 1920. time. A number of bas- | ness of the production, gorgeousness This aggregation is coming Centre county automobile dealers have decided to hold their automobile exhibition for one week. It will open in the Bellefonte armory Saturday, January 29th, and continue until Feb- ruary 5th. A very interesting ar- | rangement ‘has been worked out to | provide. for crowds in that the man- | agers have decided on certain days for ! the show, as follows: ! Saturday, January 29th, opening day. Sunday closed to the public. Monday, January 31st, Pennsvalley | day. | Tuesday, February 1st, State Col- iege day. Wednesday, February 2nd, Philips- burg and Snow Shoe. Thursday, February 3rd, Bellefonte day. : Friday, February 4th, Bald Eagle valley day. Saturday, February 5th, Nittany valley day. A request will be made of the mer- chants and business men of Bellefonte to co-operate in making the show a success. Merchants will be asked to i recognize “show week” by making at- tractive and appropriate indoor and outdoor displays. Special music and other features will be arranged. Some sections are planning to bring bands along on the days set apart specially for them. The dealers had a drawing this week to determine the location of space for each individual. County treasurer L. Frank Mayes held the drawing in the absence of Hon. H. C. Quigley. Deck- er and Harper, of State College, and Decker Bros., of Spring Mills, drew the pick of the space with Demi and Goss, of Philipsburg, second. Names of Centre County Women Placed in Jury Wheel. Last week the “Watchman” men- tioned the fact that the names of fif- ty well known Centre county women would be placed in the jury wheel for 1921, and to be exact the list includes just fifty-one names. Of course, this being the first year that the women have been placed on the equality with men as eligible for jury service there .will naturally be considerable curios- ity as to the first list of names put in the wheel and for this reason the “Watchman” this week publishes the list. But the fact that the fifty-one names have been putin the wheel does not mean that all of them will be drawn for jurors. They will simply take their chances with the names of men put in the wheel. Some of them will probably be drawn for the Feb- ruary term of court and others at the other terms during the year, while some may not be drawn at all. The list is as follows: Miss Mary M. Blanchard........ Bellefonte Miss Margaret Cook............. Bellefonte Mrs. MB. Garman............ Bellefonte Mes. John XN, Lane..............5 Bellefonte Mrs. ‘A. ;G. Morris Jr....... .....Bellefonte Mrs. R. 8S. Brouse, housekeeper. .Beliefonte Mrs, Odilla Mott...........:....: Bellefonte Mrs. Ebon Bower, housekeeper. ..Bellefonte Mrs. Frank Smith, housekeeper.Centr eHall Miss Grace Smith. ............. Centre Hall Miss Anna Holter......... Pr ridnery Howard Miss Non Lueas......:......»..... Howard Miss Corilla Thomas, housekeeper. . Howard Miss Amy Rickard, lady........ Milesburg Mrs. P. H. Musser, housekeeper. ..Millheim Miss Mary Shelton, housekeeper..Millheim Mrs. Harry Freeman.......... Philipsburg Mrs. Calvin Jomes.............Philipsburg Mrs. Harry legal... ........... Philipsburg Mrs. George W. Miller....... .. Philipsburg Missi Anna Hoffer............:.. Philipsburg Mrs, BE. J. Matthews........... Philipsburg Miss Mary E. Redding Sr...... Snow Shoe Mrs. W. C. Snyder, housekeeper RRL Jerse Snow Shoe Mrs. W. L. Foster, housekeeper CER RE State College Frank Gardner, housekeeper Newtsrresreras State College Mrs. Mrs. R. I. Sackett, housekeeper se enivak «ev... State College Mrs. James Williams, heusekeeper SESE Raa shin State College Miss Laura Barnhart......... .Boggs Twp. Miss Ella Wagner, seamstress... Boggs Twp. Mrs. W. A. Ferree, housekeeper rie ....College Twp. Mrs. May Gramley, housekeeper chs coves Gregg Twp. Mrs. Hull Herring, housekeeper Cetirtivaniidns Gregg Twp. Miss Anmie King, heusekeeper..Gregg Twp. Miss Ida Decker, housekeeper..Gregg Twp. Miss Marian A. Decker, housekeeper ve tesataierates Gregg Twp. Mrs. C. 8S. Musser, housekeeper Senidnys «2+ Haines Twp, Mrs. Cyrus Hunter, housekeeper Se vsansiuns Halfmoon Twp. Miss: Anmie M. Dale, housekeeper seni eesn evens Harris Twp. Miss Blanche Kunes, housekeeper ine aaan Liberty Twp. Mrs. George Stover, housekeeper ete aati na Marion Twp. Miss Viola A. Bower, housekeeper waives vines revs. JPR Twp. Miss Grace Ishler, teacher.....Potter Twp. Miss Mary V. McClellan, teacher . Twp Miss Sarah E. Brown, teacher..Potter Twp. Miss Mary A. Faust, teacher...Potter Twp. Miss A. S. Hagyard, housekeeper seo Caine Rush Twp. Miss Lucretia Summers, housekeeper Twp. Miss Anna Valentine, farmer..Spring Twp. Mrs. Thomas F. Jodon, housekeeper «LL eevee Sevens ..Spring Twp. Mrs. Mary Rothrock, housekeeper Seeaiihis ain ... Worth eee fesse ——At a meeting of the Business Men’s association of Bellefonte on Wednesday evening John M. Bullock was elected president; G. Oscar Gray secretary, and Harry Yeager treas- urer. Twp. For Sale—Full line of household goods at home of James Moddrell, 16 S. Penn St., Bellefonte, February 5, at 1 p. m. S. H. Hoy, Auc. 1-4t* | Pleasant Gap. —Wayne D. Meyer, of Washington, Pa., made a brief business trip to Bellefonte the latter part of the week, coming to town on Friday and leaving on Saturday after- noon. —DMiss Agnes Shields left last week for Louisiana, accompanying her brother and his wife, Mr .and Mrs. Edward Shields, on their return trip south, where she will be their guest for three months. —Mrs. Miller, wife of Robert A. Miller, car distributor at Tyrone, spent Wednes- day afternoon in Bellefonte, coming over on a little business and to spend a short time in some of our exclusive shops. —Miss Annie Gray, of Benore, is arrang- ing to close her home the latter part of January, in anticipation of going to Evan- ston, Ill, to spend the remainder of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Thompson. —Jasper R. Brungart, of Rebersburg, was a brief caller at the “Watchman” of- fice on Monday, having come to Bellefonte to attend the annual meeting of the Far- mers’ Mutual Fire Insurance company. —Paul Coxey, a member of Centre coun- ty’'s unit of instructors, was in Bellefonte Saturday transacting business. Mr. Coxey is a son of Mrs. Nannie Coxey, of Bouls- burg, and is in charge of the schools at Moshannon. —Miss Mary Bradley, who as organist of St. John's Episcopal church, has been giv- en one year's leave of absence, on account of ill health, will leave Monday for an in- definite stay with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Ri- ley, at Bradford, Pa. -—~Mrs. Roland Miller came in from Ford City yesterday, to attend the funeral of Miss Sarah McKinney, which «will take place this morning from St. John's Catho- lic church. Mrs. Miller, as Amanda Eck- ley, and Miss McKinney were neighbors near Valleyview since childhood. --A. C. Thompson, of Philipsburg, was a business visitor in town Tuesday and found time for a short call at the “Watch- man” office in the evening. We own the pleasure we derive from a chat with Curt. He is such a good Democrat, such a good fellow and-—is it necessary to add—such a good listener. John S. Rowe, the well known machin- ist, of Centre Hall, was a “Watchman” of- fice caller on Monday while in Bellefonte on a business trip. Commenting upon the kind of weather we are having just now he stated that it suited him very well as he had a job he wanted to finish before the weather took a turn for the worse. —Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard are ex- pected to return to Bellefonte this week, from Atlantic City, Mr. Blanchard having gone down a week ago to join Mrs. Blanch- ard and her mother, Mrs. Merriman, who have been at the Shore for some time. Mrs. Blanchard went to Ohio in November, on account of ill health, going from there east, terday morning for a visit at her former home at Willow Hill. —DMiss Louise Brachbill went east on Monday, to spend several weeks in Phila- delphia and New York. —Charles R. Beatty, of the Beatty Mo- tor Co., is spending this week in New. York city, attending the automobile show. ~—Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mingle went to At- lantic City, Sunday, where they will spend the greater part of the month of January, at Galen Hall. —Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gheen spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Rohr- baugh, at Beech Creek, going down for a butchering day visit. —Miss Helen Stull, of Wyncote, has been in Bellefonte for more than a week, visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Daggett, at their home on Linn street. —Mrs. Samuel H. Gray, of Orviston, has been in Bellefonte this week, a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Ellis L. Orvis, and of Mr. Gray’s mother, Mrs. William Gray. —Mr. and Mrs. James Herron had as their Holiday guest Mr. Herron’s father, who visited in Bellefonte until last week, returning then to his home in Pittsburgh. —Mrs. Kirby, who with her son William Jr., was called to Bellefonte before Christ- mas, by the illness of her father, Hammon Sechler, will return to her home in Balti- more the early part of the week. —Mrs. Rachel Noll, of Pleasant Gap, made one of her infrequent visits to Belle- fonte Wednesday, the time being spent with her sister, Mrs. Fetterhoff, in shop- ping and in looking after some business interests. —Mr. and Mrs. Stover and their twin boys have been here with Mrs. Stover's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hull, for three weeks, expecting to remain in Bellefonte until after the business depression in Al- toona passes, GU . —71Two of Mrs. James Harris’ nephews, Lewis and Robert Slaymaker, of Erie, 111, arrived in Bellefonte Wednesday, having come east to attend the funeral of their aunt, which was held from her home on Spring street, yesterday afternoon. —Mr. and Mrs. William Sechler, of Montgomery, and Mr. and Mrs. Foresman, of Allenwood, Pa., and Mrs. James Gilli- land, with her son James Jr., of Oak Hall, were among the out-of-tewn relatives in Bellefonte yesterday for the funeral of the late Hammon Sechler. Fire Companies Elect Officers. The annual meeting of the Fire- men’s Relief Association was held in the Undine fire house on Tuesday evening, with a large attendance pres- ent. The officers of the association elected for the ensuing year were: B. D. Tate, president; Harry Flack, vice president; Harry J. Jackson, secreta- i ry; Joseph Beezer, treasurer. —Thomas Elliott Mayes, who holds a The Relief Association is in a flour- good position with the Pennsylvania rail- | ishing condition and a report of the finances showed a balance of over $6,- road company, in Johnstown, spent from Friday until Sunday at his parental home 000 in at Lemont. Of course his ostensible ex- cuse for the trip was to see his father and other relatives, but those who saw him on his return trip home are inclined to the be- lief that there were other reasons for the the treasury. At a meeting of the conferees of the Logan and Undine Fire companies John J. Bower was elected chief fire marshall; Louis A. Hill, first assistant trip, and it was about all he could do to , marshall; Harry Haag, second assist- carry them home with him. —Mrs. IY. E. Naginey will leave Sunday : ant marshall of Bellefonte borough. At a meeting of the Logan fire com- for Albuquerque, New Mexico, and south- , pany last week the following officers ern California, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Rowe, and other relatives. On the trip down, which will be made over the Santa Fe road, Mrs. Naginey will be ae- companied by Mr. Naginey’s nephew, John Bell, of Bedford, both going down to aveid the late winter of the northern climate. Mrs. Naginey’s return to Bellefonte will depend altogether on the temperature of the early spring in the south, her plans, however, have been made for returning in May. —Among the men from over the county who were in town Monday to attend the meeting of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire In- surance company, were John B. Goheen and W. E. MeWilliams, of I'erguson town- ship. Happily they got through with their work early enough to permit of a call ai the “Watchman office. We say “happily” because since making the acquaintance of Mr. Goheen some years ago we have come to enjoy a little visit with him more than | we dare tell without appearing to flatter. We were considerably amused when the conversation veered to the changing per- sonnel of our rural districts and Mr. Go- heen deplored the disappearance of the old types whom tradition tells us were ‘great men,” leaders in their communities. “0, wud the power the giftie gee us!” Neith- er he nor Mr. McWilliams could look in the mirror of the past without the discov- ery that they are the types, themselves. Stalwart, clean minded, constructive men, a eredit to Ferguson township in partic- ular and manhood in general. And sixty years from now the record of their lives will be recounted by our grand-sons just as we were recounting that of their prede- cessors on Monday, and the verdict will be just the same, that the ‘‘great men,” the old-time leaders in our rurai communities are all gone and there seems to be no one to take their place. —TFormer sheriff W. M. Cronister was in Bellefonte on Wednesday and made the surprising announcement that he expects to leave Centre county on April 1st to make his home some place more conven- ient to his business. He has sold his fine farm at Martha and will dispose of his personal property there before moving then say farewell to friends and familiar scenes, His children are grown and gone from home, his business keeps him away much of the time and Mrs. Cronister is there so much alone that they will seek a location that will be more agreeable to both. For a year at least the sheriff says Lhe and Mrs. Cronister are going to do some much belated “sowing wild oats.” We inferred from that that they are going to gad about and have a good time before finally settling down anywhere. During this foolishness they will have a home ad- dress in Altoona, but are not'decided as to whether they will permanently locate there. In a great many ways Centre coun- ty will miss the Cronisters. They are sprung from an old and honorable Bald Eagle family and the sheriff has always been prominent in Centre county affairs; especially Democratic politics, and we can well repeat what we said when Harry Rumberger moved from Philipsburg to Scranton. The party has lost another man whom nobody ever had to worry around to find out how he was “on the ticket.” i | | i i were elected for the ensuing year: President, M. R. Johnson; vice presi- dent, Elmer Yerger; secretary, Her- bert Auman; treasurer, Jacob Marks; trustee, Allen G. Waite; chief direc- tor, Alex Morrison; first assistant, Lloyd Snyder; second assistant, Ed- ward Hull; third assistant, Arthur Brown; fourth assistant, Edmund Eb- erhart; engineer, Thomas Caldwell; 1st assistant, Elmer Yerger; 2nd as- sistant, Thomas Morgan; fireman, Harry Dukeman; 1st assistant, John Sheckler; 2nd assistant, George Eber- hart. Delegate to State convention, Allen G. Waite, alternate delegate, Arthur Brown. Delegate to district convention, Thomas Morgan; alter- nate delegate, James Fox; member of board of control, Homer P. Barnes. Undine fire company officers elected | at their last meeting were as follows: President, P. H. Gherity; vice presi- dent, W. H. Doll; treasurer, Joseph Beezer; secretary, E. J. Gehret; chief, Robert Kline; 1st assistant, Wilbur Saxon; 2nd assistant, H. H. Haag; 3rd assistant, Samuel Rhoads; trustees, Robert Kline, George Carpeneto, H. H. Haag; chief engineer, Daniel O’- Leary; 1st assistant, H. H. Haag; 2nd assistant, Ned Kane; 3rd assistant, W. B. Lyons; board of control, Albert Knisely. ——According to all reports there seems to be a general disposition on the part of all landlords in Bellefonte to increase rents this year, in some in- stances as much as twenty per cent. Just now when wages have been re- duced and prices of commodities are on the decline it would seem as if rents should rebound instead of ad- vance, but landlords aver that their properties have hardly paid expenses the past few years and with the greatly increased taxes for the pres- ent year an increase in rents is the only solution. Mrs. Gramley, wife of county auditor C. H. Gramley, is recovering very nicely from an operation she un- derwent last week, at the Bellefonte hospital. Mr. Gramley’s daughter-in- law is in the Lock Haven hospital, where she also underwent an opera- tion. ——A. Clyde Smith resigned his po- sition as deputy county treasurer on Wednesday and will be succeeded by Miss Verna Chambers, who has been a clerk in the office during the past year. Mr. Smith will again embark in the tailoring business. ——The lone prisoner in the coun- ty jail, Harry Burns, was discharged yesterday morning. ——Subscribe for the “Watchman.” ly