Demonia atom Bellefonte, Pa., January 14, 1921. eet) THE DEPENDABLE BOY. 1 think, oftentimes, of a laddie I know, And who lives just over the way, His clothing is ragged, his hands stained and rough, And he knows more of work than of play. He owns naught of beauty, of wit or of grace, Yet his presence brings comfort and joy, For when help is needed, he's always at hand, This blessed, dependable boy. Has a cog slipped its place in the wheels of the day? And we're puzzled and troubled the while? He knows what to do, and he does it at once, With a song and a bright, cheery smile. Then, here's to the laddie that everyone loves, Whose presence brings comfort and joy: Life's tangles all straighten and troubles take wing For this blessed, dependable boy. —TFlorence Jones Hadley. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR INCOME TAX REPORT? Revenue Officers to Visit Every Coun- ty to Assist in Making Out Returns. Work has begun on the collection of the income tax for the year 1920. Uncle Sam, through the Bureau of Internal Revenue, is addressing to every person in the United States the estion, “What was your net income for 19207?” The answer permits of no guess work. Every single person whose net income for 1920 was $1,000 or more and every married person whose net income was $2,000 or more is required to file a return under oath with the collector of internal revenue for the district in which he lives on or before March 15, 1921. The penalty for failure is a fine of not more than $1,000 and an addition- al assessment of 25 per cent. of the amount of tax due. For Willful re- fusal to make a return the penalty is a fine of not more than $10,000 or not exceeding one year's imprisonment, or both together with the costs of prose- cution. A similar penalty is provided for making a false or fraudulent re- turn, together with an additional as- sessmert of 50 per cent. of the amount of tax evaded. WOMEN MUST PAY TAX. The income tax applies to women as well as men. Husband and wife must consider the income of both plus that of minor dependent children, and if the total equals or exceeds $2,000 a return must be filed. A minor who has a net income in his own right of $1,000 or more must file a separate return. To be allowed the $2,000 ex- emption a married person must be liv- ing with husband or wife on the last day of the taxable year, December 31, 1920. Divorcees, persons separated by mutual agreement, widows and wid- owers, unless they are the sole sup- port of others living in the same household, in which case they are al- jowed the $2,000 exemption granted the head of a family, are entitled only to $1,000 exemption. TAX RATES FOR 1920. The normal tax rate for 1920 is the same as for 1919—4 per cent. on the first $4,000 of net income above the exemption and 8 per cent. on the re- maining net income. This applies to every citizen and resident of the United States. In addition to the nermal tax a surtax is imposed upon net income in excess of $5,000. INSTRUCTIONS ON FORM. Full instructions for making out re- turns are contained on the forms, cop- jes of which may be obtained from collectors of internal revenue. Per- sons whose net income for 1920 was $5,000 or less should use Form 1040A. Those with incomes in excess of $5, 000 should use Form 1040. Revenue officers "will visit every county in the United States to assist taxpayers in making out their returns. The date of their arrival and the lo- cation of their offices will be an- nounced by the press or may be ascer- tained upon inquiry at the offices of collectors. This advisory service is without cost to taxpayers. GROSS AND NET INCOME. Returns must show both gross and net income. Gross income includes practically every dollar received by the taxpayer during the year 1920. The net income is determined by sub- tracting from gross income certain deductions specified by the revenue law, and fully explained in instruc- tions on forms 1040-A and 1040 for filing returns. Business expenses are the principal allowable deductions in computing net income. The law specifically prohib- its the deduction of household and liv- ing expenses. Typical deductible bus- iness expenses are for salaries, labor, cost of merchandise, raw materials and supplies, rent, repairs, light, pow- er, delivery, selling cost, advertising, and insurance. Doctors, lawyers, and like professional men may deduct from their gross income dies paid to professional societies and subsecrip- tions to professional journals, rent paid for offices, amounts paid for light, fuel, water, and telephene used in such offices, and the wages paid to office assistants. WHEN DUE. This year, as last, the tax may be paid in full at the time of filing the return, on or before March 15, 1921, or in four installments, the first of which is due on or before March 15, the second on or before Jume 15, the third on or before September 15, and the fourth on or before December 15. The return must be filed with the collector of internal revenue for the district in which the taxpayer lives. Heavy penalties are provided for fail- ure or willful refusal to make a return and pay the tax when due. The district revenue collector for this district is T. C. Kirkendall, Scranton, Pa. 5 Men who will assist you in making out your report if you live in Centre county are Col. Hugh S. Taylor and Mr. Schwepenheiser. The latter will be located here for a period. P. O. S. of A. Installations. On the 3rd inst. E. S. Ripka, dis- trict president of the Third district of Centre county, assisted by past presi- dent T. L. Smith, of Centre Hall camp, installed the following officers in Washington Camp P. O. S. of A., No. 891, Spring Mills, Pa. Past President—W. H. Smith, President—Charles R. Zerby. Vice President—Harold E. Stover. Master of Forms—Jerry Albright. Recording Secretary—Grover Walker. Ass’t’ Recording Sec’y—Wm. H. Hettin- ger. Financial Secretary—Calvin King. Treasurer—S. L. Condo. Chaplain—Howard Weaver. Conductor—Ray Zeigler. Inspector—J. F. Carter. Guard—H. 8. Ulrich. Right Sentinel—John Moser. Left Sentinel—J. O. Crater. Trustees—Ed. C. Zerby, Jerry Albright. Spring Mills camp is in a. good financial condition and has good pros- pects for a nice increase Eni this year. On the 6th inst. the district presi- dent also installed the following offi- cers in Camp 889, Centre Hall, Pa. Past President—Hugh M. Ralston. President—Harold H. Keller. Vice President—Thomas A. Hosterman. Master of Forms—R. D. Foreman. Recording Sec.—T. L. Smith. Ass't. Recording Sec’y—N. L. Bartges. Financial Secretary—E. 8S. Ripka. Treasurer—D. W. Bradford. Chaplain—Rev. M. C. Drumm. Conductor—Paul Ripka. Inspector—Norman Walker. Guard—Lewis A. Beightol. Right Sentinel—Miles Snyder. Left Sentinel—Clyde Walker. Trustees—N. L. Bartges, E. 8. Ripka, A. C. Ripka. Centre Hall camp is in a very flour- ishing condition in every way. Ithas had an increase of over twenty dur- ing the past six months, with a mem- bership now of 134, a half dozen more elected and more applications to be presented. There is every reason for another big increase during 1921. 8S. L. Condo, States Support Enforcement Law. Reports from ‘the important dis- tricts, including the States of Penn- sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, show that the federal authorities are receiving excellent suppert in the en- forcement of the prohibition law by the state constabulary of Pennsylva- nia, and that, in the main, the State officers of New Jersey are co-operat- ing effectively, John F. Kramer, Pro- hibition Commissioner, said: “We are not as yet receiving the assistance and co-operation of the police authorities of these two States as we would like to have it, but there is a tendency in this direction, and I feel quite sure it will not be long un- til the police authorities of the mu- nicipalities of these States will be rendering ‘us the support and co-op- eration which we need in order to se- cure the best results under the law,” said Mr. Kramer. “In reference to the State of Delaware, we are not hav- ing a great deal of trouble with con- ditions there.” Leo A. Crossen, supervising feder- al prohibition agent for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Dela- ware, reported that between the dates of January 16 and October 1, 1920, over 2500 arrests were made in his district, the same being reported to the United States district attorneys for prosecution. The number of con- victions, acquittals and seizures arc as follows: Pennsylvania, convictions, 164; ac- quittals, 84; seizures, 875; automo- biles seized, 70. New Jersey, convictions, 26; acquit- tals, 3; seizures, 185; automobiles seized, 30. ° Delaware, convictions, 3; acquittals, 0; seizures, 7; automobiles seized, 2. The quantity of spiritous liquors seized from March to September in the different States is as follows: Pennsylvania, 18,7756 gallons; New Jersey, 6141 gallons; Delaware, 176, 25 gallons; total, 25,092.25 gallons. State College to Plant Waste Land to Timber. Following its policy adopted sever- al years ago of putting land not now valuable for farm crops or pasturage into timber crops, the forestry depart- ment of The Pennsylvania State Col- lege will plant fifteen thousand trees on thirteen acres of college land next spring. This practice is generally rec- ommended to Pennsylvania farmers as a means for meeting future timber needs, and the college work demon- strates its advisability. In the pasttwo years nearly 24,000 trees have been planted at the college on what was considered worthless land. The species included 11,200 white pine trees; 7,900 red pine; 2,500 pitch pine; 1,900 European larch and 100 Douglas fir. Most of the stock was two, three and four years old ma- terial secured free of charge from the State Department of Forestry at Har- risburg. The balance came from the college nurseries. Spring plantings will be made on land that was farmed at one time, abandoned and uncropped for years because of the poor soil, and recently acquired by the college. Or- ders for the planting include 10,000 white pine, 3,000 red pine and 2,000 Norway spruce seedlings. Making Bad Things Worse. Winter, as if it were an evil spirit, seems to take delight in making bad things worse. Rheumatism twists harder, twinges sharper, catarrh becomes more an- noying, and the many symptoms of scrof- ula are developed and aggravated. These are common diseases, and it is a wonder that more people don’t get rid of them. Hood's Sarsaparilla has been very suc- cessful in the treatment of these com- plaints. It is easily obtained, and there is abundant testimony that its effects are radical and permanent. In cases where a laxative or cathartic is needed, it is well to supplement Hood's Sarsaparilla with Hood’s Pills, which are gentle, therough and effective. 66-2 FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. We lie in the lap of immense intelli- gence, which makes us organs of its ac- tivity and receivers of its truth.—Emerson. For a calendar luncheon, which is quite a novelty and fitting for any time during the first month of the new year, ask just 12 guests. Write the invitations on small calendars just to fit the envelope and for place cards use a wee pad and pencil attached, the name of the guest on the top of the first page. With each course (six in all) two resolutions are to be written, after which the pad is passed to the next-door neighbor, so the next two resolutions will be written by another person. When the dessert course comes the hostess collects the pads and reads them aloud with very amus- ing resulis: ere is a lively game to complete the party; it is hard, but good fun: Suspend 12 baskets from an arch or door way, each one with the name of a month on it. There must be 12 rub- ber balls with the same name of the month printed on in black ink so it will not rub off. The trick is to see who can place the greatest number of balls in the right ‘baskets. “The score does: not count if “the ball does not.go into the basket of the same month. Each player is per- mitted two throws with each ball. A calendar is awarded for the prize to the one having the lowest score. This in itself is a surprise. A calendar tea is arranged in this way: In the invitation ask each guest to state the month of her birthday when she accepts, then see that all those who have the same month meet each other or are served at the same time. Cards may be prepared having the name of stone, flower and verse- let on them. Also the names of prom- inent people born in that month. This promotes conversation and is a fine scheme for a church social. Readers are continually requesting schemes by which to find partners and Yhep ask also for guessing contests, so here is a combination which I am sure will be welcome. It was used by an up-to-date teacher of music at one of her recitals, at which each pupil was told to bring a guest. After the program slips of paper were passed, half .of which bore the questions and: the other half the answers. en a “question” found her “answer” part- ners were found for refreshments, which were served in the dining room. Try it, all you musically inclined, as it does not necessarily have to be used to find partners, but makes a good contest. , Used on a bundle............ Chord (cord) A place of abode............cen0iueis Flat A reflection on character.............. Slur Bottom of a statue............ Bass (base) An unaffected person.............. Natural Used in driving horses............... Lines What makes a check valid ?...... Signature What we breathe every day............ Air Found on the ocean................. Swells What betrays nationality ?........../ Accent An association of lawyers............. Bar Part of 8 Bia... c.oinveerssarisenins Scales Used in climbing a hill............... Staft Part of .a sentence..... cups sveses Phrase Used on an Organ...........eeveess Pedals Here is a clever way for either a lit- erary club or an evening party to spend an hour. Have score-cards decorated with a woman’s head, done in water colors, or a pretty head cut from an advertisement will answer, then have numbers from 1 to 20. Write the following sentences, ex- plaining that the first letter of each word is the initial letter in some well- known woman’s name. Has Helped Justice. Kindergarten’s Dearest Writer. Mystic Characterizer. Even Betters Browning. Reproduced Beasts. . Ever Spiritually Pondering. Little Men's Advocate. Has Blessed Slaves. . Faithful, Enthusiastic Worker. Lessens Every Pain. Courageous Benefactor. : Energetically Champions Suf- PASTS OOH Famed for Courtesy. Always Parting. Modest Actress. Loquaciously Belligerent. Charming Nightingale. . Cheerfully Destroyed Many. The key to this entertainment will be furnished by Madame Merri if a self-addressed and stamped envelope is enclosed. No dentist’s office nowadays is con- sidered well equipped without an X- ray machine. The X-ray, as everybody knows, is of enormous usefulness for many pur- poses that have to do with medicine and particularly surgery. But beyond a doubt its value in connection with surgery of the mouth is most import- ant of all. Many dentists, before beginning to operate on a new patient, make an ex- amination of the jaws by the X-ray. Only in this way is it possible to know with certainty the exact conditions de- manding treatment. Above all, it is necessary to know whether or not any abscesses lie con- cealed in the gums. For these, as sci- ence has only of late discovered, are a fruitful source of many miseries. There is an old saying to the effect that “what one does not know will not hurt him.” But this idea certainly does not apply to abscesses at the roots of the teeth, which may long ex- ist unsuspected. Abscesses rarely form at the roots of live teeth; but often it happens that a tooth dies, and no notice is given of the funeral. Or, perhaps the nerve has been intentionally killed. In either case it is a dead one, and an abscess is quite likely, sooner or later, to form at its root. The X-ray shows up such an abscess clearly. It appears on the “shadow- graph” film as a dark spot. Then the tooth should be pulled without delay. Every such abscess is a germ fac- tory. It produces a continuous crop of pus-forming bacteria, which, being swallowed, find their way through the stomach into the blood. These germs are liable to lodge in the joints, where they proceed to breed, feeding on the tissues and thereby engendering inflammations. As a result, there is rheumatism, with its attendant pains, and perhaps eventual deformation of the bones, if the trouble is prolonged and severe. Until within the last few years den- tists made no inquiry in regard to abscesses in the gums, save in cases where they caused so much local dis- comfort as to render the pulling of a tooth necessary. It was certainly not suspected that they had anything to do with causing rheumatism or other ailments of the body. But today when any mysterious malady turns up the up-to-date physician sends the patient to the dentist to have his jaws X- rayed. ‘Abscesses of the gums are of rath- er frequent occurrence, and, as a rule, their presence does not excite the at- tention of the sufferer. A person may have half a dozen or more of them without suspecting it. Thy are almost certain to occur in neglected mouths, but nobody is safe. Sometimes they cause inflamma- tions of the eyes; occasionally they impair the hearing. There is no end to the mischiefs they engender. One easily understands why, in former days, when there were no dentists and people’s teeth received no proper at- tention, rheumatism was an affliction so much more prevalent than now- adays. “The “aches and pains of old age,” so bitterly complained of by our forebears, , were attributable mainly to abscesses in their gums. NOW WAREHOUSES ON WATER Japanese Said to Have Evolved 32 Scheme That Is Ingénious and Profitable as Well. The time may probably come when the land is overcrowded and people begin to live on water. Then we shall be building floating skyscrapers and aquatic par! s At any rate, congenial Japanese have already launched a scheme which in the opinion of the projectors hits many birds by one stone. The scheme is the creation ot what is called floating warehouses. During the war Japan built many good-sized wooden ships to eid in the transportation of the allies’ goods. After the war these ships were dais- missed from the service, and. since then lay idle in harbors unable to ob- tain cargoes due to post-war slumps in shipping. Taking advantage of this circum- stance, a group of men organized a concern called the Marine Warehouse company, with a capital of 10,000,000 yen; bought the wooden ships and started a floating warehouse business. The company is now engaged in es- tablishing eight floating warehouses of 1,000 tons each in the harbor of Kobe. The ships are to be attended by three launches of 1,000 tons capacity each. The aquatic warehouses, being exempt- ed from extortionate rent and taxes, and largely free from the danger of fire, in addition to many peculiar ad- vantages consequential to their mova- ble character shall be able, it is - claimed, to carry on the business at a much lower rate with greater facility. providing a formidable enemy, in the future, of their terrestrial cousins.— Fast and West News, The Navipendulum. One of the problems which naval architects have to confront is the roll- ing of a ship on the waves, and the “navipendulum” is an invention for dealing with it experimentally. The apparatus consists of two parts: A plate to which a motion cor- responding to that of a portion of the surface of a wave is imparted, and a pendulum of a peculiar shape which rolls upon the moving plate in the man- ner of a vessel supported by water. The same pendulum can be made to represent different vessels of given size and shape by adding or renfoving artificial resistance to the oscillatory motion. : This instrument has been employed to study the rolling of the Italian bat- tleships as well as those of other countries. ———————————— Preachers’ Sons. i know the age-old jibes concerning preachers’ sons and deacons’ daugh- ters. specting them. (The writer is one of them.) [It is true that much, and much too much is expected of them. i but have no great concern re- | ——————————— RISK LIVES CARRYING MAILS | Swiss Postmen Face Grave Dangers in Execution of Their Duty Among the Mountains. There are several post offices In Switzerland at a height of 7,000 or more feet and a mail box on the very summit of the Languard, from which four collections are made daily, Is nearly 10,000 feet above the sea level. Near here some years ago three letter carriers were crushed to death by an avalanche. In an adjacent canton, in the summer of 1863, a postman fell into a crevasse while crossing a gla- cier, his two full bags on his back. All efforts to recover either the body or the mails were fruitless. But 34 years afterward, in 1897, the glacier cast forth its prey many miles lower down the valley, and the long-lost let- ters were delivered to as many of the addresses as could be traced. Not infrequently, too, these Alpine postmen are attacked by the huge, fierce eagles that soar hungrily above the least frequented crags. Usually “the men are able to beat off their feathered assailants but not always. In July one year a postman who car- ried the mails on’ foot between the vil- lages of Sospello and Puget Theniers was fatally mauled by three such birds, Of two men who attempted to avenge his death one was killed out- right and another injured so severely that his life was for a long time In danger. SPIDER REALLY HAS BRAINS Is Possessed of Degree of Intelligence That Has Been Recognized by Scientists. Spiders are commonly spoken of as insects, but they aren't. They belong to a very different order of animals, being “arachnids.” They get this name, by the way, from a mythological maiden named Arachne, who was so proud of her weaving that she challenged Minerva to a trial of skill. The goddess ac- cepted the. challenge, but finding her- self in danger of defeat, lost her tem- per, struck her presumptuous rival and turned her into a spider. The spider is incomparably more intelligent than any insect, and its cleverness as a maker of nets obtain- ed for it a well-warranied admiration. It is the female that does this work, the male being only a fraction of her size and of no account except for con- tinuing the species. A spider has what may be called a recognizable brain. But so, for the matter of that, has a caterpillar, though less well developed. The nerv- ous system of the latter is a mere string with knots of nerve stuff (ganglia) at intervals along it. a SL, Humoresque. ; They were three perfect boarding house ladies. “Yes,” said the lady who prided herself on her authoritative state- ments. “I think ‘The Humoresque’ is wonderful.” “That's the new theater downtown fsn’t it, dear?’ asked the lady who prided herself on keeping up to date. “No, my dear, that is the name of a motion picture,” patiently explained the first lady. «lg it?’ asked the third lady, who prided herself on her musical ability. «T thought it was a musical composi- tion, My brother is a musician,” she continued. “He was the leader of a band during the war. That's where I learned what I know about music. He played ‘The Humoresque’ beauti- fully, so I am sure you are wrong about its being a picture.” Title Passed With Him. The last holder of the judicial title of baron in Great Britain passed with the recent death in Dublin of Chris- topher Palles, who was baron of the exchequer in Ireland. The title of baron was abolished when the court of exchequer was merged with the Queen’s bench, and Lord Chief Baron | Palles was the last bearer of it. They are constantly in the eye of the ! land in 1872, and tue same year was members of the congregation, and little allowance is made for their shortcom- ings. Trivial offenses are magnified. and they are rarely treated with real justice. Yet in a long life I have known -many preachers’ sons, and there have heen very few “black sheep” among them. In nme cases out of ten they have proved to be high- ! minded. honorable ai. respected citi zens. —Melville E. Stone in Collier's Weekly. Philippine Coal. Signs of industrial expansion in the Philippine islands are seen in the re- cent formation of a company which is developing the Cebu coal mines as well as those in Mindanao. It is ex- pected that within a comparatively short time the output’ of these two islands will be sufficient to supply the needs of the whole archipelago as regards good steam coal. The Min- danao product, which comes from what is known as the Silsbuguey coal field, is asserted on the one hand to be superior to any other Philippine coal or any coal imported into the islands, while on the other hand 1 is said to be liable to deteriorate if not used promptly. spanish Licorice Industry. The manufacture of licorice extrac and paste is an important Spanish in dustry. This is a comparatively new industry, as formerly the root was exported unmanufactured. Over 6, oN 000 pounds of the root ere ex ported in 1918 and more than 600,00 pounds of extract and paste He was the solicitor general for Ire- promoted attorney general. After hold- ing the latter office for two years he became lord chief baron and held that position until 1916. He was one of the ablest lawyers on the Irish bench and one of the wittiest, . but had a great regard for the dignity of his court. He was eighty-nine years old when he died.—Kansas City Star. RENN Famous Conservatory Gone. The celebrated horticultural conserv- atory on the ducal estates at Chats- worth hall, near Manchester, England, collapsed recently—as surely destroyed by the World war as any French or Belgium structure on the western front, says Popular Mechanics Maga- zine. The glass house was erected in 1836-40, and served as a model for the great Crystal palace still to be seen near London. It was itself of no mean size, measuring, as it did, 277 feet long, 123 feet wide and 67 feet high. For- ty thousand panes of glass formed the arching walls and roof. ee ——— Not Exactly Church Music. Reverent Catholics of Dunkirk are demanding an investigation why the . Dunkirk cathedral chimes, instead of playing the Angelus, are now calling the faithful to worship by exhilarat- ing jazz tunes, with fox trot music pre. dominating. Fox trotting is not especialy ram- pant in Dunkirk, but the cathedral bell ringer must have had his vacation in Paris, for, according to his astounded listeners, he has been playing recent. ly with a pure Montmartre toueh, not uussing u single note.~London Mail. LS FARM NOTES. —Chickens never wash as many other birds do, but cleanse themselves by wallowing in soil. Where board or cement floors are used in the chicken house, some means for dusting should be provided during the winter months, say poultry specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. For a flock of fifty or sixty fowls a dust box 3 by 5 feet or 4 by 4 feet will generally be found large enough, and should be placed where it can be reached by sunlight during as much of the day as possible. Fine, light, dry dust is the best kind with which to fill the box, but sandy loam is good. Road dust is recom- mended by many, but it is apt to be filthy. Coal or wood ashes may be mixed with the soil if desired. —Hops did not go down and out with the extinction of the brewing in- dustry in this country, although the popular expectation was that they would. To a considerable extent hops are now used in making ce beverages of the “soft drink” order, but the bulk of the crop is exported, say crop specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. The United Kingdom received more than one-half of the exports of the calendar year 1919, and large quanti- ties were ' sent: to ‘Canada, Japan, France, and in less degree to many other countries. The hops consumed by brewers and exported, less the imports, for the fis- cal years ending with June 30, aver- aged in round numbers 46,800,000 pounds in the five years 1901-1905; 50,300,000 pounds in 1906-1910; 52,- 200,000 pounds in 1911-1915. These figures are equivalent to the produc- tion of hops, except as affected by one- fifth of the difference between stocks ig beginning and end of the per- iods. —The old way of finishing a hog was haphazard, to say the least. There was no system about it. Today a better method is employed. The start is made with the young pig; it is kept growing from the time it takes food, so that it may be in the proper shape to be finished quickly. It is possible to finish hogs to weigh over 200 pounds at less than a year old, but 200 pounds at a year is a bet- ter average, as at that weight they ‘are more in demand. In order that hogs may be kept growing so that they will finish off right, it is important that they should have a good pasture during as much of the time as it is possible. To sup- plement this they should have a vari- ety of feeds. Where hogs are fed on a variety of the common feeds grown on most farms, and where they are al- so kept on pasture in season, there need be no worry about figuring out a balanced ration for them. The ani- mals will find a way to balance the ra- tion by eating most heartily of such feeds as they need most. But when it comes to fattening time a little more attention to the feed should be given. There is no better fattening food than corn, but corn should never be given alone, as it is too heating. Besides it is too expen- ! sive when fed alone, as the hogs do not get the full benefit of it when not fed with other feeds to supplement it. In fattening, good, hard feed is what is desired, rather than bulk, but some bulkiness is required - even for the short time the hogs are on fatten- ing rations. —1In killing, most farmers first stun the hog with a axe, and then imme- diately stick with a knife. The knife is inserted just in front of the breast- bone, and ranged toward the heart, but slightly toward the right side. The object is to sever the large artery carrying impure blood to the lungs. Severing the big vein that carries pure blood back to the heart te be pumped .to the body will drain the hog all right, but will not serve the purpose as well as cutting the vein. Turn the hog with the head down so as to drain better. Hogs are generally scalded in bar- rels. Have the water boiling hot and it will be about right when poured in- to the barrel. ‘ Eight or ten gallons of water will scald an ordinary hog. Place the carcass in tail first, as the water might be too hot, which would set the hair on the head. Give the hog a little dip and remove him, turning him over to try the hair. If it comes out easily, give him a dip on the re- verse side and remove and try that side. Give a slight extra dip on each side and then take out and reverse, dipping the head in the same manner. It is well to turn the hog from side to side gently the while so that no part will lie on the bottom of the barrel very long, or it will not be scalded evenly. After the hog is taken out, place the water back in the pot to heat for the next hog, if more than one is be- ing butcehred, or clean water may be used if desired. Should any part not be scalded right, pile up a lot of hair on it to hold the heat, and pour boil- ing water over it slowly until the hair slips easily. Scrape the head first, as it 2 most difficult when the hair gets cold. When scraped make an incision in the back of the hind legs, exposing the tendons, and the gambrel stick may be inserted under these and the hog hung up. When hung, wash down with clean hot water and scrape with a sharp knife. Then wash with a cloth. In cleaning, make an incision around the vent and other parts and hold or tie these up until the carcass can be cut down far enough so that the offal may be dropped into a tub. In the case of large hogs, or hegs of | the lard type, there is often enough | fat on the entrails to justify its re- moval, but it should be rendered sep- arately, as it has a strong odor and taste, and should not be mixed with the leaf lard. ; Liver, lights and heart are removed together, and the gullet is taken out also. A cut is made across the threat to further:drain the hog and to help in washing down the carcass, besides being essential in proper cutting up of the hog. The kidneys may be re- moved later. The first thing to do when the hog is taken down is to cut off the head. Then the lower jaw is removed from the upper.