Dena akdn Bellefonte, Pa., January 14, 1921. mm— Country Correspondence Items of Interest Dished Up for the Delectation of “Watchman” Read- ers by a Corps of Gifted Correspondents. PLEASANT GAP. While talking to a rather fine look- ing young prisoner a few days ago, ventured to ask him what crime com- mitted brought him here. He paused a moment then said, “You know served all through the world war. Be- fore we left home we were promise our situations or jobs, if you please, on our return. When we returned our jobs were being filled by some one else. I made every effort to get work but all of no avail. I was penniless and hungry. I felt as though the country owed me a living, but I also felt forsaken; the long and the short of the matter is I preferred to steal and take my chances rather than starve in a land of plenty. 1 was caught in the act, found guilty, and sentenced to twelve years; so here am, an innocent transgressor and must serve out my sentence. Such is life; it’s a hard life, but according to the verdict I have to endure it. I at times feel as though my misery would have terminated sooner had I endured star- vation. The new dancing Academy of Mr. Rea Noll was inaugurated last Friday night. It was held in the Pleasant Gap Fire Co. hall. The music was furnish- ed by the Hills orchestra. The dance was well patronized. There 1s a wide difference in opinion as to the new venture. Our churches, naturally are strenuously opposed to the dancing proposition, while others declare en- thusiastically that dancing 1s 2 most delightful pastime. So far as the writer is concerned, he never favored dancing, from the fact, probably, of his conscientious scruples, being a cross between a Hickory Quaker and a Dunkard, and it is a well known fact that these sects never indulge in this kind of hilarious pastime. Dancing, however, seems to be one of the nat- ural habits of mankind; an outgrowth of his nature. As far back as history gose it formed either a part of reli- gious ceremonies or those celebrating important events. Miriam and Moses led the dance of triumph when the Israelites landed dry-shod on the oth- er side of the Red Sea. David danced before the Ark because of the joy and satisfaction he felt on account of the prosperity of his people. Primitive christians danced in their religious services, but not by command. They had probably been accustomed to In- dulge in this exercise before their dei- ties and in the temples of their gods before they became christians. meme — LEMONT. This is certainly fine weather for January. John R. Williams and wife are slow- ly improving. C. D. Houtz spent Monday in Belle- fonte doing some shopping. Charles Meyers, of Watsontown, was seen in town on Saturday. Mrs. James E. Lenker spent last week among friends in Berwick. Most of the children of town have now, or have had, the chicken pox. E. W. Evey went to Florida, Wed- nesday, where he intends spending the winter. Lloyd L. Houtz is sick in bed but is slowly improving, though he will not be around for a week or more. R. F. Williams and wife were call- ed to Centre Hall, Friday, on account of the death of Mrs. Williams’ father, Thomas Grove. The United Evangelical congrega- tion opened their protracted meeting, Sunday evening. Trust there will be much good done in this community. Wilbur Solt, who went to Ohio twenty-two years ago, and is now farming forty miles south of Cleve- land, spent a week among friends in and around town. John Lyle and brother are busy cut- ting on the James 1. Thompson tract of timber, near the Centre Furnace mill. They intend putting a saw mill in near the old grist mill. ——— A — BOALSBURG. Mrs. Charles Kuhn friends in Altoona. Mrs. Sarah Satterfield, of Belle- fonte, visited in town for a few days. James Wert and son, Sparr Wert, of Aaronsburg, were callers in town on Monday. John Garner, of State College, vis- ited at the home of William Stuart on Monday and Tuesday. James M. Ross and daughter, Mrs. J. R. Harter, transacted business in Bellefonte on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ludwig and sons, of Johnstown, spent the week- end among friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ross and chil- dren were visitors at the home of Charles Mothersbaugh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee returned, Saturday, from a two week’s visit with their daughter, Mrs. Ezra Breon, in Columbus, Ohio. Rev. and Mrs. William Wagner, of State College, were guests at the home of their cousin, Samuel Wagner. Rev. Wagner conducted services in the Lutheran church on Sunday morn- ing. is visiting eee lee CENTRE HALL. The Odd Fellows’ annual banquet on Thursday evening was largely at- tended, and voted a success by those who were present. The fourth number on our lecture course will be presented in Grange hall this (Friday) evening by Annie Therese Devault. The week of prayer services closed on Sunday evening with service in the Reformed church, Rev. M. C. Drumm, ! of the Lutheran church, delivering the i sermon. The church and Sunday , school room were crowded, and many | people were compelled to go home, un- | able to get inside the church. | RUNVILLE. fonte. Mrs. Ida Witmer spent last Wed- nesday at Philipsburg. Mrs. Stout, of Renovo, spent last Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Kunes. Quite a number of our young peo- ple attended revival meeting at Yar- nell on Sunday evening. Edward Spicer and son, of Belle- fonte, spent Sunday afternoon at the 1 | home of Charles Rodgers. Toner Spicer and wife, of Belle- d | fonte, visited at the home of Mr. Spicer’s sister, Mrs. E. S. Bennett, last Sunday. The P. O. S. of A. will hold an oyster supper on Saturday evening, the 15th, in the P. O. S. of A. hall in this place. Price for supper, thirty-five cents. Ice cream and cake will be extra. All are invited. WAS MASTER OF PROFANITY Intimate of Great Editor Declares Swearing Was More Than a Bad Habit With Him. Joseph Pulitzer, the famous blind founder of the New York World, was not always a purist in language. At least so writes Charles Chapin, who was for 20 years city editor of the Evening World, in his autobiography, called “Charles Chapin’s Story.” “Sometimes when I was reading to him he would become explosively pro- fane,” writes Chapin. “And how shockingly that blind man could swear! With him prefanity was more of an art than a vice. Once when I had read something to him that made him angry with the writer's stupidity he swore SO passionately and so loud and grew SO choleric and red in the face that 1 feared something inside of him might snap. “Suddenly he checked himself and pricked up his ears. There were angry voices in an adjoining room. One of his young sons was having a run-in with his tutor and was forcibly telling what he thought of him. A peculiar expression, a mixture of annoyance and amusement came over my employ- er’s countenance. “Dear me,’ he said, ‘I wonder where that boy learned to swear.’ He didn’t utter another oath during the remain- der of my visit.” Combustible’s Many Uses. If the farmer can’t make the old horse go on straw and corncobs per- haps he can run his car, his tractor and his stationary engine with gas the department of agriculture is strug- cling with, says the Nation's Business. Already its experimenters have run an automobile with the new combustible and used it for lighting and cooking. If the results of these tests warrant further investigation the experiments will be extended to the problem of plant equipment for producing the gas on a scale sufficient to allow the farm- er to supply light and heat for his house, power for stationary engines. and possibly for his tractor from a small individual outfit. If a suitable unit can be constructed it seems likely that the straw gas may have a certain economic value in the sections of the country where the raw material from which the gas is made is now con sidered as waste and burned or left to rot. ; a Sentiment Rules. Ponderous government machinery gave way to sentiment when Maj. Gen. John A. Lejeune, commandant of the marine corps, authorized the re-enlist- ment in Los Angeles of two Armenians who served in the A. BE. F., Peter Mosgofian and Parseh Normanian, for the purpose of joining the marines on the United States steamship Chatta- nooga, now at Constantinople, in or- der that they might locate their rela- tives in the Near East. Both of these young men speak Ar- menian, Greek, Arabic, Bulgarian, French and English, and understand Russian. They will leave Philadelphia this month, via the United States steamship St. Louis, for Turkish wa- ters. HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. Economy and Merit Combined in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the Blood Medicine. In spite of the increased costs and great scarcity of important roots, herbs, etc., the standard of quality and the quantity of Hood's Sarsaparil- la have been faithfully maintained, and are today the same as when this medicine was first perfected and of- fered to the public. A bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla will average to last three or four weeks, while others last but a week or two, and some even less time. Hood's Sarsaparilla is effective asa blood purifying and tonic medicine and also after the Flu, Grip, fevers and other debilitating, blood-poison- ing diseases. It purifies the blood, creates an appetite, and makes food taste good. 66-2 INSUR ANCE! Fire and Automobile Insurance at 2 reduced rate. 62-38-1y. J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. W. T. Kunes spent Monday in Belle- made from them. That's the problem Annual Meeting of Centre County Farm Bureau. The fourth annual meeting of the Centre county Farm Bureau was held Thursday, December 23rd, at the court house in Bellefonte. Mr. J. N. Robinson, county agent, met with the executive committee and a representative crowd of about sixty | Centre county farmers attended the ' morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session was taken up with a business meeting and reports of { 1920 farm bureau activities. The same officers were elected for another year. They are: President, John S. Dale, State College; vice president, Col. W. F. Reynolds, Belle- foute; secretary and treasurer, Ww. C. Smeltzer, Bellefonte, R. D. These officers and the county agent will ap- point the executive committee within the next few weeks. The county agent discussed the fol- lowing farm bureau projects which have been carried on during the past year; Potato spraying and disease free seed potatoes, poultry culling, corn variety tests, boys and girls live- stock clubs and judging contests, top dressing of meadows with nitrogen fertilizers, sheep and wool association, co-operative associations, and other minor projects such as testing seed corn, treating seed oats for smut, testing milk and testing soil for lime requirements. Each project was outlined and the results given by the county agent, then it was discussed by those pres- ent, who showed keen interest by the many questions which they asked. In several cases the man who co-operat- ed with the county agent locally in putting across a certain project gave a report of that project in his com- munity. Mr. J. M. Campbell gave a very interesting discussion on pota- toes, giving the results of the spray- ing work done near Pennsylvania Fur- nace. He also gave a short account of the potato inspection trip taken to Le- high county in September. This brought up many questions concern- ing the methods used in Lehigh coun- ty, one of our best potato producing counties. Mr. Campbell expects to produce about thirteen acres of potatoes this year, planting the best disease free seed on the market and spraying thoroughly throughout the entire sea- son. Mr. Leonard Confer gave an ac- count of the poultry culling demon- stration as conducted at Howard. His talk was convincing proof that it pays big to cull the average flock of farm poultry. The other projects were discussed in a similar manner but space will not permit a detailed account of each. The results of any of these projects can be obtained at the Farm Bureau office. In the afternoon Prof. F. P. Wea- ver, assistant director of extension, gave a short talk on farm bureau or- ganization in which he pointed out the need for the assumption of more re- sponsibility on the part of the local farmer in order that the county agent may be able to put his projects across in the best possible manner. Prof. E. L. Nixon, head of the plant pathology extension department, gave an illustrated lecture on potato im- provement by control of diesase. Ac- cording to Prof. Nixon the average potato crop in Centre county is pro- duced at a loss. He then showed how the average cost of production can be naturally reduced by the use of good seed and practical methods of control- ling disease. Prof. Nicholas Schmitz, of the agronomy extension department, gave a very interesting talk on points to look for in selecting an exhibit of corn. | The subject of farm bureau feder- | ation was brought up, but as the time was short it was decided to call a special meeting later to discuss this subject. This meeting will probably be called some time in February. State Farm Products Show. All arrangements have been made for the state farm products show to be held in Harrisburg January 24th to 28th, which it is now believed will be the best ever held in Pennsylvania. Each county will send an exhibit and farmers in Centre county are urged to assist in making their exhibit one of the best. Exhibits of wool, corn, potatoes and small grains will be sent in one shipment from the farm bureau office, Bellefonte, free of charge to the exhibitor. If you have not already sent your exhibit to the farm bureau office you should do so before Janu- ary 18th. Apples and other perishable produce requiring cold storage should be sent direct to H. F. Hershey, secretary of the Biglerville Cold Storage company, Biglerville, Pa. Any farmer who has not yet received a premium list and desires one can get same by calling at the farm bureau office in Bellefonte. ORVISTON. Hensyl Young has been quite ill for several days but is able to be about. Charles Lucas, who was operated upon recently for appendicitis, in the Lock Haven hospital, has returned home feeling almost new. _ Chester Lucas, of Ridgway, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lucas, at the upper works. We are all glad to see Chester. Miss Blanche Budinger, of Snow Shoe, is making a very pleasant stay with her sister, Mrs. J. Ellis Harvey, who returned last week from her trip to Washington. Alexander B. Hume, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hume Sr., who has been working in Poughkeepsie, has return- ed home. Alex says, “give me farm life every time.” : Mr. and Mrs. Milford Haupt, of Fisher's Ferry, were pleasant visit ors at the home of Bion T. Nelson, where they were pleasantly entertain- ed for several days. Miss Rebecca Miles, who has been helping Mrs. J. Ellis Harvey with her household affairs, spent the Holidays at her home in Milesburg. We hope she had a good time. John Shank took a little trip to Al- toona to visit old friends and reia- tives, among them Mr. and Mrs. Al- ton Poorman and John’s big brother, Harry Shank, who lives there. Clair and Margaret Poorman spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poorman, at Beech Creek, and from there went to Nittany to visit their grandfather, John Rodgers, who has bbeen ill. Mr. Rodgers is 93 years old and until a short time ago was hale and hearty. Mrs. Rebecca Womer is still hold- ing her own, although very weak. Her children are with her and are giving her the most loving care possible. TT CASTORIA Bears the signature of Chas. H.Fletcher. In use for over thirty years, and The Kind You Have Always Bought. “Grandma” has been blessed with a large family of girls and boys, all of whom have proved themselves very worthy, a family to be proud of. Misses Almeta Bixel, Verna Shank, Doris and Lois Young, who spent the Holidays here with their respective parents, returned to their studies— Miss Bixel to Lock Haven Normal and the Misses Young and Shank to Howard High school. Walter Shank was also home from Howard High but has also returned to his studies. The good folks of the lower works were treated to a fire scare, in fact it happens) to be two. The first occur- last Tuesday, when the flue in Condo’s house got too warm and sent up a lively shower of sparks. The volunteer fire fighters went to the res- cue, and all was well at the Condo home once more. On Friday the Car- rol Brown flue got the idea into its vacuity that it needed to arouse a lit- tle excitement also, so it sent up quite a volume of smoke and flames, to the consternation of the busy little house- wife below. More heros to the rescue, and peace once more brooded like a dove over the Brown home. — Subscribe for the “Watchman.” sm———— MEDICAL. Brace Up! Do you feel old before your time? Is your back bent and stiff? Do you suffer urinary disorders? Don’t des- pair—profit by Bellefonte experience- es. Bellefonte people recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here’s a Belle- fonte resident’s statement. Mrs. Christ Young, Thomas St. says: “For more than a year I suf- fered with a dull pain in the small of my back. My back was always sore and when I bent over I could hardly get up again. I didn’t feel able to do anything about my house. I had a dull, drowsy feeling all day long and when I got up in the morning, I could hardly dress. I was troubled a lot with dizzy spells and my kidneys act- ed irregularly. I read in our town paper where Doan’s Kidney Pills had helped so many people of the same trouble that I decided to give them a trial. The first box I got at the Green Pharmacy Co. cured me and it has been about three years mow since 1 have had any trouble with my kid- neys.” (Statement given April 22, 1914.) On October 18, 1918, Mrs. Young said: “I am very glad to confirm my former endorsement recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills. I have had no kidney trouble since I used Doan’s and am now a well woman and owe it all to Doan’s.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 6-2 FINE JOB PRINTING o—A SPECIALTY—o0 AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE There is no eapest ** le of work, from the * to the finest BOOK WORK, that we can not do in the most satis- ch factory manner, and al consist. ent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office’ TSH EE —————— treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or MEL [2 g | 5 x Money back without question . gh id oy; other itching skin diseases. Try & 75 cent box at our risk. if HUNT'S Salve fails in the 165-26. C. M, PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte Fora THE UNIVERSAL CAR FORD TON TRUCK CUTS DELIVERY COSTS. HE Ford One-Ton Truck has cut “delivery costs” for thousands of business houses, farmers, factories, corporations, etc. of operation and maintenance. us for a copy of the “Ford—A Business Utili ty. cost you nothing. Built of tough Ford Steel with the ever- the aluminum-bronze worm-drive, with demountable rims and rear, together with the mechanical simplicity, lowest possible operating truck on the market. insures every truck owner To sum up: costs, service, all together, cut your “delivery costs.” Serviceability, flexibility, and maintenance cost. Add to these practical merits our after- Thousands of owners attest to its economy They call the Ford a real “necessity” in their business. Ask » Read what pleased owners say. It will dependable Ford motor transmitting power to pneumatic tires, front and have helped to give the Ford Ton Truck the It is the lowest priced one-ton motor service organization, which of genuine Ford parts and skilled Ford mechanics, so that the Ford Truck need never be out of service. power, durability, lowest first and operating are the Ford qualities which cut down expense and will help you USE GENUINE FORD PARTS. BEATTY MOTOR CO, Bellefonte, Pa. Money back without question if HUNT'S Salve fails in the ECZEMA, treatment of ITCH, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Tey a 75 cent box at our risk, (TL 65-26 ©. M. PARRISH, Druggist, Bellefonte ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. KLINE WOODRING — Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ‘Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-1y B. SPANGLER — Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all the courts. Con- sultation in English or German, Office in Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. 40-22 KENNEDY JOHNSTON—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at tention given all legal business en-~ trusted to his care. Offices—No. § High street. 57-44 M KEICHLINE—Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All pro- fessional business will receive prompt attention. Office on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE — Attorney-at-Law. Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’s Exchan Bellefonte, Pa. rs = 58.5 TE PHYSICIANS. S. GLENN, M. D., Physician. and Surgeon, State College, Centre county, Pa. Office at his ea dence. Employers, This Interests You The Workmans’ Compensation Law goes into effect Jan. 1, 1916. It makes Insurance Compulsory. We specialize in placing such in- surance. We Inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce In- surance rates. It will be to your interest to con- sult us before placing your In- surance. JOHN F. GRAY. & SON, Bellefonte 43.18-1y State College The. Preferred Accident Insurance THE $5,000 TRAVEL POLICY $5,000 death by accident, 5,000 loss of eet, 5,000 loss of both hands, 5,000 loss of one hand and one foot, ,000 joes of either hand, oss of either foot, 630 loss of one eve 25 per week, total disability, Fash Sota] Qispmiliy. 10 week, partial disab " PD limit 26 weeks) ay PREMIUM $12 PER YEAR, pavable quarterly if desired. Larger or smaller amounts in proportion: Any person, male or female, engaged ina ‘erred occupation, inc nding house ping, over eighteen years of age of moral and physical condition may nsure under this policv. Fire Insurance veins I Companies represent e Line of mpanies - ed by any agency in Central Pennsylvania H. E. FENLON, 50-21. Agent, Bellefonte fa, s—— ER saan Get the Best Meats You save nothing by bu r, thin or gristly er i yn he LARGEST AND FATTEST CATTLE and supply my customers with the freshest, choicest, best blood and mus- cle making Steaks and Roasts, My prices are no higher than the poorer meats are elsewhere. I always have —DRESSED POULTRY— Game in season, and any kinds of good meats you want. TRY MY SHOP. P. L. BEEZER, Hight Street. 34-34-1y Bellefonte Pa. So— Good Health Good Plumbing GO TOGETHER When you have dripping steam pipes, leaky water-fixtures, foul sewerage, or you can’t have good Health. The air you reathe is poisonous; your system becomes poisoned and invalidism is sure to come. SANITARY PLUMBING is the kind we do. _It’sthe only kind you ought to have. Wedon't trust this work _to "Our workmen are Skilled Mechanics, no better anywhere. Our Material and Fixtures are the Best Not a cheap or inferior article in our entire establishment. And with good work and tbe finest material, our Prices are Lower than many who give on poor, unsan- itary work and the lowest grade of finishings. For the Best Wor try Archibald Allison, ite Bush House Bellefon - JJ} | Opposite Bush Hongo, Bellefonte, Fax